The "Maria Antönios" user's logo

Maria Antönios

mariantönios is an independent zine (yeah, zines still exists), created in early 2010 by a group of postgraduate students in design and humanity from usp, with bachelor in architecture, fine arts, industrial design, journalism, fashion, psychology, advertising and public relations. the project can be viewed online, but if you want your copy at home, download your issue and learn how to sew and assemble your own handmade zine following the instructions. be prepared and willing to find here photographs, illustrations, collages, text, visual compositions and personal questions that reflect of some marias and antönios.


MA #04

March 12, 2012

MA #03

October 17, 2011

MA #02

June 22, 2011

MA #01

March 30, 2011


February 19, 2011

mariantönios #10

December 11, 2010

mariantönios #9

November 23, 2010

mariantönios #8

October 16, 2010

mariantönios #7

September 13, 2010

mariantönios #6

August 30, 2010

mariantönios #5

July 26, 2010

mariantönios #4

July 5, 2010

mariantönios #3

June 13, 2010

mariantönios #2

May 3, 2010

mariantönios #1

May 3, 2010