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MasterClass is a credit flexibility option that requires the same process as other flex-credit courses. MasterClass is slightly different than a regular flex credit course in that the student is mentored during a specific bell of the day and at the end of the class makes a final presentation before a committee of teachers detailing their learning. The committee evaluates the student’s work and provides a grade based on a specific rubric. MasterClass is an opportunity for students to turn their interest into a passion by creating their own curriculum, taking ownership of their learning, and reflecting on how they progress as a learner. This class is not a core course or required elective credit but counts as an extra elective credit towards graduation. Please see your counselor for a MasterClass Credit Flexibility Application.


Grade Level: 9,10,11,12 Course Credit: ½ credit, 5 periods/week, one semester

Masterclass is your opportunity to create your own curriculum, choosing a subject of personal interest to you.

Prerequisite: None Fees: None NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit


Grade Level: 10,11,12 Course Credit: ½ credit, 5 periods/week, one semester

The Career MasterClass is your opportunity to explore different career paths. Students will have the opportunity to explore and work with professionals in different fields, through research and guided exploration of life BEyond your time in Mariemont.

Prerequisite: None Fees: None NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit


Grade Level: 11,12 Course Credit: ½ credit, 5 periods/week, one semester

MasterClass in Science is an opportunity for students to explore areas of science outside of the regular science course offerings at Mariemont High School, while being mentored by a science teacher. It is a credit flexibility option that requires the same process as other flex-credit courses. MasterClass is slightly different from a regular flex credit course in that the student is mentored during a specific bell of the day by a science teacher and at the end of the class makes a final presentation before a committee of teachers detailing their learning. The committee evaluates the student’s work and provides a grade based on a specific rubric. MasterClass is an opportunity for students to turn their interests into a passion by creating their own curriculum, taking ownership of their learning, and reflecting on how they progress as a learner. This class is not a core course or required elective credit but counts as an extra elective credit toward graduation. Please see your counselor or science teacher for a MasterClass Credit Flexibility Application.

Prerequisite: None Fees: Varies depending on specifics of the area of study in science NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit

WARRIOR BROADCAST NETWORK 101 (Prerequisite for all other Broadcast courses)

Grade Level: 9.10,11,12 Course Credit: ½ credit, 5 periods/week, one semester

This introduction course will provide students with the opportunity to explore the four main elements of the Warriors Broadcast Network. 1. Videography, Video Editing, principles of Video/Film Production, Broadcast News skills 2. Sports Broadcasting and Live Game productions 3. Podcasting and Audio Editing 4. Good Morning Mariemont Daily News show

* Students who take this course are required to participate in live event broadcasts each semester and assist with the production of the daily news show later in the semester.

Prerequisite: None Fees: None


Grade Level: 9, 10,11,12 Course Credit: ½ credit, 5 periods/week, one semester

Students who take this course will use the skills they learned in Warriors Broadcast Network 101 and learn more about broadcast news by being in a working newsroom environment. They will collaborate with other students to execute a daily news show on a bi-weekly basis and create original video stories that will be broadcasted through the high school and online for the Mariemont community. Students will get opportunities to be in front of the camera as anchors or reporters, behind the camera, light/soundboard operators, directors, producers, and writers. This course is for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the broadcast news world and tell stories. This course may be taken for one semester or for a full year.

* Students who take this course are required to participate in live event broadcasts each semester

Prerequisite: Warriors Broadcast Network 101 Fees: None NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit


Grade Level: 9, 10,11,12 Course Credit: ½ credit, 5 periods/week, one semester

Students who take this course will use the skills they learned in Warriors Broadcast Network 101 and be immersed in the world of Podcasting and Sportscasting. Students will be required to participate in several live game productions where they can prepare to be the play-by-play person, operate any camera, or even call the shots as the director. Students will be required to write, shoot, and edit original sports stories, sportscasts, and record original sports or non-sports related podcasts weekly for the high school and Mariemont community. They will collaborate with other students to execute a daily news show on a bi-weekly basis that will be broadcasted through the high school and online for the Mariemont community. This course may be taken for one semester or for a full year.

Prerequisite: Warriors Broadcast Network 101 Fees: None NOTE: This course may be repeated for credit

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