Summer Travel through the seasons ... with our friend Pepe
I love summer!
I love summer!
Summer Topic Words
I love summer and sun!
Happy childrens day!
At the sea
Summer - At the sea
Summer - At the sea
Pepe counting up to 5
Collage fishs
Ciao Prieten! Refren Ciao prieten, ciao ciao ciao! Ciao prieten, ciao ciao ciao! Ce din inimă se spune-i Dragoste si afectiune Spune ciao! Ciao prieten, ciao ciao ciao! Ciao prieten, ciao ciao ciao! Dacă spunem cu speranță Frati vom fi in alianta Spune ciao! Spun salut la indian,
Chinez, australian, Negrului, englezului, German, olandezului. Elvețianul și francezul, Care stau în Luxemburg, În America și Belgia Le transmit mesajul meu: „Nu uitati voi aștepta Ca florile în luna mai ... Nu uitați, voi aștepta! " Refren ……………………….
Collage shells
Ehhibition boats
Echibition Boats
My boat
Our paper boats!
Practice activity OCTOPUS
Pepe subtraction up to 5
Exhibition Fishs
Paper Hats
Paper Hat
Umbrellas Collage
I love summer!
Summer at the pool
I l i k e t h e p o o l !
My Summer Clothes
My Summer Clothes
My Exhibition summer VARA
Summer I love to eat strawberry ice cream!
How Many Colorful Scoops?
A counting and colors book for early readers with numbers (from 1 to 11) to fill in, ice cream scoops to color, and sentences to copy.
On each page, count the number of ice cream scoops and circle the correct inequality sign (greater than or less than).
I l o v e s u m m e r !
Cutting and gluing Surglasses
Pepe on vacation
Pass the wather game
Maria ลขUCA -
Smart TEAM
Travel through the seasons ... with our friend Pepe