Mariemont High School Success Guide

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The MHS Student Handbook states: The following policy is in effect for all students in extracurricular activities. In order to be eligible in grades 9-12, a student must be currently enrolled and must have been enrolled in school the immediately preceding grading period. During the preceding grading period, the student must have received passing grades in a minimum of five one-credit courses of the equivalent which count toward graduation excluding physical education classes, and maintain a 1.5 GPA. Freshmen must have passed 75% of their 4th quarter 8th grade classes for fall eligibility. The eligibility or ineligibility of a student continues until the 5th day of the next grading period. Exception: at the start of the fall sports season, the first grading period is considered to have started insofar as this bylaw is concerned.


Summer school grades earned may NOT be used to substitute for failing grades. A. Students enrolled in grades 9-12 1. In the immediately preceding grading period, a student must receive a passing grade in a minimum of FIVE one-credit courses or the equivalent, which count toward graduation, excluding physical education classes. 2. The grades from the preceding grading period, excluding physical education classes, must, when combined, be a total grade point average of at least a 1.5 on a four-point scale. B. Students enrolled in grades 7-8 1. A student enrolled in the seventh grade for the first time will be eligible for the grading period regardless of previous academic achievement. In the immediately preceding grading period, a student must receive a passing grade in a minimum of FIVE one-credit courses or the equivalent, which count toward graduation, excluding physical education classes. 2. The grades from the preceding grading period, excluding physical education classes, must, when combined, be a total grade point average of at least a 1.5 on a four-point scale.


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