ISSN: 1305-2918
YEAR // YIL: 11 ISSUE // SAYI : 127 JULY // TEMMUZ 2015 PRICE: EURO 20 // F‹YATI: 20 YTL
At The Moment I Am Living What I Will Remember Tomorrow “I find a stage for myself and played my role while the others are watching at the front seats. They cast me such a role that I couldn’t understand though I read many times.” I love those two sentences on which everybody enquiring deeply can ascribe a meaning in his/her own way. I suppose that they are from a song of fiebnem Ferah. I am not sure because we are experiencing a terrible infollution in parallel with technology. According to certain claims they may belong to Friedrich Nietzsche too… Thanks for the one whoever felt and verbalized them. I have never been one of those people who watch the life at the front seat. I always had a small stage of my own. But I should profess that I can’t understand exactly my role in this play although I tried so hard. Of course I don’t want to underplay but can’t find any answer to the questions like why I did that in that way, why there is a need for such a lexiphanicism and why it is so hard to break the routine. Dildar Ünde¤er, dildar@dildarpr.com Naturally I don’t know whether or not I am pleased with my role. At least if it were possible for me to let the things flow just like the others do and say to myself “Forget it, just play”… No, this is not possible. The amusing thing is my failure to take a seat among the audience in spite of such confusion. In short, it is a difficult situation. I know that there are a lot of people experiencing the same but they don’t want to question it. I think I am trying hard to understand my role better since it is true that at the moment we are living what we will remember tomorrow. Namely, my problem is with myself. Every “moment” has to and will pass, but the traces, memories it will leave behind… They will be with me till the end. There is no escape, so let’s keep on reading… May the sea and the “marine&commerce” always fill your life...
Yar›n Hat›rlayacaklar›m› fiu An Yafl›yorum “Baz›lar› hayat› en önden seyrederken, kendime bir sahne buldum ve oynad›m. Öyle bir rol vermifller ki, okudum okudum anlamad›m.” Derin, sorgulayan, herkesin kendine göre anlam yükleyebilece¤i bu iki cümleye bay›l›yorum. San›r›m fiebnem Ferah’a ait bir flark›n›n sözlerinden. Emin olam›yorum çünkü teknolojiyle paralel müthifl bir bilgi kirlili¤i yafl›yoruz. Baz› iddialara göre Friedrich Nietzsche’in de olabilir… Her kim hissedip kelimelere tafl›d›ysa teflekkürler. Hiçbir zaman hayat› o en önden seyredenlerden olmad›m. Hep küçücük bir sahnem oldu ama itiraf edeyim, çok u¤raflmama ra¤men oyundaki rolümü ben de tam olarak anlayam›yorum. Elbette rolümün hakk›n› vermek istiyorum ancak, neyi neden yapt›¤›m›, bu kadar a¤dal› bir anlat›ma neden ihtiyaç duyuldu¤unu ve ezberleri bozman›n zorlu¤unu çözemiyorum. Eee haliyle rolümden mutlu olup olmad›¤›m› da kestiremiyorum. Bari ço¤unlu¤un yapt›¤› gibi ak›fl›na b›rak›versem ve kendime “Bofl ver, oyna gitsin” diyebilsem… Yok olmuyor. ‹flin tuhaf› bunca çetrefile ra¤men, seyredenlerin aras›na da kayam›yorum. K›sacas› zor bir durum. Benim durumumda çok insan var asl›nda biliyorum ama sorgulamak istemiyorlar. Yar›n hat›rlayacaklar›m›z› flu an yafl›yoruz ya, ben de san›r›m onun için rolümü çok iyi anlamaya u¤rafl›yorum. Yani hesab›m kendimle. Her “an” bitecek, bitmek zorunda ama b›rakaca¤› izler, an›lar… ‹flte onlar hep benimle olacak. Kaç›fl yok, okumaya devam… Yaflant›n›zdan deniz ve “marine&commerce” hiç eksik olmas›n... Dildar Ünde¤er (dildar@dildarpr.com) Editor in Chief // Genel Yay›n Yönetmeni
ULUSLARARASI DEN‹Z VE T‹CARET www.marineandcommerce.com ISSN: 1305-2918
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A New Record Year In Dry Bulk Demolition Under Way? Kuru Yük Gemisi Sökümünde Yeni Bir Rekor Y›l› M›? The monthly average for the first six months in 2015 is 3.3 million DWT. In 2014 the first half year averaged at 1.33 million DWT per month. ccording to BIMCO and Clarkson’s data, April 2015 saw 5.36 million DWT being retired from active service, which was the highest on record ever for a single month. The record came on the back of continued poor earnings and deteriorating market conditions in dry bulk shipping, evidenced by the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) staying below 600 from 2 February to 13 May.
yasa flartlar›n› olumlu etkileyecek ve ayn› zamanda söküm faaliyetini de s›n›rlayacak. 2015 y›l› söküm faaliyeti beklentilerimizde yapt›¤›m›z son düzenlemeye paralel olarak y›l›n güçlü bafllang›c›na ra¤men yeni bir rekor y›l› öngörmüyoruz.”
In 2012, which is the largest demolition year on record with 33.4 million DWT leaving the fleet, the monthly average was 2.79 million DWT. So could we be heading for an even higher level in 2015? The preliminary amount of dry bulk tonnage being demolished during the first half of 2015 is 20 million DWT. During the first half of 2012 we saw 18 million DWT leaving the fleet. Chief Shipping Analyst at BIMCO, Peter Sand, says: “As the year progresses, BIMCO expects the demand side to get stronger in connecting with rising volumes. This should positively impact the market conditions but at the same time also limit the demolition activity. In line with our recent adjustment of expectations for demolition activity in 2015, we do not see a new record year in spite of the strong start of the year.”
Handysize was the Busiest In the BIMCO news piece Busiest Capesize Demolition Market Ever from 7 May a total of 52 Capesizes had been demolished. The number has
En Faal Söküm Handysize’da
increased to 68. The record from 2012 where 70 Capesizes were demolished during the full year will soon fall. The Handysize segment was the busiest sub-segment in all of the six months when you measure activity by number of ships being recycled. A total 104 Handysizes have left the fleet for good so far in 2015. The total number of dry bulkers being demolished now stand at 262 ships for the year. It remains to be seen if Handymax demolition activity will remain subdued. The fleet growth is the largest amongst the dry bulk-segments as newbuilt Supramaxes keep coming from the shipyards. However, earnings have outperformed all the other dry-bulk segments from mid-February to end of June, leaving little reason for engaging more often with the blow torch for Handymax owners. “The relatively low level of Handymax scrapping is a testament to a versatile subsegment which is able to deliver what the market wants even when the overall demand side is losing ground. Fleet growth for Handymax/Supramax segments stand at 3.5% since the turn of the year”, adds Peter Sand.
2015’in ilk alt› ay›nda kuru yük gemisi sökümü ayl›k ortalama 3.3 milyon DWT olarak gerçekleflti. 2014’ün ilk yar›y›l ayl›k ortalamas› ise 1.33 milyon DWT idi. IMCO ve Clarkson verilerine göre, 2015’in Nisan ay›nda, tek bir ay için kaydedilmifl en yüksek de¤er olan toplam 5.36 milyon DWT geminin aktif hizmetten ayr›ld›¤› görüldü. Bu rekor Balt›k Kuru Yük Endeksi’nin (BDI) 2 fiubat’tan 13 May›s’a dek 600’ün alt›nda kalmas›n›n da gösterdi¤i gibi kuru yük gemicili¤inde piyasa koflullar›n›n kötüleflmeye devam etmesi ve düflük seyreden kazançlar›n ard›ndan geldi.
33.4 milyon DWT’nin filodan ç›kmas›yla kaydedilmifl en büyük söküm y›l› olan 2012’de ayl›k ortalama 2.79 milyon DWT idi. Bu durumda, 2015’te daha da yüksek bir düzeye do¤ru gidiyor olabilir miyiz? Ön verilere göre 2015 y›l›n›n ilk yar›s›nda sökülen kuru yük tonaj› miktar› 20 milyon DWT. 2012’nin ilk alt› ay›nda 18 milyon DWT’nin filodan ç›kt›¤› görülmüfltü. BIMCO Denizcilik Bafl Analisti Peter Sand konuyla ilgili flöyle dedi: “Y›l ilerledikçe BIMCO yükselen hacimlerle ba¤lant›l› olarak talep taraf›n›n güçlenmesini bekliyor. Bu durum pi-
BIMCO’nun yay›mlad›¤› “Tarihteki En Faal Capesize Söküm Piyasas›” bafll›kl› habere göre 7 May›s’tan bu yana toplam 52 Capesize söküldü, böylece toplam say› 68’e ulaflt›. Tüm y›lda 70 Capesize’›n söküldü¤ü 2012 rekorunun k›sa sürede tarihe gömülece¤i anlafl›l›yor. Söküm faaliyeti yeniden dönüflüme giren gemilerin say›s›yla ölçüldü¤ünde hepsinin içinde en faal alt-dilimin Handysize oldu¤u göze çarp›yor. 2015’te flimdiye dek toplam 104 Handysize filodan ayr›ld›. Yine de sökülen kuru yük gemilerinin toplam say›s› 2015 y›l› için 262’de kalacakm›fl gibi görünüyor. Handymax sökümlerinin düflük kal›p kalmayaca¤›n› zaman gösterecek. Tersanelerden yeni infla edilen Supramax’lar denize indirilmeye devam ediyor ve kuru yük dilimleri aras›ndaki en büyük filo büyümesi bu dilimde gerçeklefliyor. Yine de fiubat ortas›ndan Haziran sonuna kadar elde edilen kazançlar Handymax sahiplerini gemilerini söküme göndermekten cayd›racak kadar iyi gerçekleflti. Peter Sand bu durumu “Handymax’lerin göreceli olarak düflük hurdaya ayr›lma düzeyi, toplam talep geriledi¤inde bile piyasan›n istedi¤ini verebilen çok yönlü bir alt-dilim oldu¤unu gösteriyor. Handymax/Supramax dilimleri için filo büyümesi y›l›n bafl›ndan bu yana %3.5’te duruyor” sözleriyle yorumlad›.
BIMCO Acquires Shipping KPI System BIMCO Shipping KPI Sistemi’ni Sat›n Ald› yarar dikkate al›narak kar amac› gütmeden çal›flt›r›laca¤› bildirildi.
IMCO has announced that it has taken ownership of the unique Shipping KPI System that allows shipowners and managers to compare their ships’ efficiency against the performance of the industry and sector averages.
The Shipping KPI System is assumed to be unique because it is based on a standard of 64 different performance indicators (such as ship unavailability and number of environmental related deficiencies) to allow the most specific and accurate comparison of ships - within each sector and more broadly across the industry - that is currently available. The data collected is anonymised, so it does not compromise commercially sensitive information. The KPI Standard covers health and safety management and performance, and HR management, environmental, navigational safety, operational, security and technical performances. The organization also announced that the system’s ongoing development will take into account the broader needs of shipowners and operators, as well as managers. BIMCO will provide the Shipping KPI System free of charge to its members (aside from a nominal set-up fee for new users), and will run the tool for the entire industry on a not-for-profit basis, focusing on the value of the tool for the industry. Angus Frew, Secretary General of BIMCO, said, “The
system is unique and valuable to our industry and we will ensure it continues to be run by industry for industry. We will seek to ensure that it becomes the indispensable and trusted tool of all ship owners, operators and managers, allowing them to benchmark and monitor their company and ship performance to drive improvements, without compromising their commercial data.” Philippe Louis Dreyfus, the new President of BIMCO said of the system, “Accurate benchmarking requires data and the participation of many shipping companies is crucial. BIMCO is uniquely placed to make this a success, by having the largest membership of any international shipping association.” Initiated in 2003, the system was developed by a crossindustry group of experts, led by InterManager (the international trade association for the ship management industry) and working with the Norwegian Research Council, consultants Marintek, and maritime IT specialists SOFTImpact and overseen by an independent KPI Association since 2011.
IMCO, gemi donatanlar›yla iflletmecilerinin kendi gemilerinin verimlili¤ini sektör ve dilim ortalamalar›yla karfl›laflt›rmas›na olanak sa¤layan “Shipping KPI sistemi”nin sahipli¤ini devrald›¤›n› bildirdi.
Shipping KPI sistemi, KPI her bir segmentte ve genel olarak tüm sektörde özel ve do¤ru karfl›laflt›rmaya olanak tan›yan 64 farkl› performans göstergesine dayal› çok yetkin bir sistem olarak kabul ediliyor. Sistemin toplad›¤› veriler anonim bir içeri¤e dönüfltürülerek sunuldu¤u için ticari anlamda hassas bilgi oluflturmuyor. KPI Sistemi sa¤l›k ve güvenlik yönetim ve performans›n›, insan kaynaklar› yönetimini, çevresel ve seyir güvenli¤ini, iflletme güvenli¤ini ve teknik performanslar› kaps›yor.
Kar Amac› Güdülmeyecek BIMCO sistemin gelifltirilmesinde yöneticilerin yan› s›ra armatör ve iflletmecilerin gereksinimlerinin dikkate al›naca¤›n› da duyurdu. BIMCO yeni kullan›c›lar için küçük bir kurulum ücreti d›fl›nda KPI Sistemi’ni üyelerine bedelsiz sa¤layacak. Sistemin sektöre sa¤layaca¤›
BIMCO Genel Sekreteri Angus Frew bu geliflmeyle ilgili olarak flu aç›klamay› yapt›: “Sektörümüz için de¤erli ve eflsiz bir sistem ve biz onun sektör taraf›ndan sektör için çal›flmaya devam etmesini sa¤layaca¤›z. Tüm gemi donatanlar›, iflletmecileri ve yöneticilerinin ticari bilgilerini tehlikeye atmadan geliflmeleri kullanmak için kendi flirket ve gemi performanslar›n› karfl›laflt›rmal› olarak de¤erlendirme ve izlemelerine izin veren vazgeçilmez bir araç haline gelmesini sa¤lamaya çal›flaca¤›z.”
12 Y›ll›k Bir Sistem BIMCO’nun yeni baflkan› Philippe Louis Dreyfus da sistemle ilgili olarak “Do¤ru de¤erlendirme olabildi¤ince do¤ru ve çok veri gerektirir. Sistemin verimli çal›flmas› için denizcilik flirketlerinin kat›l›m›n› çok önemsiyoruz. Herhangi bir uluslararas› denizcilik örgütünden daha fazla say›da üyeye sahip olan BIMCO’da bu baflar›y› elde edece¤imize inan›yorum.” 2003 y›l›nda kurulan sistem, InterManager (gemi iflletmecili¤i sektörü için uluslararas› ticaret birli¤i) liderli¤inde; Norveç Araflt›rma Konseyi, Marintek dan›flmanlar› ve denizcilik IT uzman› SOFTImpact ile çal›flan sektörler aras› bir grup uzman taraf›ndan gelifltirilmiflti. Sistem ba¤›ms›z KPI Birli¤i taraf›ndan 2011 y›l›ndan beri denetleniyor.
Teekay Acquires 12 Modern Suezmaxes Teekay 12 Modern Suezmax Sat›n Al›yor eekay Tankers Ltd., listed at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as TNK, announced that it has agreed to acquire a fleet of 12 modern Suezmax tankers currently owned by Principal Maritime Tankers (Principal), a portfolio company of funds managed by affiliates of Apollo Global Management, LLC, for an aggregate purchase price of $662 million. The acquisition is expected to be immediately accretive to Teekay Tankers’ earnings, free cash flow and net asset value per share and, when combined with the company’s existing fleet of 10 Suezmaxes, will make Teekay Tankers one of the largest owners of Suezmax tankers in the world. With an average age of only 5.5 years, the 12 Suezmaxes to be acquired will reduce the average age of Teekay Tankers’ fleet by 1.2 years. The vessels included in the transaction are scheduled for delivery to Teekay Tankers
by the end of October 2015 and are expected to operate in the spot tanker market upon or soon after delivery. Financing for this acquisition has been pre-arranged. The company has received commitments from four of its key lenders to provide a new debt facility of approximately $400 million to be secured by the acquired vessels. In addition, Teekay Tankers has agreed to issue new Class A common shares in the amount of $50 million to Principal, $30 million to Teekay Corporation and $60 million to a group of institutional investors, at a weighted average price of $6.76 per share. The remaining amount of the purchase price will be funded from Teekay Tankers’ existing liquidity. As at June 30, 2015, Teekay Tankers had liquidity of approximately $230 million, which included $37.3 million of net proceeds
ew York Borsas›’na kay›tl› olan Teekay Tankers Ltd., Apollo Global Management LLC ifltirakleri taraf›ndan yönetilen fonlar›n portföy flirketi Principal Maritime Tankers’in sahip oldu¤u 12 modern Suezmax’l›k filosunu 662 milyon dolar toplam fiyatla almak için anlaflt›¤›n› duyurdu. Sat›n alman›n Teekay Tankers’in kazanc›n›, serbest nakit ak›fl›n› ve hisse bafl›na net varl›k de¤erini katlanan oranda gelifltirmesi ve flirketin 10 Suezmax’tan oluflan mevcut filosuyla birleflti¤inde Teekay Tankers’i dünyadaki en büyük Suezmax filosu sahiplerinden biri yapmas› bekleniyor. Yaln›zca 5.5 yafl ortalamas›na sahip olan 12 Suezmax, Teekay Tankers filosunun ortalama yafl›n› 1.2 y›l azaltacak. ‹flleme konu olan gemilerin 2015 Ekim ay› sonunda Teekay’e teslim edilmesi planland›. Teslimat›ndan ard›ndan tankerlerin
spot piyasas›nda iflletilmesi bekleniyor. Bu sat›n alman›n finansman› önceden ayarlanm›flt›. fiirket, sat›n al›nacak gemilerle teminat alt›na al›nacak olan yaklafl›k 400 milyon dolarl›k yeni bir kredi imkan› sa¤layacaklar›na dair ana kreditörlerinin dördünden taahhüt ald›. Ayr›ca Teekay Tankers hisse bafl›na 6.76 dolar a¤›rl›kl› ortalama fiyat›yla Principal’a 50 milyon dolar, Teekay Corporation’a 30 milyon dolar ve bir grup kurumsal yat›r›mc›ya 60 milyon dolar tutar›nda yeni A S›n›f› adi hisse senedi ç›karmay› kararlaflt›rd›. Sat›n alma bedelinin kalan k›sm› Teekay Tankers’in mevcut likiditesinden fonlanacak. 2015’in ikinci çeyre¤inde flirketin sürekli arz program› kapsam›nda ortak birimlerin ihrac›ndan elde edilen 37.3 milyon net gelirler de da-
received during the second quarter of 2015 from the issuance of common units under the company’s continuous offering program. “The acquisition of this high quality, on-the-water fleet is strategically important and provides significant commercial and financial benefits,” commented Kevin Mackay, Teekay Tankers’ Chief Executive Officer. “Teekay Tankers will become one of the largest owners of modern Suezmax tankers at the right point in the tanker market cycle when positive market fundamentals support continued strength in spot tanker rates. Including the five Aframax tankers we acquired earlier this year, this acquisition will increase the owned fleet by over 60 percent and solidifies our position as the largest owner and operator of
mid-size crude oil tankers. This significant increase in our scale will allow us to further optimize our fleet efficiencies, enhance our service offering to both existing and new customers across more regions, and expand our presence in the evolving global Suezmax traderoutes. With a larger fleet, we are better positioned take advantage of the growing demand for Suezmaxes resulting from greater long-haul Suezmax movements from the Atlantic to Pacific basins as well as the niche intra-regional voyages that are increasingly stretching Suezmax tonnage supply.” This acquisition transaction has been approved by the Board of Directors of both Teekay Tankers and Principal and is subject to customary closing conditions.
hil olmak üzere, 30 Haziran itibar›yla Teekay Tankers’in yaklafl›k 230 milyon dolar likiditesi vard›. Teekay Tankers CEO’su Kevin Mackay konuyla ilgili flu aç›klamay› yapt›: “Yüksek kaliteli ve faal durumdaki filonun sat›n al›nmas› stratejik öneme sahip, önemli ticari ve mali faydalar sa¤l›yor. Tanker piyasas› döngüsünün, olumlu piyasa esaslar›n›n spot tanker navlunlar›n› destekledi¤i noktada Teekay Tankers dünyan›n en büyük modern Suezmax tanker filosu sahiplerinden biri haline gelecek. Bu y›l›n bafl›nda sat›n ald›¤›m›z befl Aframax tankerle birlikte bu sat›n alma, sahip oldu¤umuz filoyu yüzde 60 büyütecek ve en büyük orta-büyüklükte ham petrol tankerleri sahibi ve iflletmecisi olarak ko-
numumuzu sa¤lamlaflt›racak. Ölçe¤imizdeki bu önemli yükselifl filo verimlili¤imizi daha da optimize etmeye, hem mevcut hem de daha çok say›da bölgedeki yeni müflterilere hizmet sunumumuzu gelifltirmeye ve küresel Suezmax ticari rotalar›nda mevcudiyetimizi art›rmaya olanak sa¤layacak. Daha büyük bir filoyla, Atlantik’ten Pasifik havzalar›na daha fazla uzun mesafeli Suezmax hareketlerinin yan› s›ra Suezmax tonaj arz›n› giderek artan biçimde zorlayan nifl bölge-içi yolculuklardan kaynaklanan Suezmax’lara artan talepten yararlanmak için de daha iyi bir konumday›z.” Bu sat›n alma ifllemi hem Teekay Tankers hem de Principal’in yönetim kurullar› taraf›ndan onayland›.
New World Record Set For Manned Lifeboat Drop ‹nsanl› Cankurtaran Sandal› ‹ndirmede Yeni Dünya Rekoru n› bilmek ise daha da heyecanl›yd›” dedi.
orsafe, the producer of marine life-saving systems, announced to set a new world record when the 70 passenger GES50 MKIII was dropped from 40 meters with 10 persons on board. There has never before been a staffed lifeboat dropped from this height.
“The feeling of diving into the water was amazing. It was even more exciting to know that no one else has done this before”, said Michael Rossland, Vice President Norsafe Academy Rosendal. The drop was completed successfully, and the triumphant crew emerged to an applause from the supporting crew and technical staff. The feeling of being weightless for more than 3 seconds of time felt like forever, although the wait up until the actual drop felt much
longer. The crew was also surprised of the low Gforces/impact realized during the drop, and were therefore very pleased with the successful endeavor. The free fall model used was a GES50 MKIII with a capacity of 70 passengers. This is one of the largest and most advanced lifeboats in the world. The company also holds the world record for highest drop without passengers on board, 66.8 meters.
eniz can kurtarma sistemleri üreticisi Norsafe, 70 yolcu kapasiteli GES50 MKIII cankurtaran botunu içindeki 10 kifliyle 40 metreden indirerek yeni bir dünya rekoru k›rd›¤›n› bildirdi. Daha önce bu yükseklikten personelle birlikte indirilen bir cankurtaran botu olmam›flt›. Norsafe Academy Rosendal Baflkan Yard›mc›s› Michael Rossland “Denize dalma duygusu hayranl›k vericiydi. Bunu daha önce kimsenin yapmad›¤›-
‹ndirme rekor k›r›larak tamamland›¤›nda cankurtaran botu mürettebat› kendilerini destekleyen mürettebat ve teknik personelin alk›fllar›yla karfl›land›. Rekortmen mürettebat, gerçek düflüfle kadar olan sürenin çok daha uzun hissedilmesine ra¤men 3 saniyeden uzun bir süre a¤›rl›ks›z oldu¤unu hissetmenin sonsuzluk gibi geldi¤ini belirtti. Ayr›ca düflüfl s›ras›nda gerçekleflen düflük g kuvveti etkisi de herkesi mutlu etti. Kullan›lan serbest düflüfl modeli 70 yolcu kapasiteli bir GES50 MKIII modeli, dünyan›n en büyük ve en geliflmifl cankurtaran botlar›ndan biri. fiirket yolcusuz olarak 66.8 metreden en yüksek inifl rekorunu da elinde tutuyor.
Reefer Containership Capacity to Increase 20% by 2018 So¤utuculu Konteyner Gemisi Kapasitesi 2018’de %20 Artacak ca görünürde ayn› kalmas›na yol açacak.
he specialised reefer fleet is shrinking and shows no signs of reversing in the future. However, the reefer containership fleet has increased by 6% year-on-year and is set to grow 20% by 2018, according to Drewry’s latest Reefer Shipping Market Annual Review & Forecast.
Consequently, with a capacityrestricted specialised fleet, there is no alternative but for cargo to be shipped by reefer containership - a trend that is accelerating with continued cargo growth. Seaborne reefer cargo grew 4.9% in 2014, all of which, and more, was carried by the reefer containership mode of transport. Despite the significant increase in reefer containership capacity, cargo growth is also forecast to be strong. This will leave utilisation levels on the reefer containership fleet virtually unchanged over the next few years at 20.4 to 20.6 cargo tonnes per ‘000 cubic feet equivalent of reefer container capacity. To ensure that containership operators remain competitive where super-slow and ultraslow steaming has become common-place (as well as lengthy voyage times and trans-shipment services), many container carriers are focusing on reefer-intensive services to compete with the specialised mode.
“The specialised reefer fleet has an average age of 25 years,” said report editor Kevin Harding. “With little likelihood of new buildings, in the large size range at least, ongoing recycling is inevitable, as is a shrinking fleet. However, the containership order book is substantial and is expected to remain so.”
Notwithstanding these developments, specialised reefer operator Seatrade is investing in a new building programme of fully containerised reefer vessels, seeking to differentiate itself from the liner container carriers with shorter transit times, direct routings and reefer-dedicated box shipping services. In doing so, it has rebranded itself an FDD operator: Fast, Direct and Dedicated. The Company has firm orders for six vessels of between 500 and 700 feu of reefer capacity, and options for a further six. Whether other specialised reefer operators follow suit remains to be seen.
Bu durumda kapasite s›n›rlamal› bir özel amaçl› filo karfl›s›nda yüklerin so¤uk hava slotlu konteyner gemileriyle tafl›nmas›ndan baflka bir seçenek yok; bu durum süregelen yük art›fl›yla h›zlanan bir e¤ilim. 2014 y›l›nda so¤uk hava yükü yüzde 4.9 büyüme gösterdi ve bu art›fl›n hepsi konteyner gemileriyle tafl›nd›.
zel amaçl› so¤uk hava gemisi filosu küçülüyor ve gelecekte tersine dönüfl de görünmüyor. Ancak Drewry’nin son “So¤utuculu Gemicilik Piyasas› Y›ll›k De¤erlendirme ve Öngörü” raporuna göre so¤utuculu konteyner gemisi filosu bir önceki y›l›n ayn› dönemine göre yüzde 6 artt›, 2018’de de yüzde 20 büyüyecek.
Konteyner gemileri so¤uk hava slot kapasitesindeki önemli art›fl›n yan› s›ra yük art›fl›n›n da güçlü olaca¤› tahmin ediliyor. Bu, so¤utuculu konteyner kapasitesine eflde¤er olan ‘000 kübik feet bafl›na 20.4 ila 20.6 ton kargoyla so¤utuculu konteyner gemisinden yararlanma seviyelerinin, önümüzdeki birkaç y›l boyun-
Süper a¤›r yol ve ultra a¤›r yol h›z›nda seyrin (yan› s›ra uzun yolculuk süreleri ve aktarman›n) ola¤an hale geldi¤i bir noktada konteyner gemisi iflletmecilerinin rekabet edebilirli¤ini korumak için pek çok konteyner tafl›y›c›s› özel amaçl› gemilerle rekabet etmek üzere so¤utucu-yo¤un hizmetlere odaklan›yor. Raporun editörü Kevin Harding “Özel so¤uk hava gemi filosu ortalama 25 yafl›nda. Yeni infla gemiler için küçük bir olas›l›kla birlikte büyük boyutlu gemilerde geri dönüflüm ve filo küçülmesi kaç›n›lmaz bir durum. Ancak konteyner gemisi siparifl defteri oldukça dolu ve böyle kalmas› bekleniyor” dedi. Bu geliflmelerden farkl› olarak; özel amaçl› so¤uk hava gemisi iflletmecisi Seatrade daha k›sa transit süreleri, do¤rudan rotalar ve s›rf so¤uk hava konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤› hizmetleriyle kendisini hatl› konteyner gemisi iflletmecilerinden ayr›flt›rmaya çal›flarak tamamen konteynerize so¤uk hava gemileri infla etme program›na yat›r›m yap›yor. Bunu yaparken kendisini FDD (Fast, Direct and Dedicated: H›zl›, Do¤rudan ve Özel) iflletmeci olarak yeniden markaland›rd›. fiirketin 500 ve 700 FEU so¤utucu kapasiteleri aras›nda alt› gemi için kesin siparifli ve bir di¤er alt› gemi için opsiyonu var. Di¤er özel so¤uk hava gemisi iflletmecilerinin de ayn› fleyi yap›p yapmayaca¤›n› zaman gösterecek.
Celebrity Cruises Names First US Female Captain ‹lk ABD’li Kad›n Kaptan Dümen Bafl›nda n what is claimed to be a first for the cruise industry, an American woman will take the helm of the ‘Celebrity Summit’ this summer. At 37 years of age, San Francisco resident Kate McCue will take over as Master in August.
Kate McCue
Celebrity said it has promoted McCue to Master based on her 15 years of successful experience and leadership in the maritime industry. During her employment, she has managed ship logistics while sailing worldwide itineraries, including Europe, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, and along the Panama Canal. Capt McCue has also served as a maritime leader while sailing several transatlantic and repositioning cruises, and played a notable role in the refurbishment of cruise ships in Singapore. McCue’s appointment follows that of Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, who was named president and CEO of Celebrity Cruises in December, 2014. “From the first time I met Kate, I looked forward to this moment, when I could extend my congratulations to her for being such a dynamic and highly respected leader who will continue to pave the way for women in the maritime industry,” said Lutoff-Perlo. “Of all the great moments throughout my career, this is at the top of my list. I am both honoured that Kate accepted this position, and proud of the way our team continues to transform the way people think
about Celebrity, and about cruising in general.” A graduate of California State University’s California Maritime Academy, Capt McCue has held a variety of roles in the maritime industry, beginning as a cadet and deck officer, then working through a series of successively more responsible positions to her most recent role as Master Mariner with RCI (Royal Caribbean International). “Becoming the first female American captain of a cruise ship has been a goal of mine for as long as I can remember,” said McCue. “The honour is amplified by being the first at a company like Celebrity Cruises. The cruise industry is ever-evolving, from the ships and the itineraries, to our guests’ expectations for vacation experiences. Celebrity has a history of delivering on each of these, and I am thrilled to be a part of it. I look forward to working with an amazing team and the exceptional leadership who bring the Celebrity Cruises vision to life every day.”
ruvaziyer sektörü için bir ilk oldu¤u belirtilen uygulamayla ABD’li bir kad›n kaptan bu yaz “Celebrity Summit”in dümenine geçecek. 37 yafl›ndaki San Franciscolu Kate McCue A¤ustos ay›nda kaptanl›¤› devralacak. Celebrity Cruises, 15 y›ll›k baflar›l› deneyimine ve denizcilik sektöründeki liderli¤ine dayanarak McCue’yu kaptanl›¤a terfi ettirdi¤ini duyurdu.
McCue Avrupa, Asya, Avusturalya, Karayipler, Kuzeybat› Pasifik, Alaska ve Panama Kanal› dahil olmak üzere dünya çap›ndaki seferleri s›ras›nda gemi lojisti¤ini yönetti. Kad›n kaptan çok say›da transatlantik ve gemi yeniden konumland›rma seferinde denizcilik lideri olarak da hizmet etti ve Singapur’da kruvaziyer gemilerinin yenilenmesinde önemli bir rol oynad›. 2014 Aral›k ay›nda Celebrity Cruises’in baflkanl›k ve CEO’lu¤unu üstlenen Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, McCue’nun kaptanl›¤a atanmas›n› sevinçle karfl›lad›¤›n› bildirdi. Lutoff-Perlo “Kate’le ilk karfl›laflt›¤›m andan beri denizcilik sektöründe kad›nlar›n yolunu açacak bu kadar dina-
mik ve fazlas›yla sayg›n bir lider oldu¤u için tebriklerimi sunabilece¤im bu an› sab›rs›zl›kla bekledim. Tüm kariyerim boyunca en önemli anlar listemde bu an listemde birinci s›ray› al›yor. Hem Kate’in bu görevi kabul etmesinden hem de ekibimizin Celebrity ve genel olarak kruvaziyer seyahati hakk›nda insanlar›n düflüncelerini de¤ifltirmeyi sürdürmesinden gurur duyuyorum” dedi. California State Üniversitesi California Denizcilik Akademisi mezunu olan Kaptan McCue güverte stajyerli¤inden bafllay›p en son Royal Caribbean International’da (RCI) gemi kaptanl›¤› görevine dek uzanan kariyerinde peflpefle bir dizi daha sorumlu görevleri baflar›yla üstlendi. McCue “Bir kruvaziyer gemisinin ilk kad›n Amerikal› kaptan› olmak kendimi bildi¤imden beri hedefimdi. Celebrity Cruises gibi bir flirkette ilk olmak bu onuru daha da artt›rd›. Gemiler ve yolculuk programlar›ndan konuklar›m›z›n tatil deneyimi beklentilerine dek kruvaziyer sektörü sürekli gelifliyor. Celebrity bunlar›n her birini sunan bir tarihe sahip ve bunun bir parças› olmak beni heyecanland›r›yor. Harika bir ekip ve Celebrity Cruises vizyonunu her gün yaflama geçiren ola¤anüstü liderlikle birlikte çal›flmak için sab›rs›zlan›yorum” dedi.
Fukushima Experimental Offshore Floating Wind Farm Project In Second Phase Yüzer Rüzgar Santrali ‹kinci Aflamaya Geçti
consortium comprised of Marubeni (project integrator), the University of Tokyo (technical advisor), Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan Marine United, Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal, Hitachi, Furukawa Electric, Shimizu, and Mizuho Information & Research, has been participating in an experimental offshore floating wind farm project sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry since March 2012. Assembly works of the 7MW oil pressure drive-type wind turbine, which is the world’s largest scale one, on the three-column semi-sub floater at Onahama port has been successfully completed and delivery of the floater to testing area is going to start shortly as part of the second term.
The construction works in the second term include the
assembly and setting of 7MW oil pressure drive-type and 5MW downwind-type floating wind turbines, delivery of the facilities to the testing area, and connection to the undersea cable; then operation and maintenance of the facilities; data acquisition and analysis. The preceding works i.e. installation of chains, anchors and undersea cables at the testing area, the delivery of the three-column semi-sub floater from Nagasaki to Onahama port, and the installation of 7MW oil pressure drive-type floating wind turbine have been successfully completed. In additon, the laying and burying of dynamic cables for 5MW downwind-type floating wind turbine at the testing area has also been finished. The 7MW oil pressure drivetype floating wind turbine is expected to start of demonstration operation in mid-December.
arubeni (proje derleyicisi), Tokyo Üniversitesi (teknik dan›flman), Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi A¤›r Sanayi, Japan Marine United, Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal, Hitachi, Furukawa Electric, Shimizu ve Mizuho Information & Research’den oluflan konsorsiyum, yüzer rüzgar santrali projesinde ikinci aflamaya geçildi¤ini duyurdu.
Japonya Ekonomi, Ticaret ve Sanayi Bakanl›¤› taraf›ndan desteklenen proje 2012 y›l›ndan beri sürdürülüyor. Gelinen aflamada dünyan›n en büyü¤ü olan 7 MW’l›k ya¤ bas›nçl› tahrik tipi rüzgar türbininin, Onahama Liman›’nda üç sütunlu, yar›-bat›k tipi bir yüzdürücüye montaj çal›flmalar› baflar›yla tamamland›. Yüzdürücünün test alan›na teslimi ise ikinci aflaman›n bir parças› olarak k›-
sa zamanda bafllayacak. ‹kinci aflamadaki yap›m çal›flmalar› 7 MW’lik ya¤ bas›nçl› tahrik tipi ile 5 MW’lik rüzgar alt› tipi yüzen rüzgar türbinlerinin montaj› ve kurulumunu, tesislerin test alan›na teslimini ve denizalt› kablolar›na ba¤lant›y›; ard›ndan da tesislerin iflletilmesi ve sürdürülmesini, veri edinme ve analizini içeriyor. Test alan›nda zincirlerin, demirlerin ve denizalt› kablolar›n›n ba¤lanmas›, üç-sütunlu yar›-bat›k duban›n Nagasaki’den Onahama liman›na götürülmesi ve 7MW ya¤ bas›nc› tahrik tipi rüzgar türbininin kurulumu daha önceden yap›lm›flt›. Ayr›ca 5MW rüzgar alt› türü yüzen rüzgar türbini için dinamik kablolar›n döflenmesi ve gömülmesi de tamamland›. 7 MW’lik türbininin 2015 Aral›k ay› ortas›nda deneme çal›flmalar›na bafllamas› hedefleniyor.
SE Asian Attacks Against Small Tankers Continue Güneydo¤u Asya’da Küçük Tankerlere Sald›r›lar Devam Ediyor
new report from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Maritime Bureau (IMB) highlights a continuing trend in South East Asia in the hijacking of small coastal tankers by maritime pirates, averaging one attack every two weeks.
çap›nda kaç›r›lan tanker say›s›n› 13’e ulaflt›rd›. Ancak IMB, bölgesel otoritelerle gelifltirdikleri iflbirli¤inin baflar›l› oldu¤unu ve gemilere yaklaflan teknelerin erken tespit edilmesinin sald›r›lar›n durdurulmas›n› sa¤lad›¤›n› da vurgulad›.
According to the report, five small tankers were hijacked in South East Asian waters in the second quarter of 2015 alone, bringing the total number of vessels hijacked globally in 2015 to 13.
IMB geçen ay bir Malezya tankerinin kaç›r›lmas›ndan sorumlu sekiz kiflilik Endonezyal› çetenin Vietnam aç›klar›nda izlenip yakaland›¤›n› aktard›. Büro, Johor aç›klar›nda demirli bir ürün tankerinin Ocak 2015’te kaç›r›lmas›n›n ard›ndan tutuklanan dokuz Endonezyal› korsan›n Haziran 2015’te mahkum edilmesi nedeniyle Malezya yetkililerini de övdü.
IMB has stressed however that enhanced cooperation between regional authorities is paying off and that early detection of approaching skiffs has resulted in attacks being aborted. IMB highlighted the tracking and arrest off Vietnam of an eight-man Indonesian gang responsible for the hijacking of a Malaysian tanker last month. IMB also praised the Malaysian authorities for the June conviction of nine Indonesian pirates, apprehended after the January hijacking of an anchored product tanker off Johor.
Pirates managed to board 106 vessels and were responsible for 13 hijackings and 15 attempted attacks worldwide. So far in 2015, 250 crew members have been taken hostage, 14 assaulted, 10 kidnapped, nine injured and one killed.
Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nigeria According to the latest statistics, while more than a
Global Incidents Increase The latest global report reveals that a total of 134 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships were reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) in the first six months of 2015; an increase on the 116 reports for the corresponding period in 2014.
luslararas› Ticaret Odas› (ICC) Uluslararas› Denizcilik Bürosu’nun (IMB) yeni raporu, ortalama her iki haftada bir sald›r›yla Güneydo¤u Asya’da küçük k›y› tankerlerinin deniz korsanlar› taraf›ndan kaç›r›lmas› e¤iliminin sürdü¤ünün alt›n› çiziyor. Rapora göre yaln›zca 2015’in ikinci çeyre¤inde söz konusu bölgede befl küçük tankerin kaç›r›lmas›, 2015’te dünya
Küresel Olaylar Art›yor Son küresel rapor 2015 y›l›n›n ilk alt› ay›nda IMB Korsanl›k Bildirim Merkezi’ne (PRC) gemilere karfl› toplam 134 korsanl›k ve silahl› soygun olay›n›n bildirildi¤ini gösteriyor. 2014 y›l›n›n ayn› döneminde 116 bildirime göre bir art›fl söz konusu. Korsanlar 106 gemiye ç›kmay› baflard›; dünya genelinde 13 kaç›rma ve 15 sald›r› giriflimi gerçeklefltirdiler. 2015’in bu tarihine kadar 250 mürettebat üyesi rehin al›nd›, 14’ü sald›r›ya u¤rad›, 10’u kaç›r›ld›, dokuzu yaraland› ve biri öldürüldü.
third of incidents reported to the PRC took place off the coast of Indonesia, the majority of these related to low-level, opportunistic thefts from vessels. The IMB report notes a significant increase in the number of incidents off Bangladesh and Chittagong in particular, with 10 reports made in the second quarter of 2015 compared with only one in the first quarter. Again, these attacks related to armed robberies from vessels. Off Nigeria, 11 incidents were reported in the first half of 2015 though no incidents were reported in the month of June.
However, 10 crew kidnappings in three separate events were reported in and around Nigerian waters.
Caution Urged Encouragingly, in the second quarter of 2015, no reports were received off the coast of Somalia. Although no attacks have been reported off Somalia, IMB advises that the security situation in the Horn of Africa remains uncertain. IMB urges ship masters to remain vigilant when transiting these waters and to adhere to the industry’s Best Management Practice.
Endonezya, Bangladefl, Nijerya Son istatistiklere göre PRC’ye bildirilen olaylar›n üçte birinden fazlas› Endonezya aç›klar›nda gerçekleflirken bunlar›n ço¤u, gemilerden düflük düzeyde h›rs›zl›kla ilgiliydi. IMB raporu, ilk çeyrekte yaln›zca bir olayla k›yasland›¤›nda 2015’in ikinci çeyre¤inde 10 bildirimle Bangladefl ve özellikle Chittagong aç›klar›ndaki olay say›s›ndaki önemli art›fla dikkat çekiyor. Bu sald›r›lar da gemilerden silahl› soygunla ilgiliydi. Haziran ay›nda hiçbir olay
bildirilmemesine ra¤men 2015’in ilk yar›s›nda Nijerya aç›klar›nda 11 olay bildirildi. Nijerya sular› ve çevresinde üç ayr› olayda 10 mürettebat›n kaç›r›ld›¤› rapor edildi.
Önlem ‹çin Bast›r›l›yor 2015’in ikinci yar›s›nda Somali k›y›s› aç›klar›ndan hiçbir olay rapor edilmemesi umut verici. Somali aç›klar›nda hiçbir sald›r› bildirilmemesine ra¤men IMB Afrika Burnu’ndaki güvenlik belirsizli¤inin sürdü¤ünü belirtiyor. Büro ›srarla gemi kaptanlar›n› bu sulardan geçerken tetikte olmaya ve sektörün “En ‹yi Yönetim Uygulamalar›”na ba¤l› kalmaya davet ediyor.
LR Ballast Water Treatment Systems Approvals LR Balast Suyu Ar›tma Sistemleri Onaylad› da onaylanm›fl bir BWTS’ye sahip olmalar› gerekecek.
he classification society Lloyd’s Register (LR) has been approved as an independent laboratory (IL) and will begin testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) to meet the United States Coast Guard (USCG) requirements.
The USCG regulations for the approval of BWTS came into effect in 2012. The regulations began to require the installation of improved BWTS onboard seagoing vessels from 2014. All vessels that trade in US waters will be required to have an approved BWTS from the first dry-docking after 2016. LR has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ballast Water test facility in Denmark and the electro/technical testing company Delta. These leading test facilities, supported by
LR’s surveyors and statutory experts will conduct testing as part of the collectively recognised IL. Flans Kemp, LR’s Global Business Development Leader for Type Approval, commented: “For Ballast Water Treatment Systems equipment manufacturers, the challenge is in understanding the differences between the type approval regimes, and ensuring that their equipment has undergone all the necessary testing to obtain approval to meet the relevant regulations.”
a¤›ms›z laboratuvar olarak onaylanan Lloyd’s Register (LR), Balast Suyu Ar›tma Sistemleri’nin (BWTS) ABD Sahil Güvenlik (USCG) kurallar›na uyumunu test etmeye bafll›yor.
BWTS’nin onay› için USCG düzenlemeleri 2012 y›l›nda yürürlü¤e girdi. Düzenlemeler 2014’ten itibaren aç›k deniz gemilerine geliflmifl BWTS kurulmas›n› talep etmeye bafllad›. ABD karasular›nda ticaret yapan tüm gemilerin 2016 y›l›ndan sonra ilk kuru havuzlama-
LR ba¤›ms›z laboratuvar onay›n›n ard›ndan, Danimarkal› bir balast suyu testi tesisi ve elektronik/teknik test flirketi olan Delta ile sözleflme imzalad›. Delta’n›n test tesisleri, LR’›n sörveyörleri ve hukuk uzmanlar›n›n deste¤iyle, ba¤›ms›z laboratuvar›n bir parças› olarak test ifllemleri yapacak. LR Tip Onay› ‹çin Küresel ‹fl Gelifltirme Baflkan› Flans Kemp “Balast suyu ar›tma sistemi üreticilerini bekleyen güçlükler, tip onay› rejimleri aras›ndaki farklar› anlamak ve kendi donan›mlar›n›n ilgili yönetmeliklere uygunlu¤unun onay›n› almak için gerekli olan tüm testlerden geçmesini sa¤lamakt›r” dedi.
DNV GL and Jotun Cooperate on Hull Performance DNV GL ile Jotun’dan Gövde Performans›nda ‹flbirli¤i he classification society DNV GL and the Norwegian paint manufacturer Jotun signed a cooperation agreement to work on improving hull performance. The project will bring together two performance management services, Jotun’s Hull Performance Solution and DNV GL’s ECO Insight solution, to collect and analyse data on hull degradation. This is expected to enable customers to cut their fuel bills and reduce emissions.
man ve ne s›kl›kta temizlenmesi gerekti¤ini gösteren kesin bir kan›t yok.
Experts suggest that hull and propeller degradation accounts for up to 17 per cent of the world fleet’s fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Advanced hull coatings solutions or more regular hull and propeller cleaning are already widely accepted as effective preventive measures. However, there is no conclusive evidence showing which coating solution is the most effective or when and how often propellers need to be cleaned. “Our Hull Performance Solution (HPS) combines state-of-the-art hull coatings and application technologies with ISO-CD-19030-2 compliant performance measurements and high performance guarantees, helping customers reduce fuel costs and emissions by up to 16 per cent,” says Stein Kjolberg, Global Sales
Director, Hull Performance Solutions at Jotun. DNV GL will provide Jotun with hull and propeller performance computations based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models that include the complete operational range of the vessel. “This approach generates a much greater amount of baseline data than a conventional model tank test could deliver and provides customers with the information they need to prove that they reduced both fuel consumption and emissions,” explains Dr. Torsten Büssow, DNV GL’s Head of Fleet Performance Management. ECO Insight computations also show how much resistance is added over time due to hull fouling. The portal further provides customers with the opportunity to benchmark measured hull and propeller degradation with other ships in their fleet as well as relevant peer group averages.
las kuruluflu DNV GL ile Norveçli boya üreticisi Jotun, gövde performans›n› iyilefltirme konusunda çal›flmak üzere iflbirli¤i anlaflmas› imzalad›. Proje, gövde bozulmas›yla ilgili veriyi toplamak ve analiz etmek için iki performans yönetim hizmetini, yani Jotun’un “Gövde Performans Çözümü” (HPS) ile DNV GL’nin “ECO Insight” çözümünü bir araya getirecek. Projenin yak›t maliyetlerinin düflürülmesine ve egzoz gaz› sal›mlar›n›n azalt›lmas›na olanak sa¤lamas› hedefleniyor.
Uzmanlar dünya filosunun yak›t giderleri ve sera gaz› sal›n›m›n›n yüzde 17’sinden gövde ve uskur bozulumunun sorumlu oldu¤unu düflünüyor. Geliflmifl gövde kaplama çözümleri ya da daha düzenli bir gövde ve uskur temizli¤i, etkin koruma önlemleri olarak flimdiden genifl kabul görüyor. Ancak hangi kaplama çözümünün daha verimli oldu¤u ya da uskurlar›n ne za-
Jotun’un Gövde Performans› Çözümleri Küresel Sat›fl Müdürü Stein Kjolberg “HPS en son gövde kaplamalar› ve uygulama teknolojilerini ISOCD-19030-2 uyumlu performans ölçümleri ve yüksek performans garantileriyle birlefltirerek armatörlerin yak›t maliyeti ve sal›m sorununu yüzde 16’ya kadar düflürmelerine yard›mc› oluyor” dedi. DNV GL Jotun’a geminin tam çal›flma aral›¤›n› içeren hesaplamal› ak›flkanlar dinami¤ine (CFD) dayal› gövde ve uskur performans hesaplamalar› sa¤layacak. DNV GL Filo Performans› Yönetimi Baflkan› Dr. Torsten Büssow flu aç›klamay› yapt›: “Bu yaklafl›m, geleneksel model tank testinin sa¤layabilece¤inden çok daha fazla miktarda temel veri oluflturuyor ve armatörlere hem yak›t tüketimi hem de sal›mlar› azaltt›klar›n› kan›tlamak için ihtiyaç duyduklar› bilgiyi veriyor.” ECO Insight hesaplamalar› gövde kirlili¤i nedeniyle zamanla ne kadar direnç eklendi¤ini de gösteriyor. Portal ayr›ca müflterilere ölçülmüfl olan gövde ve uskur bozulmas›n› kendi filolar›ndaki di¤er gemilerin yan› s›ra ilgili akran kümesi ortalamalar›yla karfl›laflt›rma f›rsat› da sunuyor.
The Chairmanship of International Chamber of Shipping and the Presidency of NYK Bulk & Project Carriers Ltd are the two hats worn by Masamichi Morooka. We couldn’t find a better name for getting information about ICS which plays a more active role in international maritime industry as well as about the market which witnesses a cutthroat competition. Our exclusive conversation with Masamichi Morooka contains very special information related with actual issues and challenges. Uluslararas› Deniz Ticaret Odas› Baflkanl›¤› ve NYK Bulk & Project Carriers Ltd flirketinin Baflkanl›¤›, Masamichi Morooka’n›n bir koltu¤una s›¤d›rd›¤› iki kocaman karpuz. Uluslararas› deniz ticaretinde daha aktif bir rol üstlenen ICS ile k›yas›ya bir rekabete sahne olan piyasa hakk›nda bilgi almak için ondan daha iyi bir isim bulamazd›k. Masamichi Morooka ile özel söyleflimiz, güncel konu ve sorunlara iliflkin çok önemli bilgiler içeriyor. hat do you think about serving concurrently both as the Chairman of ICS and the President & CEO of NYK Bulk & Project Carriers Ltd., one of the largest shipping companies of the world?
Masamichi Morooka
Actually, I have enjoyed serving as the ICS Chairman,
CS Baflkanl›¤› ile dünyan›n en büyük deniz ticareti firmalar›ndan biri olan NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd’nin Baflkanl›¤›n› bir arada götürmek konusunda ne düflünüyorsunuz?
Asl›na bakarsan›z, ICS Baflkan› olman›n yan› s›ra NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd’in CEO’su olarak görev yapmaktan
as well as the Chief Executive of NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd. Although the company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK), it is one of most important companies within the group since it operates about 200 vessels and produces an annual turnover of 1.3 billion US dollars. It is true that I have to spend a great deal of my time for the ICS, but the ICS Chairmanship brings me a lot of knowledge and experiences in shipping which are quite useful for me to manage a commercial enterprise. As the Chairman of ICS, you have outlined a very important issue at the Annual General Meeting of ICS held in Rotterdam in June, 2015. To begin with, could you please explain in more detail your views on commercial ships being, so to speak, forced to help the migrants distressed at sea rather than fulfilling a human duty? Do you have an action plan for this as ICS? It is both a long standing tradition and a requirement of international law that merchant ships should rescue anybody in distress at sea. This is a requirement that the shipping industry is proud to confirm and the statistics on rescues of migrants in Mediterranean are a testament to the commitment of merchant shipping to play a role in this crisis. The very same international laws also place obligations on coastal states to provide resources for Search and Rescue that are ‘adequate’ for the prevailing circumstances. ICS argues that coastal States, despite some recent increases in resources, are still placing a requirement on shipping that goes beyond a ‘first responder’ role. Merchant ships, with a crew of perhaps 20 people, that rescue 4 or 5 hundred people need urgent support in the form of medical aid and other resources as well as guaranteed places to disembark the rescued persons. In addition to producing updated guidance
keyif al›yorum. fiirket Nippon Yusen Kaisha’n›n (NYK) yüzde yüz ifltiraki yan kuruluflu olmas›na ra¤men yaklafl›k 200 gemi iflletip y›ll›k 1.3 milyar dolar ciro yaratt›¤›ndan grup içindeki en önemlilerinden biri. Zaman›m›n büyük bölümünü ICS için harcad›¤›m do¤ru ama ICS Baflkanl›¤› ticari bir kuruluflu yönetmek için bana oldukça faydal› olan önemli miktarda denizcilik bilgi birikimi ve deneyimi sa¤l›yor. Haziran 2015’te Rotterdam’da yap›lan ICS Y›ll›k Genel Toplant›s›’nda ICS Baflkan› olarak çok önemli iki konunun alt›n› çizdiniz. Öncelikle ticaret gemilerinin, denizde zor durumda kalan göçmenlere yard›m konusunda insani bir görev yapmaktan öte adeta yard›ma zorlan›yor olmalar›yla ilgili görüfllerinizi biraz daha ayr›nt›l› anlatabilir misiniz? Bu konuda ICS olarak bir eylem plan›n›z var m›? Ticaret gemilerinin denizde zor durumda kalan herhangi birini kurtarmas› hem köklü bir gelenek hem de uluslararas› yasan›n gere¤idir. Bu, denizcilik sektörünün uymaktan gurur duydu¤u bir gerekliliktir. Akdeniz’de göçmelerin kurtar›lmas›yla ilgili istatistikler, ticari gemicili¤in bu krizde bir rol oynama taahhüdünün kan›t› niteli¤indedir. Ayn› uluslararas› yasalar, hâkim olan koflullara “uygun” arama ve kurtarma kaynaklar› sa¤lama konusunda k›y› devletlerine yükümlülükler getirir. ICS, kaynaklarda son zamanlarda baz› art›fllara ra¤men k›y› devletlerinin hala ticari gemilere bir “ilk müdahale eden” rolünün ötesinde bir zorunluluk getirdi¤ini ileri sürüyor. Belki de sadece 20 kiflilik mürettebat›yla 400-500 insan› kurtaran ticari gemilerin t›bbi yard›m ve di¤er kaynaklar›n yan› s›ra kurtar›lanlar› indirecek garantili yerler konusunda acil deste¤e ihtiyac› var. ICS, büyük ölçekli kurtarma ifllemleri için ticari gemilere güncellenmifl yönlendirmeler oluflturman›n yan› s›ra k›y› devletlerince artan biçimde gerekli kaynaklar›n sa¤lanmas› konusunu vurgulamaya devam ediyor. MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
for merchant ships on large scale rescues, ICS continues to make the case for increased coastal State provision of the required resources. My other question related with Rotterdam meeting is connected with the problem caused by USA on the IMO “Ballast Water Convention”. I request a wider comment on this issue and as ICS, what kind of a method you will follow for the solution of the problem? IMO has taken significant action to address the shortcomings in the Ballast Water Management Convention; for example, work is still going on to upgrade the type approval guidelines in order to increase confidence in the equipment that ships will be required to fit when the convention enters into force. ICS makes the case that this situation could have been avoided if the development of regulation took a broader view of the impacts of proposed regulation on the industry, on society and on the environmental benefit, but that is for the future. The USA is unlikely ever to ratify the international convention and instead has put in place its own domestic law to regulate ships in US coastal waters. ICS is very concerned that the US has decided to take a unilateral line despite playing an influential role in the work at IMO. The most troublesome part of the detail of the US regulation is the very different type approval process and the requirement that the US will type approval equipment for use in US waters as opposed to following the IMO procedure. The US regulation is already in place and yet so far no equipment has been type approved by the US authorities. If the IMO Convention came into force, then it would create a situation where owners are obliged to fit IMO approved equipment and then this equipment should be replaced with US approved equipment if the ship is to trade in that region. This is a very serious commercial and practical problem since an equipment costing up to $5 million is in question. ICS takes the view that the US position is effectively preventing other States from ratifying the convention as their fleet may be disadvantaged by having to replace equipment in a very short period of time. ICS is trying to engage with US authorities to reach agreement on a process that can avoid this outcome. It seems like the countries advanced in world maritime commerce are quenching the competition chances of developing or underdeveloped countries both by using their influences in international organizations and being port states. What do you think about this situation as being both an executive of a company and the ICS Chairman? IMO is a highly democratic UN Agency where each country no matter how big or small its fleet has one vote. There is no chance of the situation you describe occurring at the regulatory level. States have an obligation to police the compliance with international regulations by exercising Port State Control
Rotterdam toplant›s›yla ilgili di¤er sorum ise IMO’nun “Balast Suyu Sözleflmesi” konusunda ABD’nin yaratt›¤› sorunla ba¤lant›l›. Bu konuda da genifl yorumunuzu rica ediyorum. ICS olarak bu sorunun çözümünde nas›l bir yöntem izleyeceksiniz? IMO, Balast Suyu Yönetimi Sözleflmesi’ndeki eksiklikleri gidermek için önemli ad›mlar att›. Örne¤in, sözleflme devreye girdi¤inde gemilerden kurulmas› istenecek olan donan›ma güveni art›rmak için tip onay› yönergelerinin güncellenmesi çal›flmas› hala sürüyor. ICS, e¤er önerilen kurallar›n gelifltirilmesi s›ras›nda sektör, toplum ve çevresel fayda üzerindeki etkileri daha genifl biçimde de¤erlendirilseydi bu durumdan kaç›n›labilece¤ini savunuyor ama bu ifl gelece¤e kald›. Öyle görünüyor ki ABD uluslararas› sözleflmeyi hiçbir zaman onaylamayacak. Üstelik ABD karasular›nda seyir yapan gemileri düzenlemek için kendi yerel yasas›n› da devreye sokmad›. ABD’nin IMO’daki çal›flmada etkili bir rol oynamak yerine tek tarafl› bir yol izlemesi konusunda çok kayg›l›y›z. ABD kurallar› detay›n›n en sorunlu k›sm› bu ülkenin IMO prosedürünü izlemenin aksine kendi karasular›nda kullanaca¤› çok farkl› tip onay› süreci ve donan›m için tip onay gereksinimleridir. ABD yönetmeli¤i yürürlü¤e girdi ve flimdiye dek hiçbir ürün ABD yetkilileri taraf›ndan tip onay› almad›. IMO Sözleflmesi yürürlü¤e girdi¤inde armatör gemisine IMO onayl› donan›m› yerlefltirecek, gemi ABD karasular›nda ifl yapacak olursa onu ABD onayl› donan›mla de¤ifltirmek zorunda kalacak. 5 milyon dolara kadar mal olan donan›m söz konusu oldu¤u için bu çok önemli bir ticari ve pratik sorundur. ICS, çok k›sa bir zaman diliminde donan›m› de¤ifltirmenin filolara zarar verici niteli¤i yüzünden ABD’nin ald›¤› konumun di¤er devletlerin sözleflmeyi onaylamas›n› etkin biçimde engelledi¤i görüflünde. ICS bu sonucu önleyebilecek bir süreç üzerinde anlaflma sa¤lamak için ABD yetkilileriyle iliflki kurmaya çal›fl›yor. Dünya deniz ticaretinde geliflmifl ülkeler, hem liman devletleri olarak hem de uluslararas› örgütlerdeki etkinliklerini kullanarak, geliflmekte olan veya az geliflmifl ülkelerin rekabet etme flans›n› yok ediyor gibi görünüyor. Hem üst düzey bir flirket yetkilisi hem de ICS Baflkan› olarak bu konudaki yorumunuz nedir? IMO, filosu ne kadar büyük ya da küçük olursa olsun her ülkenin tek oya sahip oldu¤u oldukça demokratik bir BM kuruluflu. Sözünü etti¤iniz türden bir durumun düzenleme çal›flmas› düzeyinde gerçekleflme flans› yok. Ülkelerin, Liman Devleti Denetimleri uygulayarak uluslararas› düzenlemelere uyumu teftifl etme fleklinde bir yükümlülü¤ü var. Liman Devleti Kontrol Mutabakat Anlaflmalar›, denetimlerin nas›l yönlendirilece¤i ve denetim için gemi seçiminde keyfi bir yaklafl›m uygulamama konusunda performansa dayal› kriterler kullan›yor. ICS eflit koflullarda bir küresel ticari oyun alan›n› destekliyor ve ek olarak devletlerin, örne¤in ulusal filolar lehine, korumac› yaklafl›mlar›na karfl› duruyor.
inspections; the Port State Control MoUs use performance based criteria to decide on how to target inspections and do not have an arbitrary approach to the selection of ships for inspection. In addition ICS stands for a global commercial playing field that is level, it stands against protectionist approaches by States that might for example favor national fleets. As the ICS Chairman, are there occasions where you approve the decisions that may be a detriment to your own company, being an executive at a globally very influential group like NYK? And what do you feel in those situations? I am not in the top management of NYK, which is the parent company of NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd. Until I retired from the board of directors of NYK in 2012, I had been within the general board for seven years, and I was Chief Executive of Technical Headquarters and Senior Managing Corporate Officer of NYK as my last duty as a board member of NYK. Now I am now representing just one of NYK Group companies, but I would say that my company position is quite consistent with the parent company’s policy. To answer to your question, there are a few cases that bring me into conflict with the ICS position on various regulatory issues. Most of the issues international shipping industry is faced with are common and can be shared among shipping companies in the world. ICS, quite rightly in my view, fights for regulatory solutions that can be applied across all sectors of the industry. In order to achieve, this some
NYK gibi küresel ba¤lamda çok güçlü bir grupta üst düzey yönetici olmak, ICS Baflkan› olarak bazen kendi flirketiniz aleyhine olabilecek kararlara onay vermenize yol aç›yor mu? Böyle oldu¤unda neler hissediyorsunuz? NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd’nin ana flirketi olan NYK’nin üst yönetiminde de¤ilim. 2012 y›l›nda NYK Yönetim Kurulu’ndan ayr›lana dek yedi y›l boyunca genel yönetim kurulu üyesiydim ve NYK Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olarak son görevimde NYK Teknik Genel Müdürlü¤ü’nde CEO’luk ve K›demli Kurum Genel Müdürlü¤ünü yapt›m. fiimdiyse NYK Grup flirketlerinin yaln›zca birini temsil ediyorum ama flirketteki konumumun ana flirketin politikas›yla oldukça uyumlu oldu¤unu söyleyebilirim. Sizin sorunuzu yan›tlamaya gelince... Çeflitli düzenleme konular›nda beni ICS konumuyla çeliflkiye düflüren bir kaç örnek var. Uluslararas› denizcilik sektörünün karfl›laflt›¤› konular›n ço¤u ortakt›r ve dünyadaki denizcilik flirketleri aras›nda paylafl›labilir. Bana göre oldukça hakl› olarak ICS, sektörün tüm dilimlerinde uygulanabilen düzenleme çözümleri için mücadele ediyor. Bunu baflarmak için geminin ya da ticaretin türüne göre de¤iflen etkiler b›rakabilen baz› ödünler vermek gerekli. Bu, denizcili¤in ayakta kalmak için ihtiyac› olan küresel düzenleyici yaklafl›m› sürdürme karfl›l›¤›nda ödemeye de¤en bir bedel. NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd baflkan› olarak Çin ve Hindistan’daki geliflmeler orta ve uzun vadede flirketinizin vizyonunu nas›l etkileyecek? Çin de Hindistan da hem ç›k›fl hem de var›fl limanlar› olarak zaten MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
compromises are necessary that may have an impact that varies according to type of ship or trade. That is a price that is worth paying to maintain the global regulatory approach that shipping needs in order to survive. As the President of NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd, how will your company’s long- and mid-term vision be affected by the developments in China and India? Both China and India are already our great sources of businesses both as port of departure and port of entry. We have a number of good rival companies based in the two countries. As NYK we also have joint ventures with Chinese and Indian shipping companies. In terms of future business opportunities and competitions we see no much difference between traditional maritime nations and emerging countries. However, one thing that I am concerned about is that the leading Chinese companies in many industry segments are government controlled ones, and hence the issues on over-investment and over-inventory cast a shadow over the desirable growth rate of economy. This may cause shipyards’ overcapacity and vessels’ oversupply. There is a great competition in global container shipping. Dry bulk carriage is not promising. Oil and petroleum products transportation is on a very slippery ground. How are you affected by this situation of the markets when deciding the future projects of NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd? Shipping is the servant of world trade, it does not produce any material and merchandises. We transport cargoes and deliver them to customers: It is a very simple business. On the other hand the most difficult part to make a profit from this business is how fast we can analyze transportation needs and respond with competitive a service and price. In order to meet this goal we need good human resources, assets such as ships and other hardware, capital, plus internal capability and the skillsets to assemble a project by fully utilizing these tools. We cannot control the shipping market, but we can back what we believe in. Finally, can we receive your comment on the NYK Group’s position in Turkey and also Turkey? Besides, we would be pleased to learn your views about Turkish shipyards and Turkish merchant marine fleet. Indeed, Turkey is a quite important market for NYK Group, and all divisions of NYK have their own plans to cultivate the current book of business and to look for new opportunities in the region. Shipyards in Turkey are expanding, and we occasionally use them for maintenance and repair of our ships deployed in the region. In future there might be chances for us to build new ships in Turkey. Turkish Shipowners’ Association is a member of the ICS, and hence we are sharing common issues on international shipping, though there are a number of national issues such as a scrapping scheme to support coastal fleet renewal. &
bizim büyük ifl kaynaklar›m›z. ‹ki ülke merkezli pek çok iyi rakip flirketimlerimiz var. NYK olarak bizim Çinli ve Hindistanl› denizcilik flirketleriyle ortak giriflimlerimiz de var. Gelecekteki ifl f›rsatlar› ve rekabet ortam› anlam›nda geleneksel denizcilik uluslar›yla yükselmekte olan ülkeler aras›nda çok fark görmüyoruz. Ancak endifle duydu¤um nokta ço¤u sektör diliminde önde gelen Çinli flirketlerin devlet kontrollü flirketler olmas› ve bu nedenle afl›r›-yat›r›m ile afl›r›-envanter durumunun ekonominin arzulanan büyüme h›z›na gölge düflürmesidir. Bu, tersanelerde kapasite fazlas›na ve gemilerde arz fazlas›na neden olabilir. Küresel deniz ticaretinde konteyner tafl›mac›l›¤›nda büyük bir rekabet yaflan›yor. Kuru yük tafl›mac›l›¤› ise pek umut vaat etmiyor. Petrol ve petrol türevleri tafl›mac›l›¤› da çok oynak bir zeminde bulunuyor. NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers Ltd’nin gelece¤e dönük projelerine karar verirken piyasalar›n bu durumu sizi nas›l etkiliyor? Denizcilik dünya ticaretine hizmet ediyor, herhangi bir malzeme ya da ticari mamul üretmiyor. Yük tafl›yor ve müflterilerimize teslim ediyoruz: Çok basit bir ifl! Öte yandan bu iflten kar elde etmenin en zor k›sm›, tafl›mac›l›k gereksinimlerini ne h›zla analiz edebildi¤imiz ve bu gereksinimlere rekabetçi hizmet ve fiyatla yan›t verebildi¤imizdir. Bu amaca ulaflmak için iyi insan kaynaklar›na, gemiler ve di¤er donan›mlar gibi varl›klara, sermayeye ve bu araçlardan tümüyle yararlanarak bir proje oluflturmak için iç yetenek ve becerilere ihtiyac›m›z var. Denizcilik piyasas›n› kontrol edemeyiz ama inand›¤›m›z fleyin arkas›nda durabiliriz. Son olarak NYK Grubu’nun Türkiye’deki durumunu ve Türkiye hakk›ndaki yorumunuzu rica ediyorum. Ayr›ca Türkiye tersanelerini ve Türk deniz ticaret filosu hakk›ndaki düflüncelerinizi de ö¤renmek isterim. Asl›nda Türkiye NYK Grubu için oldukça önemli bir pazar ve NYK’n›n tüm bölümlerinin ticari faaliyetlerini gelifltirmek ve bölgede yeni f›rsatlar aramak için kendi planlar› var. Türkiye’deki tersaneler giderek büyüyor ve bölgede kullan›lan gemilerimizin bak›m ve onar›m› için zaman zaman onlar› kullan›yoruz. Gelecekte Türkiye'de yeni gemiler infla etme flans›m›z olabilir. Türk Armatörler Birli¤i bir ICS üyesi ve dolay›s›yla k›y› filosunun yenilenmesini desteklemek için söküm plan› gibi bir dizi ulusal konunun yan› s›ra uluslararas› denizcilikle ilgili ortak konular› paylafl›yoruz. &
Ships the size of skyscrapers now ply the world’s trade routes holding down the costs of global trade, but the risks of these mega ships are unknown. Gökdelen boyutunda gemiler küresel ticaretin maliyetlerini afla¤›da tutarak dünya ticaret rotalar›nda seyrediyor ama bu mega gemilerin riskleri henüz bilinmiyor.
ow can we calculate risks in the absence of long-term experience, historian Edward Tenner wondered when interviewed for the edition of Project M - Unintended Consequences. He had in mind the floating behemoths now transporting much of the world’s seaborne cargo, including manufactured goods and farm products.
roject M isimli yay›n›n “‹stenmeyen Sonuçlar” say›s›na verdi¤i röportajda tarihçi Edward Tenner uzun süreli deneyim yoklu¤unda riskleri nas›l hesaplayabilece¤imizi sorguluyor. Tenner, sanayi ve tar›m ürünleri de dahil olmak üzere dünyan›n deniz yoluyla tafl›nan yükünün ço¤unu nakleden yüzen devleri mercek alt›na al›yor.
Of the ten largest container ships currently at sea, all have been built since 2013 as shipping lines fight to gain an economic edge over rivals. Yet, there is no data on how these mega ships will behave in the long term.
Denizcilik flirketleri, rakipleri karfl›s›nda ekonomik bir avantaj kazanmak için savaflt›¤›ndan flu anda denizde olan en büyük on konteyner gemisinin hepsi de 2013’ten sonra infla edildi. Dolay›s›yla bu mega gemilerin uzun vadede nas›l “davranacaklar›na” iliflkin hiçbir veri yok.
Tenner, who has written extensively on the “revenge effects” of technological progress, including in Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences (1997), says innovation often makes short-term economic sense. “But the complexity of the world is such that they can often result in unforeseen problems.”
“fieyler Neden Karfl›l›k Verirler: Teknoloji ve ‹stenmedik Sonuçlar›n ‹ntikam›” (1997) dahil olmak üzere teknolojik ilerlemelerin “intikam etkileri” üzerine kapsaml› araflt›rmalar› bulunan Tenner yenili¤in k›sa vadede ekonomik getirileri oldu¤unu belirtiyor, “Ama,” diye ekliyor “Dünya öylesine karmafl›k ki s›kl›kla öngörülemeyen sorunlara da yol açabilirler”.
He touched upon a topic of concern for marine insurers. “We have not previously seen container ships of this size currently crossing the seas,” says Captain Andrew Kinsey, senior marine risk consultant at Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS).
Edward Tenner bu sözleriyle deniz sigortac›lar› için endifle konusu olan bir noktaya de¤inmifl oluyor. Nitekim Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty’de (AGCS) deniz riski uzman dan›flman› Kaptan Andrew Kinsey “fiu anda denizlerde dolaflan boyutlardaki konteyner gemilerini daha önce görmemifltik” diyor.
FLOATING BEHEMOTHS In 1956, the Ideal X, the first commercially successful container ship, travelled from Port Newark to Houston in the US with 58 containers on board. As recounted in The Box (1997) by Marc Levinson, the container revolutionized bulk shipping. By the end of the 1970s, the majority of consumer goods coming to the US were shipped by container and the global economic growth sparked by their development is still being realized today.
YÜZEN DEVLER Ticari aç›dan baflar›l› ilk konteyner gemisi olan Ideal X, 1956 y›l›nda 58 konteynerle yüklü olarak ABD’de Port Newark’tan Houston’a seyir yapt›. “The Box”da (1997) Marc Levinson’›n yazd›¤› gibi konteynerler dökme yük tafl›mac›l›¤›nda bir devrimdi. 1970’lerin sonunda ABD’ye gelen tüketici ürünlerinin ço¤u konteynerle nakledilmiflti. Konteynercili¤in geliflimiyle tetiklenen küresel ekonomik büyüme bugün hala devam ediyor.
Some 90% of global trade now goes via the sea and an arms race is underway between shippers. In an industry of thin margins, larger, more fuel-efficient container ships reduce the cost per container. The Ideal X would be a dinghy compared to today’s super cargo ships. Container carrying capacity has already increased by approximately 1,200% since 1968, according to the AGCS Safety and Shipping Review 2015, but a new, even larger fleet is on its way. In January 2015, the MSC Oscar was launched. The largest container ship in the world, it can carry 19,224 standard 20ftlong (TEU) containers. Longer than the Empire State Building is high, it has the capacity to carry up to 39,000 cars or more than 120 million pairs of sneakers. Recently an order was placed for three 20,600 TEU container ships to be built by South Korean shipbuilder Hanjin Heavy Industries for delivery in 2017. Ships with 22,000 TEU are expected in 2018 and plans for 24,000-TEU vessels are on drawing boards.
Bugün küresel ticaretin yaklafl›k yüzde 90’› denizyoluyla gerçeklefliyor ki bu da denizcilik flirketleri aras›nda bir “silahlanma savafl›”n› tetikliyor. Dar marjlar›n söz konusu oldu¤u deniz ticareti sektöründe daha büyük, yak›t verimlili¤i daha yüksek konteyner gemileri konteyner bafl›na maliyeti düflürüyor. Günümüzün süper yük gemilerinin yan›nda Ideal X ancak küçük bir sandal gibi kal›rd›. AGCS’nin “Güvenlik ve Deniz Ticareti De¤erlendirmesi 2015” raporuna göre, konteyner tafl›ma kapasitesi 1968’den bu yana yaklafl›k yüzde 1,200 artt›; üstelik yeni ve daha da büyük bir filo yolda! Ocak 2015’te MSC Oscar denize indirildi. Dünyan›n en büyük konteyner gemisi olarak 19,224 adet standart 20’lik konteyner tafl›yabiliyor. Empire State binas›ndan uzun olan gemi 39,000 adet otomobil ya da 120 milyon çiftten fazla ayakkab› tafl›ma kapasitesine sahip! Yak›n zamanda, 2017’de teslim edilmek üzere Güney Koreli gemi inflac›s› Hanjin Heavy Industries’e üç adet 20,600 TEU konteyner gemisi için siparifl verildi. 2018’de 22,000 TEU gemiler bekleniyor, 24,000 TEU gemiler için planlar çizim masalar›n›n üstünde... MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
Modern container ships boast advanced GPS and satellite navigation technologies, including AIS, the automatic identification system for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships. Other innovations include Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), high frequency radio, depth finders and radar. Yet, an overreliance on such safety devices has led to several collisions.
Ça¤dafl konteyner gemileri, elektronik veri al›flverifli yoluyla yak›nlardaki di¤er gemileri tan›mlamak ve konumlar›n› belirlemek için kullan›lan Otomatik Tan›mlama Sistemi (AIS) de dahil olmak üzere geliflmifl uydu navigasyon ve GPS teknolojileriyle donat›l›yor. Di¤er yenilikler Elektronik Harita Gösterim ve Bilgi Sistemi (ECDIS), yüksek frekansl› telsiz, derinlik ölçerler ve radarlar› içeriyor. Ancak bu tür güvenlik cihazlar›na afl›r› güvenin çeflitli çat›flmalara yol açt›¤› da biliniyor.
On January 11, 2014 the cargo ship Rickmers Dubai collided with an unmanned crane barge being towed in Dover Strait. A report from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) concluded that the watch officer relied solely on AIS information for collision avoidance, which neither the barge nor its tug were transmitting. He also failed to note safety broadcasts issued by Dover Coast Guard regarding the position and movement of Kingston and its tow.
11 Ocak 2014’te yük gemisi Rickmers Dubai, Dover Bo¤az›’nda çekilmekte olan bir insans›z yüzer vince çarpt›. Deniz Kazas› Araflt›rma fiubesi (MAIB) raporu devriye zabitinin çarp›flmay› önlemek için, yüzer vincin de römorkörünün de aktarmad›¤› AIS bilgisine güvendi¤i sonucuna vard›. Yüzer vinç Kingston ile römorkörünün konum ve hareketiyle ilgili olarak Dover Sahil Güvenlik taraf›ndan yay›nlanan emniyet duyurular› da dikkate al›nmam›flt›.
“We are dealing with a new generation of seafarers who have grown up trusting everything they see on the video screen, be it GPS position, or collision avoidance information,” says Kinsey, who spent 23 years in the US Merchant Marine and US Naval Reserve. “They won’t even pick up binoculars and look out the window, which proves no matter how advanced the technology is, the human error factor is always underlying. Technology can’t substitute for proper training, manning, precautions or experience, but it (technology) can lead to greater complacency, which increases the potential for accidents.” Cost cutting measures by shipping lines, such as reducing crew numbers, along with overwork, have exacerbated shipping risks, but the size of the mega ships is causing concerns. “There is currently a worldwide shortage of qualified seaman and crews to command and work such ships,” says Kinsey. In addition, few harbors can handle the mega ships and ports need to be rebuilt, with vast yards to store the containers, along with the cranes to load and unload them. Docking at American ports is currently not possible so such vessels are used mostly for shipping between the Far East and Northern Europe. The limited number of ports raises questions as to where the ships can quickly turn if problems arise such as with fires, collisions or engine failure? Other concerns are about the scarcity of salvage tugs to tow a vessel to safety.
VOYAGE INTO THE UNKNOWN What is also uncertain is how the new generation will behave because the ocean affects bigger ships differently than smaller
ABD Deniz Ticaret Filosu ve ABD Deniz ‹htiyat Teflkilat›nda 23 y›l geçirmifl olan Kinsey “‹ster GPS konumu ister çat›flmay› önleyici bilgi olsun, video ekran›nda gördükleri her fleye güvenerek büyümüfl yeni kuflak denizcilerle karfl› karfl›yay›z” diyor: “Teknoloji ne kadar ileri olursa olsun insan hatas› etkeninin her zaman esas oldu¤unu kan›tlar flekilde dürbünü al›p pencereden bile bakm›yorlar. Teknoloji do¤ru e¤itim, mürettebat, önlemler ve deneyimin yerine geçemez, üstelik kaza olas›l›¤›n› art›ran daha fazla kay›ts›zl›¤a yol açabilir.” Denizcilik hat flirketlerinin fazla mesaiyle birlikte mürettebat say›s›n› azaltma gibi maliyet düflürücü önlemleri gemicilik risklerini daha da art›r›yor ama esas olarak mega gemilerin boyutlar› endiflelere yol aç›yor. Kinsey “Bu tür gemileri çal›flt›rmak ve yönetmek için dünya genelinde nitelikli denizci ve gemiadam› eksikli¤i var” diyor. Buna ek olarak mega gemiler çok az say›da limana yanaflabiliyor. Bu nedenle yükleme-boflaltma ifllemleri için gereken vinçlerin yan› s›ra konteynerleri depolamak için de genifl alanlara sahip limanlar›n infla edilmesi gerekiyor. fiimdiki durumda ABD limanlar›na yanaflmak mümkün olmad›¤›ndan bu tür gemiler ço¤unlukla Uzakdo¤u-Kuzey Avrupa aras›nda kullan›l›yor. Liman say›s›n›n s›n›rl› olmas› yang›n, çarp›flma ya da makine ar›zas› gibi sorunlar›n do¤mas› halinde gemilerin h›zla nereye yönelece¤i sorusunu akla getiriyor. Di¤er endifle ise bir mega gemiyi emniyetli alana çekecek kurtarma römorkörlerinin yetersizli¤i.
B‹L‹NMEYENE YOLCULUK Yine belirsiz bir nokta da okyanus büyük gemileri küçüklerden daha farkl› biçimde etkileyece¤i için yeni kuflak gemilerin nas›l davranaca¤›n›n bilinmemesi. Kinsey zamanla geminin yap›s›na zarar verebilen titreflimle ilgili olgu türleri olan “yaylanma” (springing) ve k›rbaçlaman›n (whipping) yeni mega gemilerde iki belirsiz risk alan› oldu¤unu söylüyor.
“They won’t even pick up binoculars and look out the window.” Captain Andrew Kinsey
“Dürbünleri al›p pencereden bile bakmayacaklar.”
ones. Kinsey notes that “springing” and “whipping” types of vibration-related phenomena that can damage the structure of the vessel over time, are two areas of unknown risks with the new mega ships. Springing is vibration of the hull caused by waves that can cause metal fatigue. It becomes more serious with larger ships. Whipping is when waves act on the hull much like a finger plucking a guitar string. They are believed to be responsible for the 2013 sinking of the five-year-old, 8,000 TEU MOL Comfort off the coast of Yemen.
Yaylanma, metal yorulmas› oluflturabilen dalgalar›n neden oldu¤u gövde titreflimi demek ve daha büyük gemilerde daha ciddi tehlike yarat›yor. K›rbaçlama, dalgalar›n tekne üzerinde, bir gitar telini b›rakan parma¤›n yaratt›¤› etkiye benzer bir etki yarat›yor. Befl yafl›ndaki 8,000 TEU MOL Comfort’un 2013 y›l›nda Yemen aç›klar›nda batmas›ndan bu iki etkenin sorumlu oldu¤una inan›l›yor.
“Springing and whipping did not impact vessels as heavily until they became larger. Are these larger vessels going to be able to absorb the rigors of a 20-year service life? Will there be adequate salvage services available to assist an 18,000 TEU ship in an emergency?,” asks Kinsey.
Kinsey “Yaylanma ve k›rbaçlama, boyutlar› daha da büyüyene kadar gemileri bu kadar a¤›r biçimde etkilememiflti. Acaba daha büyük gemiler 20 y›ll›k hizmet ömürleri boyunca karfl›laflabilecekleri böylesi güçlüklerle bafl edebilecek mi? Acil bir durumda 18,000 TEU’luk bir gemiye yard›m edebilecek uygun kurtarma hizmetleri olacak m›?” diye soruyor.
If general average, the maritime law apportioning financial liability for the loss arising from the jettisoning of cargo, was initiated on a ship like the MSC Oscar, it would be an enormously costly and complex process involving thousands of shippers with cargo on board. A direct loss from a sinking or running a ground could total $2 billion or more estimates Kinsey. Yet, even this could be dwarfed by the economic impact of a disabled mega ship blocking a major port or channel.
Yük atmadan do¤an zarar için mali yükümlülü¤ü bölüfltüren deniz hukuku kural› “müflterek avarya” MSC Oscar gibi bir gemi için bafllat›lsayd›, gemideki yükle binlerce nakliyeciyi içeren korkunç maliyetli ve karmafl›k bir ifllem ortaya ç›kard›. Kinsey batmaktan ya da karaya oturmaktan do¤acak böyle do¤rudan bir kayb›n toplam 2 milyar dolar ya da daha fazla olabilece¤ini hesapl›yor. Oysa bu bile önemli bir liman ya da kanal› engelleyen hizmet d›fl› bir mega geminin yol açaca¤› ekonomik olumsuzluklar›n gölgesinde kalabilir.
In the rush to gain a short term economic advantage on the seas, it could well be that shipping lines are setting the conditions for future failure. As Tenner asserts: “Technology is a mixed blessing. Our best laid plans to improve our earthly plight through technological means often go awry.” &
K›sa vadede ekonomik avantaj elde etme telafl› içindeki denizcilik flirketleri pekala gelecekteki baflar›s›zl›klar›n temelini at›yor olabilirler. Tenner flöyle diyor: “Teknoloji kar›fl›k bir nimettir. Teknolojik yollardan dünyevi güçlüklerimizi iyilefltirmeye yönelik en iyi hesaplanm›fl planlar›m›z s›kl›kla tersine ifller.” &
Source // Kaynak: ProjectM-online, the publication of Allianz SE // Allianz SE yay›n› Project-M’in çevrimiçi bask›s›
Oil seals the fate of the World for a hundred and fifty years and the tankers that take the oil from production spots and carry it to every single port of the earth draws the road map of that fate. Importance of tankers in maritime transport will never end as long as the modern life’s need for oil and oil products continues. Namely, we will go on preparing the “Top 10” of the World tanker shipping. Here comes the 2015 World Tanker Shipping Top 10! Yüz elli y›ld›r dünyan›n kaderine petrol yön veriyor, onu üretim noktalar›ndan al›p yeryüzünün her liman›na ulaflt›ran tankerler de bu kaderin yol haritas›n› çiziyor. Modern yaflam petrole ve petrol ürünlerine ihtiyaç duydukça deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›nda da tankerler önemini sürdürecek. Yani dünya tanker tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n “Top 10”unu yapmaya devam edece¤iz. ‹flte karfl›n›zda Dünya Tanker Tafl›mac›l›¤› 2015 Top 10!
f we attempt to prepare a file about tanker shipping, probably we cannot finish it even if we devote a whole issue of “marine&commerce” only for this purpose. For we have to start the story back from the Industrial Revolution where the commercial shipping began to utilize steam. Indeed, the first commercial tanker was built in 1863 as a sailing vessel and the steam-powered oil tanker Vaderland was built by Palmers Shipyard and Iron Company in England and delivered to its Belgian owners in 1873. Namely, a history of 150 years.
Of course those 150 years is not the only reason for a file about yesterday and today of tanker shipping being highly sizable. What makes it important is the role played on the fate of the world by its cargo, namely oil rather than the history of ships. The fact that oil pipeline,
anker tafl›mac›l›¤› hakk›nda bir dosya haz›rlamaya kalksak, herhalde marine&commerce’›n bir say›s›n› ay›rsak bile bitiremeyiz. Çünkü hikayeyi anlatmaya ticari tafl›mac›l›¤›n istim tutmaya bafllad›¤› Sanayi Devrimi sürecinden bafllamam›z gerekir. Nitekim ilk ticari tanker yelkenli bir gemi olarak 1863’te infla edildi, 1873’te ise buhar gücüyle çal›flan petrol tankeri Vaderland, ‹ngiltere’de Palmers Tersanecilik ve Demir fiirketi taraf›ndan infla edilerek Belçikal› sahiplerine teslim edildi. Yani 150 y›ll›k bir tarihten söz ediyoruz.
Kuflkusuz tanker tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n dünü ve bugünü hakk›ndaki bir dosyan›n fazla hacimli olmas›n›n tek nedeni 150 y›l de¤il. Onu gemilerin tarihinden çok, tafl›d›¤› yükün yani petrolün dünyan›n kaderi üzerinde oynad›¤› rol önemli k›l›yor. Ham petrol ve petrol ürünleri tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n tankerler kadar önemli bir aktörü olan ve kaderin garip bir cilvesiyle 1863 y›l›nda do¤an petrol boru hatlar›n›n
which with a twist of fate was born also in 1863 and is an actor of crude oil and oil product transportation as important as tankers, being considered such valuable is the business of same “precious mud”! As we said, if we enter into economy-politics of this matter, it would be necessary to prepare special journals. For that reason, we keep it short and turn back to our report about the top tanker shipping companies of the world and we put them under the scope in this issue.
SEAS ARE FULL OF GIANTS Transporting the oil and oil products by tankers has always been very important in the world trade. On the other side, the world trade that became increasingly globalized after 1980s paved the way for the increase in size, tank volume and therefore transport capacity of the ships in tanker industry as well as in all other fields of maritime transportation. When considered without discriminating between types, the largest cargo carrying ships of our day, ULCCs (Ultra Large Crude Carriers) and VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) are the works of oil trade which has shapened the fate of 20th century, and appears like will intervene also in twenty-first century. When some vessels start to be identified by words like giant, gigantic, very large, and ultra large, a part of the industry
da bu denli de¤erli görülmesi ayn› “k›ymetli çamur”un ifli! Dedik ya, e¤er bu iflin ekonomi-politi¤ine girersek özel dergiler yapmam›z gerekir. O yüzden k›sa kesiyoruz ve bu say›m›zda mercek alt›na ald›¤›m›z dünyan›n en büyük tanker tafl›mac›lar› hakk›nda raporumuza dönüyoruz.
DEN‹ZLER DEV DOLU Ham petrol ve petrol ürünlerinin tankerlerle tafl›nmas› dünya ticaretinde her zaman çok önemli oldu. Öte yandan 1980’lerden sonra h›zla küreselleflen dünya ticareti, deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n bütün di¤er alanlar›nda oldu¤u gibi tanker sektöründe de gemilerin boyutlar›n›n, tank hacimlerinin ve dolay›s›yla da tafl›ma kapasitelerinin artmas›na yol açt›. S›n›f ay›rt etmeden bak›ld›¤›nda bugün dünyan›n en büyük yük tafl›yan gemileri ULCC (Ultra Large Crude Carriers) ve VLCC’ler (Very Large Crude Carriers), 20. Yüzy›l›n kaderini flekillendiren ve 21. Yüzy›la da müdahale edece¤i belli olan petrol ticaretinin eserleri. Birtak›m araçlar dev, devasa, çok büyük, ultra büyük gibi sözcüklerle tan›mlanmaya bafllad›¤›nda, o araçlar›n kullan›ld›¤› sektör kurulufllar›n›n bir bölümü de ayn› sözcüklerle tan›mlanabilir hale geliyor. Okurlar›m›zla bu sayfalar›m›zda paylaflt›¤›m›z liste, iflte o devlerin dünyas›n› resmediyor. Kuflkusuz dünya tanker filosunun tümünü listelememiz mümkün de¤il. Yine de bu liste kimlerin piyasan›n en güçlüleri oldu¤unu ve ülkelerin yerini yavafl yavafl MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
institutions where those vehicles are used also becomes identifiable with the same words. The list we share with our reader in these pages illustrates the world of those giants. Of course, it is not possible to list whole of the world tanker fleet. Nevertheless, this list is enlightening enough to unroll the most powerful ones of the industry and to display that the countries are gradually being replaced by international operating companies.
THE WINNER FROM JAPAN, SECOND FROM PERSIA The largest oil shipping company of the world is based in Japan, an oil poor country like Turkey. The transport capacity of tankers owned by Mitsui-OSK (MOL) which was established in 1884 is 15.8 million DWT; another 74,000 DWT tanker of the company is under construction. The fleet involves 40 VLCC, six LR2, five Aframax, 12 LR1, 26 MR and 13 Handysize tankers. NITC (National Iranian Tanker Company) takes place in the second rank. NITC, which was a corporate of Iranian National Oil Company and became independent in 2009, moved up by adding 12 VLCCs to its fleet during the period between May 2012-July 2013. There is no clear data about newbuilding tankers of the company who currently owns a 13.6 million DWT fleet. It is said that a number of Panamaxes are under construction in China instead of large tankers. Six aged VLCCs
uluslararas› iflletmeci flirketlerin almaya bafllad›¤›n› gözler önüne serecek kadar ayd›nlat›c›.
B‹R‹NC‹ JAPONYA’DAN, ‹K‹NC‹ ‹RAN’DAN Dünyan›n en büyük petrol tafl›mac›l›¤› flirketi, Türkiye gibi petrol fakiri bir ülke olan Japonya’da bulunuyor. 1884 y›l›nda kurulmufl olan Mitsui-OSK’n›n (MOL) sahip oldu¤u tankerlerin tafl›ma kapasitesi 15.8 milyon DWT; halen 74,000 DWT’lik tanker de infla aflamas›nda. Filoyu 40 VLCC, alt› LR2, befl Aframax, 12 LR1, 26 MR ve 13 Handysize tanker oluflturuyor. ‹ki numarada NITC (National Iranian Tanker Company) yer al›yor. ‹ran Ulusal Petrol fiirketi’nin bir kurulufluyken 2009
are deployed for oil storage in the Persian Gulf presently. On the y›l›nda özerkleflen NITC, May›s 2012-Temmuz 2013 aras›nda filoya 12 VLCC’nin eklenmesiyle s›n›f atlad›. Halen 13.6 milyon other side, there are 37 VLCC, nine Suezmax, five Aframax and DWT’lik bir filoya sahip olan flirketin yeni infla tankerleri three product tankers in the Iranian tanker fleet. In an hakk›nda net bir veri yok. Büyük tankerler announcement made by the head office in yerine birkaç Panamax’›n Çin’de infla recent days it is reported that the NITC is FIRST 20 FLAG OWNING halinde oldu¤u konufluluyor. Alt› yafll› VLCC planning to add 6 million DWT capacity to its MAXIMUM NUMBER OF halen Basra Körfezi’nde ham petrol fleet by way of purchasing and building 25 TANKERS depolanmas›nda kullan›l›yor. ‹ran tanker more tankers in conformity with IMO rules. filosunda 37 VLCC, dokuz Suezmax, befl EN FAZLA TANKERE SAH‹P Aframax ve üç ürün tankeri bulunuyor. JAPAN, AMERICAN, BELGIAN ‹LK 20 BAYRAK Geçti¤imiz günlerde flirket merkezinden Panama // Panama 8,164 Another Japanese, NYK Group is in the third yap›lan aç›klamada, NITC’nin infla etme ve Indonesia // Endonezya 7,738 rank with 12.6 million DWT. The fleet is sat›n alma yoluyla IMO kurallar›na uygun Japan // Japonya 5,260 composed of 33 VLCC, four Aframax, five 25 tankere daha sahip olarak filosuna 6 China // Çin 3,984 LR2, 24 MR and five chemical tankers. The milyon DWT kapasite eklemeyi planlad›¤› 3,533 USA // ABD duyuruldu. companies like Knutsen NYK Offshore Singapore // Singapur 3,529 Tankers and Stolt Nielsen are performing JAPON, AMER‹KAN, BELÇ‹KALI 3,164 Liberia // Liberya joint-venture tanker shipping while NYK Marshall Islands // Marshall Adalar› 2,829 Bir di¤er Japon firmas› NYK Grubu, 12.6 Group operates 28 LNG tanker as well. Russia // Rusya 2,505 milyon DWT ile üçüncü s›rada. Filoyu 33 Hong Kong // Hong Kong 2,482 Teekay Group founded by Denmark origin USA VLCC, dört Aframax, befl LR2, 24 MR ve Malta // Malta 2,001 citizen J. Torben Karlshoej achieved a rapid befl kimyasal tanker oluflturuyor. NYK 1,892 South Korea // Güney Kore growth with its Teekay Tankers put into Grubu ayr›ca 28 LNG tankerini iflletirken, Vietnam // Vietnam 1,764 Knutsen NYK Offshore Tankers ve Stolt practice in May 2007 and placed in the forth Malesia // Malezya 1,657 Nielsen gibi flirketlerle de ortak giriflim rank. On the other side, the company owns the 1,609 India // Hindistan tanker tafl›mac›l›¤› ifli yap›yor. largest shuttle tanker fleet of the world. It has a double hull tanker fleet composed of 22 Suezmax, 12 Aframax, seven LR2 and three MR besides 11 time-chartered tankers. Teekay Tankers also holds shares of various joint venture companies. Teekay’s total fleet capacity is 12.5 million DWT and the company
Philippines // Filipinler
Greece // Yunanistan
Bahamas // Bahamalar
Italy // ‹talya
Turkey // Türkiye
Source // Kaynak: Clarksons, as of 19.06.2015
Danimarka kökenli ABD vatandafl› J. Torben Karlshoej’in kurdu¤u Teekay Grubu, 2007 Aral›k ay›nda hayata geçirdi¤i Teekay Tanker ile h›zl› bir büyüme kaydetti ve dördüncü s›raya yerleflti. Öte yandan flirket dünyan›n en büyük shuttle tanker filosuna
made a contract for newbuilding of 12 Suezmax tanker in recent days. Thus, 606 thousand DWT will be added to the fleet. Belgian tanker company Euronav ranked as five with its total 12.5 million DWT tanker fleet. Indeed, Euronav was not such a large company until the current year. However, the company made a big leap when it purchased 15 VLCCs belonging to Maersk for 980 million dollars. Besides, the company announced that it is watching opportunity for other tanker purchases in a period where surges are experienced in oil markets and distresses related with global economy never relieve. It is reported that Euronav has agreed with the investment institution OSG and will purchase three more VLCC and two Aframax tankers from Maersk.
BERMUDIAN, RUSSIAN, SAUDI We see an international tanker operating company, Frontline Group in the sixth rank. There is 67 tankers in its 11.9 million DWT fleet 24 of which are VLCC, 17 Suezmax, 10 LR2 and 16 MR. Delivery of the Group’s order for two LR2 and five oil product tankers has started as of September of the last year and those deliveries contributes to the growth of the fleet. Besides, it
sahip. Halen 22’si Suezmax, 12’si Aframax, yedisi LR2 ve üçü MR olmak üzere 44 çift cidarl› tankerden oluflan bir filosu ve 11 tane de süreli kiralad›¤› tankeri bulunuyor. Teekay Tanker’in çeflitli ortak giriflim flirketlerde de pay› var. Toplam filo büyüklü¤ü 12.5 milyon DWT olan Teekay, 12 Suezmax tanker inflas› için de geçti¤imiz günlerde bir anlaflma yapt›. Böylece filoya 606 bin DWT daha eklenecek. Belçikal› tanker flirketi Euronav toplam 12.5 milyon DWT tanker filosuyla beflinci s›rada. Asl›nda içinde bulundu¤umuz y›la kadar Euronav bu denli büyük bir firma de¤ildi. Ancak Maersk’e ait 15 VLCC’yi 980 milyon dolara sat›n al›nca büyük bir s›çrama gerçeklefltirmifl oldu. Üstelik firma, petrol piyasalar›nda büyük dalgalanmalar yafland›¤› ve küresel ekonomiye dair endiflelerin bir türlü azalmad›¤› bir dönemde yeni tanker sat›n al›mlar› için f›rsat kollad›¤›n› da duyurdu. Euronav’›n yat›r›m flirketi OSG ile anlaflt›¤› ve Maersk’ten üç tane daha VLCC ve iki de Aframax tanker alaca¤› biliniyor.
BERMUDALI, RUS, SUUD‹ Alt›nc› s›rada bir uluslararas› tanker iflletme flirketi olan Frontline Grubu bulunuyor. 11.9 milyon DWT’lik filosunda 24 VLCC, 17 Suezmax, 10 LR2, 16 MR olmak üzere 67 tanker var. Grubun MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
is reported that the group, which owns the largest Suezmax fleet of the world, is about to purchase two more Suezmax tankers. Sovcomflot Group (SCF) is at the seventh rank with its 11.9 million DWT fleet. SCF is following an investment strategy for having a fleet composed entirely of VLCCs and LRs by selling aged oil product tankers. SCF fleet is composed of 42 Aframax, 18 Suezmax, 28 MR, five Panamaxes. Group has just received one of the two newbuilding VLCCs. 11.4 million DWT tanker fleet that come to light with the merger of two Saudi companies Bahri and Vela, is placed in the eighth rank. There are 32 VLLCs one of which used for storage, one Aframax, 24 chemical carriers, five newly delivered tankers one of which is LR1 and four MR in the fleet. Entire technical and commercial administration of the fleet is carried out by Bahri Group. It is reported that the group is conducting market research for LPG and chemical product tankers.
iki LR2 ve befl petrol ürünleri tankeri siparifli 2014 Eylül ay›ndan itibaren teslim edilmeye baflland›, bunlar da filoyu büyütmeye devam ediyor. Ayr›ca dünyan›n en büyük Suezmax filosuna sahip olan grubun iki Suezmax tanker daha sat›n almak üzere oldu¤u gelen haberler aras›nda. Sovcomflot Grubu (SCF) 11.9 milyon DWT filoyla yedinci s›rada. Eski petrol ürün tankerlerini satmaya yönelen SCF filosunu VLCC ve LR2’ler ile besleyecek bir yat›r›m stratejisi izliyor. SCF filosu 42 Aframax, 18 Suezmax, 28 MR, befl Panamax’tan olufluyor. Grup iki yeni infla VLCC’sinden bir tanesini henüz teslim ald›. ‹ki Suudi flirketi, Bahri ile Vela’n›n birleflmesiyle ortaya ç›kan 11.4 milyon DWT’lik tanker filosu, sekizinci s›raya yerleflti. Filoda biri depolama için kullan›lan 32 VLCC, bir Aframax, 24 kimyasal tafl›y›c›, biri LR1 dördü MR olmak üzere befl yeni teslim tanker bulunuyor. Filonun teknik ve ticari tüm yönetimini Bahri Grubu yap›yor. Grubun LPG ve kimyasal ürün tankerleri için piyasada araflt›rma yapt›¤› da duyuruldu.
Singapore based AET is in the ninth rank with its 11.2 million DWT fleet. The company increased the number of VLCCs in its fleet to 13 by purchasing four eco-design VLCCs last year. Indeed, AET had more number of tankers but the company sold many of them since the fleet was aged. Presently, the company is preparing a renewal program for Aframax and VLCCs. AET fleet is composed of 50 Aframax, four Suezmax, two DP shuttle tanker (besides, two newbuilding order is placed), one Panamax and five MR tankers.
Singapur merkezli AET, 11.2 milyon DWT filosuyla dokuzuncu s›rada. fiirket geçti¤imiz y›l dört eko-tasar›ml› VLCC alarak VLCC filosundaki gemi say›s›n› 13’e ç›karm›flt›. Asl›nda AET’nin daha fazla tankeri vard› fakat filo yaflland›¤› için birçok tankerini satt›. Halen flirket Aframax ve VLCC’ler için bir yenileme program› haz›rl›¤›nda. 50 Aframax, dört Suezmax, iki DP shuttle tanker (iki tane de yeni siparifl verdi), bir Panamax ve befl MR AET tanker filosunu oluflturuyor.
Another international operating company, Dynacom Tankers Management (DMT) ranked as tenth with its 8.9 million DWT. The company owns 14 VLCC, 23 Suezmax, six LR1 and six Panamax tankers. The company announced that four newbuilding Suezmax tankers will join to the fleet soon. &
Bir di¤er uluslararas› iflletme flirketi olan Dynacom Tankers Management (DMT) 8.9 milyon DWT ile onuncu s›rada. 14 VLCC, 23 Suezmax, alt› LR1 ve alt› da Panamax tankeri var. fiirket dört yeni infla Suezmax tankerin de yak›n zamanda filoya kat›laca¤›n› duyurdu. &
The capacity expansion project of the Suez Canal is nearing completion and so called the New Suez Canal enabling to double the passage capacity will be inaugurated in August. The global communications campaign of the ‘symbol of the new Egypt’ has already been started. Süveyfl Kanal›’n›n kapasite büyütme projesinde sona geliniyor. Geçifl kapasitesini iki kat›na ç›karan Yeni Süveyfl Kanal›’n›n resmi aç›l›fl› A¤ustos 2015’te gerçeklefltirilecek. “Yeni M›s›r’›n Simgesi” slogan›yla küresel iletiflim kampanyas› bafllat›ld› bile.
he Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has announced the start of the celebrations that will culminate in the opening of the New Suez Canal on 6th August 2015 by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. SCA, in partnership with a WWP consortium, has launched its campaign to tell the world about the ‘symbol of the new Egypt’.
üveyfl Kanal› Yönetimi (SCA - The Suez Canal Authority), M›s›r Devlet Baflkan› Abdel Fattah El-Sisi taraf›ndan 6 A¤ustos 2015’te yap›lacak aç›l›flta zirveye ç›kacak olan Yeni Süveyfl Kanal› kutlamalar›n›n bafllad›¤›n› aç›klad›. SCA, WPP konsorsiyumu iflbirli¤iyle “Yeni M›s›r’›n Sembolü” olacak kanal›n iletiflim kampanyas›n› bafllatt›.
The celebrations and global communications campaign will be overseen by the SCA and implemented by a consortium comprising WPP, one of the world’s largest marketing communications companies, and a number of local, Egyptian businesses. Team WPP is led by Memac Ogilvy Public Relations with support from Memac Ogilvy & Mather, Media Waves, Emeco Travel, JWT, Richard Attias and Mindshare.
Yeni Süveyfl Kanal›’n›n küresel iletiflim kampanyas› ve aç›l›fl kutlamalar›, dünyan›n en büyük pazarlama iletiflimi gruplar›ndan WPP ve M›s›rl› flirketler taraf›ndan yönetilecek. Projede görev alan WPP ekibi, Memac Ogilvy Public Relations liderli¤inde Memac Ogilvy & Mather, Media Waves, Emeco Travel, JWT, Mindshare ve Richard Attias & Associates flirketlerinden olufluyor.
“The New Suez Canal is more than just a new waterway and an astonishing feat of engineering. It is a catalyst for the Egyptian people which will unleash a renewed sense of pride and a more prosperous future,” said Admiral Mohab Mameesh, Chairman and Managing Director of the Suez Canal Authority. He added: “The project is more than 80% complete, and climbing as we speak, with more than 210 million tons of sand excavated, so our attention is now turning to the celebration of this achievement with the Egyptian people, as well as sharing news of Egypt’s ‘gift to the world’ far and wide.”
SCA Baflkan› Amiral Mohab Mameesh küresel iletiflim kampanyas› hakk›nda “Yeni Süveyfl Kanal›, sadece aç›lan yeni bir suyolu ve ola¤anüstü bir mühendislik baflar›s› de¤il. Yeni kanal ayn› zamanda M›s›rl›lar› bir araya getirip, ülkemiz için yenilenmifl bir gurur kayna¤› ve daha müreffeh bir gelece¤in anahtar›d›r” dedi. Sözlerine “Projenin yüzde 80’i tamamland› ve halen inflaat h›zla devam ediyor” fleklinde devam eden Amiral Mameesh, bugüne kadar inflaat sahas›ndan 210 milyon tonluk kumun ç›kart›ld›¤›n› iletti. Amiral Mamesh, “fiimdi dikkatimizi bu baflar›n›n M›s›r halk›yla birlikte kutlanmas›na ve M›s›r’›n dünyaya bu yeni hediyesini paylaflmaya çeviriyoruz” dedi.
The communications campaign will consist of a comprehensive, integrated marketing campaign designed not only to embrace and involve the Egyptian people but also tell the story of the canal to a global audience. The campaign will highlight the determination of the Egyptian people in building the new, 72-kilometer canal in just 12 months as well as the impact the canal will have on the country, region and the world. The campaign will culminate in a gala event on the banks of the New Suez Canal on 6th August. On this historic day, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will be joined by world leaders to witness the first time traffic has flowed simultaneously north and south through the Red Sea - Mediterranean crossing. “The New Suez Canal is a symbol of the new Egypt, representing the energy, resourcefulness and determination of the Egyptian people, and is one of the most significant projects to come out of Egypt in modern times. It will enrich our economy and society for decades to come,” said Admiral Mameesh. The huge engineering project began with a national subscription to raise the necessary funds. In just six days, the Egyptian people raised around US$8.5 billion and work began on 6thAugust 2014. Despite initial estimates indicating the project would take three years, the project is well on course to be completed in less than 12 months. The Suez Canal has been at the heart of Egypt’s economy for more than 150 years. The project to build a new 72km waterway will enable two-way traffic and double the current daily ship capacity. As a result, the canal authority is set to increase its
WPP’nin yürütece¤i genifl kapsaml› pazarlama kampanyas› sadece M›s›r halk›na yönelik olmayacak, ayn› zamanda yeni kanal›n hikayesini tüm dünyaya anlatacak. Kampanya, 72 kilometre uzunlu¤undaki kanal› sadece 12 ay içerisinde tamamlayan M›s›r halk›n›n kararl›l›¤›n› ve yeni kanal›n ülke, bölge ve dünyaya etkisini anlatmaya odaklanacak. Kampanya, 6 A¤ustos’ta Yeni Süveyfl Kanal›’n›n k›y›s›nda düzenlenecek gala etkinli¤iyle sona erecek. Etkinlikte M›s›r Devlet Baflkan› Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, dünya liderleri, fikir önderleri ve medya, K›z›ldeniz ve Akdeniz aras›nda ilk defa kuzey ve güney yönlerinde çift tarafl› gemi trafi¤ine de tan›kl›k edecekler. “Yeni Süveyfl Kanal›, M›s›r’›n yeni sembolü olarak M›s›r halk›n›n enerjisi, becerisi ve kararl›¤›n› ifade edecek, modern zamanlarda M›s›r’da yap›lm›fl en önemli proje olarak öne ç›kacak” diyen Amiral Mameesh projenin on y›llar boyunca M›s›r ekonomisi ve toplumunu zenginlefltirece¤ini ifade etti. Devasa mühendislik projesi M›s›r halk›n›n alt› gün içerisinde kendi aras›nda toplad›¤› 8.5 milyar dolarl›k sermaye ile 6 A¤ustos 2014’te bafllad›. ‹lk tahminlere göre üç y›lda bitmesi beklenen proje, büyük bir çabayla 12 aydan k›sa sürede tamamlanmaya haz›r hale geldi. Süveyfl Kanal› 150 y›ldan uzun bir süredir M›s›r ekonomisinin kalbini oluflturuyor. 72 kilometre uzunlu¤undaki yeni hat, kanalda bugüne kadar mümkün olmayan çift yönlü trafi¤i gerçeklefltirecek ve günlük gemi geçifl kapasitesini ikiye katlayacak. SCA, 2015 y›l›nda kanaldan elde etmeyi hedefledi¤i 5.3 milyar dolarl›k geliri, 2023 MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
annual revenue from $5.3 billion in 2015 to $13.2 billion in 2023, as well as underscore the canal’s position as a major maritime trade route against a backdrop of growing competition. The New Suez Canal is at the heart of a vision to construct a fully developed industrial area along the canal known as the Suez Canal Zone. The zone will see the creation of a huge industrial area catering to a broad range of sectors including manufacturing, logistics, ship repair, and more. With the Suez Canal positioned as a vital component of world trade, the Suez Canal Zone will provide access to 1.6 billion customers worldwide. The project will provide Egypt with investment and employment opportunities for years to come.
SUEZ CANAL EXPANSION NEARING COMPLETION In recent months and years, there has been quite some discussion about the expansion of the Panama Canal and its implications for tradeflows. However, a similar capacity expansion of the Suez Canal that will be inaugurated in August of this year has received much less attention. The Suez Canal expansion or the New Suez Canal will allow more two way traffic by adding a 35 km canal next to the existing one and by widening the Great Bitter Lakes by-passes and the Ballah by-pass with a total length of 37 km (the total length of the project is 72 km). This will double the capacity of
itibar›yla 13.2 milyar dolar›na ç›kartacak ve Süveyfl Kanal›’n›n dünyan›n en büyük denizcilik rotas› olma rolünü kuvvetlendirecek. Yeni Süveyfl Kanal› ayn› zamanda Süveyfl Kanal› Bölgesi olarak bilinen ve s›f›rdan kurulacak yeni bir endüstriyel bölgenin de kalbi olacak. Üretimden lojisti¤e, gemi tamirat›ndan bak›m›na ve pek çok yeni ifl koluna ev sahipli¤i de yapacak bölge, dünya ticaretinin önemli merkezlerinden biri olacak ve dünya çap›nda 1.6 milyar müflteriye hitap edecek. Proje M›s›r’a y›llar boyunca yeni yat›r›m ve istihdam imkanlar› tan›yacak.
SÜVEYfi KANAL GEN‹fiLETMES‹ SONA YAKLAfiIYOR Son dönemde Panama Kanal›’n›n geniflletilmesi ve bunun ticaret ak›fllar›na etkisi çokça gündeme geldi. Ancak 2015 A¤ustos’unda resmi aç›l›fl› yap›lacak olan Süveyfl Kanal›’n›n benzer kapasite geniflletmesi çok daha az dikkat çekti. Mevcut olana 35 kilometrelik bir kanal eklenmesi ve Büyük Ac› Göller geçifl kanallar› ve Ballah geçifl kanal›n›n toplam 37 kilometre geniflletilmesiyle daha fazla iki yönlü trafi¤e izin verecek. Bu, kanal›n günde 49 gemi olan kapasitesini 97 gemiye ç›karacak ve geçifl ile bekleme sürelerini azaltacak. Ayr›ca azami suçekimi derinli¤inin tüm kanal için 24 metreye ç›kar›lmas› hedefleniyor. Süveyfl Kanal›’nda yükseltme havuzlar› olmad›¤›ndan geniflletmek daha kolay, dolay›s›yla Panama Kanal› geniflletmesinden önemli ölçüde daha h›zl› biçimde yap›labiliyor.
the canal from about 49 ships per day to 97 ships and reduce transit and waiting time. Additionally, the objective is to increase the permissible draft to 66 ft (24 m) for the entire canal. As the Suez Canal does not have locks, the expansion is simpler and can be done significantly faster than the Panama canal expansion. Currently, the canal is almost exclusively used for one way traffic that moves in convoy, either North-South or vice versa with two small areas where the convoys meet and south bound vessels need to wait for north bound vessels to pass. The new section will allow for two-way traffic over about half of the total length of the canal, reducing the transit time from 18 hours to 11 hours and reducing the maximum waiting time to enter the canal from 8-11 hours to three hours. In 2014, a total of 15,302 laden vessels passed through the canal, 7,986 South bound and 7,316 North bound. This is an average of almost 42 vessels per day. 3,389 of these vessels where tankers (1,552 South bound and 1,837 North bound). Additionally, 1,846 vessels passed through in ballast condition (of which 664 were tankers). If more tankers can pass through the Suez Canal, tonnage can be used more efficiently. A trip from Ras Tanura to LOOP is 12,300 miles (39 days at 13 knots) around the cape and 9,600 through the canal (31 days + 1 day for canal passage), representing savings of about 20%. The savings for voyages to NW Europe are even more significant: about 40%. The actual usage of the Suez Canal will be determined by the transit tolls, and the Egyptian authorities have not yet disclosed how they will manage the scheduling and pricing going forward. In any case, the expanded capacity allows the Canal Authorities to increase revenue by encouraging more tanker owners and charterers to use the canal rather than sail around the Cape. Tankers have the flexibility to immediately take advantage of the expanded canal capacity. While crude oil flows from the Arabian Gulf to Europe and the United States have been under pressure, there is significant potential for additional product tanker transits through the Suez Canal as a result of the expanded export capacity of refiners in the Middle East. &
fiu anda kanal, konvoylar›n karfl›laflt›¤› ve güney yönlü gemilerin kuzey yönlü gemilerin geçifli için beklemesinin gerekti¤i iki küçük alanla, neredeyse sadece ya kuzey-güney ya da aksi yönde konvoy halinde hareket eden tek yönlü trafik için kullan›l›yor. Yeni bölüm kanal›n toplam uzunlu¤unun yaklafl›k yar›s›nda iki yönlü trafi¤e izin vererek geçifl süresini 18 saatten 11 saate ve kanala girmek için maksimum bekleme süresini 8-11 saatten üç saate indirecek. 2014 y›l›nda 7,986’s› güney, 7,316’s› da kuzey yönlü olmak üzere toplam 15,302 yüklü gemi kanaldan geçti; yani ortalama 42 gemi. Bu gemilerin 3,389’u tankerdi (1,552 güney yönlü ve 1,837 kuzey yönlü). Ayr›ca bofl durumda 1,846 gemi (664’ü tanker) geçti. Süveyfl Kanal›’ndan daha fazla say›da tanker geçebildi¤inde tonaj çok daha verimli kullan›labiliyor. Ras Tanura’dan LOOP’a seyir burun çevresinde 12,300 (13 knot h›zla 39 gün) ve kanal yoluyla da 9,600 mil (31 gün + 1 gün kanal geçifli için) ki bu da yaklafl›k yüzde 20 tasarruf anlam›na geliyor. Kuzeybat› Avrupa’ya yolculuklar için tasarruflar ise yaklafl›k yüzde 40! Süveyfl Kanal›’n›n fiili kullan›m› transit gecifl ücretleriyle belirlenecek. M›s›rl› yetkililer ileriye dönük düzenleme ve fiyatland›rmay› nas›l yapacaklar›n› henüz aç›klamad›lar. Art›r›lm›fl olan kapasite her koflulda daha fazla say›da gemi donatan› ve kiralayan›n› burun etraf›ndan dolaflmak yerine kanal› kullanmaya teflvik ederek gelirin artmas›na olanak tan›yor. Tankerler geniflletilmifl kanal kapasitesinden hemen yararlanma esnekli¤ine sahip. Ham petrol Arap Körfezi’nden Avrupa’ya akarken ve ABD bask› alt›ndayken Ortado¤u’daki rafinerilerin geniflletilmifl ihracat kapasitesinin bir sonucu olarak Süveyfl Kanal›’ndan ilave ürün tankeri geçiflleri için önemli bir potansiyel mevcut. & MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
COMPLEX SENTIMENTS IN TRANSPORT TAfiIMACILIKTA KARMAfiIK DUYGULAR The transport survey report of the world’s famous legal firm Norton Rose Fulbright on the global shipping, aviation and rail industries highlights interesting results. Financiers, owner/operators, manufacturers, government entities and professional services firms indicate the key concern for the shipping industry is overcapacity. Dünyaca ünlü uluslararas› hukuk firmas› Norton Rose Fulbright’›n denizyolu, demiryolu ve havayolu tafl›mac›l›¤›na iliflkin küresel araflt›rmas› çarp›c› sonuçlar ortaya koydu. Yat›r›mc›lar, armatörler/iflletmeciler, üreticiler, devlet kurulufllar› ve profesyonel hizmet flirketleri, deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›ndaki en önemli sorun olarak kapasite fazlas›n› gösteriyor. real divide in sentiment is emerging between the shipping industry and the aviation and rail industries, according to the sixth The Way Ahead transport survey report released by global legal practice Norton Rose Fulbright. The survey details over 157 responses from a range of companies involved in aviation, rail and shipping globally including financiers, owner/operators, manufacturers, government entities and professional services firms.
Confidence among respondents from the shipping industry has deteriorated sharply over the past year. Just one third of shipping respondents believe current market conditions are positive for their industry, down from 69% in 2014. Overcapacity is cited as the key reason for this, by 64% of those respondents who rate current market conditions as negative. In contrast, 88% of aviation respondents and 91% of rail respondents report that current market conditions are positive for their industries, up from 75% and 81% last year. Increased optimism is attributed to more readily available funding for investment and growth, an anticipated return to economic stability in key markets, and the emergence of new opportunities. A reduction in the price of oil and an associated fall in fuel costs are also assisting aviation.
EXPECTATION FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Around half of respondents from aviation and rail and a third of respondents from shipping expect additional funds to be allocated to investment rather than operating costs over the next five years. The survey indicates that funding is likely to come from a wide range of sources, with the proportion of respondents who anticipate that traditional bank debt will become the main
luslararas› hukuk firmas› Norton Rose Fulbright’›n yay›nlad›¤› alt›nc› küresel tafl›mac›l›k araflt›rmas› “The Way Ahead”, deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› sektörü ile havac›l›k ve demiryolu sektör çal›flanlar›n›n kendi sektörlerinin gelece¤ine bak›fllar›nda derin farklar oldu¤unu ortaya koydu. Araflt›rma yat›r›mc›lar, armatörler/iflletmeciler, üreticiler, devlet kurulufllar› ve profesyonel hizmet flirketleri dahil olmak üzere küresel çapta havayolu, demiryolu ve denizyolu tafl›mac›l›¤›yla ilgili bir dizi flirketten gelen 157’den fazla ayr›nt›l› yan›t› kaps›yor.
Araflt›rmaya deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› sektöründen kat›lanlar›n sektöre duyduklar› güven, geçen y›la göre keskin biçimde kötüleflmifl durumda. 2014 y›l›ndaki yüzde 69’a k›yasla bu y›l kat›l›mc›lar›n yaln›zca üçte biri mevcut piyasa koflullar›n›n sektör için olumlu seyretti¤ine inan›yor. Mevcut piyasa koflullar›n› olumsuz bulanlar›n yüzde 64’ü bu olumsuzlu¤un nedenini kapasite fazlas› olarak gösteriyor. Deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n tersine, geçen y›l hava tafl›mac›l›¤›nda yüzde 75 ve demiryolu tafl›mac›l›¤›nda yüzde 81 düzeyindeki “piyasa koflullar› sektörümüz için olumlu” fleklindeki de¤erlendirmeler, bu y›l s›ras›yla yüzde 88’e ve yüzde 91’e ç›kt›. ‹yimserli¤in art›fl›na neden olarak, yat›r›m ve büyüme için daha kolay ulafl›labilir fonlama, kilit piyasalarda ekonomik istikrara geri dönüfl beklentisi ve yeni f›rsatlar›n ortaya ç›k›fl› gösteriliyor. Petrol fiyatlar›ndaki düflüflle beraber yak›t maliyetlerindeki azalman›n da hava tafl›mac›l›¤›na destek oldu¤u belirtiliyor.
GELECEK BEfi YIL TAHM‹N‹ Hava ve demiryolu sektörü kat›l›mc›lar›n›n yaklafl›k yar›s›, deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n ise üçte biri, önümüzdeki befl y›l içinde iflletme maliyetlerinden daha çok yat›r›ma ek fon ayr›lmas›n› bekliyor. Araflt›rma, fonlaman›n genifl bir kaynaklar yelpazesinden gelece¤ini ama The Way Ahead çal›flmas›n›n bafllad›¤› 2009 y›l›ndan bu ya-
source of funding for transport at its highest level since The Way Ahead survey began in 2009.
na tafl›mac›l›k için ana fon kayna¤›n›n geleneksel banka borçlanmas› olaca¤›n› belirtenlerin oran›n› en yüksek seviyede gösteriyor.
81% of all respondents expect passenger numbers and freight volumes to increase over the next five years, and around half expect fares and freights to rise over the same period.
Üç sektörden de araflt›rmaya kat›lanlar›n yüzde 81’i, önümüzdeki befl y›l içinde yolcu say›s› ve navlun hacimlerinde art›fl, yaklafl›k yüzde 50’si de ayn› dönemde tarife ve navlun ücretlerinde yükselifl bekliyor.
Aviation and shipping expect the increased dominance of larger participants to be the greatest change to their industries over the next five years, while rail respondents believe the availability of new funding sources will reshape their industry.
Hava ve deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› sektörleri kat›l›mc›lar›, sektöre giren büyük oyuncular›n artan a¤›rl›¤›n›n önümüzdeki befl y›l içinde sektörel bazda en büyük flans olaca¤›n› düflünürken, demiryolu kat›l›mc›lar› yeni fonlama kaynaklar›n›n mevcudiyetinin kendi sektörlerini yeniden biçimlendirece¤ine inan›yor.
THE ROLE OF CHINA China is the market expected to offer the best investment opportunity for the transport sector over the next five years. However an emerging markets slowdown is viewed as the greatest threat to the transport sector over the same period. The impact of continued political and economic uncertainty and geopolitical events worldwide are also concerns for respondents.
Ç‹N’‹N ROLÜ Önümüzdeki befl y›l içinde üç tafl›mac›l›k sektörü için de en iyi yat›r›m f›rsat›n› sunmas› beklenen piyasa Çin. Ancak yükselen piyasalarda olas› bir yavafllaman›n, tafl›mac›l›¤a en büyük tehdit oldu¤u da vurgulan›yor. Sürekli politik ve ekonomik belirsizli¤in etkisi ve dünya genelindeki jeopolitik geliflmeler de bir baflka endifle kayna¤›.
“While the outlook for aviation and rail is increasingly encouraging, many sub-sectors of the shipping industry continue to suffer real pain, primarily as a result of a surplus in supply” said Harry Theochari, global head of Transport at Norton Rose Fulbright and added “China in particular will be a key market for transport over the next two to five years. Over the course of this year China may well become the world’s top exporter and importer, is increasingly focused on rail through its “One Belt, One Road” strategy, and longer term there is the view that it will overtake the US as the world’s largest aviation market. China provides real opportunities for businesses operating throughout the transport sector.”
Norton Rose Fulbright Tafl›mac›l›k Bölümü Baflkan› Harry Theochari flöyle diyor: “Havayolu ve demiryolunda görünüm giderek artan biçimde umut vericiyken deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› sektörünün çok say›da alt-sektörü öncelikle arzdaki fazlal›¤›n bir sonucu olarak s›k›nt› yaflamaya devam ediyor. Özellikle Çin önümüzdeki iki ila befl y›l içinde tafl›mac›l›k sektörleri için kilit pazar olacak. Bu y›l içinde dünyan›n bafl ithalatç›s› ve ihracatç›s› haline gelebilecek olan Çin “Tek Kemer Tek Yol” stratejisiyle giderek artan biçimde demiryoluna odaklan›yor. Çin’in uzun vadede dünyan›n en büyük havayolu tafl›mac›l›¤› pazar› olan ABD’nin yerini alaca¤› fleklinde görüfller de var. Çin, tafl›mac›l›k sektörünün tamam›nda faal olan ifller için gerçek f›rsatlar sa¤lamaya devam ediyor.”
In view of challenging market conditions, the shipping industry is looking to China. 37% of respondents believe that China offers the best investment opportunity for the shipping industry over the next two to five years, a considerable increase on the 18% who cited China in 2014. Interest in India has also risen
Zorlay›c› piyasa koflullar› dikkate al›nd›¤›nda, deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› sektörünün gözünün Çin’de olmas› do¤al. Araflt›rmaya kat›lanlar›n yüzde 37’si önümüzdeki iki ila befl y›l içinde deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› için en iyi yat›r›m f›rsat›n› Çin’in sundu¤una inan›yor ki bu da 2014 y›l›nda “F›rsat Çin’de” diyen yüzde 18’lik orana k›yasla MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
dramatically, to 31% up from 5% in 2014, and South East Asia, to 21%, up from 11% in 2014.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVESTMENT Mergers and acquisitions are also cited as an avenue to growth. 29% of respondents believe that a merger or acquisition is the optimal investment opportunity currently for the shipping industry. This was followed by a joint venture, alliance or pool (28%). Despite significant fears of overcapacity, 9% believe that the acquisition of additional vessels would be an optimal investment opportunity for the industry. The larger participants in the shipping industry are expected to become more dominant over the next five years (by 37% of respondents) and increased joint venture, alliance and pooling activity is expected to increase (26%). New sources of funding are considered more likely to enter the shipping industry than either start-up businesses new to shipping or start-up businesses as subsidiaries of existing participants.
önemli bir art›fl. Hindistan’a ilgi de dramatik bir biçimde artt› ve 2014’teki yüzde 5’ten yüzde 31’e ç›kt›. Güneydo¤u Asya için 2014’teki yüzde 11, bu y›l yüzde 21’e yükseldi.
YATIRIM FIRSATLARI Birleflmeler ve sat›n almalar da büyümeye giden bir yol olarak de¤erlendiriliyor. Kat›l›mc›lar›n yüzde 29’u mevcut durumda birleflme ya da sat›n almalar›n denizyolu tafl›mac›l›¤› için optimum yat›r›m f›rsat› oldu¤una inan›yor. Bunu ortak giriflim, ittifak ya da sermaye havuzu izliyor (yüzde 28). Kapasite fazlas›yla ilgili ciddi endiflelere ra¤men araflt›rmaya kat›lanlar›n yüzde 9’u ilave gemiler sat›n alman›n sektör için optimum bir yat›r›m f›rsat› olaca¤›na inan›yor. Di¤er yandan kat›l›mc›lar›n yüzde 37’si deniz ticareti sektöründe büyük oyuncular›n a¤›rl›¤›n›n önümüzdeki befl y›l içinde daha da artmas›n› bekliyor. Yüzde 26 oran›ndaki ortak giriflim, ittifak ve sermaye havuzu yoluyla yat›r›mlar›n artaca¤› beklentisi de yabana at›l›r gibi de¤il. Deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› için yeni olan bafllang›ç-ifli ya da mevcut flirketlerin yan kurulufllar› olarak bafllang›ç-iflinden ziyade yeni fon kaynaklar›n›n sektöre girmesinin daha olas› oldu¤u düflünülüyor.
20% believe that strategic alliances, joint ventures and pools will form the most important part of shipping businesses’ strategy over the next 12 months, followed by the strategic disposal of non-core assets (15%) and raising equity and debt (also 15%). Despite significant concerns about overcapacity, 7% believe ordering new vessels will be the most important part of shipping businesses’ strategy.
Kat›l›mc›lar›n yüzde 20’si stratejik ittifaklar, ortak giriflimler ve sermaye havuzlar›n›n önümüzdeki 12 ay içinde denizcilik ifl stratejisinin en önemli bölümünü oluflturaca¤›na ve bunu, öz kaynaklar d›fl›nda kalan varl›klar›n stratejik sat›fl› (% 15) ve sermaye ile borç art›fl›n›n (% 15) izleyece¤ine inan›yor. Kapasite fazlas›na iliflkin önemli kayg›lara ra¤men yüzde 7’lik kesim, yeni gemi siparifllerinin denizyolu tafl›mac›l›¤›n›n stratejisinin en önemli bölümü olaca¤›n› düflünüyor.
When asked which regulations have had the greatest impact on the shipping industry, 49% cited the introduction of increased environmental regulation. This is followed by 25% who cite uncertainty as to the application and enforcement of new and existing regulations as having the greatest impact. Shipping is more concerned about the introduction of new and extended economic sanctions (14%) than aviation (13%) and rail (0%). Indeed, 49% believe that greater transparency in the application and enforcement of existing and proposed regulations would be the most helpful form of support the government could offer the shipping industry. &
Denizyolu tafl›mac›l›¤› üzerinde en büyük etkiyi hangi düzenlemelerin yaratt›¤› sorusuna, artan çevresel düzenlemelerin devreye girmesi yan›t›n› verenlerin oran› yüzde 49. Bunu, yeni ve mevcut düzenlemelerin uygulanmas› ve yürürlü¤e girmesine iliflkin belirsizli¤i en büyük etki olarak belirten yüzde 25 izliyor. Denizcilik sektörü yeni ve geniflletilmifl ekonomik yapt›r›mlar›n devreye girmesi konusunda yüzde 14 ile havayolundan (yüzde 13) daha kayg›l›; demiryolu sektörünün ise böyle bir kayg›s› hiç yok. Asl›nda yüzde 49’luk bir kesim, devletlerin denizcili¤e en yararl› deste¤inin, mevcut ve önerilen düzenlemelerin uygulanmas› ve yürürlü¤e girmesinden ziyade fleffafl›k olaca¤›na inan›yor. &
RUSSIA BOLSTERS ARCTIC EXPANSION RUSYA’DAN ARKT‹K BÜYÜMEDE D‹KKAT ÇEK‹C‹ ADIMLAR Russia is in progress to develop the Arctic passage, the Northern Sea Route, rivaling the Suez Canal. The NEVA 2015 exhibition to be held on 22-25 September will be a showcase for all these developments and also provide a collaborative global platform for new opportunities. Rusya, Süveyfl Kanal›’na en ciddi rakip olarak gösterdi¤i Kuzey Denizi Rotas› ile büyük bir geliflme trendine girdi. 22-25 Eylül’deki NEVA 2015 Fuar› bütün bu geliflmeleri gözler önüne serdi¤i gibi, ortak çal›flma f›rsatlar›n› da ortaya koyacak. ussia’s shipping and shipbuilding sectors are vibrant in 2015, nowhere more so than in the Arctic sector. Indeed there has been a constant stream of new developments and initiatives. The most significant announcement came in June, when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed off plans to raise traffic through the Northern Sea Route (NSR), by 20 times to a staggering 80 million tons of freight annually by 2030. The move signals that Russia plans to develop an Arctic passage rivaling the Suez Canal are finally coming closer to realisation.
“This is the shortest route connecting Europe with the Far East, with the Asia-Pacific region, with the western part of North America,” Medvedev commented. With shipping distances reduced by around a third between Europe and Asia, the opportunities for commercial advantage potentially on offer from the NSR are clear. The implementation of the comprehensive project is expected to improve the safety of navigation, develop civilian and naval activity, facilitate the Northern Delivery Operation for constituent entities in Russia’s Far North and promote protection of the marine environment against pollution. The project is also intended to enhance the reliability of transport, including that of hydrocarbons from deposits on the Arctic coast and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation.
INTENSIFIED EFFORT TO STRENGTHEN COAST GUARD A crucial component to the successful development of the NSR as a shipping lane rivalling Suez, is the provision of a competent Coast Guard. The area is a hazardous one and the safety of vessels traversing needs to be guaranteed. Adequate search and rescue provision in the area is also imperative to the actualisation of the cost-saving benefits it promises, without insurance premiums make it a less cost-effective option.
usya’n›n denizcilik ve gemi infla sektörleri 2015 y›l›nda her yerde oldu¤undan daha fazla Arktik sektöründe canl›. Asl›nda sürekli yeni geliflmeler ve giriflimler iliflkin ak›fl vard›. En önemli duyuru, Baflbakan Dmitry Medvedev’in Haziran ay›nda Kuzey Deniz Rotas›’nda (NSR) trafi¤i yirmi kat art›rarak 2030 y›l›nda y›ll›k 80 milyon ton yüke ulaflma planlar›n› imzalad›¤› zaman geldi. Bu ad›m, Rusya’n›n Süveyfl Kanal›’na rakip bir Arktik geçifl hatt› gelifltirme plan›n›n gerçekleflme arifesinde oldu¤unun iflareti.
Medvedev “Bu rota, Avrupa’y› Uzakdo¤u, Asya-Pasifik bölgesi ve Kuzey Amerika’n›n bat› kesimiyle birlefltiren en k›sa yol” dedi. Avrupa ve Asya aras›nda üçte bir oran›nda k›salm›fl deniz tafl›ma mesafesiyle NSR’nin sunabilece¤i ticari avantajlar tart›flmaya yer b›rakm›yor. Kapsaml› projenin uygulamaya geçmesinin seyir güvenli¤ini iyilefltirmesi, sivil ve askeri faaliyetleri gelifltirmesi, Rusya’n›n en kuzeyindeki ilgili kurulufllar için “Kuzey Teslimat Operasyonunu” kolaylaflt›rmas› ve deniz çevresinin kirlilikten korunmas›n› desteklemesi bekleniyor. Projenin ayr›ca Arktik k›y›s› ve Rusya Federasyonu’nun k›ta sahanl›¤›ndaki maden yataklar›ndan hidrokarbonlar da dahil olmak üzere, nakliye güvenilirli¤ini art›rmas› da amaçlan›yor.
SAH‹L GÜVENL‹⁄‹ GÜÇLEND‹RMEK ‹Ç‹N YO⁄UN ÇABA Süveyfl’le rekabet eden bir tafl›mac›l›k rotas› olarak NSR’nin baflar›l› geliflimi için can al›c› öneme sahip bir unsur da yetkin sahil güvenlik kuruluflunun sa¤lanmas›. Buras› tehlikeli bir bölge ve geçifl yapan gemilerin güvenli¤inin garanti edilmesi flart. Öngörülen maliyet tasarrufunun gerçekleflmesi için zorunlu olan bir di¤er unsur da sigorta primleri onu daha az cazip maliyetli bir seçene¤e dönüflmesine neden olmadan bölgede yeterli arama kurtarma altyap›s›n›n sa¤lanmas›d›r.
Plans to build up the Arctic Coast Guard have been ongoing since 2011, when the Federal Security Service (FSB) ordered the first of a planned six “Ocean” patrol ships. The lead vessel in the “Project 22100” series, known as Polyarnaya Zvezda (or North Star), has been completed and is undergoing final preparations for regular service in Kronstadt, near St. Petersburg. Two further vessels are currently under construction, and should be ready by 2019. Development of the new Arctic Coast Guard force will not end with the completion of the Project 22100 class, according to Mikhail Barabanov, a naval expert at the Moscow-based Center for the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST). “Construction is planned for several larger Coast Guard patrol ships with a displacement of 6,000 to 7,000 tons,” Barabanov said, adding that the ships will double acting (run ahead in open water and thin ice, but turn around and proceed astern in heavy ice conditions) as icebreakers. Several design bureaus are now competing for tenders to design the ships, he said.
ICE-BREAKING INNOVATION Recent weeks have seen a series of developments in the Russian shipping industry, with continued investment to upgrade the Arctic fleet especially prominent. The country is currently reported to have at least 14 icebreakers under construction and several more at the planning stage.
Arktik Sahil Güvenlik birimini gelifltirme projeleri Federal Güvenlik Hizmeti’nin (FSB) planlanm›fl alt› “Okyanus” devriye gemisinin ilkini siparifl etti¤i 2011 y›l›ndan beri devam ediyor. Polyarnaya Zvezda (Kuzey Y›ld›z›) olarak bilinen “Proje 22100” serisinin öncü gemisi tamamland›. St. Petersburg yak›nlar›ndaki Kronstadt’da düzenli hizmet vermeye bafllanmas› için son haz›rl›klar yap›l›yor. Di¤er iki gemi de flu anda infla aflamas›nda ve 2019 y›l›nda haz›r olacak. Moskova merkezli Strateji ve Teknoloji Araflt›rma Merkezi (CAST) gemi infla uzman› Mikhail Barabanov’a göre yeni Arktik Sahil Güvenlik gücünün gelifltirilmesi, Proje 22100 s›n›f›n›n tamamlanmas›yla bitmeyecek. Barabanov “6,000 ila 7,000 tonluk çok say›da daha büyük Sahil Güvenlik devriye gemisinin inflas› planland›” diyor ve gemilerin buzk›ranlar gibi çift ifllevli (ince buz tabakas› ve normal sularda ileri do¤ru, kal›n buz tabakas›nda ise k›rarak geriye do¤ru hareket yetenekli) olaca¤›n› da sözlerine ekliyor. Barabanov flu anda pek çok tasar›m ofisinin gemi tasar›m› ihaleleri için birbiriyle yar›flt›¤›n› da söylüyor.
BUZKIRANDA YEN‹L‹K Son haftalarda Rus denizcilik sektöründe bir dizi geliflme izlendi ki bunlar›n içinden özellikle öne ç›kan› Arktik filonun güncellenmesine yönelik sürekli yat›r›md›. fiu anda ülkenin yap›m aflamaMARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
Aker Arctic and Vyborg Shipyard have recently confirmed a contract for two new icebreakers based on the Aker ARC 130 A design. The icebreakers will be used in the oil terminal operated by LLC Gazprom Neft Novy Port in the Gulf of Ob and will be designed to break 2m level ice with 30 cm snow cover in both ahead and astern directions. Vyborg Shipyard confirmed that they will be conducting the delivery ceremony for the lead vessel in the project 21900M series, Vladivostok, within the framework of the NEVA 2015 exhibition to be held in St-Petersburg, 22-25 September. Vladivstok is one of three diesel-electric icebreakers built for FSUE Rosmorport, with the ability to break through 1.5-meter thick ice and intended for operation in the Baltic. Delivery of the second vessel in the series, Murmansk, is expected around October-November 2015. Another important initiative is the so-called Project 22220 series of nuclear-powered icebreakers which are being built to Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) class. The keel laying of the first ship in the series took place at the Baltic Shipyard in May this year. New structural solutions have enabled the ships’ draught to be modified, so that the vessels can operate effectively both in the deeper waters of the western Arctic as well as the shallower waters in the mouth of the Yenisei and the Gulf of Ob. The highest Arctic Icebreaker9 class and 60MW power of the vessels will enable these icebreakers to move through up to 2.8m thick ice level. A significant milestone for the Russian Arctic shipping business is the recent entry into service, following successful sea trials in the harsh Kara Sea, of the Baltika, which was built by Arctech
s›nda olan en az 14 buzk›rana sahip oldu¤u ve çok say›da geminin de planlama aflamas›nda bulundu¤u bildirildi. Aker Arctic ve Vyborg Tersanesi yak›n zamanda Aker ARC 130 A tasar›m›na dayal› iki yeni buzk›ran için bir sözleflme imzalad›. Buzk›ranlar Ob Körfezi’nde LLC Gazprom Neft Novy Port taraf›ndan iflletilen petrol terminalinde kullan›lacak ve hem ileri hem de tornistan yönünde 30 santim kar örtüsüyle 2 metre buz k›rmak üzere tasarlanacak. Vyborg Tersanesi, 21900M serisinin öncü gemisi Vladivostok’un teslim törenini 22-25 Eylül tarihlerinde St. Petersburg’da düzenlenecek olan NEVA 2015 Fuar› kapsam›nda gerçeklefltireceklerini do¤rulad›. Vladivstok, FSUE Rosmoport için infla edilen, 1.5 metre kal›nl›¤›nda buz k›rma yetene¤ine sahip ve Balt›k’ta kullan›lmas› planlanan üç dizel-elektrikli buzk›randan biri. Serideki ikinci gemi Murmansk’›n tesliminin Ekim-Kas›m 2015 dolaylar›nda gerçekleflmesi bekleniyor. Bir di¤er önemli giriflim Rus klas kuruluflu RS (Russian Maritime Register of Shipping) gözetiminde infla edilmekte olan Proje 22220 adl› nükleer buzk›ranlar serisi. Serinin ilk gemisinin omurgas›n›n k›za¤a konmas› bu y›l›n may›s ay›nda Balt›k Tersanesi’nde gerçekleflti. Yeni yap›sal çözümler gemilerin suçekiminin, gemilerin hem bat› Arktik’in en derin sular›nda hem de Yenisey nehrinin a¤z› ve Ob Körfezi gibi daha s›¤ sularda etkin biçimde çal›flabilece¤i flekilde de¤ifltirilmesine olanak sa¤lad›. En yüksek Arktic Icebreaker9 s›n›f› olmalar› ve 60 MW’l›k güçleri bu buzk›ranlar›n 2.8 metreye kadar kal›nl›kta buz seviyesinde ilerlemesini sa¤layacak.
Helsinki Shipyard in co-operation with Russia’s Shipyard Yantar. Baltika is owned by the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport of Russia (Rosmorrechflot) and operated by the Russian Marine Emergency Rescue Service (FGI Gosmorspassluzhba). The sea trials concluded in April and demonstrated that Baltika could perform beyond its design capabilities in difficult ice conditions. The Baltika is the first vessel designed to break ice obliquely; the oblique mode allows the vessel to create a 50m wide channel in 0.6m thick ice, which is over two times wider than her breadth.
ARCTIC ACTIVITY TAKES CENTRE STAGE AT NEVA The NEVA 2015 exhibition to be held in St-Petersburg in September provides a collaborative, global platform to promote Russia's commercial shipbuilding, ship equipment and related maritime industries. This premier commercial maritime business-to-business event in Russia has a strong focus on Arctic developments for its 2015 programme, highlighting innovation in technology and opportunities in the market. International cooperation as well as updates on Russian and foreign companies developing activities in the region will be explored during the Artic Session of the NEVA 2015 conference programme. The session will run in conjunction with the annual meeting of the International Expert Council for Cooperation in the Arctic and will be concentrated around the theme of “Economic, Technological and Maritime Cooperation in the Arctic”. &
Rus tersanesi Yantar’la iflbirli¤i içinde Arctech Helsinki Tersanesi taraf›ndan infla edilen Baltika’n›n sert Kara Denizi sular›nda baflar›l› seyir testlerinin ard›ndan yak›n zamanda hizmete girmesi, Rus Arktik deniz ticareti için önemli bir kilometre tafl› oldu. Baltika’n›n sahibi Rusya Denizcilik ve Nehir Tafl›mac›l›¤› Federal Ajans› (Rosmorrechflot), iflletmecisi ise Rus Deniz Acil Kurtarma Hizmeti (FGI Gosmorspassluzhba). Denizde seyir testleri Nisan 2015’te tamamland› ve Baltika’n›n zorlu buz koflullar›nda tasar›m yeteneklerinin ötesinde performans gösterebildi¤i kan›tland›. Baltika buzu yandan k›rmak üzere tasarlanm›fl ilk gemi; aç›sal modu onun 0.6 metre kal›nl›ktaki buzda, kendi geniflli¤inin iki kat›n daha büyük olan 50 metrelik bir kanal oluflturmas›na olanak sa¤l›yor.
NEVA’DA ‹LG‹ ODA⁄I ARKT‹K FAAL‹YET Eylül ay›nda St. Petersburg’da düzenlenecek olan NEVA 2015 Fuar›, Rusya’n›n ticari gemi inflas›, gemi donan›m› ve ilgili denizcilik sektörlerini tan›tmak için küresel bir platform sa¤l›yor. Rusya’daki ticari denizcilik iflletmelerini kapsayan bu önemli etkinli¤in 2015 program›nda, teknolojideki yeniliklerin ve piyasadaki f›rsatlar›n öne ç›kar›lmas›yla birlikte Arktik geliflmelere güçlü bir odaklanma söz konusu. NEVA 2015 konferans program›n›n Arktik konulu oturumunda, Rus ve bölgede faaliyet içindeki yabanc› flirketlerin uluslararas› iflbirlikleri ve geliflmeleri de incelenecek. Oturum Arktik Uluslararas› ‹flbirli¤i Uzman Konseyi’nin y›ll›k toplant›s›yla birlikte gerçekleflecek ve “Arktik’te Ekonomik, Teknolojik ve Denizcilik ‹flbirli¤i” temas› etraf›nda yo¤unlaflacak. & MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
On July 14, the P5+1 (5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) announced that they reached an agreement with the Iranian government on sanctions relief in exchange for compliance of Iran with a series of requirements which reduce their ability to create nuclear weapons for at least a decade. 14 Temmuz’da Birleflmifl Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi’nin befl daimi üyesi ile Almanya, ‹ran’›n en az›ndan on y›l için nükleer silah gelifltirme kapasitelerini azaltan bir dizi flarta uymas› karfl›l›¤›nda yapt›r›mlar›n gevfletilmesi konusunda ‹ran hükümetiyle anlaflmaya vard›klar›n› bildirdi. efore the sanctions took effect in 2012, Iran exported about 2.5 million barrels of oil per day (Mb/d) compared to about 1.3 Mb/d in 2014. What will the likely impact on the tanker market be?
There are several steps that need to be taken before sanctions are lifted. There is a legal approval process in the UN, European countries and in the U.S. Especially in the U.S., the agreement has to go through a lengthy review by Congress and the Senate, that could take up to 60 days and although approval is likely, it is not assured.
Yapt›r›mlar›n kald›r›lmas›ndan önce at›lmas› gereken ad›mlar var. Öncelikle BM, Avrupa ülkeleri ve ABD’de yasal onay süreçleri söz konusu. Özellikle ABD’de anlaflman›n Kongre ve Senato taraf›ndan 60 güne dek uzayabilecek sürede de¤erlendirilmesi gerekiyor ve büyük ihtimalle onaylanacaksa da kesin oldu¤u söylenemez.
Iran needs to implement its part of the agreement, which includes dismantling most of its nuclear capabilities and removing a significant part of its enriched nuclear material. The International Atomic Energy Agency is scheduled to report on the progress of Iranian implementation on December 15. After this, sanctions may be lifted, although the exact requirements and schedule for sanctions relief is not spelled out in the agreement.
‹ran’›n anlaflman›n kendi üstüne düflen ve nükleer kapasitesinin ço¤unun sökülmesini ve zenginlefltirilmifl nükleer malzemesinin önemli bölümünün yok edilmesini içeren k›sm›n› uygulamaya sokmas› laz›m. Uluslararas› Atom Enerjisi Ajans› 15 Aral›k 2015’te ‹ran uygulamas›n›n ilerlemesi hakk›nda rapor verecek. Anlaflmada yapt›r›mlar›n gevfletilmesi için kesin flartlar ve takvim belirtilmemifl olmas›na ra¤men yapt›r›mlar ancak bundan sonra kald›r›labilir.
AIS data shows that 17 VLCCs and 2 Suezmaxes owned by NITC (National Iranian Tanker Company) are currently used for storage. This equates to about 35 million barrels of oil. It depends on Iran’s marketing strategy how quickly they will sell the cargoes. Especially once Iran has access to their foreign
apt›r›mlar›n 2012 y›l›nda uygulamaya geçmesinden önce ‹ran, 2014’teki yaklafl›k günde 1.3 milyon varile k›yasla günde 2.5 milyon varil petrol ihraç ediyordu. Bu geliflmenin tanker piyasas›na olas› etkisi ne olacak?
AIS verileri NITC’in (‹ran Ulusal Tanker fiirketi) sahip oldu¤u 17 VLCC ile iki Suezmax tankerin flu anda depolama için kullan›ld›¤›n› gösteriyor. Yaklafl›k 35 milyon varillik bu yükün ne kadar h›zl› sat›laca¤› ‹ran’›n pazarlama stratejisine ba¤l›. Özellikle de ‹ran kendi döviz rezervlerine eriflti¤i zaman, de¤eri maksimize etmek için daha aflamal› bir süreci ye¤leyebilir.
Source: IEA, WoodMackenzie, Barclays Research
currency reserves, it may opt for a more gradual process to maximize value. Once these vessels discharge their cargoes, they become available for regular trading and add capacity to the market. However, it will take some time for these vessels to obtain their approvals before they can compete effectively. Additionally, the Iranian fleet that is currently trading, could possibly be used more efficiently. In the past, the Iranian tanker fleet aggressively pursued cargoes, and might do so again. Iran produces a heavy crude and a lighter crude; both of them medium sour. The closest comparable crudes are other Middle Eastern grades and if Iranian crudes would displace these, the ton-miles impact would be minimal. On the other hand, if West African or South American crudes are displaced, the impact will be more significant. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated in their last report that global oil stocks increased by 3.3 Mb/d in the second quarter, up from 1.9 Mb/d in the first quarter, as oil production exceeded demand. Additional Iranian crude will only make this situation worse. Many analysts discount Iran’s claim of being able to add 1 Mb/d in production within a couple of months and forecast about half this volume by the end of 2016 but this would still add additional storage requirement. Land based storage is more cost effective, but at some point, tankers are the only remaining option. Overall, the net impact of the lifting of Iranian sanctions on the tanker market is likely muted as the positive effect of more oil production and exports will be diluted to some extent by the negative impact of the release of the Iranian tanker fleet in the market and the possibility of lower ton-mile demand.
-1.5 1Q14
90 4Q13
-0.5 3Q13
91 2Q13
5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 Net oil export 2.5 Net petrol ihracat› 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1Q09 2Q10 3Q11 4Q12 1Q14 2Q15 3Q16 4Q17 1Q19 2Q20 Base case relief Sanctions removal delayed Consumption Temel durum rahatlamas› Yapt›r›mlar›n kald›r›lmas›n›n gecikmesi Tüketim
million barrel per day // günde milyon varil
million barrel per day // günde milyon varil
million barrel per day // günde milyon varil
Production // Üretim Demand // Talep Stock change // Stok de¤iflimi *Assumes 2Q2015 OPEC production // 2Q2015 OPEC üretimi varsayar Source: IEA
Bu gemiler yüklerini boflaltt›klar›nda düzenli ticaret için uygun hale gelecek ve piyasaya kapasite katacaklar. Ancak etkin biçimde rekabet edebilmelerinden önce gemilerin onaylar›n›n al›nmas› biraz zamana gereksinim duyacak. Ek olarak flu anda ticaret yapan ‹ran filosu daha verimli bir biçimde kullan›labilir. Geçmiflte ‹ran tanker filosu atak biçimde yük kovalard› ki bunu yine yapabilir. ‹ran her ikisi de orta kükürtlü olan a¤›r ve daha hafif ham petrol üretiyor. Karfl›laflt›r›labilir en yak›n ham petroller di¤er Orta Asya dereceleri (grades) ve e¤er ‹ran ham petrolleri bunlar›n yerini alacaksa ton-mil etkisi minimum olacak. Öte yandan Bat› Afrika ya da Güney Amerika ham petrollerinin yerini alacaksa etkisi daha önemli olacak. Uluslararas› Enerji Ajans› (IEA) son raporunda petrol üretimi talebi aflt›¤›ndan küresel petrol stok art›fl›n›n birinci çeyrekte günde 1.9 milyon varilden ikinci çeyrekte günde 3.3 milyon varile yükseldi¤ini hesaplad›. Ek olarak ‹ran petrolü bu durumu daha da olumsuz k›lacak. Pek çok analist ‹ran’›n birkaç ay içinde üretime günde 1 milyon varil ekleme iddias›n› önemsemiyor ve 2016 sonunda bu hacmin yaklafl›k yar›s›na ulaflaca¤›n› tahmin ediyorlar. Bu bile ilave depolama gereksinimi yaratacak. Karada depolama en uygun maliyetlisi olsa da baz› noktalarda tankerleri depo olarak kullanmak geriye kalan tek seçenek. Genel olarak bak›ld›¤›nda daha fazla petrol üretimi ve ihracat›n olumlu etkisi, ‹ran tanker filosunun pazara ç›kmas› ve daha düflük ton-mil talebinin olumsuz etkisiyle bir ölçüde hafifletilece¤inden ‹ran yapt›r›mlar›n›n kald›r›lmas›n›n, tanker piyasas› üzerindeki etkisi yumuflak olacak gibi görünüyor.
Crude oil tanker prices have moved somewhat out of sync as of late. In the most recent Marine Project Report, Poten’s assessment of a VLCC newbuilding contract is approximately $95.5 million, down $2 million from the end of 2014, while prices for 5 year old VLCCs are currently assessed at $80 million, $5 million higher than in December 2014. Ham petrol tanker fiyatlar› son zamanlarda bir ölçüde uyumsuz olarak hareketlendi. En son Marine Project raporunda Poten’in bir yeni VLCC inflas› sözleflmesine iliflkin de¤erlendirmesi 2014 y›l› sonundaki rakamdan 2 milyon dolar daha az olan 95.5 milyon dolarken befl yafl›ndaki VLCC’lerin flu andaki fiyat› 2014 Aral›k sonundan 5 milyon daha yukar›da, yani 80 milyon dolar olarak de¤erlendirildi. evelopments for Suezmaxes are even more extreme with newbuilding contract price assessments are $2 million lower than levels seen at the end of 2014, while 5 year old values increased by $6 million over the same period.
Similar price changes have occurred in the clean tanker segments as well. For example, MR newbuilding contract prices declined by $0.5 million while 5 year old MRs increased by $3 million since the end of 2014. Given the strength of the spot market during the first 6 months of the year, it is not surprising that tanker prices are on the rise. The average TCE rates on the VLCC benchmark route from the AG to the Far East have been $62,400/day in 2015 year-to-date versus $28,400/day over the same period in 2014, according to Poten’s calculation. Rates in other tanker segments across various routes also outperformed, as the year-to-date average rates are twice as high as they were in the first half of 2014. It is somewhat surprising that second hand prices have not been stronger in recent months, which could be a sign of the uncertainty surrounding the longer-term impact of the decline in oil prices over the last 12 months; although they have recovered somewhat in recent weeks.
uezmax tankerler için geliflmeler daha da uç noktada; ayn› dönemde befl yafl›ndaki ikinci el gemilerin de¤eri 6 milyon dolar artarken yeni infla sözleflme fiyat› 2014 sonunda görülen seviyelerden 2 milyon dolar daha düflük olarak tahmin ediliyor.
Benzer fiyat de¤ifliklikleri temiz petrol diliminde de meydana geldi. Örne¤in 2014 y›l›ndan bu yana befl yafl›ndaki MR’lerin fiyat› 3 milyon dolar artarken MR yeni infla sözleflme fiyatlar› 0.5 milyon dolar düfltü. Y›l›n ilk alt› ay›nda spot piyasalar›n›n gücüne bak›ld›¤›nda, tanker fiyatlar›n›n yükseliflte olmas› sürpriz de¤il. Poten’in hesaplamas›na göre, Basra Körfezi’nden Uzakdo¤u’ya VLCC referans rotas›nda ortalama TCE (Time Charter Eflde¤eri) navlunlar› 2014’ün ayn› döneminde 28,400 gün/dolar iken 2015’te y›lbafl›ndan bu güne dek 62,400 gün/dolar. Çeflitli rotalarda di¤er tanker dilimlerindeki navlunlar da iyi bir performans gösterdi ve y›lbafl›ndan bugüne kadar ortalama navlunlar 2014’ün ilk yar›s›ndaki fiyatlar›n iki kat› oldu. Son 12 ayda petrol fiyatlar›ndaki düflüflü kuflatan belirsizli¤in iflareti olabilecek olan ikinci el fiyatlar›n›n son aylarda daha güçlü olmamas› bir ölçüde flafl›rt›c›. Bununla birlikte son haftalarda biraz düzelme gösterdi.
NB Resale
5 year old
10 year old
60% 40% 20%
0 01.2006 07.2006 01.2007 07.2007 01.2008 07.2008 01.2009 07.2009 01.2010 07.2010 01.2011 07.2011 01.2012 07.2012 01.2013 07.2013 01.2014 07.2014 01.2015
50,000 01.2015
100% % of NB Price
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
Million USD
NB Resale %
5 year old %
10 year old %
During strong freight markets it is not unusual that second hand prices increase faster than newbuilding prices, as owners are willing to pay a premium for immediate availability to take advantage of the high market at that particular moment. During the tanker market peak in 2007-2008, owners paid a premium over newbuilding contracts for resale vessels, significantly beyond interest accrued during construction and the value of initial stores and spares. During the boom period, even 5 year old vessel values occasionally exceeded newbuilding contract values. Prices were supported by the availability of profitable long-term contracts, which are much harder to find in the current market.
Armatörler “o belli anda” yüksek piyasadan yararlanmak üzere acil kullan›labilirli¤e prim ödemeye istekli olaca¤›ndan, güçlü navlun piyasalar›nda ikinci el fiyatlar›n›n yeni infla fiyatlar›ndan daha h›zl› yükselmesi al›fl›lmad›k bir fley de¤il. 2007-2008 tanker piyasas› tepe döneminde armatörler sipariflten gemi sat›fllar›na, infla s›ras›nda iflleyen faizin ve ilk malzeme ve yedek de¤erlerinin önemli ölçüde ötesinde, yeni infla sözleflme fiyatlar›n›n üstünde bir bedel ödediler. Ani yükselifl döneminde befl yafl›ndaki gemi de¤erleri bile zaman zaman yeni infla sözleflme de¤erlerinin üstüne ç›kt›. Fiyatlar, mevcut piyasada bulman›n daha zor oldu¤u kazançl› uzun süreli sözleflmelerin varl›¤›yla desteklendi.
The current market shows a (temporary) decoupling of second hand values from the newbuilding market. Newbuilding prices are driven by a combination of freight market expectations and ship-yard supply and demand dynamics, while second hand prices are purely a reflection of the freight market outlook. The dry bulk market, the main competitor for shipyard space, is in a prolonged slump, while the tanker market is doing well, therefore, the shipyards don’t have the bargaining power to press for increased prices for tankers orders. Contracting has decreased in almost all vessels sectors, except for oil tankers. According to external sources, in 2014 close to 2,000 vessels were ordered across all sectors, while in the first six months of this year the total orders amounted to less than a quarter of this figure. The oil tanker segment was the only major category where 2015 year-to-date orders significantly exceeded 50% of the 2014 orders.
fiu andaki piyasa, ikinci el de¤erlerinin yeni infla piyasalar›ndan (geçici) ayr›flmas›n› gösteriyor. Yeni infla fiyatlar› navlun piyasas› beklentileri ve tersane arz-talep dinamiklerinin kombinasyonuyla yönlendirilirken ikinci el fiyatlar› yaln›zca navlun piyasas› görünümünün bir yans›mas›. Tanker piyasas› iyi giderken tersane k›zaklar› aç›s›ndan tankere ana rakip olan kuru yük piyasas› uzun süredir düflüflte ve dolay›s›yla tersanelerin tanker infla siparifllerinde fiyat art›fllar› için bast›racak pazarl›k güçleri yok. Petrol tankerleri hariç olmak üzere neredeyse tüm gemi tiplerinde yeni infla sözleflmeleri azald›. D›fl kaynaklara göre 2014’te tüm sektörlerde 2,000’e yak›n gemi siparifl edilirken bu y›l›n ilk alt› ay›nda toplam siparifller bu rakam›n dörtte birinden az oldu. 2015 y›lbafl›ndan bugüne kadar olan siparifllerin 2014’ün yüzde 50’sini geçti¤i tek kategori petrol tankeri dilimiydi.
At the moment, newbuilding prices are relatively affordable compared to second hand values, due to competitive forces in the ship building markets, without being out of range like they were in the 2007-2008 market peak. The spot market strength is not yet fully reflected in vessel prices, which means there could still be opportunities for investors.
Gemi infla piyasalar›ndaki rekabet güçleri nedeniyle flu andaki yeni infla fiyatlar› 2007-2008 piyasa zirvesinde oldu¤u gibi ödeme s›n›rlar›n›n üzerine ç›kmaks›z›n, ikinci el de¤erlerine k›yasla göreceli olarak uygun. Spot piyasas›n›n gücü henüz gemi fiyatlar›na tam olarak yans›mad› ve bu da yat›r›mc›lar için hala f›rsatlar olabilece¤i anlam›na geliyor.
Source // Kaynak: POTEN & PARTNERS
First Ship Berthed At Asyaport Asyaport’a ‹lk Gemi Yanaflt› boyundaki konteyner gemisi “MSC Tokyo” oldu. MSC Tokyo’nun Tekirda¤’›n Süleymanpafla ilçesi Barbaros Mahallesi’nde bulunan limana ba¤lanmas› dolay›s›yla bir de tören düzenlendi. Törene, Ulaflt›rma Denizcilik ve Haberleflme Bakanl›¤› Müsteflar Yard›mc›s› Özkan Poyraz, Tekirda¤ Valisi Enver Saliho¤lu, Tekirda¤ Büyükflehir Belediye Baflkan› Kadir Albayrak, Asyaport Liman› Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Ahmet Soyuer, Asyaport Liman ‹flletmeleri Müdürü Kadir Uzun ve Tekirda¤ Ticaret Odas› Baflkan› Cengiz Günay’›n yan› s›ra çok say›da davetli kat›ld›.
ne of the Turkey’s largest container terminals with its 300 thousand square meters area in Tekirda¤, Asyaport has entered into service and the first ship approached to it.
The first ship approached to Asyaport Port with a handling capacity of yearly 2.5 million TEU was 275 meters long “MSC Tokyo” belonging to Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC). A ceremony is held on the occasion of MSC Tokyo’s docking at the port located in Süleymanpafla district, Barbaros neighborhood of Tekirda¤. Transportation Maritime and Communication Deputy Undersecretary Özkan Poyraz, Tekirda¤ Governor Enver
Saliho¤lu, Tekirda¤ Metropolitan Mayor Kadir Albayrak, Asyaport Port Board Chairman Ahmet Soyuer, Asyaport Port Managing Director Kadir Uzun and Tekirda¤ Chamber of Commerce Chairman Cengiz Günay attended to the ceremony besides a number of guests. Özkan Poyraz stated that Asyaport is a very important transit port for Turkey and continued “Turkey has a 9 million TEU handling capacity. After the large container ships coming from Far East arrives specially at our ports in Marmara and Aegean, the cargo transshipped is carried to Mediterranean and Europe with smaller ships and to
ekirda¤’da 300 bin metrekarelik alan›yla Türkiye’nin en büyük konteyner terminallerinden biri olan Asyaport hizmete girdi ve ilk gemi yanaflt›.
Y›lda 2.5 milyon TEU elleçleme kapasitesine sahip Asyaport Liman›’na yanaflan ilk gemi, Mediterranean Shipping Company’ye (MSC) ait 275 metre
Özkan Poyraz Asyaport’un Türkiye için önemli bir transit liman oldu¤unu ifade ederek, “Türkiye 9 milyon TEU’luk konteyner elleçleme kapasitesine sahip. Uzakdo¤u’dan gelen büyük konteyner gemileri, özellikle Marmara ve Ege limanlar›m›za geldikten sonra aktar›lan yükler daha küçük gemilerle Akdeniz ve Avrupa’ya, ‹zmir üzerinden demir yoluyla da Kazakistan’a kadar gönderiliyor”
Kazakhstan by railway via ‹zmir.” Poyraz concluded his speech by saying that “One of the largest container transporters of the world, MSC’s choice in favor of Asyaport in Turkey has a very important function especially within the ‘container network’. The ship approached today takes the first step by berthing to this port with more than 10 thousand containers”. The port is constructed in Tekirda¤ Barbaros by Global Terminal Limited (GTL), MSC Group’s company for making port investments and Asyaport Liman A.fi. that was founded with the aim of container port operation by Soyuer family.
B r a k e s F re n l e r
Asyaport that reaches to 20 meters depth on its total 2,000 meters long berths will be able to handle both current container ships and the very large ones expected to be built in the next decade. There is 11 ship-to-shore Granty crane that can serve up to 24 side row and 33 rubber tyre Granty crane in the Asyaport Port. Solar panels, LED lightening, carriers with LNG engine and electric cranes are used in order to reduce the carbon emission in Asyaport designed such as to be environment friendly. All the ships and shore cranes are operating with electricity and transport vehicles with LNG in the port.
dedi. Poyraz sözlerini “Dünyan›n en büyük konteyner tafl›mac›lar›ndan MSC’nin Türkiye’de Asyaport’u seçmifl olmas› özellikle ‘konteyner a¤›’ içerisinde çok önemli bir fonksiyona sahip. Bugün yanaflan gemi de 10 binin üstünde konteyner getirip bu limana yanaflarak ilk ad›m› att›” diyerek tamamlad›. Liman, MSC grubunun liman yat›r›mlar› yapan flirketi Global Terminal Limited (GTL) ile Soyuer ailesinin konteyner liman› iflletmesi amac› ile kurmufl olduklar› Asyaport Liman A.fi. taraf›ndan Tekirda¤ Barbaros’ta infla edildi. Toplam 2,000 metre uzunlu¤undaki r›ht›mlar›nda 20 metre derinli¤e ulaflan Asyaport, hem
mevcut olan hem de önümüzdeki 10 y›lda infla edilmesi beklenen çok büyük konteyner gemilerini elleçleyebilecek. Asyaport Liman›’nda 11 adet 24 yan s›raya kadar hizmet verebilecek kapasitede r›ht›m vinci (Shipto-shore Granty Crane) ile 33 adet lastik tekerlekli saha vinci (Rubber Tyre Granty Crane) bulunuyor. Çevreyle dost olmas›na özen gösterilen Asyaport’ta karbon sal›m›n› azaltmak için günefl panelleri, LED ayd›nlatmalar, LNG motorlu tafl›y›c›lar ve elektrikli vinçler kullan›l›yor. Limanda tüm gemi ve sahil vinçleri elektrikle, liman içerisindeki tafl›ma araçlar› ise LNG ile çal›fl›yor.
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BM MAK‹NA SAN. VE T‹C. A.fi. Inönü Mah. Gebze Güzeller Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Ebulfez Elçibey Sok. No: 20 Gebze 41400 Kocaeli TÜRK‹YE Tel: +90 262 751 02 08 / +90 262 751 08 22 E-mail: info@bmmakina.com.tr Web: www.bmmakina.com.tr
SOCAR, Started The Port Construction For Star Refinery SOCAR, Star Rafineri ‹çin Liman ‹nflaat›na Bafllad›
il company SOCAR belonging to Azerbaijan State started the port construction in the area known as “Petkim Peninsula” in Alia¤a. The berths that will serve Star Refinery which is under construction will be completed in May 2017 and putted into service. SOCAR Turkey Chairman Kenan Yavuz said that they spent 2 billion dollars from the start of the Star Refinery construction until today and that 30 months remained for the production.
Ground breaking ceremony of Star Refinery covering 2,700 decares area was carried out in 2011. The refinery which it is estimated to cost 5.5 billion dollars and targeted to be completed in 2018 is the first investment of Turkey with “Strategical Investment Incentive Certificate”. The annual capacity of the refinery with the flexibility of refining various crude oils like Ural, Azeri Light and Kirkuk will be
10 million tons. The refinery will produce yearly 1.3 million tons naphtha, 460 thousand tons mixed xylene, 4.95 million tons ultra low sulphurous diesel oil as petrochemistry raw material, 1.7 million tons jet fuel, 261 thousand tons LPG as fuel besides the production of yearly 525 ton reformat, 698 thousand tons petroleum coke and 158 thousand tons sulphur. Total storage capacity of Star Refinery is approximately 1.64 million cubic meters.
Refinery will use the port with three berths as the distribution channel of its products besides the on land filling and pipeline to neighboring oil companies. Maximum effort is being shown for ensuring the conformity of natural gas operated Star Refinery’s environmental standards with the actual AB norms framework.
2,700 dönümlük alanda infla edilen Star Rafineri’nin temeli 2011 y›l›nda at›ld›. 5.5 milyar dolara mal olaca¤› hesaplanan ve 2018 y›l›nda bitirilmesi hedeflenen rafineri Türkiye’nin ilk “Stratejik Yat›r›m Teflvik Belgesi”ne sahip yat›r›m› olma özelli¤ini tafl›yor. Ural, Azeri Light ve Kerkük gibi çeflitli ham petrolleri iflleyebilme es-
zerbaycan Devletine ait petrol flirketi SOCAR, Alia¤a’da “Petkim Yar›madas›” olarak isimlendirilen alandaki liman inflaat›na bafllad›. ‹nfla süreci devam eden Star Rafineri’ye hizmet verecek iskeleler 2017 May›s ay›nda tamamlanarak devreye al›nacak. SOCAR Türkiye Baflkan› Kenan Yavuz, Star Rafineri’nin inflaat›na bafllad›klar› günden bugüne kadar 2 milyar dolar harcand›¤›n› ve üretime 30 ay kald›¤›n› söyledi.
nekli¤ine sahip rafinerinin y›ll›k kapasitesi 10 milyon ton olacak. Petrokimya hammaddesi olarak y›lda 1.3 milyon ton nafta, 460 bin ton kar›fl›k ksilen, 4.95 milyon ton ultra düflük kükürtlü motorin, akaryak›t olarak 1.7 milyon ton jet yak›t›, 261 bin ton LPG üretebilecek olan rafineri ayr›ca y›lda 525 bin ton reformat, 698 bin ton petrokok ve 158 bin ton da kükürt imal edecek. Star Rafineri’nin toplam depolama kapasitesi ise yaklafl›k 1.64 milyon metreküp. Rafineri ürünlerinin da¤›t›m kanal› olarak üç iskeleli liman›n›n yan› s›ra kara dolum ve civardaki petrol flirketlerine boru hatt› metotlar› da kullan›lacak. Do¤algaz ile çal›flacak Star Rafineri’nin çevresel standartlar›n›n güncel AB normlar› çerçevesine uyumu için büyük çaba gösteriliyor.
Alia¤a to Recycle 1.5 Million Tons of EU Ships AB’nin 1.5 Milyon Tonluk Geri Dönüfltürülecek Gemisi Alia¤a’ya Scrap ship dismantlers in Alia¤a who meet the environmental standards of European Union are targeting to create additional business volume amounting to 1.5 million tons per year. ismantling work of the EU Scrap ships amounting to 1.5 million tons per year is in the agenda of Turkey’s and Europe’s only organized ship dismantling center, Alia¤a. “EU Ship Recycling Regulation” issued in 2013 had ensured the dismantling of ships scrapped in member states only in regions fulfilling the environmental obligations. Alia¤a Ship Recycle Industry Association Waste Center Supervisor Ersin Çeviker remarked that they raised the chance of EU ships to be
recycled coming to Alia¤a through achieving to meet those standards. When it is calculated that 1.5 million tons ship scrap would bring approximately 500 million dollars, it seems possible for them to compensate their losses in 2014 and even to triple their income. It is expected that in recent time nearly 300 ships will start to come Alia¤a dismantling region since currently the only country fulfilling the environmental obligations of EU is Turkey. Dismantlers already increased their capacity in order to meet the demand.
No Permission For By-Passing It is known that some European companies are going to countries like India and Pakistan which is not allowed
Avrupa Birli¤i’nin çevre standartlar›n› karfl›layan Alia¤a’daki hurda gemi geri dönüflümcüleri, y›ll›k 1.5 milyon tonluk ek ifl hacmi yaratmay› hedefliyor. ürkiye’nin ve Avrupa’n›n tek organize gemi söküm merkezi Alia¤a’n›n gündeminde AB’nin y›ll›k 1.5 milyon tonu bulan hurda gemilerinin söküm ifli var. 2013’te yürürlü¤e giren “AB Gemi Geri Dönüflüm Yönetmeli¤i” üye ülkelerde hurdaya ayr›lan gemilerin sadece çevresel yükümlülüklerini yerine getiren bölgelerde sökülmesini zorunlu k›lm›flt›. Alia¤a Gemi Geri Dönüflüm Sanayi Derne¤i At›k Yönetim Merkezi Sorumlusu Ersin Çeviker, bu standartlar› karfl›lamay› baflararak AB'ye ait geri dönüfltürülecek gemilerin Alia¤a’ya gelmesi flans›n› alabildi¤ine yükselttiklerini bildirdi.
1.5 milyon ton gemi hurdas›n›n yaklafl›k 500 milyon dolar kazand›raca¤› hesapland›¤›nda, Alia¤a sökümcülerinin 2014 y›l›ndaki kay›plar›n› telafi etmeleri, hatta kazançlar›n› üç kata kadar art›rmalar› mümkün görünüyor. Halen AB’nin çevresel yükümlülüklerini karfl›layan tek ülke Türkiye oldu¤u için Alia¤a söküm bölgesine yaklafl›k 300 geminin yak›n zamanda gelmeye bafllamas› bekleniyor. Sökümcüler, talebi karfl›layabilmek için kapasite art›r›m›na bile gitti.
Arkadan Dolaflmaya ‹zin Yok Baz› Avrupal› firmalar›n ba¤lay›c› hükümlerden kurtulmak için hurda gemilerinin bayra¤›n› de¤ifltirerek, AB yasalar›n›n izin vermedi¤i Hindistan ve Pakistan gibi ülkelere gitti¤i biliniyor. Türkiye bu konuda AB’nin çevre konusundaki en etkin sivil toplum örgütleri ve Birleflmifl Milletler Kalk›nma Program› (UNDP) ile birlikte çal›flarak kaç›fllar›n önünü kesmeye çal›fl›yor. Nitekim bu iflbirli¤i, 2014 y›l›nda Liberya bayra¤› çekilerek söküm için Hindistan’a gönderilmek üzereyken Nissan’›n çok katl› RoRo gemisi Global Sprit’in Alia¤a Gemi Geri Dönüflüm Bölgesi’ne getirilmesini sa¤lam›flt›. AB ülkelerinde hurdaya ayr›lacak savafl gemilerini almak için savunma bakanl›klar›yla temasa geçtiklerini belirten Ersin Çeviker Almanya, Hollanda ve ‹ngiltere’nin hurda savafl gemilerini de Alia¤a’da geri dönüfltürdüklerini belirterek flöyle dedi: “UNDP ve AB sivil toplum örgütleriyle en yo¤un iflbirli¤ini yapt›¤›m›z ve normlara uydu¤umuz için, AB bayrakl› hurda
gemileri mevzuata uygun sökecek tek ülke oldu¤umuzu herkes biliyor. Ayr›ca gemilerin güvenli ve çevreye duyarl› geri dönüflümü için haz›rlanan Hong Kong Sözleflmesi’ne ilk imza atan ülke de biziz. UNDP Türkiye Elçisi Katalin Zaim bölgemizi ziyaretinde arkadan dolaflma konusunun takipçisi olacaklar›n› söyledi.” by EU laws by changing the flag of their ships in order to evade the binding provisions. Turkey is trying to prevent those evasions by cooperating with the most effective civil society organizations of EU in environmental issues and United Nations Development Programme. In fact, this cooperation had provided coming to Alia¤a of Nissan’s multi-decker Ro-Ro ship Global Sprit that was about to sent India for dismantling by raising Liberia flag in 2014. After saying that they have get in touch with the Ministries of Defense of EU countries in order to receive their ships to be scrapped and that they have recycled the scrap ships of Germany, Holland and England in Alia¤a Ersin Çeviker added: “Everybody knows that we are the only country that can dismantle the EU flagged scrap ships in compliance with the regulations since we comply with the norms and intensively cooperate with UNDP and EU civil society organizations. Besides, we are the first country signing the Hong Kong Agreement prepared for secured and environmentfriendly dismantling of the ships. In her visit to our region, UNDP Turkey ambassador Katalin Zaim said that they will pursue the issue of by-passing”.
High Quality Raw Material Ersin Çeviker reminded that there are 22 facilities in Alia¤a Ship Dismantling Area and the highest volume of dismantling was in 2012 with 927 thousand tones. Çeviker give the information that the dismantling volume regressed to 802 thousand tones in 2013 and 587 thousand tones in 2014 and in the first half of 2015 dismantling volume was 305 thousand tones.
Kaliteli Hammadde Alia¤a Gemi Geri Dönüflüm Bölgesi’nde 22 tesis oldu¤unu ifade eden Ersin Çeviker, en yüksek söküm iflinin 927 bin tonla 2012’de gerçekleflti¤ini an›msatt›. Söküm hacminin 2013’te 802 bin, 2014’te 587 bin tona geriledi¤ini anlatan Çeviker, 2015 y›l›n›n ilk alt› ay›nda ise 305 bin tonluk söküm yap›ld›¤›n› söyledi.
Gemi hurdas›n›n tonunun ortalama 300 dolardan sat›ld›¤›n›, y›ll›k 1.5 milyon ton hurda de¤erinin yaklafl›k 500 milyon dolar oldu¤unu belirten Ersin Çeviker, gemi hurdas›n›n özellikle yass› çelik üretiminde kalite art›r›c› hammadde olarak kullan›ld›¤›n› vurgulad›. Çeviker, “Alia¤a’da sökülen gemi hurdas›n›, y›ll›k 7.5 milyon ton hurda iflleyen Alia¤a’daki alt› demir-çelik fabrikas›na gönderiyoruz. Bu fabrikalar bizden ald›klar› hurdayla daha kaliteli ürün imal ediyor” dedi. Çeviker’in verdi¤i bilgilere göre Türkiye’deki demir-çelik endüstrisi y›lda 18 milyon ton hurday› hammadde olarak ithal ediyor. Alia¤a’daki fabrikalar, gemi sökümünden sa¤lanan hurdalardan ton baz›nda en az 10 dolar fiyat avantaj› sa¤l›yor.
Çeviker emphasized that the ship scrap is used especially as a raw material for improving the quality in flat steel production and added that the ship scrap is sold for approximately 300 dollars per tone and the value of annual 1.5 million tones scrap is nearly 500 million dollars. He said “We send the ship scrap dismantled in Alia¤a to six iron and steel plants located in Alia¤a processing 7.5 million tones scrap yearly. Those plants are manufacturing products with higher quality through the scraps they purchased from us.” Based on the information provided by Çeviker, iron and steel industry in Turkey is importing annually 18 million tons scrap as raw material. The plants in Alia¤a are gaining price advantage, amounting to at least 10 dollars per tone, through the scraps obtained from ship dismantling. MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
“Hans A Bakka” From Tersan Tersan’dan “Hans A Bakka” ersan Shipyard delivered the live fish carrier “Hans a Bakka” it built for Bakkafrost, the leading salmon producer of Faroe Islands. 75 meters long Rolls-Royce design NVC 386 type ship is equipped with state of the art technology. Hans a Bakka is able to carry 450 tons live fish with its 3,000 square meters three cargo tanks. Due to their equipment, tanks of the ship can make both close and open circulation. Continuous renewability of sea water brings advantage to the ship carrying live fish. RollsRoyce’s bow design called “wave piercing bow” that can break the waves provides the
ship to sail by maintaining its speed even in harsh sea conditions. Construction of the ship in Tersan is conducted under the supervision of classification society DNV GL and Faroe Islands Flag Administration.
ersan Tersanesi, Faroe Adalar›’n›n lider somon üreticilerinden Bakkafrost için infla etti¤i canl› bal›k tafl›ma gemisi “Hans a Bakka”y› sahibine teslim etti. Rolls-Royce tasar›m› NVC 386 tipi 75 metrelik gemi, en geliflmifl teknolojiyle do-
nat›ld›. Hans a Bakka 3,000 metreküplük üç yük tank›nda 450 ton canl› bal›k tafl›yabiliyor. Geminin tanklar› sahip olduklar› donan›mla hem kapal› hem de aç›k tipte devridaim yapabiliyor. Deniz suyunun sürekli yenilenebilmesi canl› bal›k tafl›yan gemiye büyük avantaj kazand›r›yor. Rolls-Royce’un “wave piercing bow” ad› verilen dalgalar› yaracak flekle sahip pruva tasar›m›, geminin sert denizlerde bile h›z›n› koruyarak seyretmesini sa¤l›yor. Geminin Tersan’daki inflas›, s›n›fland›rma kuruluflu DNV GL ve Faroe Adalar› Bayrak Yönetimi’nin gözetimi alt›nda gerçekleflti.
Cemre Launched the 34th Ship Cemre 34. Gemiyi Denize ‹ndirdi n 27 June, Cemre Shipyard launched the live fish carrying ship called Namsos it built for Norsk Fisketransport. The ship with 84.80 meters full length, 16.90 width is a Havyard 857 type designed by Havyard Group and its draft is 8 meters. The participants of launching ceremony held at Yalova, Norsk Fisketransport Chairman Borge Lorentzen and his wife Heidi Vold and Cemre Shipyard Board Chairman Orhan Gülcek and his daughter Zeynep Su cut the ribbon of the ship together. Namsos is the 34th ship built for Havyard Group and 37th ship built by Cemre Shipyard.
emre Tersanesi, Norsk Fisketransport için infla etti¤i Namsos isimli canl› bal›k tafl›ma gemisini 27 Haziran’da denize indirdi. Bir Havyard Grubu tasar›m› olan Havyard 857 tipi gemi 84.80 metre tam boya sahip, 16.90 metre geniflli¤inde ve su çekimi ise 8 metre. Yalova’daki denize indirme törenine kat›lan Norsk Fisketransport Baflkan› Borge Lorentzen ile efli Heidi Vold ve Cemre Tersanesi Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Orhan Gülcek ile k›z› Zeynep Su, geminin kurdelesini birlikte kestiler. Toplamda Cemre Tersanesi’nin infla etti¤i 37. gemi olan Namsos, Havyard Grubu için yap›lan 34. gemi oldu.
M/F Ahmet Pirifltina Is On The ‹zmir Gulf M/F Ahmet Pirifltina ‹zmir Körfezi’nde he second of ferries built by Çeksan shipyard for ‹zmir Metropolitan Municipality is launched. 71 meters long, 18 meters wide M/F Ahmet Pirifltina has a capacity of carrying 70 vehicles. The ferry with separate propellers and machines both on bow and stern has two bridges also. It is reported that the ferry have a very higher speed compared to old ferryboats sailing in ‹zmir Gulf and in addition, it provides 30 percentage fuel saving. Apart from M/F Ahmet Pirifltina, the other two ferries are also equipped with solar panels for energy saving. Also
the disabled lift is not neglected in the ferry. Çeksan Shipyard Board Chairman Baflaran Bayrak stated that the previously launched M/F Hasan Tahsin will be delivered to ‹zmir Metropolitan Municipality on 20 August.
eksan Tersanesi’nin ‹zmir Büyükflehir Belediyesi için infla etti¤i feribottan ikincisi de denize indirildi. 71 metre uzunlu¤unda, 18 metre geniflli¤indeki M/F Ahmet Pirifltina, 70 araç tafl›ma kapasiteli. Bafl›nda ve k›ç›nda ayr› ayr› maki-
ne ve pervanesi bulunan feribotun kaptan köflkü de iki tane. ‹zmir Körfezi’nde sefer yapan eski tip araba vapurlar›na göre çok daha h›zl› oldu¤u aç›klanan gemi üstelik yüzde 30 yak›t tasarrufu sa¤l›yor. M/F Ahmet Pirifltina’n›n yan› s›ra di¤er iki feribot da enerji tasarrufu için günefl panelleriyle donat›ld›. Feribotta engelli asansörü de ihmal edilmedi. Çeksan Tersanesi Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Baflaran Bayrak, daha önce denize indirilen M/F Hasan Tahsin’in 20 A¤ustos’ta ‹zmir Büyükflehir Belediyesi’ne teslim edilece¤ini bildirdi.
Subscription form // Abone formu Name, Surname // Ad›, Soyad› : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Title // Ünvan› : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company // Firma : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address // Adres : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................... ............................................................... Post/Zip Code // Posta Kodu: . . . . . . . . . . . . . City // fiehir : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Country // Ülke : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vergi Dairesi ve No. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone // Tel : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax // Faks : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-mail // E-posta : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please transfer the annual subscription fee (EURO 250 for abroad or TL 200 for Turkey to the account below) to the account TR74 0006 2000 4010 0009 0964 69 at Garanti Bank Levent Branch, the beneficiary name: Dildar Tanitim Halkla Iliskiler ve Turizm Ltd. Sti. and send this form as well as the transaction receipt. Y›ll›k abonelik ücreti olan 200 TL’nin Garanti Bankas› Levent fiubesi IBAN TR83 0006 2000 4010 0006 2008 57 numaral› flirketimize ait hesaba yat›r›lmas›n› ve makbuz kopyas›n›n bu formla birlikte taraf›m›za ulaflt›r›lmas›n› rica ederiz.
Dildar Public Relations Co. Ltd. // Dildar Tan›t›m Halkla ‹liflkiler ve Turizm Ltd. fiti. Sinanpafla Mah. Akmaz Çeflme Sokak No:15/14 Befliktafl 34353 ‹STANBUL-TÜRK‹YE Tel: +90 212 259 70 10 (pbx) E-mail: info@marineandcommerce.com MARINE&COMMERCE TEMMUZ 2015
Type // Tipi
Built // ‹nfla
Buyer // Al›c›
Asian Prosperity
2011 China
Asita Sun
2012 Korea
Greece Bank Sale
Aston Trader II
2008 Japan
Bergen Trader
2011 China
Billion Trader
2005 China
Corona Bulker
2011 Korea
Daebo Yeosu
1995 Japan
2011 China
Eleanor D
2005 China
1995 Japan
Global Dawn
2012 Japan
Hanjin Albany
2011 Korea
Greece @
Hanjin Rostock
2011 Korea
Greece @
Hub Gallardo
1998 Japan
2001 Japan
2001 Japan
China Undisclosed As is where is
India Singapore Undisclosed
KT Condor
2011 Japan
2002 Japan
2001 Korea
2001 Korea
Medi Osaka
2003 Japan
North Princess
1996 Japan
Ocean Honey
1995 Korea
Orion Pride
2011 Korea
Pacific Acadian
1995 Japan
Pacific Mercury
1996 Japan
1999 Korea
Qi Shan
2011 China
Undisclosed @
Shou Shan
2010 China
Undisclosed @
2000 Japan
Rainbow Ace
2012 China
Royal Flush
2010 China
2000 Japan
2003 Japan
1997 Korea
Trellis 1
2012 China
Tupi Maiden
1992 Japan
United Challenger
2008 China
Washington Trader
2000 Japan
2010 China
Europe @
2010 China
Europe @
Dolphin Strait
2003 China
Ital Fortuna
2007 Korea
Hong Kong
SECOND HAND SHIP SALES ‹K‹NC‹ EL GEM‹ SATIfiLARI Vessel Name // Gemi Ad› Mol Encore
Type // Tipi cont
DWT 61,441
Built // ‹nfla 2003 Japan
Buyer // Al›c›
Undisclosed @
Mol Endeavor
2003 Japan
Undisclosed @
Mol Endurance
2003 Japan
Undisclosed @
Mol Enterprise
2003 Japan
Undisclosed @
Nedlloyd Drake
2000 Germany
1996 China
Indonesia Bank Sale
2005 China
Pioneer Lake
2003 Germany
SC Mara
2006 Korea
Greece @
SCT Santiago
2006 Korea
Greece @
SSL Gujarat
1997 Japan
Hong Kong
1997 Korea
2008 China
Asia Glory
2012 China
Barents Sea
1998 Croatia
1996 Korea
F. East
Bls Amity
2002 Japan
BW Ulan
2000 Korea
Camilla Maersk
1999 Korea
Nigeria - Zinc Coated
Cape Bata
2003 Korea
UK @
Cape Bowen
2003 Korea
UK @
Cape Bille
2003 Korea
Monaco @
Cape Bruny
2004 Korea
Monaco @
Elka Glory
2003 Croatia
Flagship Juniper
2015 Korea
Harbour Muran
2010 China
Norway St. Steel Ice 1A
Hyundai Mipo 2473
2015 Korea
Iver Exporter
John Augustus Essberger
2000 Korea
1992 Germany
1995 Korea
M. East @
1995 Korea
M. East @
Lion Spirit
1997 Japan
M. East
1995 Spain
M. East
Moscow Stars
1999 Japan
Overseas Luxmar
1998 Korea
Princess Naomi
1996 Japan
2004 China
2001 Japan
SC Stealth
2007 Japan
2015 Korea
S. Africa @
2015 Korea
S. Africa @
2001 Korea
@: enbloc
All information is given in good faith but without guarantee. // Bilgilerin do¤rulu¤u için maksimum çaba harcanm›flt›r, ancak garanti edilemez. Source // Kaynak: Alpina Denizcilik 07.2015
Type // Tipi
Size (units) // Boyut (adet) Delivery // Teslimat
Buyer // Al›c›
1,800 TEU (x2+2)
TS Line (Hong Kong)
2,800 TEU (x5)
Evergreen Marine Corp
3,000 TEU (x5)
Evergreen Marine Corp
300,000 dwt (x3)
76,000 dwt (x5)
114,000 dwt (x4)
China Shipping Dev.
115,000 dwt (x4+2)
Cardiff Marine
Hyundai Mipo
50,000 dwt (x2+6)
Scorpio Tankers
73,000 dwt
Pleiades Shipping
112,000 dwt
Lundqvist Rederierna
DEMOLITION SALES - HURDA SATIfiLARI Vessel Name // Gemi Ad› Type // Tipi
Built // ‹nfla
Buyer // Al›c›
ABM Navigator
Bulk Discovery
Cape Pioneer
As is Singapore
Great Bright
Great Glory
K. Pride
Kai Hong
Merry Ocean
Ocean Famous
Orinoco Pearl
On options
Xin Yang 9
Xing An Da
Zim Pacific
Syn Markab
Vitamin Gas
Baltic Stream
Varg Star
@: enbloc
All information is given in good faith but without guarantee. // Bilgilerin do¤rulu¤u için maksimum çaba harcanm›flt›r, ancak garanti edilemez. Source // Kaynak: Alpina Denizcilik 07.2015
MARITIME EVENTS DEN‹ZC‹L‹K ETK‹NL‹KLER‹ Date 11-13.08.2015 09-10.09.2015 08-11.09.2015 09-11.09.2015 16-19.09.2015 17-18.09.2015 22.09.2015 22-25.09.2015 23-23.09.2015 23-25.09.2015 24.09.2015 03-07.10.2015 12.10.2015 12-15.10.2015 13-14.10.2015 13-15.10.2015 14.10.2015 14-17.10.2015 20-23.10.2015 27-29.10.2015 29.10.2015 29-30.10.2015 02-06.11.2015 03-05.11.2015 03-06.11.2015 05-09.11.2015 09-12.11.2015 10-12.11.2015 17-19.11.2015 01-03.12.2015 08-10.12.2015 24-25.02.2016 25-26.02.2016 09-12.03.2016 14-17.03.2016 01.04.2016 07-08.04.2016 12-14.04.2016 13-16.04.2016 27-28.04.2016 10-13.05.2016 11-13.05.2016 23-26.05.2016 23-27.05.2016 26-27.05.2016 14-16.06.2016 15-18.06.2016 14-15.07.2016 06-09.09.2016 22-23.09.2016 26-27.10.2016 01-03.11.2016 24-25.11.2016 30.05-02.06.2017 29-31.03.2017 20-23.06.2017 06-07.07.2017
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SMM Istanbul 7th Intermodal Asia 2016 MTB Marine Americas The Cruise Industry’s Premier Global Event Ocean Business 2016 15th Intermodal Africa 2016 European Offshore Energy 2016 MTB Marine Asia 4th MED Ports 2016 MTB Shipyards China International Marina, Port & Shipbuilding Fair AWEA Offshore Windpower 2016 Conference & Exhibition Tugnology 2016 5th Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2016 TOC Europe MTB Superyachts 14th ASEAN Ports and Shipping 2016 27th SMM Hamburg 11th Southern Asia Ports, Logistics & Shipping 2016 12th Trans Middle East 2016 SMEM Seatrade Middle East Maritime 2016 16th Intermodal Africa 2016 Nor Shipping 2017 Maritime Vietnam Brasil Offshore 15th ASEAN Ports and Shipping 2017
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