Panhellenic Council Sorority Recruitment Guide

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Table of Contents

Welcome Welcome Class of 2015 to the University of Texas at Austin!

NPC & UPC 01 Pillars of the Panhellenic Council 2­4 What You Need to Know About Recruitment 5­9

How to Register

Recommendation Letters

Recruitment Guidelines & Contact

Statements on Alcohol and Hazing

Financial Responsibility

What to Wear 10­11 Recruitment Counselors & Helpful Hints 12 Panhellenic Chapters at Texas 13­27 Chapter Houses 28­29 Greek Terminology 30 Frequently Asked Questions 31

We would both like to congratulate you on becoming a Longhorn and beginning your exciting time at UT Austin. The University Panhellenic Council (UPC) is comprised of 14 National Panhellenic Sororities and has a total of 2,400 members, making us the largest women’s organization on campus! By choosing to go through recruitment at Texas, you will open yourself up to many different opportunities and will have the potential to meet and connect with many unique individuals. The University Panhellenic Council is one of six Greek councils on our campus and the Greek community makes up 13 percent of the student body at UT Austin. Joining a UPC sorority will allow you to be part of this larger community that is strongly connected to the University and the Austin community. We encourage you to read this guide to help you better understand what the Panhellenic community can offer and help you decide if going through recruitment is right for you. If you have further questions, feel free to visit or e­mail us at texaspanhellenic. We are here to help you through the process and look forward to seeing you in the fall! Hook ‘em! Wishing you the best,

The Greek Alphabet 32 Advertisements 33­35 Recruitment Schedule & Notes Pages 36­37

Lindsey, Panhellenic President

Emily, Panhellenic Vice President Recruitment

National Panhellenic Conference & University Panhellenic Council The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) was created in 1902 to help form bonds between our sororities and create a !"#$%&$'()*"+),"!$-"'.-*),'$-"/-()#0",#1$$2%*.3$#4"-"$.-"$56$&-.#"-,.+$%-'.,)7.#)%,!$#4.#$.-"$.&8+).#"*$9)#4$:;<$.,*$"=)!#$#%$ assist collegiate and alumnae member groups to foster interfraternal relationships. Members are represented on over 620 college campuses in the US and Canada. When you join one of the 14 NPC sororities at Texas, you also become a member of the University Panhellenic Council (UPC). >;<$)!$#4"$'%?"-,),'$@%*3$%&$#4"$&%(-#"",$:;<A.&8+).#"*$!%-%-)#)"!$.#$24"$>,)?"-!)#3$%&$2"=.!$.#$B(!#),1$>;<$)!$-(,$@3$.,$ "="/(#)?"$@%.-*C$94%!"$%&8/"-!$.-"$"D(.++3$-"E-"!",#"*$@3$9%0",$&-%0$.++$&%(-#"",$/4.E#"-!$.#$>2$B(!#),1$>;<$.,*$#4"$F-""G$ community promotes equality and establishes guidelines that govern membership recruitment, social activities, publicity, and member responsibilities.

Dresses provided by

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Pillars of University Panhellenic Council Scholarship The Panhellenic Community takes great pride in their level of scholastic achievement. Beginning as a new member all the way to graduation, sororities encourage, develop, and maintain academic progress. In addition, studies have shown that !#(*",#!$94%$.-"$0"0@"-!$%&$F-""G$%-'.,)7.#)%,!$.-"$0%-"$+)G"+3$#%$'-.*(.#"$/%0E.-"*$#%$!#(*",#!$94%$.-"$,%#$.&8+).#"*1 Fall 2010 Chapter GPAs: All New Member GPA 3.25 All Panhellenic GPA 3.33 All University Women GPA 3.28 All University GPA 3.25 Order of Omega Honor Society – Order of Omega is a Greek honorary organization and seeks to recognize outstanding junior and senior fraternity and sorority men and women who have excelled in academics and leadership endeavors both within and beyond their chapter.

Community Service and Philanthropy One of the most gratifying aspects of Greek life at Texas is giving back to the community through philanthropy, social awareness and community service. Each sorority hosts and sponsors various philanthropy events, raising over $225,000 each year for national and local charities. Sororities also participate in local community service activities like volunteering at local shelters and soup kitchens as well as tutoring at elementary schools in Austin. Helping people in need and doing things for the community is an integral part of life and is reinforced throughout your time as a sorority member.

Fourteen Sororities Unite for One Cause

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In the fall the University Panhellenic Council organizes a Panhellenic team to participate in Austin’s Komen Race for the Cure. This past year our team had over 200 members and a special booth at the event to promote Panhellenic .,*$!4%9$%(-$*"*)/.#)%,$#%$8,*),'$.$ cure for breast cancer.

Leadership One of the top priorities of our sorority community is to offer chapter members a variety of positions to sharpen their leadership skills. Sororities provide a solid foundation in leadership training and networking that prepares members for the demands and responsibilities needed in their future careers. Opportunities within the Sorority Community: $ $ $ $ $ $

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T%($9)++$.+!%$8,*$!%-%-)#3$0"0@"-!$),?%+?"*$),$-"/%',)7"*$.,*$-"!E"/#"*$ groups on campus such as Student Government, Senate of College Councils, Orange Jackets, Texas Cheer & Pom, and UT Athletics.

Sisterhood The spirit of our sorority community makes our large campus seem smaller and more like home. Regardless of the chapter you join, the friendships that are formed are life long. Sorority chapters at Texas provide a diverse selection of events that will enrich your social life and take you beyond the daily routine of class, working and studying. Formals, casuals, date events, and chapter retreats support the goal of bringing members together to develop the bonds of friendship.

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Programming & Education An important aspect of the Panhellenic community is to program events for the Panhellenic and Greek community that promote education in various areas.

Keynote Speakers­ Each semester UPC offers an educational speaker to cover various topics relevant to college students. Some examples include: Travel Safety Tips with Beth Halloway, Bright Pink with Lindsey Avner, and Buy In or Get Out! with David Stollman. Perfect Party­ Each fall the council hosts a risk management educational event for chapter social /4.)-!C$E-"!)*",#!$.,*$U(*)/).+$%&8/"-!1

Greek Grub­ In the spring each Greek council works together to create this event for the Greek community. It is a true community event with music, food, and socializing!

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What You Need to Know About Recruitment Formal recruitment is a great way to meet the 14 National Panhellenic Conference chapters at The University of Texas. As a new or returning student at Texas, formal recruitment is a great introduction to the campus and an excellent way to form a network of close friends within just a few days. It is very important that you keep an open mind during formal recruitment. All of our chapters at Texas have a 9%,*"-&(+$"=E"-)",/"$#%$%&&"-$.,*$@3$E.-#)/)E.#),'$),$&%-0.+$-"/-()#0",#$3%($.-"$#.G),'$#4"$8-!#$!#"E$#%9.-*$.,$./#)?"$ and enriching experience as a sorority member at The University of Texas at Austin. Without a doubt, you will meet women who will become your best friends during your college years and beyond.

How to Register for Formal Recruitment The only group that you are required to register with for recruitment is University Panhellenic Council at The University of Texas at Austin. Visit to register online and upload a photo. You will have the option to pay online, however it is acceptable to mail your payment if you would prefer. Please make your check or money order payable to University Panhellenic Council and mail to:

University Panhellenic Council Attn: UPC President 1 University Station, A5800 Austin, Texas 78712

Registration Fee Timeline: $70 if paid online by 11:59 p.m. or postmarked by July 31, 2011 $85 if paid online or postmarked after July 31, 2011 August 16, 2011 at 5:00pm will conclude registration for The University Panhellenic Council Recruitment 2011.

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How Formal Recruitment Works Formal recruitment is conducted through the means of mutual selection. At the end of each round, potential new members (PNM) will select the chapters they would like to visit again. Likewise, the chapters invite back PNMs that #4"3$@"+)"?"$9)++$@"$.$'%%*$8#$&%-$#4")-$/4.E#"-1$B$/%0E(#"-$!%&#9.-"$E-%'-.0$#4",$/%0E)+"!$#4"$*.#.$.,*$!/4"*(+"!$.-"$ produced for each PNM for the next day of events. This process continues throughout the week until Preference Night. Immediately following the last preference event, preference card signing will be explained to all PNMs.

Letters of Recommendation Reference and recommendation letters are written by sorority alumnae members and introduce a potential new member to the chapter and describe more about the potential new member’s activities. You may choose to have reference or recommendation letters sent on your behalf to all sororities participating in formal recruitment.

Two ways to obtain a reference or recommendation: $

H$ P"')!#"-$9)#4$3%(-$+%/.+$B+(0,."$;.,4"++",)/$A$24)!$9)++$E-%?)*"$3%($9)#4$.,$%EE%-#(,)#3$#%$'.),$.!!)!#.,/"$),$ getting reference letters, possibly meet sorority alumnae in your area, and attend a recruitment information session. Most Alumnae Panhellenic Associations start collecting registration forms in early spring.


H$ T%($0.3$!""G$%(#$.,*$%@#.),$!%-%-)#3$.+(0,."$#%$9-)#"$+"##"-!$%,$3%(-$@"4.+&$A$L,/"$.,$.+(0,.$4.!$%&&"-"*$ or been asked to write a reference, she may request some information from you. The alumna writing the reference is solely responsible for obtaining the appropriate form from her national organization, completing the form, and mailing it to the correct destination.

Reference and recommendation letters do not guarantee a bid for membership. Many of our sororities require a reference from an alumna member of their sorority before a woman can join, however they are not essential for every sorority. All letters are mailed directly to the chapter house address.

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If you or a sorority alumna has questions regarding references, please direct them to contact their national headquarters or Greek, Leadership and Intercultural Education at (512) 471­9700.

Recruitment Guidelines $

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H$ <"++$E4%,"$(!"$)!$,%#$E"-0)##"*$*(-),'$B:T$!/4"*(+"*$;.,4"++",)/$ recruitment event ­ this includes convocations. Any usage outside of emergency purposes will result in removal for the day. We would prefer for you to NOT bring cell phones to events, as we will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.


H$ B##",*.,/"$.#$&-.#"-,)#3$E.-#)"!$)!$,%#$.++%9"*$*(-),'$;.,4"++",)/$ Recruitment.


H$ Y(-),'$#4"$!(00"-$.,*$&%-0.+$-"/-()#0",#C$$3%($0.3$4.?"$,%$/%,#./#$ with sorority members (alumnae or active members).


H$ N#-)/#$!)+",/"$)!$",&%-/"*$@"#9"",$#4"$#)0"$%&$#4"$+.!#$E-"&"-",/"$"?",#$%,$V%,*.3C$B('(!#$55,*$(,#)+$#4"$",*$%&$ Bid Day on Tuesday, August 23rd. Any contact made between a sorority member (alumna or active) is strictly forbidden and will lead to dismissal from the recruitment process. This includes alumnae relatives.

Recruitment Contact The following rules apply to any female interested in joining a Panhellenic sorority. $ H$ ;%#",#).+$,"9$0"0@"-!$0.3$,%#$.##",*$.,3$%-'.,)7"*$!%-%-)#3$&(,/#)%,$%(#!)*"$%&$&%-0.+$-"/-()#0",#$"?",#!1 $

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Statement on Alcohol and Hazing: The University Panhellenic Council does not tolerate the use of any illegal substances and expect all associated to abide by city, state, and federal laws. According to the UPC Constitution, alcohol is not to be served to minors under any circumstances (Article VXI. Social Affairs Guidelines, Section D, 2, d). No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under legal drinking age). Additionally, all UPC organizations have national policies that prohibit the use of alcohol at any and all recruitment and new member activities. !"#$%&'$(')*++*%,-'./0%/.'"('"%-'")1$*%'1"2/%'*3'($14"1$*%')3/"1/.'1*'53*.4)/'+/%1",'*3'56-($)",' discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. The State of Texas and The University of Texas at Austin, National Panhellenic Conference, and every UPC chapter have adopted anti­hazing legislation or policies. The fact that a person consented or acquiesced in a hazing activity is not a defense under the law. If you are subjected #%$4.7),'$3%($0(!#C$.//%-*),'$#%$!#.#"$+.9C$-"E%-#$)#$#%$#4"$L&8/"$%&$#4"$Y".,$%&$N#(*",#!1$$L-'.,)7.#)%,!$#4.#$4.7"$.-"$ not worth your consideration and are dangerous.

Potential New Member’s Bill of Rights

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H$ 24"$right to be fully informed about the binding agreements implicit in the preference card signing


H$ 24"$-)'4#$#%$0.G"$%,"Z!$%9,$/4%)/"!$.,*$*"/)!)%,$.,*$.//"E#$&(++$ responsibility for the results of the decision


H$ 24"$-)'4#$#%$4.?"$.$E%!)#)?"C$!.&"C$.,*$",-)/4),'$-"/-()#0",#$.,*$,"9$ member experience.

If at any time you feel that you are not being treated according to the precepts outlined here, contact your Recruitment Counselor at once. With your permission, your Recruitment Counselor should then inform the Panhellenic Council of the issue and take immediate and appropriate action to rectify the situation.

Financial Responsibility It is important for students and parents to be as informed as possible regarding the costs associated with obtaining a /%++"'"$"*(/.#)%,1$>,*"-!#.,*),'$#4"$8,.,/).+$%@+)'.#)%,!$.!!%/).#"*$9)#4$!%-%-)#3$0"0@"-!4)E$)!$U(!#$.!$)0E%-#.,#1$

Required Fees Chapter fees fund various activities of the organization such as academic programs, service activities, alumni and parent events, national dues and lifetime membership. The ranges below include dues, room, and board information:

New Member Fall Semester ­ $1450.00 ­ $2372.50 New Member Spring Semester ­ $1231.80 ­ $1432.50 Active Member – In House ­ $3863.50 ­ $5552.50 Active Member – Out of House ­ $1100.00 ­ $1304.88

Additional/Optional Fees Additional costs throughout the semester may include parking at the chapter house*, optional meal plans, pictures, gifts, social events, t­shirts, etc. *parking availability and cost will vary by chapter Several chapters at the University of Texas at Austin offer payment plans and scholarships for members who ,""*$8,.,/).+$.!!)!#.,/"1$;+".!"$,%#"$#4.#$94",$3%($ @"/%0"$.$,"9$0"0@"-$%&$.$!%-%-)#3C$3%($.-"$.&8+).#),'$ with that organization. If at any time you decide to *)!.&8+).#"C$3%($0.3$!#)++$@"$4"+*$-"!E%,!)@+"$&%-$&""!$ %-$E.30",#!$-"D()-"*$#%$&(+8++$3%(-$/%,#-./#$9)#4$#4"$ organization. During formal recruitment, a potential member should .!G$!%-%-)#3$0"0@"-!$.@%(#$8,.,/).+$%@+)'.#)%,!$.,*$ payment options. Each sorority sets its own fees and housing costs as well as their payment schedule.

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What to Wear Round by Round Opening Convocation Wednesday, August 17 Start Time: 7pm What Happens: Opening Convocation is like an orientation to formal recruitment. It is also the time where PNMs will meet their Recruitment Counselors and the Panhellenic Recruitment Team, who will guide them through the entire week. Each day there will be convocations. This is the time when you will meet with your Recruitment Counselors and receive your invitations and event schedules for that day. What to Wear: Casual attire, although, as the week continues you will want to dress for your recruitment events prior to the scheduled convocation. Open House Thursday, August 18 Event Length: 20 minutes each What Happens: This round of events is focused on the importance and excitement of “Going Greek!” Every PNM will visit 13 chapters this day. You will walk from house to house with your Recruitment Counselors and recruitment group. What to Wear: Each PNM will be given a Recruitment T­shirt to wear during Open House. Khaki shorts are suggested, as well as tennis shoes.

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Philanthropy Day Friday, August 19 & Saturday, August 20 Event Length: 40 minutes each What Happens: This round is divided into two days and is focused on community service. You may attend up to ten events over these two days. At "./4$/4.E#"-$3%($?)!)#C$3%($9)++$E.-#)/)E.#"$),$.$!0.++$E-%U"/#$#4.#$9)++$@","8#$ the chapter’s local or national philanthropy. In addition, chapters will provide information about their philanthropy and chapter events. What to Wear: Comfortable daytime dress or skirt, comfortable !.,*.+!C$9"*'"!C$%-$X.#!1$:L$*",)0$%-$X)E$X%E!

Open House Attire

Philanthropy Day Attire

Skit Night Sunday, August 21 Event Length: 45 minutes each What Happens: This round of events is focused on entertainment. You may attend up to six events this day. Each chapter will perform a skit that will showcase their personality and values. Each chapter will also allow plenty of time for one­on­one conversations. What to Wear: Attire is a little more dressy than daytime dresses but not formal. Preference Night Monday, August 22 Event Length: 1 hour each What Happens: This round is the most formal round in the recruitment process. A potential new member may attend up to three events this day. These events focus on the deepest aspects of sorority life, including sisterhood, friendship and ritual. This is your last chance to interact with chapter members. What to Wear: Cocktail dress (typically black) Bid Day Tuesday, August 23 Start Time: 5pm What Happens: All potential new members will gather at Hogg Auditorium on campus to receive their sorority bid. You will then be invited back to the house of the sorority you have joined to participate in fun activities such as pictures, dinner, and “get­to­know­you” games. These activities vary by chapter, but are guaranteed fun! What to Wear: Comfortable daytime dress or !G)-#C$/%0&%-#.@+"$!.,*.+!C$9"*'"!C$%-$X.#!1$:L$ *",)0$%-$X)E$X%E!

Skit Night Attire

Preference Night Attire

Bid Day Attire

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Recruitment Counselors

Women participating in formal recruitment will be assigned to a recruitment group led by three or four recruitment counselors. A recruitment counselor is a current sorority member at The University of Texas at Austin who volunteers to serve as an unbiased mentor during formal recruitment. Recruitment counselors are women chosen from each %&$%(-$!%-%-)#3$/4.E#"-!$@(#$#4"3$9)++$@"$*)!.&8+).#"*C$94)/4$0".,!$#4"3$9)++$,%#$@"$.@+"$#%$-"?".+$94)/4$!%-%-)#3$#4"3$ belong to. Because of this, they will be able to answer any questions you may have throughout the week of recruitment ),$%-*"-$#%$4"+E$3%($*"/)*"$94)/4$!%-%-)#3$)!$#4"$@"!#$8#$&%-$3%([

Helpful Hints from your Recruitment Counselors!

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H$ RELAX! Recruitment is about meeting new friends and making memories! Relax and be yourself.


H$ Y(-),'$"./4$-%(,*C$3%($9)++$0""#$0.,3$9%0",$.,*$4.?"$#4"$%EE%-#(,)#3$#%$+".-,$.@%(#$!%-%-)#3$./#)?)#)"!$.,*$ sorority life. You are encouraged to ask any question you have about membership in a particular sorority.


H$ \""E$.,$%E",$0),*$.@%(#$.++$#4"$/4.E#"-!1$$Y%,Z#$+"#$.,3%,"$),X(",/"$3%(-$*"/)!)%,!1$$O%%G$.#$94.#$"./4$ sorority has to offer and what makes each unique.

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H$ BE COMFORTABLE! Remember it will be August in Texas and will be extremely hot! Make sure that you are $ /%0&%-#.@+"$.!$3%($9)++$@"$%(#!)*"C$.!$9"++$.!$!)##),'$%,$#4"$X%%-$),$94.#$3%($9".-1

Chapter Presidents

Hutton Hipps, Kelly Jerden, Caleigh Wilson, Alana Prant Ellen Hughes, Julie Murphy, Blair Bradford, Allison Darden, Taylor Franke, Kayla Varnell, Mary Lengel, Katie Vela, Sarah Lohrmann, Not Pictured: Brittany Johnson

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Alpha Chi Omega

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Nickname: Alpha Chi National Website: Local Website: Founded: October 15, 1885, De Pauw University, Greencastle, IN UT Chapter Founded: Alpha Phi Chapter, 1924 Mascot: Koala Bear Flower: Red Carnation Symbol: Lyre Colors: Scarlet and Olive Green Motto: Together let us seek the heights Philanthropy: Domestic Violence Awareness New Member Program: 8 weeks

Alpha Delta Pi

Nickname: A-D-Pi National Website: Local Website: Founded: May 15, 1851, Wesleyan Female College, Macon, GA UT Chapter Founded: Delta Chapter, 1906 Mascot: Lion Flower: Woodland Violet Symbol: Diamond Colors: Azure Blue and White Motto: We live for each other Philanthropy: The Ronald McDonald House New Member Program: 6 weeks

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Alpha Epsilon Phi

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Nickname: A-E-Phi, Phi National Website: Founded: October 24, 1909, Barnard College, New York, NY UT Chapter Founded: Omega Chapter, 1925 Mascot: Giraffe Flower: Lily of the Valley Symbol: Pearl Colors: Green and White Motto: Multa Corda,Una Causa (Many Hearts, One Purpose) Philanthropy: The Elizabeth Glazer Pediatric AIDS Foundation & Sharsheret New Member Program: 8 weeks

Alpha Phi

Nickname: A-Phi (A-Phee) National Website: Local Website: Founded: October 10, 1872, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY UT Chapter Founded: Omega Chapter, 1920 Mascot: Phi Bear Flower: Forget-Me-Not Symbol: Ivy Leaf Colors: Silver and Bordeaux Motto: Union hand in hand Philanthropy: Cardiac Care for Women New Member Program: 8 weeks

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Alpha Xi Delta

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Nickname: Alpha Xi National Website: Local Website: Founded: April 17, 1893, Lombard College, Galesburg, IL UT Chapter Founded: Beta Alpha Chapter, 1929 Mascot: BetXi Bear Flower: Pink Rose Symbol: Quill Colors: Double Blue and Gold Motto: Inspiring women to realize their potential Philanthropy: Autism Speaks New Member Program: 6-8 weeks

Chi Omega

Nickname: Chi-O National Website: Local Website: Founded: April 5, 1895, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR UT Chapter Founded: Iota Chapter, 1904 Mascot: Owl Flower: White Carnation Symbol: Skull and Crossbones Colors: Cardinal and Straw Motto: Hellenic Culture and Christian Ideals Philanthropy: Make a Wish Foundation New Member Program: 10 weeks

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Delta Delta Delta

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Nickname: Tri-Delt(a) National Website: Local Website: Founded: November 27, 1888, Boston University, Boston, MA UT Chapter Founded: Theta Zeta Chapter, 1912 Mascot: Dolphin Flower: Pansy Symbol: Trident, Pearl, Pine Tree Colors: Silver, Gold and Blue Motto: Let us steadfastly love one another Philanthropy: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital New Member Program: 8 weeks

Delta Gamma

Nickname: Dee-Gee, D-G National Website: Local Website: Founded: December 25, 1873, Lewis School for Girls, Oxford, MS UT Chapter Founded: Beta Eta Chapter, 1939 Mascot: Hannah (Raggedy Ann) Flower: Cream-Colored Rose Symbol: Anchor Colors: Bronze, Pink and Blue Motto: Do Good Philanthropy: Service for Sight New Member Program: 8 weeks

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Kappa Alpha Theta

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Nickname: Theta National Website: Local Website: Founded: January 27, 1870, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN UT Chapter Founded: Alpha Theta Chapter, 1904 Mascot: Cat Flower: Black and Gold Pansy Symbol: Kite Colors: Black and Gold Philanthropy: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) New Member Program: 6 weeks

Kappa Delta

Nickname: K-D National Website: Local Website: Founded: October 23, 1897, State Female Normal School, Farmville, VA UT Chapter Founded: Sigma Epsilon Chapter, 1921 Mascot: Teddy Bear Flower: White Rose Symbol: Dagger, Nautilus Shell, Katydid Colors: Olive Green and Pearl White Motto: Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America, Girl Scouts of the USA New Member Program: 6 weeks

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Kappa Kappa Gamma

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Nickname: Kappa National Website: Local Website: Founded: October 13,1870, Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL UT Chapter Founded: Beta Xi Chapter, 1902 Mascot: Owl Flower: Fleur-de-lis Symbol: Key Colors: Dark and Light Blue Philanthropy: Reading Is Fundamental New Member Program: 6 weeks

Pi Beta Phi

Nickname: Pi Phi National Website: Local Website: Founded: April 28, 1867, Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL UT Chapter Founded: Texas Alpha Chapter, 1920 Mascot: Angel Flower: Wine Carnation Symbol: Arrow Colors: Wine and Silver Blue Philanthropy: Literacy New Member Program: 8 weeks

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Sigma Delta Tau

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Nickname: Sig-Delt, S-D-T National Website: Local Website: Founded: March 25, 1917, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY UT Chapter Founded: Tau Chapter, 1939 Mascot: Teddy Bear Flower: Golden Tea Rose Symbol: Torch Colors: CafĂŠ au Lait & Old Blue Motto: Patriae multae spes una (One hope of many people) Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA) New Member Program: 6 weeks

Zeta Tau Alpha

Nickname: Zeta National Website: Local Website: Founded: October 15, 1898, State Female Normal School, Longwood, VA UT Chapter Founded: Kappa Chapter, 1906 Mascot: Bunny Flower: White Violet Symbol: Crown, and Strawberry Colors: Turquoise Blue and Steel Gray Motto: Seek the Noblest Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Education and Awareness New Member Program: 8 weeks

2 7

Chapter Houses Sorority House Living: Once you have accepted membership to a sorority at UT Austin, new members remain in the residence halls or .E.-#0",#!$%,$%-$%&&$/.0E(!$*(-),'$#4")-$&-"!40.,$3".-$%-$8-!#$3".-$%&$0"0@"-!4)E1$23E)/.++3C$!%-%-)#3$0"0@"-!$ do not move in the chapter house until their sophomore, junior or senior year, however, nearly all groups have an expectation that members will live in the chapter facility at some point during their time at UT Austin.

Alpha Chi Omega

Alpha Delta Pi

Alpha Xi Delta

Alpha Epsilon Phi

Alpha Phi

Chi Omega

Delta Delta Delta

Delta Gamma

Kappa Alpha Theta

2 8

Kappa Delta

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Pi Beta Phi


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Zeta Tau Alpha

2 9 House Directors

Greek Terminology Active – An initiated member of a sorority chapter. Alumna (plural–ae) – Any initiated member of a sorority who has graduated from college. Badge – The pin of an initiated member. Bid – A formal invitation to pledge or associate with a chapter. Bid Day$]$24"$8,.+$*.3$%&$&%-0.+$-"/-()#0",#$94",$#4"$E%#",#).+$,"9$0"0@"-$-"/")?"!$.,$),?)#.#)%,$#%$U%),$.$/4.E#"-1 Continuous Open Bidding (COB) – A term for ongoing, informal recruitment. COB bids may be extended and accepted at any time during the school year other than formal recruitment. Not all UPC organizations participate in COB so it is recommended to participate in formal recruitment in order to interact with all sororities. Formal Recruitment – A designated membership period during which each NPC sorority holds a series of organized events. Formal Recruitment is implemented and organized by the University Panhellenic Council. Fraternity – A social Greek letter brotherhood; the term “fraternity” also applies to some sororities. Initiate – A fully initiated member of a chapter. Initiation$]$B$-)#(.+$%-$/"-"0%,3$),$94)/4$.$,"9$0"0@"-$@"'),!$&(++$0"0@"-!4)E$),$#4.#$!E"/)8/$%-'.,)7.#)%,1 Interfraternity Council (IFC) – The central governing body of men’s fraternities that provides service to chapters; the IFC holds chapters accountable for the policies and procedures of the council and the University. Latino Pan­Hellenic Council (LPHC) – The central governing body of the predominantly Latino/a based fraternal organizations. Legacy – A woman whose mother, sister, or in some cases grandmother is an alumna or active member of a sorority. Legacy status varies from one chapter to another. National Pan­Hellenic Council (NPHC) – The governing body for the nine historically African American Greek organizations. National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) – NPC is a conference body composed of 26 national women’s fraternities. New Member – A member of a Greek letter organization who has not yet been initiated. New Member Program – The time when new members of an organization learn about the chapter. Philanthropy – A charitable project to raise money and awareness for a particular cause sponsored by each chapter on campus. Potential New Member (PNM) – A term used to describe a woman seeking membership in a Panhellenic organization. Recommendations and References – A written letter recommending a potential member for membership signed by an alumna of that particular chapter.

3 0

Recruitment Counselor – A member of a Panhellenic sorority who $ *)!.&8+).#"!$*(-),'$Q%-0.+$P"/-()#0",#$.,*$.!!)!#!$;:V!$#4-%('4$#4"$$ recruitment process. Texas Asian Pan­Hellenic Council (TAPC) ­ The governing body for $ #4"$8?"$B!).,A),#"-"!#$F-""G$%-'.,)7.#)%,!$.#$24"$>,)?"-!)#3$%&$2"=.!$ at Austin. University Panhellenic Council (UPC) – The central governing body of the NPC sororities on campus that offers services to chapters and the community as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions Who participates in Panhellenic Formal Recruitment in the Fall? While UPC represents 14 NPC organizations, Sigma Delta Tau (!"#) does not currently participate in formal recruitment events. The ladies of SDT will have a chance to talk about their process at Opening Convocation and they will host COB events at the conclusion of formal recruitment. The organizations that participate in formal recruitment are as follows: Alpha Chi Omega ($%&) Alpha Delta Pi ($"() Alpha Epsilon Phi ($+*) Alpha Phi ($*) Alpha Xi Delta ($/")

Chi Omega (%&) Delta Delta Delta (""") Delta Gamma ("') Kappa Alpha Theta (-$.) Kappa Delta (-")

Kappa Kappa Gamma (KK') Pi Beta Phi (()*) Zeta Tau Alpha (,#$)

Should I attend The University of Texas at Austin’s summer orientation? Yes! Orientation allows you to take placement tests, to earn college credit, pre­register for classes and become acquainted with the campus. It is wise to take placement tests in the summer, or you may have to take them during Recruitment Week and be unable to attend recruitment events. Find us at the Sorority & Fraternity Info Session or at the Student Organization Tables! 76/3/'.*'8',$9/'.43$%&':/)34$1+/%1'7//2;' T%($9)++$+)?"$94"-"$3%($E+.,$#%$-"!)*"$*(-),'$#4"$!/4%%+$3".-1$T%($9)++$,""*$#%$/%,#./#$3%(-$-"!)*",/"$4.++$#%$8,*$%(#$94.#$#4"$0%?"A),$*.#"$)!$.,*$#%$ make the appropriate arrangements, as there may be a prorated cost associated with early move­in. If I am a sophomore, should I go through Formal Recruitment? W"$",/%(-.'"$.,3%,"$#%$-"')!#"-$.,*$.##",*$Q%-0.+$P"/-()#0",#[$$24)!$&.++$9)++$@"$#4"$8-!#$#)0"$&%-$#4"$>2$B(!#),$;.,4"++",)/$<%00(,)#3$#%$4.?"$.$ sophomore quota. This process will allow for an increased placement of sophomores in all chapters during formal recruitment. A chapter contacted me to hang out this summer, should I attend? No chapter should engage in summer recruitment activities of any kind. Chapters that do not abide by this policy are breaking the rules and will be subject to sanctions by their national organization. It is wise to think twice about joining a chapter that would knowingly break the rules. !*<'+4)6'1$+/'.*/('"'(*3*3$1-'1"2/;' There is a required meeting once a week where you will exchange information on chapter events and fraternity education. Weekly chapter study sessions are a programming option for all members, in addition to events like sisterhood activities, community service projects, and social events. Remember, the more you put into the sorority the more you will get out of it. !*<',*%&'<$,,'$1'1"2/'1*'=/'$%$1$"1/.;' Most chapters have moved to a period that ranges from six to ten weeks. The new­member period affords opportunities to meet other members, learn fraternity history and feel at home in the chapter. Each chapter establishes its own new­member program and initiation dates. This is a great question to ask the active members as you meet them during recruitment. What is Spring Recruitment? The University of Texas University Panhellenic Council does not sponsor or organize a formal spring recruitment, however some chapters continue to recruit and pledge women throughout the school year. Events are organized and scheduled at each chapter’s convenience and UPC can keep you updated on the details of these events. If you want the opportunity to interact with all fourteen of our sororities before making your sorority choice, then you should participate in fall formal recruitment.

3 1

Greek Alphabet

3 2

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good luck in recruitment… Love, UPC


Recruitment Wednesday, August 17 Opening Convocation Hogg Auditorium 7:00pm

Thursday, August 18 Open House 9:00am – 7:00pm (13 events)

Friday, August 19 Philanthropy Day 3:00pm – Meet with RC 4:30pm-9:10pm (up to 5 events)

Saturday, August 20 Philanthropy Day Continued

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9:00am-1:40pm (up to 5 events)



Sunday, August 21 Skit Night 3:00pm – Meet with RC 4:00pm-9:45pm (up to 6 events)

Monday, August 22 Preference Night 4:00pm – Meet with RC 5:30pm-10:15pm (up to 3 events)

Tuesday, August 23 Bid Day Hogg Auditorium 5:00pm

3 7

Map of Sorority Houses Please visit our website at to complete the online registration form and for more information.

Scan this code to be directed to our website

Greek, Leadership and Intercultural Education !"#$%&'"&()%&*%+,&'"&-(./%,(0 *12101',&'"&-(./%,(&3""+140 5)%&6,12%401(7&'"&5%8+0&+(&3.0(1,

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