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magnetic field final exhibition
Maria Fernández Umbarila
photography career students

Ma ri a F er n ánd e z U m b a ril a


Dur ing my volunteer ing in a dog shelter in Florence, I had the oppor tunitt y to get to k now stor ies of dogs who lost their homes and found refugee within this place As a foreign student in Florence, I star ted ask ing myself where my home was and what composes one to begin with For this show, I choose random dogs that I’ve met in the street as the main subjec t M y goal was to tell their individual, unique stor ies, either it being a sad stor y of, at times, abused puppy, or, in some cases, happy, ex tremely spoiled.


Ma ri a F er n ánd e z U m b a ril a was bo r n i n Bogotá - Col o mbi a i n J a nua r y 18 of 1988. She graduated in 2010 in Business and Fo rei gn A ff airs at Un i vers i d a d E x te r n ad o de Co lomb ia She is cu r re n tly rece i vi n g a ce r ti fi c a te in Professional Photography with the i n tenti o n o f pursu i ng p h o to gr ap hy a s her main c a ree r

F L OR E N C E U N IVE RS I T Y O F T H E A R T S , 2 01 4

magnetic field final exhibition


“Being a victim of abuse, I ended up alone in a dog shelter My humans found me and offered me a home They gave me suppor t to overcome my fears of noise, the dark of night and people ”

Bra n d o n F i v e y ears o l d

Br an do n an d S t e fan o Si z e: 16,93 c m x 25,47 c m C a n so n R ag 310 g r . Di g i tal p r i n t

“I was part of a dog pack composed by seven other dogs. I had some trouble with one of them and my only option to survive was to leave. After a few days of living on the street, I found myself scared and alone. I was picked up by random people, who took me and introduced me to my human”.

Giovanna Eight years old

Giovanna and Silvia Size: 16,93 cm x 25,47 cm Canson Rag 310 gr. Digital print

“I lived with a couple who got separated, there for I was left in the uncertity of a home until my human took me in and filled me with happiness and love.”

Charlie Three years old

Charlie and Rudi Size: 16,93 cm x 25,47 cm Canson Rag 310 gr. Digital print

“ I was luck y enough to be selected by my human. Becoming par t of a new pack I learn to behave and respect my other dogmates.”

Z a c k Tw o y e a rs ol d Z a ck a n d Gi u li a Si z e : 16 , 93 c m x 25,47 cm C a n so n R ag 310 g r .

“As a puppy I was the smallest of the litter, so I was usually set on aside but then my human come and saw my size as a strenght ”

J o n a t h a n S e v e n a n d a h a l f y e a r s o l d J o n a t h a n a nd L ui g i S i z e : 16,93 cm x 2 5 , 4 7 cm C a n s o n R a g 310 g r .

“I was separate from my brothers at an early age, then my human left me with one girl who didn’t treat me well. After noticing my human stepped in and me took me with her.”

Jane Five years old

Jane and Maria Size: 16,93 cm x 25,47 cm Canson Rag 310 gr. Digital print

“When my human was down and out her brother brought me as a gift to cheer her up.”

Totti Two and a half years old

Totti and Ivka Size: 16,93 cm x 25,47 cm Canson Rag 310 gr. Digital print

“I lived in a tiny appartment with other five people. One day they decided there was no more space for me to live with them. A human with his wife took me in and gave me a home.”

Vita Five years old

Vita and Elsa Size: 16,93 cm x 25,47 cm Canson Rag 310 gr. Digital print

“It was a summer day, when a girl came to the store I was in, looking for a companion. When she left she had found her dog and I had found my human.”

Lolita - Two years old

Lolita and Marina Size: 16,93 cm x 25,47 cm Canson Rag 310 gr. Digital print


I would like to thank my parents and my siblings for their suppor t and love. Also to my dog Lupe who inspired me to create this project and helped me to understand better the animal world

Also to Stefano, Giulia, Marina, Ivk a, Silvia, Luigi, Rudi, Maria, Elsa and their lovely dogs for their time In addition to my teachers and my friends Sofia, Tamar and Mik aela who helped me through the process


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