Portfolio Mariana Montag

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PORTFOLIO Mariana Montag

SUMMARY Curriculum

[DESIGN-BUILT] House of Jajja School in Uganda Guadurnal's Lunch Room Project Washu "Net� "Pulse" Architecture of appropriation

[ACADEMIC] Largo do Arouche Confluence Pavilion The Square

MARIANA MONTAG 26.12.1994 São Paulo, Brazil + 5511993366474 marianafmontag@gmail.com @mamamontag

EDUCATION 2014 - 2019

Arquitecture and urban planning,

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie 2017 - 2020

Psychoanalysis course Institute Deep

2005 - 2014

Bandeirantes School

LANGUAGES Portuguese

Mother Language

Fluent English

Cambridge English Profiency (CPE) e Toefl (92 pts)

Fluent Spanish

Diploma Dele Intituto MIguel de Cervantes (DELE)


1997 - 2004

Stance Dual School

EXPERIENCES Low Constructores Descalços Construction with earthenware Telhado Verde, Botucatu

Build Abroad

Social Construction Antigua, Guatemala

Taller Internacional de Arquitectura Cartagena, Colombia

Bamboo construction E.Florestã Fernandes Guararema, São Paulo

Geodesy Construction Ecocentro Alphaville, São Paulo Acampamento NR

Pró-Líder – Young Leaders

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES January 2018 - August 2018

Studio Al Borde, Ecuador

Intern - Residence Program August 2017 - January 2018 11th Biennal of Architecture of São Paulo Intern April 2017 - In process

Project School in Uganda Social Impact Project

Coordinator of architecture and manager in foundraising activities

Bamboo installation,

Collaborator in the conception and construcion with Marjorie Yamaguti 0ut 2016 - "Araq" (Zoo urbano, ibirapuera park) April 2017 - "Pulse" (Japan House, Casa das Rosas) July 2017 - "Net" (Inhotim)

Jan/Aug 2016 Feature Film ’The eye and the knife’ Art Assistant - Director Adrian Cooper Scenography, Production of objects

Aug 2015 - Jan 2016 - "Jardineiro Fiel"

Landscaping Firm - project intern Representation and creation of landscaping projects


THE HOUSE OF JAJJA Thesis Project in progress

The Houseof Jajja’s project was started with the graduation thesis research.The demand for a single-family housing for a lady in the village of Kikajjo was identified through the involvement of the School project in Uganda. The research is about self-built housing for women in rural villages and the perspective of architecture as a process rather than a product. It is through the construction of Jajja’s house that the possibilities of construction training workshops for women and the replicability of such techniques are being analyzed.

The Concept Essential Elements of Architecture based on the understanding of the social dynamics

I.The Elements




II.Family and community formations

1 family

2 families

1 community

Drawings and perspectives Essential Elements of Architecture based on the understanding of the social dynamics

Replicability Territories, family and community formations



Imersion with the community, on site analysis Collaborator in the conception In Progess

The school project is part of a education project called "School in Uganda" that has the mission to empower the community of Kikajjo - a small village 18 km from the capital, Kampala - thrue education with the goal to break the poverty cicle. The concept and drawing of the school was designed with the participation of the community and tecniques were chosen based on the local resources. The teachers and students made the programme, the land created the volume, the nature chose the materials and the people the building techniques.

project perspectives

project plan

kids playing on the site




In colaboraition with Al Borde Collaborator in the conception and construction December 2018

The project Washu, is part of the Nature and Life Foundation, that works since 2012 in the conservation of the spider monkey of the Coast, with a model that combines scientific research, environmental education and the development of economic activities with community strengthening. The objective is to take care of the forests where these animals live, which are currently in a category of threat in the country and its populations that are becoming smaller. The project began with the participation of 11 families of farmers from the community of Tesoro Escondido. They worked on the program to strengthen their capacities in the national cocoa crop, had training to improve the quality of crops, support for organic certification and links with ethical buyers.

construction photos

construction photos

construction photos



In colaboraition with Al Borde Collaborator in the construction November 2018

The project is unleashed by joining forces with the Mexican institution Infonavit. In 2016, for the World Conference of UN Habitat III, Al borde was entrusted with the German Pavilion, its basic principle was to have second life, this idea interested Infonavit, and they proposed to generate a project with a social purpose to refuse their pavilion. We asked our network of contacts, who was working with an organized community, and that within their planning they could use a community equipment project. The best option was the Taller General Studio, which since the earthquake of April 2016 has given technical support to the community of Guadurnal.

Infonavit pavilion

project speculations

project perspective


mural painting

kids playing

kids having lunch



Collaborator in the conception and construction July 2017

The project was asked by the production of the event MECA Inhotim. We had a low budget and short time.The project is a coolaboration with bamboo artist Marjorie Yamaguti. “"Net"” was built in the biggest Open Air Art Museum - Inhotim - in Brumadinho, Brazil. The installation is made of bamboo rods tied with “Japanese” knots. The conception took one week and the construction one week.

instalation model



instalation in use



Collaborator in the conception and construction May 2017

The project was asked by the new cultural center Japan house. It was taught to be built in a workshop process.The project is a coolaboration with bamboo artist Marjorie Yamaguti. “Pulse” was built in a heritage building - A Casa das Rosas - in Avenida Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. The installation is made of bamboo rods tied with rope” knots.

construction workshop



Project Management - Ocupação 9 de Julho, São Paulo November 2017

In collaboration with the Bienal de Arquitetura de São Paulo and the Dutch Consulate in São Paulo, The New Institute has organised a program with workshops, a seminar and an exhibition around the theme ‘occupancy/appropriation’. As part of this program, Office CCXD, Studio Knol, ZUS & GOAA were invited to create an “assembly” space within the squatted high-rise known as Ocupação 9 de Julho in São Paulo.

In a short 4-day workshop we intensively collaborated with a movement (MSTC)—now the inhabitants of the Ocupação 9th de Julho. As a combative movement this group is committed to fight for the importance of housing opportunities in the city center. The appropriation of vacant (office) buildings in the prosperous city center became their most important form of action. The movement jointly renovates the cracked buildings and makes it inhabitable floor by floor. After our first meeting with the MSTC it became clear what they wanted the assembly to be; a place to get together, to inform, to learn, to mourn, to enjoy. A church but also a living room. A space that has the urge to live on, transform and grow.

As a well-organized movement, the MSTC could actually make a difference and occupy a building in the midst of the elite city-centre. Together with the students of Escola da Cidade, we developed one single piece of furniture that could only make an impact when produced in large numbers. Combined, these furniture’s (building blocks) could be used as a seat, bench, altar, bar, shelves, table, flowerpot, etc. The shape of the furniture was based on the logo of Sao Paulo, but—to make a statement against the Sao Paulo regime— it was split in half. The flexible furniture’s act as a unifier, creating not only a real “space of assembly”, but are also providing a structure for the occupants to continue to build on.

construction photos

space in use



Criation and representation April 2017

The proposed Project in Largo do Arouche is one of the five public infrastructures presented on the master plan of urban requalification of the detected axis of the São João Avenue in the city of São Paulo.

SANTA CECILIA MASTER PLAN An analysis of Santa Cecilia, a central neighborhood of São Paulo, showed that the axis formed by São João Avenue is a boundary of urban quality in the region. In addition to São João Avenue there is the Costa e Silva elevated highway, which casts a shadow over the avenue, negatively influencing the quality of the environment. Bearing all this in mind, the master plan’s aim is to dissolve this frontier, weaving a connection into the region. Object of much discussion and dissension, the famous “Minhocão” highway is, in our view, not a scar on the city, but a striking fixture to be blended into it. We propose an urban requalification, together with specific projects that revitalized the area, intensifying a dynamic already in existence.


LARGO DO AROUCHE Largo do Arouche is an urban space where several different social groups dwell, socialize, and work. Elderly and young people, bootblacks, gays, prostitutes, beggars, and drug users make the square a different place during the day and by night. The diversity of Largo do Arouche is impressive and, on the threshold of change, there is much territorial tension. The space belongs to all of those who use it and there must be found a way to converge the opposing views harmoniously.

I. Common construction

Social Condenser

II. Common circulation

Meeting nodules

III. Built ground level

Articulated space

The answer given to this territory is a constructivist “Social Condenser�: a mechanism designed to generate and intensify delectable forms of social interaction. The project comprises a passageway between Duque de Caxias Street and Largo do Arouche, a dry square on the ground floor that continues into Largo do Arouche, and stories with several purposes merging in meeting nodules. These nodules are designed to be both transitions between the floors and belvederes, allowing people to interact, enjoy the view and locate themselves geographically. These nodules and belvederes are the vertical transitions.

Largo do Arouche - Social Condenser




Criation and representation April 2017

The Pavilion is dedicated to fomenting new architecture, therefore creating it. The proposal mobilizes two important subjects in architecture: professional and environmental ethics.




One should consider professional ethics as the professional’s necessity of placing him or herself in the political, economic, social, and cultural landscape. Through actions in this context, one becomes capable of questioning authority and the mainstays of the system, providing utter transformation and social improvement. Not to question authority is to be complicit with the status quo, frequently opposing professional ethics. The architect Philip Bess wrote that “there is a genuine and intrinsic relationship between architecture and ethics”. He states the present communities must resuscitate the notion of “common good” and represent it in architecture. The conception of the Pavilion derives from one central space, a point of convergence – a circular space where there is no hierarchy or edges, but an area of unification. The circular plan grants to the architecture of the pavilion the notion of common god, of making architecture together. The three entrances generate equal fluxes towards the point of convergence, whichever be the point from where they come, an analogy of the different agents that form the city entering together in action with one goal: the common good. The empty spaces create free areas of connection between the pavilion and the exterior, blending the project into whatever context it is implemented.

THE CONCEPTION formal evolution


Confluence and access

Environmental ethics generates consciousness of the relationship between construction and its surroundings, i. e. the environment. We believe it is necessary to prioritize, from the start of the project, its impact on nature, given that architecture will only succeed once its environmental demands are met. The choice of material ¬– bamboo – is a statement of building in harmony. Bamboo has structural properties as efficient as those of steel or concrete, but culturally, in Brazil, we do not usually employ it as a structural component. The proposal suggests bamboo in order to trespass the cultural prejudices and to create the debate of a more conscious way of building. In case the pavilion be installed inside a campus in São Paulo, Brazil – as in the implementation and in the schematic cross-section ¬– we suggest the district of Parelheiros as a source of material, since it houses several bamboo farms.

Section cut of the pavilion built in FAUusp's campus

THE CONSTRUCTION diagram step to step 1




Wood base


Bamboo-lined floor


metal piece bamboo bamboo lined floor wood base concrete foundation knot 1

knot 2


Suggestions of ocupation 5







plastic membrane

metallic structure


Metallic trail system fort the layers of the membrane metallic pin

The construction of the pavilion may occur through a practice of “making architecture” – a workshop, so that all parts involved build together.To the main circular area are three spaces of circulation and permanence added. Three kinds of sectorization are suggested, but there are several possibilities. In the first one there would be a central auditorium area, in the second, an area for workshops, and in the third, a round table. Suggestions of ocupation.



Conception and representation April 2016

It is expected from contemporary housing constructions that it will solve the discomforts of a non-planned city, that is, one expects a house to bring comfort, for this harmony is not found on the streets. Contrary to this current behavior, the habitation complex is designed as contemporary look at a primitive shelter: prefabricated houses structured as an aggregate on a metallic grid.

THE SQUARE On a 96m² square there are 4 aggregates, and inside each one there are 30 houses of equal size for free construction. Therefore, it offers a 36m² house and additional 36m² for free personal construction, turning the aggregation into an organic creation with unpremeditated spaces. In each aggregation there are also six 36m² spaces for commercial use, on the ground floor. A main lane, which runs 30m wide and 1.5m below ground level, divides the square. This lane is included as a collective area for the square, where there is no traffic of vehicles, only pedestrians.

first level plan

second level plan

third level plan


Commercial unit


Circulation unit

Living unit

Free construction unit Welded metallic grid


Free construction space Each living unit has a space with the same area - a free construction unit. The space is for the people built as they need and want to so at the end the aggregate turns into an organic and coolaborative living place.

Living unit – the cube

SESSION CUTS + construction details 3.










THE CONSTRUCTION The construction is 25cm above ground level, standing on molded concrete pilotis in (1). The primary metallic structure is made of “I” shaped beams and pillars, welded onto each other (2). Framing the cube and serving as secondary structure there is the wood frame construction system (3). For the external sealing structure, the double thermo acoustic roofing sheets (5) lie on the primary metallic beams (4). The cube is internally coated with pinus wood sheets fixed onto the secondary wood frame structure (6). Glass fiber and PVC panels framed with pivoting steel squares are put on the frontal façade, open to the creative area.







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