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2.3 meThod of researCh and analysis: seleCTion of Case sTudies and ComparaTive analysis
2.3 Method of research and analysis: Selection of case studies and comparative analysis
The starting point implies the collection of data necessary to build our case. This process was particularly challenging because while there was a lot of data on Dubai exporting urban models’ postdevelopment, the open data and research available on Dubai importing urban models during its development was scarce even though true and evident. To build our case we collected information on Dubai as well as our selected cities, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur from which there could be possible importation.
We selected, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur as we observed they had similar growth patterns and through further analysis realized that all three cities have downtowns with similar urban fabric and features. From here we narrowed down our study area to downtowns and their surroundings studying in detail all the urban features, natural and manmade in and around the downtown areas.
We also selected Boxpark and City Walk other emerging examples of urban models which have been in circulation in many major cities for some years now. Yet again another challenge we faced was with the quality of open data available. Considering the chosen scale of analysis (downtowns and surroundings), it was poor and forced us to build our case from scratch.
Post data collection our thesis splits into urban design analysis and urban planning analysis where we both work individually using our expertise gained over our courses. In urban planning, we select and compare in detail urban models and policies that have been circulated and verify their success. Further, this part concludes by suggesting modifications to existing policies in Dubai where the urban models may not have been a success. In urban design, we reduce our scale to user experience to study interventions made at the human scale. Again, interventions of this scale that are circulated are compared to verify their success. The study concludes with suggestions and possible guidelines for interventions that may not have been a success.
Once again, our work combines to conclude the research
homogenously having had a rich synthesis in the process of building our case on the importation of urban models in Dubai.
Sources of data
We had two major sources of information. The first is from observations and experiential inputs of one of us, Sneha who has lived in Dubai for over fifteen years and has also been able to visit our selected study areas after the commencement of our research for a live site study. In the live study, we have been able to collect videos, photographs, microclimate data, etc. of our selected areas of study.
Our second and most important source of background information to understand the context, its history and relevance are from scholarly papers and books. Post data collection our thesis splits into Urban design analysis and Urban planning analysis where we both work individually using our expertise gained over our courses.
To gain a public perspective, we also talked to locals and asked users of these public spaces about their experiences and opinions on these developments. We further briefed them about the concept of circulating urban models before questioning them to verify their agreement or disagreement with our research thesis. The same questions were used for the next method of data collection.
Another method we used to collect similar information off-site was by circulating a google form questionnaire with similar questions around residents and visitors of all three cities with at least 30 subjects for each. Their reactions along with demographics such as gender, age, occupation were noted. It was found that an overwhelming percentage of the subjects had thoughts running parallel to ours. More information on this method of data collection is available in chapter 8.4 The outcomes of the comparative analysis: Public survey and user perspective.
Three cases of study
(Source: Author, Mariette Robin)