A pumpkin
Migration of birds
The rain
Potato harvest
Squirrel loves fall
Teacher Day
Harvest festival
Mobility Day
International Day of Peace
Day reading books
European Day of Languages
Toamna-și pune frunze aurite Și trezește clase părăsite Care-și strigă fericite : Hei! Ne vom umple iar cu bobocei
Toamna, toamna, toamna, toamna Clopoțelul își dă lustru vocii Toamna, toamna, toamna, toamna Școlile își numără bobocii Toamna, toamna, toamna, toamna Clopoțelul își dă lustru vocii Toamna, toamna, toamna, toamna Școlile își numără bobocii
Toamna, toamna, toamna, toamna Clopoțelul își dă lustru vocii Toamna, toamna, toamna, toamna Școlile își numără bobocii
Toamna într-o rochie de gală Toată numai frunze intră-n școală Ca să umple liniștea de aici Cu glasuri cristaline de pitici
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Toate frunzele Sunt în cădere Portocalii, Galben, Roșu Și maro
• • • • • •
All the leaves Are falling down Orange, Yellow, Red And brown
Tutte le foglie Essi sono caduta Arance, Giallo Rosso E marrone
Happy Teacher Day! 5 .10 - ZIUA EDUCAลขIEI
Eat a Rainbow
Rain, rain - go away, Come again another day. DADDY wants to play. Rain, rain go away
Rain, rain - go away, Come again another day. MOMMY wants to play Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, rain - go away, Come again another day. BROTHER wants to play. Rain, rain - go away.
Rain, rain - go away, Come again another day. SISTER wants to play. Rain, rain - go away.
Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day. BABY wants to play Rain, rain - go away.
Rain, Rain - go away, Come again another day. ALL THE FAMILY wants to play. Rain, rain - go away.
Painting leaves
Leaf prints
PAIR OR PAIRS • . two identical, similar, or corresponding things that are matched for use together: a pair of gloves. • 2. something consisting of or regarded as having two parts or pieces joi ned together: a pair of scissors. • 3. two individuals who are similar or in some way associated: a pair of li ars; a pair of seal pups. • 4. a married, engaged, or dating couple. • 5. two mated animals. • 6. a span or team: a pair of horses. • 7.a. two members on opposite sides in a legislature who arrange to forg o voting on a given occasion. • b. the arrangement thus made. • 8. two playing cards of the same denomination without regard to suit or color. • 9. Mech. two parts or pieces so connected that they mutually constrain r elative motion. • 10. a set or combination of more than two objects forming a collective w hole: a pair of beads. • v.t.11. to arrange or designate in pairs or groups of two. • 12. to form into a pair, as by matching or joining: to pair socks. • 13. (of animals) to cause to mate. • v.i.14. to separate into pairs or groups of two (usu. fol. by off): to pair off for a dance. • 15. to form a pair or pairs. • 16. to be a member of a pair. • 17. to match with or resemble another. • 18. to unite in close association with another, as in a business partnersh ip, friendship, or marriage. • 19. (of animals) to mate.
International Day of Peace
October 31, Halloween 2017
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (or the related guising), attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories and watching horror films.
A jack-o'lantern, one of the symbols of Halloween
Today's Halloween customs are thought to have been influenced by folk customs and beliefs from the Celticspeaking countries, some of which are believed to have pagan roots.
Picture dictionary
Red, orange or yellow in autumn.
White on the inside and red, yellow or green on the outside.
One of the autumn flowers.
A small mammal with a spiny coat.
Water that falls from clouds.
Gathers nuts for winter.
Brown nuts enclosed in a prickly husk.
Protects you from the rain.
Fruits of an oak.
The hibernating animals featured are bear, bat, chipmunk, hedgehog, raccoon and snake.
Nicolae Grigorescu
Mariani Pompeo
Norberto Martini
Nicolae Grigorescu
Math Key Concepts
1. Teach counting
3. Discuss each individual number
5. Engage the sense of touch
7. Emphasize the importance of the sequence of numbers.
2. Introduce the numbers themselves
4. Incorporate images
6. Show children how to write their numbers
8. Teach the concept of “counting on.�.
Math Key Concepts
1. Teach the concept of “counting on.”
2. Sing counting songs
3. Use picture books
4. Ask “how many?”
5. Emphasize the relationship between numbers and quantities
6. Introduce ten frames
7. Practice comparing numbers
The medicinal plants
We read and color images about the fall
O colecție de lucrări de toamnă din Gradinita 17, Rm. Valcea: dovleac, mere, frunze, sperietoare de ciori etc.
Sperietoare de ciori
Amprenta frunzelor
Frunze boabe de fasole
Coronita cu mere
Meri incarcati
“Îngerul toamnei”
“Regina grădinii”
Pasarile toamna
worksheets designed to learn and practise English vocabulary connected with the theme Autumn.
Maria ลขUCA -
Smart TEAM
Travel through the seasons ... with our friend Pepe