Mariemont Summer Academy Brochure 2017

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It’s About ME! Summer is all about taking some ME time to relax and recharge but it is also the perfect time to refocus on what it means to be a Mariemont Educator. This is a special place full of special people all striving to make the Mariemont Experience a great one for kids. Take part in this year’s Mariemont Summer Academy series, ME, and start the school year running! Each staff member can take advantage of up to TWO optional PD days. You will receive a training stipend of $125 for each of these days, should you choose to take advantage of them. One of the days can be a collaboration day with your grade level/subject area/ vertical team. Your team may choose a day in the summer to work together. The date and team plan must be submitted to your building principal prior to the end of the school year. Please use the PD approval form. Your day’s work must also be submitted to your building principal upon completion. The other day will be learning sessions geared around our Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Characteristics of Highly Engaged Students. You must attend at least FIVE of the sessions offered to earn a paid PD day. Those five sessions can be spread between the two days, if you like. If you do not participate in a collaboration day, you must attend at least TEN sessions to earn two paid PD days. There are FOUR to NINE sessions offered at each time slot. Some repeat, others do not. You must sign up for the sessions in the PD events section of mAcademy by Friday, June 9. Choose what will help you become a better Mariemont Educator and deliver a better Mariemont Experience!

The HIGHLY EFFECTIVE teacher . . . creates LEARNING TARGETS for students that allow them to understand where they are going and how to get there.

designs creative learning opportunities by applying his/her CONTENT KNOWLEDGE and KNOWLEDGE OF BEST PRACTICE in order to MOTIVATE and INSPIRE students. ensures and protects student understanding by MODELING strong and weak work for demonstrating mastery of the intended learning and encouraging RESILIENCY to reach that mastery.

cultivates TRUST by working together with students to set challenging, yet appropriate, LEARNING GOALS.

fosters productive and purposeful COLLABORATIVE LEARNING by showcasing and providing guidelines for RESPECT and TOLERANCE when working with others. gives frequent, ongoing, meaningful FEEDBACK to students and creates opportunities to receive feedback from students about the effectiveness of his/her instructional practice. supports students to have an accurate understanding of their own learning through the use of FORMATIVE and SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS as well as SELF ASSESSMENTS.

ADVOCATES for student success and NURTURES student well being.

Highly Effective Teachers

All sessions on August 15th and 16th will be held at the high school. Exact locations will be posted at the high school on each day. Please bring a device and any materials you think you would need based on the sessions attending. *Gifted - sessions that count toward the 30 hour gifted PD requirement **Synergy Project - sessions that are a result of Synergy Project work in 2016-17

Key for Highly Effective Teaching (HET) correlation… LT - Learning Targets BP - Best Practice LG - Learning Goals CL - Collaborative Learning A - Assessment WB - Student Well-being

M - Model F - Feedback

TUESDAY, AUGUST 15th – ME=Mariemont Educator 8:00-9:00 a.m. Session

Grade HET Levels Correlation



Pinterest 101



Today’s teachers are experts at making boring lessons more engaging. This session will help teachers create and/ or organize Pinterest pages, find other educators to follow, and update upcoming lessons or units that may need a bit more “life” in them for the upcoming school year!

Jill Strall

Reading Units of Study Part One



Grade level work on orientation to the units of study, set up and provisions (differentiated based on grade level)

Cathy Schroeder

Using Picture Books with Older Grades



Update your mindset on using picture books in the upper grades. Use them to build community, engage in visual thinking strategies, comprehension strategies, vocabulary strategies, grammar work and more.

Jill Colaw, Shelley Komrska

8:00-9:00 a.m., continued Session

Grade HET Levels Correlation



Using Cognitively Guided Instruction to Create Discourse



Further your understanding of CGI and use a bank of questions to individualize problems to use with your class. (Please be sure you have your Google password to save your work.)

Karen Haller

STAR Gazing



We will focus on breaking down and organizing STAR data to help create individual student goals. Learn how to analyze this data to create intervention groups and help drive classroom instruction to meet students’ needs.

Mindy Brown, Amber Hawk

Resources and Tools to Improve Achievement for Gifted Students *Gifted PD



Resources and tools to help develop lessons for the gifted mind. Models and examples will be given to implement in your classroom.

Matt Patterson, Sy Miller, Jeremy Prater

SLO Workshop



Come to work on your SLOs with “experts” available for questions and assistance.

Tricia Buchert, Lisa Good, Donna Neumann



9:15-10:15 a.m. Session

Grade HET Levels Correlation

Smart Notebook 101



New to using Smartboard software? This is the session for you! Learn the basics of how to use this effectively in your instruction.

David Colaw

Intro to the Desmos Graphing Calculator

4-12 Math


Desmos is a free web based graphing calculator that does so much more. This teaching tool is so intuitive. With its dynamic activities and versatile student dashboard, it will transform your math classroom. Come and learn everything this program has to offer.

Jeremy Willis

Writing Workshop in the Digital Age of Google Classroom



Tired of carrying home that book bag full of writing papers? Would you like to check/monitor your students papers by watching them live on your computer screen? Google Classroom is a powerful tool to help you conference, edit, evaluate and assess your students writing in the digital electronic world.

Annette Engle, Patti Saxton

Reading Units of Study Part Two



Continuation of grade level work on the Units of Study. Orientation, development of scope and sequence and implementation of informal assessments and anecdotal notes (Differentiated by grade level teams).

Cathy Schroeder

Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)



Dig deeper into the LLI lesson components, learn how to differentiate your lessons to meet your students needs, and collaborate with colleagues

Lindsay Oberschlake, Tina Johnson

9:15-10:15 a.m., continued Session Resources and Tools to Improve Achievement for Gifted Students *Gifted PD

Grade HET Levels Correlation 7-12




Resources and tools to help develop lessons for the gifted mind. Models and examples will be given to implement in your classroom.

Matt Patterson, Sy Miller, Jeremy Prater



10:30-11:30 a.m. Session

Grade HET Levels Correlation

Check Points and Assessments with Reading Units of Study



Collaborate with grade level teams to create quick assessments and rubrics that will drive your small group instruction and monitor student progress.

Cathy Schroeder

Cooperative vs. Collaborative Learning



Did you know there is a difference between cooperative and collaborative learning? We didn’t either and we want to share what we’ve learned! Come find out the difference between, and importance of, having both in the classroom. Learn how to structure both types of learning with your students!

Shannon Kromer, Molly Connaughton

Streamlining Your Google-Centered Classroom with Doctopus



Learn how to use the google add on “Doctopus” to streamline the use of google in the classroom. Create class folders and assignments that get “pushed” to students, lock assignments so students can’t work on them past due dates, and attach rubrics for easy self, peer, and teacher feedback. Doctopus makes it easier to build upon ways you already use google in the classroom (and just makes you and your student’s lives easier).

Eric Weiss, Liz Reilly

Differentiating Activities for Math Workshop



Need activities and games to add to your Work Places or to use during workshop? Come to this session to explore a variety of hands on activities that will enrich your learners.

Karen Haller

Level Up Your Teaching with SWIVL and Reflection


A, F

Learn how to use the SWIVL Robot to assess, reflect on, and improve both your students’ learning and your teaching.

Julie Bell

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. BYOL (bring your own lunch) and Learn Session

Grade HET Levels Correlation



Orton Gillingham Refresher



Have you been trained in Orton Gillingham? Do you need a refresher on strategies and procedures? Review various multi-sensory strategies to help students with decoding and spelling words.

Lindsay Oberschlake

Hyperdocs: The 21st Century Worksheet



Throw out all of those old boring worksheets and come learn about hyperdocs! Hyperdocs are a great tool to combine all of the elements of one lesson into a single Google Doc. You can use these to make connections, engagement activities and extensions all come together in one, streamlined location!

Lindsay Elzey, Kristin Etnier

Making General Ed and Special Ed Work Well Together



Want some new ideas for how to best support learners with IEP’s in the general education classroom? We will share some tips, tricks, and strategies to help these kiddos best access the curriculum!

Valerie Kennedy, Courtney Miller, Amanda McHugh

Beyond Google


Wish your students would use more than the first page of results when researching? Don’t feel like an expert yourself? Join Librarian Emily Colpi and learn how to teach students to find the best quality articles to support their claims and advance their inquiry at this research refresher session. Get the tools you need to put the rigor in research and develop the scholars of today! *Please bring an active Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County library card.

Emily Colpi

PBS Learning Media


Learn how to use America’s most trusted educational media brand for access to thousands of innovative, standards-aligned digital resources to offer compelling student experiences. Discover classroom tools to convey information visually, make persuasive arguments and allow for a variety of collaborative opportunities.

Gary Greenberg (from CET), Shelley Komrska


1:00-2:00 p.m. Session

Grade HET Levels Correlation



Blackboard 101



New to Blackboard? This session will teach you the basics of Blackboard and how to use it as an instructional tool.

David Colaw

Blackboard Refresher



Discover the life-changing magic of tidying up...your Blackboard classes! Spend time decluttering and organizing your Blackboard classes

Emily Colpi, Patti Saxton

Orton Gillingham Strategies



Learn various multi-sensory strategies to help students with decoding and spelling words.

Lindsay Oberschlake

What’s New with TenMarks



In this session you will explore the new components of TenMarks: Labs, Lessons, Eureka alignment, pacing guides and more. We will also share ideas to best use this technology during workshop.

Karen Haller

Performance-Based Assessments **Synergy Project



What happens when content is mixed with elements of student choice? Assessments that can extend students’ learning while they demonstrate content mastery. See how these types of assessments have been used in different ways across content areas.

Lindsay Elzey, Lisa Good, Nicole Parr

Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students *Gifted PD



How to meet social and emotional needs for gifted students. Provide examples and resources to help differentiate the different gifted learners.

Matt Patterson, Sy Miller, Jeremy Prater

Differentiation in the Math Classroom



Practical techniques will be shared to differentiate homework, assessments, and small group work in the classroom.

Jeremy Willis

Data for Specials Teachers



Tackle the challenge of providing individual feedback to 100s of students on a regular basis. Learn practical and effective techniques to make assessments more meaningful to students and their parents.

Tami Croll

Best Practices for the Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching


BP, A, LG, WB, F, LT, CL, M

This session will provide you with examples of best practice in all of the characteristics. See the characteristics in action!

Jim Renner, Trevor Block

2:15-3:15 p.m. Session

Grade HET Levels Correlation






Learn mindfulness practices and the research behind them to improve student engagement, reduce problem behaviors and improve learning!

Tricia Buchert, counselors

Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)



Dig deeper into the LLI lesson components, learn how to differentiate your lessons to meet your students needs, and collaborate with colleagues (for current teachers using LLI)

Lindsay Oberschlake, Tina Johnson

Developing Your Personal Learning Network



What is a PLN? Why do I need one? Learn how to create your own personalized “network� of fellow educators and resources that are designed to make you a better educator.

Patti Saxton, Lindsay Elzey

Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students *Gifted PD



How to meet social and emotional needs for gifted students. Provide examples and resources to help differentiate the different gifted learners.

Matt Patterson, Sy Miller, Jeremy Prater

Standards-Based Grading



Learn about different strategies for assessing your students based on their mastery of standards and spend time working with other teachers to develop a strategy that works in your classroom for the upcoming school year.

Linda Lee

What We Learned with the Ohio Writing Project **Synergy Project



Learn helpful ways to get students Donna Neumann, Eric writing across all disciplines with Weiss, research-based strategies from the Ohio Mary Ann Morris, Writing Project. Marissa Szabo, Luke Wiseman

Leaping into Lucy Caulkins: An Introduction to Reading Units of Study **Synergy Project



Join us to learn the tricks of the trade when implementing units of study with firsthand accounts from 3rd and 4th grade ELA teachers. We will look at vertical alignment and guide you in your quest to launch the units of study!

Colleen Herking, Jen Schildmeyer, Melissa Mathis, Erin Herking, Beth Rich, Julie Parker, Jen Niezgoda

The Instructors

Alexa Stinnett

Amanda McHugh

Amber Hawk

Ann Bullar

Annette Engle

Beth Rich

Brent Wise

Cathy Schroeder

Colleen Herking

Courtney Miller

David Colaw

Donna Neumann

Emily Colpi

Emily Hunt

Eric Weiss

Erica Eppert

Ericka Simmons

Erin Herking

Gary Greenberg

Hannah Wordeman

Jen Niezgoda

Jen Schildmeyer

Jeremy Prater

Jeremy Willis

Jill Colaw

Jill Strall

Jim Renner

Julie Bell

Julie Koehler

Julie Parker

Karen Haller

Katrice Quitter

Kristin Etnier

Leslie Jordan

Linda Lee

Lindsay Elzey

Lindsay Oberschlake

Lisa Good

Liz Reilly

Luke Wiseman

Marissa Szabo

Mary Ann Morris

Matt Patterson

Melanie Palmer

Melissa Mathis

Michael Becksfort

Mindy Brown

Molly Connaughton

Nate Wolf

Nicole Parr

Patti Saxton

Shannon Kromer

Shelley Komrska

Steve Estepp

Steve Vonderhaar

Sy Miller

Tami Croll

Tina Johnson

Tom Zaya

Tracey DuEst

Trevor Block

Tricia Buchert

Valerie Kennedy

Zach Schnug

Characteristics of Highly Engaged Students The ENGAGED student... is CURIOUS, CREATIVE, and demonstrates PASSION through his/her learning and experiences. demonstrates SELF-AWARENESS, INDEPENDENCE and OWNERSHIP of his/her learning. values RELATIONSHIPS and understands the importance of meaningful COMMUNICATION and COLLABORATION. takes responsible academic RISKS and possesses RESILIENCE.

is GLOBALLY COMPETENT and understands other perspectives and cultures. is a CRITICAL THINKER who EXPERIMENTS, QUESTIONS and SOLVES problems. builds strong content KNOWLEDGE, effectively FILTERS information, and demonstrates learning in AUTHENTIC ways.

Highly Engaged Students

All sessions on August 15th and 16th will be held at the high school. Exact locations will be posted at the high school on each day. Please bring a device and any materials you think you would need based on the sessions attending. *Gifted - sessions that count toward the 30 hour gifted PD requirement **Synergy Project - sessions that are a result of Synergy Project work in 2016-17

Key for Highly Engaged Student (HES) correlation…

C - Curious and Creative O - Ownership of Learning AK - Applying Knowledge GC - Global Competency CC - Communication and Collaboration

R - Resilience CT - Critical Thinking

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th – ME=Mariemont Experience 8:00-9:00 a.m. Session

Grade HES Levels Correlation



Gifted Summer Book Study Discussion: Innovator’s Mindset *Gifted PD



Join us to discuss how an Innovator’s Mindset has inspired you to be innovative in your teaching and learning. Share your insights on innovation, critical thinking, and creativity opportunities that you current and/or plan to implement this school year.

Katrice Quitter

Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity with Google Tools



Discover Google best practice for engaging student learning and creativity using G Suite to build interactive lessons, captivate your class with video, and facilitate group work.

Emily Colpi, Patti Saxton




Curious about ways to engage students in note-taking and classroom discussions? Learn how to use backchanneling to empower students to demonstrate their understanding in new ways. See how we have used this technique in co-taught and language classes and discuss ways it can be included in most other subject areas.

Mindy Brown, Erica Eppert, Lisa Good

8:00-9:00 a.m., continued Engaging Students in Culturally Proficient Spaces and Conversations in the Classroom



Deepen your knowledge and skill in creating and sustaining culturally proficient spaces and conversations in order to be effective advocates for ALL students. Engage in both reflection and dialogic activities in order to identify barriers that may be preventing you from having more culturally proficient conversations. Identify opportunities in your school and classroom where you can have more culturally proficient conversations. Tools from the book, Culturally Proficient Instruction: A Guide for People who Teach will be highlighted. Leave with 2-3 practical activities that can be used in the classroom during the 17-18 school year.

Tracey DuEst, Ericka Simmons



9:15-10:15 a.m. Session

Grade HES Levels Correlation

Gifted - Hidden Treasures: Web Tools and Resources to Enhance Teaching and Learning *Gifted PD



Technology not only allows teachers to provide differentiated instruction, but also serves as an educational and creative outlet for gifted students. Learn new ways to use web tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning for the highest learner.

Katrice Quitter

Making Retrieval Practice Engaging



Research tells us that retrieval practice is critical to developing strong content knowledge, but how can you make retrieval practice an easy, engaging part of the classroom routine? Learn about a variety of different games to review/ teach concepts using technology, group games, “rompecabeza” (brain breaker) puzzles, and more--many with little to no prep required!

Alexa Stinnett

Math Should Be the Aspirin, Not the Headache



Explore how to create disequilibrium to engage your students as they work to make sense of real life problems. Using the work of Robert Kaplinsky, you will leave with many ideas of how to just enough di”pain” that your students search for the “aspirin.”

Karen Haller

Experiential and Service Learning



Learn about experiential and service learning resources. We will examine teacher fellowship opportunities and how to design an experiential and service learning project.

Nicole Parr

Want to Be Like a Buckeye?



Urban Meyer has taken a good team and made it great...thanks, in part, to the R Factor leadership training the coaches and team go through each year. Learn about the R Factor and how you can use it in your classroom and in life.

Steve Estepp, Shannon Kromer

Creating Thematic Units



We want to share our process of creating thematic units. We will discuss how we select anchor, mentor and tiered texts and develop essential questions to guide our lessons. Please bring resources because you will have time to start creating your own thematic unit.

Leslie Jordan, Erica Eppert

10:30-11:30 a.m. Session

Grade HES Levels Correlation



Gifted-C²: Critical and Creative Thinking Strategies *Gifted PD



Do you recognize the need for gifted learners to develop and practice higherorder critical and creative thinking skills that go beyond fundamental acquisition of information? Now, it’s your turn! Come prepared to play, explore and think like a gifted student.

Katrice Quitter

Less Lecture, More Engaged Learning



Based on Cris Tovani and Elizabeth Birr Moje’s newest publication, consider research and ideas on how minimizing lecture isn’t merely a what-not-to-do for teachers but rather a way to find time and opportunity for students to engage every day in relevant, problem-based work.

Cathy Schroeder

Student Digital Portfolios



Every student should have a collection of personal bests. At their most basic level portfolios can simply be a storage strategy. They can also be an active work, collaboration, and reflection space. Empowering students as young as five to independently create and organize their work in a digital journal, Seesaw helps kids develop their academic voice, and collaborate with classmates. Come to see how you can help students create a digital student portfolio.

Patti Saxton, Ann Bullar

Student-Led Learning



SLO Workshop



Emily Hunt, Lisa Good Student-led learning allows students to be in charge of their own learning. Through giving students daily choices about when and how they will complete assignments, it allows them to take more ownership of their work, work at their own pace, and use their strengths to complete assignments. Learn how to easily implement this into your classroom. Come to work on your SLOs with “experts” available for questions and assistance.

Tricia Buchert, Mindy Brown, Julie Koehler

11:45-12:45 p.m. BYOL (bring your own lunch) and Learn Session

Grade HES Levels Correlation



Gifted - Teaching Young Gifted Children in the Classroom: Strategies and Tools to Facilitate Learning for the Gifted Learner *Gifted PD



Develop your own toolbox for meeting the learning needs of gifted students in a mixed-abilities classroom. Leave with practical strategies and templates for using technology to accelerated learning, manage cluster grouping, increasing rigor, improving assessments, and boosting critical and creative thinking skills for gifted students in the classroom.

Katrice Quitter

Why Travel?



More and more of our students are adding travel to their learning experience. Come learn about how impactful travel can be for our students and what is involved in incorporating travel into experiential offerings.

Zach Schnug, EF Tours

The Innovative and Creative Classroom



An introduction to new, out-of-thebox ways to think up exciting and innovative ideas. The methods we will learn will help you and your students to think more creatively and show the power of diverse thinking within groups.

Nate Wolf

Student-Owned Learning and Assessment



Using Destination 2026, self-reflection and a narrative “rubric,” students are led to own their learning and their own “assessment.” Grades are “turned over” to students as they discuss and defend their own learning

Luke Wiseman

Helping Students with Anxiety Issues



Gain an understanding of anxiety disorders, stress response cycle, resiliency skills and mindfulness exercises. Learn how to use anxiety scripts, view sample accommodations for the classroom, practice selfcompassion and review resources.

Melanie Palmer, M.A., IMFT (Director of Training at Child Focus)

1:00-2:00 p.m. Session

Grade HES Levels Correlation



Gifted-C²: Critical and Creative Thinking Strategies *Gifted PD



Do you recognize the need for gifted learners to develop and practice higherorder critical and creative thinking skills that go beyond fundamental acquisition of information? Now it’s your turn! Come prepared to play, explore and think like a gifted student.

Katrice Quitter

Fostering the Student Teacher Relationship



How is your student-teacher relationship? Do you feel like you connect with your students? Come to this session for some tips on how to connect with your students and watch their achievement grow.

Courtney Miller, Tom Zaya

Gamifying Your Classroom



Games are a valuable way to connect content to recall, application, and the higher-order thinking skills of Bloom’s taxonomy. Spend some time in this session discovering why and how to use games and game-theory in your classroom instruction to get student buy-in and engagement.

Michael Becksfort

Toxic Stress and the Brain



What is stress doing to us and what can we do to help our students and ourselves? Find out in this session!

Steve Vonderhaar

Increase Efficiency and Save Time with Google Tools



Learn how Google Suite can promote a more engaging teaching and learning environment by saving everyone time and getting and staying organized. Explore how to use Google Classroom to create class rosters, assign and collect work, as well as give and receive feedback.

Emily Colpi, Patti Saxton

The Power of Authentic Learning **Synergy Project



Interested in learning about the power of authentic learning in the primary grades? Hear firsthand accounts of first grade’s experiences and learning around the project-based learning they implemented!

Abbie Lewis, Val Kennedy

2:15-3:15 p.m. Session

Grade HES Levels Correlation



Gifted - Hidden Treasures: Web Tools and Resources to Enhance Teaching and Learning *Gifted PD



Technology not only allows teachers to provide differentiated instruction, but also serves as an educational and creative outlet for gifted students. Learn new ways to use web tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning for the highest learner.

Katrice Quitter

Kahoot in the Classroom



Looking for an interactive and simple ways to review skills? Want to see your students motivated? Have your student create quick review quizzes? Let’s Kahoot!

Tom Zaya

Creativity in the Classroom



Fidget spinners, Snapchat and YouTube. Sound like bad words to you? They all pique students interests, isn’t it time our classroom content does too? This interactive session will look at how our students access the information we want them to know, engage with the learning, and ultimately express their understanding….in a creative way.

Brent Wise

The Secret Life of the Mariemont Teenager: A Panel Discussion on the Realities Students Experience



Has it been awhile since you’ve been a teenager? Do you struggle to understand the motivations and interests of Generation Z (the age group starting with birth year 1996)? Join us for a panel discussion with a diverse group of Mariemont teenagers who will share what it’s like to be a young adult today and help you better understand and connect with your students.

Panel Discussion by Mariemont students, Emily Colpi

AAC Training Augmented Devices Students Use for Communication



Do you have incoming AAC users or support students who use AAC devices? This session is for you! We will provide instructional strategies and practical classroom applications to support students using TouchChat on their AAC device.

Amanda McHugh, Hannah Wordeman

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.