1 minute read


Future Of Avenida Brasil

The area C is in a phase of transformation, of re-densification. As in the all Lima, the population is increasing every day, due to immigration from the all country, growth of Limean families, etc. The first part of this densification is the informal way, people building in the courtyards, add floors to their houses. The other face of this densification is the formal one. In this area, promotors see the potential, and buy new plots to built higher buildings, losing all identity and human scale. This aspect mostly appear along the Avenida Brasil. The Avenida is indeed a good conection between the historic center of Lima and the costa verde. With the developement project of the coast which takes place right now, the area is becoming more attractive. The pourcentage of high-rise building increased in the only 5 past years of 3%. According to a study, many lots, for their size and prices could be very attractives for the construction buisness, and the pourcentage of high rise could increase of 11% in the six next years.


Generales rules

Mandatory setback of 6mfollowing the actual building line

High rise and tower as as independant object with a base of 5 storeys for high rise and a public plaza for the towers

Avoid high rise face to face

First level

For high rise, base of 5 storeys

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