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Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval

Entry I (January 20th – 21th, 2017) The mechanics of how the four-month period was going to be explained by the syllabus. The teacher explained step by step what the assignments for the whole class period are, exposed in the syllabus. The students evacuated the corresponding doubts also asked about other subjects other than the syllabus. After the teacher finished explaining the rules and so on, students were introduced one by one; Saying their name, age, career, where they come from and what they like or do not do. The teacher was the first to introduce himself by giving a little of what his trajectory as a teacher has been. After all the students showed up, my person did it the same way explaining why and why he would be accompanying them throughout the term. Finally explained how the Voxy digital platform works with students to work to complete weekly units and practice what is seen in class. On the other hand, at the end of the whole "protocol" part, the teacher began to make a review of what students were supposed to know and that they saw in English I. Some of them handled a little more than others, however there were students to whom it was noted that it cost them a little not only the subject but the language itself. They were practiced so that they could obtain a little more reinforcement regarding the subject. This was introduced through the theme of "friendship". The students did a class reading followed by a practice that the teacher designed so they could improve.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval Entry II (January 27th – 28th, 2017) Why is lesson planning important. Teaching a second language is one of the most difficult tasks for educators, because we are teaching our students a language they do not know. In this first video, the speaker talks about what are the main questions we should ask when creating our plan. Which are the relevant or most important points to consider in our process of formulating the plan. The most important and necessary thing and the first one that we must consider is what we want to teach our students, the best way to do it and what can be the appropriate materials for it. It is important to take into account that students in our classroom do not have the same way of learning so we must take this into consideration. We must take into account the disadvantages with which we would run from not creating a class plan. We can lose the order of how we planned to apply the different activities, or simply and simply, our students could lose interest and be distracted with greater ease. New Teacher Survival Guide. Creating a dynamic lesson plan in which we can capture the attention of our students is a great challenge that educators must overcome. In this video, Nicole tells us about her career as a teacher and what challenges she has overcome over time. By the time we create our plan, we must take many points into account, especially if we want our students to improve their language skills. We must be very

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval

clear about our main objective in order to create a logical sequence when designing our plan. On the other hand, being able to observe and listen to the experience of a teacher in his first year of work, is very helpful for those who are in the process of being one. The power to take some tips and put them into practice is very useful to be successful in our classrooms and not only help us but help our students in their learning process.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval Entry III (January 31th – February 1st, 2017) In week three, a new topic called "Generative questions" was started. This was explained through examples followed by various practices on how to implement them and how they can be identified. In addition, the reading of the second reading in which empathy was treated makes the facial similarity between couples increase with time. This week, the guys heard a song called "You do not own me" by Grace. In this song, she talks about how a couple should behave; if I do not demand that you do something you should not because you require me to do it. Some of the guys already knew the song, others not so it was really entertaining for them. Through this song they had to identify vocabulary according to the theme. However, despite having been a productive week for the boys and that some had already obtained confidence if they had a doubt they could communicate it to me and I could help them; the teacher notified me that I was not going to continue working with these guys because he was not going to come to college these days. For what I had to spend as a group, that week I was supposed to present my first class which was already assembled and planned, but the situation changed as well as the group I was going to attend from the following week. Although I was no longer with them in the class, some of the boys were still looking for me to clarify doubts if they had them. I liked that and I was very inspired to continue working hard and continue to improve as a student and at the same time as an educator. Even though I no longer see them as teachers they know they can continue to count on me as extra support for their learning process. Mariam GutiÊrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval Entry IV (February 6th – February 8th, 2017) The first planning of the class was for week four, I had to prepare a presentation where I could explain to the students the comparatives with a dynamic methodology to participate. For this week implement my lesson plan in the classroom, explain to the children at what time we can use comparatives and what the rules to follow according to the grammar of the language are. Some of them already had a previous knowledge of the subject, others were paying attention to be able









It was not the first class I taught, but the first in college with young people the same age that I have or older. It felt a bit strange and this combined with nerves makes you lose a little the thread of what you are saying. Teaching is a field where if you do not have the vocation to be a teacher better not to study it, in my case I do not know if I will have the vocation but at least I really like what I do; The fact that you can share with others a little of how much you have studied over the years and being able to help them is an inexplicable feeling. Planning, executing, memorizing and elaborating are part of the challenges of being a teacher, but in turn it is the best experience you can have. It can be stressful if you do not know how to handle yourself and how to handle your students. You must learn to differentiate in which are interested and which not at the same time of playing with all the forms of learning that you have in your classroom. Knowing how to lead those difficult students or with some learning problem.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval

Entry V (February 22th) As part of the final grade, students had to develop their first project; this was to create publicity for Costa Rican tourism. They should create a presentation where they could illustrate and sell a part of the country at the same time newsletters and a poster for their exhibition. The subjects that they had to incorporate in their work were the comparatives and the superlatives; they had to sell their country and the wealth it possesses in the best possible way. They worked in class for a few minutes so the boys could agree on what they really wanted to offer and what the working groups were going to be. Teamwork and creativity were reflected in the process of developing this project. However, it may be noted that there are students who are more difficult to learn and develop in a second language than others. However, they managed to overcome the challenge. Comparatives and superlatives, despite being relatively easy subjects, have to be somewhat confusing to students when it comes to adding terminations to short or long adjectives. This project served as a review so that students who had not been completely clear about the subject could finish clearing their doubts. It is important to try to supervise the process of each student and give support to those who are complicated a little more than others in order to maintain a balance in the classroom which is not only useful to the teacher, if but also students to bring a constant flow in explaining topics in class.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval Entry VI (March 1st) The topic of superlatives was what I had to develop as my second class, which goes hand in hand with the comparatives which were the first subject I gave students. This time, seeing that certain of the exercises we developed for the past theme were not as effective as expected, I decided to change a little and make the class a little more entertaining so that the kids could practice but at the same time understand the theme. On this occasion as in the previous one we start with a brief explanation of which are the superlatives and what are the two different ways of using them; This because many of the students if they are not explained in detail what the structure (that must go first and that later) they are difficult a little more to grasp



On the other hand, we practice with different images of countries and structures with which they had to use the superlatives to create a prayer and to tell them to their colleagues. Next, we play a board game which is similar to a monopoly in which they had to advance the spaces that the dice indicated and create a sentence with the adjective that corresponded to them, super important, remembering that for the long adjectives we must add them "The most" and the short ones "the + est al adjective". Finally in the same work groups I assigned a different country to each one with which they made a publicity where they described the attractions





Being able to do this type of project as a future teacher is a great help, especially as students over time begin to trust you and look for you when they need help.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval Entry VII (March 8th) In the following weeks the topics to develop in the class would be the passive voice and the progressive past. The teacher began with an inductive method so that the students became familiar with the subjects and if they had a previous knowledge of these could refresh them without the necessity of a more technical explanation. Some of the students found much difficulty in the first subject that was the passive voice, even though the teacher gave examples and explained the subject in different ways, they could not grasp the main idea; At the end of class two of the students talked with the teacher that they were mostly difficult the subject so they are now taking



The next topic was the progressive past, the majority of the students that my person has explained to them this verbal time they like because of its structure and rules is not played in a complex way with the verb. The students managed to get the idea to the super-fast teacher to continue with the practices that this had prepared them




It is nice to see positive progress in students and in turn observe the effort of those who are difficult a little more put into the subject to be able to understand and keep pace with their peers and the teacher. As pride is put aside and they ask for help between them or as they approach one so that they can be explained in a more personal way.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval

Entry VIII (March 22nd) For the 22nd of March the task presented to the students was to create a story based on a small paragraph which the teacher provided using the passive voice and the progressive past. One of the best methods in my opinion that can be implemented so that students put into practice the knowledge they have acquired and generate more doubts in the process. It was comforting I hope not only for myself but for them as for the teacher to see the progress that the majority has had in the course of the quarter. On the other hand, as in any group we can find those students whose only interest is to pass the course so they do not do the work in a fair or correct way. With respect to the history they were to create with these two themes, some of them were naturally inspired and created with their own imagination and knowledge the most important. However, there were others who used other methods to




The passive is one of the issues that in my study process cost me a lot to be able to implement it in rehearsals or when you are having a conversational conversation with someone, these students have reaffirmed that if one wants can and is the most Important when you are studying a second language, unknown and you must learn not only how to speak it but all the rules to follow. That is why it is comforting to see that as you there are many people who care about study and want to progress in life. I am pleased that the students in this course are so participatory and enthusiastic. Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval Entry IX (March 27nd- March 29th) As the quarter progresses the students must develop their projects in order to obtain the final grade of the course. In this case the third project consisted of the creation of a newspaper or magazine with the same themes with which they had to create history, the passive voice and the progressive past. In this case I had to choose 10 national and international news, read them and make a brief summary of them using these two themes. Some of them took the time to make a magazine pleasing to the reader's eyes while others as in all groups did the work just to get out of the way. This work was left a week in advance so they could use their creativity and






By Wednesday 29th, the students had to present their magazines or newspapers orally giving a short review of what each story was about and in the end they had to explain well what the teacher wanted. However one of the students who was the first to go to exhibit at the end of their exhibitions for personal reasons besides that is one that costs them much English; Surrendered and decided not to finish presenting. At that moment the teacher let the exhibitions flow and when the students returned to the classroom with great courage and determination decided to start from scratch their presentation and conclude it with existing. These are the cases where one as a teacher can see if the students really want to learn or just do not want to waste the money invested in the course.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval Entry X (April 19th) The last class is always the most difficult when you have joined this as part of the students and not as a teacher. In the time that I could share with the students that were not the 15 weeks, but a little less; I felt super comfortable and mostly supported. It is noteworthy that although I did not share with them from week 1 when I got to join the class, I felt the support and gratification of them. It was 10 weeks in which I could know a little more of them not only as students, but as people and some came to have the confidence to tell me personal problems or simply ask for support





However, as in every group we have students who only care about passing the course so they focus on it; Not that this is all bad, but at some point we all need support or at least support. In this group, students are very dynamic and like to participate. On the other hand, those who have a little difficulty in their language, looked for ways to practice more on the outside or asked for help in class to understand the subject and be able to perform the practices that the teacher prepared. In my last class with them, we did a practice for their final written exam. Some of them performed in class and clarified the doubts they still had prior to the test; others only decided to practice at home with a little more calm, in their own way. It is gratifying to see how you can help those who need it and want it in a learning process and at the same time, to be able to experience a little of what it feels like to be in a real class as a teacher, which is to deal with those difficult students And what is also having students who like you like what you teach.

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

Theory and Practice Teaching English Dagoberto Sandoval

Mariam GutiĂŠrrez Campos

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