UPC Recruitment Guide

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o T e d i u G r u Yo

Sorority s Life at Texa

g r o . c i n e l l e h n www.texaspa

Table of


Welcome Letter 1 Greek Terminology 2 Council 3-7 History and Pillars of the Panhellenic ent 8-13 What You Need to Know About Recruitm Panhellenic Chapters at Texas 14-27 Chapter Houses 28 & 29 ts 30 Recruitment Counselors & Helpful Hin How to Register 31 Financial Responsibility 32 Frequently Asked Questions 33 34 The Greek Alphabet & Anti-Hazing policy Recruitment Schedule at a Glance 36


ur Texas at Austin! and beginning yo the University of to 14 20 of s as ing a Longhorn Cl m co be l on Welcome na u tio yo late d of 14 Na like to congratu PC) is comprise (U cil un We would both Co c ’s ni le en y Panhel est wom aking us the larg UT. The Universit exciting time at 300 members, m 2, of l ta u will open to yo a s s, t at Texa rities and ha ugh recruitmen ro th Panhellenic Soro go to connect g sin an ial to meet d campus! By choo have the potent d an organization on es iti un rt po any different op yourself up to m s. al du ue indivi with many uniq our campus and eek councils on Gr six of e on uncil is ining a UPC y Panhellenic Co body at UT. Jo t sit er en iv ud st Un e e th Th of ected to 11 percent is strongly conn unity makes up community that er rg the Greek comm la is strated th on of m rt cils was de w you to be a pa ity among coun un e l Th sorority will allo . ity fr un mm Greeks om al d the Austin co where over 600 t, en ev ub the University an Gr k l Gree s . h the Inaugura munity on campu this year throug ngth of our com re st e th e at br le gether to ce councils came to rience the portunity to expe op e th ve ha u council. rority, yo unique to our a Panhellenic so and leadership , As a member of ice rv se A and p, GP hi ’s rs l-Women llence in schola GPA than the Al er gh hi standard of exce a ts as e cil bo tions. Th entire Panhellenic Coun n-profit organiza no d an es iti The University ar ch ing local ball game, and ss hours to help Women’s basket UT a g rin du donates countle ed is host y is dedicated Pink Zone, which dividual sororit ts in or ch pp ea su d l an ci in un st co men e Cure in Au e Panhellenic wo men Race for th ort. Not only ar pp su the Susan G. Ko to pus. m rd ca ha on rk ganizations y that they wo lved in other or vo in to a philanthrop so ets, al ck e Ja ar we cils, Orange complished, but of College Coun te na Se intelligent and ac t, en m vern ed in Student Go Many are involv ics. et hl At m, and UT Texas Cheer & Po nd what the better understa u yo lp he to ent is is guide through recruitm you to read th decide if going We encourage u yo lp c.org he ni d lle an r w.texaspanhe munity can offe free to visit ww el fe , Panhellenic com ns ugh ro tio th es r qu to help you you have furthe om. We are here l.c ai gm right for you. If t@ en ecruitm xaspanhellenic.r ll! Hook ‘em! or e-mail us at te eing you in the fa se to d ar rw fo ok lo d best, the process an Wishing you the Christie ident Panhellenic Pres Charissa Recruitment Panhellenic VP


Greek Terminology Active – An initiated member of a sorority chapter. Alumna (plural –ae) – Any initiated member of a sorority who has graduated from college. Badge – The pin of an initiated member. Bid – A formal invitation to pledge or associate with a chapter. Bid Day – The final day of formal recruitment when the potential new member receives an

invitation to join a chapter.

Continuous Open Bidding (COB) – A term for ongoing, informal recruitment. COB bids

may be extended and accepted at any time during the school year other than formal recruitment. Not all UPC organizations participate in COB so it is recommended to participate in formal recruitment in order to interact with all sororities.

Formal Recruitment – A designated membership period during which each NPC sorority

holds a series of organized events. Formal Recruitment is implemented and organized by the University Panhellenic Council.

Fraternity – A social Greek letter brotherhood; the term “fraternity” also applies to some sororities. Initiate – A fully initiated member of a chapter. Initiation – A ritual or ceremony in which a new member begins full membership in that

specific organization.

Interfraternity Council (IFC) – The central governing body of men’s fraternities that

provides service to chapters; the IFC holds chapters accountable for the policies and procedures of the council and the University.

Latino Pan-Hellenic Council (LPHC) – The central governing body of the predominantly

Latino/a based fraternal organizations.

Legacy – A woman whose mother, sister, or in some cases grandmother is an alumna or active

member of a sorority. Legacy status varies from one chapter to another.

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) – The governing body for the nine historically

African American Greek organizations.

National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) – NPC is a conference body composed of 26

national women’s fraternities.

New Member – A member of a Greek letter organization who has not yet been initiated. New Member Program – The time when new members of an organization learn about the chapter. Philanthropy – A charitable project to raise money and awareness for a particular cause

sponsored by each chapter on campus.

Potential New Member (PNM) – A term used to describe a woman seeking membership in a

Panhellenic organization.

Recommendations and References – A written letter recommending a potential member for

membership signed by an alumna of that particular chapter.

Recruitment Counselor – A member of a Panhellenic sorority who disaffiliates during

Formal Recruitment and assists PNMs through the recruitment process.

Texas Asian Pan-Hellenic Council (TAPC) - The governing body for the five Asian-interest

Greek organizations at The University of Texas at Austin.

University Panhellenic Council (UPC) – The central governing body of the NPC sororities on campus that offers services to chapters and the community as a whole.

l a n o i t a n e What is th

e c n e r e ic f n e ll n e h pan co and

University panhellenic council to help ted in 1902 ea cr s a w ) C (NP regarding Conference f guidelines o ic t n se le a el h te n a ea affiliated al P nd cr The Nation ons that are sororities a ti a r u iz o n a n rg ee o w l bet rna groups to form bonds are 26 frate ae member e n er m th lu a y a d d n o on over t. T iate a recruitmen represented ssist colleg a re a to s t er is b ex em nd nships. M with NPC a rnal relatio te ada. ra n rf a C te d in n e US a foster th in s se u p cam become a 620 college as, you also ex T t a es ti governing rori e 14 NPC so ). UPC is the C th P f o (U l e n ci o n u in Co University When you jo Panhellenic ties at The ri ty si ro er so iv d n te U a the ffili officers are member of tional NPC-a ard, whose a o n b n ve ee ti u rt u ec fo ex ll fourteen body of the men from a is run by an o C w P t n U . se in re st p Au ent issues lly re of Texas at ssion of curr asis to equa b cu l is a d n e o ti th ta r ro promotes m fo chosen on a y and also es as a foru it rv n u se m C P m U co . bership UT ek chapters at govern mem and the Gre t a ts th en d es u st in e ities. guidel facing colleg responsibil tablishing er b es , em re m o d ef n a er s, publicity, equality; th cial activitie so t, en m it recru

e th f o University s r a l pil panhellenic council

scholarship eat Community takes gr The UT Panhellenic nt. scholastic achieveme pride in their level of to member all the way Beginning as a new lop, ies encourage, deve graduation, sororit ion, ic progress. In addit and maintain academ are o wh s nt that stude studies have shown re mo e ar organizations members of Greek o wh s nt mpared to stude likely to graduate co are not affiliated. All mber GPA and the Both the All New Me e All nsistently exceed th Panhellenic GPA co GPA. University Women’s

ter GPAs Fall 2009 Chrap GPA 3.209

All New Membe 3.313 All Panhellenic GPA en GPA 3.16 All University Wom 3.10 bers All University GPA with a 4.0 – 236 mem rs be em m c ni le el Panh

s to help new options and incentive y an m fer of ns tio niza All Panhellenic orga school to college. ademically from high ac on members transiti

ions • Weekly study sess d annually) scholarships (offere l na tio • Chapter/Na semester) larships (offered each • Panhellenic Scho ddies • Tutoring, Study Bu nor Society Ho a eg • Order of Om


pillars of the University panhellenic council

chapter munity is to offer m co y rit ro so r ou ies rities of rship skills. Sororit One of the top prio sharpen their leade to ns io at th sit po ng of ki ty or g and netw members a varie leadership trainin in n eir tio th da in un ed fo ed provide a solid responsibilities ne r the demands and fo rs be em m es ar prep future careers. munity: in the Sorority Com Opportunities with tive Boards • Chapter Execu ittee Chairs • Chapter Comm nhellenic Council • University Pa Executive Board nhellenic Council • University Pa air Ch e itte mm Co Executive Council ega Om of r • Orde e hip Retreat Executiv • Greek Leaders tor ita cil Board or Fa

ty members involved You will also find sorori t, orientation, as well in student governmen s campus clubs and as leaders of variou spirit groups.

s: u p m a C on s ie it n tu or p p O e if L ek Gre

a Greek honorary Order of Omega is – ty ternity cie So r no Ho junior and senior fra rship ng di an Order of Omega tst ou ize gn eks to reco academics and leade tes organization and se who have excelled in en m wo d apter coordina an en m y and sororit chapter. The UT ch eir th nd yo be d an in ony each year. endeavors both with ega Awards Cerem Om of r de Or al nu an the and sorority m all 65 fraternity fro s er ad Le – at ntial officers in Retre sist current and pote Greek Leadership as to g d rin sp e th in ther dent executive boar chapters come toge rship skills. The stu d de an lea ns eir sio th us g sc in di fin small group d lea developing and re d an m lu icu the curr and facilitators plan activities. unity - Members of ing Self And Comm rm sfo an Tr y to attend : te tu organizations appl nt de The CHANGE Insti stu r he ot d g to diversity, rorities an itical issues relatin fraternities and so cr on s se cu fo at tute th this weekend insti l justice. onsibility and socia sp re l cia including so


pillars of the University panhellenic council

py o r th n a il ph & e ic v r e s ity Commun k life at fying aspects of Gree One of the most grati rough th ity to the commun Texas is giving back unity m m co l awareness and philanthropy, socia unity m m y co Within the sororit service. opy hr nt onsor various phila chapters plan and sp ich wh and local charities, events for national rities llars each year. Soro raise thousands of do rvice local community se also participate in ers and eering at local shelt activities like volunt entary m ele at ll as tutoring soup kitchens as we and ed ne in lping people schools in Austin. He ral teg in e community is an doing things for th ur yo ut reinforced througho part of life and is ember. time as a sorority m

se u a C e n O r fo e it n U s ie it or or S Fourteen PanhelUniversity The lds it’s lenic Council also ho ents. ev y op own philanthr teen ur fo e Each spring th ther ge to sororities come ne Zo to attend the Pink UT a g which is hosted durin game. Women’s basketball t way to Pink Zone is a grea y memmeet other sororit areness bers while raising aw G. Kon sa Su and money for men for the Cure.

nhellenic team to uncil organizes a Pa Co ic en ell nh Pa ity rs This past year our In the fall the Unive Race for the Cure. an m Ko G. n sa Su n’s t to promote participate in Austi ial booth at the even ec sp a d an rs be em m st cancer. team had over 350 ding a cure for brea fin to n tio ca di de r ou Panhellenic and show

pillars of the University panhellenic council

sisterhood akes rority community m The spirit of our so ore m seem smaller and our large campus you less of the chapter like home. Regard life e ar ed that are form join, the friendships long. rse Texas provide a dive Sorority chapters at cial at will enrich your so selection of events th ine yond the daily rout life and take you be , als rm and studying. Fo of class, working and chapter retreats casuals, date events, rs of bringing membe support the goal p. hi the bonds of friends together to develop us o participate in vario Many sororities als s nt me na ur to and sports intramural ts en ev g . These sportin throughout the year d promote health an encourage bonding, to ck eat way to get ba fitness, and are gr sports. playing your favorite

What you Need to Know About


How Formal Recruitment Works

Formal recruitment is hosted by the Univ ersity Panhellenic Council (UPC) and is a great way to meet the 14 Nationa l Panhellenic Conference chapters at The University of Texas. As a new or returning student at Texas, formal recruitment is a great introduction to the campus and an excellent way to form a network of close friends within just a few days. Formal recruitment is conducted thro ugh the means of mutual selection. At the end of each round, potential new members (PNM) will select the chapters they would like to visit agai n. Likewise, the chapters invite back PNMs that they believe will be a good fit for their chapter. A computer software program then compiles the data and schedules are produced for each PNM for the next day of events. This process continues throughout the week until Preference Night. Imm ediately following the last preference event, preference card signing will be explained to all PNMs. It is very important that you keep an open mind during formal recruitment. All of our chapters at Texas have a won derful experience to offer and by participating in formal recruitment you are taking the first step toward an active and enriching experience as a soro rity member at The University of Texas at Austin. Without a doubt, you will meet women who will become your best friends during your college year

s and beyond.

Recruitment Guidelines 1. You MUST register with the Universi ty Panhellenic Council in order to participate in Formal Recruitment. This can be done online by visiting our website at www.texaspanhellenic.org. (also see page 31) 2. All PNMs will attend Opening Con vocation and all events to which she has been invited. In the event of illne ss or other emergency, she will notify her Recruitment Counselor or a member of the recruitment team, if she cannot attend. An unexcused abse nce from any event will result in AUTOMATIC DISMISSAL from the recr uitment process. 3. You may not bring a vehicle to recruitment events or be driven to recruitment events. We make our best effort to get you everywhere on time and provide busses for houses that are far from others. Wear comfortable shoes or bring flip flop s and change into heels when you reach your destination. It is Texas, so please expect it to be hot. 4. Cell phone use is not permitted during ANY scheduled Panhellenic recruitment event - this includes conv ocations. Any usage outside of emergency purposes will result in rem oval for the day. We would prefer for you to NOT bring cell phones to even ts, as we will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. 5. Attendance at fraternity parties is not

allowed during Recruitment.

6. During recruitment, you may have no contact with sorority members (alumnae or active members) except for normal, casual contact. Casual contact is friendly behavior or the way you would normally address an acquaintance. 7. Strict silence is enforced between the time of the last preference event on Monday, August 23rd until the end of Bid Day on Tuesday, August 24th. Any contact made between a soro rity member (alumna or active) is strictly forbidden and will lead to dism issal from the recruitment process. This includes alumnae relatives .

What you Need to Know About


Round by Round

Opening Convocation

Wednesday, August 18 Event Length: 1 hour What Happens: Opening Convocation is an orientation to formal recruitment. It is also the time where PNMs will meet

their Recruitment Counselors and the Panh ellenic Recruitment Team, who will guide them through the entire week. Each day there will be convocations. This is the time when you will meet with your Recru itment Counselors and receive your invitations and event schedules for that day. All convocatio ns are casual and do not involve any sorority women, other than the Recruitment Counselors. What to Wear: Casual attire, although, as the week continues you may want to dress for your recruitment events prior to the scheduled convo cation.

Open House

Thursday, August 19 Event Length: 20 minutes each What Hap

pens: This round of events is focused on the importance and excitement of “Going Greek !” Every PNM will visit 13 chapters this day. You will walk from house to house with your Recruitment Counselors and recru itment group.

What to Wear: Each PNM will be given a Recruitment T-shirt to wear during Open House. Khaki short s are suggested, as well as tennis shoes.

Philanthropy Day

Friday, August 20 & Saturday, August 21 Event Length: 45 minutes each What Happens: This round is divided into two days and is focused on

community service. You may attend up to ten events over these two days. At each chapter you visit, you will participate in a small project that will benefit the chapt er’s local or national philanthropy. In addition, chapters may choose to perform a few songs or provide information about their philanthropy and chapter events.

What to Wear: Comfortable daytime dress or skirt, comfortable sandals, wedges, or flats. NO denim or flip flops

Skit Night

Sunday, August 22 Event Length: 45 minutes each What Happens: This round of events is focused on entertainment. You may attend up to six event s this day. Each chapter will perform a skit that will showcase their personality and values. Each chapter will also allow plent y of time for oneon-one conversations. What to Wear: Attire is a little more dress y than tea/ daytime dresses but not formal.

Preference Night

Monday, August 23

Event Length: 1 hour each What Happens: This round is the most serio us round in the recruitment process. A potential new member may attend up to three events this day. These events focus on the deepest aspects of sorority life, including sisterhood, friendship and ritual. This is your last chance to interact with chapter mem bers.

What to Wear: Cocktail dress (typically black


Bid Day

Tuesday, August 24 Event Length: All day What Happens: All potential new members will gather at Hogg Auditorium on campus to receive their sorority bid. You will then be invite d back to the house of the sorority you have joined to participate in fun activities such as pictu res, dinner, and “get-to-know-you games.� These activities vary by chapter, but are guaranteed fun! What to Wear: Same as Philanthropy Day

What you Need to Know About

Recruitm ent

Letters of Recommendation

Reference and recommendation lette rs are written by sorority alumnae members and introduce a potential new member to the chapter and describe more about the potential new member’ s activities. You may choose to have reference or recommendation letters sent on your behalf to all sororities participating in formal recruitment.

Two ways to obtain a reference or recommendation:

• Register with your loca

l Alumnae Panhellenic - This will provide you with an opportunity to gain assistance in getting reference letters, possibly meet sorority alum nae in your area, and attend a recruitment information session. The registration form that you will complete for your local alumnae Panhell enic will be very similar to the form you will complete for the University Panhellenic Council. Most Alumnae Panhellenic Associations start collectin g registration forms in early spring, therefore it is best to take care of that as soon as possible.

• You may seek out and obtain sor ority alumnae to write letters on your behalf - Once an alumna has offered or been

asked to write a reference, she may request som e information from you. The alumna writing the reference is solely responsi ble for obtaining the appropriate form from her national organization , completing the form, and mailing it to the correct destination. You shou ld not be involved in that process. Panhellenic does not have reference form s available nor can it obtain them for potential new members. Reference and recommendation lette rs do not guarantee the potential new member a bid. Many of our soro rities require a reference from an alumna member of their soro rity before a woman can join, however they are not essential for every sorority. All letters are mailed directly to the chap ter house address. If you have questions regarding references, plea se contact your local Alumnae Panhellenic or the University Panhell enic Council. If you or a sorority alumna have ques tions regarding references, please contact your local Alumnae Panhellenic or Greek Life and Intercultural Education on the web at www.texasgre eks.com or (512) 471-9700.

Recruitment Contact

Academic Year and Summer Contacts

The following rules apply to any female

• • • • • •

interested in joini

ng a Panhellenic sorority. Potential new members may not attend any organized sorority function outside of formal recruitment events. No oral or written invitations can be made to a potential new member by a sorority mem ber or representative (alumna or other) to atten d any activity or social function. Potential new members may not be deliberate ly contacted in any way. This includes telep hone calls, letters, facebook messages, and gifts of any sort. Potential new members are strongly disco uraged from attending any fraternity activi ties. A potential new member may not stay overn ight in a sorority house unless she is a sister of a sorority member living in the house. Positive Panhellenic contact is to be used at all times. This means that all active and alumnae members must promote and encourage perso nal and informative Panhellenic-spirited contact with potential members at all times, yearround


Definition: Silence means no conversatio n or contact between potential new mem bers and sorority members, alumnae or chap ter representatives except at specified Panhellenic recruitment events. Potential new mem bers may not discuss sorority membersh ip with other potential new members. Reason: Silence allows potential new mem bers to make decisions free from outside pressures and opinions of others. Rules: Silence begins at 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 11, 2010. Potential new members may not attend fraternity parties. Poten tial new members may not receive anyth ing from any representative of a sorority until they have accepted their bids. Sorority representa tives may not issue oral invitations to parties or to pledg e. Silence Ends: A potential new member who registers for formal recruitment is on silence until 2:00 p.m. on Bid Day even if she withdraws from recruitment.

Potential New Member’s Bill of Rights

• The right to be treated as an individual • The right to be fully informed about the recru itment process • The right to ask questions and receive true objective answers from recruitment counselors and members • The right to be treated with respect • The right to be treated as a capable and matu re person without being patronized • The right to ask how and why and receive strai ght answers • The right to have and express opinions to recru itment counselors • The right to have unbreakable confident iality when sharing information with recruitment counselors • The right to make informed choices without undue pressure from others • The right to be fully informed about the bind ing agreements implicit in the preference card signing • The right to make one’s own choices and decis ion and accept full responsibility for the results of the decision • The right to have a positive, safe, and enriching recruitment and new member experience If at any time you feel that you are not being treated according to the precepts outlin ed here, contact your Recruitment Counselor at once. With your permission, your Recru itment Counselor should then inform the Panhellenic Coun cil of the issue and take immediate and appropriate action to rectify the situation.

a g e m O i h C Alpha ega.org w.alphachiom w w e it s b e onal W ha Chi Nati lp A e m a n om k Nic stle, IN w.texasachio.c w w e it ersity, Greenca s b iv e n U w u a P Local W e 5, D 1924 ctober 15, 188 Founded O a Phi Chapter, h l Lyre lp A d e d n Fou on Symbo r ti a ts te rn p a a C h d C e T R U seek the heigh wer s lo u F t le r er a h e et B g la otto To Mascot Koa ve Green M li O d n a t e rl ess Colors Sca lence Awaren io V ic st e m o y D Philanthrop eeks rogram 8 w P r e b m e M New Notes

i P a t l e D a h p Al org .alphadeltapi. w w w e it s b al We -Pi Nation -D A e m a n m k Nic n, GA w.texasadpi.co w w e it s College, Maco b le e a m e F n a y Local W e esl ay 15, 1851, W Chapter, 1906 Founded M a mond lt e D d e d n Symbol Dia Fou r t te le p io a V h d C n T la U d ch other Flower Woo We live for ea o tt o M Mascot Lion e Blue and Whit se Colors Azure cDonald Hou M ld a n o R e h y T Philanthrop eeks rogram 6 w P r e b m e M New


i h P n o l i s p Alpha E w.aephi.org Website ww l a n o ti a N -E-Phi, Phi m Nickname A , NY w.texasphi.co w w e it ge, New York s e b ll e o C rd a rn a Local W 9, B 25 ctober 24, 190 Founded O rl ga Chapter, 19 e m O d e d n Symbol Pea Fou y r e ll te a p V a e h th C any f T o U Una Causa (M Flower Lily , a e rd o ff a C ir a G lt u t Masco lazer Pediatric e Motto M G it h th e W b d za n li a E n e e y Th Colors Gre Philanthrop ) se o 8 weeks rp u P e n er Program b Hearts O m e M w e tion N AIDS Founda


Alpha Phi phi.org e www.alpha it s b e W l a n Natio hi (A-Phee) -P A e m a n k com Nic se, NY w.utalphaphi. w w e it ersity, Syracu s b iv e n U se cu ra Local W y 2, S 20 ctober 10, 187 Founded O ga Chapter, 19 e Ivy Leaf m O d e d n Fou t Symbol o r te -N e p a M h tC e T rg U er Fo hand Bear Flow nion hand in U o tt o M Mascot Phi x r and Bordeau Colors Silve for Women re a iac C rd a C y p o r Philanth eeks rogram 8 w P r e b m e M New Notes

a t l e D i X a h p Al a.org w.alphaxidelt w w e it s b e nal W ha Xi Natio lp A .org e m a n k Nic s.alphaxidelta a x te .u w w w lesburg, IL ite rd College, Ga a Local Webs b m o L , 3 9 ril 17, 18 r, 1929 Founded Ap Alpha Chapte l ta e B d e d n Symbol Quil Fou r te se p o a R h k C in T P U er i Bear Flow Mascot BetX old le Blue and G tential weeks Colors Doub alize their po re to en rogram 6-8 m P o r w e g b in m ir e sp M In New Motto s Autism Speak y p o r th n a Phil Notes

Chi Omega a.org www.chiomeg e it s b e W l a n hi-O Natio Nickname C hiomega.com sc a x eville, AR w.te w w e it s ansas, Fayett b e rk A f o y it rs Local W e iv cot Owl ril 5, 1895, Un 1904 Mas r, te p a h Founded Ap C ta ssbones Founded Io ls ol Skull & Cro b m UT Chapter y S Christian Idea d n n a o ti re a u lt rn u a C C e weeks o Hellenic Flower Whit r Program 10 traw Mott e S b d m n e a l M a w in e rd N ion Colors Ca a Wish Foundat e ak M y p o r Philanth


a t l e D a t l e Delta D .tridelta.org ebsite www W l a n o ti a ri-Delt(a) N elt Nickname T n, MA sync.com/:trid rg o e it s iversity, Bosto b n e U n o st o B Local W , 88 ovember 27, 18 Zeta Chapter, 1912 rl Founded N e h ent, Delta Pea ed T ta d d ri n T u l o o F b r m te y sy S e another UT Chap Flower Pan fastly love on d ea in st h s lp u o D et L t Masco Motto al Gold & Blue r, e v il S search Hospit s e r R lo ’s n Co re d il h y St. Jude C Philanthrop eeks rogram 8 w P r e b m e M New Notes

a m m a G a t l e D ma.org www.deltagam e it s b e W l a -G Nation ma.com S Nickname D lt e w.utd agam ls, Oxford, M w ir w G r e fo it l s o b o e ch Local W , Lewis S mber 25, 1873 ce e 1939 D d e d n Fou Eta Chapter, d Rose ta e B d e d n Cream-Colore Fou r r e te w p a lo h ood F C T ) U Motto Do G aggedy Ann e (R lu h B a n d n n a a k H in t Masco ronze, P r Colors B o ch n A l o b Sym Sight y Service for Philanthrop eeks rogram 8 w P r e b m e M New Notes

a t e h T a h p l A Kappa ta.org appaalphathe .k w w w e it s al Web eta Nation h T e m a n rg k Nic stle, IN w.texastheta.o w w e it s ersity, Greenca b iv e n U w u a P e Local W 0, D nuary 27, 187 ter, 1904 Founded Ja a Theta Chap h lp A d e d n Fou ol Kite UT Chapter ansy Symb P ld o G d n a Flower Black s (CASA) and Gold cial Advocate e p S d Colors Black te in o p y Court Ap Philanthrop eeks rogram 6 w P r e b m e M New Notes

a t l e D a p p a K elta.org www.kappad e , 1897, it s b e W l ona d October 23 ti e a d N n u o F -D K ded ppadelta Nickname hapter Foun sync.com/:ka C rg o T U e it s b A e V , Local W lower White ool, Farmville F ch S r l a a e B rm o y d N Green scot Ted State Female Colors Olive r, 1921 Ma te p a id h d C ty n a K lo ful , si Sigma Ep orable, beauti Nautilus Shell n , o rs h e g is g h a ic D h l w o b r that couts Rose Sym erica & Girl S Let us strive fo m o A tt o se u M b A d e il vent Ch & Pearl Whit nthropy Pre a il h P eks t. es ogram 6 we r and high P r e b m e New M of the USA


a m m a G a p p a Kappa K mma.org appakappaga .k w w w e it s al Web ppa Nation a K e m a n k .org Nic outh, IL w.texaskappa w w e it s ollege, Monm b e C th u o m n Local W o 0, M 20 ctober 13,187 Founded O Xi Chapter, 19 ta e B d e d n Fou e-lis UT Chapter wer Fleur-d lo F l w O t ht Blue Masco Dark and Lig s r lo o C y ental Symbol Ke ing Is Fundam d a e R y p o r Philanth eeks rogram 6 w P r e b m e M New Notes

i h P a t e B i P hi.org www.pibetap e it s b e W l a n i Phi Natio s/ Nickname P phi.org/utexa ta , IL e ib .p w w w ite ge, Monmouth e ll o C th u o m Local Webs on ril 28, 1867, M ter, 1902 Founded Ap s Alpha Chap a x e T d e d n Fou on UT Chapter Wine Carnati r e w lo F e el and Silver Blu e Mascot Ang in W s r lo o ow C Symbol Arr y Literacy Philanthrop eeks rogram 8 w P r e b m e M New


u a T a t l e D a m Sig ltatau.org

de e www.sigma it s b e W l a n tio

Na -Delt, S-D-T ig S e m a n k .com Nic w.texassigdelt w w e it s ity, Ithaca, NY b rs e e iv n U ll e Local W rn Co arch 25, 1917, h ter, 1939 Founded M a Symbol Torc ed T u Chap d n u se o o F R a r e te T Una Golden UT Chap e Multae Spes r Flower ia a e tr B a y P d d o e tt T o erica t M Masco Old Blue hild Abuse Am C d t n a en it v a re L P u a y p anthro Colors CafĂŠ eople) Phil P y n a M f o e p (One Ho eeks rogram 6 w P r e b m e M New Notes

a h p l A u a T a t Ze lpha.org www.zetataua e it s b e W l a eta Nation ood, VA Nickname Z ta.net sz a x chool, Longw w.te S w l a w e rm o it s N b e le a Local W State Fem ber 15, 1898, o ct 06 O d e d wberry n Fou a Chapter, 19 p p a K d Crown & Stra e l d o n b u m o y F S r te e Violet lest UT Chap Flower Whit Seek the Nob o y tt n o n M u B t y Masco Steel Gra ness oise Blue and u rq u T on and Aware s ti r ca lo u d Co E r ce n y Breast Ca Philanthrop eeks rogram 8 w P r e b m e M New Notes

Chapter houses

Alpha chi omega

PHi Alpha Epsilon

Alpha Delta pi

Alpha Xi Delta

Alpha Phi

chi omega

Sorority House Living:

UT, new members hip to a sorority at rs be em m ed pt ce pus during their Once you have ac ents on or off cam tm ar ap or lls ha ce en rity members do remain in the resid hip. Typically, soro rs be em m of ar ye st or senior year, freshman year or fir sophomore, junior eir th til un e us ho apter will live in the not move in the ch tion that members cta pe ex an ve ha groups however, nearly all eir time at UT. me point during th so at ity chapter facil

Benefits Include: House Directors ring the week • Full time, live in serving all meals du s, ie lit ci fa l tia en uses • Complete resid ist for all sorority ho ex s ie lic po e re l-f • Alcoho safety inspections • Regular fire and in all houses tion • Security provided s living prices & loca pu m ca st we th wi e • Competitiv

elta Delta Delta D

kappa Delta

delta gamma

kappa kappa gamma

kappa alpha theta

pi beta phi

zeta tau alpha

House directors


recruitment s r o l e s n cou a recruitment t will be assigned to en tm ui cr re al rm fo in t counselor is Women participating selors. A recruitmen un co t en tm ui cr re four o volunteers group led by three or of Texas at Austin wh ity rs ive Un e Th at r embe Recruitment a current sorority m rmal recruitment. fo g rin du r to en m sed s but they will to serve as an unbia our sorority chapter of ch ea m fro en os en ch ich sorority counselors are wom t be able to reveal wh no ill wt ey th ns ea m questions you be disaffiliated, which able to answer any be ll wi ey th is, th of use you decide they belong to. Beca ent in order to help tm ui cr re of ek we e ut th may have througho best fit for you! e th is which sorority


el ns ou C t en m it ru ec R ur yo om fr ts Helpful Hin • • • •

and making ting new friends ee m t ou ab is t RELAX! Recruitmen d be yourself. memories! Relax an have the any women and m t ee m ll wi u d, yo You During each roun and sorority life. sorority activities t ou ab a rn in lea p to bershi opportunity you have about mem n tio es qu y an k as are encouraged to particular sorority. fluence Don’t let anyone in s. ter ap ch e th all t at abou s to offer and wh Keep an open mind at each sorority ha wh at ok Lo s. your decision makes each unique. Texas and it will be August in is r be em m Re ! ble moving BE COMFORTABLE you will be comforta at th re su e ak M t! will be extremely ho you wear. g on the floor in what tin sit as ll we as de around outsi

How to register for

t n e m t i l u a m r r fo rec

register you are required to The only group that ellenic t is University Panh with for recruitmen Austin. iversity of Texas at Council at The Un register hellenic.org and an sp xa te w. ww sit Vi cepted plications will be ac online. No paper ap oto as ph a ad asked to uplo this year. You will be ver we ho e, tion to pay onlin well as have the op u yo if t en mail in your paym it is acceptable to n. tio op t e the online paymen would rather not us the fee w llo fo d ul check wo In this case your check or w. Please make your timeline listed belo ellenic e to University Panh bl ya pa r de or ey on m : Council and mail to

ellenic Council The University Panh Attn: UPC Advisor A5800 1 University Station, Austin, Texas 78712

meline: Registration Fee Ti by 11:59am on July 31, 2010 e 00 if register onlin 1, 2010

$70. on August line after 12:00am $85.00 if register on by July 31, 2010 $80 if postmarked after July 31, 2010 for The University $85 if postmarked nclude registration co ll wi pm 00 5: at August 17, 2010 Recruitment 2010. Panhellenic Council


financial ty i l i b i s n o p res le informed as possib d parents to be as an s nt n. io de at stu uc r ed fo It is important taining a college associated with ob sts co e th d with sorority g in rd rega ligations associate ob l cia an fin e Understanding th as important. membership is just as academic organization such e th of es iti tiv ac d various ts, national dues an Chapter fees fund mni and parent even alu , d es an iti , tiv om ac ro ice , 09 dues programs, serv es below reflect 20 ng ra e Th p. hi rs lifetime membe board information:

Required Fees

2.50 ter - $1450.00 - $237 es m Se ll Fa r be em 432.50 New M ester - $1231.80 - $1 m Se ng ri Sp r be em New M $5552.50 House - $3863.50 Active Member – In - $1304.88 00 t of House - $1100. Active Member – Ou

l Fees at the Additional/Optiona hout the semester may include parking ents, roug gifts, social ev Additional costs th l plans, pictures,

optional mea by chapter chapter house*, and cost will vary y lit bi la ai av ng ki t-shirts, etc. *par fer payment plans Texas at Austin of of ity rs ive Un e th nce. Please note Several chapters at ed financial assista ne o wh rs be em m r affiliating with and scholarships fo a sorority, you are of r be em m w ne a me u may still be that when you beco e to disaffiliate, yo cid de u yo e tim y ract with If at an d to fulfill your cont that organization. ire qu re ts en ym pa r fees or held responsible fo n. the organizatio y should ask sororit potential member a y t, rit en ro tm so ui cr ch re ns. Ea During formal and payment optio ns io at lig ob le. l du cia he an sc as their payment members about fin using costs as well ho d an es fe n ow sets its

frequently asked questions

in the Fall? al Recruitment do rm Fo c ni le el nh es not currently Pa T) Sigma Delta Tau (SD ho participates in t


ou ons, ve a chance to talk ab ts 14 NPC organizati of e ladies of SDT will ha While UPC represen Th ion . lus nts nc eve co t en the at itm l recru host COB events ll wi y s: participate in forma the low d an fol as on ing Convocati recruitment are i their process at Open organizations that participate in formal Ph ha Alp ) EF (A i The Alpha Epsilon Ph ) DP ) (A formal recruitment. (DG Pi a lta mm De Ga D) Delta CW) Alpha Delta Delta Delta (DD ) Alpha Chi Omega (A ) Chi Omega (CW) KG) Pi Beta Phi (PBF XD (K (A a lta mm De Ga a Xi pp ha Ka a pp Ka (AF) Alp D) (K lta AQ) Kappa De Kappa Alpha Theta (K A) (ZT ha Alp u Zeta Ta


ientation? in’s summer ore-r st Au at s xa Te of y sit , pr egister for I attend The Univer to earn college credit

ent tests, ent tests in the s you to take placem is wise to take placem It s. pu Yes! Orientation allow cam attend the th acquainted wi ek and be unable to classes and become ring Recruitment We dent du Stu m the the e at tak or to on ve ha aternity Info Sessi Fr & summer, or you may y rit ro So the Find us at recruitment events. s! ble Ta on ati Organiz ent Week? ar. You will need to contact during Recruitm g the school ye te Where do I live yo rin du ide res to make the appropria u plan ve-in date is and to You will live where mo the at wh . t -in ou ve d mo fin rly to ea your residence hall cost associated with re may be a prorated arrangements, as the tment? h Formal Recrui ug ro th go I ld l will be the ou fal is sh omore, cruitment! Th If I am a sophyo d attend Formal Re an quota. This er e or ist om reg ph to so ne a unity to have mm We encourage an Co ic en ell ters during nh ap ch Pa Austin es in all first time for the UT an increased placement of sophomor for process will allow I attend? formal recruitment. summer, should is th t ou ng ha apters that Ch to e d. ted m s of any kin A chapter contac recruitment activitie er ctions by san mm su to in ct ge bje ga su en rules and will be No chapter should the g t would kin ea tha br ter ap are s policy t joining a ch do not abide by thi to think twice abou se wi is It . on ati their national organiz rules. knowingly break the ke? ormation on chapter es a sorority taere you will exchange inf How much timemedo wh ek option for we a ce on eting ns are a programming There is a required cts, and ly chapter study sessio oje ek pr e We . vic on ser ati ity uc ed un y activities, comm od events and fraternit ho ter of it. t sis e ou lik get ll nts wi ion to eve the more you all members, in addit u put into the sorority, yo re mo the er, mb social events. Reme ed? s. The new-member ke to be initiatran from six to ten week ges How long will itmotaved t home tha d rio pe a to nity history and feel at Most chapters have members, learn frater ram and initiation dates. er oth et me to ies nit period affords opportu ter establishes its own new-member prog ent. chap them during recruitm in the chapter. Each members as you meet ive act the ask to This is a great question e cruitment? ellenic Council does not sponsor or organiz e What is SpringTeRe dg nh ple Pa d an ty it rsi ru ive rec Un xas ters continue to ap ch ’s The University of me ter so ap r ch ve we ch uled at ea ruitment, ho organized and sched a formal spring rec ool year. Events are ents. If you want the sch ev se the t the ou of gh ls ou tai thr de the on women ted da up u C can keep yo fore making your convenience and UP of our sororities be en rte fou all th wi ct l recruitment. opportunity to intera rticipate in fall forma pa ld ou sh u yo n the sorority choice,

greek alphabet

A H N T Alpha




B Q  U


















anti hazing policy



Z M S W Zeta




reckless ntional, knowing, or te in y an ns ea m ” tion, by g activity educational institu “Hazing” or “hazin an of s pu m ca e th dent, that or off act, occurring on rected against a stu di , rs he ot th wi g nt for the or actin one person alone or safety of a stude h alt he l ica ys ph tal or lding office endangers the men affiliating with, ho , to in ed at iti in g bers are g, bein purpose of pledgin nization whose mem ga or y an in p hi rs membe in, or maintaining tution. an educational insti at s nt de primarily stu fe to providing a sa stin is committed Au by at g s xa zin Te ha e of at The University and does not toler rsity ment for everyone iversity. The Unive educational environ iated with the Un fil af and l e ua rv vid se di ob in will any group or dent organizations stu d an and s , nt ns de io stu lat gu rsity re expects that all gents’ Rules, Unive Re , law te sta g. th fully comply wi prohibition of hazin associated with the administrative rules ity will initiate , and the Univers law te sta r de un d take place during Hazing is prohibite zing incidents that ha to se d on sp re in sored by registere disciplinary action ity, or those spon rs ive n Un tio e ec th nn of co ntial official functions that have a substa ts en cid in ey th or , ich ns wh in student organizatio less of the location e University regard th of sts re te in e th to pus occur, on or off cam

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recruitment schedule at a glance

ning Convoc Wednesday Ope Hogg Auditorium pm


August 18


n House Thursday Ope Chapter Houses ts, 20 mins each)

August 19

(13 even 9:30am - 7:15pm


Texas Union Ballroom 8:00pm

vocation ent Counselor Group Friday Con Various Locations with Recruitm

August 20


Philanthropy Day

(Up to 5 events, 45 mins each) 4:30pm - 9:35pm

thropy Day Continued

lan (Up to 5 events, 45 mins each) Saturday Phi Chapter Houses

August 21

9:00am - 2:05pm


Texas Union Ballroom 2:00pm

vocation ent Counselor Group Sunday Con Various Locations with Recruitm

August 22


Skit Night

(Up to 6 events, 45 mins each) 4:00pm-10:45pm


Texas Union Ballroom 10:00pm

vocation ent Counselor Group Monday Con Various Locations with Recruitm

August 23


Preference Night

(Up to 3 events, 60 mins each) 5:30pm-10:30pm

Preferential Convocation 10:00pm

Day Tuesday Bid Hogg Auditorium

August 24

1:00pm rest of the day! Chapter Houses for activities the

Map of Sorority Houses


Changes the


Please visit our website at

www.texaspanhellenic.org to complete the online registration form and for more information about Formal Recruitment at The University of Texas at Austin.

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