4 minute read
Cities with successful urban development in the process of becoming global cities have become a model for upcoming cities. The global circulation of planning models and policies can be identified and substantiated in terms other than mere, “Globalization” which our case study, the metropolis of Dubai is famous for.
The fast-track urban transformation of the city has rather gathered exalt in its growing years and criticism in what followed. What catches a planner’s eye at first glance at the city would be its high fragmentation and the dysconnectivity with multiple nuclei. One of these is Downtown Dubai which by itself is a greenfield development but it took the sacrificing of its surrounding neighbourhoods, Al Satwa and Al Wasl to make way for the circulation of planning practices and models from cities considered successful.
Webster defines “circulation” as passage or transmission from person to person or place to place which in our case is the transmission of urban models from place to place i.e., in and from Dubai, our primary case. Through this circulation, It has undergone instant urbanism with a spillover effect on the gulf and world cities.
This thesis will contribute to investigating broadly the patterns of circulation drawing from case studies of various scales and largely from the East Asian cities of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. The findings from them will be applied to compare with the urban models, policies and planning practices circulated in and from Dubai.
Keywords: Circulation, Planning practices, Urban models, Urban change, Urban Replication, Urban policies, Land acquisition, Asian cities
Abstract (Italian)
Le città con uno sviluppo urbano di successo in procinto di diventare “città globali” sono diventate un modello per le città del futuro. La circolazione globale di modelli e politiche di pianificazione può essere identificata e motivata in termini diversi dalla mera globalizzazione, per cui il nostro caso studio, ossia la metropoli di Dubai, è famosa.
La rapida trasformazione urbana della città ha raccolto una certa esaltazione nei suoi anni di crescita e, al contrario, critiche in quelli che sono seguiti. A un primo sguardo della città, ciò che cattura l’attenzione di un pianificatore urbano è la sua elevata frammentazione e la divisione in più nuclei. Uno di questi è Downtown Dubai, che è frutto di uno sviluppo greenfield, ma per cui è servito il sacrificio dei quartieri circostanti, Al-satwa e Al-wasl, in modo da far posto alla circolazione di pratiche e modelli di pianificazione da città considerate di successo.
Webster definisce “circolazione” il passaggio o la trasmissione da persona a persona o da luogo a luogo, che nel nostro caso si sostanzia nella trasmissione di modelli urbani da un luogo all’altro, ovvero da e verso Dubai, il nostro caso principale. Attraverso questa circolazione, la città ha subito un’urbanizzazione istantanea con ricadute sul golfo e sulle città del mondo .
Questa tesi contribuirà a indagare ampiamente i modelli di circolazione attingendo da casi di studio di diversa scala e in gran parte da due città dell’Asia orientale: Singapore e Kuala Lumpur. I risultati ottenuti verranno applicati per confrontare i modelli urbani, le politiche e le pratiche di pianificazione circolate da e verso Dubai.
Parole chiave: Circolazione, Pratiche di pianificazione, Modelli urbani, Cambiamento urbano, Replicazione urbana, Politiche urbane, Acquisizione fondiaria, Città asiatiche
Acknowledgement AbstrAct
1. IntroductIon
1.1 The rapid TransiTion of The GCC CounTries and CiTies 18 1.2 ouTlines and issues of Global urban models 23
2. methodology
2.1 researCh aim: sTudy CirCulaTion of urban models 29 2.2 researCh sTruCTure and quesTions 2.3 meThod of researCh and analysis: seleCTion of Case sTudies and ComparaTive analysis 31
3. understAndIng the context: dubAI
3.1 CiTy GovernanCe: urban developmenT auThoriTies 40 3.2 urban ChanGe: baCkGround on dubai’s urbanism 43 3.3 The seleCTion of The sTudy area: fasTesT GrowinG neiGhbourhood 48
Mariette Llewellyn Vanessa Robin (MSc. Urban Planning and Policy design) Sneha Santhosh Kumar (MSc. Architecture and Urban design) Joint work
4. AnAlysIs of cAse study: downtown dubAI
4.1 loCaTion and dimension of siTe 52 52
4.2 CirCulaTinG drivers of spaTial TransformaTion 54 4.3 foCus on uses and users: The reporT of The siTe visiT 59 5. compArAtIve cAse study: downtown sIngApore 66
5.1 loCaTion and dimension of The siTe 68
5.2 CirCulaTinG drivers of spaTial TransformaTion 70 5.3 foCus on uses and users: The example of sunTeC CiTy 76 6. compArAtIve cAse study: downtown kuAlA lumpur 80
6.1 loCaTion and dimension of siTe 82
6.2 CirCulaTinG drivers of spaTial TransformaTion 84
6.3 foCus on uses and users: The example of CenTral markeT 92
7. emergIng urbAn models In dubAI
7.1 CiTy walk 7.2 boxpark 94 96 104
Mariette Llewellyn Vanessa Robin (MSc. Urban Planning and Policy design) Sneha Santhosh Kumar (MSc. Architecture and Urban design) Joint work
8. urbAn desIgn And user AnAlysIs
8.1 The liTeraTure review 116 116
8.2 The inTernaTional Case sTudies: The CirCulaTion of publiC and pedesTrian spaCes 127 8.3 The foCus on dubai: The qualiTy analysis of publiC and pedesTrian spaCes 133 8.4 The ouTComes of The ComparaTive analysis: publiC survey and user perspeCTive 172 8.5 The loCal reConneCTion of inTernaTional urban models: a simulaTion in dubai 183
9. urbAn plAnnIng And polIcy AnAlysIs
9.1 land aCquisiTion poliCies in dubai 9.2 land aCquisiTion poliCies in sinGapore 9.3 land aCquisiTion poliCies in kuala lumpur 192 199 202
9.4 The ouTComes of The ComparaTive analysis: The Types of CirCulaTinG urban poliCies 204 9.5 The CiTizen perspeCTive: proposals for CirCulaTinG urban poliCies 215
Mariette Llewellyn Vanessa Robin (MSc. Urban Planning and Policy design) Sneha Santhosh Kumar (MSc. Architecture and Urban design) Joint work
10. conclusIon
10.1 Types of CirCulaTinG urban models 10.2 quesTioninG dubaisaTion: Two-way CirCulaTion and demands for a CiTizen-orienTed approaCh
Annex references
224 224
Mariette Llewellyn Vanessa Robin (MSc. Urban Planning and Policy design) Sneha Santhosh Kumar (MSc. Architecture and Urban design) Joint work