marilina bedros architecture portfolio architect
contact marilina bedros 1741 kings road manhattan, kansas - 66503 785.491.8313
01 trellis house pg. 4
net zero affordable house
02 rendering explorations pg. 6
charcoal, graphite, and watercolor drawings
03 urban canvas pg. 8
adaptive reuse - arts district master plan
04 farm implement museum pg. 12
farm equipment museum
05 land laboratory pg. 14
school in nature
06 council grove public library pg. 16
public library
07 santa monica national public radio pg. 20
national public radio station
Structural Systems KH -XQH FKDQJHG PHWULF
Figure 5 - SW Exterior Rendering
DPRXQW RI OXPEHU XVHG 7KH IRXQGDWLRQ ZLOO EH D à RDWLQJ VODE ZLWK D VWHP ZDOO V\VWHP ral Systems race to zero design competition W 6DFULÀFH RI &RPIRUW- The team wants to start the conversation of inclusiveness in Net +RXVH¡V VWUXFWXUDO V\VWHP WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ WHDP ZLOO EH XVLQJ ¾[ ¾ DGYDQFHG IUDPLQJ WR UHGXFH WKH trellis house ocused on affordability that can impower people of all incomes. Kansas The most recent census Design Goals group project, top 8 national finalist zero affordable house I OXPEHU XVHG 7KH IRXQGDWLRQ ZLOO EH D à RDWLQJ VODE ZLWK D VWHP ZDOO V\VWHP
Figure 8- Bedroom Rendering
Figure 7 - Kitchen Rendering
V 7KH KRXVH LV GHVLJQHG ZLWK PDWHULDOV WKDW DUH GXUDEOH DQG HDV\ WR PDLQWDLQ 'HVLJQLQJ ulation living in poverty. $IIRUGDELOLW\ :LWKRXW 6DFULÀFH RI &RPIRUWThe neighbor The team wants to start the conversation of inclusiveness in V WKH ÀQDQFLDO EXUGHQ RI KRPHRZQHUVKLS XSNHHS date: spring 2018 Organized by the U.S. Department of Zero Housing, so we focused on affordability that can impower people of all incomes. ere isDesign also a wide variety of housing Goals Energy, the 2018 edition of the competition location: kansas city, missouri UPHQW 7KH WHDP GHVLJQHG D KRPH WR ÀW WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ FRPPXQLW\ ZKLOH VWLOO LQ nd duplexes. The was designed included 40 national and international /RQJHYLW\ RI 0DWHULDOV 7KH KRXVH LV GHVLJQHG ZLWK PDWHULDOV WKDW DUH GXUDEOH DQG HDV\ WR PDLQWDLQ 'HVL eatures unique to the project-house and enhance the quality of life fortop the8neighborhood. typology: residential affordable housing $IIRUGDELOLW\ :LWKRXW 6DFULÀFH RI &RPIRUWThe team wants to start the conversation of inclusiveness in Net
teams. Kansas State University’s team D GXUDEOH KRXVH OHVVHQV WKH ÀQDQFLDO EXUGHQ RI KRPHRZQHUVKLS XSNHHS Figure 7 - Kitc people of all incomes. made of 14 students made it to the finals
Housing, so we focused on affordability that can impower lity to “Age in Zero Placeâ€? 7KH WHDP VWULYHG WR GHVLJQ D KRXVH WR Ă€W LQ WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ 2 size: 1,690 ft2 on adesign 3,405 ftfeatures lot including many distinctly to the project and to enhance the quality of life.
Figure 11 - First Floor and Second alongside 7 other teams. &RPPXQLW\ (PSRZHUPHQW 7KH WHDP GHVLJQHG D KRPH WR ÀW WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ FRPPXQLW\ ZKLOH VWLOO LQ /RQJHYLW\ RI 0DWHULDOV 7KH KRXVH LV GHVLJQHG ZLWK PDWHULDOV WKDW DUH GXUDEOH DQG HDV\ WR PDLQWDLQ 'HVLJQLQJ RUGDELOLW\ :LWKRXW 6DFULÀFH RI &RPIRUWprogram: 4 bedroms, 3.5 bathrooms, 2 stories. The team wants to start the conversation of inclusiveness in Net The objective of this project was to cluding many distinct features unique to the project and enhance the quality ofFigure life for the neighborhood. 7 - Kitchen Rendering ce neighborhood. Around 20 lots in the Housing, so D GXUDEOH KRXVH OHVVHQV WKH ÀQDQFLDO EXUGHQ RI KRPHRZQHUVKLS XSNHHS we focused onoccupants affordability that can impower people of all incomes. occupancy: 5 permanent design an affordable net zero house in
LQJ LW FDQ DFFRPRGDWH WKH GHLVJQ SUR Kansas City. In addition, affordability Accessibility and Ability to “Age in Placeâ€? 7KH WHDP VWULYHG WR GHVLJQ D KRXVH WR Ă€W LQ WR WKH SUH H[LVWL JHYLW\ RI 0DWHULDOV 7KH KRXVH LV GHVLJQHG ZLWK PDWHULDOV WKDW DUH GXUDEOH DQG HDV\ WR PDLQWDLQ 'HVLJQLQJ &RPPXQLW\ (PSRZHUPHQW 7KH WHDP GHVLJQHG D KRPH WR Ă€W WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ FRPPXQLW\ ZKLOH VWLOO LQ HERS index: 56.3 before PV., 10.3 after PV. without sacrifice of comfort, longevitythe of quality o while to stillthe including distinctly design features to the and to enhance UDEOH KRXVH OHVVHQV WKH Ă€QDQFLDO EXUGHQ RI KRPHRZQHUVKLS XSNHHS rhood. cluding many distinctcommunity features unique project many and enhance the quality of life for the project neighborhood. monthly utility cost: $116 before PV. $35 after PV. materials, community empowerement, and
accessibility and ability to “age in placeâ€?. role: exterior renderings, physical model building, energy analysis report. pendence Avenue, an arterial road connecting to to Kansas City. Located 2 blocks east of the PPXQLW\ (PSRZHUPHQW 7KH WHDP GHVLJQHG D KRPH WR Ă€W WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ FRPPXQLW\ ZKLOH VWLOO LQ Accessibility and Ability “Age in Placeâ€? 7KH WHDP VWULYHG WR GHVLJQ D KRXVH WR Ă€W LQ WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ eing public parkdistinct thatcommunity boasts walking trails still thattooverlook downtown. Trellis House has built-in many features unique the project anddistinctly enhance the quality of life neighborhood. while including many design features to for thethe project and to enhance the quality of life.
Energy Analysis
personal cars, as well as access to on-street parking if necessary to the occupant. There is les away, or aand 3-minute biketo ride. This in busPlaceâ€? 7KH WHDP VWULYHG WR GHVLJQ D KRXVH WR Ă€W LQ WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ route provides access to many other bus lines, essibility Ability “Age the Kansas City area.
Site Description
mmunity still including many distinctly design features to the project and to enhance the quality of life. vering while a house that integrates well into 7KH LQĂ€OO ORW LV IHHW ZLGH DQG IHHW GHHS ZLWK WKH OHQJWK RI WKH VLWH UXQQLQJ QRUWK DQG VRXWK 7KH ORW LV O tion. A member of the thanneighborhood 0.5 miles north of Independence Avenue, an arterial road connecting to Kansas City. Located 2 blocks east Site Description lot is Kessler Park, a 300-arce public park that boasts walking trails that overlook downtown. Trellis House has bu QLVKHG GHVLJQ 7KH LQĂ€OO ORW LV IHHW ZLGH DQG IHHW GHHS ZLWK WKH OHQJWK RI WKH VLWH UXQQLQJ QRUWK DQG VRXWK 7KH ORW LV OHVV off-street parking spots for personal cars, as well as access to on-street parking if necessary to the occupant. The thansystem 0.5 milesselection northalso of Independence Avenue, an arterial connecting to ride. Kansas City. 2 blocksaccess east oftothe a bus that is 0.5 miles away, road or a 3-minute bike This busLocated route provides many other bus hanical andstop associated scription lot is Kessler Park, a street 300-arce that of boasts walking trails that overlook downtown. Trellis House has built-in carspublic and a park majority the Kansas City area. RW LV IHHW ZLGH DQG IHHW GHHS ZLWK WKH OHQJWK RI WKH VLWH UXQQLQJ QRUWK DQG VRXWK 7KH ORW LV OHVV off-street parking spots for personal cars, as well as access to on-street parking if necessary to the occupant. There is miles north ofa Independence anaway, arterial connecting to Kansas City.route Located 2 blocks easttoofmany the other bus lines, also bus stop that isAvenue, 0.5 miles or road a 3-minute bike ride. This bus provides access am in photovoltaic sizing, orientation er Park,street a 300-arce public park that boasts walking trails that overlook downtown. Trellis House has built-in cars and a majority of the Kansas City area. parking spots for personal cars, as well as access to on-street parking if necessary to the occupant. There is stop that is 0.5 miles away, or a 3-minute bike ride. This bus route provides access to many other bus lines, issance Neighborhood demographics, and a majority of the Kansas City area. alysis
ay foam insulation. hborhood is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Kansas City. The most recent census
ersons per square mile, with over 18% of the population living in poverty. The neighbor ousing type, value, income level, and ethnicity. There is also a wide variety of housing Figure 12 - Trellis House Energy Consumption single family houses, intergenerational houses, and duplexes. The house was designed surrounding site analysis monthly energy use carritt Renaissance neighborhood. Figure 11 - First Floor and Second
produced for similar lots in the Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood. Around 20 lots in the Figure 3 - Surrounding Site Analysis OO ORWV WKDW DUH VLPLODUO\ VL]HG DQG RULHQWHG PHDQLQJ LW FDQ DFFRPRGDWH WKH GHLVJQ SUR ate sustainable, net-zero design into the neighborhood.
Neighborhood Profile Figure 3 - Surrounding Site Analysis
Energy Analysis
The Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Kansas City. The most recent censu borhood Association- Assisting the team in delivering a house that integrates well into puts Kansas City at 1459.9 persons per square mile, with over 18% of the population living in poverty. The neighb Profile s well as Neighborhood site development information and selection. A member of the neighborhood ure 3 - Surrounding Site Analysis hood has high diversity of housing type, value, income level, and ethnicity. There is also a wide variety of housing FW ZLWK D GHYHORSHU WR VHW JRDOV IRU WKH WHDP¡V ÀQLVKHG GHVLJQ The Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood is one selection of single the oldest neighborhoods in Kansas City. The most census typologies as wellfamily houses, intergenerational houses, and recent duplexes. The house was design , P.E., PhD, HBDP, BEAP- Assisting team in mechanicalincluding system and associated borhood ProfileCity at 1459.9 puts Kansas per into square withRenaissance over 18% ofneighborhood. the population living in poverty. The neighbor to workpersons cohesively themile, Scarritt hood has high diversity of housing type, value, income level, and ethnicity. There is also a wide variety of housing in photovoltaic sizing, orientation t\ DQG (IÀFLHQF\ &RRSHUDWLYH ,QF Renaissance neighborhood isAssisting one single ofteam the family oldest neighborhoods in Kansas City. Theand most recent census intergenerational duplexes. The houseneighborhood. was designed Around 20 lots in use roof.typologies as well- including Trellis house can easilyhouses, be reproduced for similarhouses, lots in the Scarritt Renaissance as City at 1459.9 persons per square mile, with over 18% of the population living in poverty. The neighbor work the Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood. QHLJKERUKRRG DUH YDFDQW LQÀOO ORWV WKDW DUH VLPLODUO\ VL]HG DQG RULHQWHG PHDQLQJ LW FDQ DFFRPRGDWH WKH GHLVJQ S Assistingtothe teamcohesively in analyzing into the Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood demographics, value, income level, and ethnicity. There is also a wide variety of housing ehigh area.diversity of housing type, Figur posal easily to further integrate sustainable, net-zero design into the neighborhood. as wellincluding single family intergenerational houses, duplexes. The house was designed ng with accurate pricing can and performance on spray foam insulation. Trellis house easily behouses, reproduced for similar lots in theand Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood. Around 20 lots in the hesively into the Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood. QHLJKERUKRRG DUH YDFDQW LQÀOO ORWV WKDW DUH VLPLODUO\ VL]HG DQG RULHQWHG PHDQLQJ LW FDQ DFFRPRGDWH WKH GHLVJQ SUR and windows. Figure 12 - Trellis House Energy Consumption Figure 13 - HERS Index Industry Partners Figure 11 - First Floor and Sec posal easily to further integrate sustainable, net-zero design into the neighborhood. se can easily be reproduced for similar lots in the Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood. Around 20 lots in the ht: Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood Association- Assisting the team in delivering a house that integrates well RRG DUH YDFDQW LQÀOO ORWV WKDW DUH VLPLODUO\ VL]HG DQG RULHQWHG PHDQLQJ LW FDQ DFFRPRGDWH WKH GHLVJQ SUR m Namazi, Shannon the existing neighborhood, as site development information and selection. A member of the neighborhoo Industry Partners Energy y to further integrate sustainable, net-zero design intoas thewell neighborhood. an Vizcaino, Payton DVVRFLDWLRQ ZDV DOVR LQ FRQWDFW ZLWK D GHYHORSHU WR VHW JRDOV IRU WKH WHDP¡V ÀQLVKHG GHVLJQ Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood AssociationAssisting the team in delivering house integrates well into ZRSH -RVKXD 3RNRUQ\ Keen Designs by Julia Keen, P.E., PhD, HBDP, BEAPAssistingateam inthat mechanical system selection and assoc y Herrera, Partners no the Michael existing neighborhood, as well as site development information and selection. A member of the neighborhood Energy Analysis air quality levels. DVVRFLDWLRQ ZDV DOVR LQ FRQWDFW ZLWK D GHYHORSHU WR VHW JRDOV IRU WKH WHDP¡V ÀQLVKHG GHVLJQ viewNeighborhood of the trellis house)OLQW +LOOV 5HQHZDEOH (QHUJ\ DQG (IÀFLHQF\ &RRSHUDWLYH ,QF in winter enaissance AssociationAssisting the team in delivering a house that integrates wellteam into in photovoltaic sizing, orientatio Assisting Q\ Keen Designs by as Julia P.E., for PhD, HBDP, BEAPAssisting team in mechanical system selection and associated g neighborhood, as well siteKeen, development information and selection. A member of the neighborhood and estimating Trellis House roof. KD 7KRPDV *DEULHOOD 4 air quality levels. Q ZDV DOVR LQ FRQWDFW ZLWK D GHYHORSHU WR VHW JRDOV IRU WKH WHDP¡V ÀQLVKHG GHVLJQ .DQVDV &LW\ 'HVLJQ &HQWHU Assisting the team in analyzing the Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood demograph na Sanchez, Sophie
RPPXQLW\ ZKLOH VWLOO LQ FLHQF\ UDWLR 6((5 RI for the neighborhood. HQHUJ\ UHFRYHU\ YHQWL RXU HQHUJ\ ORVV WKURXJK R ÀW LQ WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ aintain the conditioned o enhance quality of life. ontrols. Forthe supplementary as an annual fuel utilization GGHG LQWR WKH V\VWHP ZLWK
southeast view of the trellis house in summer
m selection and associated
DQG VRXWK 7KH ORW LV OHVV Located 2 blocks east of the n. Trellis House has built-in se that integrates well into y toof the occupant. There is ber the neighborhood ss to many other bus lines,
Energy Analysis
Figure 11 - First Floor and Second
Figure 8- Bedroom Rendering
ground floor plan
hood. Around 20 lots in the FRPRGDWH WKH GHLVJQ SUR
PPXQLW\ ZKLOH VWLOO LQ . The most recent census orinthe neighborhood. poverty. The neighbor wide variety of housing ÀW LQ WR WKH SUH H[LVWLQJ . The house was designed enhance the quality of life.
Figure 7 - Kitchen Rendering
Figure 5 - SW Exterior Rendering
trellis and photovoltaic panels
ion of inclusiveness in Net s.
VH /(' UHSODFHPHQW OXPL DQG VRXWK 7KH ORW LV OHVV QFH Located 2 blocks east of the n. Trellis House has built-in iping to route the hot and ry to the rable thatoccupant. its metal There coun is ess to many other bus lines, ]LQJ DQG SURFHVVLQJ WKH U 8() RI PHGLXP
Figure 9 - SE Rendering in Summer
Figure 6 - Living Room Rendering
southwest view of trellis house
second floor plan
Figure 10 - SW Renderin
rendering explorations
ted and sue knapp delineation competition first place award in the mixed media category
charcoal, graphite and watercolor drawings.
date: fall 2016 location: kansas state university, kansas typology: hand rendering size: 20”x40” media: graphite and chacoal
1 place st
Using charcoal and graphite, this rendering was made on a 20” by 40” white illustration board. After completing this rendering, I was able to visit The Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas - the site from which the original photo was taken.
original image used for the rendering
rendering of the interior of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science 6
museum visit after completion
date: spring 2018 location: kansas state university, kansas typology: hand rendering size: 8�x8� media: watercolor and ink
rendering of st. peter’s basilica and a streetscape in Italy 7
urban canvas
aia central states region design competition group project, second place award
adaptive reuse - arts district master plan
date: spring 2017 location: omaha, nebraska typology: adaptive reuse - arts district group members: marilina bedros, morgan brown, scott pfeiffer, and peter syzonenko jurors: john carney, FAIA; allison mendez, associate aia; kayla berkson, aia; j. christopher ball, aia duration: 12 hours charette competition role: conceptual design and design development.
Using charcoal and graphite, this rendering was made on a 20� by 40� white illustration board. After completing this rendering, I was able to visit The Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas - the site from which the original photo was taken. The alleyway running through this district is the central hub of creativity melding the work of artists with the fabric of the city.
2 place nd
presentation production idea
concept As an artist you begin with the idea of what you can create and what can become from nothing. As you progress, the idea becomes more of a reality.
orchard and wilhelm warehouse, where art culminates 8
program sculpture park gallery co-working demonstration
art runway mechanical/restrooms co-working metal, wood, and technology labs restaurant
Some of the art is displayed along the journey as well to display the nature of the activities and ideas within. The final step in the process is the demonstration.
aerial view of existing site
proposed site plan
orchard and wilhelm warehouse The Orchard and Wilhelm Building, which is the oldest building in the district, is at the pinnacle of the project and holds most of the finished work by the artists. The final area is a culmination of art. Art is as much about the journey as it is about the end product.
alley leading to the orchard and wilhelm warehouse 9
04 farm implement museum farm equipment museum
date: spring 2017 location: kansas state university, kansas typology: museum
parti Mound areas represent where the main activities happen in the museum. Walk paths and furrow areas represent where the circulation aisles are located.
extrusion axis
second floor plan administrative area service
exhibition hall
openings 10
ground floor plan
tractor exhibition hall
exhibition hall viewed from administrative area 11
05 land laboratory school in nature
date: fall 2017 location: kansas state university, kansas typology: school
The land laboratory is a place where students and visitors come to be in harmony with nature. With its expansive footprint and radial plan, the building captures different views of the site and allows visitors to continuely learn and stay connected with nature - by reaching out to its context.
harmony continuity
interior view of learning spaces
2 1 service served
sky observation
guided path
program In this diagram, all indoor and outdoor learning spaces are colored in green. The remaining areas are service spaces.
ground floor plan 12
spatial organization
exterior view to the learning spaces
exterior view of the land laboratory from the aphitheater area.
ground floor plan 13
06 council grove public library public library
date: fall 2017 location: kansas state university, kansas typology: public library
kevin lynch’s five elements of a city analysis
massing and program
structure egress stairs enclosure
learn share make
function, enclosure, and structure 14
ground floor plan
The Council Grove Public Library is the porch of the town. Strategically located by the Junior Senior High School and the business district,
study workers
this building fulfils the community’s needs in many ways with its learning, sharing and maker
residents and students
minor landmark
young adults
major landmark
This design proposal required the examination of the relationship between content, context
and form. Throughout this project a clear
path water
understanding of the importance of working with
book clubs
children’s young adult reading areas adult kitchenette bathrooms entry lobby group learning spaces storage community classroom public meeting room outdoor plaza egress stairs crafts maker area mechanical room book drop/pre-shelving egress exit it telecom. maker lab main concourse fireproof staircase staff area lobby custodian’s closet technology center staff workroom general building storage
the history, culture, context and programmatic concerns of a community library was developped.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
basement plan
second floor plan 15
west building elevation
south building elevation
E: 1/8”=1’-0”
E: 1/8”=1’-0”
E: 1/8”=1’-0”
E: 1/8”=1’-0”
section through learning spaces 16
final model construct ELEVATION
E: 1/8”=1’-0”
E: 1/8”=1’-0”
aerial view of final model construct
section through entry sequence of the library 17
southern california public radio date: spring 2018 location: santa monica, california typology: commercial - radio station KCRW is a radio station that emphasizes the relationship between art and the community. This is a place where art is celebrated and where people exchange ideas. What drove this design was to find a way to marry the ideas of how sound bounces through space as well as how people move through Southern California.
pre-design phase: massing models for possible sites. The floor slabs represent the history of Santa Monica and how it all builds up around itself. Findings: - This site is more pedestrian friendly. - It is surrounded by arts and recreation buildings. - It is close to the 3rd street Promennade. - It is located down the street from the farmer’s market. - It has potential for public gathering spaces with views, higher engagement with pedestrians.
NPR Station on 2nd street with pivoted floor slabs (option 1)
The subtraction of mass represent the diversity in the community that lives in Santa Monica. Findings: - This site is closer to the current KCRW. - It is closer to the Metro expo line. - It is located very close to parking. - There are not many 5+ stories buildings around it. - Morning sun opportunities. - It is located next door from library. - Arts and restaurants are located around it.
NPR Station on 6th street with subtractions in massing (option 2) 18
conceptual design phase: 6th street - site speficic - massing models After picking the site on 6th street, site specific models were built. Findings:
This model’s objective was to break the scale down of the overall massing. In addition to exploring the pedestrian scale. The movement of people through Southern California and the movement of sound in a room was the main inspiration for these models.
The ramps in this model are allowing the visitors to be exposed to all different activities that will take place in the upper floors. People on display. These massing models represent the idea of duality as well as the concepts of compression and release.
This model shows exploration of the facade and how the different solids could engage the inside to the outside and vice versa. The community is in need of a community spot for ideas to be shared. KCRW could fulfil that need by connecting the art to the community.
schematic design phase: conceptual artpieces what gives a sound room its character? sound rooms are peculiar spaces. Sound waves bounces in a room 60 times per second without us seeing it.
Once they leave the source, they are perceived differently by human ears.
This diagram shows how sound bounces in a confined space.
This NPR station is located at a prime spot of Santa Monica. It will attract visitors from from the Southern California region as well as students from the Santa Monica College and local workers. It will allow the diffusion of art in a variety of ways such as news, art, and music.
After visiting the site and studying the site it was possible to write a list of needs for that commuity. Some of their needs include: engaging public with streetface; pedestrian friendly sidewalks; pedestrian access to public amenities; public gathering spaces with views; public and private choices. Locals want to interact with other people and be able to express themselves artistically and politically.
This diagram shows direct sound waves in black and reflected sound waves in red.
design development phase
what gives Santa Monica its character? Southern California is a transportation hub for the whole region. Santa Monica especifically is the end of the historic Route 66.
The tree represents the idea of compression and release. When one is stuck in trafic they feel compressed. Once they reach the beach, at the end of Route 66, they feel released.
The orange abstract drawing represent the movement of people in the greater region, their diversity as well as their unity.
vertical connection
NPR journalistic area
clear identity
NPR business area connection to public
NPR public area
common building area
The different types of niches that are located on the facade of the radio station are habitable. From a private terrace, to director’s offices, these rooms activate the facade and allow for visual permeability.
The ramps become a clear visual connector between the East and West building blocks. They are designed as circulation as well as a display of art.
The most public spaces of the radio station such as the record store and lecture hall are located on the first floor. The business areas area located on the intermediate levels. The journalistic and most private spaces are located on the uppermost floors.
fround floor
public art gallery
library and “war room” 22
second floor
third floor
fourth floor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Plaza Entry/Lobby Gallery Record Store Mechanical Room Men’s Restroom Women’s Restroom Janitor’s Closet Kitchenette/Breakroom Storage Lecture Hall Sound Vestibule Storage for Chairs Copy Room and Supplies
Private Terrace General Manager Director’s Office Reception Desk Administrative Area Little Theater Wellness Room Sleeping Niches Storage for Reporters Business Conference Room War Room General Building Storage News Operation Directors Storage for Business Areas
fifth floor 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Library Green Room Control Room Transformer/Storage On Air Studio Production Room Music Directors Editing Room Rack Room Green Room Storage for Journalists’ Area Engineering Room Journalistic Conference Room Waiting Room
contact marilina bedros 1741 kings road manhattan, kansas - 66503 785.491.8313