2023-24 Terrace Park Elementary School Success Guide

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ELEMENTARY 2023-2024
Work Smart. Create Experience. Embrace Growth.


Teachers and administrators work together to make certain that the content and skills learned flow consistently from grade level to grade level. Our curriculum serves as the blueprint for college and career readiness and success with state and national assessments. Beyond the classroom, we offer students opportunities to develop leadership and collaborative skills to help prepare them for success.

The district achievement goal is that student success will increase through rigorous curriculum design, instructional best practices, meaningful programming and purposeful environments that maximize learner autonomy and capacity to thrive.

This goal is reflected in our academic programs at each grade level, using a workshop model in our literacy and math blocks giving us the ability to meet the individual needs of all of our students.

90-minute block of an Explorations class as the special on Monday. Wellness/PE Art Wellness/PE Art Wellness/PE Art Library Library Spanish Library Spanish Music Music Music Choice: STEM Orchestra, Band, or Chorus STEM


Learning Lab is a structured support system that presents added learning opportunities for each child in Kindergarten through 6th grade. It is a resource we hope each parent and child feels is valuable and enjoyable. Learning Lab includes three platforms: intervention, special education, and enrichment. The goal of each platform is to provide the students with an environment that fosters learning through activities that are based on individual student needs. The Intervention Learning Lab platform provides a concentrated focus on math and reading, and will include evidenced-based reading and math-specific programs to strengthen skills.


Technology skills are taught from kindergarten through grade 12. There are numerous skills that students are taught/introduced to throughout the year by the classroom teacher and school library aide. Students in grades K-3 will have access to an individual iPad in the classroom while students in grades 4-6 will be permitted to take their iPads to and from school/home. Throughout instruction, your child may use age and skill-appropriate websites and/or apps related to math and reading. Additionally, they will be involved in writing tasks or publications.

The best way to stay informed about important school events, fundraisers, programs and other news is via the WEDNESDAY EMAIL news from our PTO. We use our school distribution lists to send out this weekly communication.



To improve communication with parents about their child’s academic and social progress, we use a quarterly standards based report card for our learners in grades K-4. This report card format provides detailed information about students’ strengths and areas for growth. Report cards in grades 5 and 6 show traditional letter grades based on classroom performance.


Supply lists are available for grades K-6 online on the school home page (www.mariemontschools.org) – click on “Student Supplies Lists” under the Parent heading.


The Mariemont City School District makes a concerted effort to implement daily security measures to keep our school safe and secure. All doors are kept locked during school hours. The front doors facing Elm Ave. are locked and inaccessible during the school day. During school hours, every visitor must enter the office and register his/her name and purpose of visit. A driver’s license is required to be given a visitor’s badge that should be worn for the duration of the visit. Visitors must also sign out in the office at the conclusion of their visit and turn in their badge to office personnel.



Parties involving food in the elementary schools will take place four (4) times a year in the classrooms for Halloween, winter holiday, Valentine’s Day and end-of-year picnics. Food treats brought in during a party by a student or student’s family for purposes of sharing in the classroom must be accompanied by original packaging with nutritional and ingredient list(s) and should be tree-nut/peanut free. Specific classrooms or grade levels may further limit food items. Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher several days in advance to determine what food allergens will not be allowed. Parents of students with food/health related conditions will be notified in advance of any food/treat that is being served in a classroom.

Birthdays are very special days for students. We acknowledge every child’s birthday during the school year. If parents would like to bring a birthday treat in for your child, it must be for your child only. We ask that birthday treats not be brought in for sharing with other students within the classroom and/or grade level.

Kindergarten classrooms will have a snack time each day. Students will be required to bring in their own snack, which should be peanut/tree-nut free. If a student forgets to bring in a snack, pretzel rods will be provided to the student.



Students have a combined lunch and recess time. At the beginning of each day, students inform their teacher if they are buying lunch, packing or going home. We require our youngest children in grades K, 1, and 2 to have a parent note stating their lunch plans. If your child will do the same thing every day or week, one note at the beginning of the year is all that is needed. If your child has a change in lunch plans or an unpredictable schedule, we ask that parents send a note any time they plan to go home. Again, safety is our priority!

Information on MySchoolBucks (the online system to monitor and add money to a child’s lunch account) and the Free and Reduced Lunch Program can be found on the district’s website under the Parents tab.

Lunch K-2nd 11:35am - 12:00pm 12:00-12:25pm 3rd-6th 12:00-12:25pm 11:35am - 12:00pm


We are very fortunate to live in a small village where most students can walk or ride their bikes to school! Please encourage your child to do so whenever possible!

However, if you plan to drop your child off or pick them up at school, we have a designated “drop off/pick up” lane that flows one way from the entrance on Myrtle Ave. There will be a staff member outside to help with the process from 8:15 – 8:30 a.m. and from 3:15 – 3:30 p.m. As a courtesy to others, please pull around the circle to let other cars through if you are waiting for your child and other vehicles are ready to exit.

Please note that the parking lot exit is designated “right turn only” during school hours in order to facilitate a smooth and safe flow of traffic.

If parents do not wish to wait in the drop off/pick up lane, you can pick up your child around the perimeter of the building. Please make sure that you predetermine a designated spot with students so they know where to meet.

Safety Reminders: If you would like to walk your children into school, please park in the lot or on Elm Ave. There is no stopping or parking in the drop off lane. Please be extremely cautious in the parking lot and around the school, as there are many pedestrians and bike riders. Thank you for helping to make sure that our children are safe when dropping off and picking up!


Please visit our website to check out bus schedules and info on the bus tracker app: https://www.mariemontschools.org/ Transportation.aspx


Right at School will offer a before and after school program at Mariemont Elementary. The Terrace Park bus will transport your child to ME for the after school program. If you have any questions please email rightatschool.com or call 855-287-2466 for more information.



What do I do if my child is late to school or sick?

• When it is necessary that a child is absent from school or if your child is to be late, please call or e-mail the school by 8:45 a.m. and inform the secretary of your child’s absence and the reason for the absence. You also may send an email to tp.attendance@mariemontschools.org. This is done to assure the safe whereabouts of each child.

• Per House Bill 410, absences are no longer counted as how many days missed, but by how many hours of school missed. It is important to be aware that we are required by law to send the first notification at 38 or more hours in one month or 65 or more hours in one school year, excused or unexcused.

• Your child should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. In general, it is advisable to ask your doctor to recommend readmission after a communicable disease.



What are the big events I should attend?

There are many events throughout the year but some of the events that you may want to make arrangements to attend are the first day of school welcome, Parent Information Night, PTO Pumpkinfest, the Halloween parade and the end-of-year parties. Please ask your child’s classroom teacher for details.


We have a caring and committed staff here at Terrace Park Elementary. Your partnership and involvement in the school is critical to the success of your child(ren)’s education. We invite you to visit the school often, to call or email when you have questions or need more information, to communicate regularly with the teachers and to talk with your child about what they are learning.

We are committed to partnering with each of our families and with our staff to create a nurturing, caring, welcoming, fun and rigorous school environment where all students can pursue their passion, be transformed as learners and achieve high levels of excellence.


Terrace Park Elementary

723 Elm Avenue

Terrace Park, Ohio 45174


Principal: Tami Croll

Counselor: Britane Bednar

Office staff: Beverley Cooke, Leslie McManus School Health Aide: Holly McCormack RN, MSN

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