1905, V.11 The Fun Issue

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Volume 11 // The Fun Issue


Darnell Thomas Mariah Romero DESIGN Mariah Romero PHOTO Saul G. Hodgers Keynan Johnson Amy West Jennifer Carrillo Brad Trone WORDS Anaiah Lupton Marisa Esquer Dequanna Alexander Jennie Johnsrud ILLUS TRATION Alexandra Conkins FOOD Hannah Reiter Andie Fuller

Cover Photography by Saul G. Hodgers | Cover Design by Mariah Romero


HELLO HELLO Happy Fall Everyone! Welcome to the Fun Issue. What is your version of fun? Is it trying new things? Dressing up? Getting into way too much trouble? This fall, our contributors showed us what their approach to fun was. Whether it is cooking something refreshing, going on adventures, switching up your fashion choice in make up or wardrobe, these are the things that bring us to a joyful level in our lives and we wouldn’t trade it for the world. Enjoy. Xoxo, Mariah and Darnell




This new foundation from Estee Lauder ele-

We are now in the age of dewy, glowing skin.

vated an old favorite of many. The design of

When trying to master a radiant look, pow-

this cushion stick foundation marries founda-

der blushes just do not deliver. The O-Glow

tion and applicator into one! With a new radi-

is a gel based blush that will enhance any

ant formula, the foundation lasts all day long

look and keep your skin hydrated all day

while still leaving skin looking natural and

long. What sets it apart from other gel or

dewy and the cushion is created with beau-

cream blushes, is that it reacts with the skin’s

ty blender technology to make application

chemistry. Creating a custom color for every-

quick, while still leaving skin looking flawless!

one that brings out their natural glow.



When trying to achieve a perfectly sculpted

Gradient lips are nothing new, however ev-

brow, often times we use a combination of

ery season they seem to progress and change.

several different products. The Etude pencil

Something that has not changed though, is

is dual ended and can help eliminate at least

that there was never one lipstick that could

one extra product. One side has a pencil,

give you the ultimate gradient lip. Which is

slanted for more precise lines and the other

why the Two Tone Lip Bar is truly revolution-

has powder, to blend out harsh lines and add

ary for anyone who loves sporting the trend.

volume to sparse brows.

Coming in over ten different color combinations, the Lip Bar is comprised of two differ-


ent lip colors in rectangular bullet that gives

When applying liquid liner, it is always a

you gradient lips in just one swipe! This prod-

task to find the perfect angle and a stable

uct can brighten up any makeup collection.

place to rest your elbow. Many people don’t even tackle the beast that is liquid liner all together, the new grandiose liner makes liquid liner fun again! With a wand that can

It is so easy to get stuck in the same old

snap into place at 35 degrees, it helps to give

routine, especially when it comes to an

more precision to any user!

everyday makeup routine. It can be intimidating to stray from a holy-grail item, however these exciting new products can make our favorite looks fun again!

Written by Marisa Esquer | Illustrations by Alexandra Conkins

F U N F OR T H E SEASON S Each season brings about its different ele-

induce creativity and passion. For those who

ments of leisure, bursts of creativity, defeat,

find themselves overwhelmed by the heat

and evolutions in rela-

tend to be the same group of people, or art-

tionships. Each person

ists rather, that experience bursts of creativi-

identifies with a new

ty and an eagerness to release tensions.

season differently and for some it is hard to have fun when the visual representation of change is prevalent in the weather and nature. Each season encopasses its own sacrement or relic to symbolize how the rotation of the earth and the change of seasons affect our mindset and response. The


Fall is an interesting season because it is a visual representation of a death to nature. As the trees turn, insects and small creatures burrow under ground, the first glimpses of cool weather leak into morning windows and the sensation feels like a momentum. Something is changing with great force, rather than gliding into the next; as one could describe spring to summer. Personally, I find Autumn the most fun because I tend to find new music analyze it deeper. I lean towards fashion trends, and incorporate more layers.


I dream deeper and more vividly, and bask in

about a fun, childlike,

the cool breezes that sooth hikes, long walks

recklessness, the heat

to class, and bike rides to my best friend’s

brings out the best in

house. Autumn is also fun because the cor-

some and feelings of

poratised holidays come in full swing, start-

aggravation from oth-

ing with your favorite stores and shops full

ers. The aggravated re-

of jackolanterns, spooky themed television

sponse is not somehow

commercials, and halloween parties.

worse than the feelings of wonder some receive on those warm summer nights. Feelings of frustration, and the release of adrenalin and cortisone can be focused and used to problem solve out of a situation or

Winter sets in and the landscape and nature expresses this death of vegetation that has long taken place, and the loud silence grabs your attention with cold air hitting your face. We ever seek warmth. As creatures existing just as the animals or bald aspen trees, we search for this warmth metaphorically

Written by Anaiah Lupton

through fun and cheerful holidays, or quite literally from the warm hand of a lover, hot coffee or your favorite hoodie. Spring sets in, the snow melts slow and steady. The sleepy creatures awaken and experience the refreshing rush of their first sunkiss. For many, the spring is fun because it brings hope of summer. Spring in some states comes unnoticed, for others it is a dramatic relief. Spring is for lovers and for products of creativity, fashion, new releases of music, and fresh vegetation is born. I am one of those people who dismiss summer and seek refuge from the overwhelming heat; but this summer, seemingly for the first time I had fun “Fun” she exclaimed as she kayaked far into Lake Michigan, looked down thirty feet into the clear water, noticing the bottom and experiencing the sensation of falling “Fun” she exclaimed as she ran bare footed, wild, and childlike, feet burning running through sand dunes “Fun” She exclaimed as she ate wild cherries, raspberries, peaches and plums from the forest she explored “Fun” she exclaimed as the summer night set in, staying up later and later, until sunrise surprised us all “Fun” she exclaimed as she kissed someone new


Photography by Dequanna Alexander | Modeling by Tammara Ellis

BI G FU N A Short Story by Dequanna Alexander I couldn't breath. It was like someone had their

together the best as I could, “Mommy, i’m just

arms wrapped around my neck and I was gasp-

young and me and my friends are just living. I

ing for air. Actually, I could breath. It’s just ev-

know most times you don’t agree, but we're just

ery time I’m bored, I feel like maybe, just may-

having a good time, just having fun.”

be, it is possible for one to die from such pain.

Her tears quickly turned into anger as she

It was Friday morning and I was just making

snatched away from my embrace.

it in from the club. I had this crazy headache which was a simple reminder that I was coming down from the two ecstasy pills I had just taken, it was time for a nap. I pulled into my drive way and noticed my moms car was still parked and instantly became mad. The last thing I needed while coming down was a "fuck ass" argument with my mom but I walked in anyway. As soon as I open the front door she yells “Nola! What the fuck is this!?” She charged at me with her phone in her hand that had a screen shot of me topless. “Mommmmmy.. Chilll…” I told her trying to calm her down. “It’s not that big of a deal. My bra was still on and it really was just fun. Honestly I didn't even want them to take that or post it.” “FUN?! This is your idea of FUN!?” She began to cry. “You’re so beautiful, why do you degrade yourself so terribly? I don’t get it Nola, please help mommy get it.” I wrap my arms around her, pulling my high ass

“FUN?! You call staying out at night partying with random men and women fun? That’s not fun?! What would really be fun is if you would stop picking up these barley paying gigs and go back to college. You only completed one semester and you did so great! Why..” “I keep telling you school is not for me. I am bigger than school. Mommy you don’t have to accept me or my lifestyle because you don’t fund it. I just ask that you love me mommy flaws and all.” She just walked away. I didn't care, i’m use to it now. It was really just another emotional moment. After that moment, it took me only a second to realize I would be doing a lot of more explaining if I didn't go upstairs to my bathroom and throw up. By the time I made it to the restroom I was in a cold sweat and I hated this part the most. I laid on my bed after throwing up my guts, and texted my girl Angel to see if she wanted to get some blow and bud.

Text Angie: hell yes. but so crazy because I was just txting

“Thank you it was for a quick shoot. I love the glitter

you to see if you wanted to shoot today babe as well

the most.” I said while pulling down the visor in the

as get into some actives

car to look at myself in the small mirror.

Me: YESSSS omg love youu! On my way! I caught an Uber to Angie's house. Once I got there she ran me the details and I got straight to pulling out looks from her closet. Angie’s mom was married to some rich guy and they had a lot of bank so she owned a lot of nice shit. On top of that her life was so fun! She lived with her boyfriend who so happen to produce music as well as sell coke, all she did was take pictures and party. “I already took some blow from Jeff boo, we good.

“Me too..” He said smiling while sliding his fingers past my panties into my private areas catching me off guard, in a good way. My body started getting chills. “Aw I really love when you do that,” I said with a smile. I lay back, zoned out as he stick his finger in and out of my girly parts. I started to breath hard, and smiled at my refection the passenger mirror.

We just need bud now, maybe you can it that one dude up?” She said while pulling out the bag. “Yeah that shouldn’t be a problem.”

We pulled up to a house that was for sale. I got in the back seat and so did he. He took off my clothes and I kissed him on the neck. Usually the sex is quick, but

I texted the guy who Angie mentioned. His name was

tonight it was good and somehow passionate. What

Noah, and Noah had no problem with doing favors

was more shocking was that we came together, which

for favors. I texted him a smiley face which was ba-

is why I’m so happy we were using protection. No

sically code for “ill fuck the shit out of you for some

babies, no time soon.

smoke,” and like clock work he replied telling me he’d be there soon. Angie did my makeup and hair because we were high and wanted to take pictures. We did a couple lines, and took a few pictures and before I knew it Noah was texting me saying come out. I walked outside and walked to the car. I smiled at Noah before I opened the door, when I got in he was smiling back, “You look pretty” I smiled.

After finishing up, we moved from the back to the front seats, Noah gave me a zip lock bag full of weed and a cigar and told me roll up. I did. “That’s for you, Nola.” “What?! All this weed?!” I asked him in surprise. Usually he gives me an eighth or six grams, atlas, never this much. “Yes, I really like you. Your fun, and you’re always down. Plus, I hit a lick and I decided to share the love.”

“Aw, wow. This is nice, thanks.” “You’re welcome.” He replied rubbing hands through my hair. Noah began telling me how beautiful he thought I

I paid for my items and walked out. The older looking guy said to me “You looking for some ye’?!” “I mean… I have zero cash, but I have a shit load of weed and I’m looking to have fun soooo…”

was and how I should take my modeling and design

The two boys looked at one another. “Show us the

career more serious. For the first time ever in a long

loud,” the younger looking one said.

time, I opened up to someone and told them about my dreams, my fears, my past and my future. But as soon as i opened up, I quickly regretted doing so. Noah told me what everyone else wanted to tell me but was just to afraid. He told me I was addicted to

I opened my backpack and showed them the smoke. “Want to come with us,” both of the boys said. “Yeah, I guess so,” I told them.

drugs and that I needed help but also that he saw so

We got in to this car and they handed me a pack of

much potential in me and my future. He told me that

cigars to roll the blunts, I did so.

because I was in search of fun and he always worried about me getting into to much fun. I began to laugh in his face. Who the fuck did he think he was, more

“I’m Nola..” I said breaking the ice and lighting up my Newport.

importantly who the fuck did he think I was?

“I’m Darryl and this is Derrick, we're brothers.”

I looked at him and changed my laugh to a frown

“Nice to meet you both!” I said to them from the back.

and told him to pull over really quickly because I felt uneasy. As soon as he did so, I jumped out the car and

“Hey so if you fuck with ye’ that mean you fuck

took off running. As I was running I began laughing

with the H?”

and not long after, crying. When I finally got out of

“The H? Like Heroin… uhm I was about to try it, but I

a daze, I realized I didn't know where the hell I was. I was walking in the middle of no where, high as hell and very confused. I didn't have anywhere to go, I didn't have anything else to do, I literally had no one to call; it was time to find some fun. I saw a corner store and so I walked up to it. There I came across two guys. I smiled at them as I walked in the store. I went in and grabbed a water, some candy and a bag of chips I’m sure I wasn't going to eat. I also got a pack of cigarettes for what I was expecting to be a long journey.

got afraid as hell, i’m scared of needles.” “What about tonight? What if after you do a few bumps and then let me shoot it in one of your ass cheeks or something?” I immediately laughed, out loud. “No way.. not my ass. But because i’m feeling pretty bummed i’ll try it out.” I said looking out the window thinking about how high I would be on such a drug. I had heard many wicked stories about folks getting hooked on

that shit the first time they did it, but I was

my arm and then I felt a quick pinch. All I saw

stronger than the average person when it

was black. Before blacking out I heard one of

came to drugs so I didn't care.

the brother say “Just take the bitch bag! Not

I rode around with them while they made

the weed the whole damn bag!!”

drops and checked out hot spots around the

“Ok, but bruh chill on the drugs before she

city. During the ride they gave me two Xanax,

OD,” the other said.

I hit a few bumps, drunk some lean and on top of smoked three blunts. The brothers and I pulled up to some apartments located in the

“Man, fuck this bitch. She said she likes to have fun so here it is.”

downtown New Orleans area, which was not

Once he stopped pumping my body with

quite the Quarters by Angie but close enough

drugs, they both picked me up, carried me to

for me to walk encase some shit I couldn't

their car and dropped me off at the city park.

handle went down. When we made it there I

By then I was out cold and unconscious from

was very very high and still don’t t know how I

the drugs, they both thought I was dead. Be-

made it. I got out the car, or at-least tried with

cause they didn't know me they assumed I

the help of one of the brothers.

was nothing or a nobody; just another fun

While walking to the apartments one of the brother said we were going to a party. Some-

girl with no family or anyone to care for me in the world.

one opened the door and laid straight on the

The next morning I woke up in the hospital

sofa, I thought I was going blind. I was star-

with my Mom, Angie and Noah in the room all

ring into space for what felt like an hour be-

the standing around me. I looked at my mom

fore Derrick slapped my arm and said “Was-

and smiled. Soon realizing that I was the only

sup girl? You bout it or what?!” I shrugged my

happy one in the room. Everyone's eyes were

shoulders in a up and down motion which I

red and no one looked as if they've slept.

guess at that time meant I didn't care. Soon after, they wrapped something around

“Nola, it ends today. The fun stops now.” My mom said with a single tear rolling down her eye.

Photography by Brad Trone

MODERN FOLK WARE An Interview with Jennie Johnsrud Tell us about Modern Folk Ware! How did things get started? A few years ago I went on a wilderness retreat and there was this weird moment when I had to jump across a river and it became the perfect metaphor for my life at the time. I came home and quit my retail job, ready to calculate the risk of working for myself like I had to jumping across that river. I had been a potter for close to 20 yrs, but the timing had never been quite right to try it full time. In its broadest sense, Modern Folk Ware is about craft, simplifying things and getting clear on what’s important to you. In a smaller sense, it’s me making pottery and practicing living a quiet life. Where are you from? Why did you choose to live in Santa Fe? I was born and raised in Minnesota. After college, I completed an apprenticeship in New York state and hit the road to find a place to live that would be friendly to craftspeople. I ended up in Santa Fe briefly, but there was a job opening at Santa Fe Clay that I really wanted so I stayed. That was almost 15 yrs ago . . I’m still hooked on the wide open skies, sun and incredible beauty of New Mexico. What made you want to start your own business? Honestly, years of working for other people! At a certain point I realized that as an employee I was showing up and working hard to make other folks businesses happen, when I could also do that for myself. Believing that I could do it was the hardest part.

What’s the best part of the job? For me, the flexibility is hands down the best part of working for myself. As a single parent I’ve struggled with traditional job schedules. Being able to work from home, set my own work week or move things around as been invaluable to myself and my kiddo. Who inspires you as an artist/ceramicist? Anyone who’s been at it for longer than I have. It’s not easy to figure out how to juggle all the pieces of being self employed let alone a craftsperson, so anyone who manages to make work and support themselves is inspiring to me. Where do you find your style inspiration? I’m all Scandinavian by heritage and my training was rooted in a Mingei sensibility. The combination of the two continue to influence my work and process, as well as aesthetics. Do you approach your work with a sense of humor? If so, how? I often joke with my clients that I’m a “recovering perfectionist”. If I didn’t consciously take a giant step back from my work and let it exist separate from my ego, I’d never make anything, ever again! That process in and of itself can be (at times) comedic . . . carrying the load lightly helps enormously. I find a sense of humor incredibly admirable. Is there any music you listen to when working? Oddly, I rarely listen to music. I find a lot of comfort and balance in quiet space. Otherwise, I’ll try to double down on my productivity by listening to business or entrepreneurial podcasts to stay motivated.

What is the most fun thing to make? What is your favorite collection or piece you’ve done? Teapots are probably my favorite . . they are hard to make so a successful one is rewarding and always seems to have an unexpected personality. I also recently made a vase collection that I loved and would like to do more. What’s your favorite thing to do in Santa Fe? Rest! Life is pretty full, so any moment I get to take a break is my favorite. Santa Fe is a great place to unwind if and when you’ve got time. Riding bikes or playing frisbee with my son are pretty high on the list as happy things. What’s next on your plate? A new website should be up soon, and then it’s getting through the busy holiday season. The production can be nutz but you’ve got to do it to get through the long winter. If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the studio!

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Photography by Saul G. Hodgers | Creative Direction & Styling by Adrie Lagarda | Makeup by Neftali Camacho | Hair & Nails by Marina Rendรณn Salรณn, Ilse Mendez | Production Assitant, Ana Karen Careaga | Photo Assistant, Paulina Lagarda Modeling by Sofia Martinez Escalante

Photography & Styling by Keynan Johnson | Creative Direction by Darnell Thomas Modeling by Kayla Sandoval

Photography by Amy West | Creative Direction by Darnell Thomas | Modeling by Lauren Trujillo

Jacket by Dixie Pourpre

Photography by Jennifer Carrillo | Modeling by Deserae Sherie Martinez

Tequila-Lime Chicken Tacos with a Green Apple Jicama Slaw Recipe by Hannah Reiter | Photography by Robert I Mesa


+ A P P L E S L AW

What you need TACOS 3 large chicken breasts Corn tortillas

What you do For the tacos: Add onion, tequila, sugar, cilantro, orange juice, jalapeĂąo, lime juice and olive oil to a blender or food processor. Mix on high for about

1 small onion quartered

30 seconds or until all ingredients are pureed. Heat

1/2 cup tequila

2 tsp oil on high in a large high-sided pan. Sear the

1 tablespoon sugar

chicken breasts for about 30 seconds on each side

1 half cup cilantro

or until brown and crispy. Add the tequila-lime

1 quarter orange

mixture, cover and simmer on low for about 15

1/2 Jalapeno

minutes. Remove the chicken and shred it with

Juice of 3 limes

forks and return it to the pan. Continue to sim-

2 Tbsp oil

mer, uncovered for another 15 minutes or until ready to serve.


For the slaw: add jicama, apple and cucumber

1 small Jicama peeled and jullianned

to a medium bowl. Sprinkle cilantro, sugar, lime

1 large green apple jullianned

juice and olive oil over top and mix with a wood

1 cucumber julianned 2 tablespoons Cilantro, chopped

spoon until coated. Add salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste.

1 tablespoon sugar Juice of 1 lime salt, pepper and cayanne to taste 2 tbsp olive oil

Warm the tortillas in the oven or in a pan before serving. Assemble your tacos and garnish with cilantro and a lime wedge. Enjoy!

Recipe by Andie Fuller | Photography by Andie Fuller

A PP L E CRU N C H What you need 1 apple

C A K ES It’s that time of year again, the crisp

¼ cup peanut butter or almond butter

morning air is here

¼ cup shredded coconut

afternoon shadows

¼ cup pecans, chopped ¼ cup chocolate chips honey What you do Slice apple into thin rings. Be sure to remove any of the core and seeds! Spread nut butter over one side of ring. Top with coconut, pecans and chocolate chips and honey

and the lingering mean Autumn is on it’s way. To me, Autumn is the perfect time for all things cozy. This time of year I’m constantly rewatching movies like You’ve Got Mail and Love Actually. I wanted to share some of my favorite healthy options to help make your Autumn cozy sessions sparkle and crunch.


What you need 3 ounces champagne

M I M O SAS These treats are a fun way to use apples in

3 ounces apple cider or unfiltered apple juice

a different way but

Brown sugar and apple slices for garnish (optional)

please, please do just

What you do Get rim of glass wet and dip into brown sugar mixture Pour the apple cider into a glass, it’s important to do this first and then follow with your champagne! Garnish with an apple slice (or cranberries if you have them) Serve immediately!

still treat yo’ self! So that! Pop in a film, watch netflix or have a friend/lover over to talk about life. Make them these sweet treats and I’m sure they’ll love you forever. -XX Andie

Volume 11

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