Marian Literary Arts Magazine

[v.15] [i.1]
Marian Literary Arts Magazine
[v.15] [i.1]
Cover: Framed Horizon by Hannah Nutsch ‘25
0-1: Table of Contents: Mountains of God by Lily Wells ‘26, Moo by Reese Eggers ‘26
2-3: “Experienced” by Brynn Jaros ‘27, Seaside by Sienna Maiers ‘26, Salute from the Spotlight by Piper Schroeder ‘26, Starscape by Andrea Nyamedi ‘27, “Explaining my Blackness” by MajieAhna Winfrey ‘26
4-5: “Ivy” by Katherine Dietz ‘26, Sorry, what did you say? by Greta Justice ‘25, Bugging Out by Greta Justice ‘25, Blooms of Cherished Time by Charlie Drake ‘28,
6-7: Shades of She by Sylvia Borgmann ‘25, “Girl Feelings” by Coventry Thompson ‘25, “Seen” by Jane Rohling ‘27, Picture of Messy Dresser by Abby McGuire ‘25
8-9: “The Traveler of Windy Wade” by Madeline Iske ‘26, Rainfall by Adrianna Flynn ‘28, “Is it me?” by Kaylin Petersen ‘27, Sofia Bostrom by Sofia Bostrom ‘26
10-11: “She’s Gone” by MajieAhna Winfrey ‘26, “Bones” by Ava Ellis ‘27, Deceasing Life by Angela Le ‘27, A Journey Together by Kylie Schonhoff ‘28, “Unbreakable” by Maggie Arbataitis ‘27
12-13: Goodbye, Math. Not sincerely, Sam by Elizabeth Buescher ‘25, “Burning Affection for Words Unspoken” by Layla Wilke-Conant ‘25, “Candle” by Moira Harr ‘27, See How it Shines by Sophie Sturek ‘26
14-15: At Peace by Lucy Mendenhall ‘26, “Icarus” by Elizabeth Wepfer ‘27, Tornado by Julia Ramadan ‘25, “Funeral of a Bumblebee” by Delaney Shea ‘27
16-17: Timeless by Ava Mueller ‘25, “Memories” by Joelle McKamy ‘27, Cannon Beach Sunset by Sanibel Miller ‘28
18-19: Fireside with Barbara Walters by Kaylin Petersen ‘27, “iI I Were Able to Travel to my Past” by Bailey Shea ‘25, “Irene” by Lilly Italia ‘27, Untitled #3 by Lilly Italia ‘27
20-21: Great Fruits by Claire Pogge ‘26, “Cover Me” by Delaney Shea ‘27, Golden Hour by Maddie Molczyk ‘27
22-23: “Words” by Attley Freeman ‘26, Pepper/Peaches by Simone Bonacci ‘26, “Silence” by Katherine Dietz ‘26, Jonathan’s Happiness by Sofia Bostrom ‘26
24-25: “The Challenge of Painting” by Catherine Buescher ‘27, Country Sunset by Catherine Buescher ‘27, Starry Eyes by Ruby Scanlan ‘26, “The Allure of the Clouds and the Stars” by Bailey Shea ‘25
26-27: Back in the Renaissance by Annie Stessman ‘25, It’s cold outside by Adele Tompsett ‘27, “Down Under” by Madeline Iske ‘26
28-29: Golden Girls by Delaney Schmitz ‘27, “Ribbon” by Elise Whitcomb ‘27, “That Feeling” by Elise Willson ‘27, I love fall by Simone Bonacci ‘26, Orange by Nora Britson ‘26
30-31: “The Little Things in Life” by Jane Rohling ‘27, Looking into the Past by Brynn Jaros ‘27, “Child Life” by Vandana Santhanam ‘27, Memories Lie in the Dust that Coats Us by Elizabeth Buescher ‘25
32-33: “The Cycle Goes On” by Kaylene Bialas ‘25, More? by Julia Ramadan ‘25, How You See Me by Kaylene Bialas ‘25, “Glassy Eyes” by Ava Ellis ‘27
Back Cover: Secret Garden by Anne Stessman ‘25
[photo by lily wells ‘26]
Marian presents Burn, a literary arts magazine that strives to showcase the original art, photography, and creative writing of our student body. Burn is published in print twice a year and online at https:// burnmagazineonline.wordpress.com. We accept submissions from all grade levels. Our submissions are judged anonymously, and those that are selected are subject to minor grammatical revisions. Burn is a forum for creative student expression. Our goal is to give students a place to publish their work and a place to have their peers appreciate their work. Burn is printed by Interstate Printing Company in Omaha. For the 2024-2025 school year, there will be 800 copies printed per semester. All titles of pieces and page numbers are set in Hiragino Sans W8 font. The writing is set in Avenir Light. The softwares used were part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite. Our adviser is journalism adviser, Mrs. Marsha Kalkowski. For inquiries, call 402.571.2618 ext 1134, email us at burn@omahamarian.org or write to us: 7400 Military Ave, Omaha, NE 68134.
Our Mission
Founded by the Servants of Mary, the mission of Marian High School is to provide a Catholic college preparatory education for young women, to empower students to discover and develop their talents, and to inspire them to lead and serve as women of faith and compassion.
fall 2024 burn staff editor team: Elizabeth Buescher, Karis Simon, Yena Kelly staff: Kaylene Bialas, Sylvia Borgmann, Abby McGuire, Mary McKay, Hannah Nutsch, Coventry Thompson, Eliora Agbenohevi, Elsa Barrett, CeCe Behouneck, Hayden Blayney, Reese Eggers, Lucy Mendenhall, Claire Pogge, Ruby Scanlan, Sophie Sturek, Hannah Taylor, Catherine Buescher, McKinley Fritz, Lilly Italia, Delaney Jackson, Angela Le, Andrea Nyamedi, Jane Rohling, Kaylin Petersen, Vandana Santhanam, Vasudha Santhanam, Delaney Shea, Elizabeth Wepfer. moo
Visit our website at burnmagazineonline. wordpress.com to see honorable mentions, music submissions and more!
[photo by reese eggers ‘26]
[poem by brynn jaros ‘27]
When leaves start to fall
Years after that night
I still carry this haul
With all my might
I can’t throw it away
No matter what I do
So all I do is lay
Wishing I just flew
No words come out
No one ever will understand
No way I could shout
My mouth is condemned
I feel like a burden
Because I can’t think for myself
I go ask other people then
In hopes to fix it like an elf
Now the guilt I feel
When I find I am wrong
The pain is a sting of an eel
And now I long
I long for the unknown time
When I thought I knew I long for the flick of a dime
When my time was anew
Back to my burrow
And back to my den
I am no longer the “hero”
I never was then
My faith in humanity
Gone once again
Back to insanity
As I fend
I fend for the love I will never have I fend for the love that I give I fend for the chance to laugh I fend for the right to live
They say I fake my feelings
All an act it is
Don’t they know human beings
Are just like this?
So as your second choice
I stand alone
Can’t do anything without a voice
Hurting down to the bone
I gave my all
While you gave none
Just as I fall
You say you’re done
So I’ll cry
As you are mad at me
As you don’t listen to my sigh
And you think about what you could be
I think it’s all I’ve done
As I’m the problem
I’ve lost one to none
And with those words, I become numb
The words you say
So harsh and cruel
I can’t keep myself at bay
Am I the fool?
The fool that gave you my heart
So you could see in the dark
My small work of art
Now damaged with a mark
The mark you set
Both good and bad
I have gained my regret
But I am not sad...
[digital photo by sienna maiers ‘26]
[mixed media by andrea nyamedi ‘27]
“explaining my blackness”
by majieahna
winfrey ‘26]
black is great but lets clarify what it is and what it ain’t black isn’t chains
black isn’t slavery black isn’t gangs black is fame black has no shame black is more than just “unique names” black glows, radiates from our crowns to our soles in our souls
black isn’t a crime black people, we just don’t have time but black, oooo black is so divine black is loud black is sticking out in a crowd my black is non-optional my black isn’t a state of mind black hurts sometimes and yet my black is still one of a kind
[drawing by piper schroeder ‘26]
by katherine dietz ‘26]
I often see a house covered in ivy devouring the brick and stone crawling over the walls mingling its roots with the foundation nature claiming its place walls crumble bricks break and the ivy still remains to crawl among the ruins
sorry,what did you say?
[mixed media by greta justice ‘25]
b u g g i n g o u t
[gouache by greta justice ‘25]
blooms of cherished time
[embroidery string and nail art by charlie drake ‘28]
[digital collage by sylvia borgmann ’25]
[poem by coventry thompson ’25]
When I was young I did not want to have “girl feelings.”
I wanted to be a strong woman who did not let boys see her cry.
I wanted only anger and passion, nothing else.
I didn’t want to cry like a girl, scream like a girl, or be seen like one.
To be like that, was an embarrassment of the highest degree.
I pushed the boys when they pushed me.
I ran the fastest and furthest.
I refused to cry when I fell, opting for anger instead.
I wanted to be loud, opinionated, and strong, all things girls are not.
Now, I cry during sad movies.
My heart swells when I read romance. I reach out to those who are struggling.
I want to be kind, empathetic, and just, all things girls are.
Now I have the best of both worlds.
Now I know that having “girl feelings” is kinda cool I guess.
[poem by jane
rohling ’27]
To the girl who sits in the far back corner, Who stands at the edges of the party, of the group; The girl who always is picked last, Who feels forgotten, Invisible- never heard, never seen I see you I’m here for you
To the girl who’s the life of the party, who’s always talking,
Spending every moment with friends, so she doesn’t feel alone;
Who looks like she has it all f figured out, But silently dying on the inside
I see you I believe you
To the girl who wishes she is something more.
To the girl who, when she looks in the mirror, Doesn’t see how beautiful she is
I see you I love you
To the girl who doesn’t know how she could ever be loved
To the girl who doesn’t believe she should be here in this world
I see you I want you
I see you
I want to help you I see all of you.
you may feel invisible, you may feel unloved, you may feel completely broken, but I see you.
I want to know every part of you because I know that life is hard and you feel like you are by yourself, like no one can see you struggle, but I do.
I see you.
[poem by madeline iske ‘26]
Eyes dart as the howling wind catches the cloak of a traveler most grim.
No smiles worn eyes and a mellow voice that inquires of a path least traveled.
Poor soul should he travel since that fitful day when wind met wade.
The bend of the road drops to a cavern
spirits fallen from the wretched cliff.
[digital photo by adrianna flynn ‘28]
The iron belly roars a tomb below water lined with jagged edges beckoning the wayward shores.
Caution given but not taken broken two treks long bled into one slippery slope.
Wade yearns whistling a tune of distress but peril lies not from below but from twisted spirals of wind
[poem by kaylin petersen ‘27]
How would it be
How would it be if I concealed what I felt
Would it have been different if I was just quiet and dealt? What if I just put a smile on my face
What if I’d just given it a little more grace
Would it be the same,
Would I still feel the shame,
Would it still feel like I’m all to blame?
I know there’s absence whenever you’re near, but somehow when you’re not I always fear
I fear I’m not whole, I fear I’m not complete, I fear the void being blank
Though emptiness is what not to fear when your heart is being sank
When the cage of your fleeting attention traps me,
It feels as though I’ll never feel free
Your lack of care burns my skin
When you’re gone and even when you’re here I never win
What did I do to deserve this, haven’t I been good? can’t I get a bit of bliss?
It’s not fair to me, that after all I do and how hard I try you’re always the one that says goodbye It took me a while to see that it wasn’t me and it was you, and I know that’s true I don’t miss out on much but now you miss out on the person whose feelings you no longer get to touch
The chains are broken, my heart is free, and you don’t get to mess with me
[poem by majieahna winfrey ‘26]
every day is spent projecting never processing no time to stop hold it own it or simply feel it just bury it deep until it is seemed to be gone but as it bubbles below the heat from the boil rises clouding my view skewing my who
[poem by ava ellis ‘27]
I see it in her bones she truly is kind I see it in his eyes he has something in mind I see it in her bones she has someone to find I see it in his eyes he knew who he had in mind I saw their relationship will grow It’s only a matter of time
[acrylic painting by kylie schonhoff ‘28]
[poem by maggie arbataitis ‘27]
Day after day I helped you Day after day I loved you I gave you my care, my time, my worry the love, fear, and anger all get blurry I gave you so much you returned so little I cared for so long and you left me a riddle Your emotions are wild your mind so shakable you thanked me then hurt me yet my love remained unbreakable I was so stuck in a state of blindness you unintentionally took advantage of my kindness I thought I could help you, and maybe I did, but the job was never done, so I got sucked deeper in I continued to help, I continued to stay I cared always, but you depended on the day One more try, an endless effort I continued to save you, you continued to get hurt I showed up for you time and time again I finally needed you and you looked at me like a sin I forgive you, I release you, I still love you, but I don’t need you
buescher ‘25]
[digital photo by elizabeth
[poem by layla wilke-conant ’25]
Touching you is like flame to paper my finger grazing your arm is wood being lit. The longer I stay the more you burn away and the closer I get the greater it hurts. Yet your flame blazes warm. So warm. I ignore the sharp heat for the soft warmth. I see you fading away into ash my fingers cut the pavement as I try to collect what we were. Preserve it. Maybe you’re a phoenix maybe one day we will be something again from all the pain. In reality you are just paper. Paper is meant to be folded into an airplane thrown away into the wind. Don’t touch paper with flame. It will always burn.
[poem by moira harr ’27]
Our world the candle
Time melting away like wax
Beautiful burning
[digital art by sophie sturek ’26] see how it shines
by elizabeth wepfer ‘27]
To touch the heavens...
What that must have felt like...
To have your fingertips brush against the rays of the sun
Feel the wind through your hair as you fall
The hot wax down your back
Even the fall had to be beautiful
Has the shock faded yet from touching the clouds, Icarus?
Did you feel scared falling from the sky?
Or was it awe for having kissed the atmosphere?
Did you think of your father?
Did you think of his words?
“Do not fly too close to the sun, my boy,” he had said
But now?
It is not hot wax that runs, but a drowning sorrow down your father’s cheeks.
”My baby...” he says, cradling you one last time...
[mixed media by julia ramadan ‘25]
“funeral of a bumblebee”
In the first bloomings of my life, A bumblebee landed on my finger. It sat and stared, Harmless
Until it left its mark in me, Reddening my skin.
Tears dripped onto the flowers below.
My eyes were dry.
Her tears streaked down, Atop freckles,
Beside lips, Below her chin.
Sadness for the bee’s death, Contorting her features.
Fear of never being put to rest, A funeral for a bumblebee was thrown.
[poem by delaney shea ‘27]
She is no longer scared of bees, No longer saddened by their death, Born of their own fear.
Her tears no longer nourish the flowers,
As they rot away in the final bloom of us. She eats cherries on the hood of my car, Unafraid of their sickly sweetness. The only tears now are mine, As I mourn the bee on me, The one she’ll never mourn.
I will be the only attendant to this Funeral of a bumblebee.
[drawing by ava mueller ’25]
[poem by joelle mckamy ‘27]
We went from making memories
To you and me being one We’d hoped this would go on for centuries. But I blink, and you are gone
You act like nothing has changed between us. But the words you said changed everything. And now you’re just a memory. And we never made it to a century.
How can you love someone? And learn to let them go. Was there something going on? And if there was, why didn’t you let me know?
We talked about taking things slow. To you breaking my heart And now we’re just two stars. Floating apart
Sometimes you act like we never broke up. And sometimes you act like we’ve never grown up. The more we talk, the closer we get. But do you even know how I get affected?
We talk and talk and take And the words you say just collect. But the words you say don’t mean anything to me. Because now you’re just a memory. And that’s all we’ll ever be.
[digital photo by sanibel miller ‘28]
“if i were able to travel to my past”
[poem by bailey shea ’25]
If I were able to travel to my past
I wouldn’t want to at first
Not wanting to experience old pains anew
Having a first experience for the second time
If I were able to travel to my past
I would consider it sometimes - Then laugh
Because why would I entertain the idea
Of going from good times Back to the bad?
Yet - If I were able to travel to my past
I would think deeply for a moment
Think back to when I was that tiny child
One who couldn’t breathe or speak right
One who only truly had a friend named
If I were able to travel to my past
I would think - Mentally weep for that child
Realizing I could give them
Something I never got: A true friend
If I were able to travel to my past
I would go - Pack all the best things to give
To the sad little kid on the curb
Finally playing during recess with a smile
Instead of reading while filled with envy
And sadness - Grieving the loss of something
They never had
So - If I were able to travel to my past
I would in a heartbeat
I would want to give that child comfort and love
Explanations to all the questions
They knew they couldn’t ask Anyone else
I would enrich and make happy that tiny child
Giving them a past to look fondly back on
To replace the one
That still makes me weep - To this day
Irene. Her hair, Glistening ringlets, They curl in the sun.
She smelled of oranges, She swayed like daisies. And for a moment then, You felt as though you could reach out, To feel the sweetness of her skin on yours.
[mixed media by lily italia ’27]
[poem by lily italia ’27]
But the tide grew harsher, You were tossed adrift. She remained fixed, Unaffected by the sea’s ebbing.
So you tread through the blue. Alone, Never forsaken.
Knowing someday Irene will meet you at the shore.
[poem by delaney shea ‘27]
In the pale moonlight, Where wind is calm, Water sleeps, And cloying noise subsides, A tree’s leaf wilts and falls.
Mother Nature ignores her child, She ignores the once golden leaf Rotting on her lush floor.
More leaves fall, Outcast from the garden, Where life is to be savored.
More ignorance supervened, Deciding to paint the dead leaves green.
One day her tree is barren, Soul and bones exposed to the moon, Because she let the darkness of the night Declare her blind.
Instead of letting the moonlight shine upon Wilting roots of her once beloved tree, Instead of bandaging her child, She decided to cover the ugliness of what Weakness caused.
[poem by attley freeman ‘26]
What are words?
To some people words are concrete the real world symbol of ideas and feelings to them words are finite letters and syllables to them words never change always staying the same no matter how many times you read them but to me words are fluid changing every time I read them always telling me something new and exciting changing with each context to me words are soft they’re the feelings of others becoming my feelings they take me to places by surrounding me with that place instead of bringing others into my world they take me into their world to me words are never ending there’s always another one to learn another action to see another feeling to have another place to visit and everyday people make new ones ones to tell other people how they feel when no other can do it that’s what words are to me.
[acrylic paint by simone bonacci ‘26]
If there was one thing I’d say you hated
It would be silence
Because the sound of nothing
Scrapes your ear
And you drown it out
With noise
Until it becomes so loud that the rest of us
Just prefer the silence
[oil pastel by sofia bostrom’26]
[digital photo by catherine buescher ‘27]
[poem by catherine buescher ‘27]
The paintbrush lightly skims the canvas as floods of color appear in its wake. The motion of many bristles makes a satisfying swishing sound that can be compared to nothing. Although putting paint to canvas is one of my favorite things to do, I constantly run myself in circles as I try to create the perfect painting. Every beautiful flower that appears on canvas will always have an imperfection. Every mountain colorfully made from white will never be majestic enough. No matter how hard I try, there’s always something wrong. I know imperfections seem like the villains, But what if they actually make the painting unique?
[digital art by ruby scanlan ‘26]
“the allure of the clouds
I stare into the sky and its magnificence
Jealous of the boy in the moon
Who gets to swim in its beauty
And float amongst the stars
I stare into the sky and its wonder
Loving the painting before me
Astonished by each paintbrush stroke
Mother Nature made
I stare into the sky and its enigmatic existence
Hoping to one day live with the clouds and constellations
Floating in the midst of meteor showers
Drinking the magic of the moon
I stare into the sky before looking down
As my head is too far up in the clouds
I’m distracted
People don’t quite like that
But I continue, too bewitched by its beauty to care
I look to the sky as I get out of my car
Each night after work
Like clockwork
And admire the stars and their invisible threads
That connect to tell amazing stories
Of deities and mortals, lovers and enemies, heroes and villains
Whenever I see the sky I question
How everyone is able to ignore it?
How are they able to ignore just how beautiful the infinity above them is?
I reach my hand up
I capture nothing
As close as it seems
The sky
Its radiance
Its beauty
Its perfection
Is not something I will ever get to touch
But I still try
I still want to map the stars, know the clouds
Dance in the rain
Because every production of the sky
Is a unique masterpiece
And every time I notice it
I look upon it quietly in awe
Wondering how I got so lucky
As to see nature’s beauty
put so plainly before me
I wonder and look
Knowing I’ll never get an answer
Knowing I’m happy with that question
Being forever unanswered
As long as I get to see the sky
Every day that I shall live
[digital photo by adele
tompsett ’27]
“down under”
(A silly ode to my younger and unconventional self)
Down under the bridge the monster lies waiting, waiting for its kill. A knight and his horse, a lovely two-course, comes clambering over the hill.
Down under the Bridge the monster crouches, crouches ready to spring. The knight catches sight of the monster despite and runs shrieking back home to his king. Down under the bridge the monster yells bitterly, bitterly up to the sky. The birds take off, the mammals blast off, at the terrible, wicked, outcry.
Our friendship is like a ribbon. You can tie it up, make it look so perfect, With pink satin curves, shiny and new, The little pieces flowing in the breeze. But when one side is pulled, A little harder than the other, In an instant, It unravels.
Becoming nothing more Than a straight line Not wrong, yet not right Not the perfect bow it used to be. Instead two ends of the same piece Going in opposite directions. Our friendship was like a ribbon
Happiness is so strange
Because despite whatever is going on in your life
You will still experience it.
I know happiness from my dad
When he plays jazz on the piano. I feel his hands striking the keys, turning simple notes into complex chords. I can almost taste it in the air
As it makes its way throughout the house—
The same song, warm and content.
I know happiness from my mom
When she walks through the yard With a coffee in her hand.
The woods soak in sunlight as her frail hands cup the warm mug, and I see the look in her eyes—
The same one, warm and content.
I know happiness from my sister
When she forces me to watch her handstands.
I can picture her strong hands rooted in the carpet, her feet wavering in the air, And her disappointment when she topples forward. She asks me if she did good and I say yes, just to see her smile—
The same smile, warm and content.
You would never know what they went through. But they were struggling and I noticed.
They all felt happiness, too, and I noticed that even more. It was all the same—their eyes, their smile, that feeling. It was warm and content.
Happiness is a strange feeling, because despite whatever is going on in your life, You will still experience it.
And in some way, it will always be the same.
[poem by jane rohling ‘27]
They say it’s the little things in Life
The small smile
The small act of kindness
They say it’s the little things in Life
The small hug
The small piece of joy
They say it’s the little things in Life
The small handwritten note
The small flower on the road
They say it’s the little things in Life
The small mistake
The small forget
They say it’s the little things in Life
The small thing that’s poking you in your shoe
The small conversation that is taking too long
They say it’s the little things in Life
The small splinter in your thumb that you can’t quite get out
The small sibling of yours clawing for the thing you have in hand
They say it’s the little things in Life
The small grade on a test you thought you were prepared for
The small lego that you clearly didn’t see as you were barefoot
They say it’s the little things in Life
Little things meant everything, right?
Because I don’t see what’s so great with
The little things in Life
vandana santhanam
In a universe of limitless beams
Where everything were endless dreams
With sounds filled with infectious laughter
Including the hiccups that always came after
Toys strewn across the floor
Little voices asking for more and more
Faces filled with innocent smiles
Tiny feet pattering across the aisles
Little dolls and teddy bears
Tea parties and musical chairs
Playing with hoops and ropes and balls
And drawing on those spotless walls
Each of those spirited faces
Leaving mischief and grins in many places
A lively heart that runs fast and wild
What a blessing it was to be a child
[photograph by elizabeth buescher ‘25]
by kaylene bialas ‘25]
I live in a place in the between
Neither here nor there
Not a place I would call home
But somewhere I have been before
I want to run but I walk
I cannot contain my fear
What calls out to me scares me
And it is the headlights and I the deer
What would I do?
What should I?
What could I?
The fate was sealed
There was no escaping it
The clouds cover the moon
The water seeping into the ground
The light is covered
Nothing can be heard, no sound
I look up to above
My last prayer
But the gods or the creator
Does not have a care
[mixed media by julia ramadan ‘25]
My hand falls limp
The life almost gone
The wind gently rustling my hair It is its yawn
The last breath
The last pump
The last exhale
The last look Eyes closed
World locked out
Soul gone
The world still on route
All that is left is a body
Returned to the earth
That story is gone
But now is ready for a new birth
she had glassy eyes and said few words out loud but she told a story with just one glance her glassy gaze so beautiful but filled with sorrow she had such kind eyes saw only the absolute best in others but did not receive what she saw her eyes looked like the steady ocean tide
reliable but deep kind but melancholy she had a cordial eye but was short lived she took the love she thought she deserved and floated away in her ocean-tide eyes
glassy eyes can’t see the full picture glassy eyes can’t see through the fog of desolation