This summer I will go to Morocco because I want to see how it is in reality.
This summer I will go to Los Angeles because there it is where my favorite singer lives.
This summer I will go to Amsterdam because I want to visit the city.
This summer I would like to go to the camp nou because I want to visit the cups and the stadium.
This summer I will go to San Francico because I will visit the Golden Gate and I will buy at the nike store.
This summer I will go to England because it is so beautiful.
This summer I will go to Grecee because I love its culture and its monuments.
This summer I will go to the Aquarium because it is amazing.
This summer I will go to Paris because it is a nice place.
This summer I will go to Canada because there are many animals.
This summer I will go to Maldivas because it has some beautiful beaches.
This summer I will go to California, because it is my dream place and the beaches, the weather… As soon as I can I'm going there
This summer I will go to Colombia because I want to visit my family.
This summer I will go to Holland because my brother lives in Holland
I will go to Russia because it has many beautiful views and it is the largest country in the world
This summer I will go to Japan because I like the culture, the food, the drawings and more. I like so much Japan.
This summer I will go to London because It is very beautiful and I want to visit the big ben.
Next summer I will go to Portugal. I will go there because I would like to visit this country and its culture. And also in that country my soccer idol was born.
This summer I want to go to London because I want to visit the Harry Potter Tour, the Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and the Sherlock Holmes’ museum.
This summer I will go to Stonehenge because I like history and it’s beautiful.
This summer I will go to Dubai because It’s a very rich country and it has the best gastronomy.
This summer I will go to Japan because it is a very beautiful country and there is many anime.
This summer I will go to France because it is a very beautiful country and it is a very good country at football, my favourite sport.
This summer I will go to Dubai because it has tall buildings, huge landscapes and a beautiful sea.
This summer I will go to Hawaii because it is very beautiful and it has fantastic landscapes and the beaches are very big and the food is delicious.
This summer I will go to Machu Picchu because it's very beautiful. I've always wanted to go since I was little. I would like to see the landscapes from the top of the mountain and go down to Bicuña.
This summer I will go to Hollywood because it is so beautiful.
This summer I will go to the North Pole because there are the bears, the igloos and the penguins.
This summer I will go to Clevedon Dock, England, because it’s so beautiful and gorgeous and One Direction films a music video of You & I.
This summer I will go to Paris because I will see the Eiffel Tower and I will go to Disney Land Paris.
This summer I will go to London because I want to meet famous people and visit the city.
I will go to Manchester because in Manchester there is my favourite football team.
This summer I will go to England because it is beautiful.
This summer I will go to Islandia because there are hot springs.
This summer I will go to London because I will visit the big ben and the London Eye.
This summer I will go to Maldivas because I like the transparent water, the houses on top of the water, but above all the experience of going to such a beautiful place, like paradise.
This summer I will go to England because I want to see the big ben tower.
This summer I will go to Australia because I will visit the koalas and I will taste different types of foods and drinks.
This summer I will go to Dubai because in Dubai everything is cool.
This summer I will go to Japan because it's the anime world, I find their technology awesome and I love their types of houses.
Summer Holidays This summer I will go to Mexico because I love the mountains and the food. My favourite mountain is Kukulkana pyramid, very old, and my favourite food are enchiladas, tacos, jalapeños, avocado,hot chicken, doritos and mexican extra hot burritos. I love Mexico because it is a fantastic country.
This summer I will go to Venecia, Italy because I love theaters and their food. The places are so cool and I love when it is raining because there is high tide and the sea goes up and they are flooded.
This summer I will go to Australia because I am really fascinated by the Kangaroos. I will go because I want to see them and Australia is a really great country