Creative Portfolio
Notebook Design Winner, VNC Notebook Design Contest I c a n d o a n y t h i n g i n h i g h h e e l s . 2 0 11
Notebook Design Semi-finalist, VNC Notebook Design Contest Ode to shoes. 2010
Career Booklet Art and Layout Designer, The Miriam College Guidance Center’s Career Kit, 2008 - present
Logo Logo projects for Mabuhay FM 87.6 Hamilton, Migrant C i n e m a Tr u s t , F i l N Z t v, C a s h o o N u t S p r e a d , A P P C U
Brochure Sarman brochures, 2008
Jacket Winner, Batch Jacket Design Contest Miriam College, 2008
Below the line Robinsons Supermarket “Rainy Day Giveaways” Widescope, 2008
Chi-Rho Creative Director, Chi-Rho and Fragments Miriam College, 2007-2008