Curriculum Chronicle for Parents - October 2014

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 MORE ABOUT FIP RESOURCES .................. 2

Curriculum Chronicle

Overview: Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) is a professional learning opportunity for educators. This professional learning opportunity will assist educators in learning about formative instructional practices and enhancing their own use of these strategies. Formative instructional practices include formal and informal assessment processes that teachers and students use to gather evidence of student learning.

(FIP) Formative Instructional Practices What is FIP? Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) are intentional behaviors that teachers and students use to obtain information about learning so that decisions can be made about additional learning opportunities. Formative instructional practices are the formal and informal ways that teachers and students gather and respond to evidence of student learning. Georgia’s FIP professional learning has four major components.

1. Clear Learning Targets 2. Collecting, analyzing and using evidence of student learning 3. Effective Feedback 4. Student Ownership of Learning Following are the three learning paths that can be implemented with the first being the one that the state recommends: Teacher Learning Paths 1. Professional Learning Team (Modules 15) 2. With Friends (Modules 1-5) 3. On my Own (Modules 1-5)

How can FIP help with TAPS? TAPS Self-assessment Depending upon the standards that a teacher identifies for growth, the supervisor can offer or recommend applicable FIP online learning modules to consider in the pre-conference or during the evaluation process. Individuals or groups can also self-select to view any or all FIP modules that correlate to a topic where more professional learning is desired.

FIP PL Modules Content

R ESOURCES : Directions to Access FIP

FIP Supports… Teacher Effectiveness Performance

How Does Georgia FIP Connect? Educators across Georgia are working hard to implement initiatives aimed at ensuring all students achieve the target of college and career readiness. Formative instructional practices are critical to connecting the dots between improvement efforts related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Learning How to Propel Your Growth • Engage in professional learning aligned with the Teacher and Leader Keys Effectiveness System. • Plan for and deliver instruction of Georgia’s curriculum. • Gather accurate and reliable evidence of student progress relative to the new standards. • Use evidence informed decisions and provide students with feedback that moves their learning forward. Impact Your Students • Students know what they are expected to learn. • Students self-assess and make decisions about where they need to go based on where they are. • Students are motivated by their progress. • Students are engaged and take ownership of their learning.

FIP Course Content The core of the FIP learning experience is comprised of seven online learning modules. Modules 1-5 are for teachers. 1. Introduction to Formative Instructional Practices (Target audience: Classroom teachers and others in direct teaching and supervisory roles) -Understand what formative instructional practices are -Become familiar with key research findings related to the effects of formative instructional practices on student achievement 2. Clear Learning Targets (Target audience: Classroom teachers and others in direct teaching and supervisory roles) -Understand the benefits of learning targets -Know how to ensure learning targets are clear to the teacher -Know how to make learning targets clear to students 3. Collecting and Documenting Evidence of Student Learning (Target audience: Classroom teachers and others in direct teaching and supervisory roles) -Know how to collect accurate formative evidence of student learning

4. Analyzing Evidence and Providing Effective Feedback (Target audience: Classroom teachers and others in direct teaching and supervisory roles) -Know how to use methods of assessment formatively in order to analyze evidence of student learning -Understand what makes feedback effective -Know how to provide effective feedback 5. Student Ownership of Learning: Peer Feedback, Self -Assessment, and More (Target audience: Classroom teachers and others in direct teaching and supervisory roles) -Know how to prepare students to give each other effective feedback -Know how to prepare students to self-assess with a focus on learning targets -Know how to prepare students to create specific and challenging goals -Know how to prepare students to track, reflect on, and share their learning with others.

Step 1 Teachers need to secure the school-specific access code from the principal. If you are district office staff, secure the district specific access code from the district’s Assessment Director Step 2 Have your work email address and FIP access code available to create an account. Enter the Url below into your browser and launch it to create a new account. Georgia/Core/BFKlogin.aspx?sfl ang=en

Step 3 Click,“Create a New Account.” Enter your email address and access code, and click, “Continue.” Step 4 Enter your demographic information and type a password of a minimum of 5 characters in length including one upper case and one lower case letter. Press, “Continue.” Step 5 Agree to the “Terms for Use.” Click “My Learning” to begin learning modules.

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