Meniu Four Roses

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Coaste de porc la gratar 500/150/100/50 gr. (coaste, cartofi,ceapa,sos) Grilled ribs of pork (with patatoes,onion,special sauce)

49 .50 lei

Coaste de porc la gratar jumatati 250/150/50/50gr. (coaste, cartofi,ceapa,sos) Grilled ribs of pork – half portion (with patatoes,onion,special sauce)

37.50 lei Platou Four Roses 400/150/100/50 gr. (combinata:coaste,aripi,cartofi,ceapa,sos) Four Roses plateau Grilles Pork (ribs,chicken wings,patatoes,onion,sp.sauce)

47.50 lei Ceapa rosie 100 gr Red onion

2.00 lei

Pag. 1

Salate de Baza Salata “Four Roses” 350gr. (salata verde,rosii,ou,masline,cascaval,sunca,telemea…) (lettuce,tomato,egg,olives,pressed cheese,ham,salted chese)

19.90 lei

Salata asortata cu ton 350gr. (salata verde,ton,rosii,maioneza…)

Mixed salad with tuna (lettuce,tuna,cucumbers,mayo)

30.00 lei Salata Mexicana 350gr. (porumb,mazare,sunca,fasole rosie,rosii,castraveti,ou,ketchup, Smantana,Tabasco…)

Mexican salad (corn,green peas,ham,red bean,tomato,cucumbers,egg,ketchup, cream,tabasco)

19.90 lei Salata de cruditati cu piept de pui 350gr. (salata verde,piept pui,porumb,mazare,rosii,ardei,castraveti,ceapa)

Row veggie salad with chicken breast (lettuce,,chicken breast,corn,green peas,green pepper,cucumbers,onion)

23.00 lei

Pag. 2

Salate de Baza Salata greceasca 350gr. (salata verde,rasii,masline,ardei,telemea cubulete,castraveti,ceapa)

Greek salad (lettuce,tomatoes,olives,greenpepeer,cheese cubes,cucumber,onion)

17.50 lei Ciuperci umplute cu bacon 300gr. Mushrooms stuffed with bacon and cheese

19.90 lei

Bruschete cu hribi 250 gr (paine toast hribi, rosii)

Toast bread with boletus musrooms (toast bread, boletus muschrooms, tomatoes)


Pag. 3

Ciorbe Ciorba de burta 100/350gr. (ardei,,mujdei)

Tripe sour soup (including:chilli pepper,,garlic souce)

12.00 lei Ciorba de vacuta taraneasca 80/350gr. Beef vegetable sour soup

10.00 lei Ciorba de fasole cu ciolan 80/350gr. Bean and knuckle of pork boned sour soup

10.00 lei Ciorba de pui a la grec 80/350gr. Greek style chicken sour soup

10.00 lei Ciorba ardeleneasca cu tarhon 100/350 gr.

10.00 lei Smantana 50 gr.

2.10 lei Pag. 4

Preparate din carne de pui Entrees from chicken

Aripioare de pui la gratar 300/150/50gr. (aripioare,cartofi si sos)

Grilled chicken wings (chicken wings,potatoes,special sos)

29.00 lei Aripioare jumatate de portie 150/150/50gr. Grilled chicken wings (half portion)

18.50 lei Piept de pui “FOUR ROSES” 200/150gr. (piept pui la gratar in sos de frisca,piper verde)

Chicken breast “Four Roses” (grilled chicken breast in whipped cream sauce,green pepper)

25.00 lei Rulada de pui”FOUR ROSES” 300gr. (piept de pui,mozzarella ,bacon , sos de gorgonzola)

Chicken breast “Four roses”rulade (chicken breast , sweet cheese , mozzarella,bacon,mazzarella sauce )

27.00 lei

Pag. 5

Preparate din carne de pui Entrees from chicken

Ciulama de pui cu mamaliguta 300/150gr. (piept de pui,ciuperci,sos de frisca) Chicken breast with white sauce and polenta

24.00 lei Frigarui de pui cu sos alb “Four Roses� 150/50gr. Chicken skewers with white sauce

20.00 lei

Snitel de pui Chicken schnitzel

20.00 lei

Piept de pui la gratar 200gr. Grilled chicken breast

22.00 lei


Preparate din carne de Vita Beef dishes Muschi de vita la gratar cu sos maitre d’hotel 200gr. Grilled beef sirloin with maitre d’hotel sauce

55.00 lei

Julien de vita cu sos vanatoresc 250/75gr. (muschi de vita,ciuperci ,sos worchestershire,sos de vin)

Sirloin of beef julien cutted with hunter sauce (beef,mushrooms,Worchester sauce,wine sauce)

52.00 lei Pfeffersteak 200gr. (muschi de vita,sos de piper verde cu frisca)

Sirloinsteak (whipped cream with greenpepper sauce)

56.00 lei Filet mignon 200/150gr. (muschi de vita,sos cu ciuperci)

Sirloinsteak (parisienne bread,brown mushroom sauce)

54.00 lei Muschi de vita cu sos gorgonzola 200gr (muschi de vita,gorgonzola, smantana dulce)

Sirloinsteak,gorgonzola creeam

66.00 lei Pag.7

Preparate din carne de Porc Entrees from pork Piept de pork�Four Roses� 300/150/100gr. (piept ardelenesc,cartofi taranesti,muraturi asortate,hrean,mustar)

Transylvanian breast of pork (with country style potatoes,pickles,horseradish,mustard)

34.00 lei Muschi de porc la gratar 200gr. Grilled porkloin

24.50 lei

Snitel de porc 160gr. Pork schnitzel

21.00 lei

Escalop de porc cu ciuperci 160/100gr. Pork escallop ( with brown sauce and mushrooms)

24.00 lei Ceafa de porc la gratar 250gr. Grilled neck steak

24.00 lei


Preparate Traditionale Romanian style food Gustare “Hanul Muresenilor” 600/400gr. (cas, burduf,telemea, slanina, carnati afumati, ceafa afumata, rosii,,ceapa, castraveti)

“Hanul Muresenilor” collation (green cheese,burduf cheese,telemea cheese,bacon,smoked sausages, smoked neck, tomatoes,onions, cucumber)

51.00 lei Tochitura ardeleneasca cu mamaliguta 300/100gr. (ceafa porc, carnati, bacon. Ou ochi,branza telemea,mamaliga)

Transsylvanian stew (pork neck,sausages,bacon, egg ,telemea cheese,polenta)

25.00 lei Iahnie cu ciolan afumat 200/250gr. White bean with knukle of pork

33.00 lei Mamaliguta cu branza si smantana 200/100/100gr (mamaliga, burduf, telemea sau branza de vaci, smantana )

Polenta with sweet cheese and cream (choise of: sweet cheese,sour sheep cheese,sour beef cheese)

13.00 lei Bulz ciobanesc 400gr (mamaliga , bacon, cabanos, branza burduf, telemea, smantana, ou)

Shepherd’s bulz (polenta,bacon,sausages,burduf cheese,telemea cheese,sour cream,egg)

21.00 lei Pag.9

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