Dear Diary

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Photoshoot in an Urban Outfitters dressing room because why not take crazy photos in a tiny room




By now high school seems like a different life, and after having read my old diaries, I wish it was someone else’s life. It was an awkward and humiliating phase that seemed superior to middle school but is equally as cringeworthy. Many of these moments I have repressed but going over them now I'm glad that I have grown and become a better person. Somehow all of this lead to who I am today, which makes these faded memories a little less horrifying. So here it is, all my secrets, love affairs, sentiments, and mistakes from 2009. By Mariana Silva




August 21st

So game day today! But we lost. We

We lost again, because our coaches are

trouble for skipping practice and An-

could have won if it weren’t for stupid

stupid, but it’s whatever. Going to Lau-

na’s mom didn’t want to bring her over.

coaches. Spent the night with Kel, it

ren’s for a sleepover!

P.S. parents almost found out I skipped

was uber FUN. Picked up Cole and An-

practiced. Blehhh.

drew then went to sonic, it was yummy.

August 29th

Painted my nail and also got to talk to

Had a GREAT time at Lauren’s house,

September 5th

Marcos with Kel’s phone. P.S. Kel has

her family is cool but oh my gosh her

Went to a ranch, but first stopped by

a thing with Jared. P.S.S. during the

room is a mess! HA! I miss my brother

Salado Town Square. It was fun, espe-

game Kel, Anna, Carolyn, and I made a

and Marcos. Went to target, then went

cially cause we are with Ana and Mayra.

gangster dance.

to Addison and hung out with Ana and

We are eating cookies but we are really

Mayra, but it was torture at first when

craving ICE CREAM. The ranch is real-

they weren’t there.

ly cool and pretty. We watched a whole

August 23rd Last day of summer! Got ready for school like all day. AH! High School.

bunch of movies all day like All Dogs September 3rd

Go To Heaven. I ♥ Marcos!

Best thing about today was Vishva’s August 27th

birthday! Got my pencil bag and

September 8th

AWESOME DAY! Super funny!

athletic bag stolen. UGH. Skipped after

So apparently Pooja died. It was really

Learned abc’s in French! Jared gave

school volleyball practice (never again).

sad finding out. Her funeral is today

Anna a weird look so me and Edward

but I didn’t go. Half the people that

taught her that she should give him

September 4th

went barely knew her but just wanted

a weird look back. I love my classes.

School was fun, except well you know,

to leave school. It makes me mad, I was

Vishva is in World Geography with


at least nice to her but still felt weird if

me but we don’t have Chemistry any-

LAND! HA! So at the game today we

I went. It just really sucks. School was

more. P.S. did awesome at volleyball

were so hyper before the game we kept

okay. Game today. We lost, we need to

today-hizzle! I ♥ Marcos!

cheering. We even did the Cardinal

learn how to play like a team.

Claw! We won the first game and lost August 28th

the second, because we had sucky

September 9th

Brother left today. He came to my art

referees. During the first game people

Good day. Cole didn’t wear red. Lunch

class. it was pretty cool. I’m going to

that didn’t skip practice got to play as

was weird. No volleyball practice for

miss him so much! Madi and I kept

the starters but oh well. Hurt my knee

once, I got to be social! Took Austin

giving people the look it was hilarious.

when I finally got to play, but they let

home and talked about Trisha. I miss

Chemistry was fun, as always. Game

me serve so it’s okay. Kel and Anna

my brother. Watching Project Runway

day today at Weatherford (rich school).

were going to come over but Kel got in

with mom! I ♥ Marcos and Cole!



September 10th CROSS COUNTRY MEET!!! They are so much fun, got to bond with all the cross country people. I got 42nd place out of like 200 people and came in first for MAC! When Ericka, Jazmin, Genesis, and I were stretching we drooled over an uber hot guy DANG! Got into a


water bottle fight with a guy and then Ericka and I went looking for hot guys to ask for their safety–pins. It was uber fun, especially at the dance off against Irving High School. September 17th Cross country meet today, get to run with varsity! I was nervous at first but I did pretty good especially since it was UBER muddy! OMG when I was done I went straight to pee, then went to go cheer the next group. Talked to Hugo about me being on varsity and about how he collapsed. He said that next time I need to carry him. We danced sorta but it was funny, then we went to go cheer for the JV boys and girls. Kept talking and flirting with Hugo even more and he carried me back to the camp ground. But OH MY GOSH WE WERE FLIRTING SO MUCH! UGH! After the meet we went back to school. Volleyball practice sucked, I still had to do conditioning and I got the air knocked out of me. I’m so confused.



Group photos where everyone gets uncomfortably close to eachother's faces

September 21st Decent day until I told Marcos about

lapsed at the end. That was nothing in

Hugo. Now I feel like an idiot because I

comparison to Jenhi though, who got

want him back. I don’t know.

a heat stroke. Got into an ice fight with Hugo. Also during the JV girls race,

September 23rd

Hugo and I were playing around. I told

Pretty good day at school. No practice

him his name sounded like juice and

today. Went to Travis with Vishva and

he got mad and said he wouldn’t talk to

Eunice. Saw Mrs. Bizzel, Mr. South,

me anymore. So I stole his hat and then

and a little bit of Mrs. Alexander. I

he chased me. He stepped on my shoe!


Now I’m giving him the silent treat-

Stoneburner, she kept making Mr.

ment! That’ll show him.

South mad/jealous. Went back to Mac with Eunice so she could talk to greg. I

October 2nd

miss my brother really bad! P.S. appar-

Good day at school, had a game..oh

ently Danielle has a new boyfriend!

yeah. I saw Hugo and I wouldn’t talk to him and he kept like trying to me

October 1st

talk then he grabbed my hand and

Got to sleep in until 7! Orchestra was

gave me a paper asking if I could text.

easy, math was chill, Kirkland was

HE’S SO CUTE! So back to the game,

simple, and French was cool. For cross

played against Irving and well MAC

country I found out that I was going to


run varsity since Jenny wasn’t there! I

Then went to cross country party. I also

got 15:09 which is awesome but I col-

got my back tuck! And a muscle spasm.



October 31st Decided to talk to Hugo again. Went to

P.S. Austin sucked on my finger but I

COOL RUN was soooo fun. Chili was

Mayra’s house for cross country party.

wiped it off on Hugo

delish! Sachi’s casa 4 ANTI Home-

We ate pizza, played ping–pong, sang

coming. We almost went to a haunted

karaoke, and I flirted with HUGO like

October 12

house. Made jack–o–lanterns and

tons. He was the last one to leave.

3 More days till my birthday! Cross

shirts instead. Rolled the twins’ house.

country practice was easy. HUGO

Watched scary movies for the rest of

October 3rd


the night.

Tournament today, so fun! Lost against

COMING. Went to Katie’s house and

Arlington, won against the 2nd team,

watched lots of movies. About to go to

November 7th

and lost against L.D.Bell. Spent the

the movies with Hugo. I had a load of

We went to Lubbock. The trip was so

night at the twinsies with Anna (she

FUN! Got in trouble with my parents

much FUN. We all just like bonded.

left after 11 though), Ali, Kel, and Sachi.

about lying though. UGH!

The food was great, except lunch.

We took billions of pictures! We had a

Played “Hey Cow”. We were ALL SICK! October 15th

Jenny, Jazmin, and I did terrible. Hotel

MY BIRTHDAY!!! Brother called in the

was cool, we got to party. Parents came

October 9th

morning. School was FUN, got presents

and got me shorts. MISSED HUGO!

Cross country meet got cancelled!

and cookies. Cross country meet, got

School was pretty fun though. Hugo

my best time of 15:01! It was PJ day!

November 18th

asked me out on a date sort of. School

Pep rally! I was in it! Volleyball game

Got schedule changed and started gym

ended at 3 cuz of lame pep rally. Then

against Nimitz. We lost, but whatever

today. Got a 90 on Antigone test! Made

went to cross country meeting. Went

we could have won! Football game!

new friends: Angie, Esther, and Daniel

to Travis to see Mr. South with Katie.

Chilled with Hugo and Dani mostly. SO

(sorta knew him already). One month

UBER FUN, then Valerie came over.

FUN! Went home had cake!

anniversary with Hugo! YAY! ♥ HIM!

blast! I ♥ them!



Showing off our ankle monitors for our Cross Country race

November 25th

December 15th

Hugo came over and we went to the

So Hugo kinda said “I love you”, well I

my baby–giants. Well I do but it hurts

park. We kept making out hehe (for

know he does, he just hasn’t told me he

to do them. Once I got home I just

all the time we haven’t). We made out

loves me haha. School was chill.

watched Buffy, best show ever!

♥ him sooooooooo much it’s crazy! I

December 24th

January 6th

fell on top of him cause he dropped me

Christmas eve! Finally put up decora-

Bad day! At least until 6th period. Gym

when he picked me up it was weird.

tions! Everything looks so cute! OMG!

was chill, I got giant rips. Was on the

Walked back home and just talked in

Hugo came over. P.S. He finally said I

phone with Hugo and it was weird! I

the living room.

LOVE YOU, but I didn’t say it back…

told him that I can’t tell him I love him

under the tires and in the field hah. I


December 5th

cause we haven’t been through much January 4th

together. We just kept talking about

Well I woke up at around 9 but I didn’t

that, it was weird.

feel like getting up so I stayed in bed until 2, then my mom told us we were

January 8th

going to church at 5 so I showered and

GOT SICK! I threw up. Went home af-

did my hair. Then I watched tv until

ter 4th period and slept until 3:45. First

4:30ish then ate, then church. We were

gym meet tonight! I got a 7.9 for vault!

30 minutes early, but we stayed. My

We made fun of Nathaniel’s girlfriend

brother and I whined about it the whole

HAHA. The we (Daniel, Izzy, and Es-

time. We went to Argentina Bakery

ther) had a tickle fight. Daniel decided

after, yummmm. Got home, played tag

we are getting married. Eunice came

with Reggie and mommy. Remodeled

over for All City tomorrow.

room. P.S. Doug and I talked about being married to each other!

Spent the night at Valerie’s last night!

January 9th ALL CITY. We woke up late, but it was

Went to Big Lots first and this guy tried

January 5th

okay. I did bad duhhh, and my wrist

to make us buy everything we would sit

School was bleeeeeeeeeeeeeh but I

started bleeding like halfway when I

on. It was funny. Ate like a prego. Con-

didn’t really do much. Hugo made me

was playing. Chilled with Mario while

cert was uber fun but Travis Orchestra

a necklace. He is the cutest thing ever,

Eunice and I waited for Teryn to get

sucked!!! Anyway Thomas came and

I like him so much! He definitely is the

done. Then went out to eat with them.

sat with us, he is such a hottie. P.S. but

best boyfriend ever, even if he always

I didn’t eat cause I still feel sick from

I ♥ Hugo! P.S. Bake sale soon so Bri,

says “I’ll make it up to you” and never

yesterday. P.S. Doug said he love

Eunice, and Teryn came over to bake!

does. Well gym was chill, I sorta got







So many sleepovers , so many selfies with my mouth open.

January 12th Well exams start tomorrow, didn’t go to

Esther. His name is Alex, we were just

and ensemble tomorrow. We were the

volleyball because Carolyn and I had to

talking to him and he gave it to us.

first 3. I did alright. Then we chilled

finish an art project. We hung out and

at my house until we went to Teryn’s

she bonded with me, I still don’t like

January 18th

house. It was cool. We watched She’s

her much but she’s alright. Suzanney

Valerie spent the night and then we

the Man, then we went to Teryn’s

and brother took me to gym, YAY! 4

watched a bunch of movies. Then she

grandparent’s house. It was sooooo

month anniversary with HUGO. Daniel

left and went early birthday shopping

much FUN!

and I made plans for our wedding

and out to eat for my brother. Before

during gym. Japan on a mountain.

we went out to eat we stopped by the

February 1st

old Ridgefield house. I MISS IT. Hugo

TODAY SUCKED. Gym was alright, I

January 13th

and I are weird right now because we

sorta did a fly–away. Hugo is being an

Well got to use my notes on

were talking about love and he stopped

ASS and now things are worse. Hugo

french exam and finally done

talking to me if I didn’t tell him who I

came over and my parents weren’t

with research paper for Kirkland.

used to love (Brett). I eventually told

home. It got out of hand, we keep fight-


him and now it’s bad. Bleeeeeeeh. P.S.

ing and ughhh. Blehh.

math test. I have an 80 again. Orches-

got mad at Alex for wanting nude pho-

tra exam was chill. Left school early for

tos of me. Odd story.

gym it was fun, Esther said Daniel and

March 1st Well I forgot to write in you for a really

I are perfect for each other and that we

January 24th

long time, sorry I’ve been busy. School

looked cute together. Then home, tv,

Been in a fight with Hugo about love.

was okay, TAKS this week. Definitely

shower, some homework. Marcos said

He came over (secretly so shhhhhhhh),

failed Chemistry test like everyone else.

he still likes me.

we kept making out. Then went shop-

GYM was cool got routine down better.

ping with mommy and got sharpies!

UGH! Hugo is being such a weenie-

January 15th

head. He won’t walk me to the car but

Half day! Almost didn’t finish my art

January 30th

he’ll walk Teryn all the way to Farine!

exam, but it looks crappy anyway.

School was alright. Gym meet was so

Whatever! He also found my tweet

Chemistry was terrible, I got a 52 on

awkward but fun. Teryn, Eunice, and

which called him a hypocrite. FML.

the exam. Went to go see Avatar with

Hugo came. There was like no one at

Vihang, Eunice, Austin, and Hugo but

our meet. All the guys place but only

he didn’t stay the whole time. GYM

because they were the only guys at the

MEET! I got an 8.0 on vault! Daniel

meet. Then at the end Daniel proposed

and I had a tickle fight again, I won!

to me in front of Hugo and I said yes.

Then got a hott guy’s number with

Teryn and Eunice spent the night. Solo




April 22nd

March 17th Uhm sorry again for not writing in you.

and Izzy have told me they like me.

college strangers have been at our

I have been getting distracted. Well

Gym has been chill, Regionals sucked

house. Went to Wood Spider concert

this is what happened since last time I

but I had fun! Track is cool. Started

(brother’s new band). Fell off bars and

wrote in you. I got a fever and went to

liking Lazo, he’s a sweetheart. I still

onto my neck as I was trying to jump to

school late one day. I had Districts and

kinda like Hugo so me and Lazo will

the high bar. Now I’m really freaked to

did not end up competing floor because

take things slowly until I’m over Hugo.

jump but will do it if I have to. Relearn-

of my fever. I also collapsed doing my

There might be a slim chance of me

ing how to do back tuck and punch

bars routine because I started crying

going back out with Hugo. Also school

fronts. Madi and Dani eventually had a

from stress. Other than that I did pret-

is almost over. SUMMER! P.S. Vishva

late Summer Party. Went to the drive–

ty good at the Districts meet. Got to

might move!

in on the 4th of July!!! I’ve been getting

ride in Valerie’s new car when she got

better at bars, vault, and punch fronts!

it! Hugo and I got in a fight becasue

July 12th

he didn’t want to talk to me. He came

Hey again! Sorry I haven’t written in a

over and we went on a walk to try and

loonnnggg time. So to catch you up this

talk He stopped talking to me for who

is what has happened… Hugo went out

knows what reason. Well then we got

with Teryn. Teryn and I got in a huge

better but then broke up and it really

fight. I ♥ Lazo (he is really different).

truly sucks. Especially because I’m cry-

SUMMER! Madi and Dani didn’t have

ing my eyes out and he is fine. Ali and

an end of school year party, instead

valerie have spent the night a couple

we just had a sleepover at Sachi’s with

of times. Valerie and I found a weird

the others. Velocity and gymnastics

abandoned train. Another day I sent

have been going well. Oh yeah! Before

the night with Ali at Anna’s too. I really

school got out, day of the Powder Puff,

miss Hugo and I can’t stand all of this,

Daniel kissed me. I told Lazo about it,

but he won’t want me back because he

he was upset but not mad. Hugo was

is totally fine.

and is a Dick. Hugo and Teryn broke up. I talked to Teryn and hopefully we

April 22nd

can be friends again. Also Vishva isn’t

Ugh! I haven’t written in a LONG time!

moving until next semester. I really

Well here’s another summary. Hugo

like Lazo but we haven’t really seen

started liking Teryn. I’m mad at him for

each other. Valerie got her license and

it but now he says he doesn’t like her

we have been having fun with that.

anymore, that he wants me back. Josh

Switched rooms with brother. Many



Well Lazo calls at 12 so later!

I've made out with everyone in this photo



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