The glimmer
Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia
Naturalized production
Asisi, Italy
Expansion by preservation
Belgrade, Serbia
Lobby design
Milano, Italy
Restaurant design
Milano, Italy
Terraforma festival
Milano, Italy
Private projects
Belgrade, Serbia
Henri Lefebvre
Design studio | year 2015
Selected works | Architecture & Design
‘ As it develops, then, the concept of social space becomes broader. It infiltrates, even invades, the concept of production, becoming part - perhaps the essential part - of its content. ‘
01. Exibition center
Used materials are clearly representing contrast between open and closed playing with geometrical volumes that all together make unique structure made of diverse spaces inside, giving different spatial feelings to visitors. Different hights and stairs communication are crucial for interior organization of the whole exibition that is going to be placed inside as terraces along the way of the stairs opening toward core of the room making it center point of observation.
year 2015 New part of Belgrade is under constant urban development which consists of new commercial, cultural and economical nodes. Planning and design of new exibition center is helping cultural growing and opens up as new gathering space for residents of the whole city.
Completely closed spaces inside of the building are kept for artificial lightning and certain performances. Glazed surfaces are protected from the inside with internal shading. Brass is also used as external element on the facade giving it a monumental character and special tint that is emerging with metal profiles of curtain wall. Free green space that is surrounding it are helping to achieve peaceful and pleasant atmosphere as the main goal of the object itself is.
first floor plan
Exibition center In the need of pure spaciousness that is there to host artworks of different kind light and form play significant role od space creation. Simbiosis of different volumes and transparent/close game, gives the special identity to the whole volume itself. The idea is to go from completely open and lighted space toward completely closed and dark as a way of having the one manipulated by natural elements and another one managed artificially.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Monumentality of the bilding stands for its role representing a landmark of the new city part.
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section 1-1
second floor plan
Selected works | Architecture & Design
facade view
8 facade view
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view vertical communication
The main stars represent crucial figure of interior as the whole connection with exhibition space is made through vertical communication. Experiencing different levels and hights, visitors tend to explore diveristy of views toward exterior and objects inside the hall.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
collage second floor
collage ground floor
Selected works | Architecture & Design
02. Residential complex year 2016 Belgrade, 2016 University of Belgrade Bachelor Final
studies project
Completely abandoned area in Belgrade that is considered as one of the main areas to develop in future is observed as new potential location for multifunctional complexes containing residential objects but commercial ones as well. Leisure and welness are both part of the project used by residentials but also by other citizens.
Form itself is based on repetative module that is mirrored going from floor to floor. Each floor have the same typology and number of flats, all of them having private terraces and all four sides orientation. Internal yard have a main role of letting sun inside of the structure so all apartments and rooms have natural lightning. Ground flor is used for commercial purposes and each building have its own reception and main hall for all the visitors and residentials serving as a main space of gathering.
Material used are representing the form in its cleanest way giving an impression of light open structure easily accessible. Open free spaces on top of each floor are planned to be used as public space and are left completely to residents to decide how to organize the space.
Design studio | year 2016
RE-COMPOSITION Residential building The idea of making large spacious apartments opening toward terraces and keeping the privacy of each one led to geometrical creation of the form which remains simple in plan and far complex in section.
section 3-3
. Strong impression of the form itself and its interior is strongly visible through common spaces – main accessible corridor.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Each apartment is organized in a way that every zone have a possibility of keeping complete privacy and yet to remain opened and connected to the other areas of the apartment but the building itself.
section 4-4
section 1-1
section 2-2
axonometric view
Selected works | Architecture & Design
right view facade angle perception
Selected works | Architecture & Design
front view facade
type 1
type 2
right view facade
third floor
back view facade
type 3
type 4
left view facade
second floor
first floor
ground floor
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view common space
Reception hall considered as common space that is mainly used for guests of residents. It is planned for every unit on the ground floor opening toward green open public space and serves as an interaction between completely private spaces and public ones.
Interior is design with warm colors using materials that achieve luxury atmosphere with a glimpse of gold used in furniture design. Pinkish color merges with landscape colors creating organic connection between exterior and interior.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view private space
Appartments are designed in a similar way like closed common spaces, using colden details in furniture design. Floor heating and cold stone materials are giving the space special feeling and presence of constant light is achieving more luxurious atmosphere.
All details are usign similar color palette so th general impression of space remain calm and gives a kind of zen feeling. Living room is opened toward landscape through glazed facade and terrace.
Navy blue leather furniture is special accent on interior and represent royal role inside the sea of details. Artificial lightning is also an imortant part of space comosition, mixing linear and spherical.
Design studio | year 2016 Richard Florida
Open green spaces are considered to be used from residents but also a part of them open fot public so that the concept of business park doesn’t remain completely closed. It is also considered that common activities are accessible for everyone. New location is planned to be connected with Belgrade’s city center by public transport so even if its located outside of urban tissue it handles the advantages of the city itself. Artificial lake gives special accent to natural space and creates magical atmosphere for its users. Business park remains open mainly during the day while during the night is planned to stay closed.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
‘ Enthusiastic claim of the rise of the creative class which is the drivers of economic growth in the early 2000s ‘
03. Bussiness park year 2016 New undeveloped part of Belgrade is taken as potential location for bussiness park project. As location is lacking every kind of activities and the plan is to design new residential buildings, new activities must take place inside the location. Common spaces, open and closed, exibition spaces, multifunctional ones, kid’s playground and commercial space are a part of the project and are taking 60 % of built area of business park.
Project itself is based on a creation of unique business center with different kinds of activities. In this case, special attention was given to public space and sport activities but for the exibition space as well. Project area is considered as potential strong point for art developement and its seen as new landmark of the city of Belgrade. Plan is done with multiple combinations of modules which were based on a grid 6x6 in a way that space inside can be easily divided if there is need for it and can serve as mainly flexible space used for different kinds of activities. Planned organization of project area is partly an outcome of previous analysis that were related to urban scale and used together with informations from municipality and citizes that are living in the neighbourhood.
Green oasis that surrounds location gives the identity of nature inside the city and is consideres as the main advantage of the location. Activities planned to integrate inside the project are all decides by residents of the area, asking them what they miss the most nearby their homes so the whole project would remain transparent which is very important cosidering that its existance is changing the urban tissue of the city. Culture development inside business park makes a possbile new urban hub that is located far from already existing ones and that develops polycentrality of Belgrade’s culture and art. Modules on which project is based can be extended and updated dependind on the need of new residents but already existing ones in the area as well.
GR-A-I-D Business park Taking into consideration location on a large scale, managing the space and remaining a human scale, the project is based on the grid made of modules 6x6 meters. Starting from city scale and its analysis, concept of mentioned wireframe leads to their multiplications and creation of different volume modules always remaining on 6x6. This logic keeps very clear understanding of large scale and the process toward the human one.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
As each module is used also for the idea od construction, it makes the whole system very easy to develop and change.
large scale analysis
1. Attractors map - city scale 2. Location analysis - attractors and accessibility
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view art/exibition space
Closed spaces open to public are one of the main ideas for business park. Art / exibition spaces are one of them. It is planned to used them so the whole structure could profit and rent spaces for all citizens who are interested. Multifuncitonality of space permits diversity of activities.
Movable glazed pannels are easy to move and to achieve direct contact with exterior. Interior of space can be modifed depending on the clients and their needs for the space. So that also art space can achieve different kind of identity.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
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Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view art/exibition space
Open / close contrast inside spaces are controles mainly by facade materials and artificial lights. As some spaces are strictly fixed as exhibition ones, artificial lightning on the ceiling is the main technique used for interior.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
04. Productiove tourism year 2018 The concept itself is strongly related to the development of this kind of production taking into account minimum human intervention, leaving it all to nature. In doing so, synergic agriculture is a method of cultivation which doesn’t use any kind of industrial approach and/or machines but allows nature to ‘re-produce’ itself through the creation of organic soil shapes that define the landscape. Design studio | year 2019
The main topic of studio was Instability, referring to natural conditions that we cannot predict or prevent although they have a huge influence on architecture that we make.. In this case the word ‘Instability’ was strongly related to the phenomenon of earthquakes, especially in Umbria – one of the most vulnerable areas in central Italy where a multitude of factors had to be considered in order to respond with a project that would use or resist the influence of earthquakes. First of all, for realizing the ‘invisible’ forces and the forces of nature that are strongly present in mentioned region, it was inevitable to start with different kinds of analysis.
Milano, 2018 Politecnico di Milano Master studies Final project
Final step orients toward building design process where structure itself is made of sustainable cardboard pipes which are earthquake resistant and easily disassembled while the porosity of the whole facade gives special perception to the landscape that is present outside of the building.
NATURALIZED PRODUCTION Productive turism The concept itself is strongly related to the development of this kind of production taking into account minimum human intervention, leaving it all to nature. In doing so, synergic agriculture is a method of cultivation which doesn’t use any kind of industrial approach and/or machines but allows nature to ‘re-produce’ itself through the creation of organic soil shapes that define the landscape. Artificial interventions are present in terms of pedestrian paths to improve accessibility and public spaces forms for future development as a consequence of production improvement.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
The project references the natural regenerative soil process by applying new techniques of food production – synergic agriculture.
large scale analysis
1. Master plan 2. Location analysis including masterplan
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Construction plan
Construction plan development
Multifunctional landscape year 2018
Milano, 2019 Politecnico di Milano thesis
Master thesis | year 2019
Selected works | Architecture & Design
When we talk about development and future of cities, we think about “movement” and expansion of built structures along axes ad beyond borders. De facto, this is the most obvious future of cities, especially metropolitan ones as Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. Questioning traditional development models of expansion and occupation raises questions on how urban voids can be designed. The word “void” can correlate at the same time with other terms that have similar significance for the process of cities development and that can respond to flexible, contemporary, changeable, open, untouched, progressive structures.
Reversed city expansion plan
In Belgrade’s case its urban heart known as Great War Island, remains at the confluence of two rivers - Sava and Danube, containing a significant part of its “ green nerve system ”.Observing where flexibility, change, openness ha ppens in cities we often get to obsere “nature“, as a byproduct of human inactivity. How can “nature” be a part of the complex puzzle of architectural achievements and social changes? The role of the island as preserved nature is crucial for the ecosystem of Belgrade but at the same time it’s the most sought - after area for speculative expansion of the city.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
The scope of the project is to reverse the picture of the city as a built system with segments of greenery to the idea of an ecosystem with built fragments.
city plans - historical development
sections - historical development
ground floor
Selected works | Architecture & Design
sections of the object
master plan
Selected works | Architecture & Design
studying of the form
first floor
second floor
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view ground floor
The most important elements are staircases as in already existing object of the context they represent significant “detail” functionally but aesthetically as well. In the inetrior of the objectthey are represented as the main symbol of future object that visually and physically connects existing exterior and brings the visitor from the landscape into the building.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view first floor
Volumetric borders of built entity are observes as subtitle restriction inside the grid that creates inside space of the building. Ground floor remains completely permeable and open to visitors but to landscape approach as well.
A grind concept in whole was imagined to create unique system for building but landscape surrounding as well in order to emerge both of the aspects into one unique system.
Milano, 2020 Lombardini 22 Lobby interior
Via Solferino Milano, Italy
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Lobby interior year 2019 Building is located in City of Milano in Via Solferino and it is planned to be divided into commercial and residential. Designed lobby is for commercial use and it is the entrance of enterprise that is holding the offices in first three levels. Steel stairs and finished of diverse stones are giving the look of very professional and clean interior.
Lombardini 22 | year 2019
wall finishes
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Lombardini 22 | year 2020
07. Restaurant interior
Milano, 2020 Lombardini 22 Restaurant interior
year 2020 Development of restaurant interior design in Via Solferino in Milano asked for clean and sophisticated design all in accordance with the client and set of rules that imposed organization of facade. Interior is planned to be bright and open as more as it possible toward exterior with possibility for sliding glazed surfaces. Project phase is peliminary so materials and finishes are to decide while internal distribution is managed during peliminary phase
Via Solferino Milano, Italy
Milano, 2018 Terraforma festival Furniture design
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Villa Arconati Milano, Italy
08. Furniture design year 2018 Terraforma festival is a festival mainly for young people and alternative music that is active 24/7 and spaces are open to all visitors and campers. The project was considering development of furniture design from conceptual phase toward technical drawings and material usage.
Important thing was to satisfy also the aspect of safety so all structures were previously checked and construction was made on site with material that was re-used from the previous years.
Terraforma festival is well known in Milano an further by its originality and numerous visitors every year. All furniture is made of wood and its based on
modular components that are assemeled by designers as well. Different kind of modules allow different activities.
Terraforma festival 2018
Belgrade, 2021
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Restaurant interior
09. Private projects year 2021 Design of the canteen for company use. The idea is to use most simple industrial approach as the budget was limited. Greenery and white surfaces are used to refres the space and to bring it a bit more to life. The whole space is divided in 3 parts - kitchen, dining area and more private bigger tables with bences aside.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view ground floor
Restaurant is divided into two parts with dark and white tiles. Circular tables are considered to be used as the ‘vip‘ lounge with circular lightning.
Other part of the restaurant is very simplified with the ‘fast‘ bar for a snack and the bar related to the kitchen for food preparing.W
Selected works | Architecture & Design
09. Belgrade, 2021 Show room design Windows and facades
Belgrade, Serbia
Private projects year 2021
show room view
Show room is used for the facade and window profiles presenting. The idea is to divide the space into 3 strips and make room for the meeting point, part for large structures and small profiles. Natural light is used in the more artistical part of the room, toward the library.
Private projects
Selected works | Architecture & Design
year 2021
Tv studio for temporary music programs emmited during live show. Space is imagened in two levels with soft curves and opening toward the middle. Space of the stage is united so all units are merged into one whole stage divided by levels.
Belgrade, 2021 Tv studio design Music program tv studio ground floor
tv studio level 1
Selected works | Architecture & Design
interior view tv show space
Bright colors are used to give a specific abiental feeling and bring the music into mood. Tv show hosts artists therefor forms used for furniture are free curved volumes making the whole stage more dynamic and catchy for the audience.
Selected works | Architecture & Design
Apartment design
09. Private projects year 2021 Belgrade, 2021