Insanely Fun Jobs That Really Exist
1. "World of Warcraft" Game Tester
Spend all your spare time playing "Warcraft"? Why not get paid for it? Blizzard Entertainment has a number of game industry jobs, the most fun one being "tester." So if someone complained that you spend way too much time gaming you could simply respond "It's my job."
4. Wine Taster and Blogger
You might have to temporarily move to wine country for this job. One California blogger lived rent-free, drank wine, and got paid 10 grand a month to tweet about his experience. I guess he took that old adage "get drunk on life" to heart.
7. Bike-Riding Photographer
Google Maps hired two men to ride around France on a special bike that takes photos of historical sites that are inaccessible by car. Sure, they might get some strange looks riding around on that contraption, but who cares. After all, they get to travel through one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world andget paid for it.
10. Beer Taster
Many breweries hire technologists to check the quality of their beer. Others want to hire tasters to help in the development of new brews. To be good at this job, you need to really appreciate and distinguish between the variety of flavors in different beers. So if you know anyone who likes science and drinking, tell them you've found the perfect career for them.
13. Airplane Repo Agent
We're not sure why this is on the list. When people can't pay for their airplanes, companies hire people to repossess it. A "repo agent" can get paid up to 6 percent to 10 percent commission on the resale of the plane. It's a stressful, often very dangerous job. We can't lie, we're not seeing anything fun or amazing about this job.
16. Hotel Reviewer
Imagine getting to check out top hotels and not having to pay a thing for them. Reviewers get to experience luxury accommodations and all they have to do in return is write up their critiques. What could be more perfect than this job? Having your lover get the same job and travelling around together.
19. Professional Zombie
Are you the type of person who likes jumping out and scaring your friends? If so, you might want to apply as a professional zombie at The London Dungeons. They currently employ 50 staff members to do just that. Bonus: You don't have to worry about what you're going to look like every day because your work uniform is to look dead.
22. Director Of Fun
An ambitious 6-year-old wanted to become the director at York's National Railway Museum. He even wrote up an application expressing his passion for trains. His age might have prevented him form getting that job, but the staff created the honorary new "Director of Fun" position just for him. It just shows, if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen.
25. LEGO Sculptor
LEGO has certified professionals who build models in LEGOLAND Discovery Centers around the world. Want the job? Submit a video of one of your models. If they like it, you might find yourself in a LEGO-building battle. With only around 30 of these jobs in the world, the competition is intense.
28. Chocolate Consultant
Really, who wouldn't want this job? There's are a variety of chocolate consultant positions from high street brands to niche brands. Forget wine tasting, some people run chocolate tastings and events instead. Not only does this job revolve around socializing, but it's tasty too.
31. Luxury Bed Tester
Does anyone really have this job? Yep, a student from Birmingham City University landed a job at a luxury bed company. They paid her 1000 pounds to sleep on designer beds every day for a month. The goal was to distinguish which ones offered the best night's sleep. Get paid while you sleep then spend your days doing whatever you want. Now that's what you'd call a true "dream" job.
34. Candy Taster
Life is a bowl of candies for one 12-year-old who has the coveted position of "Chief Taster" of top secret candy recipes. He said his job makes him feel like he's jumped into the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Uh, hello, adults eat candy too and we'd snap up the chance to make a living by feeding our sweet tooth.
37. Waterslide Tester
A 29-year-old has travelled over 27,000 miles to a variety of resort destinations with the sole purpose of trying out waterslides. He tests height, speed, water quantity and landing. It must get tiring going to places like Greece, Jamaica, and Egypt. Nope. Who are we kidding? It sounds like the most fun job yet.
40. Paradise Island Caretaker
Remember that resort job hiring campaign that went viral? It was for the position of caretaker on Hamilton Island on The Great Barrier Reef. It required the person to relax, swim and explore the island while blogging about their experience. About 35,000 people applied, but only one was hired. We'd still take those odds any day.