ISSN: 1305-2918
YEAR // YIL: 11 ISSUE // SAYI : 126 JUNE // HAZ‹RAN 2015 PRICE: EURO 20 // F‹YATI: 20 YTL
I Get To Know The “Culprit” … Now I understand better why the grownups are walking around in a huff before they knew, why they can’t enjoy life, become hush and why we have to tackle with various diseases. I get to know the “culprit”… I tiny piece of meat like a butterfly that stay just at the middle of our breast. Really tiny… Furthermore, it is inversely proportional to the age namely, it gets smaller as we get older and finally becomes just as big as a grain of lentil in our fifties. And everything happens right at that point of wane because it begins to lose its function…
Dildar Ünde¤er dildar@dildarpr.com
The name of the “culprit” is thymus gland. The main source of our smile, our feeling of taking pleasure from life and our doings. It stimulates the brain, activates laughing and talking. And also controls our immune system. What else can we expect? It can be said that our mental and physical health depends on it. But how many people knows that the thymus gland can function only if it is vibrated and it is impossible to be happy at all if it doesn’t work since the happiness hormone would not be secreted?
Fortunately, it is easy to activate the thymus. The most effective method is to burst into laughter whether as an exercise or heartfeltly, it doesn’t matter. Another method is to tap at the middle of your breast trying to hit that grain of lentil with your fingers. And you will sense that your thymus is vibrating already while you are performing these moves. I started to make this patiently in order to be younger and healthier while piling the years up and also to be able to remain happy despite all kinds of nonsense arising from the system… Free to try… May the sea and the “marine&commerce” always fill your life...
“Suçlu”yu Ö¤rendim… Art›k yetiflkin insanlar›n ço¤unun fark›na bile varmadan neden as›k suratla dolaflt›klar›n›, niçin hayattan keyif alamad›klar›n›, suskunlaflt›klar›n› ve çeflit çeflit hastal›kla u¤rafl›ld›¤›n› çok daha iyi anl›yorum. “Suçlu’’yu ö¤rendim… Gö¤sümüzün tam ortas›nda duran kelebek fleklinde ufac›k bir et parças›. Gerçekten ufac›k… Üstelik yaflla ters orant›l›, yani yafllar›m›z büyüdükçe o küçülüyor, sonunda da 50’li yafllardan itibaren mercimek tanesi kadar kal›yor. ‹flte o küçülme noktas›nda da hepimize olanlar oluyor, çünkü ifllevini kaybetmeye bafll›yor… “Suçlu’’nun ad› timüs bezi. Kendisi hayattan ve yapt›klar›m›zdan keyif alma duygumuzun, konuflma ve gülümsememizin ana kayna¤›. Beyni uyar›yor, konuflmay›, gülmeyi aktive ediyor. Ba¤›fl›kl›k sistemimizi kontrol eden de o. Eeee daha ne olsun? Neredeyse ruh ve beden sa¤l›¤›m›z ona ba¤l›. Peki kaç kifli timüs bezinin ancak titrefltirilirse çal›flaca¤›n› ve çal›flmazsa asla mutlu olunamayaca¤›n›, çünkü mutluluk hormonunun salg›lanamayaca¤›n› biliyor? Neyse ki timüsü hareketlendirmek kolay. En etkili yöntem kahkaha atmak, isteyerek ya da egzersiz olarak hiç fark etmez. Bir di¤er yöntem de, parmaklar›n›zla gö¤sünüzün ortas›na o mercimek tanesini denk getirmeye çal›flarak küçük küçük vurmak. Bunlar› yaparken timüsünüzün titreflti¤ini hissedeceksiniz zaten. Y›llar› biriktirirken daha genç ve sa¤l›kl› olmak, üstelik de sistemden kaynaklanan her türlü saçmal›¤a ra¤men mutlu kalabilmek için ben sab›rla yapmaya bafllad›m. Denemesi bedava… Yaflant›n›zdan deniz ve “marine&commerce” hiç eksik olmas›n... Dildar Ünde¤er (dildar@dildarpr.com) Editor in Chief // Genel Yay›n Yönetmeni
ULUSLARARASI DEN‹Z VE T‹CARET www.marineandcommerce.com ISSN: 1305-2918
JUNE // HAZ‹RAN 2015
Published monthly // Yerel süreli yay›n // Her ay yay›nlan›r
Dildar Tan›t›m, Halkla ‹liflkiler ve Turizm Ltd. fiti. ad›na Publisher & Managing Editor // ‹mtiyaz Sahibi Elk.Y.Müh. Halis Öztürk Editor in Chief Genel Yay›n Yönetmeni (Sorumlu) Dildar Ünde¤er
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AIDA Cruises Places Multi Billion Euro Order With Meyer Werft Aida Cruises’dan Meyer Werft’e Milyar Dolarl›k Siparifl German market leader to receive two more innovative cruise ships with the world’s first “Green Cruising” concept. IDA Cruises is continuing its long-standing strategic partnership with the shipbuilder Meyer Werft in Papenburg, Germany with an order for two new ships of the next AIDA ship generation. The ships, each exceeds 180,000 gross tons and has a capacity of more than 2,500 staterooms, will join the AIDA fleet in 2019 and 2020. Thereby the company, which will next put into service the new ships AIDAprima and its sister in 2015 and 2016, is further expanding its dynamic growth on the German cruise market. As pioneer in the industry, AIDA Cruises is again setting an example for environmental protection with a revolutionary ship design: With the “Green Cruising” concept, AIDA will be the first cruise line in the world to operate its new ship generation to 100 percent with LNG (liquefied natural gas). This eliminates emissions of soot particles and sulfur oxides.
parçac›klar› ve sülfür oksitlerin sal›m›n›n engellenmesi anlam›na geliyor.
“It is particularly thanks to the steady growth of AIDA that Germany has become the second-largest cruise market in the world. We look forward to successfully continuing our long-standing partnership with Meyer Werft,” says Michael Thamm, CEO of the Costa Group. AIDA President Michael Ungerer says, “With
our innovative strength and creativity we strive to offer our guests unparalleled vacation experiences on these extraordinary ships. Even more individuality, variety, personal space, and service will delight not only our AIDA fans but also innumerous new guests.” Further details on the shipbuilding contract will be announced by AIDA Cruises in upcoming months. Bernard Meyer, CEO of Meyer Werft, remarks, “In past years, we have built seven highly successful ships for AIDA Cruises. We are honored that the company has entrusted us with the implementation of this ambitious shipbuilding program in Papenburg.” AIDA Cruises is known as the fastest growing company of Germany. The company employs around 7,000 people from 40 countries, 6,000 of which works on board and 1,000 works at the company headquarters in Rostock and Hamburg. By 2020, the AIDA fleet will expand to 14 ships.
Almanya’n›n kurvaziyer piyasas› lideri Aida Cruises, dünyan›n ilk “Yeflil Seyir” kavram›na sahip yenilikçi yolcu gemilerinden ikisini daha teslim alacak. ida Cruises, Almanya Papenburg’daki Meyer Werft Tersanesi ile uzun süreli stratejik ortakl›¤›n› bir sonraki Aida gemi kufla¤›n›n iki yeni gemisi için verdi¤i sipariflle sürdürüyor. Her biri 180,000 grostonu aflan ve 2,500’den fazla lüks kamara kapasitesine sahip gemiler 2019 ve 2020’de Aida filosuna kat›lacak. Dolay›s›yla 2015 ve 2016 y›llar›nda yeni gemileri AidaPrima ile kardeflini hizmete sokacak olan flirket, Alman kurvaziyer piyasas›ndaki dinamik büyümesini daha da geniflletecek. Piyasa lideri Aida Cruises, devrimci tasar›ml› bu gemilerle dikkatleri üzerine çekti. Yeni kuflak bu gemiler “Yeflil Seyir” kavram› do¤rultusunda %100’e varan oranda LNG (s›v›laflt›r›lm›fl do¤al gaz) ile çal›flacak. Bu da is
Costa Group CEO’su Michael Thamm “Almanya’n›n dünyadaki ikinci büyük kurvaziyer pazar› haline gelmesi, özellikle Aida’n›n istikrarl› büyümesi sayesindedir. Meyer Werft’le uzun süreli ortakl›¤›m›z› yeni gemilerimizin baflar›s›yla pekifltirmek için sab›rs›zlan›yoruz” dedi. Aida Baflkan› Michael Ungerer ise görüfllerini flöyle dile getirdi: “Yenilikçi güç ve yarat›c›l›¤›m›zla konuklar›m›za bu ola¤anüstü gemilerde benzeri olmayan tatil deneyimleri sunmaya çal›fl›yoruz. Daha da fazla bireysellik, çeflitlilik, kiflisel alan ve hizmetin, yeni konuklar›m›z› da hoflnut edece¤ini umuyoruz.” Gemi infla sözleflmesinin di¤er detaylar› önümüzdeki aylarda aç›klanacak. Meyer Werft CEO’su Bernard Meyer “Geçti¤imiz y›llarda Aida için yedi tane çok baflar›l› gemi infla ettik. Bu iddial› gemi infla program›n›n Papenburg’da uygulanmas› için flirketin bize güvenmifl olmas›ndan onur duyduk” dedi. Aida Cruises Almanya’n›n en h›zl› büyüyen flirketi olarak tan›n›yor. fiirket 6,000’i gemide 1,000’i de Rostock ve Hamburg merkezlerinde olmak üzere 40 ülkeden yaklafl›k 7,000 kifliye ifl sa¤l›yor. 10 adet kurvaziyer gemisinden oluflan Aida filosu, haberini verdi¤imiz gemilerle birlikte 2020 y›l›nda 14 gemiye ç›km›fl olacak.
Five PCTC ships ordered by Grimaldi will be built at Yangfan shipyard, with an option for another seven units. s part of the expansion and modernization programme of its fleet, the Grimaldi Group has recently signed an agreement for the construction of five new PCTCs (Pure Car Truck Carriers), for a total investment of USD 300 million and with an option for another seven units. Thus, an important partnership between the world's leading company in the ro-ro sector Grimaldi and Chinese Yangfan Shipyard who received the order is started.
Five PCTC Order From Grimaldi Grimaldi’den Befl PCTC Siparifli
The five new units, whose delivery is planned for 2017, will be able to transport over 7,800 rolling units and will be deployed on the Group’s regular services linking the Mediterranean with North America. This service is specifically dedicated to the transport of brand new vehicles produced by FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) with destination the US and Canadian markets. "Besides being the largest car carriers on the market, the newbuildings will be highly efficient in terms of their fuel consumption and environmental friendliness features, so as to be named ‘The Green PCTCs’", commented the President of the Grimaldi Group, Gianluca Grimaldi. "The already sizeable fleet of the Group will be enhanced with these state-ofart vessels, enabling it to provide ever sophisticated service to the automotive sector," concludes the Board of the Neapolitan Group. New orders, signifies the enrichment of the newbuilding
lefltiren düzenli seferlerinde kullan›lacak. Bu seferler özellikle Fiat Chrysler Automobiles taraf›ndan üretilen yeni araçlar›n ABD ve Kanada pazarlar›na nakliyesine ayr›lm›fl durumda.
programme that the Grimaldi Group has started in 2013. The current order list of the Group includes also the delivery, by the end of the year, of two con/ro vessels, last of a series of six units built at Korean shipyards, all to be deployed on the Group’s services linking Europe to West Africa. Five con/ro vessels will be delivered by 2016 to the subsidiary company of the Group, Atlantic Container Line (ACL). With a loading capacity of 3,800 TEU, 28,900 m2 of rolling freight and 1,307 cars, they will be the largest vessels of their type ever built in the world, as well as faster, cleaner and more efficient than the ones currently in service to ACL.
Grimaldi Grubu’nun siparifl etti¤i befl PCTC gemisi, art› yedi gemi opsiyonuyla Yangfan Tersanesi’nde infla edilecek. ilosunu geniflletme ve modernize etme program›n›n bir parças› olarak Grimaldi Grubu toplam 300 milyon dolar yat›r›m ve art› yedi gemi opsiyonuyla befl yeni PCTC (sadece otomobil ve kamyon tafl›yan gemi) inflas› için anlaflma imzalad›. Böylece siparifli alan Çinli Yangfan Tersanesi ile Ro-Ro sektöründe dünyan›n önde gelen flirketi Grimaldi aras›nda önemli bir ifl ortakl›¤› da bafllam›fl oldu. 2017’de teslim edilmesi planlanan befl yeni gemi 7,800’den fazla tekerlekli birimi tafl›yabilecek ve grubun Akdeniz’i Kuzey Amerika’yla bir-
Gribaldi Grubu Baflkan› Gianluca Grimaldi “Yeni infla edilen bu gemiler, piyasadaki en büyük otomobil tafl›y›c›lar› olman›n yan› s›ra yak›t tüketimi ve çevre dostu özellikleriyle de çok verimli olacak ve ‘Yeflil PCTCler’ olarak an›lacak” dedi. Napoli merkezli grubun baflkan› Grimaldi flöyle konufltu: “Grubun zaten büyük olan filosu bu en geliflmifl gemilerle daha da büyüyecek ve otomotiv sektörüne daha sofistike hizmetler sunmam›z› sa¤layacak.” Yeni siparifller Grimaldi Grubu’nun 2013’te bafllatt›¤› yeni infla program›n› güçlendirme anlam›n› da tafl›yor. Grubun flu andaki siparifl listesi Koreli tersanelerde infla edilen alt› birimlik serinin sonuncusu olan ve hepsi de grubun Avrupa’y› Bat› Afrika’yla birlefltiren seferlerinde kullan›lacak iki Con/Ro gemisinin y›lsonundaki teslimini de içeriyor. Grubun yan kuruluflu olan Atlantic Container Line (ACL) flirketine de 2016’da befl Con/Ro gemisi teslim edilecek. 3,800 TEU yükleme, 28,900 m2 tekerlekli navlun ve 1,307 otomobil kapasitesiyle bu gemiler kendi s›n›flar›n›n dünyada infla edilmifl en büyükleri olman›n yan› s›ra flu anda ACL’ye hizmet veren gemilerden daha h›zl›, daha temiz ve daha verimli olacaklar.
New President for BIMCO BIMCO’ya Yeni Baflkan Philippe Louis-Dreyfus, of Louis Dreyfus Armateurs will serve as the President of BIMCO for the next two years. hilippe Louis-Dreyfus has been elected as the President at the annual general assembly of BIMCO held on June, 2.
At the AGM in Edinburgh, 70 years old new President Philippe Louis-Dreyfus described BIMCO as “the global association that should be closest to the commercial realities of shipping business” while giving the signs that the organization’s role in the new period will be shaped as the leadership and practical support in maritime trade. The new President said he wanted to see BIMCO take on a leadership role for its members to help promote the excellent work and achievements of the industry in areas like safety, pollution and the environment. He also called for the industry - and shipping associations especially - to be more proactive in responding to changes in these areas and said: “It is not too late to influence future politics, so that they are not just imposed on us. BIMCO has the global visibility and the recognition that cannot be easily replicated. I believe that our organization is a powerful tool in bringing the industry together on the issues that affect us all most. This feature of it gives BIMCO the ability to be a
powerful agent for change and for promoting best practice on important business and regulatory areas.”
“BIMCO SHOULD OFFER MORE SUPPORT” Mr Louis-Dreyfus cited the development of a standard ship finance term sheet for as a key example of BIMCO providing practical support to shipping businesses, as it will help BIMCO members to simplify and standardize their ship financing documentation and reduce the costs of each transaction. New President also heralds the news that BIMCO has taken over the Shipping KPI System from InterManager as of today. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) system allows the ship-owners, operators and managers to benchmark and monitor their company and ship performance comparatively. Mr Louis-Dreyfus also highlighted that shipping is no longer transport only and that more and more industrial activities will be done at sea, with new and specific documentation therefore needed. He referenced work already begun by BIMCO in this area (such as SUPPLYTIME and HEAVYCON), but that more will need to be developed. BIMCO’s leadership on the development of industry guidance on cyber security besides the development of new contracts and clauses was also praised by the new President.
Louis Dreyfus Armateurs’den Philippe Louis-Dreyfus, önümüzdeki iki y›l için BIMCO’nun baflkan› olarak görev yapacak. IMCO’nun 2 Haziran’daki y›ll›k genel kurulunda baflkanl›¤a Philippe Louis-Dreyfus seçildi. 70 yafl›ndaki yeni baflkan Edinburg’daki toplant›da BIMCO’yu “Deniz ticaretinin ticari gerçeklerine en yak›n olmas› gereken küresel ortakl›k” fleklinde tan›mlarken yeni dönemde örgütün rolünün deniz ticaretinde liderlik ve pratik destek olarak belirginleflece¤inin iflaretlerini verdi. LouisDreyfus BIMCO’yu güvenlik, kirlilik ve çevrenin korunmas› gibi alanlarda sektörün baflar›s› ve mükemmel çal›flmas›n› desteklemeye yard›mc› olmak üzere üyeleri için liderlik rolü üstlenmifl olarak görmek istedi¤ini söyledi. Sektörü ve özellikle de denizcilik birliklerini bu alanlardaki de¤iflikliklere yan›t vermede daha ön al›c› olmaya davet eden yeni baflkan flunlar› söyledi: “Gelecekteki politikalar› etkilemek için çok geç de¤il; bunu yaparsak yaln›zca bize dayat›lm›fl olmakla kalmazlar. BIMCO kolay kopya edilemeyecek bir küresel görünürlük ve tan›n›rl›¤a sahip. Örgütümüzün hepimizi en çok etkileyen konularda sektörü bir araya getirmek için güçlü bir araç oldu¤una inan›yorum. Bu özelli¤i BIMCO’ya de¤iflim için ve önemli ifllerde ve düzenleyici alanlarda en iyi uygulamay› desteklemek için güçlü bir arac› olma yetene¤i kazand›r›yor.”
“BIMCO DAHA ÇOK DESTEK VERMEL‹” Louis-Dreyfus, BIMCO üyelerinin gemi finansman› belgelerini basitlefltirmelerine, standardize etmelerine ve her ifllemin mali-
yetini düflürmelerine yard›mc› olmak üzere gelifltirilen standart gemi finansman› ön protokol formunu, BIMCO’nun deniz ticaretine verdi¤i pratik deste¤in önemli bir örne¤i olarak gösterdi. Yeni baflkan, seçildi¤i gün itibariyle BIMCO’nun Gemicilik KPI Sistemi’nin InterManager’den devrald›¤›n› da müjdeledi. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) sistemi, armatörler, iflletmeciler ve yöneticilerin flirketlerini ve gemi performans›n› karfl›laflt›rmal› olarak de¤erlendirmelerine ve izlemelerine olanak sa¤l›yor. Louis-Dreyfus deniz ticaretinin art›k yaln›zca nakliye anlam›na gelmedi¤ine, denizde giderek daha fazla s›nai faaliyet yap›ld›¤›na ve bunun da yeni ve özel belgelemeler gerektirdi¤ine iflaret etti. Bu alanda BIMCO taraf›ndan daha önce bafllat›lm›fl olan Supplytime ve Heavycon çal›flmalar›n›n önemine dikkat çeken Louis-Dryfus daha fazlas›n›n gelifltirilmesi gerekti¤ini vurgulad›. Baflkan, BIMCO’nun siber güvenlikle ilgili gelifltirdi¤i sektör k›lavuzunun yan› s›ra standart sözleflmeler ve maddeler gelifltirmedeki öncülü¤ünü de övdü. Louis-Dreyfus örgütün iç iflleyifline dair araflt›rmalar yapt›rarak kurumsal kimli¤ini üyelerle beraber yeniden de¤erlendirece¤ini de ifade etti.
LR to Class New 3,600 TEU Container Ships For Maersk Line Maersk Line’›n Yeni Konteyner 3,600 TEU Gemilerini LR Klasl›yor loyd’s Register (LR) recently signed a significant contract with COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard in China for the classification of seven new 3,600 teu container ships. Owned by Maersk Line, the vessels will be built to Danish Flag and have a length of 200 meters and a breadth of 35.2 meters.
The ships will be built according to LR’s Rules and Regulations and will have Ice Class 1A (FinnishSwedish ice class) and delivery is planned to take place from April to November 2017. The design company is OMT (Odense Maritime Technology). This is the first time in the shipyard’s eleven year history that it will build container ships and the project gives LR opportunity to continue the long and successful co-operation with the shipyard. The order is the first step in
Maersk Line’s recently announced investment programme. LR has worked intensively with Maersk over the past 16 months on this new construction project. The team has provided support in ECA compliance options, specification reviews and support during the contract negotiations with the shipyard. "The key to a successful project is to have excellent communication lines between Yard, Designer, Owner and, not least, Class. It is vital that all stakeholders have the required transparency in all processes affecting the quality of the vessel and certainly also the critical parts of the schedule," said Head of Newbuilding at Maersk Line, Michael Heimann.
loyd’s Register (LR), yedi 3,600 TEU konteyner gemisinin s›n›fland›r›lmas› için Çin’deki COSCO Zhoushan Tersanesi’yle yak›n zamanda önemli bir sözleflme imzalad›. Maersk Line’a ait
olan gemiler Danimarka bayra¤› tafl›yacak ve 200 metre uzunluk, 35.2 metre geniflli¤e sahip olacak. Gemiler LR kurallar› ve yönetmeliklerine uygun olarak infla edilip 1A Buz S›n›f› (Finlandiya-‹sveç buz s›n›f›) olacak ve teslimatlar›n›n Nisan-Kas›m 2017 aras›nda gerçekleflmesi planlan›yor. Tasar›m ise OMT’ye (Odense Maritime Technology) ait. Konteyner gemisi inflas› tersanenin 11 y›ll›k
tarihinde bir ilk olacak. Söz konusu siparifl Maersk Line’›n yak›n zamanda duyurulan yat›r›m program›n›n ilk ad›m›. LR bu yeni infla projesiyle ilgili olarak son 16 ayd›r Maersk Line’la yo¤un bir çal›flma yapt›. Ekip, tersaneyle sözleflme görüflmeleri süresince ECA uyum seçenekleri, teknik flartname de¤erlendirmeleri konusunda destek verdi. Maersk Line Yeni ‹nfla Bölüm Direktörü Michael Heimann konuyla ilgili flunlar› söyledi: "Baflar›l› bir projenin anahtar› tersane, tasar›mc›, armatör ve onlardan daha az önemli olmayan klas kuruluflu aras›nda mükemmel iletiflim hatlar›d›r. Tüm paydafllar›n geminin kalitesini ve elbette program›n önemli bölümlerini de etkileyen tüm süreçlerde gerekli fleffafl›¤a sahip olmas› can al›c› önem tafl›r.”
One more Ship from “K” Line To Serve Mitsui “K” Line’dan Mitsui’ye Hizmet ‹çin Bir Gemi Daha awasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) announced that a joint venture comprising K Line, Mitsui & Co. and Imabari Shipbuilding has signed a longterm Time Charter contract with Mitsui for its Cameron LNG Export Project in the USA. Mitsui, through its subsidiary company in the USA, is participating in this project and will be off taking the LNG once the production starts. The vessel to be deployed in the project will be built in Imabari and equipped with an electronically- controlled dual fuel gas injection diesel engine (ME-GI).
bafllad›¤›nda LNG tafl›yacak. Projede kullan›lacak olan gemi Imabari’de infla edilecek ve elektronik kontrollü çift yan›c› gaz enjeksiyonlu dizel motorla (ME-GI) donat›lacak.
Being in LNG transport business
for more than 30 years, the contract dated May 11, 2015 is a part of K Line Group’s new medium-term management plan “Value for our Next Century.” The term of contract is set to maximum 25 years after delivery. The membrane type 178,000 m3 LNG Carrier is scheduled for delivery in 2020.
awasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line), Mitsui ve Imabari Tersanesi’nden oluflan ortak giriflim Trinity LNG Transport, ABD’deki Cameron LNG ‹hrac› Projesi için time-charter anlaflmas› imzalad›¤›n› duyurdu. Mitsui bu projeye ABD’deki yan kurulufluyla kat›l›yor ve üretim
11 May›s 2015 tarihinde imzalanan sözleflme, 30 y›ldan uzun süredir LNG tafl›yan K Line Grubu, “Sonraki Yüzy›l›m›z ‹çin De¤er” ad›n› verdi¤i yeni orta vadeli yönetim plan›n›n bir parças›. Sözleflmenin süresi teslimat›n ard›ndan en fazla 25 y›l olarak belirlendi. 178,000 m3 LNG tafl›ma kapasiteli gemi 2020 y›l›nda teslim edilecek.
ICS Meet in Rotterdam ICS Rotterdam’da Topland› The main agenda items of ICS Annual General Assembly Meeting were the pressure on commercial ships to perform search and rescue activities for illegal immigrants and the deep dilemma created by USA on ballast water issue. he International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the principal global trade association for merchant ship operators, held its Annual General Meeting in Rotterdam last week, at the kind invitation of the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners. The membership
of ICS, which comprises national associations from 37 countries (including the newly admitted Russian Chamber of Shipping), reviewed a great number of important regulatory and policy developments affecting global maritime trade. Let’s glance at those issues one by one. Migrant Rescue at Sea Crisis ICS members welcomed recent efforts by EU Member States to increase Search and Rescue resources for migrants in distress in the Mediterranean, and the subsequent decrease in the numbers of lives lost. However, ICS members agreed
ICS Y›ll›k Genel Toplant›s›’n›n bafll›ca gündem maddeleri, ticaret gemilerinin kaçak göçmen arama kurtarma çal›flmalar›na adeta zorlanmas› ile ABD’nin balast suyu konusunda yaratt›¤› derin ikilem oldu. eniz ticaretinin küresel birli¤i Uluslararas› Deniz Ticaret Odas› (ICS), y›ll›k genel toplant›s›n› 15 Haziran 2015’te, Hollanda Kraliyet Armatörler Birli¤i’nin davetiyle Rotterdam’da gerçeklefltirdi. Odaya yeni kat›lm›fl olan Rusya Deniz Ticaret Odas› dahil 37 ülkenin ulusal deniz ticaret odalar›ndan oluflan ICS üyeleri bu
toplant›da, küresel deniz ticaretini etkileyen çok say›da önemli yönetmelikle politik geliflmeleri ele ald›. Bu konulara tek tek bir göz atal›m.
Denizde Göçmen Kurtarma Krizi ICS, Akdeniz’de s›k s›k ölümcül sonuçlar do¤uran kaçak göçmen ticareti konusunda AB ülkelerinin arama kurtarma kaynaklar›n› art›rma do¤rultusundaki son çabalar›n› ve bunu izleyen kay›p say›s›ndaki düflüflü olumlu karfl›lad›. Ancak örgüt, devlet destekli arama ve kurtarma kaynaklar›n›n mevcut düzeyinin, sürmekte olan krizle bafla ç›kmak için hala yetersiz oldu-
that the current level of statebacked Search and Rescue resources available to address the on-going crisis is still woefully insufficient and urgently needs to be dramatically increased. Speaking after the meeting, ICS Chairman, Masamichi Morooka, said: “It is simply not acceptable that merchant ships are still being routinely called upon by Rescue Coordination Centers to assist with the majority of rescue operations currently taking place. Commercial ships have already assisted with the rescue of more than 50,000 people since the crisis started to escalate last year. Apart from the fact that commercial ships are wholly unsuitable for rescuing hundreds of people at a time, the Search and Rescue obligations that exist under international law were never created with the current situation in mind.” Morooka added: “It is unreasonable for governments to continue relying on merchant ships as a long term solution, placing civilian merchant seafarers at considerable risk.”
IMO Convention may continue to be deterred from doing so because of the unilateral regime adopted by the United States with respect to the approval of the very expensive new treatment systems required. This unilateral decision of USA causes an uncertainty on the part of ship owners, who install equipment approved in accordance with IMO standards, related with whether they will be able to trade with this country when the IMO Convention eventually enters into force, possibly by the end of 2016. Masamichi Morooka commented: “ICS members are committed to the implementation of a ballast water treatment regime that will be fit for purpose worldwide. But United States is creating an impossible dilemma that can only be solved by miracles. Apart from the chaos that the United States is creating for international shipping, it is also holding back the ratification of an important IMO Convention that is intended to bring environmental benefits to the entire world.”
Ballast Water Problem
New Assistants of Morooka
ICS members welcomed the recent progress made by the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee, in May 2015, towards solving many of the serious implementation problems associated with the “Ballast Water Convention”. ICS members even said they can help to receive approval from national governments for entering into force of the agreement before the determined time. On the other side, ICS members also remarked that those flag states which have not yet ratified the
The assistants of Masamichi Morooka (Japan) who has been elected as ICS Chairman having for a second two year term are changed in this meeting. New Vice-Chairmen are: John C Lyras (Greece); Karin Orsel (Netherlands); Gerardo Borromeo (Philippines); and Esben Poulsson (Singapore).The members of ICS have the chance of meeting with Princess Margriet of the Netherlands at a gala dinner on board the cruise ship ‘Jules Verne’.
Princess Margriet
¤una ve acilen önemli ölçüde art›r›lmas› gerekti¤i konusunu da fikir birli¤iyle dile getirdi. ICS Baflkan› Masamichi Morooka konuyla ilgili flöyle konufltu: “Kurtarma koordinasyon merkezlerinin, yap›lan kurtarma çal›flmalar›n›n ço¤unda kendilerine yard›m etmeleri için hala ticaret gemilerine baflvuruyor olmas› kabul edilemez. Geçen y›l krizin t›rmanmaya bafllamas›ndan beri 50,000’den fazla insan›n kurtar›lmas›na ticari gemiler yard›mc› oldu. Ticari gemilerin ayn› anda yüzlerce insan› kurtarmaya hiçbir flekilde uygun olmamas› bir yana, uluslararas› yasadaki arama kurtarma yükümlülükleri, asla mevcut durumu düflünerek oluflturulmad›.” Morooka “Sivil ticari denizcileri önemli bir risk alt›na soktuklar›n› dikkate almadan, ticari gemilere güvenmeyi neredeyse uzun vadeli bir çözüm gibi düflünmeleri hükümetlerin ak›l tutulmas› yaflad›klar›n› düflündürtüyor” dedi.
Balast Suyu Sorunu ICS, IMO Deniz Çevresi Koruma Komitesi’nin May›s 2015’teki toplant›s›nda “Balast Suyu Anlaflmas›”n›n getirdi¤i çok say›da ciddi uygulama
sorununa yönelik ilerlemelerini olumlu karfl›lad›¤›n› vurgulad›. Hatta ICS üyeleri, anlaflman›n belirtilen tarihten önce yürürlü¤e girmesi için, ulusal hükümetlerden onay almakta yard›mc› olabileceklerini bildirdiler. Öte yandan ICS üyeleri, henüz Balast Suyu Anlaflmas›’n› onaylamam›fl olan bayrak devletlerinin, gerekli olan çok pahal› yeni ar›tma sistemlerinin onaylanmas› anlam›na gelen ve ABD taraf›ndan benimsenen ikili rejim nedeniyle imzadan kaç›nmaya devam edebileceklerine de dikkat çektiler. ABD’nin tek yanl› bu karar›, IMO standartlar›na göre onaylanm›fl donan›m› kurmufl olan armatörlerin, büyük olas›l›kla 2016 sonunda yürürlü¤e girecek anlaflman›n ard›ndan bu ülke ile ticaret yapabileceklerinden emin olamamalar›na yol aç›yor. Baflkan Morooka bu konuda flunlar› söyledi: “ICS üyeleri dünya genelinde amaca uygun bir balast suyu ar›tma rejimi uygulamas›na sad›klar. ABD ise çözümü adeta mucizelere dayanan bir ikilem yarat›yor. ABD, uluslararas› deniz ticaretinde yaratt›¤› karmafla bir yana, tüm dünyaya çevresel yarar sa¤lamas› amaçlanan önemli bir IMO Anlaflmas›’n›n onaylanmas›n› da engelliyor.”
Morooka’n›n Yeni Yard›mc›lar› 2014 y›l›nda ikinci bir iki y›ll›k dönem için yeniden ICS Baflkan› seçilmifl olan Masamichi Morooka’n›n (Japonya) yard›mc›lar› ise bu toplant›da yenilendi. Yeni baflkan yard›mc›lar› John C Lyras (Yunanistan), Karin Orsel (Hollanda), Gerardo Borromeo (Filipinler) ve Esben Poulsson (Singapur). Toplant›n›n sonunda ICS üyeleri “Jules Verne” gemisinin güvertesinde düzenlenen gala gecesinde Hollanda Prensesi Margriet ile tan›flma f›rsat›n› da buldular.
IMO Appoints New Secretary-General IMO Yeni Genel Sekreterini Seçti ecretary-General Koji Sekimizu of Japan, after 26 years of dedicated service to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) steps down at the end of June and Lim KiTack of South Korea has been appointed as successor.
Ki-Tack is currently president of Busan Port Authority, and former Commissioner of the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal and a long-term diplomat, including a period as head of the Tokyo MOU and chair of the IMO’s Flag State Implementation subcommittee. Ki-Tack overcame challengers from Denmark, Cyprus, Russia, Kenya and the
Philippines, defeating Danish candidate Andreas Nordseth in the final round. He will assume his four-year post at the end of 2015. Out-going Koji was the seventh elected Secretary-General of the IMO, and among some of the key implementations of international rules and regulations Koji also lend his efforts in protecting vital shipping lanes, by making major contributions to the creation of the Cooperative Mechanism established by the three littoral States in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore; and the adoption of the Djibouti Code of Conduct.
luslararas› Denizcilik Örgütü’ne (IMO) 26 y›ll›k hizmetinden sonra Japon Genel Sekreter Koji Sekimizu Haziran sonunda emekliye ayr›ld› ve yerine Güney Koreli Lim KiTack geçti. Ki-Tac, Busan Liman ‹daresi Baflkan› ve Güney Kore Deniz Güvenli¤i Komisyonu’nun eski üyesi olman›n yan› s›ra Tokyo MOU baflkanl›¤› ve IMO Bayrak Devletleri Uygulama Alt Komitesi Baflkan› olarak bir dönem de dahil olmak üzere çok deneyimli bir diplomat. Ki-Tack Danimarkal›, Güney K›br›sl›, Rus, Kenyal› ve Filipinli rakipleriyle yar›flt› ve son turda Danimarkal› Andreas Nordseth’i yendi. Lim Ki-Tack
dört y›l sürecek görevini 2015 sonunda devir alacak. Görevden ayr›lan Koji, IMO’nun seçimle gelmifl yedinci genel sekreteriydi ve uluslararas› kural ve yönetmeliklerin baz› uygulamalar› aras›ndan, Malakka Bo¤azlar› ve Singapur’da üç k›y› devletinin kurdu¤u ortak mekanizman›n oluflturulmas›na ve Cibuti Davran›fl Kodu’nun benimsenmesine büyük katk›larda bulunarak önemli nakliye rotalar›n› korumak için de çaba harcam›flt›.
CMA CGM Connected The Asia With ‹skenderun CMA CGM, Asya’y› ‹skenderun’a Ba¤lad› ne of the largest shipping companies of the World, The CMA CGM Group announced that it added Iskenderun Port to its “Bosphorus Express Line) BEX” as of June 16, 2015. The group remarked that the BEX is joining Asia to the East Mediterranean by means of this call and thus, succeeded to provide the best transition time between Asia-‹skenderun and the single direct service in the market. It is emphasized that a strong economical growth is being experienced in the south part of Turkey which includes also ‹skenderun, that the raw materials are imported in Turkey, where they are reprocessed before being distributed in Europe and in the Middle-East. CMA CGM informed that by adding a call in Iskenderun, the South part of the country will now be called directly and each week
by the Group’s vessels sailing the BEX line. Meanwhile, the giant company announced that it will offer free domicile transportation services especially in Gaziantep and Hatay and will promote its logistic service by constructing railway and highway infrastructure for providing traffic to dry and cold container storage in the Iskenderun Port.
ünyan›n en büyük denizcilik firmalar›ndan CMA CGM, 16 Haziran 2015 tarihinden itibaren “Bo¤aziçi Ekspres Hatt›na (BEX)” ‹skenderun Liman›’n› da ekledi¤ini bildirdi. Grup bu durak sayesinde BEX’in Asya ile Do¤u Akdeniz’i birlefltirdi¤ini ve böylece de Asya-‹skenderun aras›nda en iyi geçifl sürelerini ve pazardaki tek do¤rudan seferi sunmay›
baflard›¤›na dikkat çekti. Yap›lan aç›klamada, ‹skenderun’un da bulundu¤u Türkiye’nin güney kesiminde güçlü bir ekonomik büyüme yafland›¤›, Asya’dan ithal edilen hammaddelerin Avrupa ve Ortado¤u’ya da¤›t›lmadan önce Türkiye’de ifllendi¤i vurguland›. CMA CGM, BEX’te seyreden gemilerinin bu durak sayesinde her hafta ve do¤rudan seferlerle Türkiye’nin güney kesimine u¤rayaca¤›n› kaydetti. Bu arada dev flirket, ‹skenderun Liman›’ndaki kuru ve so¤uk hava konteyner deposu ve limana gidifl-gelifli sa¤layan demiryolu ve karayolu altyap›s›n› kurarak lojistik hizmetini güçlendirece¤ini, özellikle Gaziantep ve Hatay’da adrese teslim nakliye hizmeti verece¤ini de duyurdu.
Spotlights are always directed on the most famous, most beautiful, most handsome, most powerful, richest ones of social life. The situation is almost the same also in the world of economy where the numbers, tables, magnitudes and plenty of equations takes place solutions of which requires expertness. In that field too, the spotlights illumine the richest, strongest ones. We turn our spotlights on maritime commerce and look at the container ships expected to leave their marks on the first quarter of 21 century starting from the richest ship owners of the world. Sosyal yaflamda spot ›fl›klar› her zaman en ünlülere, en güzellere, en yak›fl›kl›lara, en güçlülere, en zenginlere çevrilidir. Say›lar›n, tablolar›n, büyüklüklerin ve çözebilmek için uzmanl›k gerektiren birçok denklemin yer ald›¤› ekonomi dünyas›nda da durum pek farkl› de¤ildir. Orada da spotlar en zengini, en güçlüyü ayd›nlat›r. Spotlar›m›z› deniz ticaretine çeviriyoruz ve dünyan›n en güçlü armatörlerinden bafllay›p 21. Yüzy›l›n ilk çeyre¤ine damgas›n› vurmas› beklenen konteyner flirketlerine bak›yoruz. eing the most powerful and greatest -and for the ones lacking that chance to learn, know and follow the most powerful and greatest ones- is one of the passions of modern people since the industrial revolution. Being greater and more powerful has been changed into a struggle for existence rather than being only a passion in a world rapidly globalizing as of the beginning of 1980s. “Ordinary mortals” like us are watching and trying to understand this awesome war displayed at the arena of the giants; and most of us give up this effort by saying “what is wrong with football”.
On the other side, shipping is one of the most important factors
anayi Devrimi’nden bu yana modern insan›n tutkular› aras›nda en büyük ve en güçlü olmak, böyle bir olana¤› bulunmayanlar›n ise en büyük meraklar› aras›nda en büyü¤ü ve en güçlüyü ö¤renmek, tan›mak, izlemek ilk s›ralarda yer al›yor. 1980’li y›llar›n bafl›ndan itibaren h›zla küreselleflen dünyada daha büyük ve daha güçlü olmak ise bir tutkudan çok bir varl›k-yokluk savafl›na dönüfltü. Bizim gibi “s›radan ölümlüler”, devler arenas›ndaki bu müthifl savafl› izleyip anlamaya çal›fl›yoruz; birço¤umuz ise futbol neyimize yetmiyor deyip bu çabadan vazgeçiyoruz.
Öte yandan tafl›mac›l›k asl›nda kendini en önemsiz noktada hisseden bireyden küresel dev konumundaki bir uluslararas› flirketin
that affect everybody in our modern world starting from the individual feeling himself at a least significant point to the board chairman of an international company. The unceasing desire of “realizing the supply and demand balance on highest level” of the capitalist world aims at putting the goods on market with optimum costs and thus to satisfy the existing/generated demand; and the shipping costs that takes place in appropriate cost equation plays one of the key roles. For an Italian manufacturer who wants the Icelander consumer to use his product rather than Chinese made products, there is no chance other than reducing the shipping costs to the rock bottom together with other cost elements. For the very reason, the daily life of the individual forming a part of the modern world should be directly affected by shipping costs.
yönetim kurulu baflkan›na, modern dünyam›zdaki herkesi etkileyen en önemli ö¤eler aras›nda yer al›yor. Kapitalist dünyan›n bitmek tükenmek bilmeyen “arz ve talep dengesini en üst düzeyde gerçeklefltirebilme” arzusu, metan›n en uygun maliyetlerle pazara sunulmas›n› ve böylece var olan/yarat›lan talebin doyurabilmesini amaçl›yor; uygun maliyet denkleminde yer alan tafl›mac›l›k giderleri de ana karakterlerden birini oynuyor. ‹zlandal› bir tüketicinin Çin mal› yerine kendi mal›n› kullanmas›n› isteyen ‹talyan üretici için, di¤er birçok maliyet unsuruyla birlikte tafl›mac›l›k maliyetini de en alt düzeye indirmekten baflka flans› yok. Modern dünyan›n bir parças› olan her bireyin gündelik yaflam›n›n, iflte tam da bu yüzden tafl›mac›l›k maliyetlerinden do¤rudan etkilenmemesi mümkün de¤il.
Gianluigi Aponte
90 percentage of global commerce transportation in 2013 has been performed by the sea. For that reason, the word globalization reminds everybody ships, tankers operating worldwide carrying various materials like container, dry bulk, bulk; in brief, maritime transportation. They are so many in numbers! According to the first rule of the free market economy, it is a matter of course to think that the freight rates should be determined freely, the budgets that are necessarily reserved for the freight should be relaxed because of the competition among the companies in such an abundant sector. But that is not the case!
2013 y›l›nda yap›lan küresel ticari tafl›mac›l›¤›n yüzde 90’› deniz yoluyla gerçeklefltirildi. Küreselleflme denince bu nedenle herkesin akl›na, dünya denizlerinde fink atan konteyner, kuru yük, dökme yük gibi çeflitli malzemeleri tafl›yan gemiler, tankerler, k›sacas› deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› geliyor. O kadar çoklar ki! Serbest piyasa ekonomisinin bir numaral› kural› gere¤ince, böylesine bollu¤un bulundu¤u bir yerde tafl›ma ücretlerinin de serbestçe belirlenmesi, flirketler aras›ndaki rekabet dolay›s›yla tafl›maya ayr›lmas› gereken bütçelerin rahatlamas› gerekir diye düflünmemek elde de¤il. Do¤rusu pek de öyle olmuyor!
The barrier against the realization of this condition is the fact that the free market economy’s inability to impose any sanctions for
Bunu engelleyen fley, serbest piyasa ekonomisi tekelleflmeyi önleyecek kat› kurallar koyuyormufl gibi davransa da flirketlerin büyümesini, ortakl›klar kurmas›n›, birleflmesini engelleyecek herhangi bir yapt›r›m uygulamas›n›n olanaks›zl›¤› ve bunu, bizzat küresel piyasa ekonomisinin sars›lmaz egemenli¤i olanaks›z k›l›yor. Öte yandan herhangi bir flirket evlili¤i ya da iflbirli¤i söz konusu olmasa veya uluslararas› çaptaki anti-tekel yasalar› bunu önlemeye çal›flsa bile finans-kapitalin serbestli¤i baz› flirketlerin afl›r› büyümesinin önündeki bütün engelleri yok edebiliyor.
EN ZENG‹N DEN‹ZC‹LER Kapitalist romantizm diye niteleyebilece¤imiz “dünyan›n en zengin insanlar›” tespiti, tam da böylesi nedenlerle çoktan anlam›n› yitirmifl durumda. fiah›slar›n yerini CEO’lar›n, ulusal kimliklerin yerini uluslararas› yönetim kurullar›n›n ald›¤› bir ekonomi düzeninde geleneksel “big boss” kavram› da nostaljik bir nitelemeden öteye geçemiyor. John Frederiksen
Dünyan›n en büyük on denizci zenginine bakt›¤›m›zda, bafllang›ç-
Eyal Ofer
ta birer “big boss” olan bu karakterlerin, art›k yaratt›klar› flirketlerin simge isimleri olmaktan öteye geçemediklerini aç›kça görebiliyoruz. “Big boss”lar›n flirketleri bafllang›çta bir flah›s ve aile flirketi konumundayken, y›llar içerisinde küresel finans-kapitalin gücüne ba¤l› olarak uluslararas› devler haline geldiler. ‹simlerini tan›yoruz, evet, ama art›k onlar sadece birer simge isim. Dünyan›n zengin denizcileri listesinin en bafl›nda, Hong Konglu Li Ka Shing ve Ailesi yer al›yor. 31 milyar dolarl›k serveti üreten yat›r›mlar içerisinde, ailenin sahibi oldu¤u, 26 farkl› bölgede 52 terminali yöneten Hutchison Port Holding çok önemli bir rol oynuyor. Danimarkal› A.P. Moller-Maersk ve Ailesi onu 21 milyar dolarla izliyor. Bu grubu anlatmaya herhalde gerek yok! fiilili Iris Fontbona ile H›rvat Luksic’in 2005 y›l›ndaki evliliklerinin “ilk çocu¤u” tam 17.4 milyar dolarl›k servetleri oldu ve onlar› üçüncü s›raya yerlefltirdi. Dünyan›n her yerinde maden yat›r›mlar›na giriflmifl olan çiftin deniz nakliyesi ve liman hizmeti flirketleri paralar›na para kat›yor. Dördüncü s›rada ayn› zamanda ülkesinin de en zengini olan Malezyal› Robert Kuok 12.5 milyar dolarla geliyor. “Mükemmel ifladam›” diye an›lan Kuok servetini Çin’de 1993 y›l›nda bafllad›¤› Coca Cola flifleleme ifli ve buna paralel gelifltirdi¤i deniz nakliyat›
preventing the expansion, forming associations and merging of the companies although it acts like establishing rigid rules to prevent the monopolization and this fact results from the unshakable domination of the global economy itself. On the other side, the liberty of finance-capital can clear the way for the overgrowth of some companies even if international anti-monopoly rules try to prevent it or if any merger or cooperation is not in question.
Idan Ofer
RICHEST SHIPOWNERS The determination of “richest people of the world” which we can call as a capitalist romanticism, has lost its meaning long since precisely for reasons like the ones stated above. The traditional concept of “big boss” cannot go behind being a nostalgic characterization in an economic system where the CEOs replace the people and international managing boards substitutes the national identities. When we look at the first top ten riches of the world in maritime industry we clearly see that the figures who were the “big bosses” at the beginning cannot go behind being the symbol names of the companies they created. Within the years, the companies of the “big bosses” became international giants based on the power of global finance-capital while they were in the position of family or private companies at the beginning. Yes we know their names but they are only symbol names now. Li Ka Shing and Family from Hong Kong takes place on top of the list of richest seamen of the world. Hutchison Port Holding of the family that manages 52 terminals in 26 separate regions plays a very important role among the investments generating 31 billion dollars fortune. It is followed by Danish Moller-Maersk and Family with 21 billion dollars. Of course it is not necessary MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
Dr. Oetker
ile biriktirmeye bafllam›fl. Norveç as›ll› (ve nedense) Güney K›br›s vatandafl› John Frederiksen 11.5 milyar dolarla beflinci s›rada yer al›yor. Frederiksen dünyan›n en büyük petrol tankeri filosuna sahip. Ayr›ca Hapag-Lloyd’un da en büyük hissedar›. 9.2 milyar dolar kazanabilmek için, anneannenizin yapt›¤› tarhanalar› paketleyip kaç ton satman›z gerekti¤ini hesaplayabilir misiniz? Hiç bofluna u¤raflmay›n, çünkü bizim haz›r çorbalar›yla tan›d›¤›m›z Oetker Ailesi de s›rf çorba satarak milyarder olmad›. Çok say›daki iflin yan›nda ailenin servetinin önemli bir k›sm› Hamburg Süd isimli deniz nakliyat› flirketinden geliyor. Alt›nc› s›radaki Dr. Oetker Ailesi ayr›ca Brezilya ve ‹spanyol gemi donatma flirketleriyle onlarca gemiye sahip birçok deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› flirketinin sahibi.
to represent this group! The “first children” from the merger in 2005 of Chilean Iris Fontbona and Croatian Luksic became a fortune of 17.4 billion dollars and placed them on third rank. The shipping and port operation companies of the couple, who initiated mining investments across the world, added fortune their fortune. The 4th rank belongs to Malaysian Robert Kuok with 12.5 billion dollars who is also the richest people of his country. Called as “perfect businessman”, Kuok made his fortune through the Coca Cola bottling business he started in 1993 and also the shipping business he developed in parallel with it. John Frederiksen of Norway origin and citizen of South Cyprus (somehow?) takes the fifth rank with 11.5 billion dollars. Frederiksen is the owner of the largest oil tanker fleet of the world. Besides, he is the senior partner of Hapag-Lloyd. Can you calculate how many tones of grandmother-made tarhana soup we should pack and sell in order to gain 9.2 billion dollars? Don’t beat the air, because the Oetker family that we know with their instant soups did not become rich by selling soup only. The major part of the family’s fortune comes from the shipping agency called Hamburg Süd apart from a number of businesses. Ranked as 6th, Dr. Oetker family is also the owner of Brazil and Spanish shipowning companies and a number of shipping companies with tens of ships. German partnership Klaus-Michael Kühne is the 8th with its 9 billion dollars net assets. Swiss Gianluigi Aponte and Family are the honorary presidents of MSC, the second largest container transportation group of the world today. The group owning more than 400 ships offered a great fortune of 8 billion dollars to the family. 9th and 10th ranks are occupied by Israeli Ofer brothers. Idan Ofer, who is on the 9th rank of the list with 6.5 billion dollars, is the CEO of world’s largest special shipping line Quantum Pacific Group and partner of Pacific Drilling. And Eyal Ofer has gained his 6 billion dollars fortune through OMNI Open
Alman ortakl›¤› Klaus-Michael Kühne, 9 milyar dolarl›k öz varl›¤›yla sekizinci s›rada yer al›yor. ‹sviçreli Gianluigi Aponte ve Ailesi, bugün dünyan›n ikinci en büyük konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤› grubu MSC’nin onur baflkanlar›. 400’den fazla gemisi olan grup aileye 8 milyar dolarl›k bir servet kazand›rm›fl durumda. Dokuzuncu ve onuncu s›ralar› ‹srailli Ofer kardefller elinde tutuyor. 6.5 milyar dolarla dokuzuncu s›radaki Idan Ofer, dünyan›n en büyük özel deniz tafl›mac›l›k hatt› Quantum Pacific Grubu’nun CEO’su ve Pacific Drilling’in de hissedar›. Eyal Ofer ise 6 milyar dolarl›k serveti, 130’dan fazla gemiden oluflan Zodiac Maritime Agency’nin yan› s›ra Royal Caribbean Cruise ve OMNI Aç›kdeniz Terminalleri ile elde etmifl durumda.
ZENG‹N‹N MALI S›ralad›¤›m›z bu isimlerin ço¤unlu¤u, t›pk› dünyan›n di¤er kalburüstü zenginleri gibi tek bir ifl dolay›s›yla en zengin olmuyor. Baz›lar› ifle kaptanl›kla bafllam›fl oluyor (Gianluigi Aponte gibi), baz›lar› basit bir tüccar olarak girdi¤i ifl hayat›n›n 30. y›l›nda ilk gemisini alabiliyor (Frederiksen gibi). Baz›lar› da as›l ifllerine destek olsun diye deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›na giriyor (Kuok gibi). MollerMaersk Ailesi gibi armatörlük hedefiyle yola ç›karak çok büyük baflar›lar elde edip inan›lmaz ölçülerde para kazananlar ise parmakla gösterilecek kadar az. Yukar›da da söyledi¤imiz gibi bu isimler son kertede sahip olduklar› azamete bir gemi, iki gemi, derken dört gemi diye ulaflm›yorlar. O ünlü f›kradaki gibi: “Bir portakal buldum, onu satt›m, iki portakal ald›m, onlar› satt›m dört portakal ald›m, onlar› satt›m sekiz portakal ald›m... E, 16, 32, 64 diye diye mi zengin oldun yani? Hay›r, 16.’y› satt›¤›mda M›s›r’daki zengin amcam öldü!” Kapitalist dünyan›n M›s›rl› zengin amcalar› ise 2. Dünya Savafl› ile 1980’lerin bafl›na kadar a¤›rl›kl› olarak devletler, 1980’lerin bafl›ndan günümüze kadar da uluslararas› finans-kapital oldu. Deniz ticaretinde büyüme öyle bir olgu ki 1980’lerin bafl›ndan sonuncusu 2008’de gerçekleflen ve yaratt›¤› çöküntü hâlâ atlat›lamayan birçok küresel krize karfl›n önüne geçilemez bir flekilde devam ediyor. Krizin k’si hissedildi¤inde yerel ölçekte tafl›mac›l›k flirketleri domino etkisiyle seri bir flekilde devrilirken uluslararas› piyasan›n güçlü oyuncular› flöyle bir sars›l›yor belki ama asla y›k›lm›yor, üstüne üstlük k›sa bir zaman sonra öncekinden daha büyük büyüme oranlar›na ulafl›yor.
Robert Kuok
KONTEYNER P‹YASASI Bu büyümenin uluslararas› deniz ticaretindeki en fazla göze çarpt›¤› alan konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤›. Zaten on y›llarca süregelen tanker piyasas› etkinli¤i de, 2000’li y›llar›n bafl›nda itibaren yerini konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤›na b›rakm›fl durumda. “marine&commerce”› sürekli izleyen okurlar›m›z iyi bilir, neredeyse gün geçmiyor ki daha fazla “kutu” tafl›yacak bir geminin siparifli verilmesin, gün geçmiyor ki yeni bir konteyner gemisi denize inmesin. Bu da çok do¤al, çünkü üzerinde çok büyük oyunlar oynanan ve art›k güvenilmesi daha zor hale gelmifl olan petrol piyasas›n›n kaygan zemini dolay›s›yla tanker iflletmecili¤i ve üretiminde b›rak›n uzun vadeyi, orta vadeli planlamalar yapmak bile çok zor. Buna karfl›n konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤›nda tek tek ülkelerin ihracat ve ithalat güçleri de¤iflkenlik gösterse de bu kaymalar küresel düzeydeki dengeleri kökten de¤ifltirmiyor. Üstelik konteyner iflletmecisi, anl›k duruma ve gidiflata göre, gerekirse hat de¤iflikli¤i yaparak o bölgedeki kay›plar›n› baflka bir bölgeden ç›karmay› baflarabiliyor. Neticede bölgesel olarak arz-talep dengesinde büyük oranl› kaymalar veya artma-eksilmeler olsa bile toplam olarak insanl›¤›n ihtiyaçlar› asla tükenmiyor. Yani konteynercilere her zaman ifl var!
Sea Terminals as well as Zodiac Maritime Agency consisting of more than 130 ships.
THE RICH MAN’S WEALTH Just like the other elite riches of the world, the majority of the names we listed do not make their wealth depending on a single business. Some of them start their business by serving as a captain (like Gianluigi Aponte), some buy the first ship on the 30th year of his business life (like Frederiksen). Yet others enter into shipping industry in order to support their main business (like Kuok). Families like Moller-Maersk, who gained incredible amount of money by reaching notable success after setting out with the aim of being a ship-owner, can be counted on the fingers of a hand. The names like the ones we stated above do not reach their current glorious position by one ship at the beginning, then two, three and four ships. Just like the famous joke say: “I found an orange, sell it and buy two oranges; I sell them also and buy four oranges which I sell again and buy eight oranges… So what? You mean you became reach by 16, 32, 64 oranges? No. When I sold the 16th orange my rich uncle in Egypt died!”. During the period between The Second World War and the beginning of 1980s, the Egyptian rich uncles of the capitalist world were mainly the states but starting from the beginning of 1980s their uncle is the international finance-capital now. The growth in sea commerce is such a fact that it continues irrepressibly despite a number of economic crisis since the
Dünyan›n en büyük konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤› flirketi, uzun zamand›r birinci s›radaki yerini koruyan APM-Maersk. Toplamda 3,052,924 TEU tafl›ma kapasitesine sahip olan Danimarkal› flirketin 613 gemisi var. Yaln›z bu gemilerin 257’si kendisine ait, kalan 356 gemiye ise kiralama yoluyla sahip. Dev flirketin halen, toplam TEU kapasitesi 367,406’ya ulaflan 30 gemisinin inflas› ise devam ediyor. ‹kinci s›rada MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) yer al›yor. 2,595,713 TEU kapasitesini yaratan 499 geminin 198’i flirkete ait. ‹sviçre merkezli flirketin halen kapasitesine 701,086 TEU daha ekleyecek olan 55 gemisinin inflas› devam ediyor. Bu say›lar, Li Ka-Shing
beginning of 1980s and although the collapse created by the last crisis that was experienced in 2008 has not been overcome yet. When the c of the word crisis is sensed the shipping companies on local scale falls one after the other with a domino effect while the strong actors of the international market slightly shaken but never collapse, and on top of that they achieve growth rates larger than before within a short time.
Klaus-Michael Kühne
CONTAINER MARKET Container transportation is a field of international marine commerce where the growth in question is most remarkable. As a matter of fact, the activity of tanker market that lasted for decades left its place to container transportation as of the beginning of 2000s. Our readers following the “marine&commerce” regularly knows very well that hardly a day passes without an order placed for a ship that will not carry more “boxes”, without a container ship launched. And this is natural since it is very hard to make even a medium-term planning, let alone long-term, for tanker building and operation because of the slippery ground of the oil market that became more unreliable and on which tremendous games are being played. In spite of that, these changes do not affect the regional balances radically even if the export and import powers of individual countries varies in container transportation. Besides, the container operator manages to cover in one region the losses occurred in another region by changing the line according to instantaneous situation and state of affairs, if necessary. As a result, the needs of humanity never exhausts although there may be large scale shifts or increases-decreases in regional supply-demand balance. Namely, always there is a job for container business!
THE LARGEST CONTAINER SHIPOWNERS The largest container shipping company of the world is APMMaersk that maintains its position as the first for a long time. The Danish company with an overall transport capacity of 3,052,924 TEU owns 613 ships. But 257 of those ships belongs to the company and remaining 356 ships are chartered. 30 ships of the company with a total capacity of 367.406 TEU is under construction presently. MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) takes the second place. Of the 499 ships that creates a capacity of 2,595,713 TEU, 198 belongs to the company. 55 more ships that will add 701,086 TEU to the Switzerland-based company’s capacity is under construction nowadays. These figures proves the existence of a keen competition between APM-Maersk and MSC. CMA CGM ranked as the third. Its 1,766,082 TEU transport capacity is generated by 84 owned ships and 386 time-charter ships. Construction of 40 ships belonging to the French company that will provide 427,912 TEU additional capacity is continuing. When we come down to hundred thousands from million units we see the forth largest company: Hapag-Lloyd. Today the company has an international partnership structure even if it is of German-origin. Of the 186 ships forming a capacity of 974,001 TEU, 72 ships belongs to the company. 7 more ships are under construction which will increase its capacity by 7.3 percent.
APM-Maersk ile MSC aras›nda k›yas›ya bir rekabetin varl›¤›n› da kan›tl›yor. Üçüncü s›ra CMA CGM’ye ait. 1,766,082 TEU’luk tafl›ma kapasitesi 84 adet öz gemi, 386 adet de time-charter gemiden geliyor. Frans›z flirketin 427,912 TEU ek kapasite sa¤layacak 40 gemisinin inflas› sürüyor. MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
Lucien Arkas
Nevzat Kalkavan, Turkon Line
IS IT POSSIBLE WITHOUT CHINA? If you ask where the Chinese are, our answer is that the Evergreen ranked as the fifth is a China company. 106 out of the total 202 ships belongs to the company with a capacity of 941,964 TEU. 23 more ships that will generate 355,016 TEU capacity is under construction now. Another Chinese company in 6th rank is Cosco with 864,237 TEU capacity. Of the 167 ships of Cosco 84 belongs to itself; 14 ships that will add 156,386 TEU to its capacity is in building process. CSCL in 7th rank is also from China. It has a capacity of 700,716 TEU; 68 out of total 139 ships belongs to the company and 71 more ships are being constructed for additional 216,508 TEU capacity. Eighth rank belongs to a South Korean company Hanjin Shipping. The company can carry 628,048 TEU with 103 ships belonging to it. Four ships are under construction for 36,102 TEU additional capacity. Japan company MOL (Mitsui OSK Lines) is ranked as ninth with its 605,951 TEU capacity. 29 of the total 113 ships belongs to the company and 10 more ships are under construction in order to increase the capacity by 160,940 TEU. Hamburg Süd Group belonging to Oetker Family takes the tenth place in the list of richest ship owners. Company’s 586,782 TEU capacity comes from 127 ships, 41 of which belongs to it. Five ships that will provide 49,560 TEU additional capacity to the group is under construction.
Milyon adetlerden yüzbinlere indi¤imizde dördüncü en büyü¤ü görüyoruz: Hapag-Lloyd. Alman kökenli olsa da flirket bugün tam bir uluslararas› ortakl›k yap›s›na sahip. 974,001 TEU kapasitesini oluflturan 186 geminin 72’si kendisine ait. Kapasitesini yüzde 7.3 oran›nda art›racak yedi gemi daha infla ettiriyor.
Ç‹NS‹Z OLUR MU? Çinliler nerede diye soracak olursan›z, beflinci s›radaki Evergreen bir Çin flirketi. 941,964 TEU kapasiteye sahip flirketin toplam 202 gemisinin 106’s› kendisine ait. Toplamda 355,016 TEU kapasite yaratacak 23 gemi daha yapt›r›yor. Alt›nc› s›radaki bir baflka Çinli flirket Cosco, 864,237 TEU kapasiteye sahip. Cosco’nun 167 gemisinin 84’ü kendisine ait; kapasitesine 156,386 TEU ekleyecek 14 gemisi infla halinde. Yedinci s›radaki CSCL de Çinli. Kapasitesi 700,716 TEU, toplam 139 gemiden 68’i kendisine ait ve 216,508 TEU art› kapasite için 71 gemi yapt›r›yor. Sekizincilik, bir Güney Koreli flirket olan Hanjin Shipping’in elinde. 38’i kendisinin olan 103 gemiyle 628,048 TEU tafl›yabiliyor. fiirket 36,120 TEU ek kapasite için dört gemi infla ettiriyor. Japon flirketi MOL (Mitsui OSK Lines), 605,951 TEU kapasite ile dokuzuncu. 113 geminin 29’u kendisine ait, halen 160,940 TEU daha büyümek için 10 gemi yapt›r›yor. 10. s›rada, en zengin armatörler aras›nda sayd›¤›m›z Oetker Ailesi’nin Hamburg Süd Group’u var. 586,782 TEU kapasite, 41’i kendisine ait 127 gemiden geliyor. Gruba 49,560 TEU kapasite daha sa¤layacak befl gemi infla halinde.
Two Turkish companies stands out in the list of the first 100 container companies of the world. Arkas Line in 26th rank has a capacity of 56,133 TEU and 29 out of the total 39 ships belongs to the company. Four more ships for additional 11,016 TEU capacity is in the process of construction. Turkon Line in 56th rank creates its 13,568 TEU capacity through eight ships all belonging to itself.
Dünyan›n ilk 100 konteyner flirketi listesinde iki Türk flirketi dikkat çekiyor. 26. s›radaki Arkas Line 56,133 TEU kapasiteye sahip ve 39 geminin 29’u kendisine ait. Grup 11,016 TEU art› kapasite için dört gemi daha infla ettiriyor. 56. s›radaki Turkon Line’›n 13,568 TEU’luk kapasitesinin tümü kendisine ait sekiz gemiden kaynaklan›yor.
For the moment, we leave you to count the boxes. We will look at other marine transporting branches in forthcoming issues. &
fiimdilik sizi kutu saymakla bafl bafla b›rak›yoruz. Önümüzdeki say›larda di¤er deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› branfllar›na da bakaca¤›z. &
DRY BULK SHIPPING: NO RECOVERY ON THE HORIZON KURU YÜK TAfiIMACILI⁄I: UFUKTA ‹Y‹LEfiME GÖRÜNMÜYOR The change in China economy and negative course of Russia economy continues to influence the dry bulk market negatively despite the pursuance of India demand. The only colorful side of this picture is the recovery in dismantling market! Çin ekonomisinin kabuk de¤ifltirmesi ve Rusya ekonomisinin negatif seyri, Hindistan talebinin devam›na ra¤men kuru yük piyasas›n› olumsuz etkilemeye devam ediyor. Bu resmin tek renkli yan›, söküm piyasas›n›n canlanmas›! tarting the year at index 771 the BDI bottomed out at 509 on 18 February 2015. Since then it has improved but only on a couple of occasions has it been above 600. The market conditions are devastating and volume growth in 2015 on key trades is negative. The lack of coal imports into China is taking centre stage, and lost volumes are difficult to make up elsewhere.
›la 771 endeksiyle bafllayan Baltic Dry Indeks (BDI) 18 fiubat 2015’te 509 seviye ile dibe vurdu. O zamandan bu yana iyileflme belirtileri gösterdiyse de ancak bir iki noktada 600’ün üstüne ç›kabildi. Piyasa flartlar› y›k›c› seyrediyor; ana ticaretler söz konusu oldu¤unda 2015’teki hacim büyümesi negatif. Bu durumda Çin’in kömür ithal etmemesi ön plana ç›k›yor ve kay›p hacimlerin baflka bir flekilde kapat›lmas› zor.
The (still) positive iron ore demand is overshadowed in significance as the negative coal market makes headlines. Dry bulk is under pressure on the commodity side and since the beginning of 2014 iron ore prices have slid. That development has made some of the mining companies alter their expansion plans of placing more iron ore on the market, when demand is obviously not as strong to uphold the former price level. From USD 140 per ton down to 42 in early April. Since then spot Australian Iron Ore FOB prices (Source: Commodore Research) has improved. By end-May, Australian iron ore (63% iron content) was priced at just above USD 60 per ton. This is very positive as it proves demand is there despite steel production growth being negative in China (-1.7%) as well as rest of the world (-1.9%) during Q1.
Negatif kömür piyasas› manfletlerden düflmezken, flimdilik pozitif olan demir cevheri talebinin önemi gölgede kal›yor. Emtia taraf›nda kuru yük bask› alt›nda ve demir cevheri fiyatlar› 2014’ün bafl›ndan beri iniflte. Talep daha önceki fiyat seviyesini koruyacak kadar güçlü olmad›¤›ndan, baz› madencilik flirketleri piyasaya daha fazla demir cevheri arz› do¤rultusundaki büyüme planlar›n› de¤ifltirdi. Fiyatlar ton bafl›na 140 dolardan Nisan 2015’te 42 dolara çak›ld›. O tarihten sonra Avustralya Demir Cevheri FOB de fiyatlar› iyileflme gösterdi (Commodore Research’e göre). May›s sonu itibar›yla Avustralya demir cevheri (%63 demir içeri¤i) ton bafl›na 60 dolar›n biraz üstünde fiyatland›. Bu, birinci çeyrekte Çin’de (%-1.7) oldu¤u gibi dünyan›n geri kalan›nda da (%-1.9) çelik üretimi art›fl›n›n negatif seyrine ra¤men talebin mevcut oldu¤unu kan›tlamas› aç›s›ndan çok olumlu karfl›land›.
In 2014, Chinese steel demand contracted for the first time since 1995. As the Chinese economy is now changing, so is its steel demand. The knock-on effect for the dry bulk market will depend on the extent to which imported ore takes market share from domestically mined ore as well as absolute level of steel production. Current forecasts for global iron ore demand growth in 2015 is positive, at 3%. (Source: SSY)
2014 y›l›nda Çin’in çelik talebi 1995’ten beri ilk kez daralm›flt›. Çin ekonomisi art›k kabuk de¤ifltirdi¤inden çelik talebi de de¤ifliyor. Kuru dökme yük piyasas› için zincirleme etki, ithal edilen cevherin yerelde ç›kar›lan demir cevherinden oldu¤u gibi mutlak çelik üretimi seviyesinden de alaca¤› pazar pay›na ba¤l› geliflecek. 2015’te küresel demir cevheri talep büyümesine iliflkin mevcut tahminler %3 oran›yla olumlu görünüyor (Kaynak: SSY).
The other significant commodity, coal, is doing really bad in China while improving in India. Total Chinese coal imports for the first four months in 2015 came in at 68 million tons (Source: Chinese customs). Down by 38% - same period last year. Both thermal and coking coal markets as well as lignite are suffering. The landed cost of coal into China at the end of May is not favoring imports despite very low freight rates.
Bir di¤er önemli emtia olan kömür Hindistan’da iyileflme gösterirken Çin’de gerçekten kötü gidiyor. 2015’in ilk dört ay› için Çin’in toplam kömür ithalat› 68 milyon ton olarak gerçekleflti (Kaynak: Çin gümrükleri). Bu geçen y›l›n ayn› dönemine göre %38 düflüfl demek. Linyitin yan› s›ra hem termik hem de kok kömürü piyasalar› s›k›nt›da. Çok düflük navlun ücretlerine ra¤men May›s 2015 sonunda kömürün Çin’de son teslim alma maliyeti ithalat lehine de¤il.
For thermal coal, SSY expects Chinese imports to contract by 30 million tons, while expectations for Indian imports is a plus at 20 million tons. Last year China imported a total of 291 million tons, distributed with 165 million tons of thermal coal, 62 million tons of coking coal and 64 million tons of lignite. These numbers include seaborne as well as land borne imports.
SSY, termik kömür aç›s›ndan Çin ithalat›n›n 30 milyon ton daralmas›n› beklerken, Hindistan ithalat›yla ilgili beklenti ise 20 milyon ton art›fl fleklinde. Geçen y›l Çin’in gerçeklefltirdi¤i toplam 291 milyon tonluk ithalat›n da¤›l›m› 165 milyon ton termik kömür, 62 milyon ton kok kömürü, 64 milyon ton linyit fleklindeydi. Deniz yoluyla tafl›nanlar›n yan› s›ra kara yoluyla ithalatlar da bu rakama dahil.
Since the turn of the year, the dry bulk fleet as a whole has only grown by 0.5% and since early February, the fleet has not grown at all. This has happened as the demolished volumes have matched the number for new buildings being delivered. The Capesize fleet is actually smaller today than compared to the
Y›lbafl›ndan bu yana toplam bazda kuru dökme yük filosu yaln›zca %0.5 büyüdü, fiubat bafl›ndan beri ise neredeyse hiç büyümedi. Bunun nedeni söküme giden gemilerin hacminin teslim edilen yeni infla say›s›na denk olmas›yd›. Bugün Capesize filosu Kas›m 2014 bafl›nda oldu¤undan küçük. Panamax ve Handysize dilimindeki ge-
liflme sabitken Handymax/Supramax dilimi ise beklendi¤i gibi büyüme gösterdi. 1 milyon DWT Handymax kapasitesi sökülmesine ra¤men 6 milyonluk kapasite teslim edildi ve bu da y›l bafl›ndan bu yana söz konusu alt-dilimde %2.9 arz büyümesine denk geliyor.
beginning of November. The development in Panamax and Handysize segment is flat, whereas the Handymax/Supramax segment has grown as we expected it to. In spite of 1 million DWT of Handymax capacity being demolished, 6 million has been delivered, equal to a growth in supply for that sub-segment of 2.9% for the year to date. For the year 2015, BIMCO expects supply growth to be at 3.8%. This is a downward revision of our estimation three months ago, and it rose out of our adjustment of demolition volumes expected for 2015. As the poor freight market bites harder at an extended time, BIMCO anticipates 30 million DWT to leave the fleet during 2015 and 17 million DWT to have been sold for demolition end of May. Owners have dug deep in the first five months of 2015 whilst continued devastating freight market keep demolition volumes high. An improved freight market is expected to cool demolition interests swiftly. Another positive development is found on the contracting side. 35 new orders have been placed at global shipyards so far this year (1.8 mill. DWT). 7 Panamaxes, 12 Handymaxes, 16 Handysizes and no Capesizes have been added to the order book,
BIMCO, 2015 y›l› için arz büyümesinin %3.8 seviyesinde olmas›n› bekliyor. Bu oran, üç ay önceki tahminlerin afla¤›ya do¤ru bir revizyonu olup 2015 için beklenen söküm hacimlerine iliflkin ayarlamadan do¤uyor. Zay›f navlun piyasas› uzun sürede daha büyük yara açt›¤›ndan BIMCO 2015 y›l› boyunca 30 milyon DWT’nin filodan ayr›lmas›n› bekliyor ki May›s 2015 itibar›yla 17 milyon DWT söküm için sat›ld›. Sürekli olarak y›k›c› durumdaki navlun piyasas› söküm hacimlerini yüksek tutarken armatörler 2015’in ilk befl ay›nda çok para harcad›. Düzelmifl bir navlun piyasas›n›n söküme hücumu h›zla yat›flt›rmas› bekleniyor. Bir di¤er olumlu geliflme ise sözleflme taraf›nda yer al›yor. Y›l›n bu tarihine kadar dünya genelindeki tersanelere 35 yeni siparifl verildi (1.8 milyon DWT). fiu anda ortak 142 milyon DWT kapasiteyle 1,750 gemide duran siparifl defterine yedi Panamax, 12 Handymax, 16 Handysize eklendi; Capesize siparifli yok. Bu durum, flafl›rt›c› bir biçimde 2013-2014 boyunca sözleflmesi yap›lan 1,981 gemiden kaynaklan›yor.
GÖRÜNÜM Birbirini izleyen iki y›l boyunca Çin ithalat› 30 milyon ton düfltü¤ünde Hindistan kömür ithalat›n›n 20 milyon ton artabilmesi ufak bir teselli. Çok olumsuz seyreden piyasa duyarl›l›¤›na karfl›n BIMCO üçüncü çeyre¤e ilerlerken hacmin artmas›n› bekliyor. Soya sezonu geçerken piyasaya giren tah›llar (bu¤day ve iri tane-
Coal Coal Iron ore Coking Thermal Kömür Kömür Demir Kok Termik cevheri 2013 2014 2015F
Source: BIMCO, SSY
-3% Grain Grain 4 Minor Wheat Coarse Bulks Tah›l Tah›l 4 Minör Bu¤day ‹ri tane Dökme 2015/2014 growht rate (RH-axis) büyüme oran› (sa¤ eksen)
which now stands at 1,750 ships with a combined capacity of 142 million DWT. This is to the shocking fact of 1,981 ships which were contracted during 2013-2014.
OUTLOOK It is a small consolation that Indian coal imports may go up by 20 million tons, when Chinese imports drop by 30 million tons for the second year running. Despite a very bad sentiment in the market, BIMCO expects volume to increase as we move into Q3. More Brazilian iron ore and grains (wheat and coarse) moving into the market as the soya season abates, should on an overall level, prohibit the market to go into reverse - if volumes contract. The momentous imbalance between supply and demand continues to worsen in spite of a noteworthy 10-year low supply growth rate. 160 million DWT of new orders placed in 2013/14 can only do harm when demolition activity fails to slash any records by a never-seen-before margin. As the demand growth for dry bulk seaborne transportation seems to weaken too, potentially even on a permanent basis as China changes gear, the industry must adapt to become profitable again. Wait-and-see strategies may turn out to take too long. If we are to believe that current utilisation levels are just around 70%, new orders should not just cool down for a while, they must be sensitively counterbalanced with demolition for a number of years, not just a few quarters.
4% 0
-20 -40
To be delivered p.a. Y›ll›k teslim edilecek
Demolition Söküm
Conversions Dönüfltürme
Growht rate p.a. // Y›ll›k büyüme oran›
Million DWT
Pencent // Yüzde
Million DWT
Growth rate p.a. Y›ll›k büyüme oran›
Source: BIMCO estimates on Clarksons raw data
A is actual. F is forecast. E is estimate which will change if new orders are placed. The supply growth for 2015-2017 contains existing orders only and is estimated under the assumptions that the scheduled deliveries fall short by 10% due to various reasons and 30% of the remaining vessels on order are delayed/postponed. A fiili. F öngörü. E yeni siparifl verilirse de¤iflecek olan tahmin. 2015-2017 arz büyümesi yaln›zca mevcut sipariflleri içeriyor; de¤erlendirme, planlanm›fl teslimatlar›n çeflitli nedenlerle beklenenden %10 daha az olaca¤› ve geri kalan gemi siparifllerinin %30’unun geciktirilece¤i/ertelenece¤i varsay›m›na göre yap›ld›.
li) ile daha fazla Brezilya demir cevherinin -hacimler daral›rsatoplamda piyasan›n tersine dönmesini engelleyece¤i öngörülüyor. Kayda de¤er 10 y›ll›k düflük arz büyümesi oran›na ra¤men arz ve talep aras›ndaki ciddi dengesizlik kötüleflmeye devam ediyor. Söküm faaliyeti daha önce hiç görülmemifl bir farkla düflüfl gösterdi¤inden 2013/14’te verilen 160 milyon DWT yeni siparifl yaln›zca zarar verebilir. Deniz yoluyla kuru dökme yük nakliyesi için talep art›fl› da zay›f göründü¤ünden, Çin vites de¤ifltirdikçe potansiyel olarak kal›c› temelde bile, sektör tekrar kârl› olmak için uyum sa¤lamak zorunda. Hem de çabucak çünkü bekle ve gör stratejileri çok uzun zaman al›yor. Mevcut kullan›m seviyelerinin %70 civar›nda oldu¤unu düflünürsek, yeni siparifllerin yaln›zca bir süreli¤ine yat›flmas› yeterli olmayacak. Bunlar›n yaln›zca birkaç çeyrek de¤il birkaç y›l boyunca sökümle hassas biçimde dengelenmesi gerekecek.
FOR THE COMING MONTHS June-August, BIMCO expects the market challenges to stick. The demand side is so weak right now, with China reducing coal import by 40% that it dwarfs most of the positive aspects of the market. On the upside we see owners limiting fleet growth by increasing demolition of obsolete tonnage. Whether this work on the supply side will prove to be effective enough to improve the fundamental balance only time will tell. &
BIMCO Haziran-A¤ustos 2015 aras›nda piyasa zorluklar›n›n devam etmesini bekliyor. Piyasan›n olumlu yanlar›n›n ço¤unu cüce b›rakarak kömür ithalat›n› %40 azaltan Çin’le birlikte flu anda talep yan› zay›f. Olumlu tarafta, armatörlerin kullan›lmayan tonaj›n sökümünü art›rarak filo büyümesini s›n›rland›rmalar› yer al›yor. Arz taraf›ndaki bu çal›flman›n temel dengeyi iyilefltirmeye yetecek kadar etkili olup olmayaca¤›n› ise zaman gösterecek. &
Source // Kaynak: BIMCO
The third most important maritime capital in the world, Oslo, attracted thousands of visitors for the international shipping week events due to the Nor-Shipping Exhibition on the first days of June. Close to 1,000 maritime exhibitors showed off the breadth and diversity of the shipping industry. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of exhibition the week was full of activities. Dünyan›n üçüncü en önemli denizcilik sermayesi kenti Oslo, Haziran›n ilk günlerindeki uluslararas› Nor-Shipping Fuar› nedeniyle düzenlenen denizcilik haftas› etkinlikleri için binlerce ziyaretçi çekti. 1,000’e yak›n kat›l›mc›, denizcilik sektörünün geniflli¤ini ve çeflitlili¤ini gösterdi. Fuar›n 50. Y›l›n› kutlayan hafta etkinliklerle doluydu. slo is the world’s third most important maritime capital after Singapore and Hamburg, according to a new report released recently. The Norwegian capital gained the top slot for maritime technology and is number two for maritime finance. Using a set of objective indicators based on publicly available data, as well as a survey among 200 industry experts in 33 countries, the report released by the Oslo-based analysis and advisory company Menon Business Economics, rates cities for their overall competitiveness and attractiveness to maritime companies.
Three years ago, the first report on maritime capitals also placed
ak›n zamanda yay›nlanan bir rapora göre Oslo, Singapur ve Hamburg’dan sonra dünyan›n üçüncü en önemli denizcilik sermayesi. Norveç sermayesi denizcilik teknolojisinde birinci s›ray› ald› ve denizcilik finansman›nda ise ikinci s›rada. Oslo merkezli analiz ve dan›flmanl›k flirketi Menon Business Economics taraf›ndan haz›rlanan rapor, halka aç›k veriye dayal› bir dizi nesnel göstergenin yan› s›ra 13 ülkede 200 sektör uzman› aras›nda bir araflt›rmadan yararlanarak denizcilik flirketleri için toplam çekicilikleri ve rekabet güçleri aç›s›ndan kentleri de¤erlendiriyor.
Üç y›l önce, denizcilik sermayeleri üzerine ilk rapor da Singapur’u birinci s›raya yerlefltirmiflti. ‹fl dostu politikalar› ve Avrupa ile As-
Singapore in first place. Its business friendly policies and strategic position on the trade route between Europe and Asia have helped it to keep this position. Hamburg came second, largely due to the importance of the city’s port to Europe. According to the report, Hamburg, Oslo, Rotterdam and London are “fighting to become the leading maritime city in Europe.” As report indicates the Norwegian capital only has a few leading technology companies, but the Norwegian maritime industry as a whole delivers some of the world’s leading equipment and services. As the world leader in maritime technology, Oslo also is home to the largest ship classification society in the world, DNV GL. One of the most important technology companies in the Norwegian cluster, it is also one of the world’s leading maritime R&D companies. The Norwegian shipowning community is spread out mainly along the west coast, but that Oslo, with its leading financial and advisory services, is a hub for the Norwegian maritime cluster. Norway is also the largest shipbuilder in Europe measured in value of vessels and has the world’s sixth most valuable fleet, as
ya aras› ticaret rotas› üzerindeki stratejik konumu, Singapur’un bu pozisyonu korumas›na yard›mc› oldu. Büyük ölçüde kentin Avrupa’ya liman› nedeniyle Hamburg ikinci oldu. Rapora göre, Hamburg, Oslo, Rotterdam ve Londra “Avrupa’n›n lider denizcilik flehri olmak için yar›fl›yor”. Raporun de¤erlendirmesine göre, Norveç sermayesinin yaln›zca az say›da öncü teknoloji flirketi var ama dünyan›n en önemli donan›m ve hizmetlerinden baz›lar›n› bütün olarak Norveç denizcilik sektörü sunuyor. Oslo denizcilik teknolojisinde dünya lideri olman›n yan› s›ra dünyadaki en önemli s›n›fland›rma kuruluflu DNV GL’nin de merkezi. Norveç kümesinin bu en önemli teknoloji kuruluflu ayn› zamanda denizcilik ar-ge firmalar› aras›nda da dünya liderlerinden biri. Norveç armatörlük toplulu¤u esas olarak bat› k›y›s›na yay›lm›fl durumda ama baflta gelen finans ve dan›flmanl›k hizmetleriyle Oslo, Norveç denizcilik kümesi için bir merkez. Gemilerin de¤eri aç›s›ndan ölçüldü¤ünde Norveç ayn› zamanda Avrupa’daki en büyük gemi yap›mc›s› ve dünyan›n alt›nc› en de¤erli filosunun yan› s›ra dünyan›n en büyük siparifl defterlerinden bi-
well as having one of the world’s largest orderbooks. Oslo is also home to the world’s two leading shipping banks and has a maritime focused stock exchange and worldclass brokering services.
NOR-SHIPPING EXHIBITION IN FULL SWING All of these features make Oslo an attractive location and NorShipping a leading maritime event week. Norway is proud to provide an arena that helps position the industry for the future for 50 years. Spread over six halls and featuring 50 exhibiting countries, as well as 19 national pavilions, some 1,000 maritime companies presented their products and services in diversity of the shipping industry. Most companies renewed contact with existing customers as well as met new ones.
rine de sahip. Ayr›ca dünyan›n iki önde gelen denizcilik bankas›n› bar›nd›r›yor ve borsa ile birinci s›n›f brokerlik hizmetlerine odakl› bir denizcilik sektörü var.
Tüm bu özellikler Oslo’yu çekici bir lokasyon ve Nor-Shipping’i de öne ç›kan bir denizcilik etkinlik haftas› yap›yor. Norveç 50 y›ld›r gelecek için sektörü konumland›rmaya yard›mc› olan bir arena sa¤lamaktan gurur duyuyor. Alt› salona yay›lan ve 50 kat›l›mc› ülkenin yan› s›ra 19 ulusal pavyonu kapsayan yaklafl›k 1,000 flirket, denizcilik sektörünün çeflitli ürünlerini ve hizmetlerini sundu. fiirketlerin ço¤u yeni müflterilerle tan›flman›n yan› s›ra eskileriyle de iliflkilerini güçlendirdiler.
“We have established an event with a brand and total concept that has proved its value to the maritime community as shown by its success in spite of a difficult market,” says Nor-Shipping Director Vidar Pederstad.
Fuar salonlar› IT ve navigasyon, emniyet ve kurtarma, gemi infla ve onar›m, sevk gücü ve makineler, denizcilik hizmetleri ve lojistik temal›yd›; etkinliklere kat›lan ziyaretçi ve delege say›s› geçen y›ldan fazlayd›.
Nor-Shipping 2015 expanded to include a number of forwardthinking initiatives such as; Ocean Industry Podium, an arena for those who work in maritime technology, finance, insurance and law; Brazil@Nor-Shipping, a program of activities to further the connection between the Norwegian and Brazilian business communities; Maritime Women seminar, the Waves of Change conference. Together with the exhibition and the established conferences and programs, these new initiatives ensured that NorShipping 2015 reached new heights in its 50th anniversary year.
The Exhibition was themed in halls for IT & Navigation, Safety & Rescue, Shipbuilding & Repair, Propulsion & Machinery and Maritime Services & Logistics, and had more visitors and delegates for activities than last year.
WINNERS OF NOR-SHIPPING AWARDS The awards recognizing achievements in three areas, energy efficiency, innovative ship design and young entrepreneurship, were presented by His Majesty King Harald V of Norway. The Energy Efficiency Award went to Harvest Frost, the first of three vessels designed to serve primarily for grain carriage as part of ADM Logistics’ growing fleet. This 95,000 dwt bulk carrier was designed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), built by Oshima Shipbuilding and delivered to Archer Daniels Midland USA on October 29, 2014. MHI provided most of its innovative features, including the conceptual design, various green technologies and the Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System. The vessel also features a new bow shape designed to reduce wave-making resistance. The Next Generation Ship Award was presented to Ulstein X-
Nor-Shipping Müdürü Vidar Pederstad “Zor bir piyasaya ra¤men elde edilen baflar›n›n da gösterdi¤i gibi, de¤erini denizcilik toplulu¤una kan›tlam›fl olan yeni ve bütünsel konseptle bir etkinlik oluflturduk” dedi. Nor-Shipping 2015, bir dizi ileri düflünceli giriflimi içerecek biçimde geniflletilmiflti. Örne¤in denizcilik teknolojisi, finansman›, sigortas› ve kanunu alan›nda çal›flanlar için bir arena olan Ocean Industry Podium; Norveç ve Brezilya ifl topluluklar› aras›ndaki ba¤› gelifltirmek için etkinlikler program› Brazil@Nor-Shipping; Denizci Kad›nlar semineri, De¤iflim Dalgalar› Konferans› gibi... Yerleflik konferanslar ve programlarla birlikte bu yeni giriflimler, 50. y›l›nda Nor-Shipping 2015’in yeni zirvelere eriflmesini sa¤lad›.
NOR-SHIPPING ÖDÜLLER‹N‹N SAH‹PLER‹ Enerji verimlili¤i, yenilikçi gemi tasar›m› ve genç giriflimcilik olmak üzere üç alandaki baflar›lar› takdir eden ödüller Norveç Kral› V. Harald taraf›ndan verildi. Enerji Verimlili¤i Ödülü ADM Logistic’in büyüyen filosunun bir parças› olarak öncelikle tah›l tafl›mas› için tasarlanm›fl olan üç geminin ilkine, Harvest Frost’a gitti. Bu 95,000 DWT’lik kuru yük gemisi Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) taraf›ndan tasarland›, Oshima Tersanesi taraf›ndan infla edildi ve 29 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Archer Daniels Midland USA’ya teslim edildi. Kavramsal tasar›m, de¤erli yeflil tekno-
lojiler ve Mitsubishi Hava Ya¤lama Sistemi de dahil olmak üzere yenilikçi sistemlerin ço¤unu MHI sa¤lad›. Gemi ayr›ca dalga oluflturma direncini azaltmay› amaçlayan yeni bir bafl tasar›m› içeriyor.
STERN, Ulstein Group’s new design feature that reduces acceleration, pitch and heave, improves comfort and safety, and widens the operational window. It has already been commissioned for an SX175 offshore wind service vessel to be built at Ulstein Verft in Norway for German owners Bernhard Schulte/WINDEA Offshore. The Young Entrepreneur Award went to Boyan Slat, founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup (The Netherlands), who combines technology and entrepreneurship to tackle global issues of sustainability. He devised a system with an array of floating barriers that catch and concentrate ocean debris to enable a platform to efficiently extract plastic afterwards. In 2014, the concept turned out to be a technically feasible and financially viable method to clean up half the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 10 years' time. Raising $2.2 million through crowdfunding, the organization was able to enter the pilot phase of the project. The system will be first deployed in 2016, with waters between the Japanese mainland and the Korean Peninsula proposed as the location.
A VERY IMPORTANT MARKET Chairman of Ship and Yacht Exporters Association, Baflaran Bayrak: “As the association, we attach great importance to Nor-Shipping Fair since 25% of our total figurative export is with Norway. Being the most active country of the Europe in terms of new building, Norway gives order to Poland, Leetonia, Estonia, Lithuania and, Romania and Ukraine of the Black Sea besides Turkey. Furthermore, there is the chance of accessing to countries like Iceland, Faroe Islands, Scotland, Shetland and even to England from here. Ships are being exported even to Chili and Peru. Therefore, for us it is a market that is very important and open to improvement. At the moment, 40 Turkish companies are exhibiting their products and services in this fair 33 of which is directly and the rest through their representatives. If we consider that we have around 400 members as the association, a larger number of companies can find market here. We closed the previous year with an export capacity of 1.3 billion USD. We anticipate reaching similar numbers despite various adverse political developments. Norway, Russia and Middle East are the regions that we attach great importance to in terms of making exportation. We are the largest ship manufacturer of the Mediterranean in numbers and it is possible for us to raise our export capacity to higher levels if we can improve our product range a little more and increase the number of turn-key products. We consider the Norway as a gateway.” &
Gelecek Kuflak Gemi Ödülü, Ulstein Grubu’nun ivmelenmeyi, bafl-k›ç vurmas›n› ve afla¤›-yukar› hareketi azaltan, konfor ve emniyeti gelifltiren ve iflletme penceresini geniflleten yeni tasar›m özelli¤i olan Ulstein X-STERN’e verildi. Bu tasar›m Alman donatanlar Bernhard Schulte/Windea Offshore için Norveç’te Ulstein Verft’te infla edilecek olan bir SX175 aç›k deniz rüzgar enerjisi hizmet gemisi için daha önceden siparifl edildi. Genç Giriflimci Ödülü, sürdürülebilirlik küresel sorunuyla bafla ç›kmak için teknoloji ve giriflimcili¤i birlefltiren The Ocean Baflaran Bayrak Cleanup’›n (Hollanda) kurucusu ve CEO’su Boyan Slat’a gitti. Slat, bir platformun sonradan plasti¤i etkin biçimde çekip almas›n› sa¤lamak üzere okyanus döküntüsünü yakalayan ve biriktiren bir dizi yüzen bariyere sahip bir sistem gelifltirdi. 2014 y›l›nda bu kavram›n 10 y›ll›k süre içinde Büyük Okyanus “Çöp Alan›”n›n yar›s›n› temizlemek için teknik anlamda yap›labilir ve finansal anlamda uygulanabilir bir yöntem oldu¤u anlafl›ld›. Kitle fonlamas›yla 2.2 milyon dolar kaynak toplayan organizasyon projenin pilot aflamas›na girdi. Sistem önce 2016 y›l›nda, önerilen konum olarak Japon anakaras› ve Kore yar›madas› aras›ndaki sularda kullan›lacak.
ÇOK ÖNEML‹ B‹R PAZAR Gemi ve Yat ‹hracatç›lar› Birli¤i Baflkan› Baflaran Bayrak: “Birlik olarak Nor-Shipping Fuar›na çok önem veriyoruz çünkü rakamsal anlamda ihracat›m›z›n yüzde 25’ini Norveç’e yap›yoruz. Avrupa’n›n yeni gemi inflada en aktif ülkesi olarak Norveç, Türkiye’nin yan› s›ra Polonya, Letonya, Estonya, Litvanya ile Karadeniz’de Romanya ve Ukrayna gibi ülkelerde ürün yapt›r›yor. Ayr›ca buradan ‹zlanda, Faroe Adalar›, ‹skoçya, Shetland ve hatta ‹ngiltere gibi ülkelere de ulaflma imkan› var. Ayr›ca buralardan fiili ve Peru’ya bile gemi ihraç ediliyor. Dolay›s›yla bizim aç›m›zdan geliflmeye aç›k ve çok önemli bir pazar. fiu anda 33’ü do¤rudan, di¤erleri temsilcileri kanal›yla olmak üzere yaklafl›k 40 Türk firmas› bu fuarda ürün ve hizmetlerini sergiliyor. Birlik olarak 400 dolay›nda üyemiz oldu¤unu düflünürsek çok daha fazla flirket burada pazar bulabilir. Geçen y›l› 1.3 milyar dolar ihracat ile kapatt›k. Çeflitli olumsuz siyasi geliflmelere ra¤men bu y›l da benzer rakamlara ulaflaca¤›m›z› öngörüyoruz. Norveç, Rusya ve Ortado¤u ihracat yapabilece¤imiz çok önemsedi¤imiz bölgeler. Say›sal anlamda Akdeniz’in en büyük gemi üreticisi durumunday›z ve ürün gam›m›z› biraz daha gelifltirebilirsek, anahtar teslimi ürün say›s›n› art›rabilirsek ihracat rakamlar›m›z› çok yukar›lara çekebiliriz. Norveç’i de bir girifl kap›s› olarak görüyoruz.” & MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
Moody’s Japan K.K. says the outlook for the global shipping industry over the next 12-18 months is stable. Moody’s Japonya, önümüzdeki 12-18 ay boyunca küresel denizcilik sektörünün görünümünün istikrarl› oldu¤unu söylüyor. oody’s-rated shipping companies should report aggregate year-over-year EBITDA growth of around 5%-7% over the next 12 to 18 months. Our expectation indicates a stable outlook for the industry over the same period,” says Mariko Semetko, a Moody’s Vice President and Senior Analyst. “
“Despite weak freight rates, EBITDA growth will be supported by continued operating efficiencies and cost reductions; the latter we expect will be driven largely by low fuel prices,” adds Semetko. The analysis is contained in its just-released report titled “Shipping - Global: Stable Outlook Reflects Modest EBITDA Growth as Costs Decline,” and is authored by Semetko. The report points out that fuel accounts for a large portion of shipping company expenses and is therefore a key driver of earnings. For example, fuel accounts for about a quarter of the shipping expenses for Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. The report says bunker prices should stay low in 2015 and rise only modestly in 2016, given the ongoing weakness in crude oil prices and the correlation between crude and bunker prices. The price of bunker fuel fell to about $395 per metric tonne as of 11 May from $595 per metric tonne a year ago and the peak of nearly $740 per metric tonne in March 2012. The report also says that while all four main shipping segments (dry bulk, crude oil tankers, product tankers and containers) carry stable outlooks, not all four will exhibit equal levels of supply-demand imbalance. Moody’s is more positive about the outlook for the tanker segment and least positive about the outlook for the dry bulk segment. It is explained that demand will slightly outpace supply in the tanker segment, because historically low prices have boosted
oody’s Baflkan Yard›mc›s› ve Uzman Analisti Mariko Semetro “Moody’s taraf›ndan derecelendirilen gemicilik flirketleri önümüzdeki 12-18 ayda, y›ll›k toplam %5-%7 civar›nda Faiz, Vergi ve Amortisman Öncesi Kâr (FVAÖK/EBITDA) büyümesi bildirecek. Bizim beklentimiz ayn› dönemde sektör için istikrarl› bir görünüm öngörüyor” dedi. Semetco aç›klamas›na “Zay›f navlun fiyatlar›na ra¤men FVAÖK büyümesi, iflletmelerin verimlilikleri ve maliyet indirimleri taraf›ndan desteklenecek. Maliyetteki azalman›n büyük ölçüde düflük yak›t fiyatlar›yla sa¤lanaca¤›n› umuyoruz” diye devam etti. Bu sat›rlar›n yer ald›¤› Moody’s Japonya’n›n analizi, yeni yay›nlanan “Denizcilik-Küresel: ‹stikrarl› Görünüm, Maliyet Düflüflü Olarak Il›ml› FVAÖK Büyümesini Yans›t›yor” bafll›kl› raporda yer al›yor ve yazar› da Semetko.
Rapor, gemicilik flirketlerinin giderlerinin önemli bölümünü yak›t›n oluflturdu¤unu ve bu nedenle kazançlar için temel etkenin yak›t oldu¤unu vurguluyor. Örne¤in, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines ve Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha için yak›t giderleri, gemicilik harcamalar›n›n yaklafl›k dörtte birini oluflturuyor. Semetko’nun raporunda, ham petrol fiyatlar›nda sürmekte olan zay›fl›k ve ham petrol ve gemi yak›t› fiyatlar› aras›ndaki karfl›l›kl› iliflki nedeniyle gemi yak›tlar›n›n 2015 y›l›nda düflük kalaca¤›n› ve 2016’da yaln›zca hafif bir biçimde artaca¤› da öngörülüyor. Gemi yak›t› fiyat› bir y›l önceki metrik ton bafl›na 595 dolar ve Mart 2012’deki metrik ton bafl›na yaklafl›k 740 dolar zirvesinden 11 Mart 2015 itibar›yla 395 dolara düfltü. Rapor ayr›ca dört ana gemicilik segmenti (kuru dökme yük gemileri, ham petrol tankerleri, ürün tankerleri ve konteynerler) istikrarl› görünümlerini sürdürürken dördünün birden eflit arz-talep dengesizli¤i seviyeleri göstermeyece¤ini de belirtiyor. Moody’s tanker segmenti görünümüne daha olumlu ve kuru dökme yük segmentine ise daha az olumlu bak›yor.
demand for tankers to be used as storage for oil. Stockpiling oil for strategic reserves and oil-trading companies storing oil in tankers have caused freight rates to rise, and it is expected that tankers will see earnings growth in 2015 including for this reason. By contrast, the supply growth for dry bulk ships will exceed demand growth in 2015-16, because of weaker macroeconomic conditions particularly in China. The oversupply situation will keep freight rates low over the next 12-18 months and constrain revenue and EBITDA growth for the dry bulk segment. The report concludes by saying that downside risks for the industry as a whole remain high. Moody’s would consider changing the outlook for the industry back to negative if there are signs that shipping supply growth will exceed demand growth by more than 2%, or that aggregate EBITDA will fall by more than 5% year-over-year.
Tarihsel olarak düflük fiyatlar tankerlerin petrol depolamada kullan›lmas› talebini yükseltti¤inden tanker segmentinde talebin arz› biraz geride b›rakaca¤› da belirtiliyor. Stratejik rezervler için petrol stoklama ve petrol ticareti flirketlerinin tankerlerde petrol depolamas›, navlun fiyatlar›n›n yükselmesine yol açt› ve bu nedenle 2015 y›l›nda tanker gelirlerinde art›fl görülmesi bekleniyor. Bu durumun tersine, baflta Çin’de olmak üzere zay›f makro ekonomik flartlar nedeniyle 2015-16’da kuru dökme yük gemileri için arz art›fl› talep art›fl›n› geride b›rakacak. Arz fazlal›¤› navlun fiyatlar›n› önümüzdeki 12-18 ay boyunca düflük tutacak ve kuru dökme yük segmenti için gelir ve FVAÖK büyümesini k›s›tlayacak.
On the other hand, Moody’s would consider changing the outlook for the industry to positive if the oversupply situation for vessels improves materially and aggregate year-over-year EBITDA growth appears likely to exceed 10%.
Raporun kapan›fl bölümünde bütün olarak sektör için afla¤› yönlü risklerin yüksek kald›¤›n›n alt› çiziliyor. Moody’s, gemicilik arz büyümesinin talep büyümesini %2’den fazla geçmesi ya da toplam FVAÖK’n›n y›ldan y›la %5’ten fazla düflmesi halinde sektör için görünümü yine olumsuza çevirmeyi ele alacak. Öte yandan gemiler için arz fazlal›¤› durumunun önemli ölçüde düzelmesi ve toplam y›ldan y›la FVAÖK art›fl›n›n %10’u geçecek gibi görünmesi durumunda ise Moody’s sektör için görünümü olumluya çevirmeyi masaya koyacak.
• Outlooks are stable for the four main shipping segments, but
• Dört ana gemicilik segmenti için görünümler istikrarl› ama
not all segments will fare equally. While the differences in the supply-demand imbalances for each segment are not material enough to differentiate the outlooks of each shipping segment, we are more concerned about the dry bulk segment and more optimistic on the tankers.
tüm segmentler eflit ölçüde yararlanmayacak. Her segment için arz-talep dengesizliklerindeki farklar, her segmentin görünümlerini farkl›laflt›rmak için fazla önemli de¤ilken, kuru dökme yük segmenti için daha kayg›l› ve tankerlerle ilgili olarak daha iyimseriz. MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
Crude Oil Tankers Ham Petrol Tankerleri (million DWT)
Product Tankers Ürün Tankerleri (million DWT)
Containers Konteyner (thousand TEU)
Scrapping // Hurdaya ç›karma
Expected increase in supply // Arzda beklenen art›fl
Expected increase in demand // Talepte beklenen art›fl
Supply-demand gap // Arz-Talep dengesi
Stable // ‹stikrarl›
2015 Fleet as of 31 December 2014 // 31 Aral›k 2014 itibar›yla filo Newbuildings to be delivered in 2015 // 2015’te teslim edilecek yeni inflalar
Cancellation/postponement (% of deliveries) // ‹ptal/Erteleme (teslimatlar›n yüzdesi)
Outlook // Görünüm
Sources: Drewry Maritime Research and Moody’s Investors Service estimates
• Freight rates are near historic lows for dry bulk. We expect the supply growth for dry bulk ships to exceed demand growth in 2015-16 because demand will be modest as a result of weaker macroeconomic conditions, particularly in China. In addition, there is still a substantial vessel-delivery schedule. This oversupply will keep freight rates low during the coming 12-18 months and constrain dry bulk shipping companies' revenue and EBITDA growth.
• Container ships will benefit temporarily from lower bunker price, but oversupply will keep freight rates low. Deliveries of very large vessels will cause supply to remain higher than demand in the container ship segment and subsequently keep freight rates low. The segment nonetheless will benefit the most from the low bunker fuel prices because container operators pay all voyage costs including fuel, and fuel represents around 20%-25% of container ships' total operating costs. Given the highly competitive nature of this segment, we expect that companies will have to pass on most of the cost savings from bunker to their customers and retain only on average 20%-30% of the cost savings in 2015.
• Demand will outpace supply slightly in the tanker segments. The historically low oil prices have boosted demand for tankers to be used as storage for oil. Stockpiling oil for strategic reserves and oil trading companies storing oil in tankers have caused freight rate to increase, and we expect tankers will see earnings growth this year. However, we do not expect the segment’s EBITDA or demand growth to be material enough to change the segment’s outlook to positive or to last beyond our 12-18 month outlook horizon, given our assumption for moderate oil price increases. &
• Kuru dökme yük sektörü için navlun bedelleri tarihsel düflüklük
seviyelerinde. Baflta Çin’de olmak üzere zay›f makroekonomik koflullar›n bir sonucu olarak talep ›l›ml› seyredece¤inden 201516’da kuru dökme yük gemileri için arz büyümesinin talep büyümesini geride b›rakmas›n› bekliyoruz. Buna ek olarak hâlâ ciddi bir gemi-teslimi çizelgesi mevcut. Bu arz fazlal›¤› durumu navlun ücretlerini önümüzdeki 12-18 ay boyunca düflük tutacak ve kuru dökme yük gemicilik flirketlerinin gelir ve FVAÖK büyümesini k›s›tlayacakt›r.
• Konteyner gemileri düflük yak›t fiyat›ndan geçici olarak yararla-
nacak ama arz fazlal›¤› navlun ücretlerini düflük tutacak. Çok büyük gemilerin teslimat›, konteyner gemisi segmentinde arz›n talepten daha yüksek kalmas›na yol açacak ve ard›ndan da navlun fiyatlar›n› düflük tutacak. Bununla birlikte konteyner iflletmecileri tüm seyir giderlerini yak›t dâhil olarak ödedi¤inden ve yak›t da konteyner gemilerinin toplam iflletme maliyetinin yaklafl›k %20-25’ini oluflturdu¤undan segment en çok düflük gemi yak›t› fiyatlar›ndan faydalanacak. Bu sektörün fazlas›yla rekabetçi do¤as› dikkate al›nd›¤›nda, flirketlerin yak›ttan sa¤lad›klar› tasarrufun önemli bölümünü müflterilerine aktaracaklar›n› ve 2015 y›l›nda maliyet tasarruflar›n›n yaln›zca ortalama %2030’unu ellerinde tutacaklar›n› düflünüyoruz.
• Tanker segmentlerinde talep, arz› hafifçe geçecek. Tarihsel ola-
rak düflük petrol fiyatlar› tankerlerin petrol deposu olarak kullan›lmas› talebini yükseltti. Stratejik rezervler için petrol stoklanmas› ve petrol ticareti yapan flirketlerin tankerlerde petrol depolamas› navlun fiyatlar›n›n yükselmesine yol açt› ve bu nedenle bu y›l tankerlerin gelirlerinde art›fl görülmesi bekleniyor. Ancak ›l›ml› petrol fiyat› art›fl› tahminlerimiz dikkate al›nd›¤›nda segmentteki FVAÖK ya da talep büyümesinin bu segmentin görünümünü olumluya çevirmeye ya da 12-18 ayl›k görünüm ufkumuzun ötesinde devam etmeye yetecek kadar önemli olaca¤›n› beklemiyoruz. &
KRED‹ AÇI⁄INA D‹KKAT Countries in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) are facing mixed economic fortunes, according to a new IMF report on the region. In addition to the legacies of the crisis, external forces are at play: the oil price, the strength of the euro area recovery, and geopolitical tensions. Uluslararas› Para Fonu’nun (IMF) bölgeyle ilgili son raporuna göre Orta, Do¤u ve Güneydo¤u Avrupa Ülkeleri (CESEE) kar›fl›k ekonomik kaderlerle yüz yüze. Krizlerin miraslar›na ek olarak “d›fl güçler” de devrede: Petrol fiyat›, avro bölgesi canlanmas›n›n gücü ve jeopolitik gerilimler. olicies should aim to support the recovery and address excessive private sector debt, the report says. Some countries need urgent progress on the structural reform agenda to escape the debt trap and sub-par medium-term growth.
The region’s countries have been diverging down three paths. Baltic countries, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and Turkey are faring best, thanks to cheaper oil and a stronger euro area recovery. Southeastern Europe (SEE) is getting a smaller boost from these factors, due to lingering structural weaknesses and private sector debt. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) economies are expected to contract this year, with Russia affected by falling oil prices and sanctions and Ukraine in the midst of geopolitical tensions and macroeconomic adjustment.
MF’nin yay›nlad›¤› son rapora göre, ülkelerin ekonomi politikalar› canlanmay› desteklemeyi amaçlamal› ve çok yüksek olan özel sektör borcunun üzerinde durmal›. Borç tuza¤› ve ortalaman›n alt›nda seyreden orta vadeli büyümeden kaçmak için baz› ülkelerin yap›sal reform ajandas›nda acil ilerleme kaydetmesi gerekiyor.
Bölge ülkeleri üç flekilde birbirinden ayr›l›yor: Daha düflük petrol fiyat› ve daha güçlü avro alan› canlanmas› sayesinde Balt›k ülkeleri, Orta ve Do¤u Avrupa (CEE) ve Türkiye durumun üstesinden en iyi flekilde gelen ülkeler. Çok yavafl düzelen yap›sal zay›fl›k ve özel sektör borcu nedeniyle Güneydo¤u Avrupa (SEE) bu etmenlerden daha az destek alabiliyor. Ba¤›ms›z Devletler Toplulu¤u (CIS) ekonomilerinin bu y›l, düflen petrol fiyatlar› ve yapt›r›mlardan ve de jeopolitik gerilimlerin makroekonomik uyumun ortas›nda olan Ukrayna’dan etkilenen Rusya ile anlaflma yapmas› bekleniyor.
A number of risk factors going both ways could come into play in the near future. There is a possibility of financial market volatility, for example as the US Fed begins to normalize its monetary policy. This could raise the cost of borrowing and reduce investment in the region. Any intensification of geopolitical tensions related to Ukraine or a prolonged period of turbulence in Greece could also weigh on the region’s prospects. On the upside, growth in the euro area could exceed expectations on the back of the ECB’s monetary policy and lower oil prices.
Yak›n gelecekte her iki yöne de ilerleyen bir dizi risk faktörü devreye girebilir. Örne¤in, ABD Merkez Bankas› (FED) para politikas›n› normallefltirdikçe finansal pazar uçuculu¤u riski olas› hale geliyor. Bu durum borçlanma maliyetini yükseltebilir ve bölgedeki yat›r›mlar› azaltabilir. Ukrayna’yla ilgili jeopolitik gerilimlerin fliddetlenmesi ya da Yunanistan’da süresi uzayan bir çalkant› dönemi de bölgenin gelecekteki beklentilerine bask› yapabilir. Olumlu tarafta, avro bölgesindeki büyüme beklentileri Avrupa Merkez Bankas› parasal politikas›n›n ard›ndan beklentileri aflabilir ve petrol fiyatlar›n› düflürebilir.
Much of the CESEE region still lacks investment. In the second half of 2014, investment only made a positive contribution to growth in Central and Eastern Europe. Uncertainties about the
CESEE bölgesinin önemli bölümü hâlâ yat›r›mdan yoksun. Yat›r›m yaln›zca 2014’ün ikinci yar›s›nda Orta ve Do¤u Avrupa’daki büyümeye olumlu katk›da bulundu. Dünya genelindeki ve avro böl-
strength of global and euro area recovery and geopolitical tensions are only partly to blame. The burden of debt in the private sector is another factor.
gesindeki canlanman›n gücüne dair belirsizlikler ve jeopolitik gerilimler ancak k›smen suçlanabilir.
Since the global financial crisis, most countries in the region have significantly reduced investment and increased savings. However private debt-to-GDP ratios have declined only in a few countries. This reflects a combination of deep recessions, low inflation, and the impact of currency devaluations on debt burdens. CEE countries have seen less of a boom-and-bust cycle and hence, faced less of a deleveraging challenge than elsewhere in the region. While Baltic countries have made progress in reducing private debt and bad loans, a number of SEE countries need further adjustment.
Özel sektörün üstündeki borç yükü ise bir di¤er etmen. Küresel krizden bu yana bölgedeki ülkelerin ço¤u yat›r›mlar› önemli ölçüde azaltt› ve tasarruflar› art›rd›. Ancak özel sektörün borcunun GSY‹H’ye oran› yaln›zca birkaç ülkede düfltü. Bu durum, derin durgunluk, düflük enflasyon ve devalüasyonlar›n borç yükleri üzerindeki etkisinin bir kar›fl›m›n› yans›t›r. CEE ülkeleri, bölgenin di¤er bütün ülkelerinden daha az ölçüde bir ani yükselifl ve düflüfl döngüsü gördü ve dolay›s›yla daha az ölçüde bir borç oranlar›n›n düflürülmesi sorunuyla karfl›laflt›. Balt›k ülkeleri özel borçlar› ve bat›k kredileri azaltmada ilerleme kaydederken baz› SEE ülkeleri ise daha fazla düzenleme ihtiyac› içinde.
While deleveraging is necessary, it tends to last longer and imply larger output losses if the debt problem is deeply-rooted, if macroeconomic policies are not sufficiently supportive, and if institutional frameworks are less flexible. The strength of the financial sector and external environment also matters. Baltic countries adjusted faster than SEE countries thanks to their more flexible institutions and their stronger links to countries less affected by the crisis.
Borç oranlar›n›n düflürülmesi gerekliyse de borç sorununun derinlere kök salmas›, makroekonomik politikalar›n yeterince destekleyici olmamas› ve kurumsal çerçevelerin daha az esnek olmas› durumunda, daha uzun süre devam etme ve daha büyük ç›kt› zararlar›na iflaret etme e¤ilimi söz konusudur. Finansman sektörünün ve d›fl çevrenin gücü de tabii ki önemlidir. Daha esnek kurumlar› ve krizden daha az etkilenen ülkelerle daha güçlü ba¤lar› sayesinde Balt›k ülkeleri SEE ülkelerinden daha h›zl› uyum sa¤lad›.
A positive “credit gap” exists when private debt is high, compared to a country’s fundamentals - its GDP and nominal interest rates. Post-crisis deleveraging efforts have not managed to close the gap in many countries. At the end of 2013, credit gaps were still wide in several SEE countries, Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey. Firms in these countries are also typically more exposed to liquidity or solvency risks.
Bir ülkenin ekonomik temellerine -GSY‹H ve nominal faiz oranlar›- k›yasla özel borç yüksek oldu¤unda pozitif bir “kredi a盤›” söz konusudur. Kriz sonras› borç oranlar›n› düflürme çabas› pek çok ülkede bu a盤› kapatmakta baflar›l› olamad›. 2013 sonunda pek çok SEE ülkesinde, Ukrayna, Rusya ve Türkiye’de kredi aç›klar› hâlâ çok geniflti. Bu ülkelerdeki flirketler de likidite ya da ödeme gücü risklerine zaten genelde daha aç›k.
Projections of the credit gap into the medium-term suggest that the debt burden will remain a drag on credit and growth in some countries, unless decisive action is taken. This is particularly true for Bulgaria, Croatia, and Ukraine.
Kredi aç›klar›n›n orta vade projeksiyonlar›, kararl› bir ad›m at›lmad›kça borç yükünün kredi ve baz› ülkelerdeki büyüme üzerinde bir s›k›nt› olarak kalaca¤›n› düflündürüyor. Bu durum özellikle Bulgaristan, H›rvatistan ve Ukrayna için geçerli.
Countries need policies that will support domestic demand and to help resolve excessive debt. This will open the door to better levels of investment and a robust recovery. Supportive macroeconomic policies are essential in countries where debt weighs on demand. While many CESEE countries need to cut their fiscal deficits, measures should be correctly dosed to avoid derailing the recovery. Monetary policy should remain accommodative in countries facing deflationary risks.
Ülkelerin iç talebi destekleyecek ve afl›r› borcu gidermeye yard›mc› olacak politikalara ihtiyac› var. Böylece daha iyi yat›r›m düzeyleri ve daha sa¤lam canlanman›n yolu aç›lacak. Borcun talep üzerine bask› yapt›¤› ülkelerde destekleyici makroekonomi politikalar› flart. Pek çok CESEE ülkesinin mali aç›klar›n› azaltmas› gerekirken canlanmay› raydan ç›karmaktan kaç›nmak için dozu do¤ru ayarlanm›fl önlemler de al›nmas› gerekiyor. Deflasyonist risklerle yüz yüze olan ülkelerde para politikas›n›n uyarlanabilir kalmas› flart› var.
Structural and institutional reforms are essential to raise growth potential, especially for countries with a private sector weighed down by debt. Flexibility in labor market rules (for example, lower hiring and firing costs) can be critical. Companies that are paralyzed by excessive debt sometimes need to shed jobs to avoid deeper cuts in investment that might undermine their future viability. Companies also need more help to resolve unmanageable debts, since banks often lack the capacity or incentives to deal with bad loans on their books.
Özellikle borç yükü alt›nda bir özel sektöre sahip ülkeler söz konusu oldu¤unda büyüme potansiyelini art›rmak için yap›sal ve kurumsal reformlar gerekiyor. Emek piyasas› kurallar›nda esneklik (örne¤in daha düflük ifle alma ve iflten ç›karma maliyetleri) önemli olabilir. Gelecekteki mali kapasitelerinin alt›n› oyacak olan daha derin yat›r›m kesintilerinden kaç›nmak için bazen afl›r› borç yüküyle paralize olan flirketlerin iflleri da¤›tmas› gerekiyor. Bankalar s›kl›kla kay›tlar›ndaki bat›k borçlarla bafla ç›kma yetene¤i ya da güdüsünden yoksun olduklar›ndan flirketlerin yönetilemez borçlar› çözme konusunda da daha fazla yard›ma ihtiyaçlar› var.
Finally, many SEE and CIS countries also face an extensive unfinished structural reform agenda to improve the investment environment, raise productivity and reduce long-term unemployment. &
Son olarak, pek çok SEE ve CIS ülkesinin de yat›r›m çevresini iyilefltirmek, verimlili¤i art›rmak ve uzun vadeli iflsizli¤i azaltmak için büyük bir tamamlanmam›fl yap›sal reform gündemine sahip oldu¤unu vurgulayal›m. & MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2015 Conference that received a wide and effective participation disclosed the potential in the region down to the last detail. The Conference draw attention to the fact that the Black Sea is the best alternative for the Marmara Region that reaches to its saturation point gradually. Genifl ve etkin bir kat›l›ma sahip olan Karadeniz Limanlar› ve Denizcilik 2015 Konferans›, bölgedeki potansiyeli bütün aç›kl›¤›yla ortaya koydu. Konferans, yavafl yavafl doyma noktas›na ulaflan Marmara Bölgesi’ne en iyi alternatifin Karadeniz oldu¤una da dikkat çekti. lso this year, Istanbul hosted a conference about the Black Sea and its surrounding; a very important region that the Turkey occupies its center. The activity that was held on May 28-29, 2015 under the title of 4th Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2015 did not consist only of conferences. A mini fair was organized at the wide area right at the entrance of conference hall of Istanbul Marriott Hotel Asia where the important transportation, construction, port management, port machines and services corporations not only from the Black Sea but also from the world opened booths. As media institution, only “marine&commerce” attended to the 4. Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2015 held under the main sponsorship of Y›lport.
30 speakers with extensive knowledge at international level made presentations at the conference. Generally, the presentations were concentrated under the titles involving the maritime commerce at the Black Sea and its surrounding. On the other side, particularly the presentations of the representatives of international companies related with the course of global commerce and its effects on Black Sea region were very remarkable. One of these presentations was the “Regional Market: Jolke Helbing Outlook and
Konferansta, uluslararas› düzeyde bilgi birikime sahip 30 konuflmac› sunum yapt›. Sunumlar genel olarak Karadeniz ve çevresindeki deniz ticaretini kapsayan bafll›klar alt›nda yo¤unlaflt›. Öte
stanbul bu sene de, Türkiye’nin merkezinde yer ald›¤› çok önemli bir bölgeye, Karadeniz ve çevresine dair bir konferansa ev sahipli¤i yapt›. 28-29 May›s 2015 günlerinde düzenlenen 4. Karadeniz Limanlar› ve Denizcilik 2015 bafll›kl› etkinlik konferanslardan ibaret de¤ildi. Nitekim ‹stanbul Marriott Hotel Asia’daki konferans salonunun hemen giriflindeki büyük alanda, sadece Karadeniz’in de¤il dünyan›n da önemli tafl›mac›l›k, inflaat, liman iflletmecili¤i, liman makineleri ve hizmetleri kurulufllar› aras›nda yer alan flirketlerin stant açt›¤› bir mini fuar düzenlendi. Y›lport’un ana sponsorlu¤undaki 4. Karadeniz Limanlar› ve Denizcilik 2015’e bas›n kuruluflu olarak sadece “marine&commerce” kat›ld›.
Opportunities” made by Jolke Helbing from Ocean Shipping Consultans. The report states that the share of marine commerce in Turkey’s import transportation is rapidly increasing compared to other types of transportation while container transportation grows in parallel with the increase of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
MARMARA IS ABOUT TO SATURATE Jolke Helbing presented the shares in marine commerce of the four seas belonging to Turkey. Hollander speaker said that these seas ranked as Marmara, Mediterranean, and Aegean and added that the Black Sea is still below the desired level although it begins to receive share starting from 2010. Helbing explained that the most important ports of Turkey in terms of import-export transportation are Mersin, Marport, Kumport, ‹zmir, Evyap and Gemport as of 2013. After saying that the ports at the Black Sea shore does not take place in this list Helbing added that the countries having the most important container transshipment ports of the region including Marmara are ranked as Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Romania and Bulgaria. Helbing emphasized in his presentation that according to a projection reaching to the year of 2044, it is foreseen that the Marmara would receive the lion’s share from the marine transportation of Turkey, Mediterranean and Aegean would continue to follow the Marmara and the Black Sea would receive the smallest share if the investments remain in this level. He remarked that in 2030 the Marmara Sea would saturate as a
yandan özellikle uluslararas› flirket temsilcilerinin yapt›¤› küresel ticaretin gidiflat› ve bunun Karadeniz bölgesine etkilerini inceleyen sunumlar büyük ilgi çekti. Ocean Shipping Consultans’dan Jolke Helbing’in “Bölgesel Market: Görünüm ve F›rsatlar” bafll›kl› sunumu, bunlardan birisiydi. Raporda Türkiye’nin ithalata yönelik tafl›mac›l›¤›nda deniz ticaretinin pay›n›n, di¤er tafl›mac›l›k türlerine göre h›zla artt›¤›na dikkat çekilirken, konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n, ulusal Gayrisafi Yurtiçi Has›la’n›n (GSYH) art›fl›na paralel olarak büyüdü¤ü yer ald›.
MARMARA DOYMAK ÜZERE Jolke Helbing, Türkiye’nin sahip oldu¤u dört denizin deniz ticaretindeki paylar›n› ortaya koydu. Bu denizlerin Marmara, Akdeniz ve Ege olarak s›raland›¤›n› anlatan Hollandal› konuflmac›, Karadeniz’in ise 2010’dan itibaren pay almaya bafllam›fl olmas›na karfl›n halen istenilen düzeyin çok alt›nda kald›¤›n› belirtti. Helbing Türkiye’nin ithalat-ihracat tafl›mac›l›¤›ndaki en önemli limanlar›n 2013 y›l› itibariyle Mersin, Marport, Kumport, ‹zmir, Evyap ve Gemport oldu¤unu bildirdi. Ülkenin Karadeniz k›y›s›ndaki limanlar›n›n bu s›ralamada yer almad›¤›n› belirten Helbing, Marmara dâhil bölgenin en önemli konteyner aktarma limanlar›na sahip ülkelerin Ukrayna, Rusya, Gürcistan, Romanya, Bulgaristan olarak s›raland›¤›n› kaydetti. Helbing sunumunda 2044 y›l›na kadar uzanan bir projeksiyonda, Türkiye’nin deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›nda aslan pay›n› Marmara’n›n almas›n›n ve onu Akdeniz ile Ege’nin izlemeye devam etmesinin, Karadeniz’in ise yat›r›mlar›n bu düzeyde devam etmesi halinde en küMARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
port of transshipment and export-import cargo and draw attention to the necessity of developing and transferring the investments to the Black Sea shores.
çük payda kalmas›n›n öngörüldü¤ünü vurgulad›. 2030 y›l›nda Marmara Denizi’nin ithalat-ihracat yükleri ve aktarma liman› olarak doyaca¤›n› belirten Helbing, Türkiye’nin Karadeniz k›y›s›n› gelifltirmeye ve yat›r›mlar› bu bölgeye do¤ru kayd›rmaya bafllamas›n›n zorunlulu¤una dikkat çekti.
Kumport CEO, Özgür Soy’s presentation was one of the most important ones of the conference. In his presentation under the title of “Transshipment Mobility At The Black Sea Region” Soy emphasized that total Gross Domestic Product of the region consisting of Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine and Georgia and located on an area of 18.8 million square kilometers with approximately 300 million habitants has reached to 3.4 trillion dollars. You can find the presentation of Soy in our following pages.
Meanwhile, thanks to the presentations, we find the chance of seeing the importance attached by Turkey on the ports at the Black Sea shore in order to increase the share it receives from the marine commerce at the region. Except Park Holding who acquired the operating right of Hopa Port in 1997; Albayrak Group who acquired the operating right of Trabzon Port in 2003 and changed its name as Alport and Ceynak Lojistik who acquired the operating right of Samsun Port in 2007 there is only one new investment and that is Karasu Port. We know that the port, which is being built by ‹çtafl ‹nflaat and expected to be completed in June 2016, will offer service for ferries, Ro-Ro and dry bulk ships. &
Konferanstaki sunumlar sayesinde, Türkiye’nin Karadeniz’deki deniz ticaretinden ald›¤› pay› art›rmak için Karadeniz k›y›s›ndaki limanlara ne kadar ilgi gösterdi¤ine de göz atmak f›rsat›n› bulduk. 1997’de Hopa Liman›’n› iflletme hakk›n› alan Park Holding, 2003’te Trabzon Liman›’n›n iflletme hakk›n› al›p ad›n› Alport olarak de¤ifltiren Albayrak Grubu, 2007’de Samsun Liman›’n›n iflletme hakk›n› alan Ceynak Lojistik d›fl›nda bir tek yeni yat›r›m söz konusu ki o da Karasu Port. ‹çtafl ‹nflaat taraf›ndan sürdürülen ve 2016 Haziran’›nda tamamlanmas› beklenen liman›n, feribotlar ve Ro-Ro ile dökme yük gemilerine hizmet verece¤ini biliyoruz. &
Konferanstaki ilgi çekici sunumlar›ndan biri de Kumport CEO’su Özgür Soy’a aitti. “Karadeniz Bölgesi’ndeki Aktarma Hareketlili¤i” bafll›kl› sunumda Soy, yaklafl›k 300 milyon kiflinin yaflad›¤› 18.8 milyon kilometrekarelik alana yay›lan ve Türkiye, Romanya, Bulgaristan, Rusya, Ukrayna, Gürcistan’dan oluflan bölgenin toplam GSYH’sinin 3.4 trilyon dolara ulaflt›¤›n› vurgulad›. Soy’un sunumunu takip eden sayfalar›m›zda bulabilirsiniz.
THE LACK OF THE BLACK SEA: A DEVELOPED HUB-PORT KARADEN‹Z’‹N ‹HT‹YACI: GEL‹fiM‹fi AKTARMA L‹MANI CEO of Kumport, Özgür Soy put his signature under an interesting presentation at the 4th Black Sea Ports and Shipping Conference. After remarking that the Black Sea is a market with high potential Soy emphasized that the Turkish ports at the North Marmara are likely to grow their share in the transshipment market given to the significant geographical advantage. Kumport CEO’su Özgür Soy, 4. Karadeniz Limanlar› ve Deniz Ticareti Konferas›’nda ilgi çekici bir sunuma imza att›. Karadeniz’in yüksek potansiyele sahip bir pazar oldu¤una dikkat çeken Soy, co¤rafi avantaj› dolay›s›yla Kuzey Marmara’daki Türk Limanlar› aktarma piyasas›ndaki paylar›n› art›raca¤›n› vurguluyor. umport’s CEO Özgür Soy attracted a great attention with his presentation titled “Transshipment Activities in The Black Sea Region / Kumport as a Hub-Port” at the 4th Black Sea Ports and Shipping Conference. Soy emphasized that total Gross Domestic Product of the region consisting of Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine and Georgia and located on an area of 18.8 million square kilometers with approximately 300 million habitants has reached to 3.4 trillion dollars. He recorded that the container handling figures of the five countries of the region except Turkey has increased 1 percent in 2014 compared to 2013 and added that Ukraine keeps its first rank position despite its 13 percent loss but Russia succeeded to downscale the difference to 50 thousand containers with a 3% growth. Özgür Soy stated that the Romania in the third rank come closer to Russia with a 9 percent growth rate. Soy said that 87 percentage of Turkey’s total 1.9 million TEU transshipment volumes is performed by Kumport; and the port became a hub-port for European cargos and it is preferred nearly double against Constanza Port.
umport CEO’su Özgür Soy “Karadeniz Bölgesi’ndeki Aktarma Hareketlili¤i / Bir Aktarma Liman› Olarak Kumport” bafll›kl› sunumuyla 4. Karadeniz Limanlar› ve Deniz Ticareti Konferas›’nda büyük ilgi çekti. Soy sunumunda, yaklafl›k 300 milyon kiflinin yaflad›¤› 18.8 milyon kilometrekarelik alana yay›lan ve Türkiye, Romanya, Bulgaristan, Rusya, Ukrayna ve Gürcistan’dan oluflan bölgenin toplam GSYH’sinin 3.4 trilyon dolara ulaflt›¤›n› vurgulad›. Bölgede Türkiye hariç befl ülkenin konteyner elleçleme rakamlar›n›n 2014’te, 2013’e göre yüzde 1 büyüdü¤ünü kaydeden Soy, Ukrayna’n›n yüzde 13’lük kayba karfl›n birinci s›radaki yerine korudu¤unu, ancak Rusya’n›n yüzde 3’lük büyümeyle fark› 50 bin adet konteynere kadar indirdi¤ini belirtti. Özgür Soy, üçüncü s›radaki Romanya’n›n da yüzde 9 büyüme oran›yla Rusya’ya yaklaflt›¤›n› ifade etti. Türkiye’nin 1.9 milyon TEU’luk aktarma yük hacminin yüzde 87’sini Kumport’un gerçeklefltirdi¤ini belirten Soy, liman›n Avrupal› yükler için bir hub-port haline geldi¤ini ve Köstence Liman›’n›n neredeyse iki kat› oran›nda tercih edildi¤ini de söyledi.
Özgür Soy draw attention to the fact that the global port operators in the Black Sea Market are HPC (Odessa, Ukraine), APM (Poti, Georgia) and DP World (Constanta, Romania) and added that the ongoing investment projects are ranked as Taman (Russia), Ilyichevsk (Ukraine) and Constanta (Romania). Let’s continue to follow the presentation of Soy:
Özgür Soy, Karadeniz piyasas›ndaki küresel liman iflletmecilerinin HPC (Odesa, Ukrayna), APM (Poti, Gürcistan) ve DP World (Köstence, Romanya) oldu¤una dikkat çekerken devam eden yat›r›m projelerinin ise Taman (Rusya), Ilyichevsk (Ukrayna) ve Köstence (Romanya) olarak s›raland›¤›n› kaydetti. Soy’un kaleminden sunuma göz atmaya devam edelim:
Two separate methods come to the fore in services to the Black Sea. First of them is to reach the Black Sea by feeder vessels. Service flexibility, there being no constraints for feeders while passing through Bosphorus Strait, possibility of using vessels larger than 300 meters (up to 18,000 TEU), higher schedule reliability and the advantage of deploying fewer mother ships when the line ends at Istanbul (4 or 8 days) are the reasons for preferring this method.
Karadeniz’e yap›lan seferlerde iki farkl› yöntem dikkat çekiyor. Bunlardan birincisi aktarma gemileriyle Karadeniz’e ulafl›lmas›. Bu yöntemin tercihinde sefer esnekli¤i, ‹stanbul Bo¤az›’ndan geçen aktarma gemileri için k›s›tlama olmamas›, 300 metreden büyük gemiler kullanabilme flans› (18,000 TEU’ya kadar), daha yüksek tarife güvenilirli¤i ve hat ‹stanbul’da sonland›¤›nda daha az say›da ana gemi kullanma avantaj› (4 ila 8 gün).
The second method of direct services has both advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages consist of natural conditions resulting from the geographical structure of Istanbul Strait and the restrictions imposed at the Istanbul Straight. These restrictions can be listed as 57 meters maximum air draft, 20 meters maximum draft, 299.99 meters maximum ship length that can pass without special permission and the provision of escort by tug for vessels larger than 300 meters which increases the costs. Besides, delays due to Bosphorus Strait passage restrictions, lack of suitable equipment in some terminals and special permission requirement for some dangerous cargo types and rigs should be taken into consideration also. Finally, voyage time may extend due to weather conditions in Black Sea and Bosphorus. In spite of this, direct services have the advantages like shorter passage time and cheaper fuel usage.
‹kinci yöntem olan do¤rudan seferlerin hem avantajl› hem de dezavantajl› yönleri var. Dezavantajlar› ‹stanbul Bo¤az›’nda uygulanan k›s›tlamalarla Bo¤az’›n co¤rafi yap›s›ndan kaynaklanan do¤al koflullar oluflturuyor. Bunlar, geminin en fazla yüksekli¤inin 57 metre, en fazla su çekiminin 20 metre, özel izne tabi olmadan geçebilecek en büyük gemi boyunun 299.99 metre olmas› ki 300 metre ve daha uzun gemilere maliyeti art›ran römorkör eskortu flart› konuyor. Ayr›ca ‹stanbul Bo¤az› geçifllerindeki k›s›tlamalar nedeniyle gecikmeler, baz› tehlikeli yük türleri ve donan›mlar için de özel izin gerekmesi ve baz› terminallerdeki uygun ekipman eksikli¤ini de unutmamak laz›m. Son olarak Karadeniz ve Bo¤azlar’daki hava koflullar› nedeniyle yolculuk süresi uzayabiliyor. Buna karfl›n do¤rudan seferlerin daha k›sa geçifl süresi ve daha ucuz yak›t kullanabilme gibi avantajlar› da var. MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
The graphic clearly shows the growth in container vessels in the
Grafik son 50 y›lda konteyner gemilerinin nas›l büyüdü¤ünü net bir flekilde gözler önüne seriyor.
past 50 years. The total fleet capacity has increased by 6.3% during 2014. It is known that the fleet will rise by 8.2% during 2015, 5.1% during 2016 and 1.4% during 2017. It is reported that 452 ships that will carry total 3.6 million TEU has been ordered as of April 2015. 26% of these orders consist of 13,300-21,500 TEU vessels. 3.6 million TEU capacity represents 56% of current capacity. On the other side, the growth will remain at the level of 4.9% during the period between 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2018. The graphic show the results of the orderbook.
Encounter Bay 1,530 teu Hamburg Express 2,950 teu Neptune Garnet 4,100 teu American New York 4,600 teu
Regina Maersk 6,400 teu
Susan Maersk 8,000+ teu
Charlotte Maersk 8,890 teu
1968 1972 1980
Anna Maersk 9,000+ teu
Gjertrud Maersk 10,000+ teu
Emma Maersk 11,000+ teu
Marco Polo (CMA CGM) 16,000+ teu
Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller 18,270 teu
CSCL Globe/MSC Oscar 19,000+ teu
Vessels with >20,000 TEU capacity are confirmed to be ordered by various lines (delivery by 2017) 2017 itibar›yla teslim edilecek 20,000 TEU’dan büyük kapasitesiteli gemilerin çeflitli flirketler taraf›ndan siparifl edildi¤i do¤ruland›
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, containertransportation.com, Alphaliner
2014’te konteyner filosunun toplam kapasitesi %6.3 artt›. Filonun 2015’te %8.2, 2016’da %5.1, ve 2017’de ise %1.4 büyüyece¤i biliniyor. Nisan 2015 itibariyle toplam 3.6 milyon TEU daha tafl›yabilecek 452 gemi siparifl edildi¤ini not etmekte yarar var. Bu siparifllerin %26’s›n› 13,300-21,500 TEU’luk gemiler oluflturuyor. 3.6 milyon TEU’luk kapasite, var olan toplam kapasitenin %56’s› anlam›na geliyor. Öte yandan 1 Ocak 2015 - 1 Ocak 2018 döneminde büyüme %4.9’da kalacak. Grafik, siparifl defterinin ne tür sonuçlar verdi¤ini ortaya koyuyor. Bu grafi¤i daha da anlamland›rmak için flu noktalar›n alt›n› çizmekte yarar var: Deniz nakliyat› flirketlerinin toplam borcu 80 milyar dolar. fiangay Konteyner Navlun Endeksi (SCFI) bir y›lda %39 düflerken kiralama endeksi ise ayn› dönemde %39 yükseldi. Ana rotalarda 18,000 TEU’luk gemiler kullan›l›rken, 10,00014,000 TEU’luk gemilerin, merkez liman gelifltirme konusunda yo¤unluk sorunlar› yaflayan Akdeniz ve Karadeniz piyasas›nda kullan›laca¤› anlafl›l›yor.
ORTA AKDEN‹Z BÜYÜYOR Bu do¤rultuda Akdeniz’deki ana aktarma limanlar›n›n hacmine bak›ld›¤›nda ilginç veriler göze çarp›yor. Akdeniz aktarma merkezlerinin toplam büyümesi %8.2 düzeyindeyken Bat› Akdeniz ana limanlar›nda bu oran %10.2, Orta Akdeniz’de %12.3 olarak kaydedildi. Buna karfl›n Do¤u Akdeniz’de %4.7 oran›nda daralma görülüyor. En fazla büyümenin gerçekleflti¤i Orta Akdeniz’de Ambarl› Liman›’n›n 1.5 milyonluk kapasitesi göz al›yor. fiimdi de Akdeniz’den ç›k›p Karadeniz’e hizmet eden iki önemli liman› karfl›laflt›ral›m: Köstence ve Ambarl›. Ambarl› Liman› 2008 y›l›nda 2.3 milyon TEU yükleme-boflaltma kapasitesine sahipken Köstence Liman›’n›n kapasitesi 1.4 milyon TEU’ydu. Bu
ORDERBOOK RESULTS S‹PAR‹fi DEFTER‹ SONUÇLARI Total Number of Vessels Ordered // Toplam siparifl edilen gemi say›s›: 452
Total TEU Capacity Ordered // Siparifllerin toplam TEU kapasitesi: 3.6 M
13,300-17,999 10,000-13,300 18,000-21,500 Source: Alphaliner Cellular Fleet (04.2015)
Constanta // Köstence
Interesting data stands out when we look to the volume of main hub-ports in Mediterranean. Total growth of Mediterranean transshipment hubs is 8.2% while this ratio is 10.2% in West Mediterranean hubs and 12.3% in Central Mediterranean hubs. On the other hand, there is a 4.7% constriction in East Mediterranean. Ambarl› Port stands out with its 1.5 millions capacity in the Central Mediterranean where the highest growth has taken place. Let’s leave the Mediterranean and compare the two important ports serving for the Black Sea: Ambarl› and Constanta. Constanta Port had a capacity of 1.4 millions TEU while Ambarl› Port had a 1.3 millions TEU handling capacity in 2008. It goes without saying that Constanta attracted terminal investments until 2008 given its potential to serve as a gateway to Eastern Europe and a transshipment hub for the Black Sea area. Hence, Constanta experienced a significant narrowing descending to 700,000 TEU in 2014 while Ambarl› increased its capacity to 3.5 millions TEU.
Bu durum, Pire ve Marmara Denizi yak›n›ndaki Türk limanlar›nda yaflanan güçlü büyümeye karfl›n Karadeniz limanlar›n›n h›zla zay›flad›¤›n› kan›tl›yor. Bu geliflme gemicilik flirketlerinin Karadeniz’e hizmet vermek için do¤rudan aç›k deniz var›fllar› yerine Akdeniz’de bir merkez-aktarma modelini tercih etti¤ini gösteriyor. Grafi¤imiz Türkiye’nin konteyner yükleme-boflaltma kapasitesindeki ana unsurlara bu aç›dan da dikkat çekiyor.
1,600 Alphaliner Charter Index CCFI 1,400 SCFI
1,200 1,000
800 600
0 2010
400 2011
China & Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (CCFI 01.1998 = 1,000, SCFI 16.10.2009 = 1,000)
noktada Do¤u Avrupa için bir ç›k›fl ve Karadeniz Bölgesi için bir aktarma merkezi olarak hizmet verme potansiyeli nedeniyle Köstence Liman›’n›n 2008 y›l›na dek terminal yat›r›mlar›n› çekti¤ini hat›rlamakta yarar var. Nitekim 2014 y›l›nda Ambarl› Liman› kapasitesini 3.5 milyon TEU’ya ç›kar›rken Köstence ise 700 bin TEU’ya kadar inen ciddi bir daralma yaflad›.
Alphaliner Charter Rate Index (01.2000 = 100)
Below points should be underlined in order to make this graphic more meaningful: Liners are total USD 80 Billion in debt. Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) has fallen by 39% year on year while charter index has risen by 39% over the same period. It is seen that while 18,000 TEU vessels are deployed in main routes, 10,000 - 14,000 TEU vessels will probably be deployed in Mediterranean and Black Sea market which will create congestion problems at developing Hub-Ports.
Source: Alphaliner
Million TEU
This situation proves that the Black Sea ports are rapidly weakening in contrast with the strong growth witnessed in Piraeus and Turkish deep-sea ports near the Sea of Marmara. This development indicates that the shipping lines prefer a hub-feeder model in the Mediterranean to service the Black Sea instead of direct deepsea calls. Our graphic draws attention to the main factors in container handling capacity of Turkey in this respect also.
5.2 1.1
5.9 1.3
6.6 1.4
8.4 1.9
Ambarl› 87%
1.9 M TEU
Others // Di¤er 13%
87% of Turkey’s total transshipment is handled in Ambarli in 2014. // Türkiye’nin toplam transit tafl›mac›¤›l›n›n %87’si Ambarl›’dan yap›ld›.
Local // Yerel Transshipment // Transit The data in the graphic should be Source // Kaynak: TURKLIM, TCDD, Ministry of Transport Maritime and Communication // Ulaflt›rma Denizcilik ve Haberleflme Bakanl›¤› considered in terms of below three important factors: The target of political power is to Grafikteki verilere flu üç önemli husus aç›s›ndan bakmak gerekiytriple imports& exports by 2023 compared with 2013; global or: siyasi iktidar›n hedefi Türkiye’nin 2023 y›l›ndaki ithalat-ihraterminal operators and financial entities interest to invest in cat›n› 2013’e k›yasla üç kat›na ç›karmak; küresel terminal iflletTurkey and; Ambarl› is the key point for both local and mecileri ve finansal kurumlar Türkiye’ye yat›r›m yapmakla transshipment cargo. ilgileniyorlar; Ambarl› hem yerel hem de aktarma yükleri için anahtar noktada.
Kumport has been reached to 1 million 414 thousand TEU handling capacity as of 2014. The port stands out as a transshipment hub for ULCV vessels (vessels up to 16,000 TEU). There is 402,000 m2 terminal area besides 67,000 m2 off-dock area. This increases the total annual handling capacity up to 1.8 million TEU as of today. When the first phase under construction is completed this capacity will reach to 2.1 million TEU; and then to 3.0 million TEU when the second phase is completed. These Kumport investments considers below evaluations related with the region: 1. Given the trend of growing vessel sizes, the need for Black Sea transshipment operations will continue. 2. Black Sea is a high potential market. High growth is likely upon solving the political clashes which inhibit the growth of the region. 3. Given the significant geographical advantage, the Turkish Ports at the North of Marmara are likely to grow their share in the transshipment market. Finally, below points are noteworthy. Turkish Ports keep growing in quantity and capacity whereas the need is to grow in quality and capability. About half of the available terminal capacity is not able to handle new generation vessels (18 rows max). Within this context, ports that have a strong hinterland have a major advantage over pure transshipment terminals. &
TESP‹TLER Kumport 2014 y›l› itibariyle 1 milyon 414 bin TEU elleçleme kapasitesine ulaflm›fl durumda. Liman, ULCV (16,000 TEU’ya kadar gemiler) için bir aktarma merkezi olarak dikkat çekiyor. 402,000 m2’lik terminal alan›n›n yan› s›ra 67,000 metrekare de aç›k depolama alan› söz konusu. Bu da toplamda y›ll›k elleçleme hacmini günümüz itibariyle 1.8 milyon TEU’ya ç›kar›yor. ‹nflas› devam eden birinci aflama tamamland›¤›nda bu kapasite 2.1, ikinci aflama tamamland›¤›nda ise 3 milyon TEU’ya yükselecek. Kumport’un bu yat›r›mlar›, bölgeye yönelik flu tespitleri dikkate al›yor: 1. Büyüyen gemi hacimleri yönündeki e¤ilim nedeniyle Karadeniz’e aktarma ifllemlerine ihtiyaç sürecek. 2. Karadeniz yüksek potansiyele sahip bir pazar. Bölgenin geliflimini engelleyen politik çat›flmalar›n çözülmesi üzerine büyüme h›z›n›n yükselmesi bekleniyor. 3. Önemli co¤rafi avantaj› dolay›s›yla Kuzey Marmara’daki Türk Limanlar› aktarma piyasas›ndaki paylar›n› artt›racaklar. Son olarak flu noktaya da dikkat çekmekte yarar var. Kalite ve yetenekte büyüme ihtiyac› söz konusuyken Türk limanlar› ise nicelik ve kapasite aç›s›ndan büyüyor. Mevcut liman kapasitesinin neredeyse yar›s› yeni kuflak gemilere (maksimum 18 s›ra) hizmet veremiyor. Bu ba¤lamda güçlü art alan› olan limanlar, salt aktarma terminalleri karfl›s›nda önemli bir avantaja sahip. &
VOYAGE LENGTH OF CRUDE OIL TANKERS? TANKERLER UZA⁄A MI G‹D‹YOR? HAM PETROL TANKERLER‹N‹N ORTALAMA YOLCULUK MESAFES‹NE NE OLUYOR? Tanker market pundits are continuously discussing the reasons for the strength of the market, especially since the world is experiencing only modest demand growth. What are the key drivers for the significant increases in rates? Some people point out that ton-mile demand has increased as a result of more long-haul crude oil movements, i.e. average distances have increased. Özellikle dünyada yaln›zca ›l›ml› bir talep büyümesi yafland›¤›ndan tanker piyasas› uzmanlar› sürekli olarak pazar›n gücünün kaynaklar›n› tart›fl›yor. Mesela navlunlardaki önemli art›fllar›n ana nedenleri ne? Baz› görüfller daha çok uzun-mesafe ham petrol hareketlerinin bir sonucu olarak ton-mil talebinin yükseldi¤ine, yani ortalama mesafelerin artt›¤›na dikkat çekiyor. hese statements are generally based on anecdotal information, so we decided to take a closer look at the reported spot fixture activity in the main crude tanker segments to see if our data supports this statement.
Let’s start off with an important qualifier: our fixture data is good, but it only covers reported spot market fixtures, it does not track all worldwide vessel movements. Nevertheless, we think that reported spot fixtures can be a useful indicator of trends and changes in tradeflows. Figure shows the development of average distances in each of the major crude tanker segments over the last five years. The data confirms that the VLCCs are employed on the long-haul voyages, while the Aframaxes do primarily shorter trips, with the Suezmaxes somewhere in between. Starting with the VLCC segment data, we can see some interesting developments. At first glance, the average distances from 2009 to 2015 YTD do not support the notion of longer average distances. After a 618 mile (9%) increase from 2009 to 2012, average distances for VLCCs have actually decreased in recent years. The increase from 2009 to 2012 is clearly the result of two rapidly developing long-haul trades: from West Africa to the Far East (11,000 miles) and from the Caribbean to Asia (10,000 - 14,000 miles, depending on the destination). While a lot of these voyages are indicative of additional demand, some of the long-haul cargoes have been replacing shorter haul voyages
u aç›klamalar genellikle sistematik olmayan bilgiye dayand›¤›ndan verimizin bu aç›klamay› destekleyip desteklemedi¤ini görmek için ana ham petrol dilimlerinde bildirilmifl spot ba¤lant› etkinli¤ine daha yak›ndan bakmaya karar verdik.
Önemli bir niteleyiciyle bafllayal›m: Ba¤lant› verimiz iyi ama yaln›zca bildirilmifl spot piyasa ba¤lant›lar›n› kaps›yor ve dünya genelindeki tüm gemi hareketlerini izlemiyor. Yine de bildirilmifl spot ba¤lant›lar›n›n ticaret ak›fllar›ndaki de¤ifliklik ve e¤ilimlerin yararl› bir göstergesi olabilece¤ini düflünüyoruz. Grafik son befl y›lda belli bafll› ham petrol dilimlerinin her birinde ortalama mesafelerin geliflimini gösteriyor. Veri, VLCC’ler uzunmesafe yolculuklar›nda kullan›l›rken Aframax’lar›n esas olarak daha k›sa yolculuk yapt›¤›n› ve Suezmax’lar›n da ikisinin aras›nda bir yerde oldu¤unu do¤ruluyor. VLCC dilimi verisiyle bafllayarak baz› ilginç geliflmeler görebiliriz. ‹lk bak›flta 2009’dan 2015 y›l›n›n bu zaman›na kadar olan ortalama mesafeler, daha uzun ortalama mesafe kavram›n› desteklemiyor. 2009’dan 2012’ye 618 millik (%9) bir art›fltan sonra VLCC’ler için ortalama mesafeler son y›llarda gerçek anlamda düfltü. 2009’dan 2012’ye art›fl ise h›zla büyüyen iki uzunmesafe ticaretin sonucu: Bat› Afrika’dan Uzakdo¤u’ya (11,000 mil) ve Karayip’ten Asya’ya (var›fl liman›na ba¤l› olarak 10,000 - 14,000 mil). Bu seyirlerin ço¤u ilave talep gösterge-
from the Arabian Gulf.
siyken baz› uzun-mesafeli kargolar Basra Körfezi’nden daha k›samesafeli yolculuklar›n yerini al›yordu.
It is difficult to explain the downward trend in average ANA HAMPETROL TANKER D‹L‹MLER‹N‹N VLCC distances after 2012. ORTALAMA YÜKLÜ MESAFELER‹ The fixture data seems to 2012’den sonra ortalama VLCC 9,000 indicate that while the West 7,800 mesafelerinde afla¤›ya do¤ru e¤ili7,671 7,539 7,515 7,394 7,385 Africa to Asia trade keeps 8,000 7,182 mi aç›klamak zor. Ba¤lant› verisi growing, there has been a 7,000 Bat› Afrika’dan Asya’ya ticaret reversal in the VLCC traffic 6,000 4,792 4,616 4,663 büyümeye devam ederken Kara4,434 from the Caribbean to Asia 4,394 4,271 5,000 4,236 yip’ten Asya’ya (özellikle Hindis(in particular to India). We 4,000 think that this is not a correct tan’a) VLCC trafi¤inde bir geri dö2,265 3,000 2,081 2,134 2,056 2,016 1,972 2,000 reflection of what is actually nüfl oldu¤unu gösterir gibi. Bunun 2,000 happening. Since many gerçekte olan› do¤ru yans›tmad›¤› 1,000 movements are done under düflüncesindeyiz. Pek çok hareket long-term contracts, we 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 uzun vadeli sözleflmelerle yap›ld›believe that an increasing ¤›ndan Karayip’ten giderek artan VLCC Suezmax Aframax number of the cargoes from say›da kargonun, deklare edilmifl the Caribbean are moving spot pazar›n›n d›fl›nda tafl›nd›¤›na inan›yoruz. outside off the reported spot market. The development of average distances in the Suezmax segment also paint an interesting, albeit slightly confusing, picture of what is happening in that market. The average distance of the reported spot Suezmax voyages increased steadily from 2009 through 2013, a result of more long-haul fixtures originating in the Arabian Gulf and the Caribbean. However, this trend reversed in recent years. This can be partially attributed to the well documented decline in West Africa - U.S.A. movements as a result of the domestic tight oil boom. However, other factors have played a role as well. When comparing the first five months of 2015 with the same period of 2014, it shows a marked increase in shorter haul voyages from the AG to India. At the same time there was a reduction in longer haul trips to the UK/Continent and the U.S. West Coast. Intra-regional Suezmax movements in the Caribbean also increased this year. It will come as no surprise that the Aframax tankers are employed on the trades with the shortest average distance. These trades are also fairly stable and the distances in this segment fluctuate less than in those for the larger vessels. When comparing 2009 with 2014/15, the main change is the significant drop in intra-Mediterranean voyages as a result of the Arab Spring. While this had a significant impact on Aframax tanker movements in the Mediterranean, in particular the ones originating from Libya, it did not have a material impact on the average distances for this segment. In summary, the data from the average distance analysis is not conclusive and in some cases (Suezmax) the trend appears to contradict the argument that an increase in average laden voyage length is a leading explanation for the high freight rates in the tanker market. Other factors, including floating storage, port congestion and limited fleet growth, just to name a few, are important factors as well.
Suezmax diliminde ortalama mesafelerin geliflimi de pazarda olup bitenin, biraz kar›fl›k da olsa ilginç bir resmini veriyor. Basra Körfezi ve Karayip kökenli daha çok uzun mesafeli ba¤lant›n›n bir sonucu olarak, aç›klanm›fl spot Suezmax yolculuklar›n›n ortalama mesafesi 2009’dan 2013’e kadar istikrarl› biçimde artt›. Ancak bu e¤ilim son y›llarda tersine döndü. Bu durum, k›smen içeride dar petrol art›fl›n›n bir sonucu olarak Bat› Afrika - ABD hareketlerinde iyi belgelenmifl düflüfle ba¤lanabilir. Ancak belli ki baflka etmenler de rol oynad›. 2015 y›l›n›n ilk befl ay›n› 2014’ün ayn› dönemiyle k›yaslad›¤›m›zda Basra Körfezi’nden Hindistan’a daha k›sa mesafeli seferlerde belirgin bir art›fl görülüyor. Ayn› zamanda, ‹ngiltere ve ABD’nin bat› k›y›s›na daha uzun mesafeli yolculuklarda bir azalma vard›. Bu y›l Karayip’te bölge içi Suezmax hareketleri de artt›. Aframax tankerlerinin en k›sa ortalama mesafeli yolculuklardaki ticarette kullan›l›yor olmas› sürpriz olmaz. Bu ticaretler de oldukça istikrarl› ve bu dilimdeki mesafeler daha büyük gemilerde oldu¤undan daha az dalgal›. 2009 ve 2014-15’i karfl›laflt›rd›¤›m›zda temel de¤ifliklik, “Arap Bahar›”n›n sonucunda Akdeniz içi yolculuklardaki anlaml› düflüfl olarak görünüyor. Bu durum Aframax tankerlerinin Akdeniz’deki hareketlerini, özellikle de Libya kaynakl› olanlar› önemli ölçüde etkilerken bu dilim için ortalama mesafeler üzerinde somut bir etkisi olmad›. Özetle, ortalama mesafe analizinin verisi kesin de¤il ve baz› örneklerdeki (Suezmax) e¤ilim, ortalama yüklü seyir mesafesinde art›fl›n tanker piyasas›nda yüksek navlun ücretlerini aç›klad›¤› fleklindeki savla çeliflir görünüyor. Yüzen depolama, liman s›k›fl›kl›¤› ve s›n›rl› filo büyümesi de dahil olmak üzere di¤er etmenler de önemli.
Sadun Boro who holds the title of being “the first Turkish seaman made a world tour” by sailing around the earth together with his wife Oda, Miço the cat and his sailing boat K›smet, passed away at the age of 87. Efli Oda, kedisi Miço ve yelkenlisi K›smet ile yerkürenin çevresini dolafl›p “dünya turu yapan ilk Türk denizci” unvan›n›n sahibi olan Sadun Boro, 87 yafl›nda hayata gözlerini yumdu. amous Turkish voyager Sadun Boro who contributed the love of sea to the life of hundred of thousands through the world tour he made, the news he shared during that tour, the book “Pupa Yelken” he wrote after the voyage and his life style that never renounces the seas passed away at the age of 87. Boro, who died on June 5, 2015 succumbing to bladder carcinoma, has been interred in the village cemetery of Karacasö¤üt, one of the most beautiful places of Gökova.
Together with his wife Oda, Sadun Boro set out for world tour in 1965 onboard 10.5 meters boat “K›smet” built by another legend Athar Beflp›nar in Salacak. At the Canary Islands, Miço the cat joined as crew to the voyage that started in ‹stanbul. The voyage of Boros that lasted three years was published in Hürriyet Gazette as series each of which created a separate wave of excitement in readers. Sadun Boro who passed into history as the first Turk sailed around the world, his wife Oda and crew Miço was welcomed by ten thousands of people and boats on their return to Turkey and they were carried on shoulders with a love and fervor felt only for few voyagers.
A SEA WARRIOR After returning to Turkey, Sadun Boro collected his memories published in Hürriyet in a book titled “Pupa Yelken”. The book which has more than tens editions germinated the love of sea in the hearts of readers, enriched the dreams of children and added the passion of exploring the world on
the sea to the future plans of the youth. Sadun Boro who never renounced his crew consisting of Oda and Miço and his boat K›smet sailed at the Caribbean Islands and the East Coast of America in 1977-1979 by adding their 7 years old daughter Deniz to the crew. Boro preferred to live at the Gökova Bay as of 1980. Instead of setting out for longdistance tours with K›smet he sailed on Aegean shores and published guide books on Turkish Seas while struggling for the protection of these areas before the political administrations, bureaucracy and nongovernmental organizations. Boro preferred to live a tranquil live at the Okluk bay where he anchored K›smet and made significant contributions to the studies aimed at raising the awareness of the public in terms of protecting the seas and sea environment with the numerous articles he wrote. Sadun Boro had granted his 46 years friend, K›smet that accompanied him while logging 150 thousand nautical miles, to Rahmi Koç Museum in Istanbul and started to use a catamaran named “Son Bahar” on which he can sail easily and rest in his old age. The catamaran named “Son Bahar” (Last Spring) was just beside him at his last moment while “K›smet” that witnessed the best years of his life was resting in the museum: Boro’s body was buried after a last sail on Gökova’s paradise bays. Goodbye great seaman… &
apt›¤› dünya seyahati, bu seyahat s›ras›nda paylaflt›¤› haberleri, seyahat sonras›nda yazd›¤› “Pupa Yelken” isimli kitab› ve ard›ndan denizlerden hiç vazgeçmedi¤i yaflama biçimiyle yüz binlerce insan›n hayat›na deniz sevgisini katan ünlü Türk gezgini Sadun Boro, 87 yafl›nda hayata veda etti. Mesane kanseri illetinden kurtulamayarak 5 Haziran 2015’te yaflama gözlerini kapatan Boro, çok sevdi¤i Gökova Körfezi’nin en güzel beldelerinden Karacasö¤üt’teki mahalle mezarl›¤›na defnedildi.
Sadun Boro, bir baflka efsane isim Athar Beflp›nar’a Salacak’ta yapt›rd›¤› 10.5 metrelik yelkenlisi “K›smet” ile yan›na efli Oda’y› da alarak 1965 y›l›nda dünya seyahatine ç›kt›. ‹stanbul’da bafllayan yolculu¤a Kanarya Adalar›’nda tayfa olarak kedi Miço da eklendi. Borolar›n üç y›l süren seyahatleri, her biri okurlarda ayr› bir heyecan f›rt›nas› yaratan dizi fleklinde Hürriyet gazetesinde yay›nland›. Yelkenliyle dünyay› dolaflan ilk Türk olarak
tarihe geçen Sadun Boro ile efli Oda ve tayfa Miço’yu seyahat bitiminde döndükleri Türkiye’de on binlerce kifli ve yüzlerce tekne karfl›lad›, pek az seyyaha nasip olan bir coflku ve sevgiyle omuzlara al›nd›lar.
B‹R DEN‹Z SAVAfiÇISI Sadun Boro Türkiye’ye döndükten sonra, Hürriyet’te yay›nlanan an›lar›n› “Pupa Yelken” isimli kitab›nda toplad›. Onlarca bask›s› yap›lan kitap, okurlar›n›n gönlünde deniz sevgisini filizlendirdi, çocuklar›n hayallerini süslerken, gençlerin gelecek planlar›na dünyay› denizden keflif tutkusunu da ekledi. Yelkenlisi K›smet ve Oda ile Miço’dan oluflan mürettebat›ndan hiç vazgeçmeyen Sadun Boro, sekiz yafl›ndaki k›zlar› Deniz’i de ekibe katarak 1977-1979 aras›nda Karayip Adalar›’n› ve Amerika’n›n do¤u sahillerini gezdi. Boro 1980’den itibaren ise Gökova Körfezi’nde yaflamay› tercih etti. K›smet ile büyük seyahatlere ç›kmak yerine Ege k›y›lar›n› dolaflan ve Türkiye denizlerine ait rehber kitaplar yay›nlayan Boro, siyasi yönetimler, bürokrasi ve sivil toplum kurulufllar› nezdinde buralar›n korunmas› için u¤rafl vermeyi de ihmal etmedi. K›smet’i demirledi¤i Okluk Koyu’nda sakin bir yaflam sürmeyi tercih eden Boro, yazd›¤› say›s›z makaleyle denizlerin ve deniz çevresinin korunmas› yolunda halk› bilinçlendirme çal›flmalar›na büyük katk› verdi.
Sadun Boro
Sadun Boro 46 y›ll›k dostu, tam 150 bin deniz milini birlikte kat etti¤i “K›smet”i ‹stanbul’daki Rahmi Koç Müzesi’ne ba¤›fllam›fl, yafll›l›¤›nda rahatça seyahat edip dinlenebilece¤i katamaran tipi “Son Bahar”› kullanmaya bafllam›flt›. Boro’nun yaflam›n›n en güzel y›llar›na tan›kl›k eden “K›smet” müzede dinlenirken, “Son Bahar” isimli katamaran ise ünlü seyyah›n denizlerdeki son anlar›nda yan› bafl›ndayd›: Boro’nun cenazesi “Son Bahar” ile Gökova’n›n cennet koylar›nda gezdirildikten sonra defnedildi. Güle güle büyük denizci... & MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
This time the name of the endless transformation in ‹stanbul Tuzla is Viaport Marina. The facility that was built as a five-function entertainment center with its shopping center, themed playground, hotel and aquarium apart from the marina, aims at attracting millions of domestic and foreign tourists to Tuzla. ‹stanbul Tuzla’da h›z kesmeyen de¤iflimin bu seferki ad› Viaport Marina. Marinan›n yan› s›ra al›flverifl merkezi, temal› oyun park›, oteli ve akvaryumuyla befl fonksiyonlu bir e¤lence kompleksi olarak infla edilen tesis, Tuzla’ya yerli yabanc› milyonlarca turist çekmeyi hedefliyor. t is hard to count how many changes Tuzla have seen but it is certain that its fate is changing and its future is reshaping over again. It was 1980 when the cute fishing village was announced as “the region of shipyards”. The change was so quick that the Turkish ship and yacht builders begin to known under common name of “Tuzla” throughout the world within only 15 years. Shipyards are built one after the other, sub-industry and supplier chains followed them and majority of business owners and workers preferred to settle in Tuzla rather than traveling to Istanbul far away. Houses, apartments followed each other. Villas crop up next to small houses with garden. Urban transformation changed Tuzla and its villages once again from head to foot in the recent five years. Modern sites ascended to the sky. The feature of being preferred to live is added to the marine side of the Tuzla.
We give this nostalgic introduction for the purpose of explaining the logic of last investment in Tuzla. Viaport Marina that was launched to the press on Monday, May 25, 2015 is the last leg of the extraordinary change in Tuzla -for the time being. This giant project bears the signature of Via Properties whom we know as the founder of open-air shopping center, Viaport near the Sabiha Gökçen Airport. It contains not only a marina in it despite its name; it is a five-function entertainment complex with shopping center, themed playground called ViaSea, hotel and aquarium.
Bu nostaljik girifli, Tuzla’ya yap›lan son yat›r›m›n mant›¤›n› anlatabilmek amac›yla yapt›k. 18 May›s 2015 Pazartesi günü bas›n tan›t›m› yap›lan Viaport Marina, Tuzla’daki ola¤anüstü de¤iflimin flimdilik kayd›yla son aya¤›. Sabiha Gökçen Havaliman› yak›n›ndaki aç›k hava al›flverifl merkezi Viaport’un kurucusu olarak tan›d›¤›m›z Via Properties’in imzas› var bu dev projede. Ad›na karfl›n sadece marina bulunmuyor burada; al›flverifl merkezi, ViaSea isimli temal› oyun park›, oteli ve akvaryumuyla befl fonksiyonlu bir e¤lence kompleksi söz konusu.
IT COMES INTO SERVICE STEP BY STEP It is stated that this giant facility will come into service step by step at the press meeting where the Tuzla Major Dr. fiadi Yaz›c›, Via Properties Chairman Coflkun and all the senior managers of the company were present. Marina and shopping center have been opened on 29 May 2015 while ViaSea will be in Ramadan Feast and finally, the hotel and aquarium will come into service in the summer of 2016. The basic concept of the facility, allegedly the only single-floor shopping center of Turkey, is based on not to
u kaç›nc› de¤iflim saymak zor, ama Tuzla’n›n kaderi bir kez daha de¤ifliyor, gelece¤i bir kez daha flekilleniyor, oras› kesin. Zaman›n flirin bal›kç› köyü “tersaneler bölgesi” ilan edildi¤inde y›l 1980’di. De¤iflim o denli h›zl› geldi ki Türk gemi ve yat inflac›lar› sadece 15 y›l içinde bütün dünya taraf›ndan “Tuzla” ortak ismiyle an›l›r oldular. Tersane üzerine tersane kuruldu, yan sanayi, tedarikçi zincirleri derken iflyeri sahipleri ve çal›flanlar›n büyük bölümü, çoook uzaklarda kalan ‹stanbul’a gidip gelmektense burada yerleflmeyi tercih ettiler. Evler, apartmanlar ard› ard›na geldi. Bahçe içindeki küçük evlerin yan›nda villalar sökün etti. Kentsel dönüflüm ise son befl y›lda Tuzla’y› ve ona ba¤l› köyleri tepeden t›rna¤a bir kez daha de¤ifltirdi. Modern siteler gökyüzüne yükseldi. Tuzla’n›n denizci yan›na art›k yaflamak için tercih edilme özelli¤i de h›zla eklendi.
ETAP ETAP DEVREYE G‹R‹YOR Tuzla Belediye Baflkan› Dr. fiadi Yaz›c› ile Via Properties Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Coflkun Bayraktar ve flirketin üst düzey bütün yöneticilerinin kat›ld›¤› bas›nla buluflmada, bu dev kompleksin etap etap aç›laca¤› belirtildi. 29 Mayıs 2015’te marina ve alıflverifl merkezi devreye alındı; fieker Bayramı’nda ViaSea açılacak; otel ve akvaryum ise 2016 yaz aylarında hizmete girecek. Türkiye’nin tek katl› tek al›flverifl merkezi oldu¤unun alt› çizilen tesisin
Coflkun Bayraktar
separate the human and the sea from each other in anyway. In order to ensure this, besides the shopping center on the land a total of 154 units have been built including shops, cafes and restaurants in the isles “on the sea” connected with the shore. Coflkun Bayraktar said that they will not content with this and will make the understanding of Viaport Marina, which is unusual and appealing for everybody, sovereign through water shows on the sea and concerts on the isles.
temel konsepti, denizle insan› hiçbir flekilde birbirinden koparmamas›. Bunu sa¤lamak için k›y›daki al›flverifl merkezinin yan› s›ra “denizin üzerinde” yani kara ba¤lant›l› adac›klarda ma¤aza, kafe ve restoranlar dâhil toplam 154 ünite infla edilmifl. Coflkun Bayraktar bu kadarla da yetinmediklerini, denizde düzenlenecek su gösterileri ve adac›klarda verilecek konserlerle Viaport Marina’n›n farkl› ve herkese hitap eden e¤lence anlay›fl›n› hâkim k›lacaklar›n› söylüyor.
It is frequently emphasized that the facility is a 1 billion TL investment and its marina with a capacity of 750 has started to receive pre-registration long since. Marina has a concept that allows the yacht owners to approach in front of the shops and even hotel with their boats. Theme of sea was so much cared that even the tiles used at the roofs of the indoor spaces were chosen in blue tones and thus the theme in question has been kept in view. The ViaSea with classic funfair tools bring together the adrenalin and entertainment with two roller coasters. Climbing to a height of 55 meters and deployed on 980 meters rail, the Red Fire is among the fastest roller coasters of the world and its cost is 15 million Euros. The other one is called Family Coaster and a little more merciful!
Toplam 1 milyar TL’lik bir yat›r›m oldu¤u s›k s›k vurgulanan tesisin 750 kapasiteli marinas› çoktand›r ön kay›t almaya bafllam›flt›. Yat sahiplerinin tekneleriyle ma¤azalar›n, hatta otelin önüne yanaflabilecekleri bir konsepti var marinan›n. Deniz temas› öylesine önemsenmifl ki kapal› alanlar›n çat›lar›nda kullan›lan kiremitler bile mavi tonlar›ndan seçilmifl ve böylece bu tema özenle göz önünde tutulmufl. Klasik lunapark oyuncaklar›na sahip olan ViaSea ise iki roller coaster’la da e¤lenceyi adrenalinle buluflturuyor. 15 milyon Euro’ya mal olan Red Fire 55 metre yüksekli¤e kadar ulaflabilen ve 980 metrelik ray üzerine konumland›r›lm›fl olan, dünyan›n en h›zl› roller coaster’lar› aras›nda yer al›yor. Di¤eri ise Family Coaster ad›n› tafl›yor ve biraz daha insafl›!
25 MILLION VISITORS IN THE SECOND YEAR Coflkun Bayraktar also talked about the aerial monorail project that we frequently mentioned in our previous news about the marina. He said that the project, which they expected to be implemented with the support of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, would make a significant contribution to the number of visitors and added that they will arrange regular direct services from Yalova. Coflkun Bayraktar stated that the facility will be in outlet concept and reminded that the same concept Viaport had hosted 22 million visitors last year. He said that the Vialand in European side is visited by 18 million people and they are waiting 15 million domestic and foreign visitors in the first year and 25 million in the second year. Meanwhile, we would like to say that the Via Properties and Tuzla Municipality had collaborated to open an employment door for the inhabitants of Tuzla. Accordingly, the workplaces in marina would be able to benefit from the pool created by the company and the municipality for their personnel requirements. &
‹K‹NC‹ YIL 25 M‹LYON Z‹YARETÇ‹ Marina ile ilgili önceki haberler de s›k s›k rastlad›¤›m›z havaray projesinden de söz etti Coflkun Bayraktar. ‹stanbul Büyükflehir Belediyesi’nin katk›lar›yla hayata geçirilmesini bekledikleri projenin, Viaport Marina ziyaretçi say›s›na çok büyük katk› yapaca¤›n› anlatan Bayraktar, ayr›ca Yalova’dan do¤rudan tekne seferleri düzenleyeceklerini de belirtti. Coflkun Bayraktar, tesisin outlet konseptte olaca¤›n› belirterek, ayn› konseptteki Viaport’un geçti¤imiz y›l 22 milyon ziyaretçi a¤›rlad›¤›n› hat›rlatt›. Avrupa yakas›ndaki Vialand’i 18 milyon kiflinin ziyaret etti¤ini belirten Bayraktar, Viaport Marina’ya ilk y›l 15, ikinci y›l ise 25 milyon yerli ve yabanc› ziyaretçi beklediklerini ifade etti. Bu arada Via Properties ile Tuzla Belediyesi’nin iflbirli¤ine giderek Tuzla’da yaflayanlar için bir ifl kap›s›n› aralad›klar›n› da belirtelim. Buna göre marinadaki ifl yerleri eleman ihtiyaçlar› için Belediye ile flirket taraf›ndan oluflturulmufl olan havuzdan yararlanabilecekler. & MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
Super Yacht Award Goes To Tansu Yachts Süperyat Ödülü Tansu Yachts’a
So’mar whose interior and exterior design was made by famous Turkish designer R›za Tansu succeeded to receive the grand prix among the challenging competitors at the 10th World Super Yacht Awards held at Amsterdam this year. o’mar, whose interior and exterior design belongs to famous Turkish designer R›za Tansu, received the prize from the most prestigious and sensational super yacht reward organization of the world, World Super Yacht Awards. So’mar that was deemed worthy of an award in Semi-displacement or Planning three Deck Motor Yacht 30 to 40 meters” category win the Neptune award among its four rivals succeeded to get to the finals. The rivals of 37.9 meters So’mar were the Kaytoo of Paragon (30 meters), O of Sanlorenzo (34.1 meters) and Thumper built by Sunseeker. The naval architect of the So’mar, which was designed by Tansu Yachts and received the award among the rivals with international reputation and influence, is Diana Yacht Design and it is built also by Tansu Yachts.
The World Super Yacht Awards delivered at the ceremony held in Amsterdam this year was also
celebrating its 10th anniversary. The ceremony that is held in a different city of the world every year is considered as the showcase of the super yacht and mega yacht world since it brings together the outstanding names and companies of the yacht building and design industry. The World Super Yacht Awards, also known as “Neptune Awards” briefly, are delivered in 17 categories, The Motor Yacht of the Year and Sailing Yacht of the Year being in the first place. Besides, an extraordinary voyage and a notable name of the maritime world that leaves a legacy for the future are awarded in the organization too. This year, Lord Irvine Laidlaw has been chosen for the Legacy Award and the pole mission of “Arctaic P” for the Voyage Award. 73 meters “Grace E” built by Picchiotti-Perini Navi win the price of “The Super Motor Yacht of the Year” in 10th Super Yacht Awards. The inner design of the motor yacht belongs to Remi Tessier Design and its engineering and exterior design has been made by Philippe Briand and Vitruvius. “The Sailing Yacht of the Year” award is given to 33 meters WinWin built by Baltic Yachts and it’s engineer and exterior designer is Javier Jaudenes and internal designer Design Unlimited.
Bu y›l Amsterdam’da yap›lan 10. Dünya Süperyat Ödülleri’nde Türk tasar›mc› R›za Tansu’nun iç ve d›fl tasar›m›n› gerçeklefltirdi¤i So’Mar, güçlü rakipleri aras›nda büyük ödüle uzanmay› baflard›. ünyan›n en sayg›n ve en çok yank› yaratan süperyat ödül organizasyonu Dünya Süperyat Ödülleri’nde, ünlü Türk yat tasar›mc›s› R›za Tansu’nun d›fl ve iç tasar›m›n› gerçeklefltirdi¤i So’Mar ödül ald›. “30-40 metre Aras› Yar›-deplasman ya da Kay›fl Tipi Üç Güverteli Motoryat” kategorisinde ödüle lay›k görülen So’Mar, finale kalm›fl olan güçlü dört rakibi aras›ndan s›yr›lmay› baflararak Neptün ödülünün sahibi oldu. 37.9 metre uzunlu¤undaki So’Mar’›n rakipleri, Paragon’un Kaytoo (30 metre), Sanlorenzo’nun O (34.1 metre) ve Sunseeker taraf›ndan infla edilen Thumper’d›. Uluslararas› ün ve etkiye sahip bu rakipler aras›ndan ödüle uzanan Tansu Yachts’›n tasarlad›¤› So’Mar’›n gemi mühendisli¤ini Diana Yacht Design yapt›; teknenin inflas› ise yine Tansu Yachts’a aitti.
Bu y›l Amsterdam’da yap›lan tören gecesinde sahiplerini bulan Dünya Süperyat Ödülleri ayn› zamanda 10. y›l›n› da kut-
lad›. Her y›l dünyan›n ayr› bir flehrinde düzenlenen tören, yat infla ve tasar›m›nda en önemli isim ve firmalar› bir araya getirdi¤i için süperyat ve megayat dünyas›n›n vitrini olarak de¤erlendiriliyor. K›saca “Neptün Ödülleri” ismiyle de an›lan Dünya Süperyat Ödülleri 10. y›l›nda Y›l›n Motoryat› ve Y›l›n Yelkenli Yat› baflta olmak üzere toplam 17 kategoride veriliyor. Organizasyonda ayr›ca denizcilik dünyas›n›n gelece¤e miras b›rakan sayg›n bir ismiyle s›ra d›fl› deniz yolculu¤u da ödüllendiriliyor. Bu y›lki miras b›rakan isim Lord Irvine Laidlaw, s›ra d›fl› seyahat ise “Arctic P”nin kutup görevi olarak belirlendi. 10. Süperyat Ödülleri’nde “Y›l›n Süper Motoryat›” ödülünü, Picchiotti-Perini Navi yap›m› 73 metrelik “Grace E” kazand›. Mühendisli¤ini ve d›fl tasar›m›n› Philippe Briand ile Vitruvius’un gerçeklefltirdi¤i motoryat›n iç tasar›m› ise Remi Tessier Design’a ait. Y›l›n Yelkenli Yat› ödülünü kazanan 33 metrelik Baltic Yachts yap›m› WinWin’in mühendisli¤i ve d›fl tasar›m› Javier Jaudenes, iç tasar›m› Design Unlimited taraf›ndan gerçeklefltirildi.
Four Shipyard in Top 500 ‹lk 500’de Dört Tersane stanbul Sanayi Odas› (‹SO) taraf›ndan gerçeklefltirilen ve Türkiye’nin en büyük sanayi kurulufllar›n› listeleyen “Türkiye’nin 500 Büyük Sanayi Kuruluflu 2014” aç›kland›. ‹lk üçü s›ras›yla Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.fi. (TÜPRAfi), Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.fi. ve OyakRenault Otomotiv Fabrikalar› A.fi.’nin oluflturdu¤u listeye dört denizcilik flirketi de girdi. RMK Marine Gemi Yap›m Sanayi ve Deniz Tafl›mac›l›¤› ‹flletmesi A.fi. 965,941,559 TL’lik net üretimden sat›flla 87, Uzmar Gemi ‹nfla San. ve Tic. A.fi. 291,274,295 TL ile 358, Tersan Tersanecilik San. ve Tic. A.fi. 234,878,977 TL ile 453, Befliktafl Gemi ‹nfla A.fi. 214,063,996 TL ile 498. s›rada yer ald›. RMK Marine ile Uzmar Gemi 2013 ilk 500 listesin-
op 500 Industrial Enterprise of Turkey 2014 that lists the greatest industrial enterprises of Turkey and arranged by Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) is announced. Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.fi. (TÜPRAfi), Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.fi. and Oyak-Renault Otomotiv Fabrikalar› A.fi. ranked as first three respectively and four maritime companies entered into the list. RMK Marine Gemi Yap›m Sanayi ve Deniz Tafl›mac›l›¤› ‹flletmesi A.fi. was the 87th with its 965,941,559 TL net sale from production; Uzmar Gemi ‹nfla San. ve Tic. A.fi. was the 358th with 291,274,295 TL; Tersan Tersanecilik San. ve Tic. A.fi. 453th with 234,878,977 TL; Befliktafl Gemi ‹nfla A.fi. was the 498th with 214,063,996 TL. RMK Marine and Uzmar
Gemi did not take place in the first 500 list of 2013. Tersan Tersanecilik was the 215th and Befliktafl Gemi ‹nfla was the 430th in 2013. On the other side, when the list containing both the private and public sector is considered in respect of only the private sector, RMK Marine moves up to rank 81, Uzmar Gemi 349, Tersan Tersanecilik 442 and Befliktafl Gemi ‹nfla 487.
de yer almam›flt›. Tersan Tersanecilik 2013’te 215, Befliktafl Gemi ‹nfla ise 430. s›radayd›. Öte yandan kamu-özel kar›fl›k olarak haz›rlanan listeye sadece özel sektör baz al›narak bak›ld›¤›nda RMK Marine 81, Uzmar Gemi 349, Tersan Tersanecilik 442, Befliktafl Gemi ‹nfla ise 487. s›raya yükseliyor. ‹SO taraf›ndan 1968 y›l›ndan beri haz›rlanan ve o y›l “100 Büyük Sanayi Kuruluflu” ismini tafl›yan dev araflt›rma, Türkiye ekonomisine tutulan güçlü bir ayna niteli¤ini tafl›yor. Listenin temel kriteri olarak üretimden sat›fllar baz al›n›yor. Uzun süredir birinci 500 ve ikinci 500 olarak listelenen en büyük sanayi kurulufllar› araflt›rmas›n›n ikinci etab› henüz kamuoyuna duyurulmad›.
The giant investigation prepared by ISO since the year of 1968 and called “100 Grand Industrial Enterprises” that year, is a powerful mirror of the Turkish economy. The sales from production are taken as the basic criteria of the list. The second part of the investigation that is being issued as the first 500 and second 500 for a long time is not announced to the public yet.
First Sea Archeology Center Opened in Urla ‹lk Deniz Arkeolojisi Merkezi Urla’da Aç›ld› Ankara University Mustafa Vehbi Koç Marine Archeology Center built in Çeflmealt›, Urla district of ‹zmir has been opened on June 17, 2015. he Archeology Center built in cooperation with Vehbi Koç Fund, Turkish Underwater Archeology Fund (T‹NA) and Urla Municipality has been opened. Governor of ‹zmir Mustafa Toprak, Koç Holding Board Chairman Mustafa Koç, Ankara University’s Rector Prof. Dr. Erkan ‹bifl, Founding Manager and Limantepe Excavation Director Prof. Dr. Hayat Erkanal, Turkish Underwater Archeology Fund’s (T‹NA) Board Chairman O¤uz Aydemir and a number of guests attended to the opening ceremony of the center that passed into history as the first in Turkey.
“Will be the leading institution” Mustafa Koç well known with his passion for maritime and underwater world said that Turkey is one of the most important countries of the archeology world and added: “The ground we gained in archeology field is important not only for Turkey but also for the world. Limantepe that bring us together in Urla today, excites everybody interested in archeology with its strategical position and the studies carried out under the water and on land. I have great future expectations related this center with its features that may be called as first in Turkey. I believe that it
will play an active role in improving especially the culture awareness of the society besides contributing to the science world and will be a leading institution in all activities.”
‹zmir’in Urla ilçesi Çeflmealt› mevkiinde yapt›r›lan “Ankara Üniversitesi Mustafa Vehbi Koç Deniz Arkeolojisi Merkezi” 17 Haziran 2015 tarihinde aç›ld›.
Built On 11 Decares
Ankara University Mustafa Vehbi Koç Marine Archeology Center has been built on 11 decares area allocated in Çeflmealt› by the municipality of Urla. There is a restoration laboratory, a library appealing to national and international interest, conference hall, exhibition areas spreading on four decares where the animations reflecting the developments in maritime technology from the ancient times until today will be displayed, a dormitory with 30 people capacity to serve the ones participating the projects and a warehouse takes place in the center consisting of five separate units. It is expected that the archeopark that takes place in the project shall contribute to the tourism activities of the region.
ehbi Koç Vakf›, Türkiye Sualt› Arkeolojisi Vakf› (T‹NA) ve Urla Belediyesi’nin iflbirli¤iyle infla edilen “Ankara Üniversitesi Mustafa Vehbi Koç Deniz Arkeolojisi Merkezi” aç›ld›. Türkiye’de bir ilk olarak tarihe geçen merkezin aç›l›fl›na ‹zmir Valisi Mustafa Toprak, Koç Holding Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Mustafa Koç, Ankara Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Erkan ‹bifl, merkezin kurucu müdürü ve Limantepe Kaz› Baflkan› Prof. Dr. Hayat Erkanal, Türkiye Sualt› Arkeolojisi Vakf› (T‹NA) Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› O¤uz Aydemir ve çok say›da davetli kat›ld›.
“Öncü Kurum Olacak” Denizcili¤e ve sualt› dünyas›na tutkusuyla tan›nan Mustafa Koç törende yapt›¤› konuflmada, Türkiye’nin arkeoloji dün-
yas›n›n en önemli ülkelerinden biri konumunda oldu¤unu belirterek flöyle dedi: “Arkeoloji alan›nda kat etti¤imiz mesafe sadece Türkiye için de¤il, dünya çap›nda önem tafl›yor. Bugün Urla’da bizleri bir araya getiren Limantepe, sualt›nda ve karada yürütülen çal›flmalar ve stratejik konumu dolay›s›yla arkeolojiye ilgi duyan herkesi heyecanland›r›yor. Türkiye’de pek çok aç›dan ilk denebilecek özelliklere sahip bu merkezden arkeolojik çal›flmalar›n gelece¤i için büyük beklentilerim var. Merkezin bilim dünyas›na katk› yapman›n yan› s›ra özellikle toplumdaki kültür bilincinin geniflletilmesinde etkin bir rol oynayaca¤›n›, faaliyetlerinin tümünde öncü bir kurum olaca¤›na inan›yorum.”
11 Dönüme Kuruldu Ankara Üniversitesi Mustafa Vehbi Koç Deniz Arkeolojisi Araflt›rma Merkezi, Urla Belediyesi’nin Çeflmealt›’nda tahsis etti¤i 11 dönümlük alana kuruldu. Befl farkl› üniteden oluflan merkezde restorasyon laboratuvar›, ulusal ve uluslararas› ölçe¤e hitap eden kütüphane, konferans salonu, antik dönemlerden bugüne denizcilik teknolojisindeki geliflmeleri yans›tan canland›rmalar›n sergilenece¤i 4 dönüme yay›lan sergileme alanlar›, projelerde çal›flan kat›l›mc›lara hizmet verecek 30 kifli kapasiteli yatakhane ile bir de depo bulunuyor. Projede yer alan Arkeopark’›n da bölgenin turizm faaliyetlerine katk› sa¤lamas› hedefleniyor.
5th Tugboat Also Delivered Sanmar 5. Römorkörü de Teslim Etti
urkish shipyard that is specialized in tugboats, Sanmar delivered SL Wiggins Island which it has built for Smit Lamnalco company offering service at the Glastone Port located on the east coast of Australia. This ship was the last of 5 tugboats Sanmar built for Smit Lamnalco. In July 2015, the tugboat with 86 tons bow thruster, 80 tons stern thruster will join to its sister ships already operating in Australia. Classified by Bureau Veritas, SL Wiggins Island is 34 meters long, 14.5 meters wide and its maximum draft is 6 meters. The tugboat can reach to a speed of 15 knots by means of two Wartsila 8L26 diesel engine each of which has a capacity of
2,720 kW. It is stated that SL Wiggins Island will be used for the berthing-separation maneuvers of LNG tankers especially since it has a LNGresistant structure. In his speech at the delivery ceremony General Director of Smit Lamnalco, Frederik Rutgers said: “We are deeply impressed by the construction and performance of our tugboat. The masters performing the test drives said that the vessel fits well on the water and at the same time it is high powered and balanced.” Sanmar Project Manager Ali Gürün said that the five sister tugboats are RAstar 3400 model designed by Robert Allan Ltd. and exactly user friendly.
ürkiye’nin römorkör konusunda uzman tersanesi Sanmar, Avustralya’n›n do¤u k›y›s›ndaki Gladstone Liman›’nda servis sa¤lay›c› Smit Lamnalco flirketi için infla etti¤i SL Wiggins Island’› teslim etti. Bu gemi, Sanmar’›n Smit Lamnalco için infla etti¤i befl römorkörün sonuncusuydu. Bafltan çeki gücü 86, k›çtan çeki gücü 80 ton olan römorkör, Temmuz 2015 bafl›ndan itibaren halen Avustralya’da çal›flmaya bafllam›fl olan k›z kardefllerinin aras›na kat›lacak. Bureau Veritas taraf›ndan klaslanan SL Wiggins Island’›n uzunlu¤u 34, geniflli¤i 14.5, maksimum su çekimi ise 6 metre. Römorkör, her biri 2,720 kW’lik iki adet Wärtsilä 8L26 dizel makinesi sayesinde 15 knot h›za ulaflabiliyor. LNG’ye dayan›kl› bir yap›ya sa-
hip olan SL Wiggins Island’›n bu yüzden özellikle LNG tankerlerinin yanaflma-ayr›lma manevralar›nda kullan›laca¤› belirtiliyor. Smit Lamnalco Genel Müdürü Frederik Rutgers teslim töreninde yapt›¤› aç›klamada “Römorkörümüzün konstrüksiyonundan ve performans›ndan çok etkilendik. Test sürüfllerini yapan kaptanlar›m›z geminin mükemmel bir flekilde suya oturdu¤unu, ayn› zamanda çok dengeli ve güçlü oldu¤unu söylediler” dedi. Sanmar Proje Direktörü Ali Gürün de befl k›z kardefl römorkörün de Robert Allan Ltd. taraf›ndan tasarlanan RAstar 3400 modeli olduklar›n› belirterek, bu gemilerin tam bir kullan›c› dostu olduklar›n› ifade etti.
Erol Yücel Is Chairman For the Third Time Üçüncü Kez Baflkan urkish Association of Shipowners Vice Chairman and Mart› Denizcilik ve Gemi ‹flletmecili¤i A.fi. Board Chairman Erol Yücel has been reelected for the position of Turkish Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities (TOBB) Turkish Maritime Council’s Presidency. At the elections Murat K›ran, Josef Atat and Ali Avc› have been assigned as vice-Chairmen.
ürk Armatörler Birli¤i Baflkan Vekili ve Mart› Denizcilik ve Gemi ‹flletmecili¤i A.fi. Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Erol Yücel, Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birli¤i (TOBB) Türkiye Denizcilik Meclisi Baflkanl›¤›’na yeniden seçildi. Yap›lan seçimlerde baflkan yard›mc›lar› Murat K›ran, Josef Atat ve Ali Avc› olarak belirlendi.
ClassNK Turkish Committee Meets at the Bosporus ClassNK Türk Komitesi Bo¤aziçi’nde bulufltu
2th of “Turkish Committee” held annually by the ClassNK ‹stanbul Office is conducted at Four Seasons Istanbul Bosphorus Hotel on May 26, 2015 with the participation of ClassNK Vice-President Tetsushi Agata and the Japan delegation. Information on recent developments related with the Ballast Water Convention and latest situation of the global maritime industry as well as the
activities of ClassNK is given at the meeting that was headed by YASA Holding Board Chairman Yalç›n Sabanc› and well-attended by the members of the committee. After the meeting of the committee, a “Welcome to Summer” cocktail prolonge is organized where the leading companies of the industry attended. Attendants find the opportunity to have conversation until late hours in a warm environment.
lassNK ‹stanbul Ofisi’nin her y›l düzenledi¤i “Türk Komitesi” toplant›lar›n›n on ikincisi, 26 May›s 2015 tarihinde, ClassNK Baflkan Yard›mc›s› Tetsushi Agata ve Japon Delegasyonunun da kat›l›m›yla, Four Seasons Istanbul Bosphorus Hotel’de gerçeklefltirildi. Baflkanl›¤›n› YASA Holding Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Yalç›n Sabanc›’n›n üstlendi¤i ve komite üyelerinin yo¤un kat›l›m sa¤la-
d›¤› toplant›da, ClassNK faaliyetlerinin yan› s›ra Balast Suyu Konvansiyonu’ndaki son geliflmeler ve küresel denizcilik sektöründeki son durum hakk›nda bilgi verildi. Komite toplant›s› sonras› sektörün önde gelen firmalar›n›n kat›ld›¤› “Yaza Merhaba” bafll›kl› kokteyl prolenge gerçeklefltirildi. Davete kat›lanlar samimi bir ortamda geç saatlere kadar sohbet etme f›rsat›n› buldu.
Nene Hatun Ready For Emergency Action Acil Müdahaleye Haz›r onveyancing to the Ministry of Health of the first and only emergency ship of Turkey, Nene Hatun has been performed with a ceremony held on May 27, 2015. The ship that was built at Sefine Shipyard for Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication General Directorate of Coastal Safety was launched on October, 24 2014. Minister of Health Mehmet Müezzino¤lu, Undersecretary of Ministry Prof. Dr. Eyüp Gümüfl, Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication General Director of Coastal Safety Yaflar Duran Aytafl, MH Emergency Services General Director Osman Nacar, MH General Director of Health for Borders and Coasts Hüsam Hatipo¤lu, Governor of Yalova
Selim Cebiro¤lu and a number of guests attended to the ceremony. The ship that gives service with 45 personnel has the equipment to treat 20 patients within its body in the case of an emergency. The length of Nene Hatun is 87.80, width 18 meters and its maximum speed is 16 knots. The ship with a heliport not only offers health care services it also has the equipment to make researches related with environmental pollution. Besides, there is hyperbolic oxygen unit and equipment to provide diver service up to 100 meters on Nene Hatun. The Ministry stated that the capacity of the ship can be increased to 40 beds and the studies are continuing to constitute a surgery room as soon as possible.
ürkiye’nin ilk ve tek acil müdahale gemisi Nene Hatun’un Sa¤l›k Bakanl›¤›’na devir ifllemi, 27 May›s 2015’te düzenlenen törenle gerçeklefltirildi. Ulaflt›rma Denizcilik ve Haberleflme Bakanl›¤› K›y› Emniyeti Genel Müdürlü¤ü için Sefine Tersanesi’nde infla edilen gemi 24 Ekim 2014 tarihinde denize indirilmiflti. Törene Sa¤l›k Bakan› Mehmet Müezzino¤lu’nun yan› s›ra Bakanl›k Müsteflar› Prof. Dr. Eyüp Gümüfl, Ulaflt›rma Denizcilik ve Haberleflme Bakanl›¤› K›y› Emniyeti Genel Müdürü Yaflar Duran Aytafl, SB Acil Hizmetler Genel Müdürü Osman Nacar, SB Türkiye Hudut ve Sahiller Sa¤l›k Genel Müdürü Hüsam Hatipo¤lu, Yalova Valisi Selim Cebiro¤lu ve çok say›da davetli kat›ld›. 45 personelle
hizmet veren gemi herhangi bir acil durumda 20 hastay› bünyesine al›p tedavi edebilecek donan›ma sahip. Nene Hatun’un uzunlu¤u 87.80, geniflli¤i 18 metre, en yüksek h›z› ise 16 knot. Bir helikopter pistine de sahip olan gemi sa¤l›k hizmetleri vermekle kalm›yor; çevre kirlili¤ine karfl› araflt›rma yapabilecek donan›ma da sahip. Bunlar›n yan› s›ra Nene Hatun’da 100 metreye kadar dalg›ç hizmeti verecek donan›m ve hiperbolik oksijen ünitesi de bulunuyor. Sa¤l›k Bakanl›¤› taraf›ndan yap›lan aç›klamada geminin kapasitesinin 40 yata¤a ç›karabildi¤i, en k›sa sürede bir ameliyathane kurulmas› için de çal›flmalar›n devam etti¤i bildirildi.
Liberian Registry Istanbul Office Opening Celebrated Liberya Sicili ‹stanbul Ofisi Aç›l›fl› Kutland›
M. Erhan Esinduy
he 2nd largest ship registry of the world, Liberian Corporate Registry (LISCR) has celebrated its Istanbul Office opening, which is expected to improve the services offered to Turkish maritime community, with a reception at Büyük Kulüp.
LISCR ‹stanbul Regional Representative M. Erhan Esinduy addressed to the guests at the event and emphasized that he is in maritime industry since 1987 and that the Turkish Maritime Community attracts far less attention than its potential in international terms although Turkish fleet has been reached to 20 million DWT. He added that it is not right for the Turkish maritime companies to receive service from the offices abroad. In addition, Esinduy said that he takes pride in the fact that the Turkish maritime will receive broader services through the opening of ‹stanbul office of prestigious and high-quality Liberian Flag which is the 2nd largest ship
Scott Bergeron
registry of the world. CEO of Liberian Corporate Registry, Scott Bergeron said that they realized the recent importance of Turkey as a marine country and it was the right time to open an office in Turkey. He added that the ships under Liberia Flag belonging to Turkish ship owners can meet all their needs through the Istanbul Office. Besides, Bergeron emphasized that the ‹stanbul Office will work directly under the central office in ABD Virginia Vienna and will not be affiliated to any other office.
ünyan›n ikinci en büyük gemi sicili olan Liberian Corporate Registry (LISCR) Türk denizcilik toplulu¤una verdi¤i hizmetleri gelifltirmek amac›yla gerçeklefltirdi¤i ‹stanbul ofisinin aç›l›fl›n› Büyük Kulüp’te verdi¤i davetle kutlad›.
Etkinlikte misafirlere seslenen LISCR ‹stanbul Bölge Temsilcisi M. Erhan Esinduy 1987’den beri denizcilik sektörü içinde oldu¤unu ve Türk denizcilik toplulu¤unun bugün yaklafl›k 30 milyon DWT filo büyüklü¤üne kavuflmas›na ra¤men uluslararas› anlamda sahip oldu¤u potansi-
yelin çok gerisinde ilgi gördü¤ünü vurgulad›. Esinduy, Türk denizcilik flirketlerinin yurtd›fl›ndaki ofislerden hizmet almas›n›n do¤ru bulmad›¤›n› da söyledi. Erhan Esinduy sayg›n ve yüksek kalitesiyle dünyan›n ikinci en büyük gemi sicili olan Liberya Bayra¤›’n›n ‹stanbul ofisinin aç›l›fl› ile Türk denizcili¤ine daha genifl hizmet verecek olmalar›ndan gurur duydu¤unu da sözlerine ekledi. Liberian Corporate Registry CEO’su Scott Bergeron ise konuflmas›nda, Türkiye’nin art›k önemli bir denizcilik ülkesi oldu¤unun fark›na vard›klar›n› ve Türkiye’de ofis açman›n zaman›n›n tam anlam›yla geldi¤ini vurgulad›. Türk armatörlerin Liberya Bayra¤› alt›ndaki gemilerinin tüm ihtiyaçlar›n› ‹stanbul ofisinden karfl›layabileceklerini belirten Bergeron, ‹stanbul ofisinin do¤rudan ABD Virginia Vienna’daki merkeze ba¤l› çal›flaca¤›n› ve baflka herhangi bir ofise ba¤l› olmayaca¤›n› da söyledi.
APM Terminals Izmir Office Completed The Port at The End Of The Year APM Terminals Ofisi Tamam, Liman Y›lsonunda lia¤a’da Ege Bölgesi’nin en büyü¤ü olacak konteyner liman› APM Ege Terminali’ni PETK‹M ile birlikte infla eden Hollanda merkezli APM Terminals, ‹zmir’deki yeni ofisini açt›. Menemen Ulukent’teki ofisin aç›l›fl›na APM Terminals ‹zmir Genel Müdürü Mogens Kurt Larsen, ‹MEAK Deniz Ticaret Odas› ‹zmir fiubesi Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Yusuf Öztürk, Alia¤a Ticaret Odas› Baflkan› Adnan Saka, ‹zmir Büyükflehir Belediyesi Kuzey Ege Koordinatörü Mehmet Aslan kat›ld›. Mogens Kurt Larsen aç›l›flta yapt›¤› konuflmada Türkiye’nin en büyük konteyner limanlar›ndan biri olacak APM Ege Terminali’nin h›zla ilerledi¤ini belirterek flöyle dedi: “Bu y›l›n dördüncü çeyre¤inde birinci aflama inflaat tamamlanacak. Ege Bölgesi’nin en büyü¤ü olacak konteyner liman›m›z 1.3 milyon TEU kapasiteye sahip olacak. Bu limanla Ege Bölgesi’nin uluslararas› ticarette ihtiyaç duydu¤u liman hizmetlerini en üst seviyede karfl›lamaya haz›r›z.” Larsen, APM
olland based APM Terminals that builds APM Aegean Terminal container port, which will be the largest of the Aegean Region, in cooperation with PETK‹M opened its new office in ‹zmir. APM Terminals General Director of ‹zmir Mogens Kurt Larsen, ‹MEAK Chamber of Shipping’s Board Chairman of ‹zmir Branch Yusuf Öztürk, Chairman of Alia¤a Chamber of Commerce Adnan Saka, North Aegean Coordinator of ‹zmir Metropolitan Municipality Mehmet Aslan attended to the opening ceremony of the office in Menemen Ulukent. In his speech at the opening Morgens Kurt Larsen said that the APM Aegean Terminal that will be one of the largest container ports of the Turkey is proceeding rapidly and added: “The first phase of the construction will be completed by the forth quarter of this year. Our container port that will be the largest of the Aegean Region will have a capacity of 1.3 million TEU. With this port, we are ready to offer preeminently the port services needed by the Aegean Region for international trade.” Larsen said that the APM Aegean Terminal with its
700 meters quay length, 16 meters water depth and ability to berth ultimate generation ships with 16,000 TEU capacities shall connect the Aegean and Turkey with global network. Larsen said: “We anticipate that a container volume between 2.5-3 millions TEU will be created in Aegean by 2023” Yusuf Öztürk said that they will be one step closer to the goal of “Great ‹zmir Port” with the Petkim Port that will enter into service by the end of 2015. After stating that the Alsancak, Alia¤a, Nemrut, North Aegean Çandarl›, Dikili, Çeflme and Kufladas› ports, which operates integrated rather than competing with each other and specialized in their field, are the parts of “the Great ‹zmir Port” Öztürk added: “North Aegean will rapidly become an important center of container transportation with the new port investment of Petkim and APM Terminals”. Adnan Saka said that the ‹zmir-Alia¤a rig traffic will become busier together with the construction of the new port and wanted the peripheral road to be extended to Alia¤a.
Ege Terminali’nin 700 metre r›ht›m uzunlu¤u, 16 metre su derinli¤i ve 16 bin TEU kapasiteli son nesil gemileri yanaflt›rabilme özelli¤iyle Türkiye ve Ege’yi küresel a¤a ba¤layaca¤›n› söyledi. Larsen “2023 y›l›nda Ege’de 2.5-3 milyon TEU aras›nda bir konteyner hacminin oluflmas›n› öngörüyoruz” dedi. Yusuf Öztürk de 2015 sonunda faaliyete geçecek Petkim Liman› ile “Büyük ‹zmir Liman›” hedefine bir ad›m daha yaklaflacaklar›n› söyledi. Alsancak, Alia¤a, Nemrut, Kuzey Ege Çandarl›, Dikili, Çeflme ve Kufladas› limanlar›n›n alanlar›nda uzmanlaflm›fl, rekabet eden de¤il entegre çal›flan “Büyük ‹zmir Liman›’n›n parçalar› oldu¤unu ifade eden Öztürk, “Petkim ile APM Terminals’in gerçeklefltirdikleri yeni liman yat›r›m› ile Kuzey Ege, k›sa sürede konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤›nda önemli bir merkez olacak” dedi. Adnan Saka ise yeni liman›n yap›lmas›yla beraber ‹zmir-Alia¤a t›r trafi¤inin artaca¤›n› belirterek, çevreyolunun Alia¤a’ya kadar uzat›lmas›n› istedi.
Three New Ships For The Bosphorus From Özata Özata’dan Bo¤az’a Üç Yeni Gemi stanbul Metropolitan Municipality added three more double-ended type ships to its City Line Fleet. After the commissioning ceremony held at Sar›yer quay on May 28, 2015 the three vessels named Durusu, Göksu and Küçüksu started their services. The ships each with 41.70 meters length, 9.60 meters width and 12 knots cruising speed have a capacity of 700 passengers. Since they are double-ended type it is not necessary for them to make maneuver during berthing-separation and they can approach by the stern or bow. Having powerful maneuver systems against the
high wind and currents of Bosphorus is one of the most important features of the ships using eco-motor with low emission. The ships with mechanisms providing easy boarding and landing for disabled passengers and animal housing are built by Özata shipyard.
stanbul Büyükflehir Belediyesi, fiehir Hatlar› filosuna double-ended tipi üç gemi daha ekledi. 28 May›s 2015 günü Sar›yer iskelesinde yap›lan hizmete alma töreninin ard›ndan Durusu, Göksu ve Küçüksu isimleri verilen üç gemi seferlerine bafllad›. 41.70 metre uzunlu¤a, 9.60 metre geniflli¤e ve
12 knot seyir h›z›na sahip gemiler 700 yolcu kapasiteli. Gemiler double-ended tip oldu¤u için yanaflma-ayr›lma s›ras›nda manevra yapmas› gerekmiyor, bafltan ya da k›çtan yanaflabiliyor. Düflük karbon sal›ml› ve çevreci motor kulland›¤› belirtilen gemilerin en büyük özellikleri aras›nda Bo¤az’›n ak›nt›lar›na ve kuvvetli rüzgâra karfl› güçlü manevra sistemlerine sahip olmas› da yer al›yor. Engelli yolcular›n kolay binip inmesini sa¤layan düzenekler ve hayvan bar›na¤› da bulunan gemiler Özata Tersanesi taraf›ndan infla edildi.
Subscription form // Abone formu Name, Surname // Ad›, Soyad› : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Title // Ünvan› : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company // Firma : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address // Adres : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................... ............................................................... Post/Zip Code // Posta Kodu: . . . . . . . . . . . . . City // fiehir : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Country // Ülke : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vergi Dairesi ve No. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone // Tel : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax // Faks : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-mail // E-posta : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please transfer the annual subscription fee (EURO 250 for abroad or TL 200 for Turkey to the account below) to the account TR74 0006 2000 4010 0009 0964 69 at Garanti Bank Levent Branch, the beneficiary name: Dildar Tanitim Halkla Iliskiler ve Turizm Ltd. Sti. and send this form as well as the transaction receipt. Y›ll›k abonelik ücreti olan 200 TL’nin Garanti Bankas› Levent fiubesi IBAN TR83 0006 2000 4010 0006 2008 57 numaral› flirketimize ait hesaba yat›r›lmas›n› ve makbuz kopyas›n›n bu formla birlikte taraf›m›za ulaflt›r›lmas›n› rica ederiz.
Dildar Public Relations Co. Ltd. // Dildar Tan›t›m Halkla ‹liflkiler ve Turizm Ltd. fiti. Sinanpafla Mah. Akmaz Çeflme Sokak No:15/14 Befliktafl 34353 ‹STANBUL-TÜRK‹YE Tel: +90 212 259 70 10 (pbx) E-mail: info@marineandcommerce.com MARINE&COMMERCE HAZ‹RAN 2015
SECOND HAND SHIP SALES ‹K‹NC‹ EL GEM‹ SATIfiLARI Vessel Name // Gemi Ad› AEC Courage Akvile Audre Alpha Glory Annou Max Geosand Max Glory Max Sandrine Max Arctic ID Aston Trader I Cupid Feather Daebo Lumut Domina Ganda Golden Star Gourniati Lowlands Queen Mary F New Vision Nord Liberty Oriente Challenger Oshima 10781 Oshima 10782 Pacific Dolphin Pinchat SBI Corona SBI Diadema SBI Estupendo Sea Hope Shimanami 613 Smarty Star Christianna Voge Eva Ability Al Arish Alexandra N Cap Trafalgar Christopher Golden Gate Bridge James River Bridge Lions Gate Bridge Otterhound RHL Felicitas RHL Fidelitas RHL Fiducia Santa Regina Santa Regula Smaragd Yong Fu Katja Baltic Star Beijing BLS Advance Chem Orion DS Visonia Energy R Power D Ghetty Bottiglieri
Type // Tipi bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont cont mpp reefer tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker
DWT 38,000 5,820 5,820 72,270 176,364 176,364 180,000 180,000 28,300 55,496 68,621 81,444 73,593 2,637 26,444 28,357 76,565 43,910 48,000 58,500 24,200 60,400 55,950 49,047 81,290 180,000 180,000 180,000 38,000 37,745 45,499 74,577 23,407 15,219 6,272 22,994 51,101 20,073 71,376 71,336 71,395 13,760 63,059 62,920 63,069 64,519 64,513 5,095 8,555 4,766 12,570 157,406 84,999 10,307 306,500 319,000 319,000 40,165
Built // ‹nfla 2015 1997 1997 1999 2011 2011 2016 2017 1996 2008 1994 2011 2007 2003 1995 1996 2008 1996 1999 2008 2001 2015 2016 1996 2012 2016 2016 2016 2000 2015 2000 1998 1997 2006 2000 1997 2001 2008 2001 2001 2001 2003 2010 2010 2010 2005 2005 1998 1998 1994 1979 1998 2002 1998 2006 2003 2003 2002
Japan Lithuania Lithuania Japan China China China China Japan Japan Japan Korea China Turkey Japan Japan Japan Korea Japan Philippines Japan Japan Japan Japan Korea China China China Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Korea Poland Korea Germany Korea Korea Korea China China China China Korea Korea China Japan Portugal Denmark Korea Japan Japan Korea Korea Korea Korea
USD 21,000,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 5,500,000 30,000,000 30,000,000 41,000,000 41,000,000 4,000,000 13,750,000 3,150,000 17,250,000 9,400,000 1,250,000 3,250,000 3,500,000 13,300,000 3,900,000 5,400,000 13,000,000 4,500,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 4,600,000 20,200,000 41,000,000 41,000,000 41,000,000 5,900,000 21,000,000 5,800,000 4,600,000 3,200,000 8,000,000 2,500,000 4,000,000 26,000,000 14,250,000 19,300,000 19,300,000 19,300,000 4,700,000 19,000,000 19,000,000 19,000,000 18,500,000 18,500,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,150,000 2,800,000 22,500,000 19,850,000 6,500,000 57,500,000 43,500,000 43,500,000 14,000,000
Buyer // Al›c› Taiwan Ukraine @ Ukraine @ China Greece @ Greece @ Greece @ Greece @ Undisclosed Greece China Greece Auction Greece Undisclosed China Undisclosed Greece China Greece Undisclosed Undisclosed Greece @ Greece @ China Greece Taiwan @ Taiwan @ Taiwan @ Undisclosed Taiwan Undisclosed China Turkey Korea Undisclosed Switzerland US Germany Taiwan @ Taiwan @ Taiwan @ Switzerland Singapore @ Singapore @ Singapore @ Belgium @ Belgium @ Undisclosed China Auction Undisclosed Undisclosed India Greece Undisclosed Greece Undisclosed @ Undisclosed @ Greece
Type // Tipi
Built // ‹nfla
Jurmo Purha Kalymnos Kara Sea Palenque II Star Quest
tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker
25,049 25,000 299,089 47,343 44,646 5,618
2004 2003 2000 1998 1992 2009
2002 Japan
China China Korea Croatia Korea China
Buyer // Al›c›
14,000,000 13,500,000 39,000,000 9,500,000 3,400,000 4,100,000
Sweden @ Sweden @ Russia India Nigeria Singapore
NEWBUILDING CONTRACTS - YEN‹ ‹NfiA SÖZLEfiMELER‹ Yard // Tersane Hanjin HI CIC Jiangsu CIC Jiangsu Daehan Dalian Shipbuilding Dalian Shipbuilding Hyundai Hyundai Vinashin New Times STX Sungdong
Type // Tipi cont tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker tanker
Size (units) // Boyut (adet) Delivery // Teslimat 1,900 TEU (x2) 150,000 dwt (x2+2) 115,000 dwt (x2+2) 115,000 dwt (x4+4) 115,000 dwt (x4) 115,000 dwt (x2) 300,000 dwt (x2) 75,000 dwt (x2) 111,000 dwt (x2) 310,000 dwt (x2+2+2) 115,000 dwt (x2)
2016 2017 2017 2017 2017/2018 2017 2017 2017/2018 2017 2017 2017
Buyer // Al›c›
34,000,000 57,000,000 50,000,000 55,000,000 52,000,000 52,000,000 95,500,000 44,000,000 50,000,000 90,000,000 55,500,000
Delphis Trade and Transport Trade and Transport Jellicoe Tankers China Ship Development Cara Shipping Thenamaris D’Amico International Frontline Frontline Thenamaris
DEMOLITION SALES - HURDA SATIfiLARI Vessel Name // Gemi Ad› Type // Tipi Advantage Aeolian Glory Aman Trader Ancona Andhika Sharmila Bashundara1 Boontrika Naree Elounda Bay Empress Great Peace Long Yuan Mariner J Master Ismail Miden Max Natzutec Prosper Saisaban Seatiger Sentosa Star Mega Starford Tak Yang Wan He Zhen Yang An Chun AT 14 Zim Asia Baltic Sky Castillo de Plasencia Theresa Pelintung @: enbloc
bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk cont cont cont reefer tanker tanker
DWT 27,750 157,991 48,320 75,100 64,975 46,874 27,881 182,675 151,628 45,259 69,346 26,605 25,413 74,696 27,922 182,675 26,648 6,156 36,205 170,631 23,360 7,859 30,750 22,551 15,106 12,230 45,850 12,299 12,219 29,928
Built // ‹nfla 1977 1995 1990 1995 1985 1985 1990 1993 1982 1996 1989 1984 1982 1993 1981 1993 1986 1981 1982 1994 1983 1981 1983 1991 1986 1992 1996 1978 1987 1990
USD/LDT 380 383 368 377 340 380 370 365 378 215 380 370 379 390 360 365 363 370 372 380 380 330 355 382 305 385 400 420 600 385
LDT 9,200 19,431 10,166 11,750 19,380 8,650 6,054 23,215 17,777 7,922 9,980 5,602 5,463 10,323 7,667 22,494 5,551 2,041 8,948 21,020 5,357 2,300 6,957 8,704 4,647 4,590 16,900 7,288 4,330 9,331
Buyer // Al›c› India Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh As is Singapore India India Bangladesh Bangladesh/Pakistan options China India Bangladesh Pakistan India with options Bangladesh Bangladesh Pakistan Bangladesh India India Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh As is Hong Kong India Bangladesh Bangladesh India inc st. steel material onboard India
All information is given in good faith but without guarantee. // Bilgilerin do¤rulu¤u için maksimum çaba harcanm›flt›r, ancak garanti edilemez. Source // Kaynak: Alpina Denizcilik 06.2015
Nor-Shipping 2015
Oslo, Norway
Norway Ship & Offshore Finance Forum
Oslo, Norway
TOC Europe
Rotterdam, Netherlands
MTB Superyachts
Cruise Shipping Asia
Busan, Korea
Marine Money Week
New York, USA
Brasil Offshore
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
China Offshore Finance Forum
Dalian, China
13 ASEAN Ports and Shipping 2015
Jakarta, Indonesia
Marintec South America
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The London Maritime Event for Purchasing & Supply
London, UK
Offshore Europe 2015 Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition
Aberdeen, UK
Seatrade Europe Cruise & River Cruise Convention
Hamburg, Germany
10th Southern Asia Ports, Logistics & Shipping 2015
Mumbai, India
NEVA 2015
St Petersburg, Russia
INMEX SMM India 2015
Mumbai, India
Interferry 40th Annual Conference
5 Offshore Wind Installation and Maintenance Conference
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dynamic Positioning Conference 2015
Houston, USA
Offshore Energy 2015
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
TOC Container Supply Chain: Americas
Panama City, Panama
Kormarine 2015
Busan, Korea
OTC Brasil 2015
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2nd Mare Forum Fort Lauderdale Yacht Summit 2015
Fort Lauderdale – USA
25.06.2015 25.06.2015
13 Intermodal Africa 2015
Lusaka, Zambia
IBIA Annual Convention 2015
Cancun, Mexico
Deepwater Operations 2015
Galveston, Texas, USA
Europort 2015
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
ADIPEC 2015 International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference
Abu Dhabi, UAE
6 Gas Fuelled Ships Conference
Hamburg, Germany
METS 2015 Marine Equipment Trade Show
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
International Workboat Show 2015
New Orleans, USA
10 Indian Ocean Ports and Logistics 2016
Reunion Island
SMM Istanbul
Istanbul, Turkey
27th SMM Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
SMEM Seatrade Middle East Maritime 2016
Dubai, UAE