MHS Intersession Guide 2017-18

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Mariemont High School


This is... thinking about your future, finding your passion. This is beyond explorations. This is beyond expeditions.


This is




Mariemont High School joins some of the most elite private and public schools in the country by offering Intersession – a weeklong opportunity for all students to explore interests and careers and think about the future.

build strong content knowledge, effec vely filter informa on, and demonstrate learning in authen c ways. be cri cal thinkers who experiment, ques on, and solve problems.

What will I learn? Intersessions are designed to help you… become globally competent and understand other perspec ves and cultures.

demonstrate self-awareness, independence, and ownership of their learning.

to have fun learning!


establish value rela onships and understand the importance of communica on and collabora on. be curious, crea ve, and demonstrate passion for learning.

Choose your own adventure! This catalog outlines all of the opportuni es you have for Intersession 2018. Experience meaningful learning outside the tradi on classroom by choosing from one of the three categories: Teacher-led Courses, Experienceships and College Explora ons.


Teacher-led Courses Select from one of the dozens of courses created by our Mariemont High School staff! From Adul ng 101 to Icelandic Explora ons, from a Board Game Educa on to Poli cal Posi oning, there are a variety of courses from which to choose. There may be a cost involved for each course, although the costs vary from course to course, so that is something to keep in mind.

Experienceships The school can help arrange an Experienceship just for you in a field you would like to inves gate such as medicine, business, educa on or public rela ons. There are teacher-led courses that let you experience different career or life op ons but you can also create your own Intersession pathway through designing an individual experienceship.

College Explorations Or you can choose College Explora ons, giving yourself me to visit and research the universi es that might be the best fit for you and your future. There is a teacher-led course that let you explore colleges and how to apply, but you can also create your own pathway through designing an individual college explora on visit with your family. 5

Guidelines and Timelines

Guidelines 1. 2. 3.

Intersession is a week-long ac vity. Students will be required to a end all days to receive credit. Grades will be assigned either pass/fail with a 1/4 credit a ached.


Assignments vary based on course. (e.g. a endance, par cipa on, journal reec on)

5. 6.

Seniors gradua ng will be able to opt in.



The student code of conduct will be enforced the en re week. All sports and ac vi es will maintain their usual schedules whenever possible.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Courses will vary in price. Fee scholarships are available to cover part or all of the fees with the excep on of interna onal travel. Students on free & reduced lunch will be granted scholarships. Other students in need of scholarship may speak with their counselor. There are no prerequisites. Students will make course selec ons between April 14 and April 28. Changes may not be made a er April 28. Please be sure you are happy with all four of your choices. Deposits and sign up for interna onal travel should be done by the end of May. Mariemont High School has the right to remove a student from an intersession for discipline or credit deďŹ ciency.


Some courses may have brief mee ngs (before the course starts), especially if travel is involved.


April 2017

May 2017 1

May 2018




























































































By Friday April 28, you will review the op ons for Intersession and submit your top 4 choices. (Op ons include the teacher-led courses, experienceships and college explora ons — all of these are described on the following pages of this guide.)

Intersession courses will take place the week of May 21, 2018. Depending on the op on you are following during that week, you may be at school for the hours of a normal day, you may be at school some of the me or you may be away from school the en re week. Your experience will be equivalent to a regular week of school. 7

Guidelines and Timelines

By the end of the school year you should know the op on into which you have been scheduled.

Teacher-Led Courses

1. Healthy Inside and Out

2. Project Runway

Mrs. Stinnett, Mrs. Thomas & Mrs. Oberschlake

Mrs. Richardson & Mrs. Hasselbeck

Do you want to get fit, stay fit and feel good about yourself from the inside out? Spend your me learning about different types of physical training and workouts using all different types of equipment and styles of exercise. Get one-on-one me with a personal trainer and learn to tailor workouts to fit your goals. But, being healthy is not just about fitness, it’s also about what you put in your body. Spend me learning how to properly fuel your body to reach your health goals. Get one-on-one me with a licensed nutri onist to develop a meal plan that suits your goals and your budget. This intersession experience will provide you with your own pathway to op mal health!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be on Project Runway? Do you have an interest in all things fashion? Spend your me learning how to design your own ou it, redesign an exis ng one and create corresponding accessories. What’s the point of great fashion if it is not showcased? Learn how to photograph fashion like a pro and coordinate a fashion show with music and lights. This intersession experience will provide you with the tools you need to get started in the fashion business! Approximate Cost: $50-$150

Approximate Cost: $50-$150 8

4. Chasing Cincinnati

Mr. Wiseman & Mr. Wolfford

Mrs. Leatherwood & Mr. Hanley

Do you love legal dramas? Yearn to one day be an oďŹƒcer of the law, lawyer or judge? Spend your me learning about the workings of the criminal jus ce system. Study a high-proďŹ le, contemporary criminal case and act as the legal team. There is no be er way to understand our system than to go out into it. Visit courts, the jus ce center and other such places to see all that you have learned in ac on. This intersession experience will provide you with the founda onal knowledge to begin your journey to becoming a Supreme Court Jus ce!

You live here, but do you really know your hometown? Spend me exploring the history of Cincinna , scavenger hunt style! Travel to various loca ons all around our beau ful city to learn about the history and current status of this river town. Experience the culture and cuisine of the Queen City as you chase your way through Cincinna . This intersession experience will provide you with great knowledge and awareness of what makes Cincinna special! Approximate Cost: $50-$150

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


Teacher-Led Courses

3. Order in the Court

Teacher-Led Courses

5. Landscape Design and Curb Appeal

6. Unraveling Traveling Mrs. Timmerding

Mr. Commins & Mrs. Szabo

Love to travel but frightened of all you need to do to prepare? Spend me learning how to be a savvy traveler. Learn about everything from how to apply for a passport to how to choose your i nerary. Explore dierent types of travel experiences with which you can use your newlylearned skills. This intersession experience will provide you with all the skills you need to look as if you travel every week!

Do you feel at home in a garden? Always no ce beau fully landscaped yards or businesses? Spend me learning how to landscape like a pro. Learn how to choose and care for plants and greenery and add your own personal touches to your yard or garden. Hear from experts and visit famous local landscape designs as you develop your green thumb. You will be pu ng your new skills to prac ce as you design and landscape part of the district’s property. This intersession experience will provide you with the tools to make your yard or garden the envy of the neighborhood!

Approximate Cost: $0-$50

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


8. Iceland Explorations

Mrs. Colpi and Mrs. Morris

Mrs. Etnier

Can’t wait for the freedom of adulthood? Finally ready to establish your independence? You are going to need some skills other than the ones you learned ge ng your high school diploma. Spend me learning basic life skills that you need in the real world. Learn about everything from how to do your own laundry to how to pay your taxes. This intersession experience will provide you with the skills needed to prove your parents wrong and show them that you can make it on your own!

Ever wonder why Iceland is not covered in ice? Spend me exploring the country of Iceland! During this six day trip, travel to Iceland to explore na onal parks, geysers, volcanoes, and the convergence of tectonic plates. Swim in the Blue Lagoon and walk on glaciers, all while learning about things that make Iceland special. This intersession experience will provide you with an Icelandic experience of a life me!

Approximate Cost: $0-$50

Approximate Cost: $3,860

Click here to get more informa on: www.e


Teacher-Led Courses

7. Adulting 101

9. The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music

Teacher-Led Courses

Mrs. Khamis Can you see yourself playing your instrument in front of an interna onal crowd? Have you always wanted to run through the hills like the Von Trapp family? Spend me touring and giving concerts in the heart of Western music’s origin, Austria and Germany. Visit and experience the culture and history of great composers from the Baroque Period through the Twen eth century in this EF tour trip. Perform in exquisite venues such as the Salzburg Cathedral, the Schonbrunn Palace and the Mirabel Gardens. This intersession experience will provide you with the musical experience of a life me! The trip will depart on the last Friday prior to intercession and will return on the following Saturday. Approximate Cost: $3,800-$4,500 depending on number of students Minimum of 10 students in order for this trip to run. You will be able to sign up and pay via h ps:// with World Strides.


Mrs. Jin Do you love languages? Do you love art? The wri en Chinese language is a work of art. Spend me learning about the “four treasures of the study” and prac cing your Chinese wri ng. Learn how to write on different materials with a calligraphy brush and how to frame your artwork. This intersession experience will provide you with a basic knowledge of Chinese calligraphy and wri ng!

Mrs. Neumann and Mr. Weiss Are you exhilarated by the promise of being transported through me and space? Do you believe in the power of film? Spend me watching and examining classic films from the 20th century. Learn how this genre evolved and influences movies as we know them today. This intersession experience will provide you with an apprecia on of film as an art form and the viewing of them as an experience that links people across me and space!

Approximate Cost: $50-$150

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


Teacher-Led Courses

11. Ink and Brush

10. It Happened One Week: 20th Century Classic Film

Teacher-Led Courses

12. Not Bored with a Board!

13. Serving Cincinnati

Mr. Vanags

Mrs. Mock and Ms. Reilly

Love board games? Spend me exploring different types of games and the history of gaming. Visit local board game shops and talk with game designers. This intersession experience will provide you with the background needed to design your own game and to crush your opponents at family game night!

Do you feel fulfilled when you help those less fortunate? Have you always wanted to help but never had the me? Spend me working with several local volunteer organiza ons to make a difference in our city. Make a difference in the lives of your fellow Cincinna ans as you explore different types of community service. This intersession experience will provide you with red arms and legs but a rejuvenated heart and soul!

Approximate Cost: $0-$50

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


15. WoW-Warriors on Wheels

Mr. Schnug

Mr. Kuhn and Mr. Hewitt

Do you love a great debate? Are you fascinated with what happens with our government? Are you a Democrat or Republican? Spend me learning about the poli cal pla orm and the poli cal process. Figure out what issues are important to you and how to debate with someone who differs in opinion. Meet with local party volunteers and explore how pop culture influences poli cs. This intersession experience will provide you with the knowledge needed to talk poli cs with anybody!

Do you love the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair as you pedal down the street or path? Spend me riding your bicycle with other riding enthusiasts. Learn about the history of the bicycle and how to take care of your precious wheels. Explore things like the Li le Miami Bike Trail, biking technology and the future of both. This intersession experience will provide you with me to do what you love to do while learning more about biking! Bring your own gear on this adventure! Approximate Cost: $0-$50 per student (bring your own gear)

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


Teacher-Led Courses

14. Let’s Talk Politics

16. Outventures

Teacher-Led Courses

17. Is This Any of My Business?

Mr. Radloff and Mr. Colaw

Mrs. Baas

Are you happiest when you are outside? Spend me exploring all the outdoor ac vi es this area has to offer. Canoe down the Li le Miami, hike at Red River Gorge... the possibili es are endless. This intersession experience will provide you with many opportuni es to get outside and play!

Do you think you want to work in business but you just aren’t sure? Do you know you want to be in business but you aren’t sure what kind? Spend me exploring different types of business careers and situa ons. Experience the various components of business firsthand. This intersession experience will provide you with a sampling of business pathways to help you determine which one you would like to follow!

Approximate Cost: $150-$250

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


19. Jump Start on College

UC Business Department

Mrs. Leszczuk and Mrs. Tackett

Interested in star ng your own business or considering a major in business while in college? With the help of the Mariemont School Founda on, the district has partnered with the University of Cincinna to create a week long business experience on campus. Learning about business can be a great investment in your future. It can help you be er manage your life, your career, and your own business (if you ever want to own one). It also could help you begin to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. Take part in ac vi es that will help you understand business fundamentals as well as topics like innova on, globaliza on, ethical leadership, entrepreneurship and much more!

Do you know where you want to go to school? Are you completely clueless? Does all the work required to apply to college overwhelm you? Spend me visi ng local colleges and ge ng the college applica on process started. Assess yourself to evaluate your interests and strengths in order to ďŹ nd the perfect college ďŹ t. This intersession experience will provide you with an excellent founda on for applying to, and ge ng accepted to, your dream college!

Students who wish to plan their own week of college visits with their parents/guardians may do so. Students need to complete the College Visit Excused Absence Request form as well as the College Visit Review forms for each college visited. Students will also be required to submit a schedule (including copies of the email or registra ons) of their planned visits.

Approximate Cost: $0-$50

Approximate Cost: $0-$50 17

Teacher-Led Courses

18. Business Bootcamp

Teacher-Led Courses

20. Are You Special Enough for Special Education?

21. Equine Warriors Mrs. Bell

Mrs. Hayes and Mr. Elam

Are you drawn to horses? Do you ďŹ nd horses and horse riding exhilara ng? Spend me discovering the world of horsemanship. Learn everything there is to know about horses from their history to their care. Experience the world from the back of a horse. This intersession experience will provide you with a greater apprecia on and understanding of our special equine friends!

Do you enjoy working with diverse learners? Do you think you may want a career in special educa on? Spend me working with our students to help them to grow and learn. Plan and par cipate in various ac vi es and lessons in order to reach our diverse learners as well as job shadow an occupa onal therapist, physical therapist, speech and language pathologist and many more. This intersession experience will provide you with an apprecia on for our special educa on students and the knowledge of how rewarding a special educa on career can be!

Approximate Cost: $50-$150

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


23. Are You a Gamer?

Mrs. Lowery-Harris and Mrs. McGahey

Mr. Becksfort and Mr. Miller

Were you born to be on stage? Do you dream of becoming a playwright? Spend me developing, performing in and producing a one-act play. Learn about all the speciďŹ c components needed to put on a play. Talk with experts about the technical aspects of play produc on. This intersession experience will provide you with a true sense of all involved in the produc on of a Broadway masterpiece!

Are you a gamer? Do you dream of designing videogames for a living? Spend me crea ng your own video game. Learn how to manipulate video game engines to create a game. Talk to video game produc on experts. This intersession experience will provide you with a glimpse into the world of the video game! Approximate Cost: $0-$50

Approximate Cost: $0-$50


Teacher-Led Courses

22. One-Act Wonders

Teacher-Led Courses

24. Sportistics

25. From Scratch

Mr. Wainscott and Mr. Dixon

Mr. Ferry

Do you have trouble remembering your homework but know LeBron’s stats in Game 4? Do you wonder who you should dra for your fantasy teams? Spend me learning about the numbers behind the players. Explore the analy cs behind sports and how to parlay that skill into a career. This intersession experience will provide you with a new way to look at your favorite sports figures!

Do you feel at home in the kitchen? Do you love to cook from scratch or do you just want to learn how to? Spend me learning about how to cook foods from scratch. Explore the differences between store bought and homemade foods and experiment with different recipes. This intersession experience will provide you with some “scratchy” skills to wow your friends in the kitchen!

Approximate Cost: $0-$50

Approximate Cost: $50-$150


27. It’s the Climb

Mr. Valentine

Mrs. Briggs

Do you love the guitar? Do you want to learn to play the guitar, but you don’t have one? Spend me crea ng and building your very own electric guitar. Learn to use woodworking and electronics tools and equipment as you build your usable guitar. A body, neck, fretboard and all necessary components will be provided. This intersession experience will provide you with the tle of luthier (guitar builder) and a way to rock out!

Do you love rock climbing? Are you interested in learning to climb? Learn to belay, the various rou ng systems, and how indoor routes copare with the sandstone routes at “The Red”. Explore the different types of rocks found in geographical areas. Prac ce climbing indoors with experts before you take your skills outside and travel to Red River Gorge where you’ll hike the trails and climb a variety of routes. This intersession experience will provide you with the skills needed to become a rock climbing star!

Approximate Cost: 6 String Guitar: $265 per student Bass Guitar:$285 per student

Approximate Cost: $150-$250


Teacher-Led Courses

26. If I Had a Guitar...



Is there a career that is already calling to you? Or maybe there is a career that sounds interes ng but you would like to inves gate further? If so, we can help you apply to be part of a job experience in which you will have the opportunity to shadow and explore different careers in a certain field. Teach alongside an elementary teacher or volunteer for a poli cian. If a career in sports medicine interests you, apply for a weeklong internship with Wellington Orthopedics. If different fields in business and law pique your interest, let us help you create a week of job experiences! This is a great opportunity to experience a weeklong job-shadowing placement in a field you are interested in prior to making decisions about college!


Design your own college visit week! If you need a week to visit colleges to help you make that crucial decision, this is the perfect opportunity for you! Keep in mind, the high school counselors are also offering a teacher-led course tled, “Introduc on to College Planning & So Much More!” Students who wish to plan their own week of college visits with their parents/guardians may do so. Students need to complete the College Visit Excused Absence Request Form as well as the College Visit Review forms for each college visited. Students will also be required to submit a schedule, including copies of the email or registra ons, of their planned visits.

















College Explorations

College Explorations

Select Your Top Four

Teacher-led Courses Select from one of the dozens of courses created by our Mariemont High School sta!

Experienceships Arrange an Experienceship just for you in a ďŹ eld you would like to inves gate.

College Explorations Design your own college visit week!





#1 #2 #3 #4

Select Your Top Four

Course Selection Form

Select your top four choices in order, with choice #1 as your top selec on. If you choose the Experienceships or College Explora ons categories, please include them in your top four choices.

Mariemont High School 1 Warrior Way • Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 513-272-7600 • 513-527-5991 (fax)

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