Mariam Nunez Mas. Resume + visual resume ENG

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MARIAM NUNEZ MAS (+1) 217-320-3186 Miami, Florida, EEUU

EDUCATION 2009 2007 2006 2006 2000 1998 1996 1992

University of Salamanca. MBA Cultural Enterprises and Institutions, Spain (US Credentials Evaluation). Cultural Management. Círculo de Bellas Artes (CBA School), Spain. Team Management, Madrid Business School, Spain. European Projects Management, IFI, Madrid. TV Production in the International Film and Television School (EICTV) in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba / BBC Film. International School of Journalism, Cuba. Official Language School. Advancing English Course, Cuba. Bachelor’s degree in Journalism. University of Havana, Cuba.

PROFESSIONAL CAREER AND EXPERIENCE 2017 2016 – 2017 2015 – 2016 2014 – 2016 2013 – 2014 2009 – 2013 2012 – 2013 2010 – 2011 2009 – 2010 2010 2005 – 2009

2002 – 2005 2001 – 2002 1994 – 2001

1992 – 1994

Journalist and political analyst. (Local and national political issues, culture and society) Diario Las Américas. Florida, EEUU Consulting for NGO’s funds & Teacher at Beardstown Community Unit School District Springfield, Illinois (during my transition period in the USA). Corporate sponsorship manager, government grants manager. La Ventana del Arte Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports, Spain EU Expert. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). European Union Evaluating proposals / monitoring projects, general assisting in moving the program forward. Project manager. Iberoamerican Foundation for Creative Industries lecturer, grants request management Manager of On Procesos Culturales, Spain. Associate Lecturer / Entrepreneurs Program / manager NGOs Consulting / Fund-raising Owner of Cabeza de Ratón Creative Center, Store and Art Galery. Caceres, Spain. Director of Cultural Center for Entrepreneurship and Cultural Innovation in the Embarcadero Building. Caceres City Hall. Spain. Project manager at European Capitals of Culture initiative. Caceres City Council. Corporate sponsorship manager. Digital book fair. First Edition, Madrid Senior Consultant. Quality System / Madrid, Spain. Government grants manager. Project Manager of City of Arts of Extremadura Master Plan. Head of Communication / Management / Senior Consultant. Cidade da Cultura Master Plan Coordinator and editor of Museomanía National Magazine Spain. Project Manager of the Association for the Hispanic and Latin Unity. UNHISLA, Spain. Government grants manager / Hispana FM Radio / Quiu Magazine Board Deputy Director of the National Educative TV Channel. Havana, Cuba. Documentaries Director / National Correspondent. National Cuban TV. IslaVision TV Channel. Editor, presenter and host of Friday 6pm, news program. Islavision TV, Cuba Scriptwriter and radio host of Al Sur Program. Caribbean Radiostation Journalist and TV reporter. Islavision TV Channel, Cuba.


La noche en blanco. Master Business Administration. Madrid City Hall internship program. 2009. Documentary – Making. Radio Netherlands Training Center. Hilversum, Netherlands. 2002. Chicuelo / Grant. Cuban Institute of Radio and Television. Creative TV. 1997. HONORARY AWARDS & EEUU CURRENT PROJECTS 2017 We go spiral. Spanish Artist Projects in Miami (in conceptualization) 2017 Inquire Magazine at Florida (in conceptualization) 2016 Rockefeller Foundation. Eating Cuba. New York (presented) 2015 43 NORTH. Project selected in first round. Buffalo. New York (presented) 2008 Entrepreneurial Talent Awards 100 Latinos. Madrid. 1997 Honorable mentions. TV News programs. Cuba 1997 Bacardi Award. Best Promotional Program. National Television Festival. 1997 Award for best news program “Almacén de la imagen”. Cuba.

GRANTS OBTAINED THROUGH PROJECTS 2016 La ventana del arte / Ministry of Culture…, Spain 2014 Crowd Cultural / Ministry of Culture…, Spain 2013 Cinetírere / Ministry of Culture…, Spain 2012 Spin off NGO´s /Government of Extremadura 2011 Factory of Innovation / Caceres City Council 2011 Embarcadero Management /Caceres City Council 2008 City of Arts of Extremadura Master Plan / e-Cultura, S.A 2007 Cidade da Cultura Master Plan /e-Cultura S.A

TRUSTEE / BOARD ACTIVITIES (Public Service, Selection) Lecturer / European Projects. Audiences, communication and impact. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Spain, 2015. Speaker for CREATE Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy. University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2014. Key Speaker at Creative Europe Desk, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. Spain, 2014. Coordinator of the Board to Developed social and creative innovations. Factory of Innovation. Government grants manager. Projects manager. Council. Innovation and e-Government of the City of Caceres. Spain, 2011 – 2012 Project Coordinator / Institutional Communications Programing ‘Ribera del Marco’. Council of Innovation e-Government. Caceres City Council. Spain, 2011. City Council Representative / Presentation of the Caceres European Capital of Culture 2016. Spain. 2010. Member of the European Expert Team for Urban Deliberation Process OpenLab Ribera del Marco. Spain, 2010. Lecturer / Spanish Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development (AECID). Colombia, 2008. Speaker at the 2nd International Congress on Culture and Development. Cuba, 2001. Project Manager of the International Symposium “Back to my Beautiful Cuba”, UNESCO, 1994 – 1997. BOOKS “Creative Caceres: Model of Innovation, Creativity and Urban Sustainability. “Published January, 2011. Bilingual Spanish – English edition. (editor, writer and co-author) City Council Caceres. ISBN: 978 – 84 – 921355 – 7 – 8, 2010 “África en una Isla de Cuba. Designios Ancestrales e Internacionalidad” (Africa on an Island of Cuba, Ancestral Evolution and Internationality). Editorial People and Education. ISBN: 959 – 13 – 0652 – 0. 1997 AREAS OF EXPERTISE Entrepreneurial leadership, visual art, curatorial process, creative industries, media, journalism, management consulting, cost management, Project management, strategic planning, organizational culture and marketing. Note: Ph.D in Business Administration in progress, Keiser University. Online Division. (expected 2020)

Curricular Summary in Pictures.

With%the%team%of%cultural%management%and% communica2on%managers%Cรกceres%2016%.% Candidacy:%European%Capital%of%Culture%2016.%

Interna2onal%Art%Centre.%Cidade%da% Cultura." "Curatorial"and"consultant"team."

Team%work%and%curatorial%team.%Interna2onal%Art%Centre.%Cidade%da%Cultura.%(San2ago%de%Compostela,% Spain).%In%this%project%I%was%the%responsible%for%the%design%and%draJing%of%marke2ng%and% communica2on%programs,%publica2ons%and%research,%ins2tu2onal%and%interna2onal%rela2ons.%% % In%the%Picture:%Ivo%Mesquita,%Director%of%the%Pinacoteca%of%São%Paulo%Q%Museum%of%Contemporary%Art% and%at%that%2me%President%of%the%28th%Sao%Paulo%Biennial.%Estrella%de%Diego,%curator%and%professor%of% art%history.%José%Guirao,%director%of%the%burning%house%and%Cultural%Manager.%Marta%Rincón,% Commissioner%of%SEASEX%and%Curator.%José%Miguel%Ullán,%ar2st,%cri2c%and%writer.%José%Luis%Blondet,% Curator%for%Special%Ini2a2ves%at%Los%Angeles%County%Museum%of%Art%(LACMA).%Miguel%Lusarreta,% director%of%the%Magazine%Museomanía,%art%collector%and%art%manager.%Susana%Cid,%Museologist.%Beatriz% Garcia,%Consultant%and%cultural%manager,%Mariam%Nuñez,%curator,%consultant%and%cultural%manager% and%Rafael%de%Ramón,%%founder%of%coworking%space%UTOPICQUS.%

Workshops%and%mee2ngs%with%creators%% and%ar2sts.%Training%and%cultural%management.%

EdiďŹ cio"Embarcadero."Aldelab"C3." Caceres."Spain" Director"and"coordinator" "

EdiďŹ cio"Embarcadero."Aldelab"C3." Caceres."Spain" Director"and"coordinator" "

EdiďŹ cio"Embarcadero."Aldelab"C3." Caceres."Spain" Director"and"coordinator" "

EdiďŹ cio"Embarcadero."Aldelab"C3." Caceres."Spain" Director"and"coordinator" "

EdiďŹ cio"Embarcadero."Aldelab"C3." Caceres."Spain" Director"and"coordinator" "

Member%of%the%Delega2on%in%charge%of% defending%the%applica2on%of%the%City%of%Caceres% as%European%Capital%of%Culture%2016.%Spain,% Julio,%2010.%With%gallerist%%and%collector%Helga% de%Alvear,%ďŹ lm%director%Irene%Cardona%and% others%representa2ves%of%cultural%and%poli2cal%% ins2tu2ons.%

Ar2st%Conference:% San2ago%Sierra%y%Omar%Jeréz.% Retrospec2vas%de%sus%obras.% Cabeza%de%Ratón.%Contemporary% Crea2ve%Space.%Cáceres.%Spain.% % Owner%and%Director%(2012Q2013)%


With"Ar;st"Carlos"Garaicoa"in"Cabeza"de"Ratรณn."" Contemporary"Art"Space."

Editor%an%writer:%Green% Paper:%Crea2ve%Caceres.%





Exhibi;on"“The"new"man"(el"hobre"nuevo)."Havana,"Cuba,"2012." Coordinator"and"support.""Curatorial"process."


Party&at&the&funeral,&2011% Epoxy,%fiber%galass.% Installa2on%view:%Gallery%Riis.%Norway%

Don´t&save&yourself% Installa2on.% 50%frozen%Lifejackets.%Isle%of%Youth,%Cuba%

“My%piece%is%a%”readymade,%that%has%been%made”.%It%is%respect%and% disrespect,%construc2on%and%deconstruc2on%of%art%history.%When%the%art% piece%is%located%within%a%gallery%or%museum%the%concept%changes%because% the%possible%readings%are%affected%by%those%places,%which%impose%readings% through%the%power%of%the%ins2tu2on.%These%transferred%meanings%both% alter%and%legi2mized%the%work.”%%Juan%Andrés%Milanés.%

This%piece%will%take%place%in%the%North%coast%of%Havana% where%the%Cuban%people%used%to%escape%to%United% States%of%America%back%in%2me.%I%put%50%frozen% lifejackets%in%this%coastline.%When%I%frozend%all%those% lifejackets,%I%remove%all%the%func2onality%of%the%objects.% Paradoxically%I%turn%the%image%into%monuments%of%the% ephemeral,%an%absurd%landscape%–%iceberg%in%the%tropics.%

Obra en proceso Instal-acción estación Foro-sur Work in progress Instal-acción Forosur station


Curatorial%process%% Sculpture%exhibi2on%% Art%Texts.% %

In%the%image%ar2st%Nacho%Lobato%and%art%and%cultural%manager% Mariam%Núñez%Más.%Cáceres,%Spain.%2012%

% EQmails:% % %

Founder"and"editor"of"" MuseomanĂ­a"Magazine"

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