A little food for thought. . . . .
In an excerpt included in LtCol Joseph C. Shusko’s , most excellent book “Tie-Ins For Life”, the author describes the significance of what we seek in life and how it impacts who we are and how we are perceived. He does so with a short entry entitled: What are You Looking to Feast Upon? The subjects in this story are a hummingbird and a vulture. Both birds regularly fly high above the landscape pursuing their desires. The vulture only seeks out rotting meat, and thrives on a strict diet of road kill and stench. The humming bird on the other hand, seeks out colorful blossoms in his pursuit of the sweet essence of life. The vulture’s life is based on what was and is no more, while the hummingbird thrives on what is. Ultimately the author writes: “Each bird finds what if is looking for. We all do. What are you looking to feast upon? Once you figure out what you want to feast upon, pursue that desire but don’t allow it to possess you. In another short excerpt entitled: “What’s Holding You”, we are taught about how hunters in Africa catch monkeys by putting a shiny stone or object into a coconut, The coconut has had a hole drilled into it that a monkey can stick its hand in and out of as long as the fingers are extended. The coconut is then affixed to a tree. The monkey becomes some possessed with the shiny object that it won’t release the object in order to prevent itself from being captured. Sometimes you have to let go of what you desire in order to maintain your freedom. Several years ago General Colin Powell published his Rules to Live By, number five was: Be careful what you choose. You may get it. Have a great Friday!!!
Semper Fi, Sgt. Maj. Michael E. Sprague Force Headquarters Group Marine Forces Reserve