Smart team

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Pepe the mouse … around in the world.

Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 10


Hello Pepe!

Hello Pepe! I’m Petrut! Who are you?

MEDIATORE DIDATTICO Ciao, sono Pepe un simpatico and fantastico MEDIATORE DIDATTICO

Hello Pepe! PEPE I’m Petrut! MEDIATORE Who are you? DIDATTICO

Hello Pepe!

Hello Pepe! I’m Sara. I like music, dance, fashion, mathematics and anatomy.

Welcome Pepe!

Welcome Pepe! I’m Alexandra! You live in Italy?

Welcome Pepe!

Geography of Romania Romania is the largest country in Southeastern Europe and the twelfth-largest in Europe. I’m Antonio!

Hello Pepe !

This is the Romanian flag. It has three colors: Blue, yellow, red.

Ciao Pepe!

Pepe the mouse ‌

Sono Ariana! Mi piace la musica, la danza, la moda, la matematica e la pittura.

Hello Pepe!

I'm Andreas. Love kindergarten. My country is Romania. Vâlcea, my county is RED.


We are Ariana and Alex! We like experiments, play and explore.

Hello Pepe!

I'm Leonora!

Ciao Pepe!

Ciao Pepe! Mini canzone

Siamo Mini canzone Stefan, Alex, Diana and Patrik We love music!

Pepe the mouse ‌ around in the world.

Project eTwinning Pepe the mouse ‌ around in the world.

The project covers the entire school year and is structured around a character: the little mouse named Pepper, a fantastic EDUCATIONAL MEDIATOR. Pepe will make us live all the experiences that normally take place in the kindergarten, but will do so in a unique way.



SCHOOL MEDIATOR, PEPE supports the participation of all children in the community to compulsory education encourages parental involvement in children's education and school life and facilitates collaboration between family community - school.


PEPE gather relevant statistical data for education and access to priority support and maintain children directly in compulsory education.

Ciao Italy!

Sono Alex. Ho 5 anni. Ho una bella sorella e due belle genitori. Sono contento che so Pepe.

Hello Pepe!

I'm David and I have 5 years. I like Pepe's project.

Ciao Pepe!

Sono Stefan! Ho un fratello, Andrei. Lui è il mio amico. Non vedo l'ora di conoscerti!

Hello Pepe!

Hello Italy! Hello Romania! Hello Portugal! Hello Turkey! Hello Poland! Hello Slovakia! Hello Bulgaria! I’AM ADINA!

Hello Pepe!

I'm Bogdan! I'm glad to meet you! Mi piace lo sport e la matematica.

Ciao Pepe!

I'm Karina. I like sports, skating, dancing, walking outdoors.

Hello Pepe!

Hello Pepe! I’am Carina. I love music, drawing, painting and mathematics .

Hello Pepe!

Hello Pepe! I’am Patrik! I love dans, music and mathematic..

SMART TEAM Alex, Adina, Diana, David, Antonio, Leonora, Rafael, Petrut, Patrik, David, Alexandra, Stefan, Karina, Edi, Izabela, Carina, Sara, Ionela, Ariana, Anastasia, Andreeas, Eduard Ilie, Nicolas, Bogdan. happy, beautiful, interesting, obedient, playful, friendly, talented, talkative, creative, courageous, generous, meticulous, honest, responsible and orderly.

La nostra scuola è molto bello! A presto ‌

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