portfolio m a r i a . m . s i l v a a r c h i t e c t u r e
portfolio m a r i a . m . s i l v a a r c h i t e c t u r e
INDEX Profile / Resume Maria M. Silva
A. Professional Projects 1. Sousa Viterbo I Building - reabilitation project
2. Sousa Viterbo II Building - reabilitation project
3. Eiffel Street Building - reabilitation + extension project
4. Lapa Apartment Building - (re)construction project
5. House in Nevogilde - construction project
6. Melres Restaurant Renewal - interior design project
B. Academic Projects 1. No Rules, Great Spot! ideas competition
2. Stratford Olimpic Park Hotel, London
3. Municipal Library, Gaia
4. Boavista Collective Housing, Porto
5. Students Residence, Porto
C. OTHERS 1. Human Figure Drawings
2 Sketchbook
3. Photobook
4. The idea of city in Ă lvaro Siza
Maria M. Silva is a portuguese architect born in Coimbra in 1986. In 2011 received her degree at Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), with the thesis “The idea of city in Álvaro Siza”. Through Erasmus Program, has frequented the 5th year in Spain, at Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona. While student in FAUP, has collaborated in cultural projects and other events within the school students association. For the last 2 years, has collaborated with the architecture office Atelier das Maria Manuel Sales de Lucena Sampaio e Silva
Formas - Arquitectura, a young structure dedicated to architecture, interior
Portuguese Nationality
design and foccused in rehabilitation projects. Atelier das Formas is a
(Coimbra, 25.10.1986)
Brussels, Belgium
co-organizer of the event “4000 Ateliers, Route by the Architecture Ateliers
in Porto downtown”, and has won an honorable mention at the Awards IHRU
2012, a Portuguese award to rehabilitation projects.
Professional experience Feb.2012 - Oct.2012 . Trainee Architect in Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura (Porto, Portugal) . Experience in rehabilitation of buildings and new construction projects. . Participated in the following stages of architecture projects: schematic design, permit and construction drawings and documents.
Nov.2012 - Dec.2013 . Project Architect in Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura (Porto, Portugal) . Experience in rehabilitation of buildings, reconstruction and new construction projects. . Participated in the following stages of architecture projects: schematic design, permit and construction drawings and documents, coordination between architecture and engineering specialties projects, seldom technical assistance during execution works.
education and training 2004-2011 . Master in Architecture at Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (Oporto School of Architecture) . Development of the capacity to exercise the professional activity or the practice of research, with particular relevance in subjects as Project Design, Drawing, Construction Detailing and History of Architecture. . In 2005, 2006 and 2007 participated with projects developed in several subjects, in the annual academic exposition named “Anuária”. . Obtained 18/20 values for performing a master thesis themed “The idea of city in Álvaro Siza”, with the guiding of the Professor Doctor Carlos Machado; . Level according national classification: 15/20.
2009-2010 . First year of Master programme at “Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya” (Barcelona Technical School of Architecture), under the mobility programme Erasmus.
. Attended the subjects Proyectos IX and Proyectos X tutored by the Architects Casanelles Massaguer Ramon, Ros Ballesteros Jordi and Santiago Vives Sanfeliu.
profile / resume AdDitional training German language courses . 2011-2013 Attended german language courses, at Goethe Institut (Porto, Portugal) and at Faculdade de Línguas da Universidade do Porto (Portugal), achieving the level A2.2.
Training of thermal designers for buildings course . October 2011 Crash course “Training of Thermal Designers for Buildings - RCCTE Regulations” (22 hours), at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Portugal), with the goal of understanding theoretical and practical concepts of HVAC Engineering, important in the process of conceiving efficient buildings.
3D Studio Max Design course . August 2011 Crash course in 3D Studio Max Design (32 hours), at Ciência e Letras Institute (Porto, Portugal), with a final classification of Very Good.
REVIT Architecture course . August . 2011 Crash course in REVIT Architecture 2010 (36 hours), at Ciência e Letras Institute (Porto, Portugal), with a final classification of Good.
Linguistic abilities . Portuguese as mother tongue; . Fluent in English. . Basic in German, French and Spanish.
Technical skills . Advanced in Autodesk AutoCAD and basic de ArchiCAD; . Experienced user of Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Microsoft Office; . Basic in Autodesk REVIT Architecture and 3D Studio Max.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION . Participation in the International Ideas Competition No Rules, Great Spot! – Ideas for the Praça de Lisboa, Porto (co-authored with Arch. Martina Raquel Cristóvão) . May 2011 . Preparation and organization of several events while member of the Student Body at Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (Portugal) . 2007-2008 . Participation in the International Physics Olympiad (IPHO 2004) in Pohang, South Korea, after a national selection process and preparation period at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) . July 2004 . Driver’s License for vehicles of category B, obtained in Portugal. 3
sousa viterbo i
rehabilitation project
Porto, Portugal,
Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura
Schematic design + Permit drawings
roof plan
5.th floor plan
2.nd, 3.rd, 4.th floor plan
1.st floor plan
ground floor plan
street view
dwellings studies
sousa viterbo ii
rehabilitation project
Porto, Portugal,
Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura
Construction Drawings
street view
ground floor plan
1.st floor plan
2.nd, 3.rd floor plan
4.th floor plan
5.th floor plan
roof plan
view 2
view 1
view 3
habitation module - plan and section AA’
view 1
view 2
view 3
eiffel street building
rehabilitation + EXTENSION project
Porto, Portugal,
Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura
Permit + Construction Drawings
street view
3.rd floor plan
ground floor plan
4.th floor plan
1.st floor plan
roof plan
2.nd floor plan
cross section
back view
longitudinal section
roof structural design
Lapa apartment building
(re)construction project
Porto, Portugal,
Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura
Permit + Construction Drawings
ground floor plan
main street view
roof plan
2.nd floor plan
1.st floor plan
T0 - 1.st, 2.nd floor dwellings
cross section
street view
T0 - ground floor dwellings
back view
nevogilde house
construction project
Porto, Portugal,
Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura
Permit + Construction drawings
street view
back view
basement plan
ground floor plan
1.st floor plan
roof plan
stairs design
melres restaurant renewal Interior design project
Melres, Portugal,
Atelier das Formas - Arquitectura
Schematic design
2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3
Public Space: remodeling the existing city, Porto co-authored with arch. martina crist贸v茫o
New rules
new space exhibition art photo
restaurant barmem贸riaanjo
lisboasquare culturemanifesto
-1 floor (87 m)
ground floor (92 m) 1st to 4th floor
stratford olimpic park hotel
london, england
ETSAB, 5.th year project design
Guidance: arch. Casanelles Massaguer Ramon, Ros Ballesteros Jordi, Santiago Vives Sanfeliu
ground floor- reception, restaurant & bar
1th floor - art gallery, auditorium & workshops
B.2 12th floor - swimming pool & offices
11th floor - spa & gym area
2th to 10th floors- rooms
Municipal LIBRARY
GAIA, portugal
FAUP, 4.th year project design
2008 - 2009
Guidance: arch. Nuno Brandão Costa
A horizontal and compact volume seeks to make the transition between the different scales that characterize the site. It moves away from the main street and releases paths and green spaces, preserving the tranquility that should involve a library. On the opposite side, where building and terrain are difficult to distinguish, the ‘promenade’ through the gardens increases a discovering feeling: the library rises up, the public space contaminates its entry, and an outdoor lobby invites you in. Inside, on the ground floor, you can find the most autonomous areas, as the auditorium and the cafeteria. At the first level, the reading spaces have no relation to the external reality. Here, the courtyards function as scenarios, besides illuminating and generating visual permeabitity through the building.
Boavista collective housing
porto, portugal
FAUP, 3.rd year project design
2006 - 2007
Guidance: arch. Maria JosĂŠ Casanova
housing street facade
collective housing - 3rd, 5th floors
collective housing - 2nd, 4th floors
B.4 The site for this intervention is an abandoned urban area facing Rotunda da Boavista. The urban plan proposal aims to link the Metro Station and the Oposto’s House of Music, possible by the opening a new street and the redrawing of urban spaces. After the development plan was discussed, it’s proposed to develop a single housing block, in this case, the one facing the House of Music. The first floor of this building is an empty level. This void, as an extension of the courtyard, creates a visual connection with Casa da Música and makes possible an effective articulation between public and private spaces, emphasizing the building’s sensibility and fundamental role in the intervention. The building is composed of duplex appartments, combining T2 and T3. Their access is made by a gallery which exists every two floors.
students residence porto, portugal
FAUP, 2.nd year project design Guidance: arch. carla garrido
2005 - 2006
The exercise suggests an intervention on a riverside platform in Porto’s historic center. It is fundamental to evaluate the relationship between the historical city and the river, wich has been broken by the abandonment of this artificial platform. Therefore, the solution relies on the articulation of these realities, combining spacial continuity, accessiblility and visual connection. The students residence is located near by the first row of tipical houses that fill the Ribeirinha area, and help to redefine an important connection between the street level and the site. On the other side of the platform, a public complex with commercial spaces and a multifunctional area benneficts from the direct connection with the street. This concrete complex is an invitation to a walk by the river and enjoy the platform’s public space, now redesigned.
2.nd floor (reception and common areas)
3.rd floor (private areas)
4.th floor (private areas)
section (access to the students residence)
human figure drawings
FAUP, 1.st year drawing
s k e t c hb o o k
FAUP, History of portuguese architecture
p h o t o b o o k
FAUP, History of contemporanary architecture 2009
the idea of city in álvaro siza
FAUP, Thesis Investigation
“There is a second City within each city. Unreal, imaginary, made of demolished houses and demolished projects, however, present. The most part of the architect’s work is about this second city. And it is never a lost work.”
Álvaro Siza, Discurso XV da Cooperativa Boa Vontade (trad.)
This study seeks to understand Álvaro Siza’s perspective of city throughout his experience and architectural production. Indeed, in all his work, he seems aware that every project is part of the city’s evolutionary process. The unique features of each place are evidence of the city’s history and evolution. Thus, the architecture of Siza, respecting memories from the past and its fragments, seeks to restore a balanced unity. During the seventies, he already manipulates a modern language while recognizing the complex and fragmentary nature of city and architecture, particularly in S. Vítor. The project of renovation of S. Vítor ́s area (1974-77), informed by his previous experiences of collective housing, involves several forms of relations with the city. Through the study of the various interventions covered by this project, it is possible to see how Siza designs the space on behalf of a positive and versatile relation with the city. The knowledge developed through the analysis of this project crosses itself with the understanding of his methodology, which Siza exposes in his statements. After S. Vítor, Siza continues his architectural experience, maturing his idea of city. On one hand, the plan for Malagueira, in Évora, and the plan for Porto Exterior and Areia Preta, in Macau, correspond to the urbanization of large areas contiguous to the city and explore the relation between the proposed urban shapes and the place’s character. On the other hand, the projects for Kreuzberg, in Berlin, Schilderswijk and Doedijnstraat, in Haia, and Chiado, at Lisbon, concern mainly the intervention on defined sections of the existing city, but on very different conditions and aspirations. The diversity of these projects is fundamental in order to find the essential and immutable features of the arquitecture of Álvaro Siza and his idea of city. The presence of various references is implicit in the work of the architect. Fernando Távora and Alvar Aalto are fundamental characters regarding to the relation with the place and the dialectic tradition/modernity. Moreover, Aldo Rossi is an important character by having a critical position in relation to the modern movement, particularly the Charte d’Athenes. He proposes a new approach to the architecture and city based on their fragmentary condition and the circularity of time, which significantly affect Siza’s work. 55
Maria M. Silva Brussels, Belgium mmsalesesilva@gmail.com http://issuu.com/mariam.silva