MYP Student Publication - January 2015 Edition

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My IB Life in the MYP IB Learner Profile

Volume 1, Issue 1II

January 2015

 Balanced  Reflective

Meet Mibli:

 Inquirers

Hi Everyone! I hope you are having a great New Year so far in 2015. This year I set two goals or New Year resolutions. The first one is to live an IB life or to display the IB Learner Profile traits. The second resolution I have is to send my newsletters to try to encourage all of you to reflect about your IB Life and keep us con-

 Caring  Knowledgeable  Communicator  Principled  Open-minded  Risk-taker  Thinker

Inside this issue:

Meet Mibli


Our Awesome Voices


Let’s Work on our Growth Mindset!


What Would Mibli Do?



Our Awesome Voices Hey fellow Communicators! This month I thought we would use our voices to encourage ourselves and others to use the Learner Profile to work hard to be extra Principled. IB describes Principled as “We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.” How can we use our voices to help others act with fairness and respect for others’ rights? One idea that I have for this is to talk

with other people in class that are in my group for working on projects or problems and suggest that we discuss who is responsible for doing what, how we are going to work together, and agreeing to do our part so it is fair to everyone. I also think that we can discuss how each part will help each group member to get a chance to learn from one another. We can talk about how if someone doesn’t do their part or if everyone doesn’t help the others, then we are not being Caring or Principled. What ideas do you have? Share, Communicate, and Care!

visit my webpage at:

Let’s Work on our Growth Mindset!


“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” —Dr. Seuss

I have continued to read about the GROWTH MINDSET. I am very excited to share, so we can all be even more Knowledgeable. I read about an idea that we can learn to hear our FIXED MINDSET voice. Then I thought of some ways we could talk back to it with a GROWTH MINDSET voice. If we are faced with a challenge for instance, you might hear that little voice inside say things like, “This is too hard, so don’t even try it.” Or, “You cannot get this perfect, so what’s the point.”

My ideas for these thoughts are to think with my growth mindset and say to myself, “Even though this is a challenge, I’m a hard worker and I’m not giving up until I meet the challenge.” Or, “No one is perfect, but I’ll be happy as long as I try my best.” When we try and things do not go as we had hoped the first time, our fixed mindset voice might say things to us like, “I knew I couldn’t do this right.” ; “It’s all wrong. I give up.”; “I didn’t really care about this anyway.” “It was a stupid project, so who cares?” My ideas for talking back using my growth mindset are to think things like, “Let’s see what I learned from my first attempt at this and then make some changes.” “Learning from mistakes is a smart thing to do.” “I can build off of what I learned to get closer to what I was trying to accomplish.” “I remember my coach telling us that practice makes perfect, so I just need to keep going to get it the way I pictured it would be.” What examples can you think of for when the FIXED MINDSET interferes with your GROWTH MINDSET?

What Would Mibli Do? When we are living an IB Life, we try to live the IB Learner Profile. We are: KNOWLEDGEABLE Marietta Sixth Grade Academy

Marietta Middle School Marietta High School


person at your school told you the idea, but when you tell everyone Here is our situation to else, they will think it think about together. was your idea and You have an opportunity to think you are so amazshare a fantastic idea with ing. the group you are working with at school. Another RISK-TAKERsCARING

Would you let the group think it was your idea ? If you don’t tell where you got the idea, is that right or Principled? What would you do?

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