The Medical Use of Marijuana Must be Made Legal World Wide
In America also the federal government does not allow the use of marijuana in any form. The possession as well its consumption of marijuana is totally illegal in the US but in recent years few states of the US have made the medical use of marijuana legal. This decision has been taken owing to the important benefits this drug shows as compared to the other modern drugs.
This is mainly true for the pain management in patients who are suffering from pain associated with surgery or due to the problem of the nervous system or due to psychological reasons.
One thing that is very problematic with marijuana consumption for any reason is that it is habit forming, and people may find it hard to get rid of this habit; even though they want to. This is the reason that it has been banned in most of the countries.
The states that have allowed the use of marijuana for the medical reasons have made it mandatory for the patients to have a medical marijuana card. This card is the proof that you need marijuana for medical reasons. This card cannot be issued by any regular doctor. You will need the certificate from a medical practitioner that has the authority from the state to issue the medical marijuana card.
The use of marijuana for medical purposes was first made legal by the state of California in the year 1996 by passing a law that is known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. But soon other 24 states joined the league to make marijuana medically legal in their states.
What is Medical Marijuana Card? • The marijuana card is a legal document that certifies that you are in need of the drug and that you qualify for treatment with marijuana. This requires you to get checked by a doctor who has the authority to give these certificates.
The implications of consuming or possessing marijuana without the card If you are caught with marijuana in the absence of the medical marijuana card, you could face severe consequences such as •Financial penalty •Legal prosecution •Confinement •Offence record
This system of issuing medical marijuana card to the persons who are in real need of it is followed in only a few states of the US. But, this can turn up to be an effective way of giving relief to patients who are in real need of it and at the same time curbing the illegal possession and consumption of this wonderful drug. Hopefully, the other states and countries will realize the potential of marijuana and follow the suit.
Source • San Jose Office: • 36 S 1st St., San Jose, CA 95113. • Email: • Phone: (408) 298-6666. • San Francisco Office: • 1884 Market St. San Francisco 94102. • Email: • Phone: (415) 554-0171.
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