6 minute read
Nonprofit Profile
Spotlight on New Beginnings Law Center
Sophie Terrell
New Beginnings Law Center’s (NBLC) Community Reentry Program provides legal services to those with a criminal history. Its mission is to empower and transform the lives of those who are burdened by a criminal record and to provide a safety net for those at risk of re-entering the criminal justice system. This is achieved through legal advocacy, case management and collaboration with other community organizations. NBLC’s reintegration projects are designed to help individuals within vulnerable populations successfully transition and reintegrate into their community after a criminal conviction.
Unlike some organizations that solely focus on clearing criminal records, NBLC's comprehensive approach emphasizes ongoing support that doesn't end after record clearing. NBLC aims to equip individuals with the confidence and skills necessary to break old patterns and lead crime-free lives. The center's innovative "Pay it Forward'' Program allows clients to give back to the community, fostering personal growth while benefiting society. With a commitment to holistic reintegration and trauma-informed care, NBLC works alongside the justice system to provide continuous support, thereby helping justice-involved individuals build brighter futures.
We spoke with Elissa Lasserre, the Founder, Executive Director, and Managing Attorney of NBLC, in order to get a deeper perspective into the non-profit.
How does New Beginnings Law Center support individuals who have made mistakes in their past and want to reintegrate into society?
When new clients seek to join the NBLC program, program staff first evaluates the person’s criminal history to determine what particular legal relief is available. This is achieved by reviewing the client’s Criminal Index Information (CII) provided by the Department of Justice (DOJ). Once the client is accepted into the program, he/she completes a comprehensive wellness self-assessment. This assessment addresses the five dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social. Elissa emphasizes the importance of equilibrium across these dimensions. “If one area is out of balance, the whole person is out of balance, and recidivist behavior is likely,” she states.
While addressing the client’s criminal history, NBLC connects clients with additional services and nonprofit organizations according to individual needs thus acknowledging their trauma and fostering trust. Upon program completion, clients are encouraged to contribute to their community through volunteering, donating, or even serving on one of NBLC’s committees or board of directors.
Does New Beginnings Law Center offer services pro-bono?
No, NBLC does not offer pro-bono services. The program operates on a principle of mutual investment, aiming to instill a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. Services are provided on a sliding fee scale which is based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
For clients whose income is greater than that on the fee scale, the full fee is paid at the hourly rate of $150. Those who pay the full fee help to subsidize those with little income. As an example, the full fee for a misdemeanor dismissal is $300 If a person falls on the lowest level of the fee scale (which most do), the fee is $90.
Could you explain how NBLC's collaboration with community organizations contributes to helping justice-involved individuals regain their confidence and empowerment?
Drawing inspiration from the proverbial "It takes a Village," NBLC recognizes the significance of a robust support system. “Healthy, happy people ha majority of criminal justice-involved individuals lack such support systems. NBCL forms partnerships with a variety of local organizations such as Downtown Streets Team, Canal Alliance, and Marin City Performing Stars to provide a system of support. This is the safety net aspect of NBLC’s mission work.
NBLCs philosophy follows that of Hirshi’s Social Control Theory; a person is less likely to choose crime if they have strong social bonds. Those who have a strong, stable, and healthy support system are less apt to become involved in the criminal justice system. What does this mean? This means if we continue to either 1) mete out severe punishment (tough-on-crime policy), or 2) engage in radical engage in radical criminal justice reform without considering the need for a prolonged support system (safety net) outside the bandwidth of government agencies, we will continue to experience recidivist behavior. Quite simply put, if we always do what we’ve always done, we’ll always get what we’ve always got.
NBLC not only focuses on criminal record clearing which is California’s statutory offer of “another chance,” we provide continued support to help the individual stay on the path of success.
How does NBLC ensure continued support beyond record clearing?
In Marin County, we are fortunate to have government agencies, e.g., Public Defender’s Office, County Probation, Health and Human Services, that are able to devote resources to reentry services to justice involved individuals. Some of these services are time limited. For example, the Marin County Probation Department provides services during a justice-involved individual’s probationary, parole or county supervision period which only lasts a determinate period. Once the individual is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Court, the services end.
Under the NBLC program's overarching framework, there are distinct projects that are structured to address and honor the unique needs of each population, i.e., Substance Abuse, LGBTQ, BIPOC, Sex Offender Registration, Immigrant Post-Conviction Relief, Prison Re-Integration, Homeless/Economically Disadvantaged, Licensing Exemption/ Reinstatement/ Waiver. These projects aim to provide tailored support beyond just record clearing.
Can you share a success story that highlights how NBLC's personalized support helps individuals overcome challenges and make positive life changes?
Elissa informed me of a case of a registered nurse who battled addiction. She eventually lost her nursing license and custody of her child, but was committed to reclaiming her life. With NBLC’s assistance, her criminal record was cleared and custody of her child was restored. NBLC petitioned the Department of Nursing for reinstatement of the RN license. The client's case was argued before an Administrative Law Judge, and her nursing license was reinstated.
The "Pay it Forward" Program sounds intriguing. How does it benefit both NBLC clients and the community at large?
The “Pay it Forward” Program” encourages clients to give back to their community, most specifically through volunteering or getting involved with NBLC directly. “It provides self-esteem, and when we have self-esteem, we can be productive members of the community,” Elissa explains.
How does NBLC work alongside the justice system to create a smoother transition for individuals seeking reintegration support?
Through referrals from District Attorneys, Probation Department, Health and Human Services, and law enforcement agencies, NBLC works to smooth the transition for individuals as they reintegrate into our community.
Is there anything Marin Lawyer can do to support NBLC?
Yes! NBLC relies upon donations. Please text NBLC to 26989 if you are interested in donating. Additionally, they are always looking for volunteers! Visit www.nblawcenter.org for more information.