Bring the Characteristics to Life! Summer is the perfect time to relax, recharge and refocus but, we all know that our classrooms are never that far from our minds! Nothing feels better than starting the school year with a plan, and with the tools to execute it! Take part in this year’s Mariemont Summer Academy series, Characteristics in Context, and start the school year running! Each staff member can take advantage of up to TWO optional PD days. You will receive a training stipend of $125 for each of these days, should you choose to take advantage of them. One of the days can be a collaboration day with your grade level/subject area/ vertical team. Your team may choose a day in June or August to work together. The date and team plan must be submitted to your building principal for approval prior to the meeting date. Please use the PD approval form. Your day’s work must also be submitted to your building principal upon completion. The other day will be learning sessions geared around our Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Characteristics of Highly Engaged Students. You must attend at least FIVE of the sessions offered to earn a paid PD day. Those five sessions can be spread between the two days, if you like. If you do not participate in a collaboration day, you must attend at least TEN sessions to earn two paid PD days. There are THREE to SIX sessions offered at each time slot. Some repeat, others do not. You must sign up for the sessions in the PD events åsection of mAcademy by Friday, June 3. Choose what will help make the characteristics come alive in your teaching and in your students!
The HIGHLY EFFECTIVE teacher . . . creates LEARNING TARGETS for students that allow them to understand where they are going and how to get there.
designs creative learning opportunities by applying his/her CONTENT KNOWLEDGE and KNOWLEDGE OF BEST PRACTICE in order to MOTIVATE and INSPIRE students. ensures and protects student understanding by MODELING strong and weak work for demonstrating mastery of the intended learning and encouraging RESILIENCY to reach that mastery.
cultivates TRUST by working together with students to set challenging, yet appropriate, LEARNING GOALS.
fosters productive and purposeful COLLABORATIVE LEARNING by showcasing and providing guidelines for RESPECT and TOLERANCE when working with others. gives frequent, ongoing, meaningful FEEDBACK to students and creates opportunities to receive feedback from students about the effectiveness of his/her instructional practice. supports students to have an accurate understanding of their own learning through the use of FORMATIVE and SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS as well as SELF ASSESSMENTS.
ADVOCATES for student success and NURTURES student well being.
Highly Effective Teachers
All sessions on August 10th and 11th will be held at the high school. Exact locations will be posted at the high school on each day. Please bring a device and any materials you think you would need based on the sessions you plan on attending.
Key for Highly Effective Teaching (HET) correlation‌ LT - Learning Targets BP - Best Practice LG - Learning Goals CL - Collaborative Learning A - Assessment WB - Student Well-being
M - Model F - Feedback
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10 – Highly Effective Teaching 8:00-9:00 a.m. Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
How to Write IEP Goals and Objectives Effectively
This session will give suggestions for how to write IEP goals and objectives that are clear, measurable and transferable across grade-levels. This will also be an opportunity for intervention specialists in the district to share strategies and formulate common language and understandings related to IEP goal writing.
Number Talks
Number talks are a powerful tool for developing computational fluency, constructing viable arguments, critiquing the reasoning of others and finding patterns. Learn more about this strategy and practice using it.
Reading Units of Study
Part 1- Grade level work on orientation to the Units of Study, set up and provisions and overview of assessment tools. (Differentiated based on need)
8:00-9:00, continued Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
Using Video Projects to Assess Student Learning
Tired of grading so many tests? Want to offer students a more creative way to demonstrate their learning? Interested in alternative assessments but unsure how to manage or assess them? Learn how video projects can decrease the paper and grading load and increase the creativity and critical thinking in your classroom.
Blackboard 101
New to Blackboard or need a refresher? Come hone your Bb skills.
Saxton, Colpi, Butler
Giving Effective Feedback to Students
Wondering how to give meaningful feedback to your students? Worried that your feedback is not as meaningful as it should be? Come get some ideas for taking your feedback to the next level.
9:15-10:15 Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
How to Modify Assessments
Modifying Classroom assessments may be easier than you think‌In this session we will be sharing strategies for making accommodations and modifications to classroom materials and assessments for junior high and high school students. If you bring an assessment or lesson with you, we can help you modify it in the moment, so that you can learn while getting work done!
Szabo, Oberschlake
Number Talks
Number talks are a powerful tool for developing computational fluency, constructing viable arguments, critiquing the reasoning of others and finding patterns. Learn more about this strategy and practice using it.
Reading Units of Study
Part 2- Grade level work on orientation to the Units of Study, set up and provisions and overview of assessment tools. (Differentiated based on need)
Managing Student Feedback with Bb
Do your students produce digital products that you would like to have turned-in, graded, and returned to students all online. These could be assignments such as written papers, essays, lab reports, PowerPoints, videos, etc. In this session you will learn how to set up an assignment on Blackboard, how the students can submit the assignment, how to grade this assignment (including use of rubrics), how to use SafeAssign and/or Turnit-in through Blackboard, and how to guide students to viewing their graded assignment on Blackboard.
9:15-10:15, continued Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
Classroom Management 101
Managing your classroom is key to creating an environment conducive for learning, and for maintaining your sanity. Come learn some basic classroom management skills to make your life easier and your students’ learning more impactful.
Kromer, McHugh
Understanding the Data Dashboard
Learn how to best utilize this wonderful district resource to better inform your instruction.
Stigall, T. Block
10:30-11:30 Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
The Learning Styles Myth
How important are learning styles? We have been spending countless hours planning lessons to meet all student learning style needs...but is this necessary? Self-awareness and understanding learning preferences may be more important. Now where do we begin? What can we do to make students more independent learners in school and beyond. Come up with a plan to support students ongoing self-awareness beginning on the first day of school.
Words Their Way
Feeling like you need more inspiration after a year of implementing Words Their Way? Gain a little more insight into WTW. We will discuss ways to organize the different sorts, daily word study schedules, homework ideas and assessments.
Kennedy, Lewis
Sources of Rich Math Problems
Take some time to explore sources of challenging problems. You will leave with problems that you can use to kick off the new school year!
Organizing the Research Process in the Digital Age
F, A
Research = Google = Cut & Paste…right? Wrong! Now that students (and teachers) have so much access to information, information literacy skills are more important than ever. In this session, learn how your students can use NoodleTools not only to cite sources but to help filter sources, process information, synthesize ideas, collaborate with peers, and organize the entire research process—all while learning how the validity of a writer’s claim rests on the strength of one’s sources. Plus, teachers can see exactly where students are in the research process and easily provide useful feedback.
HELP me with ADHD
Need to see ADHD differently? This session provides learning opportunities for teachers to understand ADHD, change their perception, and learn practical, actionable strategies to reach students with ADHD.
11:45-12:45 p.m. BYOL (bring your own lunch) and Learn Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
Number Sense
Looking for a fun way to foster number sense and fact fluency? We will learn engaging card and dice games that can be used in Math Workshop to challenge all learners.
Teaching Students to Engage with Online Texts
In 2008, writer Eric Carr posed the question, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?� He, and many researchers since, have recognized that reading online is a fundamentally different process than reading in print and are exploring what the implications of this reality are for the reading brain. In this session, we will look at what research tells us about reading online and how teachers can teach students to engage with online texts in ways that increase comprehension and retention.
Mindsets in the Classroom
Growth or fixed, which one are you? Learn how your own mindset impacts your instruction and how to create a classroom culture that celebrates mistakes.
EdCamp Discussion: What are the Best Ways to Give Feedback?
EdCamp is a discussion-based profession learning experience. Our focus will be all about the best ways to give feedback. Come ready to share ideas and learn from colleagues.
Simmons, Lee
Using STAR data
Looking for ways to better understand your STAR data? Get some strategies to help you use this data more effectively.
T. Block
1:00-2:00 Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
Visible Thinking: Thinking Routines
Learn about integrating routines that are simple, “thinking-rich� structures that can be used across various grade levels and content.
Creating and Using Video Demonstrations
Need to demonstrate something to your class and want students to view it now and later? Learn how to use an iPad to create memorable and long lasting demonstrations! This will be a hands on session so bring an idea and materials to demonstrate! iPads provided.
Saxton, Komrska
Uppervention: Meeting the Needs of High Achieving Students
Learn quick and effective ways that you can increase student engagement and achievement that will benefit every learner in your classroom. Leave with strategies and resources you can begin to implement right away!
Using the Gradual Release Model for Effective Direct Instruction
Students learn best with feedback, support and lots of practice. Learn the skills to incorporate all three into your direct instruction.
L. Block, Kromer
Blackboard 101
New to Blackboard or need a refresher? Come hone your Bb skills.
Colpi, Butler
Maximize Instructional Time
K-6 specials teachers
Wondering how to make the best of the time you have with your kids once a week and/or on Monday Explorations? Get some strategies to make sure you are maximizing your time with your students.
2:15-3:15 Session
Grade HET Levels Correlation
Working with Students with Autism
Students with autism have very particular and fascinating needs. Find out what autism really is and what it “looks like,” along with how to meet those needs in the general education classroom with 20+ other students.
Getting Kids to Talk
Do you feel like you are doing all the talking in your classroom? Do you want your students to talk more? Engage in discussions? Discussion provides teachers with instant feedback about student learning while using higher order thinking skills. Through discussions, student can develop interests and become active participants in their own learning. After this session, you will walk away with discussion activities that you can use the next day in your classroom!
Jordan, Regruth
Best Practices for Screencasting in the Classroom
Screencasts can be used effectively to extend your classroom and allow you to reach students even when they can’t be with you in person. A few basic guidelines will help you get started or take your screencasting to the next level.
Becksfort, S. Miller
Question Formulation Technique (QFT)
M, A
Using the QFT helps students think more critically and independently by asking and evaluating their own questions. The QFT can lead to improved outcomes, greater student engagement and more ownership of the learning process. Learn strategies for integrating the QFT into your classroom.
Using the Gradual Release Model for Effective Direct Instruction
Students learn best with feedback, support and lots of practice. Learn the skills to incorporate all three into your direct instruction.
Bullar, Kromer
Parent Communication and Homework
Is homework an essential component of rigorous school or a harmful practice that alienates and discourages a significant number of students? Is homework breaking down the relationship between home and school? Come explore and discuss ways to design and differentiate quality homework tasks, improve homework completion, and implement homework strategies and support programs. We will also discuss ways to communicate with parents to keep them on your side.
The Instructors
Greg Nicolas
Emily Anderson
Karen Haller
Lee Lowery
Valerie Kennedy
Lisa Block
Patti Saxton
Marissa Szabo
Abbie Lewis
Mindy Brown
Cathy Schroeder
Shelley Komrska
Lindsay Oberschlake
Emily Colpi
Katrice Quitter
Ann Bullar
Lindsay Butler
Ericka Simmons
Shannon Kromer
Jeff Radloff
Trevor Block
Linda Lee
Gene Stigall
Alex Drexelius
Molly Connaughton
Leslie Jordan
Sy Miller
Joe Regruth
Amber Hawk
Nicole Parr
Jill Strall
Tom Amlung
Eric Weiss
Tricia Buchert
Michael Becksfort
Emily Hunt
Luke Wiseman
Jessica Long
Amanda McHugh
Tami Croll
Erica Eppert
Courtney Miller
Steve Estepp
Lisa Good
Tom Zaya
Josephine McKenrick
Characteristics of Highly Engaged Students The ENGAGED student... is CURIOUS, CREATIVE, and demonstrates PASSION through his/her learning and experiences. demonstrates SELF-AWARENESS, INDEPENDENCE and OWNERSHIP of his/her learning. values RELATIONSHIPS and understands the importance of meaningful COMMUNICATION and COLLABORATION. takes responsible academic RISKS and possesses RESILIENCE.
is GLOBALLY COMPETENT and understands other perspectives and cultures. is a CRITICAL THINKER who EXPERIMENTS, QUESTIONS and SOLVES problems. builds strong content KNOWLEDGE, effectively FILTERS information, and demonstrates learning in AUTHENTIC ways.
Highly Engaged Students All sessions on August 10th and 11th will be held at the high school. Exact locations will be posted at the high school on each day. Please bring a device and any materials you think you would need based on the sessions you plan on attending.
Key for Highly Engaged Student (HES) correlation‌
C - Curious and Creative O - Ownership of Learning AK - Applying Knowledge GC - Global Competency CC - Communication and Collaboration
R - Resilience CT - Critical Thinking
THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 – Highly Engaged Students 8:00-9:00 a.m. Session
Grade HES Levels Correlation
Student-led Learning Using Differentiation
Student-led learning allows students to be in charge of their own learning. Through giving students daily choices about when and how they will complete assignments, it allows them to take more ownership of their work, work at their own pace, and use their strengths to complete assignments. This approach lends itself to incorporating various differentiation strategies with students. We will show you some tools to help implement both student-led learning and differentiation strategies into your classroom.
Hunt, Good, Parr
Math Mindset book discussion
Did you participate in the book study this summer? If so, come and discuss what you read and how to control the math mindset in your classroom.
Student Data Notebooks
How do you track student data in your classroom? Binders, notebooks or an online tracking system? Learn how to help students capture data and progress on academic and personal goals and use them to truly own their learning.
Highly Engaged Students
THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 – Highly Engaged Students 9:15-10:15 Session
Grade HES Levels Correlation
Getting Kids to Talk
Do you feel like you are doing all the talking in your classroom? Do you want your students to talk more? Engage in discussions? Discussion provides teachers with instant feedback about student learning while using higher order thinking skills. Through discussions, students can develop interests and become active participants in their own learning. After this session, you will walk away with discussion activities that you can use the next day in your classroom!
Jordan, Regruth
Augmented Reality: Student Writing that Leaps Off the Page
Imagine living in the magical world of Harry Potter, where the school hallways are lined with paintings that are alive and interactive. Believe it or not, that magic is available now with Augmented Reality (AR) technology. AR apps allow educators and students to unlock or create layers of digital stories on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device.
Colpi, Saxton
Mindsets in the Classroom
Growth or fixed, which one are you? Learn how your own mindset impacts your instruction and how to create a classroom culture that celebrates mistakes.
Utilizing Pinterest
Today’s teachers are experts at making boring lessons more engaging. This session will help teachers create and/ or organize Pinterest pages, find other educators to follow, and update upcoming lessons or units that may need a bit more “life” in them for the upcoming school year!
Kennedy, Strall
10:30-11:30 Session
Grade HES Levels Correlation
Creating Your Compassionate Classroom Culture
All teachers create a learning environment. We will discuss how to empower and inspire students and teachers in order to create a classroom culture that is fun, exciting, engaging, safe, rewarding, interesting, thought provoking, and challenging.
Eppert, Amlung, Long
Differentiation with Google Tools
Most students and teachers use at least one Google product every day without ever realizing all the ways Google can be tailored to an individual user’s needs. In this session, you will learn about Google Chrome extensions and Google Docs Add-ons that make it easier for you to provide different avenues to learning for your students.
Using Creative Commons Licensed Music, Photos and Videos in Multimedia Projects
Copyright is tricky business and can stress you out if you try to get approval for every song, graphic, picture, or video clip you want to use. Creative Commons to the rescue! Come explore how to get free-to-use resources for your classroom.
Fostering Teacher/ Student Relationships
Change the culture of your classroom by learning tips, ideas and tricks to build and foster the relationships between you and your students.
C. Miller, Zaya
Highly Engaged Students
11:45-12:45 p.m. BYOL (bring your own lunch) and Learn Session
Grade HES Levels Correlation
Data Visualization with Infographics
If you want a way for your students to demonstrate their understanding of how things interrelate, Infographics might be for you! Whether it is population data, story details, or historical events, infographics can help your students synthesize information into compelling visuals. This session will discuss different types of infographics as well as tools students (or you) can use to create them.
Race, Class, and the “Others”: Opening “The Bubble” and Teaching with Social Justice in Mind
This session will be a guided but open discussion about how we might help our mostly racially and economically homogenous student population understand and think critically about issues and identities that seem off their radar and beyond their concern: among them, racial, class, and gendered identities. The purpose of such discussion is to work toward compassionate acceptance of those who may have different experiences than our own. The discussion will include excerpts and exercises from The Other Wes Moore, Unequal Childhoods, and Race Talks and the Conspiracy of Silence.
Circle Keeper Introduction
In this session you will learn more about circles as a classroom management and community-building tool. This session is influenced by the work of Carolyn Boyes-Watson and Kay Pranis in Circle Forward: Building a Restorative School Community.
Unwrapping the Gifted
Take a peek into the world of a gifted student. Learn about the various types of gifted learners. Explore strategies to better engage gifted students in the learning process.
1:00-2:00 Session
Grade HES Levels Correlation
Twitter as a Resource
Be afraid of Twitter no longer! Twitter is a great resource for industry news and information, professional development and sharing stories and news with your peers. We’ll take baby steps to get you comfortable using this tool and you’ll feel like a pro in no time.
When Rigor Meets Passion: Promoting Creativity in the Classroom
Develop an understanding of creativity and passion and how both can be developed through thoughtful questioning, activities and projects in the classroom.
Finding the Forest Among the Trees: Using Curation Tools to Filter, Organize and Tell Stories
According to Beth Kanter, “content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme.” Practice this skill using different online tools and see example student projects using curation.
EdCamp Discussion: How Do We Address Global Competency in the Arts?
EdCamp is a discussion-based profession learning experience. Our focus will be all about addressing global competency in the arts classrooms and experiences. Come ready to share ideas and learn from colleagues.
2:15-3:15 Session
Grade HES Levels Correlation
Circle Keeper Introduction
In this session you will learn more about circles as a classroom management and community-building tool. This session is influenced by the work of Carolyn Boyes-Watson and Kay Pranis in Circle Forward: Building a Restorative School Community.
Twitter as a Resource
Be afraid of Twitter no longer! Twitter is a great resource for industry news and information, professional development and sharing stories and news with your peers. We’ll take baby steps to get you comfortable using this tool and you’ll feel like a pro in no time.
2:15-3:15 Session
Grade HES Levels Correlation
Fostering Teacher/ Student Relationships
Some kids are easy to get along with, but what about the others? Come discuss ways to build good relationships with your favorites and even the most difficult students.
Becksfort, Anderson
EdCamp Discussion: How Do We Foster Resiliency in our Students?
EdCamp is a discussion-based profession learning experience. Our focus will be all about fostering resiliency. Come ready to share ideas and learn from colleagues.