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Mumbai, India

"Defence & MarineBiz - The Quarterly Journal of Defence Sector & Marine Business" is a exclusive publication on the "Defence and Marine Sector" covering Defence & Marine sectors; Geo-Politics & Geo-Strategy-Defence Economy & Marine Economy; Technology & Indegenization in Defense & Marine; Defence Procurement & Strategic Investments in Defence assets; Need of India’s Defence forces - Modernization programmes - Army, Naval & Airforce; Technology access, Defence & Marine Business, Marine Technology-Marine Propulsion and Power Generation, Marine Engineering; Mari-time Trade & Business,Shipping, Ship Building & Construction; Ports & related Infrastructure; Defence and Marine Engineering and other issues connected with the Marine & Mari-time Sector plus - Marine Natural resource (Oil, Gas & Hydrates) including E & P and is published by “ENERTIA ENFRAMedia Pvt. Ltd.”
