1 minute read
Water Leads To A Promenade
One the most important element from the nature is the water. The land that surrounds the monestary had install some water wells for the agriculture. But now, just half still have water. So, bringing life again to all the wells, giving more support by maintemance of the land, and conducte a promenade through the field. Beyond that, the promenade or the water link these two building by two differents experiences: on the monastery, the new fontain on the cloister, is the font of a subtle noise from the water falling on the fontain and echoed on the walls (1) ; on the new building, the school, the water mirror is to highlight the sensation of suspension to the volume (2).
Nature Dialogue
After decide the contrast between the volumes, the nature was the element that conect between them. I try to create by the contrast, a dialogue with the nature by simple spatial characteristics like: the light, transparency, weight, the scale, etc... OLD
Anchored to the floor
Suspended in the air
Monestary Santo Andr De Ancede
Plan of the whole land of the monastery with the new alterations of the project and the localization of the new building - Stonework School
3 Parking lot for the school - re-use of a old acess to the monastery
3.1 Parking lot for the tourists and staff of the residences - created new access using an old abandoned terrace of cultivation for vines.