Marine Log November 2018

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arine oG M L

R e p o r t i n g o n M a r i n e B u s i n e s s & T e c h n o l o g y s i n c e 18 78

November 2018


STORM Picking up the pieces in Panama City

Visit us at WBS Booth 1550

OSVs: Market Still Oversupplied

Boatbuilders: Challenges & Opportunities

Executive Spotlight: ABS’s Kirsi Tikka






2E ditorial Unenviable Choices for IMO 2020 Sulfur Cap


4 Industry Insights 6 Marine Innovations 8 Wellness Column The Common Place of NSAIDs in Pain & Heart Health

Boat Builders After the Storm Eastern begins its recovery post Hurricane Michael Pushing Ahead Boat builders in the U.S. take on a changing market


OSV MARKET OSV Market Still Oversupplied Despite the uptick in barrel price, OSV utilization remains low, with not much optimism on the horizon


Executive Spotlight Q&A with Kirsi Tikka Marine Log sits down with Kirsi Tikka, Executive Vice President and Senior Maritime Advisor, Global Marine, ABS


17 Inside Washington President Trump Signs Waterway Infrastructure Bill

Scrubbers Decision Time As the compliance date with the IMO 2020 0.5% sulfur cap creeps closer, the economics of exhaust gas cleaning systems appear to become more attractive to ship owners


45 Newsmakers All American Marine Welcomes New Team Members

Top Technologies Top Tech A look at the technologies shaping the industry’s future


10 Update orld’s Largest LNG Bunker Vessel W Heads Towards Operations • Tidewater, Gulfmark Closer to Merger • El Coquí Christening Kicks Off Greener Tune for the Industry • HII’s Avondale Facility Gets New Lease On Life •

46 Tech News Humphree Stabilizers Provide A Smooth Ride for Seastreak

52 SAFETY FIRST Stand Strong: Protecting Your Feet On Board


Pilot Boats Chesapeake Class Pilot Boat Debut Volvo Penta powers new Chesapeake class pilot boat Data Putting Data to Work Vessel owners and operators turn to data as they pursue operational excellence of marine assets

November 2018 // Marine Log 1


MarineLoG November 2018 Vol. 123, NO. 11 ISSN 08970491 USPS 576-910 Subscriptions: 800-895-4389

Tel: +1 (402) 346-4740 (Canada & International) Fax: +1 (402) 346-3670 Email: PRESIDENT Arthur J. McGinnis, Jr. PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF John R. Snyder Associate Publisher Jeff Sutley MANAGING EDITOR Shirley Del Valle

Unenviable Choices for IMO 2020 Sulfur Cap


hat’s on many marine industry minds these days is the IMO 2020 0.5% sulfur cap. It has dominated conversation after conversation at every industry event this year. The choices for compliance are few and each fraught with their own uncertainty. Those strategies can be to burn compliant 0.5% sulfur fuel—if it’s available and the quality and viscosity of the blended fuel works well with your engine; invest millions of dollars in an exhaust gas cleaning system and burn HFO — if you can get the design and engineering work performed, the right scrubber system ordered and installed in time for the January 1, 2020 deadline; or invest millions of dollars in burning an alternative fuel such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or ethane, methane, methanol or even LPG — which all require specialized equipment, training, and bunkering infrastructure. I don’t envy shipowners. To get a better handle on the emissions landscape, I spoke with one of the foremost experts on the IMO 2020 sulfur cap, Kirsi Tikka, Executive Vice President and Global Marine Advisor, ABS. Kirsi spoke with us candidly on IMO 2020, as well as other regulatory hurdles that are in store for shipowners. You can read what she had to say in our Executive

CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Paul Bartlett European EDITOR Charlie Bartlett WEB EDITOR Nicholas Blenkey

Spotlight on page 26 or if you prefer, listen to her interview on Marine Log’s Listen Up! Podcast on This month, we also spoke with a number of boatbuilders around the U.S. to gauge how they are improving their productivity and efficiency in a very competitive new construction environment. Some small shipyards are extremely busy, and have used grants from the highly popular Small Shipyard Grant Program administered by the U.S. Maritime Administration to upgrade their facilities. Many, however, have discussed the challenges in attracting skilled labor to their yards. You can find out more when you read, Pushing Ahead on page 20. We also cover the ongoing recovery at Eastern Shipbuilding Group in Panama City, FL, following the devastating effects of Hurricane Michael—the most powerful storm to ever hit the Florida Panhandle. ESG has started a GoFundMe page to help employees hardest hit by the storm.

Art Director Nicole D’Antona Graphic Designer Aleza Leinwand MARKETING DIRECTOR Erica Hayes PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Mary Conyers REGIONAL SALES MANAGER EAST COAST Elaina Crockett REGIONAL SALES MANAGER MIDWEST/WEST COAST Jim Kingwill Barry Kingwill SALES REPRESENTATIVE KOREA & CHINA Young-Seoh Chinn CLASSIFIED SALES Jeanine Acquart Circulation DIRECTOR Maureen Cooney CONFERENCE DIRECTOR Michelle M. Zolkos CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Stephanie Rodriguez

John R. Snyder Publisher & Editor

CONTRIBUTORS Emily Reiblein Crowley Maritime Corporation

Marine Log Magazine (Print ISSN 0897-0491, Digital ISSN 2166-210X), (USPS#576-910), (Canada Post Cust. #7204564; Agreement #40612608; IMEX Po Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2, Canada) is published monthly by Simmons-Boardman Publ. Corp, 55 Broad St. 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and Additional mailing offices.

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2 Marine Log // November 2018

Judy Murray John Wooldridge Shutterstock/ C Z

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Capt. Matthew Bonvento Good Wind Maritime Services

Michael J. Toohey Waterways Council, Inc. Simmons-Boardman Publishing CORP. 55 Broad Street, 26th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10004 Tel: (212) 620-7200 Fax: (212) 633-1165 Website: E-mail:

We’re saving much more than fuel. BAE Systems’ HybriGen® electric power and propulsion system is saving fuel, emissions, engine hours, and marine life with its patented technology. HybriGen® variable speed gensets not only provide propulsion but auxiliary power on demand for ferries and service vessels. Ask us how we can help you become more efficient with BAE Systems’ hybrid and electric marine solutions.

CUNY I , Hybrid catamaran Built by Derecktor Shipyards


INDUSTRY INSIGHTS WELCOME TO Industry Insights, Marine Log’s quick snapshot of current trends in the global marine marketplace. The natural gas export market in the U.S. is booming. In 2017, the total of natural gas exports in 2017 was 3.17 Trillion Cubic Feet—the highest on record and exports were larger than imports for the first time in 60 years. Exports of LNG—most of which is transported via ship—have increased substantially in the U.S. The line chart below illustrates the drastic price drop of the LNG export price, making the United States extremely competitive on the international market.

Offshore Rigs Operating in U.S. GOM (on or about October 1 of respective year)

LNG Prices, Export, U.S. (Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet) $20


2013 59




2015 $10






2018 $0









Source: U.S. EIA, Sept. 28, 2018









Source: Baker Hughes

Piracy & Armed Robbery Against Ships Piracy & Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia

Piracy & Armed Robbery Incidents at Anchor/Berth

Piracy & Armed Robbery Types of Losses

2015 169

19% Cash Property 62% Stores

2018 64

19% Nothing

77% (First 9 Months of 2018)

(First 9 Months of Year)

(Trend 2007-2017)

Source: ReCAAP

Recent Contracts, Launches & Deliveries Shipyard




Bollinger Shipyard, Lockport, LA


154 ft FRC USCGC Terrell Horne

U.S. Coast Guard


Blount Boats, Warren, RI


56 ft, 750 hp Tug

NY Power Authority


Chesapeake Shipbuilding, Salisbury, MD


184 PAX Paddlewheeler

American Cruise Lines


Island Tug & Barge, Burnaby, BC, Canada


24m x 12m, 1,700 hp Tug

Island Tug & Barge


Source: Marine Log Shipbuilding Contracts

4 Marine Log // November 2018

Est. $

Est. Del.

Full compliance. No performance compromise. Introducing Mobil SHC Aware HS Series — new, VGP-compliant* hydraulic oils that join the full line of Mobil SHC Aware lubricants. Specifically engineered for marine applications, these hydraulic oils have Eaton and Denison approvals and can help maximize equipment life and extend dry dock intervals.† Learn more at ™

*Environmentally acceptable lubricants are defined in the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) as lubricants that are biodegradable, minimally toxic and non-bioaccumulative. †Compared to mineral alternatives. © 2018 ExxonMobil. All trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.

Marine Innovations Delta T Systems A-60 Fire Damper Slimmer Than All Others Only 4.25” deep, the Slimline A-60 Rated Marine Fire Damper from Delta “T” Systems offers failsafe operation. The electric actuator delivers 180 in-lb of closing torque to overlapping blades; its patented locking mechanism only engages in a true fire event. Available in sizes up to 46.75” x 46.75”. Made in the USA of marine grade 316SS, it’s USCG approved for use in penetrating Class A-0, A-15, A-30 and A-60 bulkheads and decks, is Wheelmark certified and Subchapter M compliant. | Booth 2927 at the WorkBoat show

ExxonMobil Helping Enhance Vessel Performance and Operational Efficiency ExxonMobil offers proven lubrication solutions to help operators enhance vessel performance and enable operational efficiency. Mobil lubricants, paired with our industry-leading technical services, help operators extend engine and equipment life, increase time between engine overhauls and reduce overall operating expenses. Backed by expert sales and engineering teams, we’ll help you choose from a full range of performance marine lubricants. | Booth 2919 at the WorkBoat Show

Glosten and Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Mobile Ballast Treatment System Tested on Great Lakes Ballast Responder, the mobile ballast water treatment system developed by Glosten in cooperation with Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., was tested on board the 730 ft bulk carrier Tim S. Dool. The system is easily transported to any location to treat vessels that have unmanaged or untreated ballast water in port, grounding, or other emergency situations. Within eight hours of arriving the equipment was fully operational with the first set of tanks fully treated, neutralized, and ready to discharge, 20 hours later. |

Red Wing Shoe Company Launches Red Wing for Business Safety Footwear Program Red Wing Shoe Company has launched Red Wing for Business to help safety professionals manage their footwear programs with speed and efficiency. The program makes it easy to uphold safety while mitigating business risk and staying compliant with ever-changing regulations. Red Wing for Business enables employees to purchase footwear at any of Red Wing’s retail stores, mobile stores, and authorized retailers, and also provides safety professionals with access to digital vouchers, billing and reporting.

Roxtec Sleev-it Certified Fire Stop with Roxtec Sleev-it Solution Roxtec Sleev-it™ penetration seals are light-weight, versatile and easy to install solutions providing a certified fire stop for marine applications. The penetration seals prevent fire, gas or water from entering the next compartment. The transition collar ensures fire protection for plastic pipe when connected to steel pipe in a non-pressurized system.

6 Marine Log // November 2018

is driving reliable and efficient marine operations With more than 25 years of experience in the marine industry, Danfoss products have provided reliable, innovative, and cost-effective technologies proven to stand up to the harshest environments. Our global footprint keeps you covered with world-class electric and hydraulic solutions—continually optimized for performance and safety, as well as best-in-class application expertise and support. Discover how we’re Engineering Tomorrow at

25+ years of experience


The Common Place of NSAIDs in Pain & Heart Health

8 Marine Log // November 2018

dangerous bleeding into the brain or stomach — are still present”. Last year the British Journal of Medicine (BMJ 2017;357:j1909) published a report making an even stronger case for reducing NSAID use for pain due to its impact on heart health. Data from 447,763 individuals showed increased probability of heart attack for those taking certain NSAIDs by 24% with celecoxib (Celebrex),

NSAIDs may turn out to be a double-edged sword—helping with pain but also hurting recovery. 48% with ibuprofen, 50% with diclofenac (Voltaren), 53% for naproxen (Aleve) and 58% for rofecoxib. The conclusion was that “All NSAIDs, including naproxen, were found to be associated with an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction (MI).”

Treatment of Pain and Recovery Here are a few things you can do to diminish inflammation from the daily grind on the ship/home front. 1. Proteins (a.k.a. Amino Acids)-When the body is used it needs repair, and the right building tools are required. These building blocks come in the form of amino

Emily Reiblein

Crowley Maritime Corporation, Labor Relations-Union Wellness Programs/ Operations Integrity

Shutterstock/ perfectlab


he use of anti-inflammatories also know n as Non-Steroidal Ant iInflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are common place for everything from heart disease to muscle pain. Americans consume 30 billion NSAIDs pills annually (Medscape 12/ 2017). With all this consumption, one has to ask: What’s the latest research on risks and benefits when taking these drugs? Aspirin was the first NSAID discovered in the late 1800s. Its’ potential power to reduce acute pain and to prevent heart attack/ stroke with small daily doses (a “baby” aspirin a day) make it a desired drug. NSAIDs like aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen work by blocking the body’s production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are signaling mechanisms that cause pain, fever and inflammation at the site of damage when an injury occurs. Following pain and inflammation, prostaglandins start the healing process. Inhibiting prostaglandins by an NSAID may turn out to be a double-edged sword however, helping with pain, but also hurting recovery. The complexity surrounding the use of NSAIDs to prevent heart attacks started around 2002. Multiple avenues of research indicated that a daily aspirin may actually not be as heart healthy as previously thought. Mounting concern over the recommendations for preventative daily use culminated in a 2014 reversal of the recommendation by the FDA. They stated that the data did not support “the use of aspirin as a preventive medication by people who have not had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problem...In such people, the benefit has not been established but risks — such as

acids, and you need 22 of them to rebuild the over 50,000 pieces of you daily including muscles, brain cells, etc. Whole eggs and meats, particularly those with collagen are a good source; vegetables also have proteins in them. When diet is not enough, well formulated collagen protein supplements carry 19 amino acids in them, and can help. 2. Epson Salts-Muscle aches, arthritis and pains can be relaxed with these high magnesium, and sulfate containing salts which go through the skin, lowering inflammation of muscles and around joints. 3. Essential Oils- Studies on Lavender Oil, inhaled and diluted topically, have shown its ability to reduce the use of acetaminophen (Tylenol) for children after surgery, reduced migraines and provided pain relief. In 2013, the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition published a study in which Peppermint Oil showed “relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles, increase in the ventilation and brain oxygen concentration, and decrease in the blood lactate level.” High quality oils can be purchased online or in health food stores. 4. Dietary Modifications-Inflammation in the body can be caused by injury, but also by food. One way to decrease inflammation from food is to increase Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Fish-wild and/or canned, grass fed/pastured animals and all things derived from them (butter, cheese, eggs, etc.) can increase Omega 3s. Additionally, insulin is an inflammatory hormone that secretes when too much sugar/glucose is circulating in the blood. Reducing consumption of added sugars and highly processed carbohydrates can decrease insulin spikes and in turn can decrease inflammation. NSAIDs are landscaped into our lives and this may be the greatest risk they pose to us. We think little of popping a few for pain, and one more for our heart. Recognizing the risks as they are presently understood, understanding recommendations, taking a second look at our use with a doctor, and employing other methods of pain relief when appropriate can help safely manage pain and heart health at the same time.

Rule the Sea

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Press a g e M has Cu N i NE W L S! A V O APPR The most innovative, mechanically-attached fittings for the marine world. Let’s face it. With tighter deadlines, bigger budget constraints and a rising tide of labor scarcity, traditional welding methods have gotten in the way of timely building and repair. Finally, there’s a faster, safer, simpler alternative that brings more certainty and success to the industry. MegaPress CuNi is a new press fitting system designed for copper nickel application aboard ships. It’s a sea change for the marine world. Those who harness it will be those who rule with confidence. MegaPress CuNi now has ABS Type Approval and is U.S. Coast Guard Accepted. Viega. Connected in quality. Learn more about how MegaPress CuNi can help you rule the sea at Visit us at International Workboat Show, Booth #627.


BIZ NOTES Tidewater, GulfMark Closer to Merger

World’s Largest LNG Bunker Vessel Heads Towards Operations The world’s largest LNG bunker

supply vessel, the 7,500 m3 capacity Kairos was making moves last month when it began its journey from Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) in Ulsan, South Korea to Northwest Europe where it will operate in the Baltic Sea. Expected to begin operations by the end of the year, Kairos features several unique elements, including a ballast-free design, and the installation of a CNG tank to store vapor return gas from customer vessels. “The arrival of the Kairos in the Baltic Sea will set a milestone for LNG as a ship fuel,” said Mahinde Abeynaike, CEO of Nauticor, a 90% stakeholder in the joint venture that charters the vessel. “From then on, supply of LNG as a marine fuel in the Baltic Sea is secured on a large-scale basis. This is

a great step for sustainable and responsible shipping with a large impact on air and water quality.” Mindaugas Jusius, CEO of Klaip ė dos nafta (KN), which holds the remaining 10% of the joint venture, points out that the new ship will ensure an efficient LNG reloading station service in the Port of Klaipėda in Lithuania and offer a full LNG logistics chain in the Baltic Sea region to its customers. “The main advantage and ambition of the new vessel is to ensure more competitive pricing for the LNG reloading station users,” notes Jusius. “It will not only reduce the cost of the LNG supply chain, but will also ensure the smooth and reliable service to distribution station users in Klaipėda.”

The Board of Directors of both Tidewater Inc. and GulfMark Offshore, Inc. have unanimously recommended that stockholders vote “FOR” proposals leading to the merger of the two companies. The offshore services specialists have filed a joint definitive proxy statement and prospectus with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regarding the pending business combination wherein Tidewater will acquire all of GulfMark’s outstanding shares in a stock-for-stock exchange. Under the terms of the agreement, GulfMark stockholders will receive 1.100 shares of Tidewater common stock for each share of GulfMar k common s tock held by them. Each GulfMark noteholder warrant will be automatically conver ted into the right to receive 1.10 0 T id ew ater s hares, s ub ject to Jones Act restrictions on maximum ownership of shares by non-U.S. citizens. Collectively, the GulfMark stockholders will beneficially own 27% of the combined company after completion of the combination, or 26% on a fullydiluted basis. Subject to approval, the parties expect to close the transaction on or about November 15, 2018.

Another Prison Sentence Handed Down In Fat Leonard Case The latest accomplice in the Fat

Leonard affair received a 30- month prison sentence for his role in the fraud scandal. Last month, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California sentenced former U.S. Navy Commander Troy Amundson for his part in the corruption scandal involving foreign defense contractor Leonard Glenn Francis and his company, Glenn Defense Marine Asia (GDMA). The 51 year old Amundson had pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit bribery, admitting that he conspired with Francis and others to receive things of value 10 Marine Log // November 2018

in exchange for taking official actions for the benefit of GDMA and violating his official duties to the U.S. Navy. From May 2005 to May 2013, Amundson served as the officer responsible for coordinating the U.S. Navy’s joint military exercise with its foreign navy counterparts. Part of his responsibilities included creating and maintaining cooperative relationships with the U.S. Navy’s foreign navy exercise partners. According to Amundson, from September 2012 through October 2013, Francis paid for dinner, drinks, transportation, other entertainment expenses, and the services

of prostitutes for Amundson and other U.S. Navy officers. In return, Amundson provided Francis with sensitive information, such as U.S. Navy ship schedules. Amundson further admitted that he attempted to cover up his involvement, following an investigation on October 2013 by federal authorities, by deleting his email correspondences with Francis. After completing his prison sentence, Amundson will pay a $10,000 fine and $21,625.60 in restitution. To date, 33 defendants have been charged due to their involvement in the fraud and 21 have pleaded guilty.


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Blount Boats Adds Tug Order From NYPA Blount Boats, Inc ., Warren, RI, con-

Crowley’s Christening of El Coquí Kicks Off Greener Tune for the Shipping Industry One of the world’s first ConRo ships

to operate on liquefied natural gas (LNG) Crowley Maritime Corporation’s 26,500 dwt Commitment Class, El Coquí was officially christened last month by Christine Crowley, a Crowley Board of Directors member and wife of Chairman and CEO Tom Crowley. The ceremony took place in front of more than 400 people, including White House and local officials, U.S. congressional members, representatives from El Coquí’s builder VT Halter Marine, employees from Eagle LNG and Crowley, vessel crewmembers and more. “It’s a culmination of many, many years of hard work, many, many years of transition for this company,” said Chairman and CEO Tom Crowley, who applauded the company’s employees and partners for their success in designing, constructing and operating the ship. Powered by a MAN B&W 8S70ME-GI8.2 main engine and three MAN 9L28/32DF

auxiliary engines, El Coquí can transport up to 2,400 TEUs at a cruising speed of 22 knots. The 720 ft ship features a ventilated and weather-tight Ro/Ro deck that protects cars and larger vehicles during transit. “El Coquí represents not just the $3 billion investment that Crowley has made in this industry in recent years, it really is the future of the maritime industry itself,” said Alexander B. Gray, Special Assistant to the President of the Defense Industrial Base. He added that the LNG vessel “will serve as a shining example of the technological innovation that’s going to allow this industry to remain a global leader for decades to come.” El Coquí, which will operate on the Jones Act U.S. mainland-Puerto Rico trade, arrived in San Juan on her maiden voyage on July 30, 2018. Sister ship, Taíno, is currently in the final phases of construction and testing at VT Halter Marine’s Pascagoula, MS, shipyard. Taíno will be delivered later this year.

tinues to add to its order book. The boat builder recently won a contract to construct an ice breaking, all-welded-steel, dieselpowered, double-screw tugboat for the New York Power Authority (NYPA). Naval architectural and marine engineering firm Bristol Harbor Group, Inc., Bristol, RI developed the contract design for the tug. The firm will also provide technical oversight during the fabrication process on behalf of NYPA. The 56 ft x 18.5 ft shallow draft tug will replace existing vessels in the NYPA fleet currently used for the installation, removal and maintenance of the Lake Erie Ice Boom and various associated marine construction projects. Powering the tug will be two Caterpillar series C-9 engines. The vessel will also meet USCG Subchapter M requirements with a hull, machinery, electrical and safety equipment that will comply with the regulations. The tugs will be delivered to NYPA Fall 2019. The contract is the fourth in a series of newbuilds Blount Boats is building for different operators in New York State. Currently, Blount is constructing a new passenger-only ferry for The Trust for Governor Island. The 132 ft vessel will shuttle passengers from lower Manhattan to Governors Island. Meanwhile, Hull #370 is an 85 ft all aluminum-hulled ferry being built for Fire Island Ferries. Built and certified under USCG Subchapter K Rules and Regulations, it will be powered by John Deere 6135SFM85 engines with ZF 550 reduction gears. Rounding out the contracts is a new 101 ft double-ended ferry for South Ferry Company. The ferry, Southern Cross, will be powered by Caterpillar series C-18 Tier III & IMO II certified diesel engines.

Start Here

Charleston, South Carolina 12 Marine Log // November 2018

On-Time In Budget Top Quality Safety Focused

Crowley Maritime Corporation

Smooth, Easy BARGE Repairs


Bayonne Dry Dock & Repair’s Expansion Plans Perched on a manmade peninsula in New York Harbor, Bayonne Dry Dock & Repair Corporation, Bayonne, NJ, is in the midst of a major expansion that will see it invest approximately $18 million in its facility. “The Port of New York and New Jersey is one of the busiest ports in the country,” says Michael Cranston, President, Bayonne Dry Dock (BDD). “There’s a lot of cargo coming in and out of here. The Port of New York and New Jersey is acutely aware of that and that’s why they are working with us. Those commercial vessels that come here can be serviced right here in the port.” BDD utilizes it massive graving dock— measuring 1,092 ft x 148 ft, with a floor load capacity of 99,000 tons—to do just that. The concrete graving dock can accommodate the largest Military Sealift Command (MSC), government, and commercial cargo ships. The graving dock has a “95% occupancy of hard bookings” over the next 8 to 10 months, according to Cranston.

Cranston says the current expansion is aimed at serving the region’s growing small commercial vessel market, including ferries, tugs, dinner boats and service vessels. Among the key investments are the floating drydock from Union Drydock and a large mobile boat hoist. The expansion will see the shipyard add up to 80 new skilled workers. “With the new tax cuts and depreciation laws that Congress passed last year, there is a lot more opportunity for investment for new equipment,” says Cranston. He also points out that it’s also good for his workforce. “The employees are also coming home with more money now.” In addition, this past summer BDD was awarded $1,081,950 Small Shipyard Grant by the U.S. Maritime Administration in support of the purchase of a CNC plasma table, brake press, plate roll, welding machines, iron worker, graving dock upgrades and hydroblast equipment. Overseeing much of BDD’s expansion is Bob Magas, General Manager Commercial

Bob Magas, General Manager Commercial Operations, BDD Operations, who joined the shipyard this past February. Magas says one of the “key pieces of the puzzle” that is being added to the shipyard is a mobile boat hoist (MBH), currently under construction at Cimolai Technology SpA in Italy. “The 1,280-ton MBH will be the largest of its type in the region,” says Magas, enabling the shipyard to lift and haul out the largest boats operating in New York Harbor, including ATB tugs. BDD will use the MBH to simultaneously service vessels in a repair staging area, increasing the shipyard’s capacity and flexibility to support the commercial market.

HII’s Avondale Facility Gets A New Lease On Life H u n t i n g to n I n g a l l s Industries (HII) has closed the sale of its Avondale facility to Avondale Marine—a joint venture between T.P. Host and Hilco Redevelopment Partners. Part of HII’s Ingalls Shipbuilding division, the Avondale facility ceased Navy shipbuilding operations in December 2014. However, its UNO Maritime Center of Excellence has remained open and continues to provide engineering and design work in support of Ingalls Shipbuilding’s programs. In the coming months, Avondale Marine will begin its planning process for the approximately 254-acre site in partnership

Barges Dry Docks Work Boats John R. Snyder


R/V VIRGINIA 93’ x 28’ x 9’-6” draft Accommodations for 12 Designed by JMS for Virginia Inst. of Marine Science

with stakeholders. According to a release from the Louisiana Economic Development Board (LED), Avondale Marine will redevelop the site’s crane, dock and terminal assets along nearly 8,000 feet of Mississippi River frontage, while connecting global waterborne commerce with manufacturing, fabrication and distribution facilities onshore. Capturing connections to six Class I rail carriers in the New Orleans area, the new owners envision creating a world-scale logistics hub at the former shipyard. “For generations, Avondale Shipyards has been a source of pride for the community

that generated jobs and economic development,” said Adam Anderson, President and CEO of T.P. Host and Principal of Avondale Marine. “Our team will unleash its potential by transforming the shipyard into a global logistics hub for intermodal commerce. As we usher in a new era for this facility, we will benefit from the strength and skill of the workforce in Jefferson Parish and Louisiana. We are grateful for the steadfast support and leadership of the governor, parish president and council, as well as our partners in this project, including the Port of New Orleans, Public Belt, JEDCO, GNO, Inc., Business Council and Chamber of Commerce.”

Let’s make plans. Naval Architecture Marine Engineering 860.536.0009

November 2018 // Marine Log 13


Good Winds: U.S. Offshore Wind Projects Kick into High Gear

U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Ryan

Zinke has announced the development of three offshore wind energy projects off both the U.S. East and West coast. The first major development comes from Massachusetts, where the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will hold a much-anticipated wind auction that will include nearly 390,000 acres of offshore area—the Massachusetts Wind Energy Area. Nineteen companies have already qualified to participate in the auction. If fully developed, BOEM says the Massachusetts Wind Energy Area could support approximately 4.1 gigawatts of commercial wind generation, enough to power 1.5 million homes. Block Island, the nation’s only offshore windfarm, could soon have a new neighbor. BOEM is expected to publish a Notice of

Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction and Operations Plan for the South Fork Wind Project, offshore Rhode Island and approximately 19 miles southeast of Block Island. If approved, the plan would allow construction and operation of up to 15 turbines that will connect via a transmission cable to a grid in East Hampton, NY. Over on the West Coast, BOEM will publish a Call for Information and Nominations (Call) to identify companies interested in commercial wind energy leases within three proposed areas off central and northern California. The areas include 85 OCS blocks and 573 partial blocks which together comprise approximately 1,073 m2.

acquire a 100% equity interest in Rhode Island-based Deepwater Wind for the price of $510 million. The newly merged company will be called Ørsted U.S. Offshore Wind. The team will be led by Ørsted U.S. Offshore Wind CEO Thomas Brostrøm, Co-CEO Jeff Grybowski, President, and CFO David Hang —both from the Deepwater Wind team— and COO Claus Bøjle Møller from Ørsted. “With this transaction we’re creating the number one offshore wind platform in North America, merging the best of two worlds, Deepwater Wind’s longstanding expertise in originating, developing and permitting offshore wind projects in the U.S. and Ørsted’s unparalleled track-record in engineering, construcing and operating large-scale offshore wind farms,” said Martin Neubert, CEO of Offshore Wind at Ørsted. Deepwater Wind’s portfolio has a total potential capacity of approximately 3.3GW –including Block Island (30MW). Ørsted’s U.S. offshore wind portfolio meanwhile has 5.5GW, including the development rights for up to 3.5GW at the Ocean Wind site off the coast of New Jersey. In total, Ørsted U.S. Offshore Wind will be able to deliver energy to seven states on the U.S. East Coast.

Ørsted to Acquire Deepwater Wind The news from Secretary Zinke came on the heels of the acquisition agreement between Danish headquartered Ørsted A/S and D.E. Shaw Group. Ørsted is one of the world’s largest developers of offshore wind farms and most recently, it opened the world’s largest offshore wind farm, the Walney Extension, in the Irish Sea. Under the acquisition plan, Ørsted will


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14 Marine Log // November 2018




Ocean Energy’s Giant OE Buoy Comes to Life at Vigor An 826 ton buoy under construction by


shipbuilder Vigor in Oregon for Irish based wave power pioneer Ocean Energy has the potential to meet the power demands of energy hungry and rapidly expanding IoT technology companies and others. The OE Buoy, a 125 feet long, 68 feet tall, and 59 feet wide wave device, or “marine hydrokinetic convertor” is set for completion next spring, when it will be towed to the U.S. Navy Wave Energy Test Site on the windward coast of O’ahu, Hawaii. The private sector project is supported by the U.S. and Irish governments, together with their agencies as part of an agreement committing both governments to collaborating on marine hydrokinetic technologies. The OE Buoy has a potential rated capacity of up to 1.25 MW in electrical power production giving it the ability to support a range of uses including marine-based data centers, offshore fish farming, desalination plants, naval Underwater Autonomous Vehicle (AUV) power platforms, off-grid applications for remote island communities as well as utility-quality electricity supply. John McCarthy, CEO of Ocean Energy, says, “In the energy-hungry and rapidly

expanding IoT world, technology companies will be able to benefit from wave power through the development of OE Buoy devices as marine-based data storage and processing centers. The major players in Big Data are already experimenting with subsea data centers to take advantage of the energy savings by cooling these systems in the sea. OE Buoy now presents them with the potential double-benefit of ocean cooling and ocean energy in the one device.” The sustainability aspects of the OE Buoy project are significant. Each deployed commercial device could reduce CO2 emissions

by over 3,600 tons annually, which for a utility-scale wave farm of 100 MW could amount to over 180,000 tons of CO2 a year. It is estimated that a 100 MW wave farm could power up to 18,750 American homes. Emerging industries such as offshore aquaculture could also benefit from wave energy as they require power at remote marine locations. Additionally, with safe drinking water shortages plaguing cities around the world, wave energy could potentially provide a highly cost-effective solution to providing the power needed for large scale desalination projects.



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November 2018 // Marine Log 15


RFP Released for NSMV Training Ships’ Vessel Construction Manager

The U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) is taking steps to make the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) training ship a reality. In October, the agency released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit a Vessel Construction Manager (VCM) for the NSMV training ships. The selected VCM would then contract with a qualified shipyard to ensure that commercial best practices are utilized in delivering the ship on time and on budget. The first NSMV will replace the Empire State VI, the training ship used

by SUNY Maritime College. The new NSMV training ships will be designed as state-of-the-art training platforms, featuring a full training bridge, lab spaces, auditorium, and classrooms. With space for up to 600 cadets, the ship will provide the newest generations of merchant mariners at sea a world-class education. “A new multi-mission vessel built by an American Shipyard will not only create new jobs, but help train the next generation of American mariners and contribute to disaster relief,” said U.S. Secretary

of Transportation, Elaine L. Chao. U.S. training ships, like the future NSMV, provide support to the federal government during relief and response efforts following natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Such was the case last year following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, when the Empire State VI was activated to help with the response efforts. The new NSMV will also include stateof-the-art hospital facilities, a helicopter landing pad and the ability to berth up to 1,000 people. The ship is designed with a roll-on/roll-off ramp and container storage enabling it to provide aid to damaged ports. MARAD notes that the economic benefit of the coastwise-endorsed training vessel(s) goes well beyond benefitting academies and replacing the aging training ship fleet— the new NSMV program’s benefits will also extend to the men and women in the shipbuilding and repair industry. Maritime Administrator Mark H. Buzby says, “The U.S. shipbuilding and repair industry is vital to the economic strength and security of our nation and this project will demonstrate that American shipbuilding remains the global standard of excellence.”

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inside washington

President Trump Signs Waterway Infrastructure Bill


hese days, there are few things that are done in a bipartisan fashion in Washington, but one thing that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on is the need to reinvest in our crumbling waterways infrastructure. Last month, President Trump signed into law America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, also known as the Water R e s o u rc e s D e v e l o p m e n t A c t (WRDA), which authorizes work by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on locks, dams,

dredging, and other waterways projects. The legislation was hailed by inland waterways users and industry. When it passed the Senate by a 99-1 vote on October 10, Waterways Council Inc. (WCI) President and CEO Mike Toohey — a regular contributor to Marine Log — said the passage of the bill was a “win for the Nation’s towboat operators, freight shippers, ports, and labor and conservation groups that rely on an efficient inland waterways system.” WRDA 2018 authorizes about $9 billion for USACE civil-works projects and Environmental Protection Agency drinking water and seweroverflow control programs. These authorizations still require annual appropriations before construction contracts or projects can move forward. WRDA also authorizes $3.7 billion in federal funds for 12 Corps dredging, flood protection and other projects. When non-federal funding

shares are added, those projects’ combined is about $5.6 billion. This includes $2.2 billion for flood protection and ecosystem restoration along the Texas Gulf Coast. In addition, the WRDA includes enhanced funding for the deepening of Savannah Harbor in Georgia and replacement for the Chickamauga Lock on the Tennessee River— projects already under-construction. William P. Doyle, CEO and Execu t i v e D i re c t o r o f t h e D re d g i n g Contractors of America said, “This legislation cuts bureaucratic red tape, it creates jobs, and keeps our coastal communities, ports, harbors, and inland waterway system safe. It will grow the nation’s economy and speed up important projects.” The bill does not contain any authorization language that would allow for lockage fees and/or tolls on the inland waterways system, which was opposed by WCI.


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November 2018 // Marine Log 17

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Boat Builders Coast Guard crewmembers spotted the North Star submerged on her starboard side in St. Andrews Bay

After the storm

Coast Guard Photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class David Brindley


arly October brought with it a ferocious Category 4 hurricane that walloped the Florida Panhandle and caused severe damage at Eastern Shipbuilding Group’s (ESG) two shipyards in Panama City, FL. One indication of Hurricane Michael’s severity was the damage to the 261 ft Alaska factory trawler, North Star, which was nearing completion at the yard. The ship was swept from its moorings during the storm and submerged on its starboard side in St. Andrews Bay. Jim Johnson, President of Glacier Fish Co, manager of the ship, told the Seattle Times that the company was “working with the shipyard, insurance and salvage officials to retrieve the vessel and survey its condition.” At press time damage at both of ESG’s yards was being assessed but no project schedule changes had been announced. Also under construction at ESG are three new 4,500-passenger ferries for NYCDOT. The first two in the class are already under construction. In a statement, NYCDOT said that the “first aerial photos from Panama City, where Eastern Shipbuilding is

By Shirley Del Valle, Managing Editor based, illustrate that neither of the ferries— the Staff Sgt Michael Ollis and the Sandy Ground—appears damaged. “However, our on-site representatives have confirmed that virtually every other structure in the shipyard was lost, either completely or partially. The shipyard has lost electricity, and many Eastern employees have lost their homes.” In the days that followed Hurricane Michael’s landfall ESG worked to put the pieces back together, reaching out and trying to provide employees with resources for aid and assistance, and doing its best to get the yard cleaned and operations running again. “As a family-owned business, we consider our employees part of our family and they are our first priority,” said Joey D’Isernia, President, Eastern Shipbuilding Group. “We remain committed to doing everything we can to help them through this difficult time.” ESG says its employees are being provided with “meals on-site as well as water, ice and other essentials” they may “need to take home for their families.” The shipbuilder is also providing temporary accommodations for those employees hit hardest by the storm.

ESG also has the support of the maritime community. The desire to help from industry partners was so adamant ESG created a GoFundMe page to facilitate the donation process. The GoFundMe page states, “After many requests from our marine industry customers, vendors, subcontractors, suppliers and fellow community leadership looking for a way to directly help our employees, we are creating this Fund to help the employees of Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Inc. that suffered losses from the hurricane and provide financial resources to help rebuild their lives. Thank you from our President: Joey D’Isernia.” You too can help support the effort by donating to the Eastern Shipbuilding Employee Fund, which will help employees hardest hit by Hurricane Michael overcome “mounting recovery expenses.” Donate directly at: eastern-shipbuilding-employee-fund To offer meals, materials, and service support contact Megan Hartsfield: (850) 691.7837 | or Steve Berthold: (850) 896.9869 | November 2018 // Marine Log 19

boat builders

Pushing Ahead By Shirley Del Valle, Managing Editor, Marine Log

n an ever-changing world, where today’s technology is the “it” thing one minute and obsolete the next, how can boat builders meet customer demands, while keeping their businesses thriving and employees up-to-date on the latest training practices? For Mobile, AL, based Silver Ships, Inc. the key to meeting challenges head on is having a solid core of skilled, experienced people in place, willing to learn and work through the changes together. “One of the biggest challenges we face,” says Steven Clarke, CFO and Co-Owner of Silver Ships, “is the integration of rapidly changing technology in boats that see the harshest of conditions. ‘Rugged and simple’ has been replaced with ‘rugged and complex.’” To help, Silver Ships has “a robust engineering and support team that works closely together and with our customers to address and overcome these challenges.” While demanding, the changing environment is not one Silver Ships shies away from. On the contrary, the company seeks out distinctive projects. “We are always working on unique and exciting projects to meet our customers’ mission-specific needs,” notes 20 Marine Log // November 2018

Clarke. Among those projects is the design, construction and delivery of three catamarans for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The vessels will be used for hydrographic survey operations. The Silver Ships team also recently completed two customized diver transport and training vessels for the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Marine Combatant Dive Center. To meet the needs of both its customers and growing business Silver Ships recently bought a new 40 ft CNC Router Table to supplement its existing 40 ft CNC Router. “This addition,” says Clarke, “will allow us to increase production capability as well as offer redundancy in that critical area of production. Other additions to our growing company include a new 8,000 ft2 facility that is currently in construction, which will be dedicated to storage and inventory control.”

A Skilled Labor Force A shortage in skilled labor also continues to be an issue that plagues boat builders across the U.S. “The biggest challenge for me is skilled labor,” says Julie Blount, Executive Vice President, Blount Boats. “Right now, we have a mix of our core workforce

and subcontractors. And, we have set up several training programs for bringing in young talent. But it is really hard keeping some of these millenials.” The Warren, RI, boat builder will need a skilled labor force as it adds more vessels to the order book. It recently won a contract to construct an ice breaking, all-welded-steel, diesel-powered, double-screw tugboat for the New York Power Authority (NYPA). You can read more about the contract in this month’s Update section starting on page 10. Blount is also currently building three ferries for New York-based operators. The shipyard partnered with Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG), Seattle, WA, for the design and construction of a new passengeronly ferry for Governors Island by The Trust For Governors Island (Trust). The 132 ft double-ended ferry is scheduled to be launched this month. It’s also building an 85 ft aluminumhulled ferry for Fire Island Ferries and a 101 ft long steel ferry for South Ferry Company. Burger Boat Company’s Douglas Borys tells Marine Log that one of the ways Burger Boat is preparing for the future is in investing its time in promoting the industry to the

Metal Shark


Boat builders tackle a changing market

boat Builders Boat builders the program has led to the hiring of several students at the yard. A winner of the recently awarded Small Shipyard Grant from MARAD, MGBW will use its $400,000 grant to purchase “new cutting edge technology,” says Yam. Among the new acquisitions will be a CNC router table, a 46-foot knuckle boom lift, a 6,000- pound forklift and a 33,000- pound forklift. “Modern equipment w ill markedly improve efficiencies and expedite project delivery for the Navy new construction work and commercial vessel repair work that we have booked while allowing the shipyard to compete for domestic and international work,” explains Yam. Additionally, she notes, “MGBW has budgeted $1.8 million to replace all of its outdated forklifts for a fleet of new electric forklifts for 2019.” The yard is able to take part in the California Energy Commission grant through the San Diego Port Tenants Association, enabling it to test the electric forklifts later this year. By using electric forklifts, air and noise emissions are reduced leading to improvement in the air quality.

Pushing Forward, Always One builder mastering the art of change i s Me t a l S h a r k . T h e Je a n e r e t t e , L A

Superstructure for the Governors Island ferry at Blount Boats headquartered boatbuilder has grown substantially both in yard capacity and building portfolio over the last few years. This past summer the company announced its acquisition of Horizon Shipbuilding, Bayou La Batre, AL. Horizon, a partner with Metal Shark in the NYC Ferry vessel project, where each builder built several vessels for the fleet at their respective yard, had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2017.

John R. Snyder

up and coming generation. The Wisconsin shipyard “promotes itself as a destination for tradespeople to further refine their craft,” says Borys. “Burger also works with local high schools and technical colleges to expose students to the many career opportunities available in shipbuilding. We work with these institutions to ensure they provide the needed skillsets.” For workers already at the yard, Burger Boat fosters a learning environment, helping to enhance skills by investing in new technology that will give the team an upper hand, and improve productivity, safety and efficiency. “Burger continues to invest in its commitment to LEAN construction and provides its team members the latest in technology through education of its staff, facility improvements and equipment,” says Borys. California’s Marine Group Boat Works’ (MGBW) development of a welding training program could hold the key to not only refining the skills of its existing workforce, but also introducing the industry to new, interested candidates, via an apprenticeship program. MGBW’s Leah Yam explains that the yard “already has a shadow program where local high school welding students spend their spring break shadowing welders and ship fitters.” Currently in its eighth year,

November 2018 // Marine Log 21

boat builders

Aerial view of Metal Shark Alabama The acquisition of Horizon was expected to expand Metal Shark’s capability and capacity—more specifically, the move would enable Metal Shark to leverage Horizon’s steel vessel construction expertise, enabling it to reach a market it hadn’t built for before. And from the looks of it, the purchase is already paying off. As we were going to press, Metal Shark, which had traditionally been known for building welded - aluminum vessels, announced it had won a contract to build three 120 ft x 35 ft river towboats for Florida Marine Transporters, Inc., Mandeville, LA. Designed by John W. Gilbert Associates, Inc., the USCG Subchapter M compliant

towboats will be welded-steel and be powered by a pair of Cat 3512C Tier 3 engines. The towboats will be built at the former site of Horizon, a 35-acre shipyard now named Metal Shark Alabama. “The first step in bringing our Alabama facilities online was to implement the technology, production and project management methodologies, and engineering-driven processes developed and perfected during the course of building over 1,000 vessels at our two Louisiana shipbuilding facilities,” says Metal Shark’s CEO, Chris Allard. “Now, with systems in place, multiple new steel vessels under construction, and strong demand for our refit and repair services, we

can proudly say that Metal Shark Alabama is open for business.” Bringing a load of steel construction expertise to Metal Shark’s team is Travis Short. The former President and CEO of Horizon Shipbuilding was kept on board after the acquisition and now serves as Executive Vice President at Metal Shark Alabama. Horizon had built towboats for multiple inland operators including Florida Marine Transporters. Playing a key role in developing the relationship between Florida Marine Transporters and Metal Shark is Billy Smith III. The former founder, shareholder, and Vice President of Trinity Yachts, LLC, now serves as a Key Account Manager at Metal Shark. “Our significant and ongoing investment in Alabama underscores the extent to which we are committed to solidifying our status as a highly capable and competitive steel shipbuilder,” says Allard. “We will continue to aggressively recruit new employees, engage new clients, and push to set new standards for efficiency and reliability as we build on what is now the most diverse portfolio of vessels offered by any domestic shipbuilder.” With construction on the towboat series already underway at Metal Shark Alabama, deliveries are expected to begin in 2019.

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22 Marine Log // November 2018

osv Market osvs


Market Still Oversupplied

Despite the uptick in barrel price, OSV utilization remains low, with not much optimism on the horizon By Judy Murray, Contributing Editor

Shutterstock/ Red ivory


n the middle of 2015, global offshore support vessel (OSV) utilization began to fall, hitting a nadir of barely 45% in January of 2017. While more vessels have gone to work over the last 18 months, the sector is still struggling, and the outlook is far from promising. According to an offshore outlook report produced by analysts at Clarksons Research, the OSV sector is one of the most challenged in the entire offshore industry. As of August 2018, there were more than 1,200 OSVs in layup. Some of these are older units, and many of them are unlikely to return to service. In fact, nearly 50 percent of the laid-up vessels have not worked in at least two years. While these OSVs sit idle, their condition continues to degrade, and reactivation costs, particularly for vessels that have been idle for 24 months or more, are high. These circumstances paint

a rather bleak picture for the future of the inactive vessels, particularly when there are more than enough active units available to meet industry demand,

In the midst of this doom and gloom there is some good news. Analysts at Alix Partners agree, noting in a recent report ominously titled, “Too many ships, too few rigs: why recovery is still a distant dream for the OSV sector,” that

these aging laid-up vessels simply are not competitive enough to re-enter the market. “Indications are that vessels older than 15 years will have difficulty finding work,” the report says, because “newer vessels are more efficient, less costly, and more compliant with increased environmental regulations.” Even with more than one thousand vessels taken out of the active fleet, there is considerable overcapacity, and there are hundreds of platform supply vessels (PSVs) and anchor-handling, tug and supply (AHTS) units remaining on the orderbooks. Clarksons cautions, however, that it would be unwise to look at orderbook numbers alone to project the size of the global fleet at the end of 2018 because those numbers could be deceptive. According to their data, as of 3Q 2018, only 50 new OSVs had entered the fleet since January. They contend that a number of the vessels on order November 2018 // Marine Log 23

osv market more activity. Data gathered by Clarksons Research shows that the North Sea led in terms of day rate improvement in the first half of 2018. Rates for a large PSV on a one-year charter improved to £9,000/day (US$11,750) by the middle of the year, which represents a 30 percent improvement since the beginning of the year and a 50 percent improvement since the first signs of a turn in the market in the summer of 2017. There was more activity in the North Sea this summer than in recent years, and a number of vessels were contracted for Arctic work, but once the summer season passed, demand began to drop, with day rates following suit. Clarksons predicts the market will continue to soften, leading some owners to move assets into short-term layup. Brazil also saw a slight rise in demand, with Petrobras putting out bids, mostly for short-term contracts. Southeast Asia experienced a slight rise in day rates as well, but regrettably, there is little reason to believe these higher rates will be sustained either. Rather, both regions are more likely to slide back toward lower demand and lower rates, mirroring conditions from the Gulf of Mexico to West Africa.

Shale Shakeup

could end up being abandoned before they are completed, and some of the vessels that will come out of the yards will be candidates for resale. With the number of vessels that have been demolished this year or otherwise exited the fleet, it is possible that by yearend, the global fleet might well be somewhat smaller than it was at the beginning of the year. It is difficult to predict how many vessels actually will be removed from the fleet in this manner, but the expectation is that the size of the fleet will continue to shrink. Even so, it will take several years of removals exceeding deliveries to rectify oversupply, even if the demand side were to continue to strengthen moderately. The fact is that the two primary indicators of the future health of the OSV sector, utilization rates and day rates, are far from positive at present, and there is no indication that things will change in the near term. The number of active offshore rigs in Q3 2018 was 33 percent below 2014 levels, 24 Marine Log // November 2018

declining from 706 to 474. The drop in the number of active offshore rigs seriously impacted OSV day rates, which plummeted 40 percent during that same time period. Meanwhile, the size of the OSV fleet grew from 3,389 in 2014, when demand was significantly higher, to 3,583 vessels this year, when fewer offshore rigs require their service. The OSV-to-rig ratio illustrates a serious oversupply issue that the sector will not be able to overcome in the near term.

Regional Activity In the midst of this doom and gloom, there is some good news. Day rates have gone up in some markets; so there were at least a couple of regions that saw a ray of hope during 2018. Unfortunately, much of this was a direct result of seasonal demand and short-term contracts, which means it will not have a long-term effect on utilization rates over all. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to take a look at the areas that experienced

Looking Ahead The data to date point toward a questionable future for the OSV market. While there were some encouraging indicators in 2018 that showed increased fleet utilization and higher day rates, too much of the good news resulted from seasonal increases and not from a healthier market overall. However, if owners continue to address the issue of oversupply, judiciously culling the fleet and managing the vessels on order, realignment is possible in the longer term. And there is hope that careful rebalancing could create a leaner fleet with a more viable future.

Clarksons Research

While its difficult to predict how many vessels will be removed from the fleet, its safe to say the size of the fleet will continue to shrink. Source: Clarksons Research

One of the factors impacting OSV demand is the uptick in the shale sector. According to the Alix Partners report, “There has been a structural shift in demand due to the emergence of massive new supplies of shale oil in 2014,” which has dramatically altered the oil industry’s cost basis and brought with it devastating financial consequences. Simply put, offshore lost its edge because of the higher capital investment required at the front end and the longer payback period. In comparison, shale oil is abundant and cheaper to produce, which means it is likely to continue to constrain offshore development and the subsequent demand for OSVs.

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Q&A Kirsi Tikka with

Executive Vice President and Senior Maritime Advisor, Global Marine, ABS By John R. Snyder, Publisher & Editor in Chief


The following interview has been abbreviated and edited for space. You can hear the entire interview on our Listen Up! Podcasts at 26 Marine Log // November 2018

John R. Snyder

or shipowners, the clock is ticking on one of the shipping industry’s most significant air emission regulations. The IMO 2020 Global Sulfur Cap, due to take effect on January 1, 2020, will mandate that shipowners burn 0.5% sulfur fuel to comply or use other means such as exhaust gas cleaning systems — so-called scrubbers — if they want to burn heavy fuel oil or operate their ships with dual fuel engines that can burn Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or another alternative fuel, such as ethane, methane, methanol or even LPG. All ships that operate outside current Emissions Control Areas (ECAs) will be required to use fuel oil with a maximum sulfur content of 0.5% while vessels operating within ECAs will be required to use fuel oil with a maximum sulfur content of 0.10%. Currently, there are ECAs in North America and the U.S. Caribbean, Baltic and North Seas, and along certain parts of the coast of China. To get some insight into the widespread ramifications of the IMO 2020 Sulfur Cap, we spoke with Kirsi Tikka, the wellrespected ABS Executive Vice President and Senior Maritime Advisor, Global Marine. Kirsi spoke with us about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the compliance options, as well as future IMO regulations regarding the reduction of CO 2 emissions and greenhouse gases. Kirsi will be the keynote speaker for Marine Log Smarter Ships 2018, which is set for December 11, 2018 at the India House in New York City. The conference will examine best technologies and best practices for compliance, with an emphasis on improving efficiency and safety and leveraging digitalization.

EXECUTIVE SPOTLIGHT Feature MARINE LOG: One of the challenges facing the shipping industry now is the IMO 2020 Sulfur Cap. What’s the ultimate goal of the sulfur cap? KIRSI TIKKA: Sulfur oxides are a pollutant, similar to particulate matter and NOx. It’s a health hazard and also sulfur oxides in the atmosphere can cause acid rain. So by reducing the sulfur oxides from shipping, it is both beneficial for health and the environment. Unfortunately, shipping is quite a big producer of sulfur oxides into the atmosphere because shipping has traditionally been burning high sulfur fuel oil. The objective of the 2020 (IMO sulfur cap) is to reduce the sulfur in the fuel so that the emissions contain less sulfur oxides. There is an alternative to using exhaust gas cleaning as an alternative to low sulfur fuel in that case, you’re cleaning the sulfur oxides from the emissions and trying to get the same result you would get from burning low sulfur fuel. ML: Now you mentioned exhaust gas cleaning or scrubbers as one of the options for owners. What are the options for compliance with the 2020 sulfur cap? KT: The first option is to definitely burn compliant fuel. Compliant fuel means a fuel that contains less than 0.5% sulfur content. Another option is an exhaust gas cleaning system or what some refer to as scrubber. It cleans the sulfur from the emissions. It’s approval is based on getting the equivalency of getting the same result as burning the low sulfur fuel. Those are the main two options. There are other alternatives such as LNG as a fuel, which some owners have opted for not as retrofits, but for newbuilds. However, it’s a small percentage. There are other technologies, other fuels available such LPG, methane, and ethanol, but those have been implemented even less than LNG. ML: What are the main advantages or disadvantages of these options and how is ABS supporting its clients with these choices? KT: The main advantage of the low sulfur fuel is that you don’t have to make major modifications to the vessel to burn compliant fuel. There may be some modifications involved, but most owners have already done those modifications to burn the 0.1% fuel in the ECA zones. And so for most vessels you would not need any modifications. In that way, it’s an easy option to select. However, there are some concerns about the availability of the fuels, particularly in terms of the worldwide distribution. And also the compatibility of the fuels because there will be multiple fuels available. Then there are quality concerns,

particularly for the blended fuels, which most of the compliant fuels will be blended fuels and some of the safety concerns that result from off spec fuels. In terms of exhaust gas cleaning, a scrubber obviously requires a capital expense because you have to perform the installation; you have to do the engineering design work to find out the space requirements, purchase the scrubber, install it, and take the vessel out of service for the period of installation. There’s a major capital cost involved. Now the benefit is that you can continue to burn heavy sulfur fuel oil. And what I didn’t mention with compliant fuel is that there is a price concern. It is uncertain what the price of those fuels is going to be relative to the heavy sulfur fuel oil and also relative to the distillates, MGO.

Not every option is equally suitable for all ships.

So the benefit of the heavy sulfur fuel oil is that it will continue to be much cheaper than MGO and considerably cheaper than low sulfur fuel oil. For larger vessels with more fuel consumption the payback period for the scrubber installation can be fairly short and that most of the time is the driving force behind the installation of scrubbers. ML: And what’s ABS doing to support its clients in this process? KT: We try to provide as much information as possible on the regulator y requirements so that the industry understands the requirements and what options are available. In addition, we provide economic analysis of different options for a particular fleet or vessel. And, we also do a technology evaluation. Not every option is equally suitable for all ships, depending on the type of ship and the operational profile. In a technology evaluation, we would look at what particular type of scrubber will be suitable for a particular type of vessel. And if someone chooses to do a retrofit, we also support with various services the retrofit work. ML: ABS has done quite a bit of work in the area of LNG fueled vessels. Can you talk about that?

KT: We’ve classed a number of different types of vessels with LNG as a fuel and LNG carriers with LNG as a fuel. But the significance of that for the other types of vessels is that we have approved every engine type that is available for LNG as a fuel and so we have a lot of experience from that. For the other ship types we have classed OSVs, containerships, Aframax tankers, [and]we are currently classing car carriers. We’re involved with the Project Forward Initiative — the development of the next generation of LNG-fueled bulk carriers— so we have a lot of knowledge about LNG as a fuel for different vessels. It is a very viable solution as a technology, but then again it has a relatively high capital cost and there is some uncertainty about the price of LNG as a fuel as opposed to as a cargo. And really the biggest unknown today is the [LNG] bunkering infrastructure. And also LNG as a fuel operates differently from liquid fuel so it does require additional training. ML: Do you feel that the IMO Sulfur Cap is as big a game changer as OPA was with its double hull requirements? KT: OPA 90 had a number of requirements in addition to double hulls, but I think that IMO 2020 is the biggest environmental regulation change since the double hull requirement, but there are some big differences. The IMO 2020 requirement enters into force overnight. Whereas the double hull requirement introduced double hull tankers to the fleet gradually. Also, for the double hull requirement, the industry was able to respond with traditional shipbuilding technology. So it really didn’t bring new required aspects to the industry. Whereas the IMO 2020 regulation impacts not only shipping, but also refineries, the power sector potentially, and ultimately the customers. And therefore the decisions that the refineries and power sector make will ultimately affect the outcome. So there is a lot more uncertainty in this outcome and the response is going to come to play out in the end.

Classed by ABS, the Clean Jacksonville is providing LNG bunkering for TOTE’s LNG Marlin class containerships November 2018 // Marine Log 27

Conference & Expo


Smart Solutions for Smarter Operations The right intelligence and equipment mean not only a safer operation, but also a more efficient and profitable one. This one-day event examines some of the best technologies and practices for profitability and compliance.

KEYNOTE Kirsi Tikka EVP, Global Marine ABS

IMO’S 2020 SULFUR CAP Nick Confuorto President & COO CR Ocean Engineering

IMO’S 2020 SULFUR CAP Philip Hadjisoteriou Mgr. Client Relations, NA Lloyd’s Register

PICKING THE RIGHT FUEL TO MEET IMO’S 50% GHG CUT Tony Teo LNG Consultant, Specialized Shipbuilding Sembcorp Marine

ZERO EMISSIONS Anthony Teo Technology & LNG Business Development Dir. DNV GL

THE SEAFARER IN THE DIGITAL AGE Matthew Bonvento Asst. Professor, Nautical Science USMMA


December 11, 2018 India House, NYC Join us to discuss: • Future Fuels & Propulsion Technologies • Autonomous & Unmanned Operations • Maritime Cyber Security Guidelines & Training • Fuel Consumption & Optimization • Maritime Safety & Weather Routing



IMO 2020




s the compliance date with the IMO 2020 0.5% sul fur cap creeps closer, the economics of exhaust gas cleaning systems appear to be becoming more attractive to shipowners. That’s evident from the recent surge in orders for exhaust gas cleaning systems or scrubbers. According to Clarkson Research data presented at a pre-conference seminar, “2020 Global Sulphur Cap: Getting to a Decision,” held by ABS at Shipping Insight 2018 in Stamford, CT, last month, there were a total of 293 newbuilds and 169 retrofits for a total of 462 scrubbers in service or on order as of April 2018. Those numbers jumped to 623 for newbuilds and 663 for retrofits for a total of 1,286 by September 2018. DNV GL estimates run even higher. It reports that as of early October 2018, there were about 1,700 scrubbers in operation or on order. Scrubbers, of course, are not the only option for complying with the January 1, 2020 0.5% sulfur cap. Shipowners can 30 Marine Log // November 2018

choose to burn compliant fuels or use alternative fuels such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or fuels such as methanol, ethanol, ethane, or even LPG. LNG fueled vessels represent a very small percentage of the fleet and there are some concerns about the quality and availability of 0.5% low sulfur

Ships with scrubbers could have a significant competitive advantage

compliant fuel. There’s also questions as to how the varying qualities of the compliant fuel will impact equipment. At a session of IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 73) on October 26, an amendment was formally adopted to suppor t consistent

implementation of the forthcoming 0.5% limit on sulfur in ships’ fuel oil. The complementary MARPOL amendment will prohibit the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil for combustion purposes for propulsion or operation on board a ship—unless the ship has a scrubber installed. Installing a scrubber is accepted by flag states as an alternative means to meet the sulfur limit requirement. The complementary amendment is expected to enter into force on March 1, 2020. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) welcomed the carriage ban of non-compliant fuel as a means to give governments an additional tool to ensure a level playing field. “The commitment of ICS to full implementation in 2020 is demonstrated by the guidance on preparing for compliance which ICS recently distributed to shipowners, which we tabled at the MEPC this week and was well received,” says ICS Chairman Esben Poulsson. “In view of the enormity of this major change it’s likely there’ll be some teething

Shutterstock/ Min C. Chiuw w

Exhaust gas cleaning systems orders surge to comply with IMO 2020

Innovation is what we do, supporting the shipping industry is why we do it.

IMO Sulphur Cap 2020 Today, Total Lubmarine is developing the next generation of lubricants to support your 2020 compliance strategy. Join us as we tour the world’s major shipping hubs to discuss how we can collaborate with you to find the best solutions. To find out more, visit

IMO 2020

problems immediately before and after 1 January 2020. Many industry associations, including ICS, have raised legitimate concerns about fuel availability, safety and compatibility of new fuels — a particular problem for those in the tramp trades. But if shipowners can demonstrate in good faith that they’ve done everything possible to follow an implementation plan – in line with the template IMO has now adopted – we hope that common sense will prevail in the event that safe and compliant fuels are not immediately available everywhere.” ICS says there are still numerous complex issues that need addressing urgently by IMO, both at the MEPC next May and by the Maritime Safety Committee in December – to which the industry has already submitted a detailed paper calling on governments to better enforce fuel quality, especially as shipping companies will have to start ordering compliant fuels, including new blends, from the middle of next year.

Before Ordering Your Scrubbers… But before opting for scrubbers, DNV GL advises shipowners to perform a thorough financial assessment to evaluate if the installation of scrubbers is a feasible option. The outcome of the assessment particularly depends on the price differential between compliant fuel and high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) and the future availability of HSFO. Other factors that should be considered are the ship’s trading pattern, cost of increased power consumption, maintenance and repair costs, costs for alkali and sludge disposal. Other factors that come into play are the space availability on the ship, upfront engineering and design, changes to existing equipment and power requirements, the lead time for a scrubber system, and dry dock availability at a shipyard. DNV GL also advises shipowners to select a Continuous Emission Monitoring 32 Marine Log // November 2018

System (CEMS) supplier at the same time as choosing the scrubber supplier. The CEMS supplier proves that the exhaust gas cleaning system is running in compliance, for instance for port state control. A malfunctioning CEMS will result in non-compliance and possibly high fines. A commissioning test should be carried out with the scrubber supplier, CEMS supplier, docking yard, and class to demonstrate compliance with the requirements stipulated by IMO. The approval of the installation depends on the quality of the drawings and the related design, which again is reflected in the understanding of the rules, both statutory and class.

Early Adopters Get Premium? London-based shipping consultancy Maritime Strategies International (MSI) believes a two-tier market might develop in the dry bulk shipping sector, with earlier adopters of scrubbers earning a significant premium over those ships burning more expensive low sulfur fuel. Based on a five-year time horizon, MSI believes there will be a technology-led twotier market for dry bulk time-charter rates, similar to that seen in the LNG sector. Earlyadopters will have a significant advantage in this scenario — notwithstanding potential technology operational issues — but the positive effect will decrease as more ships install the technology. “As long as significant fuel price differentials remain between HFO and LSFO — and MSI believes there will be in the long term — vessels with scrubbers installed will attract a charter premium,” says MSI analyst Will Fray. “As more and more ships fit scrubbers, and over time as the finance is collectively repaid, vessels without scrubbers will face steep discounts and will become increasingly uncompetitive.” The consultancy calculates that in 2020, the value of the time-charter premium for a Capesize benchmark vessel fitted with a scrubber will be $12,100/day, for a Panamax $6,800/day, Ultramax $6,300/day and Handysize $5,100/day. Considering the daily-equivalent cost of financing, fitting and operating a scrubber is a fraction of this, the financial incentive to fit a scrubber remains strong. There is likely to be upward pressure on both the price of scrubbers and the time it takes to install them, despite lower costs to produce scrubbers as the industry matures. This could potentially leverage the value of a vessel already fitted with a scrubber on January 1, 2020.

IMO 2020 Fitting Scrubbers Jens Christensen,Technical Director at Danish dry cargo and tanker operator Norden A/S, agrees. “The price difference between low and high sulfur fuel is expected to be substantial for some time, w hich Let us do your heavy lifting makes scrubbers an attractive method for complying with the sulfur regulations,” says Christensen. “In practice this means that ships with scrubbers are expected to have a significant competitive advantage from 2020, therefore we view scrubbers as an investment which is both economically attractive as well as technically viable,” he adds. Back in mid August 2018 Norden revealed Specializing in moving marine assets using pneumatic their plans of installing scrubbers on as rollers and our patented Stability Control System. many as 31 ships in their fleet of owned or chartered ships. During 2018, the company Flexible, efficient, safe, and cost effective alternative secured installation of 26 scrubbers with the to other heavy lifting and launch methods. possibility of another five. Stena Bulk recently signed a turnkey exhaust gas scrubber solution agreement with Chinese Bluesoul to equip its Suezmax and IMOIIMAX fleets. “By installing scrubbers, we will be well equipped to meet the 2020 regulation and are protected from price volatility as well as 504-376-5340 fuel shortage,” says Stena Bulk President & CEO Erik Hånell. Ship repair consultancy Newport Shipping Group reports that it has purchased 100 scrubbers with options for an additional CenterLift_Third_Jan2018.indd 1 100 units from Chinese scrubber manufacturer Weihai Puyi Marine Environmental Technology Co (Puyier). The idea behind the bulk purchase, says Newport Shipping, is to provide a turnkey package for shipowners looking to install scrubbers. “Together with our existing global network of drydocks, we can now offer the marine industry its first-ever turnkey scrubber retrofit solution,” says Newport Shipping CEO Erol Sarikaya. “We are providing shipowners with a true one-stop-shop for equipment procurement, engineering, guaranteed retrofit slots, and attractive deferred payment plans covering up to 60% of the total contract cover over 18-months subsequent to retrofit completion.” Continues Sarikaya, “Having secured an SUPERIOR SHIPYARD SERVICES 8-month lead-time for scrubbers ordered by the end of October, we can guarantee shipowners that their retrofits will be completed • Drydocking • Dredges well in advance of the 2020 Sulfur Cap • Ship Repair • Tankers implementation date.” • Vessel Conversions • Tugs / Barges Design engineering for the installations • Panamax Dry Dock • OSVs/PSVs • Machine Shop • All vessels will be facilitated by Harris Pye and Goltens, which can provide 3D scanning and engineering services, including basic and detailed design, prefabrication and, where Mobile, Alabama - (251) 338-7400 and when required, riding squads to facilitate partial or full in-service retrofits.



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top Technologies Top technologies


Tech The maritime industry is changing. In honor of that, we wanted to recognize and highlight some of the industry’s innovators who are creating products and providing services that help owners and operators operate more efficiently, increase productivity and safety, and better the company’s bottom line.


Analyzing Fuel Data for Better Operations


Unique from other electronic fuel

monitoring systems, FUELTRAX prioritizes the collection, reporting, and analysis of directly measured fuel data to provide operators and logistics specialists with the crucial fuel intelligence needed to make cost-saving decisions. Based on real, validated fuel data collected through Coriolis mass flowmeters, FUELTRAX users rely on mission-critical information updated every 15 minutes in FUELNET to determine if operational KPIs are being met to reduce fuel consumption and costs. FUELTRAX says that vessel owners and fleet logistical managers that work with the FUELTRAX Advanced Analytics team are seeing 10% or more in savings from intelligent operational improvements based on the advanced fuel data collected by the system. Among FUELTRAX’s key features are its: • D i r e c t f u e l c o n s u m p t i o n , b u n k e r ing and ROB fuel data collected and processed onboard, with live updates to

FUELNET every 15 minutes with crucial operational information. • Easy to understand web platform, FUELNET, provides real-time analysis of fuel data collected onboard to make intelligent, fact-based decisions. • Visual vessel location tracking, ROB reports, and customizable operational MODES available in FUELNET. • Real-time throttle optimization features BestSpeed™ and BestEconomy™ provide additional savings for transit operations (as Captain sees fit for operations). • Meet and exceed upcoming Charterer and IMO regulation requirements. • Bi - d i re c t i on a l com mu n i c a t i on l i n k ensures mission-critical connectivity is constantly maintained, with remote support capabilities. Since it is completely vessel, engine, and fuel agnostic, any vessel type consuming any fuel type can benefit from having FUELTRAX onboard.

On the Horizon FUELTRAX is expanding the fuel data collection footprint by “connecting the dots” of fuel transparency for its customers. New upgrades and additions for 2018 include: • The launch of IVIS (Intergrated Video IP Surveillance), which is an advancement on standard CCTV systems through linking fuel data points to digital video surveillance footage. Up to 10 weeks of 720p full-color data is stored onboard, with minute-byminute snapshots updated to FUELNET for stop-motion playback. • Launch of MMU (Mobile Measurement Unit), a complete stand-alone FUELTRAX unit designed for measuring Custody Transfers at any location, on land, aboard a vessel, or any locations offshore. • Updates to FUELNET, including Advanced Weather Data Services, Fuel Data Alert Buil der, D yn a mic Visua l Rep or t ing and Exporting. November 2018 // Marine Log 35

top technologies Ocean Guardian

Navigating the Complexities of Compliance

H e l pi n g to n av i g at e the highly

to have a non-compliant discharge during a stay in port. Ocean Guardian recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with TGM Fleet & Consulting Services to strengthen and promote the development of port specific information into Ocean Guardian. Ocean Guardian will work with TGM to implement mutually beneficial programs, projects and activities designed to promote the recognition of vetted port reception facilities around the world. “In today’s maritime operating environment where regulatory compliance and overload is an ongoing challenge, TMS’ Ocean Guardian is a very bright light at the end of a very long tunnel,” says Kathy Metcalf, CEO of the Chamber of Shipping of America. “It is a critical compliance tool for a shipowner and their crews because it informs both as to what international, national and local requirements are applicable in specific locations,” adds Metcalf. “As a legal professional that runs a maritime trade association, I can attest to the constant challenge of determining what current requirements will be implemented in the future. Having sailed as a deck officer, I can also guarantee that senior ship management must be focused on the safe and environmentally responsible performance of their vessel and not be relegated to their stateroom doing legal research on these ever-changing regulatory landscapes. Ocean Guardian does just that and allows vessel personnel to concentrate on their most important responsibility – the safe and environmentally responsible operation of their vessel and protection of their passengers and crew.”

TMS/Ocean Guardian

complex and e ver-e volv ing env ironmental regulator y landscape is Ocean Guardian. The system takes the guesswork out of environmental compliance, providing ship operators and fleet managers with immediate and accurate information about regulations relating to a specific vessel’s location. Developed by Total Marine Solutions, in collaboration with Brenock, Ocean Guardian was launched at CMA Shipping 2017 and is the first platform to digitize the regulatory environment in a way that is not only reliable but also easy to use. Through an easy to use red, yellow, green system of notifications, operators can easily understand what kind of waste can be discharged and where. “More than a digital database, Ocean

Guardian br ings together innovative technologies to simplify and enhance compliance operations for vessels all over the world. We wanted to build something collaborative for the entire industry, not just one sector. After all, sustainable compliance requires all of us to work together,” said Alexandra Anagnostis-Irons, owner of Total Marine Solutions (pictured). Among Ocean Guardian’s innovative features is its digital regulatory database, which includes more than 2,500 international, national, regional, local and port environmental regulations. It is kept up-to-date by marine professionals and vetted by a thirdparty maritime firm to ensure that ship operators have the most current information available. Clients can upload company specific regulations into the system, allowing company policies to be rolled out or updated fleetwide in a matter of minutes. Another key feature is the voyage planning aspect that allows users to look up regulatory guidance for any location in the world. This is beneficial for voyage planning, especially through waters a vessel does not often frequent or where regulations are changing. It is also extremely beneficial when a vessel is taken off course due to weather, medical emergency or conditions at sea. Additionally, Ocean Guardian also includes the Port Administration module, where basic port contact information is available, as well as port specific information regarding waste handling facilities. The module allows clients to upload company specific documents for individual ports, as well as tariff documents or other port specific paperwork. This information makes a ship better prepared for a port call and less likely

36 Marine Log // November 2018

top technologies Helm Connect

Simple, Flexible and Powerful Solution for Vessel Operations dynamically optimize harbor dispatch. Pointing to its partnerships as the force behind Helm’s success, deBruyne said, “Technology is moving incredibly quickly. From telematics to artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), we must

provide our customers with the best technology and tools if we’re to continue to grow,” said deBruyne. “No company can do this alone, and our approach has always been to partner with the best companies.”

Helm Operations

This past September , marine software company Helm Operations, Victoria, BC, Canada, announced that its Helm CONNECT platform achieved record growth in just two years with more than 3,000 vessels and nearly 150 companies subscribed to Helm CONNECT. Launched at the end of July 2016, Helm CONNECT provides ship operators with modern, user-friendly software for vessel maintenance and compliance. Touting its ease of use, quick implementation process, its ability to be integrated with systems and availability 24/7, Helm CONNECT provides operators with a simple, flexible, and powerful software. Building on that platform, the company has since launched two additional, highly successful product lines: Helm CONNECT Jobs, for vessel and harbor planning, dispatching and invoicing, and Helm CONNECT Personnel for crew scheduling, crew-change management and payroll. “With Helm CONNECT, we focused on combining powerful features necessary to run complex vessel operations, with an easyto-use interface that is quick to learn and train,” said Ron deBruyne, CEO of Helm Operations. “In addition to regulations and the business climate pushing companies towards greater efficiencies, we’ve seen a tremendous trend in the industry worldwide towards newer software systems. Companies today want software that’s simpler, more flexible, and ultimately better and more powerful than anything that was available even a few years ago.” During its recent Helm Conference 2018, Helm’s Product Management team provided attendees with insight into the future of Helm CONNECT. Among the topics discussed were partnerships and integrations expected to come to fruition in the near future, including partnerships with ShipTracks (page 38) and OptiPort, which uses AI and machine-learning algorithms to

November 2018 // Marine Log 37

top technologies ShipTracks

ShipTracks is a professional AIS and proprietary vessel tracking system designed to monitor your vessels at every moment. Since its inception, for its worldwide customers, ShipTracks has offered global coverage for every size vessel across the globe. Pioneering the AIS vessel tracking industry, ShipTracks recently relaunched its brand with a completely new state of the

art AIS vessel tracking system completely customizable to its customers’ needs. ShipTracks is actively exploring AIS niches by expanding its technology into custom projects for critical infrastructure divisions such as bridge approaches for railroad lines, pipe lines, ports, and offshore terminal operators. ShipTracks provides a coordinated operating picture across an entire company’s

fleet. The system is web-based and operates as a streamlined software package accessible to both PC and mobile devices. All tracking and management features are handled within the same browser window, keeping vessel information clean and uncluttered. With ShipTracks, it is equally simple to login to the program and search for a single vessel as it is to coordinate a common operating picture to manage entire fleets. One advantage of ShipTracks is TeamShare which enables individuals to share fleet, geofences, edits, quick views, alarms, and reports across an entire company. When an individual makes a note, attaches a document to a particular vessel such as a captain’s phone number or crew list, or creates a fleet of outbound vessels, this information is immediately available to every ShipTracks user authorized to see the information within that company. Designed for security and high threat situations, ShipTracks enables one of its major oil company clients to organize their fleets by voyage manager so that the entire company knows who to contact when there is a question about a vessel or its location. TeamShare unifies a company’s comprehensive viewing perspective, saving the entire organization time, money and confusion. The TeamShare feature builds on ShipTracks’ central idea of customizability. With TeamShare, all organizations can use ShipTracks to keep their inner groups’ tracking needs in-line and organized. The system’s custom integration means showing a company specific assets and fleets in the ShipTracks display while maintaining proprietary user access control to that company. The AIS tracking system compliments other company’s maritime management and operational needs. ShipTracks’ most recent innovative project developed by the company is the Bridge Approach System (BAS). This new system uses AIS, radar and camera technology integrated into a single or multiple location visual display to support a bridge tender’s or terminal manager’s tracking needs. With BAS, bridge operators can simultaneously monitor up to four remote bridges from one web-based location. For nearly two decades, ShipTracks has innovated and shaped the AIS vessel tracking industry. That push towards innovation will continue for years to come.

38 Marine Log // November 2018


Always on Watch

top technologies MAN ENERGY SOLUTIONS

Ushering in a New Era Back on December 3, 2012, TOTE Inc., parent of TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico, announced it had ordered the world’s first two containerships that were to be built with engines that would be able to operate exclusively on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Those ships, the Isla Bella and Perla del Caribe, have now been operating flawlessly almost for three years on LNG in the Jacksonville, FL, to San Juan, PR, trade thanks to MAN Energy Solutions’ MAN ME-GI two-stroke engines. The two containerships incorporate MAN B&W 8L70ME-GI engine. During a roundtable discussion at SMM

2018 this past September, Peter Keller, TOTE Executive Vice President, said the company was proud to have ordered the first and second engines in the series. “The LNG fueled ME-GI engine represents TOTE’s commitment to environmental stewardship,” says Keller. “Importantly, LNG as a fuel eliminates SOx and particulate matter, significantly reduces NOx and –increasingly important– contributes to the reduction of green house gases.” He adds, “Acting as a pioneer and adopting new technology early in its lifetime always bears an element of risk, but our belief in the ME-GI’s concept has proved justified.” Other shipowners have followed suit, including Pasha Hawaii, which is building two 2,525 TEU containerships at Keppel AMFELS in Brownsville, TX. Those ships will each have a 7S80ME-GI Mk 9.5 main engine, three MAN 6L35/44DF gensets, and an MAN Alpha FPP propeller system. MAN Energy Solutions now has over 200 ME-GI units on order or in operation.

FLIR Systems is bringing enhanced on water awareness to Raymarine’s family of Axiom multi-function displays (MFDs) with the introduction of the ClearCruise AR (Augmented Reality). ClearCruise AR provides live HD video feeds of the vessel’s real-world surroundings overlaid with dynamic graphics that identify navigation aids, AIS contacts and saved waypoints. This helps simplify the user’s understanding of complex navigation and high traffic situtions The system’s video imagery is supported by Raymarine CAM210 HD marine cameras. The AR200 video stabilization module includes a precision GPS/GNSS sensor and AHRS technology.

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November 2018 // Marine Log 39

pilot boats

Chesapeake Class



s we cleared the “No Wake” signs on the marker just outside Lynnhaven inlet, Capt. Jay Saunders throttled up the newest addition to the Virginia Pilot Association fleet, a Chesapeake Class MKII ocean-going pilot launch named Hampton Roads, and settled on a 24-knot high cruise speed course for the outbound Maersk containership Maersk Atlanta to retrieve the Virginia pilot on board. Virginia pilots Ryan Bryant and Jacob Johnson were also on hand to explain details about the new vessel, which has been in use since this summer. While Hampton Roads is the eighth pilot vessel for the Virginia Pilots from builder Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Somerset, MA, which has delivered 20 of the C. Raymond Hunt & Associates designed Chesapeake Class boats to pilot associations in the U.S. according to the shipyard

40 Marine Log // November 2018

President Peter Duclos, it is the first vessel powered by twin 13-liter, U.S. EPA Tier 3, 700-hp Volvo Penta D13 diesels turning IPS3 pod drives, and stabilized by heavy-duty Humphree Interceptor automatic active stabilization trim system components on the transom. Pioneered by Volvo Penta, the IPS technology includes the company’s EVC electronic steering control system actuated by a threeaxis joystick for precision maneuvering, forward-facing dual counter-rotating propellers for added torque and efficiency, and integrated underwater exhaust for reduced engine noise underway on each pod. The Humphree Interceptors are made of composite mater ials for optimum performance, corrosion resistance and light-weight. Electrically powered and electronically actuated, the vertical blades extend and retract instantly to reduce resistance in the water for added speed and acceleration,

to minimize pitching and rolling in a seaway, and to help maintain a level attitude for better visibility at the helm and quicker turns in high waves when compared to traditional tabs. These features are key for the Virginia Pilot boats that complete more than 7,000 ship boardings per year and must operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 day a year in extreme weather and sea conditions, delivering and retrieving pilots to ships entering or leaving Hampton Roads. “When it came to specifying the engine system for our new pilot boat, our chief criteria were stability, safety, reliability, service support, speed and efficiency,” said Virginia Pilots Association Spokesman Frank Rabena who, along with the association’s Port Engineer, Mark Kampfmueller, traveled to Sweden to visit Volvo Penta design and manufacturing facilities. “We did our research, and discovered the Volvo Penta D13 with IPS3 met those needs and more. We learned

Volvo Penta of Americas | Rhodes Communications, Inc.

Volvo Penta Powers New Chesapeake Class Pilot Boat for the Virginia Pilot Association By John Wooldridge, Contributing Editor

pilot Feature boats that the Tampa Bay Pilots Association had taken delivery of a Gladding-Hearn Chesapeake-class boat with IPS, so we made a trip to Florida to experience it firsthand. The benefits of IPS were obvious.” He added,“Compared to traditional inboard shafts, the Volvo Penta IPS gives us better control over the boat’s movement, making it easier and safer to maneuver the boat alongside a large ship in heavy seas and high winds, so the pilot can climb aboard the ship safely to navigate it into port.” I observed this maneuvering superiority firsthand as Capt. Saunders pulled alongside the Maersk Atlanta and held station for 10 minutes until receiving the radio call that the pilot was preparing to disembark. With a twist of the joystick, Capt. Saunders brought the nose of Hampton Roads firmly in contact with the container ship’s hull side, and while maintaining an angle of about 30 degrees to the hull for safety, slowly let the boat move aft until the broad foredeck was just below the rope and plank ladder hanging over the side. As for the MKII version of this very capable design, Ray Hunt Design President Winn Willard offered that the boat is a bit longer than the original, but still retains the proven rough-water ride and handling characteristics of the Hunt deep-V hull across a wide range of sea states, with its high-deadrise bottom shape that gets onto plane easily, minimizes roll and tracks well at displacement or planing speeds. He also pointed out that, because the pod drives are close-coupled to the drive engines, the engine room is farther aft and is accessible from hatches in the main deck aft. This allowed the wheelhouse to be expanded and located farther aft, creating a larger foredeck for safer boarding and more ride comfort for the captain and crew. Ron Huibers, President of Volvo Penta of the Americas, Chesapeake, VA, observed, “Maritime pilots and crew need a propulsion

solution that is as tough as the job they do, and IPS has earned the designation of being the go-to source among pilot associations across the country.” Duclos added, “We are seeing increasing demand for IPS in new vessel orders from pilot associations around the world. It is a truly transformative technology which we believe will rapidly become the de facto standard in pilot launch propulsion in the future.”



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November 2018 // Marine Log 41


Putting Data to Work The pursuit of operational excellence of marine assets


dvancements in the field of data science are presenting new opportunities for ship owners looking to improve fleet utilization by combining advanced analytics with lessons learned from operations. It is now possible to quantify the reliability of maritime assets, improve decision-making for fleet operations, identify emerging risks and, ultimately, improve vessel availability and scheduling flexibility. With the use of advanced data analytics, operators can move beyond calendar-based regimes for vessel maintenance into condition-based models, where maintenance and classification schedules are driven by the current condition of equipment. Central to this new model is the detection of ‘anomalies’ that help to identify the early onset of the conditions that lead to component and systems failures. Detection of these ‘early warnings’ can reduce operating costs and maximize the duration of assets and their components.

42 Marine Log // November 2018

Today’s onboard equipment has hundreds of sensors to detect features such as temperatures, pressures, etc.; combined with high-speed connectivity, these allow large quantities of data to be continuously generated and assessed. All this will have an impact on designs as advanced data analysis provides asset owners unprecedented visibility into the causes of failure. In this new data-enabled world, where calendar-based maintenance models will be found wanting, demand will grow for Condition-based models (CBM). It is simply the next logical step as fleet strategies evolve.

Detection & Interpretation The aim of anomaly detection is to pinpoint unusual patterns of behavior. If abnormal conditions are identified, further analyses can confirm findings such as equipment damage, changes in operating conditions and modes, or simply a degraded sensor or other issues related to data quality. Data from the equipment is fed to an

anomaly-detection “engine,” which includes the definition of a “normal” pattern. “Normal” conditions are “learned” from the data by simultaneously analyzing the correlations and relations between multiple variables or single parameters, and their various states under multiple operating conditions. The next step is choosing a technique to detect anomalies. Most methods fall into two categories: Supervised or Unsupervised. Unsupervised methods find patterns in data by identifying commonalities among sub-groups of the data that are unlabeled; Supervised methods usually require labeled historical data in which past anomalies are identified and categorized into root causes under specific operating conditions. To identify anomalies in operational data, single- and multi-variable approaches are used. For complex equipment such as engines, using a multivariate method is more robust, as it accounts for different operating modes, and the interaction


By Subrat Nanda, Chief Data Scientist, American Bureau of Shipping

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DATA between parameters. A model for the “normal” state must be constructed, as well as a measure for the “distance” to normal. Therefore, most methods calculate an “outlier” score to estimate a data point from which a “normal” determination is made. The methods used to detect anomalies can include: Model-based: if a data point does not fit a field of known data, it is considered abnormal. Models that summarize

data are employed to detect anomalies. Density-based: methods that find natural ‘clusters’ of related data also detect data points, which are not part of known clusters. Regions in the data space, with sparse density surrounding them, often point to potential anomalies. Distance-based: various techniques to determine the distance between two data points or sets have been used to develop methods for detecting anomalies.


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There are several important lessons to be learned in developing anomaly-detection processes, broadly related to the availability of data from the sensors; the design of algorithms for anomaly detection; and consumption of the output from the process. Sensor Variation: the units of measurement and location of installation of sensors on the components usually vary across the fleet. Corrections accounting for this must be deployed. False Positive /Negative Errors: this bears directly on the assumed risks from missed anomaly alerts (false negatives), or the effort to interpret and respond to all alerts (false alarms). The methods must be optimized based on the acceptable levels of risk. Selecting the Parameters: in a typical operational marine asset, there could be several thousand parameters being measured. Deciding which parameters to include for anomaly-detection processing for specific equipment poses a challenge. This can be addressed using the historical knowledge of the equipment’s design and operations. Algorithm Deploy ment: deploy ing anomaly-detection algorithms at a central location helps to gain insights from across the fleet. However, deploying at the edge can provide earlier threshold-based alerts to onboard personnel. Anomaly Consumption: a deliberate process to consume the output of the algorithms must be developed. These processes include: characterizing actual alerts vs. sensor issues; the feedback cycle from on-board personnel; and the operating procedures to respond to specific alerts for effective anomaly detection. Advances in data science are already helping owners and operators to improve their maintenance practices. They hold many of the keys to speeding the transition from calendar-based to more condition-based models for maintenance strategies. Fundamental to this transition is the process and role of using data to help detect the anomalies. To improve on-the-ground benefits of the science, more work needs to be done to discover the inter-connectivity of advanced data-driven methods, data acquisition and the connectivity with business operations. After that, the next step will be to explore the relationship between data-driven methods and ‘soft’ factors such as the human element, and their impact on the overall success of the condition-based process.

davits You can read this story in its entirety by visiting our website:


11/6/18 4:07 PM


All American Marine Welcomes New Members to the Team All American Marine (AAM) has welcomed Ron Willie (pictured) and Bronson Lamb to the team. Willie joins as Business Development Manager and brings with him 25 years of experience in the maritime industry. Lamb joins AAM as Marketing Manager. Sara Fuentes has been appointed the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Transportation Institute. She comes to the non-profit organization with more than a decade of experience in the maritime industry, most recently serving as staff Vice President of Government & External Affairs for the Navy League of the United States.

Interferry, has named John SteenMikkelsen, the CEO of Danish ferry operator Danske Faerger, as the new Chairman of its Board of Directors. He was elected during the association’s 43rd annual conference.

McLaren Engineering Group has expanded its leadership team and has brought on Joseph Acosta as Deputy Director of Marine Engineering and Olabisi Kenku (pictured) as the company’s Regulatory Lead.

Metal Shark has announced the appointment of several industry veterans to its executive lineup. Among them: Tim Scheib as President of Metal Shark; Mike Hennessey as Director of Commercial SalesInland Waterways; Billy Smith III as Account Manager; Doug Barrow as Vice President at Metal Shark and Director of Operations at Metal Shark Alabama; and Travis Short as Executive VP at Metal Shark Alabama.

Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc., has named Cheryl Richard to its Board of Directors. She brings with her over 30 years of experience in the energy industry. The Duluth Seaway Port Authority has welcomed Dean Lembke as its new Facilities Manager. He will serve as the agency’s liaison with tenants, service and government agencies, private contractors and other property users.

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November 2018 // Marine Log 45

TECH NEWS Dual Fuel LNG Yanmar Engines for MOL tug

Wärtsilä LNG Solutions for Ponant’s Ice Class Expedition Ship Currently under construction at VARD, French operator Ponant’s new polar ice-class expedition cruise ship will be one clean, green expedition machine. The 150m ship will operate in the environmentally sensitive waters of both the Arctic and Antarctic, and will be powered by four 14 cylinder and two 10 cylinder Wärtsilä 31DF dual-fuel engines. Wärtsilä will also supply the ship’s fuel gas supply system and Nacos Platinum advanced navigation equipment, which can later be integrated with an Eniram (a Wärtsilä

company) proactive energy management system delivering predictive insights and mobile alerts. “We have ordered the building of a clean ship featuring technologies that go beyond current industry-standard environmental regulations. This is why we have chosen a propulsion format with Wärtsilä’s highly efficient 31DF engine running on LNG,” says Charles Gravatte, Ponant General Secretary. The Wärtsilä equipment is to be delivered in 2020, one year before delivery of the polar ice-class cruise vessel.

Yanmar’s development of environmentally clean engines and optimum solutions is capturing the attention of customers. The engine provider recently delivered two 6EY26DF dualfuel commercial marine engines for a new tug under construction at Japan’s Kanagawa Dockyard Co., Ltd. Equipped with dual fuel engines, the tug will have the ability to use both heavy fuel oil (HFO) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuels. Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) will take delivery of the tug in February 2019 with the tugboat expected to commence operation in April 2019. Yanmar has also received orders for the LNG fuel tanks, buffer tanks, and gas combustion devices that make up the LNG fuel feed systems for the engines. The tug will be operated by Nihon Tug-Boat Co., Ltd. with Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. providing the LNG fuel. This is the first time that an LNGfueled boat has been constructed in Japan, based on the IGF Code.

Humphree Stabilizers Provide a Smooth Ride for Seastreak The newest addition to the Seastreak fleet, Seastreak Commodore, is quite a sight. The 600-passenger vessel, which has the sleek profile of a yacht, is the largest U.S. Coast Guard Subchapter K high-speed ferry operating in the U.S. It provides commuters traveling between Sandy Hook, NJ and New York City with not only a fast commute, but also a smooth and stable one. The latter is thanks to the stabilization system designed for the ferry by Humphree USA. The system

consists of eight HA750 interceptors, four on each hull. Each interceptor has retractable vertical blades—deployed instantly to create lift that counteracts roll and pitch motions. This results in a steady, stable platform no matter the wind and wave conditions the vessel is operating in. Humphree also equipped the Seastreak Commodore with the Humphree Active Ride Control which automatically optimizes the

ferry’s trim, list and heel angles, using inputs from GPS, gyro and accelerometers to measure 3D rates of turn and accelerate. “Speed, safety and stability were [a] key design criteria for Seastreak Commodore,” said Brian Achille, Director of Engineering at Seastreak. He added that captains, in particular, were very pleased with the Humphree interceptor, as they minimized roll and pitch and reduced passenger seasickness during rough seas.

Allied Marine Launches New Davits for U.S. Commercial Market With hopes to lure in the commercial market, which has turned to Europe for its rescue boat davit needs, Allied Marine Crane, Sherwood, OR, has launched a new series of compact rescue boat davits to its lineup of offerings. Leveraging its quality products, used extensively by the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy, Allied Marine’s new davits are rated for up to 2,800 pounds and are suitable for launching rescue boats davits 46 Marine Log // November 2018

on ferries, tug boats, fishing vessels, research vessels and workboats. Two types are featured in the new DX series—the DX2800S and DXM2300S. Both are fully SOLAS compliant and feature an electric hoist, in-boat hoist controls, and utilize a maintenance friendly system with the minimal use of hydraulic oil. The DX2800S features a hydraulic powered slew with stored energy for power-loss

situations, while the DXM2300S features a manual slew. Allied Marine says the DX Series’ lightweight and ultra-compact design make it ideal for vessels with very tight deck envelopes. The series can also “accommodate a wide variety of rescue boat models and can be easily converted to launch right hand or left hand,” notes the company.


Reliability Centered Maintenance Using Condition Monitoring What can help decrease the chances of equipment failing when you need it most? Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM). RCM is the process of analyzing and interpreting machinery and its components to comprehend capabilities and evaluate potential failures. Once analyzed, a maintenance plan is developed and spare parts to have on hand will be determined— ultimately preventing future failures and reducing downtime. The main benefit of RCM is to suggest modifications of a specific maintenance plan such as improving maintenance procedures or improving the operator’s performance. With the application of RCM practices and Condition Monitoring techniques, maintenance is applied in a thorough plan that enables vessel operators and managers to achieve the most cost-effective and time-efficient maintenance period. Equipment malfunction is often preceded by an advanced warning period, and maintenance techniques used to detect this warning are known as condition-monitoring (CM) tasks. Condition Monitoring is the process of using diagnostic equipment and technologies that monitor machine health to identify a future failure. With the ongoing advances in condition monitoring technology, it’s becoming easier and cheaper to collect data that can be analyzed to determine the condition of machinery. Despite this evolution, machinery components are getting more complex, requiring skilled reliability professionals with extensive knowledge of machinery and engineering principles to read the data and provide proper diagnostics. For example, the new Subchapter M law, specifically part 143, requires propulsion machinery be maintained to ensure proper operation. The following are CM Techniques according to ABS to help prepare for Subchapter M Part 143 compliance: (1) Temperature Measurement: helps predict future failures associated with a change in hotness or coolness in equipment. Some temperature measurement tactics include using an infrared thermometer; (2) Dynamic Monitoring: Analyzing and calculating the energy coming from equipment in forms of waves such as pulses, noises, and vibration. Some effective monitoring tactics include vibration analysis and noise surveys. You can collect data using a vibration analyzer; (3) Oil Analysis: Oil analysis can detect problems like wear, contamination, or odd consistency; (4) Nondestructive Testing includes conducting ultrasonic/x-ray tests on machinery to detect leaks; (5) Remote Monitoring Analysis: You are kept up to date with problems by monitoring changes in machinery involving pressure, temperature, flow rate, electrical power consumption, and equipment capacity. CM techniques and the utilizing of CM equipment require varying skill levels, so this must be taken into consideration when selecting tasks for operators or researching third-party contractors. An investment might have to be made to train personnel, or to contract an outside source to perform the tasks.

November 2018 // Marine Log 47

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November 2018 // Marine Log 49


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50 Marine Log // November 2018


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November 2018 // Marine Log 51


Stand Strong: Protecting Your Feet On Board

52 Marine Log // November 2018

that attaches at the heel. This can occur by wearing ill-fitting shoes. Mariners are to be advised of properly supporting the ankle as well. A person who has suffered ankle injuries in the past is more prone to future ankle injuries. If that is the case you are recommended to wear an ankle brace. If that’s not the case, at the very least the boot should have proper ankle protection. If we do injure the ankle it is imperative

The Right Boot

It is important to take care of your will make your job and life much easier.

to remember the acronym “R.I.C.E.” or Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Nail care, believe it or not, is also very important. As mariners, we must be aware that nails digging into the body of the shoe can result in nail avulsion. Nail avulsion is when part or all of the nail is torn away or removed from the nail bed. Common causes include ingrown nail, injury, or infection. The importance of keeping toenails trimmed is paramount. Ensure that your boots have a stiff heel, rigid center as well proper ankle support. Always try your new boots on with the socks

It is important is to find boots that are water resistant and possess good soles that have grip in a slick environment. Remember, the boots that you wear will be worn in good and bad weather. They must be made of a hardy material that can withstand use and abuse. Make sure your boots meet ASTM standards, American Society of Testing Material—under the American National Standards Institute. This certification is the only way to be sure the work boots you’re relying on meet quality standards. These Standards are under the auspices of OSHA and must meet federal standards in order to receive the ATSM rating. We spend a fair amount of time as mariners on our feet. It is important to take care of them, as that will make our jobs and lives much easier.

Matthew Bonvento A licensed deck officer and Professor of Nautical Science

Shutterstock/ Oxford Media Library


ur feet. Not something that any of us think much about. Protecting and caring for our feet, well that is something we give even less thought to—at least not until the damage is already done. In a society where so much of our work day is spent sitting behind a desk working on a computer, and so much of our down time is spent sitting whether its driving a car, reading a book, watching TV, or eating, foot care can come as an afterthought. But when we are required to stand, walk, climb, and crawl for a living, our feet and our protecting them become ever more important. Seafarers spend an enormous amount of time on their feet. On board the first thing that a mariner and their supervisor think about is whether or not they are wearing the appropriate footwear while on duty— that is almost always the Steel Toe Boot. In my experience mariners seem to prefer Red Wing or Wolverine boots. Every company should have the requirement for appropriate footwear while on the job—never sneakers and certainly no flip-flops. Once the steel toe boot is on, however, the concern doesn’t end. The first step to ensuring that you protect your feet and therefore yourself is to have proper fitting footwear. The proper fit does not only take into account the length of the foot, but also the width. Additionally one needs to be mindful of the socks being worn. Socks that do not fit the foot correctly, or are too small, can bunch up and cause an improper fit of the shoe. One such repercussion can be Plantar Fasciitis, a chronic local inflammation of the “bowstring-like” ligament stretching underneath the sole of the foot, the plantar fascia,

that you will wear while working in them, otherwise the fit may not be right. Also, make sure you invest in shoe inserts. There are several options: • Arch supports: Arches vary; some are high, some are low and others are flat. Arch supports, which have a “bumped-up” appearance, are designed to support the foot’s natural arch. • Insoles: Insoles slip into your shoe to provide extra cushioning and support. Insoles are often made of gel, foam, or plastic. • Heel liners: Heel liners, sometimes called heel pads or heel cups, provide extra cushioning in the heel region. They may be especially useful for patients who have foot pain caused by age-related thinning of the heels’ natural fat pads. • Foot cushions: If your shoes rub against your heel or toes, foot cushions may help. Foot cushions come in many different shapes and sizes and can be used as a barrier between you and your shoe. Equally important is that our gait is not disturbed. Just like checking the wear on a tire and rotating tires for equal wear, the soles of our shoes and boots must be checked as well. This can be indicative of either improperly fitting shoes or a poor gait. Either of which can lead to back problems.

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