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Figure 1. Socio-ecological model and correlations to CIM

social safety and sense of community. However, Waygood (2020, p.68) points out ‘public social locations such as commercial establishments or other convivial places where [children] can find social interactions’ are positive for CIM’ . Therefore, in the case of children, positive diversity is related to meaningful uses which offer exciting opportunities for social activities and interactions (Kyttä et al., 2018), such as residential uses, commercial spaces, parks, recreational facilities. Furthermore, studies outline the critical role of proximity to destinations and traffic safety, influenced by low intersection density, traffic volumes and street connectivity. Figure 1 illustrates the socio-ecological components and the BE factors impacting CIM according to the literature.

Figure 1. Socio-ecological model and correlations to CIM. (By author based on Panter et al., 2010; Badland et al., 2016; Sharmin and Kamruzzaman, 2017; Marzi and Reimers, 2018; Mitra and Manaugh, 2020)


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