TRUE OR FALSE. CORRECT THE FALSE SENTENCES. 1. The arena is a temple. 2. Poor families live in apartments at the top of the buildings. 3. “Hello” is “Salve” in Latin. 4. The school is just a room behind a window. 5. People get water from the bakery. 6. Toilets are private. 7. The winner of a race is presented with a palm branch. 8. The branches will be used as firewood. 9. Romans eat a lot of fresh fish. 10. Slaves pick the olives in December. 11. Women and men visit the baths at the same time. 12. The translation of the word “cliente” is “official”. 13. Slaves help their masters to put the togas. 14. Wine isn’t mixed with plenty of water. 15. Slaves poured drinks. 16. Glass vases are very expensive. 17. The slaves stomp on grapes to make juice. 18. Poor boys and girls go to school. 19. Before dinner, slaves didn’t wash the guest’s feet. 20. Each chariot is pulled by four cows. 21. The building with the columns is a coliseum. 22. Romans had swimsuits. 23. Women visited the baths at night. 24. Romans have toilet papers in the toilets. 25. Romans have to be careful with the thieves in the market.
NAME__________________________________________________DATE__________________ 1. What is the Forum? a. A big market place held in the middle of the town b. A market c. A small market 2. How do you say “Good night” in Latin? a. Gratias ago b. Noctem bo c. Bona noctem 3. What is the amphitheatre? a. A place where Romans go to watch fights b. A place to go to the beach c. A house
4. What is the arena? a. A place to watch fights b. A place to watch chariot races c. A temple 5. How does the water flow to town? a. Aqueduct b. Fountain c. There isn’t any water 6. What language is spoken in the Roman town? a. Latin b. Spanish c. English 7. When does a race start? a. When the trumpeter blows a fanfare
NAME__________________________________________________DATE__________________ b. When the chariots fly c. When the winner receives a palm branch 8. Where did Romans go to watch fights? a. To the bathroom b. To the amphitheatre c. To the theatre 9.
Where are plays performed? a. In the theatre b. In the amphitheatre c. In the basilica
10. How do you say “thank you” in Latin? a. Gracias b. Gratias ago c. Graties ago 11. Where do richer families live? a. In the street b. On the lower floors c. In small apartments 12. Why do people visit the forum? a. Because it is a big market b. Because it is a school c. Because it is a house 13. What is the politician’s box? a. Where the winner of a chariot race is presented b. A building c. A stadium 14. Where do the chariot races start?
NAME__________________________________________________DATE__________________ a. In the politician’s box b. In the starting gates c. In a house 15. What do the slaves do before dinner? a. They wash the guest’s feet b. They washed guests’ hands between courses c. They lay down on couches 16. What is the most popular place to sit and chat? a. The kitchen b. The hot room c. The changing room 17. Where can you buy hot and cold snacks? a. Stalls b. Cold pool c. Library 18. The stalls are made of... a. Wood b. Stone c. Iron 19. What animal did they use to make cheese? a. Goats b. Sheep c. Bulls 20. Where are grain and olive stored? a. In the warehouse b. In stalls c. At home
NAME__________________________________________________DATE__________________ 21. Where do poor families live? a. In apartments b. In houses c. In the streets 22. What subjects do they study at school? a. Greek b. Reading, writing and numbers c. Literature 23. What did Romans have for entertainment? a.
Acrobats, dancing girls and musicians
b. Cats and dogs c. Movies and videogames 24. How do you say “goodbye� in Latin? a. Bonam noctem b. Salve c. Vale 25. What did Romans have for entertainment? a. Monkeys b. Acrobats, musicians and dancing girls c. Cats 26. Where do Romans go when they want to watch fights? a. To the amphitheatre b. To the forum c. To the temple 27. Where did slaves come from? a. China b. USA
NAME__________________________________________________DATE__________________ c. From countries that Romans have conquered 28. What is a dormice? a. An animal which sleeps a lot b. An animal which can fly c. An animal which pulls chariots
OTHER QUESTIONS: You can see pigs/rabbits in the farm You use paper/sponges or sticks in the toilets Chariots are pulled by horses/cows The typical Roman pie has birds/chocolate inside