Architecture 101 journal

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ARCHITECTURE 101 journal From Place To Space Tele탑ar Marina telezarmarina

Architecture 101 - Part II From Place To Space

Week 1: History of Place/History of Space #WeAllShineOn #NothingIsBuilt #NoCowOnTheIce #YouGetUp #ThereIsNothing Week 2: Proportions #ThePrimaryFactor #TheSimplestWay #TheEggHas #ItIsNotHow #ThereIsNoExcellent Week 3: Taking Measurements #ThereIsNoNeed #AdversityIs #OurLifeIs #NotAllThose #IllPaintYou

Week 4: Conceptual Models #TheValueOf #BeholdHuman #MaybeThe #YabbaDabba #WhoWouldBelieve Week 5: Papercut Models #ThroughSpace #BeforeIMake #AllTheRivers #WhatsThatScreaming #IfItHadBeen Week 6: Building (digital) Space #MarbleIsNot #RetainYour #IWouldRather #TheEgoIs #ToGatherHoney

What I’ve learned Det är ingen ko på isen. (There is no cow on the ice.) Swedish idiom #NoCowOnTheIce

A three dimensional model of Stonehenge Conceptualizing a “place” into a three-dimensional way. Working with three dimensional models: very useful tools for the space-oriented mind.

What I’ve learned You get up early in the morning and you work all day. That’s the only secret. Philip Glass #YouGetUp

My place (out in the nature ) with diagram Setting up a connection between something that exists (a group of trees, a specific feature of the land, a bush) and my mind. Conceptualizing and explaining it to others.

What I’ve learned The primary factor is proportions. Arne Jacobsen


Zabriskie Point and representation of myself If we talk about proportions, it is about our body. If we talk about proportions and place, it is about the relationship between our body, the earth and the sky.

What I’ve learned There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. Francis Bacon #ThereIsNoExcellent

Map of my place and part of my body Playing with my body and the landscape in a quite literal way. After working with conceptual and abstract concepts now I am starting to use visual analogies.

What I’ve learned There is no need to build a labyrinth when the entire universe is one. Jorge Luis Borges #ThereIsNoNeed

Maze with “measuring” element Perceiving & understanding the world around us with measureing. With our body and other specific tools. Another important element: connection between our mind and the space/place around us.

What I’ve learned Adversity is the first path to truth. Lord Byron


My own maze with picture of given place and measuring tool Bridging the space concept to the place concept (the image of the place). And adding some measurement information.

What I’ve learned Not all those who wander are lost. J. R. R. Tolkien


A labyrinth in my house (with diagram and measuring tool) Transforming an existing spot into something else (a labyrinth). This process of transformation is a key element to the invention of space. “A” becomes “B” (with different meaning).

What I’ve learned I’ll paint you moments of gold, I’ll spin you Valentine evenings... David Bowie #IllPaintYou

A labyrinth in my city (with diagram and measuring tool) Taking an existing place and transform it into a spatial labyrinth. “For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions.” Lao Tzu

What I’ve learned The value of an idea lies in the using of it. Thomas A. Edison


Special place - cave made of sheets

Working with lights. (one of the most difficult tasks one can face)

What I’ve learned “Yabba dabba doo”. Fred Flintstone


Concetual model of a “cross section” of cave (made out of cheese) Making cave from a very precise constraint. Understanding the importance of the medium (new materials). From soft fabric to cheese.

What I’ve learned Who would believe that so small a space could contain the image of all the universe? Leonardo da Vinci #WhoWouldBelieve

Concetual model of a cave (made out of paper) Making a conceptual model of a given place’s spatial qualities using the simplest material (white paper).

What I’ve learned Through space the universe swallows me up like an atom. Blaise Pascal #ThroughSpace

Papercut characters scalled 1:100 “Space is the place of bodies.” Nicolas Malebranche Getting into the world of paper models, starting from people. Learning about the technical concept of scale.

What I’ve learned Before I make a mistake, I don’t make that mistake. Johan Cruyff #BeforeIMake

Surroundings for papercut characters “Space and light and order. Those are the things that men need just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep.” Le Corbusier If there is one element in an abstract space, the element is floating. By adding a second element, space starts to exist.

What I’ve learned If it had been possible to build the Tower of Babel without climbing it, it would have been permitted. Franz Kafka #IfItHadBeen

Papercut scene in a digital world Some of the most interesting experiments in the contemporary field of space play with this short-circuit between digital & analog. Way of perceiving space.

What I’ve learned Marble is not alike in all countries. Vitruvius


A wall with window and people Learning to use digital builder. Working with one of the basics of space: the wall. Testing, experimenting, trying, failing, doing it again.

What I’ve learned Retain your memories but detourn them so that they correspond with your era. Asger Jorn #RetainYour

A flat base, surface between the earth and the sky with people Working with another of those “basics”: the platform, the base. Journey into the basics of space. Forcing us to find our own references.

What I’ve learned I would rather have a cup of tea than sex. Boy George


Flat base and 16 columns (4x4) How exciting it must be to be the one who comes up with the idea of the wall. And how about something like a wall, but made out of voids. Vertical elements and void.

What I’ve learned The ego is not master in its own house. Sigmund Freud


A colonnade with a roof Having the specific space elements and connecting them in a way that, together, as a whole, these elements make sense (on various levels). Without each other, this elements don`t “exist”.

What I’ve learned from others superflaja #NoCowOnTheIce

mani_elab #NoCowOnTheIce

bojanef #NoCowOnTheIce

keep_on_asking #NoCowOnTheIce

What I’ve learned from others amor_gsanchez #ThePrimaryFactor

chahramoon #TheEggHas

mada_midi #ItIsNotHowg

sonianrc #ItIsNotHow

What I’ve learned from others superflaja #ThereIsNoNeed

ppon1985 #ThereIsNoNeed

keep_on_asking #AdversityIs

santilara #AdversityIs

What I’ve learned from others mani_elab #AdversityIs

mo_0724 #OurLifeis

t.simjanovic #OurLifeis

wadjin #NotAllThose

What I’ve learned from others louis_conway #TheValueOf

caturinn #TheValueOf

jo_zaj #MaybeThe

santanatalya #MaybeThe

What I’ve learned from others kristinaneral #MaybeThe

kristinaneral #YabbaDabba

sabrosas_journal #YabbaDabba

edenyur #YabbaDabba

What I’ve learned from others kristinaneral #WhoWouldBelieve

allnewyear #ThroughSpace

solofondente #ThroughSpace

keep_on_asking #IfItHadBeen

What I’ve learned from others t.simjanovic #IfItHadBeen

superflaja #IfItHadBeen

mgdorzi #IWouldRather

caturinn #ToGatherHoney

My mental space

My mental space

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