Maria Paszkowska + 45 5279 3754 |
name NY TRELLEBORG experience and knowledge centre client Slagelse Kommune, Nationalmuseet location Slagelse (Denmark)
stage competition entry, 2015 cooperation Henning Larsen Architects, Kvorning Design & Communikation, SLA, AdventureLab, Rambøll
my role in the project concept and storyline development, CAD drawings, photoshopping
name NY TRELLEBORG experience and knowledge centre
name Ă˜havets Smakke- og Naturcenter redesign
status under construction to be completed in 2016
client Naturturisme I/S
cooperation Kvorning Design & Communikation, Copenhagen
location Strynø (Denmark)
my role in the project analysis of the existing state, ideas and concept development, 3D modeling, rendering, CAD drawings, photoshopping, scopes of materials, meetings and contact with client
name Ă˜havets Smakke- og Naturcenter
task exhibition design
status project under development
client UNESCO World Heritage Norway
cooperation Kvorning Design & Communikation, Copenhagen; Spekter, Oslo
location World Heritage Sites in Norway
my role in the project ideas and concept development, 3D modeling, rendering, photoshopping
name exhibition design for UNESCO World Heritage Norway
task redesign of the permanent exhibition
status completed 2014
client City Museum in Wadowice
cooperation Wytwornia 21 / Tomek Wojcik Cracow
location Wadowice (Poland)
my role in the project inventory, concept development, project documentation, collages, signage, contact with client, supervision on realization
title of the exhibition: ‘Wadowice - the town where everything began’
task redesign of the permanent exhibition ‘Wadowice - the town where everything began’
task temporary exhibition design
status completed 2013
client International Cultural Centre
title of the exhibition: ‘A Woman’s Work Is Never Done’
location Cracow (Poland)
my role in the project concept development, 3D modeling, rendering, photoshopping, signage, project documentation, contact with client, supervision on realization
task redesign of brand stores and tradings posts client Gatta location ca. 120 brand stores in Poland and Czech Republic
status ďŹ rst store completed in 2011 cooperation Wytwornia 21 / Tomek Wojcik Cracow
my role in the project inventory and analysis of the exsisting stage, concept development, new visual strategy, display unit design, counter design, CAD drawings, signage and prints design (manuals)
name Audi A3 sedan roadshow
stage conceptual project, 2013
client Audi
cooperation CuldeSac, Valencia
location Madrid, Barceona, San Sebastian (Spain)
my role in the project sketching, concept development, 3D modeling, rendering, photoshopping
name NUVOLS - design of the brand space client Nuditos location Valencia (Spain)
status completed 2013 cooperation teamwork; winning entry in a student competition
my role in the project concept development, scale model, photos, photoshopping, materials and construction solutions
task concept for a youth creativity center
stage competition entry, 2nd place, 2012
client Gdynia Design Workshops
cooperation teamwork, participatory workshops
location, year Gdynia (Poland)
my role in the project project leader, concept development, functional plan, user proďŹ les and scenarios, close cooperation with future users, strategy and branding, 3D modeling, rendering, photoshopping, CAD drawings
task concept for a youth creativity center
task interior design client Inspiro Culture Center location Podleze (Poland)
stage competition entry, 2012 (shortlisted / ďŹ nal stage) cooperation teamwork, participatory workshops
my role in the project project leader, concept development, functional plan, user scenarios, 3D modeling, rendering, photoshopping, project presentation
task interior design Inspiro Culture Center
task studio modernization
stage complited, 2011
client private
cooperation Wytwornia 21 / Tomek Wojcik Cracow
location Cracow (Poland)
my role in the project inventarization, functional plan, 3D modeling, rendering, photoshopping, contact with the client
task apartment design client private location Cracow (Poland)
stage conceptual project, 2014
my role in the project inventarization, functional plan, consultancy, 3D modeling, contact with the client
name master diploma project m’s 12 - line of lamps
stage 1:1 prototype, 2014 video -
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name master diploma project m’s 12 - line of lamps
name bachelor diploma project Design Center
stage conceptual project, 2012
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name bachelor diploma project Design Center
name restaurant
stage conceptual project, 2011
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name watch store
stage conceptual project, 2009
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name PH House
stage conceptual project, 2010
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name penthouse in Berlin
stage conceptual project, 2012
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name car showroom
stage conceptual project, 2011
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name design studio
stage conceptual project, 2011
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
task upcycling design project - Bucky Bubble lamp
status 1:1 prototype plastic caps and self locking cable ties, 2011
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
task bionic inspired design - Huba project
stage 1:1 prototype in paper, 2008
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)
name impossible spaces Le Corbusier meets Escher
technique charcoal drawing on paper 70 x 100 cm
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland), 2010
name Nord
technique acrylic paint on wood, 50 x 50 cm
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland), 2012
task study in clay - my grandfather’s head
status clay sculpture and cast paper, 2011
location Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Cracow (Poland)