Maria Yosepha

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MARIA YOSEPHA SIRAIT product and service designer

PRODUCT lumivote


straw head




LUMIVOTE "Sensory Stimulation Therapy Device" Lumivote is a device using light and sound that can help mental therapist in the treatment process through Sensory Stimulation Therapy. It is expected to be able to assist therapist in evaluating patient's condition for the next treatment process needed.

Institut Teknologi Bandung 2011 Final Bachelor Project

the problem

14,1 % of Indonesian population has mental ilness

11,6 % of them are people over 15 years old

enjoyment attractiveness pleasure play


attention focus relax

Lack of treatment facility for people with psychological agitation

idea product concept Sensory Stimulation Therapy, as one type of mental ilness therapies, is chosen because of the visibility to observe and determine human senses responses.

Sensory Stimulation Therapy is commonly followed by five to twelve persons in low level of mental illness with some indications, such as low self esteem, social isolation, and less verbal communication. As the

The using of a special tools in the therapy process is fundamental to gain a favorable outcome of therapy for medical treatment.

purposes, patients can give feedbacks to sensory stimulation which is given, such as watching a movie or listening a song. Therefore, the product has to be attractive and interactive using light and sound because visual and audio stimulation are responsed directly by people.

how it works

At first, the therapist gives rules and instructions to be followed by the patients. They will combine the modules as directed by the therapist and give response by telling their feeling and opinion about it. During the activity, the therapist observes patient's condition, mood, reaction, and participation and then take a note for the evaluation. After some sessions, therapist will see patient's development to proceed to the next stage of therapy.

Lumivote consists of some boxes which have LED

The boxes will light up while they are put beside each

lamp and sound system inside them.


therapy process

PREPARATION therapists prepare the product

It can use as a game to match the light color because turning around the boxes will give another color combination.




therapists give instruction to the patients

patients do the


activity, combine the modul

STRAW HEAD "A Little Remembrance"

Straw Head brings a simple way to have fun and playing in our daily activity. It tries to make people remember about basic things while we fill our life with a flurry.

Bandung 2013 in collaboration with Rahel Manurung

Nowadays, people walk on a fast lifestyle. We just have a little time to do such many things and then forget about small and simple ones. For instance, buying food or drink in a pack so we can eat and drink while do other activity. Then, we find paper everywhere in any form such as receipt, tissue, etc. If we find a paper, we usually fold it spontaneously. Folding becomes a simple creation of paper. We hope that seing origami covers a straw will keep you in mind about simple things in your busy day.

PALAPA "A Symbol of Indonesian Unity" Palapa is eight pieces jewelry sliced from a ball shape meant to be shared with important person. The word PALAPA itself is taken from Palapa Vow from the Majapahit Kingdom story.

" Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Majapahit, there was a vice regent named Gajah Mada. He made a vow that he wouldn't eat palapa fruit before he could unite Nusantara"

Bandung 2010 in collaboration with Aulia Amanda, Anastasia Sulemantoro, Emeraldi Paramaeswara, and Anisa Farda Nabila Gold Award Indonesia Good Design Selection

palapa vow In the story, Gajah Mada stated that he wouldn't eat palapa fruit, as a metaphor for spices, before he fulfilled his vow.

Here, Nusantara is showed as a metaphor in every pieces of PALAPA, which contains with eight different decorative patterns from eight different areas in Indonesia.

the unity of nusantara Once all of the pieces attached, they will form a solid ball shape that represent Nusantara united and 'bhinneka tunggal ika' (instead of differences, stays the unity).

SERVICE real artist market place | trash lab |maleo italian palazzo | pause | bestari

REAL ARTIST MARKETPLACE "An Interactive Moleskine Art Journey"

Artist Market Place is a place for Moleskine's fans who loves art and creativity to express themselves. Artists can create artworks on Moleskine's notebook covers and sell them.

Artwork: Davide Pagliardini

Politecnico di Milano 2013 in collaboration with Luca Gaverina, Elena Tecce, Wei Gu, Yanming Ge

analysis improvement


Lifestyle + Experience

The Real Artist Market Place is expected to be work as a community and gives a high level of experience such as collaboration, share and knowledge. exchange.



Artist Market Place as an e-commerce platform becomes a media for artists and people who likes unique Moleskine's notebook by customizing its cover




no tangible evidence not well advertised needs


values experiences dialogues


( collector, strong personalities )

( search for the opportunity, bold , creative, talented )

how does it work






advertisement customization personalization creativity expression

real artwork

Buyers get in touch with the Real Artist Market Place by coming to the store. They can discover, feel, and buy the artwork directly. The bookmarks that are given in the store serve as an advertisement to make awareness of real artist market place and also to announce Moleskine’s customer if there will be an artist talk or lecture from the artist.

real artist

Artists who have already been members of Moleskine Artist Market Place will receive mails from Moleskine which tell them they could take their artworks to a nearby Moleskine store and sell them there. Their artworks will be displayed in the store for selling. Moreover, the qualified artists can also give lectures and share their stories with the audiences in the store.

real event

Artist can have an atist talk at the Moleskine’s store telling the people about their passion and how they work on customized Moleskine. The lecture time will arrange by the artist and the shop employee. Once they have an agreement, the store and the artist can make some publications of the event. For future event,there will be a small gallery inside the shop that collect and sell some artworks based on a topic or a theme. Sharing the travel experiences among the artists (Carnet de Voyages) also can be organized to engage more people in Artist Market Place and be part of Moleskine’s big community.

TRASH LAB "The Good Society Waste Management" Waste management is a very wide and complex issue of our society. It consists in the collection, processing, disposal and monitoring of waste materials. These actions are conducted to reduce the impacts of waste on environment. Local government authorities have their own procedures of waste management depending on the areas. What society can do to manage their own waste ?

Politecnico di Milano 2013 in collaboration with Elena Marengoni, Giulia Castelnovo, Sofia Carenzi, and Han Yan roaldromualdezarcangel


Modern technologies are integral and indispensable part of the people life. Personal computers, TVs, cell phones: objects that facilitate and enrich our lives. After they are old and people do not use them anymore, they will become garbage. Even though producers are responsible for the impact that their products, the most important task is up to the commitment of each of us. First is trying to limit the individual production of e-waste, changing the products only when it is really necessary and not only because they are no longer “fashionable “.

6 M tons of e-waste/year

15months life cycle of a mobilephone

20 kg of e-waste / European citizen



. make people more active and concious . find motivation . transparent procedures of collecting waste to show the benefit . work with private sector at social and responsibility level

the existing resources . gathering points . networks and technology . people (companies, volunteers)

TRASH LAB Trash Lab is a concept where waste in an area is managed between communities and companies as the existing resources. The communities will organize theirselves to have a gathering point and check the e-waste if it still can be repaired or not. Then, partnership with creative lab help to give the new life for the e-waste. Trash Lab is about sharing and prolong the life cycle of your waste. photos/inleverenwaaromniet

1. Lots of unused

how it works






gathering point 2. Find the service on the web or download the free app to know about our events

People with

People who want

People with tools

skill to share

to learn

to share

4. This is broken but can be fixed

Municipality provided a gathering point where people can bring their 'waste'. The gathering point consists of three division; Fab Lab, Library, and Market. Fab Lab is a workshop where people can experiment, fix, and

5. The product being

create new objects from the broken products. Furthermore, there is also a

repaired in Fab Lab

share system for lending and borrowing tools. In the end, the fixed thing can be sold in the Market or rented in the Library. These are managed by the community in gathering point area.

6. Ready! 7a. It can be sold in the shop 7b. It can be rented in the library

MALEO BAG "Design Entrepreneurship Project" In November 2010, Maleo Bag was founded by a group of young designer who feels a need of simply quality bag product. Maleo's first article is casual backpack combining canvas and genuine leather material. Thus, the combination have become signature of the product.

Bandung 2011 in collaboration with Emeraldi Paramaeswara, Aulia Amanda, Anisa Farda Nabila, Islami Dina, Alvin Yudhistira, Derri Abraham

Maleo Bag is a brand that values material quality, practicality and aesthetic lucidity. We bring these values through the works delivered by the team of designers and craftsmen. Our works is a process, not a result, because we believe what matters in life is the journey to achieve, not the achievement itself. Photo : Nabila Adani Styling : Annya Suhardi





analysing the target

brainstorming, idea sketching, prototyping

material resources,

online store, social

quality control

media, reseller, event



Target market of Maleo is young people who has the image of casual, simple, and dynamic. As a start-up, the brand is using e-marketing approach, by optimizing the growth of social media such as facebook and twitter. Furthermore, Maleo has partnership with another online store to expanding the market.

Photo : Karina Yasmin

120 HOURS MADE IN ITALY "Experiencing Luxury" China has become a potential consumer market for luxury brand because of their economic growth. In a form of temporary retail, 120 Hours Made in Italy will introduce the quality of Italian luxury design to the market in China.

Politecnico di Milano 2013 in collaboration with Lina Arias, Cristina Gurnari, Wei Zhao, Gokรงe Yuksel , and Abi Schreider xG58hlz9/2011/03/boffi-CTline1.png


QUALITY PURSUER & BRAND FAN understand the brand strong buying power follow the trends

Entrepreneurs and Tycoons

pursue the high quality and unique design

STATUS SEEKER & SHOPAHOLIC show-off have no understanding in brand history seeking for a status


STYLE GURU young connected to the international trend

luxury retail

product taste shows their good quality of life buy affordable product

Food, fashion, and design are the sectors of the luxury markets. They can represent the word "luxury" itself which is quality, uniqueness, aesthetic appeals, and value. Meanwhile, Made in Italy is the example of excellence products and it is an opportunity to bring them to another market in Asia by using temporary retail concept.

White Collar in Multi National Company


120 Hours Made in Italy brings some well-known luxury brand of furnitures to five cities in China which have the biggest potential markets. It describes the times that are spent to make a high quality product and to enjoy it. They will be shown by building the window display and creating the environment of the chosen brands during the days where the event takes place.

the journey

get the invitation

know the information


come to the place


show the invitation

explore the vetrina



receive product

online buying with code

record the product number

The history of Italian design, will be the main characters in the events (conferences/ interventions, performances, etc.) that will be held by different expert Italian guests. The events intends to bring the audience closer to the so


well known Italian production time and expertise.

003 Kartel Chair 007 Zanotta Table

BUY 003 Kartel Chair 007 Zanotta Table

PAUSE "For Your Professional Needs" From leisure to business activities, Milan are becoming one the most interesting destination for 2015 because of the EXPO and there will be 20 millions expected visitors. Pause allows professionals to use existing place to work.

Politecnico di Milano 2014 in collaboration with Matteo Colombo, Marta Gattoni, Zheng Ya, and Francesca Padovan


Toilet Wi-Fi Plug

the user

Table Bag Watch

Some of the visitors who came to Milan for EXPO 2015 were professionals from all over the world. The concept of the service was developed from the professionals’ point of views. The service provides the pause on the go that professionals need through an online platform. It gives access to a diffused network of hotels halls where the professional can work and relax for a while using the hotel facilities.

RICCARDO PELLIZZARI Businessman, 38 Riccardo works in a trading company. He often travels abroad to directly manage his projects. Expo has started, and the city of Milan is getting more crowded. Riccardo needs a place where he can work and relax for a while. He has a meeting with a client, but he has not enough time to face the traffic jam and go back to his hotel.



Starting from €7

Starting from €10

30-minute access to the hall’s facilities

1-hour access to the hall’s facilities Free beverage included (coffee, tea, juice or water)

business info

Hotels define the price for basic and extra offerings according to their standards. To help hotels establishing the right price, Pause gives guideline of the minimum price. Pause’s experience price increases according to multiplier. It varies on realtime number of users in a specific hotel. Payment goes to Pause directly. By the end of the month, Pause will give a percentage to hotels, and send a monthly report based on the performance.


the application

Find a hotel

Choose the offering

other touchpoints



check-in counter in hotel


Manage your stay

link to the video :

BESTARI "Empowering and Developing The Full Potential of Community Health Volunteer in Posyandu " Now people tend to leave Posyandu while it can become a medium for early detection for the mother’s and chidren’s health problem such as malnutrition. Thus, this thesis was focusing on research to answer the problem from attracting community involvement to connecting and integrating the service with other system.


Low percentage of : immunization 29,2 % family planning 19,8 % midwives/maternity hospital 9,9%

source : Laporan Riskesdas 2013 Profil Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2015



302/100.000 livebirths below the target from 102 per 100.000 livebirths

Yogyakarta Yogyakarta


Maternal care in Indonesia has become one of the most important issues. According to Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report 2014, Indonesia

High of: : Highpercentage percentage of immunization 83,1%% immunization 83,1 delivery deliveryby by skilled 99,49% skilledbirth birth attendant attendant 99,49% Low stunting< <30% 30% Lownumber number of stunting


still needs to work on reducing maternal, infant, and under-five mortality



Bleeding Hipertension Infection

of pregnant women did the standard four visit

as many measles immunization and the use of contraception though the

of births assisted by skilled personnel is increasing (National Academy of Sciences et al., 2013).



in reducing child mortality and MDG 5 in improving maternal health, such

the maternal and newborn care practices in Indonesia, but the proportion


other ; Prolonged Labour, Abortion

rate. However, several aims have been progressing in succeeding MDG 4

development is uneven in some areas of Indonesia. Local beliefs still influence







percentage of reproductive age couples (15-49 y.o) by area





are using



have used










Clinic, Midwife, Doctor urban


not use






Field research about Posyandu has been conducted in two areas, Umbulharjo in Yogyakarta and Muara Angke in Jakarta. In the field research, the ethnography study was conducted in Posyandu to observe the users by


taking photographs and doing the interviews to the cadre, mothers, and health practitioners. Case studies also used to develop the concept.

a learn from the expertise share the experience comfortable to have counselling in Posyandu

too crowded lack number of midwife

Mother A housewife 20-30 years old Usually go to Puskesmas or Midwife

e b share the knowledge looking for experience come to socialize

f c

Health Service in Posyandu Kerang Hijau

need to raise awareness from the community

being underestimated need cooperation with mother lost motivation


Posyandu can improve the health status of mother and children in the area

lack initiative from cadre


Health Practitioner

A housewife 20-55 years old Had 2-8 hours training Asked by neighborhood association to help

Doctor/Midwife Works in Puskesmas

budget and facility

standardization of quality bestari The lacking number of health practitioner in Puskesmas made the training quality is not standardized and different in each area. BESTARI conduct Bestari is an initiative that integrates with Posyandu as one of the

a training program for Posyandu cadre to support local government and

government’s program in developing the skill and knowledge of the cadres

community health service (Puskesmas).

as the organizer of Posyandu by having the standardization of quality. It supports them with facility to simplify the data collection and communication platform to give them visibility and expand the network of Posyandu.

communication platform Communication Platform works to promote Posyandu and its cadres. The cadres, which are volunteers, gain visibility and get recognition of their works as their incentives. The platform also serves as communication value of existing donor and investor of Posyandu. It can open the opportunity for other Posyandu to get funding.

data collection Every Posyandu will get one mobile phone to use mPosyandu as a tool for collecting the data of mother and children. It will record the growth and development of children and also helps the cadre finding information to give in the counseling section.


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