Oct 2012 Marine Log Magazine

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SHOT in the ARM Coast Guard attempts to revive its aging fleet


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OCTOBeR 2012 VOL . 117, NO. 10

this past summer, Seattle’s kvichak Marine Industries delivered the 100th RB-M to the UScG, the second RB-M c to the NyPD’s harbor Unit and an RB-M c to the SPD harbor Unit



Slippery inland vessel cuts fuel use • Shipowners “disappointed” regarding lowsulfur fuel study •What’s greener and bigger? Harvey Gulf International Marine • First of new class tug for Crowley • BAe Systems begins construction of dump scow. And much more...

Photo by John Fleck Photography

p. 26 Features Propulsion

Making the right turn

Propulsion manufacturers are optimizing their offerings as a result of stricter environmental regulations and the rising price of bunker fuel PLUS: Tomorrow’s technology today: What propulsion options should operators be considering? p.18

Patrol Boats

New blood

The USCG is hoping to revive its aging fleet with a new line of FRCs, RB-Ms and OPCs but those plans could be dead in the water if proposed budget cuts come to fruition p. 26

Maritime Business

San Diego: Fast-growing maritime technology cluster

Report says 1,400 area companies produce $14 billion in direct sales and support a workforce of 46,000. And while its port is smaller than Los Angeles and Long Beach, it generates 42,280 total jobs p. 30 2 MARINE LOG OCTOBeR 2012


Recovery funding comes with a burden



40 41 44 45 46 48


Coast Guard assets stuck in a death spiral

tEch NEwS cONtRActS BUyER’S GUIDE ML MARkEtPLAcE ShIPBUILDING hIStORy Levingston Shipbuilding: Offshore Pioneer By: Tim Colton

New build project becomes more complex when funded by the ARRA p. 32

Exhibitor Preview

Marine Log FERRIES 2012 A look at this year’s exhibitors

p. 34


Paper chase

A vessel’s technical documentation and its components are critical to increasing quality and efficiency PLUS: Visibility creates profitability p. 36



4 8


Would you put your cigarette out in LNG?

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The race is on to save our waterways www.marinelog.com

John r. Snyder Publisher & Editor Editorial


August 2000 Vol 105 No 8


Would you put your cigarette out in LNG?


ould you extinguish a cigarette in a canister of Liquefied Natural Gas? That’s just what Erik Neandross did during a highly entertaining and informative presentation called “LNG 101” at the recent HHP Summit 2012, a conference in Houston focusing on the use of natural gas for high horsepower applications in marine, rail, mine-hauling and E&P sectors. Neandross’ hour-and-a-half-long presentation—reminiscent of a Bill Nye, the Science Guy TV segment—was designed to provide attendees with a basic overview of the general properties of LNG, addressing many widely held misconceptions about its safety, particularly in view of the recent surge of the abundance of natural gas in the U.S. due to fracking and its consideration for use as a fuel in everything from rail locomotives to minehauling equipment to ships. As part of the demo, a normally flexible tyvek tube turned brittle after it was dipped into a beaker of LNG and a balloon full of methane—the major component of natural gas—was changed to LNG after pouring super-cooled LNG over top of the balloon. Natural gas liquefies when it is cooled to -260º F. Nicholas Blenkey Neandross is not some loose cannon. He’s the CEO of GladEditor stein, Neandross & Associates, a Santa Monica, Californiabased environmental consulting firm and the producer of the HHP Summit. After the demo, I approached Neandross and half-jokingly asked him if he might be interested in performing his presentation for the New York City Fire Department. He gracefully declined. The reason I posed the question was, of course, that the New York City Department of Transportation has received a $2.3 million federal grant to convert an Alice Austen Class ferry to burn natural gas. The Alice Austen Class ferries are the smallest in the city’s fleet, with passenger capacities of 1,200. The city is said to be considering using either Rolls-Royce’s natural gas engines or Wärtsilä’s dual fuel engines for the conversion. The LNG bunkering for the vessel would be reportedly handled

in New Jersey. The general public’s concern over the safety of LNG dates back almost 50 years to a fire at an LNG peakshaving facility on Staten Island, NY, in February 1973. According to a report from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the accident, which killed 40 workers, was the central factor in the adoption of New York State’s current LNG moratorium in 1978. The workers were working inside the LNG tank when a spark from an unknown source ignited a flammable solvent, which in turn set fire to the tank’s mylar lining and polyurethane foam insulation. The fire created enough internal pressure to lift the cement roof off of the tank. Once the pressure was vented, the roof collapsed back into the tank. The workers were killed either by the collapsed roof or asphyxiated. The accident was the subject of a July 1973 House hearing at which testimony indicated that an analysis revealed nitrogen, freon 11, and oxygen, rather than LNG vapors, were absorbed in the tank insulation and contributed to the fire. The cause of the accident, however, was never conclusively determined. As part of our coverage in this issue, we talk about Washington State Department of Transportation’s issuance of an RFP to convert six existing car ferries to burn LNG, and, in our Update section, we highlight pioneering Harvey Gulf Marine International’s exercise of its options to build more dual fuel Platform Supply Vessels for the U.S. Gulf. HGIM could now potentially build up to ten of the groundbreaking vessels. One in ten newly built ships are expected to be delivered with gas-fuelled engines, according to a presentation by Tony Teo, of DNV North America, Maritime, at our recent Global Greenship Conference in Washington, DC. LNG-fuelled ferries will make up a core part of the agenda next month at our 26th annual FERRIES Conference, which is scheduled for Nov. 5-6 in Boston. I hope to see you there.

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October 2012 Vol. 117 No. 10

MarineLoG ISSN 08970491

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Michael J. Toohey, President/CEO, Waterways Council, Inc. August 2000 Vol 105 No 8

Waterways Column

The race is on to save our waterways t press time, both the Republicans and Democrats had concluded their conventions, extoling their hopes and plans for America’s economic rebound and future prosperity. Both candidates underscored the things that make America great, the foundations it rests upon. Among those bedrocks is America’s rivers and waterways. In fact, President George Washington once said (1783), “Prompted by these actual observations, I could not help taking a more extensive view of the vast inland navigation of these United States and could not but be struck by the immense extent and importance of it, and with the goodness of that Providence, which has dealt its favors Nicholas Blenkey to us with so profuse a hand. Would to Editor God we had wisdom enough to improve them.” The importance of the waterways to the nation remains immense today—229 years after Washington declared them so—and serves as the interior artery of commerce, serving 38 states throughout the U.S. heartland and Pacific Northwest down to the Gulf Coast. It moves 566 million tons of freight—60% of our export grain, 22% of our domestic petroleum, and 20% of coal used in electricity generation. Those

While Presidential contenders look for new and shiny ways to bring America back from recession, let them not forget to appreciate the importance of our nation’s waterways and pay heed to its aging infrastructure that is woefully underfunded and often out of sight, out of mind.

numbers are expected to increase as our export outlook becomes even brighter with the expansion of the Panama Canal. Our vast inland system is composed of canals, locks and dams that provide America with safe, energy-efficient, environmentally sound transportation that allow our country to be competitive in increasingly aggressive world markets. America’s inland waterways system also facilitates and sustains well-paying American jobs. In fact, there are more than 300,000 full-time navigation-dependent jobs (economy-wide, all sectors) and $10 billion in annual navigation dependent incomes (economy-wide, all sectors). And $4 billion in shipper savings versus other modes are returned to our U.S. economy each year. But while Presidential contenders


look for new and shiny ways to bring America back from recession, let them not forget to appreciate the importance of our nation’s waterways and pay heed to its aging infrastructure that is woefully underfunded and often out of sight, out of mind. American consumers will grow to understand the value of this American foundation if they pay higher costs for electricity, or fuel, building materials for their homes, or even breakfast cereal. And other nations will eventually look to other countries for their imports. We cannot allow to this happen. Urge your policy-makers in Washington, and candidates across the country, to invest in our waterways infrastructure in order to realize the promise that our first President well understood. ML


Photo courtesy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

An aerial view of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), where it intersects with Bayou Perot in Louisiana


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Slippery inland vessel cuts fuel use

Damen’s Ecoliner concept uses an ACES air-lubicated hull and LNG to rack up fuel savings


n LNG-fueled inland waterways vessel with an air-lubricated hull is at the heart of a new concept from two Dutch companies: Bodewes Binnenvaart B.V., Damen Shipyards Group’s inland waterway shipyard, and inland shipping company QaGroup. According to Rob Schuurmans, Director of Bodewes Binnenvaart and QaGroup CEO Jan Sneekes, the Ecoliner concept can be tailored to meet a shipper’s and barge operator’s needs. “For example, we can provide the vessel including crew for one client, but just a financing arrangement for another, while handling all for a third client. This concept provides an integrated shipbuilding, ship management and financing solution.” The two companies came

together on the project about four years ago. At the time, Bodewes Binnenvaart was developing a low emissions concept for inland waterway shipping and QaGroup was exploring using LNG as an alternative fuel. Bodewes Binnenvaart was also working on the Air Chamber Energy Saving (ACES) technology air-lubricated hull during full-scale testing at Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN). The two realized that both their systems had the same aim of saving fuel, costs and reducing emission and decided to combine them into one pioneering design. In mid 2009, Damen refit air chambers on an existing inland vessel, the Kraichgau, generating substantial fuel savings. In a paper presented last

month at the MARINE LOG Global Greenship 2012 Conference, Damen’s Peter van Terwisga outlined the results. Depending on the speed and loading condition, the vessel was able to record a power reduction of 15 percent. Van Terwisga said calculating that there are 5,000 Dutch inland ships, each with an average power of 800 kW, as much as 1,212,667.2 tons of CO2 could be saved based on a 15% resistance reduction. That’s based on 2,592,000 tons of fuel per year producing 8,084,448 tons of CO2. Although the LNG/ACES system can be fitted to any inland ship, at the moment the system has been designed around a 110 m long vessel, the EcoLiner, which is based on the well-known Damen River Liner 1145.

biz NOTES ATWOOD ORDERS ANOTHER UDW DRILLSHIP A subsidiary of Atwood Oceanics, Inc. has entered into a turnkey construction contract with Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (DSME) to construct a third ultra-deepwater drillship, to be named the Atwood Admiral, at the DSME shipyard in South Korea. The Atwood Admiral is expected to be delivered by March 31, 2015 at a total cost, including two blowout preventers (BOPs), project management, drilling and handling tools and spares, of approximately $635 million. The order comes hard on the heels of the news that Atwood had booked a three year contract for the second of its DSME drillship newbuilds and marks the execution of an option with the shipbuilder that was set to expire on September 30, 2012.

Shipowners “disappointed” regarding low-sulfur fuel study SHIPOWNERS ARE DISappointed and concerned after IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee rejected a call to make an earlier start on a study into the global availability of low-sulfur fuel for ships. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), whose membership represents over 80 percent of the world merchant fleet, said shipowners are worried about whether sufficient fuel will be available to allow ships to com10 MARINE LOG OCTOBER 2012

ply with impending regulations on sulfur emissions. It also said as a result of insufficient supply, the costs of the required fuels might be prohibitively expensive. In some trades this could lead to significant modal shift to shore-based transport, with negative consequences for congestion and the environment. Since 2000, the price of fuel has escalated by 400 percent, making it by far the largest operational expense for shipowners.

With stricter fuel regulations in the offing, the situation is expected to worsen if the supply of low sulfur fuel does not increase. A provision in MARPOL Annex VI convention calls for IMO to complete a review by 2018 on the progress made towards meeting the demand for 0.5 percent sulfur fuel that must be used globally outside of Emission Control Areas (ECAs) by 2020 or 2025. ICS had called

for a preliminary IMO study of the availability of compliant fuel, taking into account the introduction of the 0.1 percent sulfur in fuel requirements to be used in the Baltic Sea, North Sea and the North American ECAs in 2015. Such a study would provide a projection of possible scenarios resulting from the introduction of the 0.1 percent ECA standard in 2015, against continued on p. 15 www.marinelog.com

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Join us for the ferry event of the year

FERRIES2012 FERRIES Conference & Expo www.marinelog.com/events

Boston Sponsors

Supporting organizations

Hyatt Regency Boston Boston, MA

Nov. 5-6

Sponsorship & exhibit opportunities Contact Jane Poterala, Conference Dir., tel. 212-620-7209 / jpoterala@sbpub.com


Moderator: Stan Stumbo, P.E., Principal, Stumbo Associates

Monday, November 5

Tuesday, November 6

Continental breakfast | Sponsored by ABS | Expo open

Continental breakfast | Sponsored by ABS | Expo open

Keynote address

Staten Island Ferry: Revitalizing the fleet

What’s on Washington’s agenda Jeanne Grasso, Esq., Partner, Blank Rome LLP

Hull optimization using advanced design tools Lee Erdman, Product Mgr. Marine Systems, Voith Turbo Marine

Ferry Boat Discretionary Grants

Coffee break | Sponsored by MTU | Expo open

Coffee break | Sponsored by CENTA Corp. | Expo open

Propeller optimization for your ferry Speaker from Rolls-Royce

Panel: Financing after the subsidies have run out Moderator: Richard J. Paine, Sr., National Finance Mgr., Commercial Marine, TCF Equipment Finance Adam Conrad, Director - CIT Transportation Lending, CIT H. Clayton Cook, Jr., Esq., Counsel, Seward & Kissel LLP Luncheon | Sponsorship available | Expo open LNG as marine fuel Sulai Fahimi, Sales Dir., Cruise & Ferry, Merchant Vessel, Marine Medium Speed, MAN Diesel & Turbo North America Inc. Risk analysis for an LNG vessel design William Lind, Dir. Technology & Business Development, ABS Americas Designing and building a dual fuel ferry John Hatley, Dir. Marine Lifecycle Solutions Americas, Wärtsilä Energy Break | Sponsored by DNV | Expo open Regulator’s perspective: Dual fuel ferry for Quebec John Hicks, VP Passenger Ships, Lloyd’s Register North America, Inc. Operator roundtable Peter Wells, Owner, Chappaquiddick Ferry Cocktail reception | Sponsorship available | Expo open

Please register me for Ferries 2012, Nov. 5 & 6, in Boston, MA. Registration fee per participant, payable in advance is: [ ] Passenger & ferry vessel owners/operators (as primary business) $495 [ ] All other registrants - $825 (on-site registration - $850)

Shipping 2020: A prediction on the deployment of the emission reduction and energy-saving technologies in the world fleet Tony Teo, Dir., Business Development, North America Maritime, DNV Hybrid ferry technology Manuel Geerts, Marketing & Sales Mgr., US Region, Imtech Marine & Offshore Luncheon | Sponsorship available | Expo open Converting your ferry or water taxi to hybrid or electric propulsion Bob Bekoff, President, Water Taxi, LLC The Chappy Ferry: A retrospective Peter Wells, Owner, Chappaquiddick Ferry Tom Dunlop, Author, The Chappy Ferry Book John Wilson, Chappy Ferry Movie Dir./Producer, Chappaquiddick Ferry Adjourn Exhibit and sponsorship opportunities available. Contact Jane Poterala, Conference Dir., tel. 212-620-7209 / jpoterala@sbpub.com.

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Email _______________________________________________________ Please send this completed form, or a photocopy, with your payment to: Jane Poterala, Conference Dir., Marine Log, 345 Hudson St., 12th Flr., New York, NY 10014; T: (212) 620-7209; F: (212) 633-1165; conferences@sbpub.com Cancellation policy: Confirmed registrants canceling after October 24 are subject to a $250 service charge. Registrants who fail to attend are liable for the entire fee unless they notify Marine Log in writing prior to the event.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Ferries 2012 will take place at the Hyatt Regency Boston, One Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 02111. The Hyatt has set aside a block of rooms at $209/night (single/double) for conference attendees. These will be held until 30 days prior to the conference. Please contact the hotel directly at (617) 912-1234 for room reservations (group code: “Marine Log”). You will receive room confirmation directly from the hotel.

Update Update Two new fast cats for U.S. Virgin Islands Midship Marine’s Harvey, LA, shipyard is building two Incat Crowther design 25m catamaran passenger ferries to operate in St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The upper passenger deck will have seating for 72 passengers and the main deck passenger cabin, seats for 131, plus two wheelchair spaces. Designed and built to USCG Subchapter K, these boats will meet the recent updates to fire and safety regulations (NVIC 9-97 Change 1) requiring the protection of the embarkation and muster stations from the effects of fire and flooding. To meet these regulations, the vessels will be fitted with A-class structural fire protection and fire doors to the main passenger cabin. Propulsion power for each ferry will be supplied by two Caterpillar C32 ACERT main engines, each producing 1,300hp. The vessels will have a loaded service speed of 27 knots, and a maximum speed in excess of 30 knots.

What’s greener and bigger? Harvey Gulf International Marine Last month, New Orleans-based Harvey Gulf International Marine, LLC (HGIM) closed its $234 million asset purchase for nine Bee Mar, LLC offshore supply vessels and announced that, as well as renaming them consistent with other Harvey Gulf vessels, it has already begun seeking bids to stretch five of them to meet 250 ft OSV class specifications. At the same time, HGIM also announced that it has exercised two of its four options to construct additional STX-designed 302 ft x 64 ft LNG-fueled OSV’s at TY Offshore, New Orleans, LA, and added two additional options, which will eventually bring

Harvey’s newbuild LNG OSVs fleet to 10 vessels. In addition to being powered by LNG, the PSVs will achieve “ENVIRO+, Green Passport” Certification by the American Bureau of Shipping. The requirements for this certification include, among others, that the vessels be continuously manned with a certified Environmental Officer, be completely constructed with certified environmentally friendly materials, and have advanced alarms for fuel tanks and containment systems. “It has always been our full intent to own and operate 10 LNG OSV’s making Harvey the largest owner/operator of the greenest OSV fleet in America,” says HGIM CEO Shane Guidry. With the Bee Mar acquisition and the deal with TY, Harvey will own 26 deepwater offshore service vessels that can deliver 102,000 tons of deadweight cargo to the market daily, with seven more under construction, including six 300 ft class LNG-powered OSV’s.


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First of new class tug for Crowley Bollinger Marine Fabricators, L.L.C., Amelia, LA., has delivered the Ocean Wave, the first of four 146 ft Ocean class tugs, to Crowley Maritime Corporation. The Ocean Wave is one of two 10,880 bhp tugs in the series that are DP1 capable. The two others will be DP2 capable.


The Ocean Wave is twin screw with controllable pitch propellers (CPP), in nozzles with independent high lift rudders. The hull is welded steel construction and is outfitted for long range ocean towing, dynamic positioning, firefighting, rescue and salvage towing, as well anchor handling.

The vessel is designed and outfitted with all tanks containing oil and oil traces inboard of the side shell to create a double hull and designed for zero discharge of any machinery cooling water, gray or black water, further safeguarding the environment. Propulsion is provided by two Caterpillar C-280-12 Tier II diesel engines. Designed to operate on Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel, each is rated at 5,440 BHP at 1,000 rev/min. The 153.5 inch diameter CPP Propellers are driven through Reintjes LAF 5666 reduction gears. The bow thruster is a Berg VFD 850 HP unit.

SHiPoWnerS DiSaPPoinTeD continued from p. 10

the background of the world market. This could then be considered in comparison with the real situation encountered in 2015. In a close vote, a small majority of IMO Member States, led by the United States, rejected an ICS submission calling for the earlier study. Speaking after the vote at the IMO MEPC, ICS Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe remarked: “Some governments still appear to have their heads in the sand with respect to fuel availability. What will be the impact of ships switching to distillate on the availability of diesel for road transport or heating oil for homes? We still think it’s essential that a global fuel study [should be carried out] sufficiently in advance of 2020 to give the refiners adequate time to invest and react. The major refinery upgrading required could take a minimum of four or five years, perhaps longer, and we believe that completing the study in 2018 would simply be too late.”

OCTOBER 2012 marine log 15

Update BAE Systems begins construction of dump scow By late next year, BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards, Mobile, AL, expects its workforce to more than double to 2,000 workers as its continues its expansion into commercial vessel construction. The Alabama shipyard recently announced it had begun construction of an 87-ton module for the first of two dump scows for Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company. Each dump scow will have an overall length of 295 feet and width of 62 feet, with a draft of 17 feet. Construction on the second vessel will start in January 2013. Both 7,500-cubic-yard, split bottom dump scows will be used to support U.S. dredging operations. The design for the BAE Systems-built, U.S.-flagged vessels was provided by Great Lakes. The aggregate value of the dump scows is about $17 million. “The new class of scows being constructed encompass over three decades of Great Lakes’ experience in designing material handling barges. These scows will be an important component for key projects upcoming in the domestic dredging market,” says Steve

Becker, vice president and chief mechanical engineer at Great Lakes. “Our new commercial ship construction continues to grow at BAE Systems,” says Vic Rhoades, director and general manager at BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards Alabama. Recently, BAE Systems, Mid Ocean Tanker Company and ALTERNA Capital worked to deliver the American Phoenix, a U.S. flag/Jones Act-qualified product chemical tanker. Measuring 616 feet long and 105 feet wide, it is the largest vessel ever built and launched in the State of Alabama. BAE Systems also marked a milestone last month with the keel laying of the MV Magdalen, a trailing suction hopper dredge that is scheduled to be delivered in 2014. Back in August, BAE Systems announced that it was awarded a contract with Gulf-

Mark Americas to build two platform supply vessels, with an option for two additional vessels in the future. Construction on the first 288-foot-long platform supply vessel is expected to start in January. The PSVs are expected to cost about $48 million each. BAE Systems currently has about 800 employees in Mobile and expects to reach 2,000 workers by the end of 2013.



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Available from 800 to 20,000 kW, the Steerprop dual-end CRP combines green values with high power. With an advanced hydrodynamic design, the Steerprop Contra-Rotating Propeller technology offers 10% improvement in fuel economy.



Coast Guard assets in “death spiral”


he House Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee held a hearing on September 20 outlining the challenges the U.S. Coast Guard faces maintaining its aging vessels and aircraft. The hearing also examined how those challenges have impacted the USCG’s ability to meet mission performance goals. In his opening statement, Subcommittee Chairman Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) said: “Findings by GAO and others over the years have accurately shown the rapid decline of legacy assets is causing the Coast Guard to fall short of its operational targets, forcing the Service to spend too much of its tight budget on maintenance, and undermining the success of its critical safety and security missions. This is

a serious problem that has me deeply concerned. “Rather than alleviate my concerns, the President’s proposed fiscal year 2013 budget for the Coast Guard only makes the situation worse. The budget request would exacerbate the growing patrol boat mission hour gap by ending High-Tempo-HighMaintenance operations and retiring vessels before their replacements arrive. The budget request would also slash funding for critically needed replacement assets by $272 million or 19 percent below the current level. “This would significantly delay the acquisition of the critically needed replacement assets, including fast response cutters, national security cutters, maritime patrol aircraft, and long range surveillance air-

craft. It also proposes to put off important upgrades to the Jayhawk helicopter fleet and delay sustainment projects on buoy tenders. Fortunately, our colleagues on the Appropriations Committee have found the dollars to reverse these draconian cuts. “However, the problem remains that as we are forced to pour more money into maintaining rapidly failing legacy assets, there is less available for replacement assets, and as we put off the acquisition of new assets, we only increase the strain on legacy assets. Admiral Allen used to call this the ‘death spiral.’ While the Coast Guard has taken steps to improve the conditions of its legacy fleet and the efficiency of its maintenance command, more needs to be done.”

Maintenance expenditures have been on the rise since FY 2007. According to testimony by Stephen Caldwell, Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues, the Government Accounting Office (GAO), maintenance expenditures rose from $34 million in FY 2007 to $70 million in FY 2011. Furthermore, said Caldwell, annual depot-level maintenance expenditures often exceeded the Coast Guard’s budgeted funds for depot-level maintenance for the legacy vessels—known as Standard Support Levels—from FY 2005 to 2011. For example, actual depot-level maintenance expenditures for the high endurance cutters were about 3.6 times higher than Standard Support Levels in FY 2009— $55.5 million as compared to $15.5 million.

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oCtoBER 2012 marine log 17






RiGhT TURN With stricter environmental regulations looming and bunker fuel rising, propulsion manufacturers optimize their offerings


he use of Computational Fluid Dynamics or simply CFD has played a significant role in the refinement and optimization of propeller blades, nozzle and components. Using numerical models and algorithms, CFD enables manufacturers to simulate the flow of water around the propeller surfaces. Using CFD and model tank tests, Germany’s Schottel GmbH, for example, was able to engineer a new nozzle geometry that would increase thrust under static and bollard conditions for tugs and ferries that are dynamically positioned. Since the nozzle of a ducted propeller contributes about 50% of the overall system thrust under bollard pull conditions, any innovations in this area can pay major dividends. An additional goal or Schottel was to increase the nozzle efficiency under way—without changing the outer and propeller diameters. The design retains the principle of the Kaplan propeller, with its long profile sections towards the blade tips. Schottel applied this new nozzle geometry in its Schottel Rudderpropeller and Schottel Combi Drive. Of course, Schottel’s Rudderpropeller design is not the new kid on the block; it has been around for more than 50 years. Two years ago at SMM 2010, Schottel unveiled a new series 4000 Rudderpropellers (SRP) and Twin Propellers (STP). This year, Schottel released the new design SRP and STP 3000 as well as the electric Combi Drive (SCD) 4000 and 5000. These propulsors are characterized by their compact, modularized construction, significantly lower weight—around 20% less than previous units—noise-optimized gearbox, integrated steering hydraulics and a reduced oil charge—an important environmental issue. All the thrusters are designed for a large range of possible input speeds. Featuring almost the same dimensions 18 MARINE LOG OCTOBER 2012

The first RollsRoyce’s permanent magnet tunnel thruster was installed in the Olympic Octopus

and weights, the SRP 3000 is rated for a higher input power of 2,100 kW than its predecessor, 1,980 kW, and provides a bollard pull of 60 tonnes in tug applications. The SCD has found wide acceptance in offshore and ferry markets and increasingly in the tug sector. The SCD 4000 is lighter and has increased input power (up to 2,700 kW twin version / 2,600 kW single version) over the SCD 2200. The SCD 5000, likewise available as a single propeller version with a nozzle and as a twin propeller version, rounds out Schottel’s current product line. The SCD 5000 has planetary gearing, which develops more thrust from a comparatively lower input power. The input power ratings range from 2,800 to 3,500 kW.

GREEN TUGS When it comes to “green” tugs, Svitzer and Kotug are leading the charge in Europe. In order to cut fuel consumption, Svitzer’s two ECOtugs are equipped with two electric 2,100 kW Schottel Combi Drives SCD 1515. Three independent generators supply the propulsion system with energy. If sufficient for the task in hand, only one generator is used in this diesel-electric concept. During work, further generators are connected if required, which results in substantially reduced pollutant emissions. As we reported back in the April 2012 issue of MARInE LOG, “Hybrid tugs operating in busy U.S., European ports,” Kotug converted the 80 tonne bollard pull Rotor Tug RT Adriaan, to a hybrid E-KOTUG. The coversion not www.marinelog.com

pROpULSiON ShipBuilding

The Voith Inline Propulsor can be extended hydraulically from the hull

only included the incorporation of Corvus AT6500 48-volt lithium polymer battery packs supplied by Corvus Energy, Richmond, BC, Canada, but also involved Schottel converting the existing hydraulic 360° steering system to state-of-theart frequency control that can operate with both direct and alternating current. Originally equipped with a direct diesel drive, the tug has three Schottel 1214 FP Rudderpropellers that can operate in hybrid or diesel mode as required— either independently or in combination. 50,000 GEARHEADS CONVERGE Every two years more than 50,000 maritime professionals from around the world descend on Hamburg for the SMM exhibition. For techies and gearheads, the exhibition is like a giant toy fair, offering the latest developments on everything from automation systems to Z-drives. On display at Schottel’s booth was its Rim Thruster (SRT). The SRT is an electric propulsion system without a gearbox or drive shaft. The stator of the electric motor is installed in the outer part of the tunnel. The propeller blades are attached to the inside of the rotor. This results in a space-saving, lower-weight thruster that converts the electric energy directly into propulsive power without transmission losses and with minimal noise emissions. The optimized hydrodynamic design with the external propeller blades additionally leads to a substantial reduction of cavitation. This low-noise and low-vibration thruster is in particular demand for vessels that frequently operate in DP mode or when a high level of comfort is required. The SRT will be introduced in 2013, initially in four sizes (200 to 800 kW). GET IN THE SWING OF THINGS With stricter new shipboard energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission regulations on the horizon, propulsion manufacturers such as Voith Turbo GmbH, Heidenheim, Germany, rolled out www.marinelog.com

a number of new developments at the show. Voith produces transverse thrusters with an integrated permanent magnet synchronous ring motor. These socalled RIM drives are now available as Voith Inline Propulsor (VIP) units that can be extended hydraulically from the ship’s hull. Once fully extended, the unit can be rotated in a full 360 degrees making them well suited for dynamic positioning applications for offshore support vessels, says Voith. Units are available from the power range of 50 to 1,500 kW. The propeller diameter ranges from 380 to 2,300 mm. The VIPs are a very elegant, efficient design. The fixed pitch thruster blades, which are made from Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic, are directly fixed to the inner ring of the rotor. Each blade is specially coated and can be replaced individually for easy maintenance. The permanent magnetic motor is cooled by the surrounding water, which eliminates the need for additional cooling equipment. VIPs can also be retracted into the hull when the vessel is operating in the open seas, reducing drag and improving fuel consumption and, of course, cutting CO2 emissions. RECOVERING WASTE HEAT Everyone wants more output with less fuel consumption. That’s certainly the idea behind waste heat recovery. Voith says about 60% of the energy during the combustion of fuel is turned into waste heat. Voith has now developed the SteamTrac to recapture that waste heat and turn it into usable mechanical energy. The SteamTrac is currently undergoing testing in the Dutch pushboat Veerhaven X, which operates between Rotterdam and Duisberg daily. Voith says the SteamTrac is adaptable to a wide variety of diesel engines. ROLLS-ROYCE Just after SMM 2012, Rolls-Royce

announced the delivery of its first permanent magnet tunnel thruster (TT-PM) for installation in the 2007-built UT 712 multi-functional anchor-handling vessel Olympic Octopus. Tunnel thrusters are positioned fore and aft on a wide range of ships and provide sideways thrust for maneuvering and holding position in rough seas. The TT-PM offers numerous advantages over traditional tunnel thrusters, including a 25% increase in power output from the same size propeller, significant reduction in noise and vibration, and can be removed underwater, eliminating the need for dry docking. Anders Almestad, President, Offshore, Rolls-Royce says, “This cutting edge technology is suitable for a range of applications in offshore and merchant vessels, where operators will benefit from its high power output and rapid response to power demand, combined with exceptionally low noise levels.” “The new thruster is quiet, efficient and extremely durable. It is capable of running for thousands of hours in intensive operations such as the harsh conditions of the offshore oil and gas fields, where rapidly varying loads and alternating thrust directions are the norm.” The new thruster design concept comprises a permanent magnet motor in a rim, which drives the propeller in the center. The permanent magnet motor consists of a stator that carries a number of electrical coil windings, and a rotor fitted with a number of very strong permanent magnets. By having the motor in the rim, this frees up space directly above the thruster where thruster motors are normally located, making the thruster room available for other equipment or alternative use. A rotating magnetic field is created by the stator that interacts with the fields of the permanent magnets on the rotor, which generates force to drive the rotor around, providing the mechanical power. ML




Tomorrow’s technology today What propulsion options should operators be considering?


nternational ship owners and operators are facing many immediate challenges. Weak demand for shipping capacity in over-tonnaged markets has driven rates down—in many cases, to breakeven or loss-making levels. This may be the principal concern for many today, but there are also significant challenges in the medium term. Rising fuel costs have turned the economics of ship operation on its head. Traditionally, the cost of assets themselves—through equity and debt service—was the single largest cost centre. not anymore! Fuel costs are now by far the single largest component in the cost equation. And they look set to continue rising in the future. Out of adversity comes opportunity, as Benjamin Franklin once said, and proactive shipping companies are adopting a range of new technologies which raise shipboard operating efficiency by improving engine performance and cutting fuel consumption. There is, after all, no alternative to the large-scale movement of raw materials and manufactured goods by sea, or the development of increasingly challenging offshore energy reserves. As an industry, we should grasp 20 MARINE LOG OCTOBER 2012

the opportunities that technology offers and raise our game.

both internationally and within ECAs. They must now carry at least two types of bunker fuel FUEL DIVERSIFICATION BY on board for use in the CHOICE main engine. There are five Unlike European areas of marine power ECA regulations which resource management mandate maximum sulcan offer the industry fur content in ships’ fuel significant potential in or equivalency through the future. now, more on-board sulfur-reducthan ever, it is important tion technology, U.S. regto embrace the latest in ulations are prescriptive energy efficiency techin the sense that they David Grucza, Business Manager, outline precisely which nologies. First, there is the Marine Solutions USA, Siemens fuel ship operators must question of the fuel itself. burn, although waivers new environmental regulations in the may be granted if equivalency in sulfur U.S. and parts of Europe are already reduction can be demonstrated. impacting on ship operators’ traditional For owners and operators whose choice of bunkers. Our Emissions Con- ships trade internationally, this is a trol Area (ECA)—embracing waters major headache because fuel availability around the U.S. and Canada—has dif- may be limited in China or West Africa, ferent fuel requirements to those in for example, or other regions where ships Europe’s ECA. But both of these special take on bunkers prior to a voyage bound areas—and a range of others currently for the U.S. and a passage through our under consideration in other parts of ECA. Even if suitable fuel is available, the world—have the same implication space on board is already at a premium for ship operators whose vessels trade for most vessels, be they cargo ships, www.marinelog.com


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cruise liners or offshore support vessels. A potential fuel logistics challenge for the industry is looming. TURN UP THE GAS One potential bright spot on the horizon is the possible adoption of liquid natural gas (LnG). The first gaspowered U.S. offshore support vessels (OSVs) are currently under construction for Harvey Gulf International Marine at

TY Offshore. Similar vessels are already in operation in the north Sea, and gaspowered ferries and coastal craft work on the norwegian coast. Meanwhile, conceptual designs for deep-sea cargo ships powered by LnG are on the drawing boards of major builders and class societies. But the availability of suitable bunkering facilities is likely to remain a constraint for some time yet.




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However, for vessels working in regional and coastal trades, LnG appears to us to offer a very interesting option. new “fracking” technology has transformed U.S. gas inventories and prices have fallen sharply. Since LnG is a clean fuel, there are obvious benefits for air quality in busy harbors close to major cities. The change in the U.S. gas reserves profile has been so dramatic that some import terminals are now being reconfigured to handle exports. Consequently a ready supply of cheap gas bodes well for LnG as a marine fuel of the future, at least in some shipping sectors. Due to the challenges of supporting LnG and the infrastructure requited, there has been an increased activity to maximize diesel fuel through more efficient diesel electric propulsion systems utilizing variable speed diesels technology. MAKING MORE OF WHAT WE GOT A ship is itself an independent power plant. It takes on bunkers from external sources on a regular basis and uses that fuel to generate all of the power required to drive its systems—from propulsion to hotel load; and from bunkering to ballasting and cargo handling. Yet on board most vessels, significant energy—as much as [50%]—is permanently lost in the form of exhaust gas emissions up the funnel. Aside from possible damage to our atmosphere, this is truly a complete waste of energy. Waste Heat Recovery (WHR), however, can offer an interesting option for owners of larger vessels. Admittedly the technology is expensive—waste heat is used to make steam to drive a turbine which, in turn, generates electricity. But this additional power can be used to replace the output from a diesel auxiliary engine, for example, thereby cutting diesel consumption and reducing ship emissions. So far, the technology has been used on some naval vessels but has only proved viable on large cargo vessels such as container ships with installed power of 14MW or more. Two major container lines, for example, are already adopting WHR technology. The associated fuel savings for these ships could exceed 10%. On a large container ship burning 150 tons a day, these savings are dramatic and payback periods are relatively short. HYBRID SYSTEMS The adoption of hybrid propulsion systems, particularly for vessels with



PROPULSION varied load profiles such as AHTS’s, MPSV’s, and tugs, is another area for fuel efficiency. Diesel-electric installations are now transforming fuel efficiency in the OSV sector and such systems are proving increasingly popular for latest generation new buildings. According to industry figures, more than 60% of OSVs ordered in 2011 have dieselelectric propulsion systems compared to 31% in 2010; 14% in 2009; and just 5% in 2008. Globally, the 2011 figure of 34% diesel-electric installations in contracted vessels is up from about 20% in the previous two years. Their operating profile makes them ideally suited to hybrid propulsion because a significant part of their time is spent on low engine loads, possibly in dynamic positioning mode, close to oil rigs. However, in transit, or in towing maneuvers, they may need full power for short periods. At low loads, sufficient power can be generated by electric motors but a main engine could well be required when engine load increases. Such flexible systems also lend themselves to deployment on other ship types, including cruise ships, short-sea ferries and tugs. An important trend should be noted here: Traditionally OSV operators were not concerned about their vessels’ fuel performance because, under their employment contracts, fuel bills were paid by charterers. But, for the first time, major charterers are increasingly concerned about fuel consumption and the associated emissions profile.

vessels today means that decision support systems have a key role to play. Seafarers need as much high quality performance information, presented in a timely and user-friendly way, to make the very best decisions. Meanwhile, superintendents in offices ashore need to monitor individual ship performance, track fleetwide efficiency and compare sister vessels and their marine staff using a range of KPIs.

These are just some of the areas in which today’s technology offers scope for substantial improvement in vessel operating efficiency. Like many others, we are excited about the opportunity to help the industry solve some imminent challenges with today’s technology. ML

GENERATOR BRIDGING The development of lithium-ion battery technology opens another area of potential gain. Safer batteries have greater power density and hold their charge for longer periods. They offer significant potential for “generator bridging,” a powering process whereby batteries cover short-term increased power demand as diesel generators are fired up to meet longer-term requirements. The batteries are then recharged by the diesel generator. Batteries can also be used as a safety back-up where traditionally one diesel generator could have provided sufficient power, but a second remained in operation to meet safety requirements. Now, battery power enables the second generator to be turned off. DECISION SUPPORT The growing complexity of power resource management on board many www.marinelog.com


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which is better for the environment. A HISTORY OF QUALITY & INNOVATION Founded almost 50 years ago by Jack Kobelt, Kobelt Manufacturing is an international leader in marine technology, with a commitment to manufacture the finest integrated steering and engine control products on the market today, including custom solutions to fit almost any vessel application.

Though born in Canada, Jack Kobelt spent most of his early youth living in Switzerland. Trained as a machinist, but presented with few opportunities during WWII, Jack decided to move back to Canada in search of work. While working on-board a vessel as a marine engine mechanic for a local engine supplier, Jack responded to the Chief Engineer’s frustration for some controls that would make the ship move better, by simply making them himself. Back at his home on Dumfries Street in East Vancouver, Jack skillfully crafted the controls for the ship that were not only efficient, but met the Chief Engineer’s exact wishes. This early success story proved

his skill at recognizing the needs of a growing marine industry, and Jack decided to start a business that would cater to those needs on the west coast. Jack’s legacy has resulted in a global reputation for design and engineering innovations, beautifully machined components of enduring die-cast bronze and stainless steel, plus deliveries and competitive pricing worldwide.

Quality, precision, style and endurance—qualities that make Kobelt products go the distance and stay the course. Rated five-stars and built to last, every one of them is backed with the best warranty in the industry along with worldwide sales and support. LINE OF STEERING CYLINDERS Always refining its product line to meet customer demands, Kobelt’s line of steering cylinders were created for the budget-minded operator. These are for vessels in the 22 to 40 meter range for the pleasure craft market or 15 to 30 meter range for the commercial workboat market. The line of steering cylinders are priced at the same low price point as lower quality, substandard industrial cylinders, yet reflect the same Kobelt superior quality that the company is known for. Even though extremely economical, these new cylinders will last just as long as Kobelt’s other cylinders, resulting in less material build-up in landfill sites. LONGEVITY GUARANTEED Constructed out of durable bronze and stainless steel, Kobelt products are made to last and withstand the most rugged conditions. Kobelt backs every one of its products with the best warranty in the industry, along with worldwide sales and support. Visit www.kobelt.com for more details on the company’s products and services.


b Y SShipBuilding H I R L E Y d E L v A L L E , A S S O C I AT E E d I T O R



Photo by John Fleck

New Blood

U.S. Coast Guard attempts to revive its aging fleet


he United States Coast Guard’s ailing and aging legacy vessels are failing to meet operational performance targets, according to a recent report by the GAO. The U.S. Government Accountability Office says that while the Coast Guard sets targets for the number of hours each vessel/fleet is expected to be operational on an annual basis, across the board, from its High and Medium Endurance Cutters to its patrol boats, the numbers are far below expected targets—hindering and diminishing the service’s ability to intercept threats as well as complete drug and alien interdiction missions. The GAO states that the fleet’s inability to meet its target is a result of a myriad of issues such as budget constraints, increased mechanical failures— both parts and major systems, chief among them main diesel engines—as well as the vessel’s increased scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and maintenance cost. In FY2011 alone the fleet’s total operational hours was 23 percent less than its target operational hours. PICTUREd AbOvE: (From left to right) The NYPd Harbor Unit Rb-M C, Seattle Police dept Harbor Unit Rb-M C and 45 ft USCG Rb-M were built and delivered by Kvichak Marine Industries this past summer 26 MARINE LOG OCTOBER 2012

The legacy assets, which total 77 in all, are made up of nine 378 ft High Endurance Cutters (WHECs), thirteen 270 ft Medium Endurance Cutters (MECs), fourteen 210 ft MECs and forty one 110 ft patrol boats. While rectifying all the issues that plague the legacy vessels would be too costly, time consuming, and to some extent a waste of time since some of the technology has become obsolete, the Coast Guard does have several initiatives in place to mitigate operational time lost during missions, reduce maintenance costs and improve its assets’ conditions. OFFSHORE PATROL CUTTERS One potential Coast Guard newbuild program garnering attention lately is the Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC), a next generation vessel series that is set to replace the Coast Guard’s 210 ft and 270 ft Medium Endurance Cutters (MECs). The Coast Guard has issued its final RFP for the Preliminary & Contract Design (P&CD), Detail Design (DD), and construction of up to 11 OPCs. According to the Coast Guard’s Acquisition Directorate, the project is currently in the “Analyze/Select” phase, with the Coast Guard’s OPC Mission Need Statement (MNS) and Concepts of Oper-

ation (CONOPS) already developed and signed, while preparations have already begun on the Operational Requirements Document (ORD). As many as 12 shipyards had initially expressed interest in the OPC program, but now there are just eight: Bath Iron Works, Bollinger Shipyards, Eastern Shipbuilding, GD-NASSCO, Huntington Ingalls, Marinette Marine, Vigor Industrial and VT Halter Marine. The most experienced Coast Guard patrol boat builder, Bollinger Shipyards, Lockport, LA, has partnered with Damen and Gibbs & Cox. While no details have been released on the design, one could speculate that it might incorporate Damen’s Sea Axe bow. Since the 1980s, Damen has worked with the Delft University of Technology on research aimed at improving the seakeeping characteristics of high-speed vessels. That research led to the highly successful Stan Patrol 4207 and 4708 designs. Damen has developed Sea Axe patrol vessel designs that improve operability and crew safety, as well as cut fuel usage by 20%. VT Halter Marine, meanwhile, has teamed with France’s DCNS in its bid. DCNS most recently provided the 87m OPC L’Adroit to the French Navy. www.marinelog.com

patrol BoatS ShipBuilding On the West Coast, Vigor Industrial recently unveiled its plans to utilize the tried and proven Ulstein X-Bow design, a design that the shipbuilder says, provides superior seakeeping, is inherently affordable to produce, and will reduce operational and lifecycle costs. Opting to upgrade a commercial design already out on the market and upgrading it to meet the Coast Guard’s technical requirements is the affordable alternative, says Vigor. Under Vigor, the Ulstein X-Bow has been configured to maximize mission effectiveness. It produces higher transit speeds, up to 19% faster in moderate to heavy seas when compared to a conventional bulbous bow; has reduced roll, lower pitch and heave acceleration, reduced slamming, vibration and noise; and features a large and stable flight deck; a hangar that can accommodate an H-65 with the blades extended and future UAV; an innovative boat hangar for protected maintenance and a flexible boat handling system that can accommodate a variety of boats. Vigor says the simple hull curvature reduces fabrication cost and the Vigor OPC, overall will be producible and affordable. “Several yards are currently sending their prospects to the Coast Guard. Towards the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015, the Coast Guard will award the contract,” says Deputy CEO, Tore Ulstein, responsible for Market and Innovation in Ulstein Group. “We have worked together with Vigor for two years, and have developed a concept we have great faith in,” says Ulstein. “The ship is 100 m long and 16.4 m wide and has a top speed of 22 knots. A typical operating speed can vary from 5 to 22 knots, and the ship is therefore equipped

vigor’s OPC will feature the affordable and producible Ulstein X-bow design

with a combined diesel mechanic/diesel electric propulsion system. The ship accommodates 124 persons, is equipped with a helicopter deck and hangar, and a hangar for three rescue boats.” According to the Coast Guard, it plans to purchase up to 25 OPCs. INJECTING NEW LIFE Back in 2008, Bollinger Shipyards, won a contract to build up to 34 Sentinel Class Fast Response Cutters (FRCs) for the U.S. Coast Guard. The FRCs will replace the aging 110 ft Island Class series built by Bollinger Shipyards between 1982 and 1992. Last month, the Coast Guard exercised its option with Bollinger for six more Sentinel-Class FRCs, bringing the total number of FRCs under contract up to 18 and the contract value to nearly $880 million. The FRCs under this option will be delivered in 2015 and all six will be homeported in San Juan,

Eighteen FRCs are currently under contract at bollinger Shipyards

Puerto Rico. The option announcement came just days after the delivery of the William Flores, the third vessel in the FRC series. The ABS-classed 154 ft William Flores will enter into service November 2012 and will be homeported alongside the first two vessels in the series, the Coast Guard Cutter Bernard C. Webber and Coast Guard Cutter Richard Etheridge in Miami, FL. The Sentinel-Class FRC program is based on the proven Damen Stan Patrol Boat 4708 design—a “parent craft” that helped reduce the time it would take the Coast Guard to acquire the series. The FRCs have a flank speed of 28 knots; state-of-the-art command, control, communications and computer technology; and a stern launch system for the vessel’s 26 ft cutter boat. To date, Bollinger has officially been awarded 18 FRCs and could be awarded as many as 34, says Robert Socha, Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing, Bollinger Shipyards. Should the Coast Guard decide to pursue its intended 58 FRCs “another open bid will be presented to build the additional units and we will compete in the open market, as we did for the initial program,” says Socha. The second production phase contract, which will complete the 58 planned FRCs, is expected to be awarded FY 2015. Rb-M SUCCESS “The USCG’s RB-M program has, by all accounts, been a tremendous success,” says Brian Thomas, Owner, Kvichak Marine Industries. The program has “been on schedule and on budget since its inception, and with over 100 boats



patrol BoatS Kvichak Marine Industries is currently building a third Rb-M C patrol vessel for the NYPd’s Harbor Unit

Photo by John Fleck

delivered to date, that is really saying something.” In 2006 Seattle-based Kvichak Marine Industries, and Marinette Marine Corporation, Marinette, WI, a Fincantieri company, were awarded the team contract to build the Coast Guard’s new 45 ft Response Boat Medium (RBM) series. The series will go on to replace the 41 ft utility boats and assorted nonstandard boats used by the agency. Six years later, 102 RB-M’s have been built in total between Kvichak and MMC with Kvichak delivering the 100th vessel in the series just last month. Currently there are 166 RB-Ms under contract with two vessels delivered per month. For the small Northwest boat builder, the program is the largest it has taken part of. “We have long been experts in high-speed aluminum boat design and construction, but years ago, when we decided to pursue this program, our experience with U.S. Government major acquisitions was not very deep,” says Thomas. “Partnering with Marinette Marine, a company with a long history of USCG major programs, combined the best of both companies and yielded a tremendous result: the finest 45-foot patrol

boat in the world.” The self-righting patrol boat’s primary mission is to perform homeland security and search and rescue missions. Its increased maneuverability, together with its twin Detroit Diesel 60 series diesel engines and Rolls-Royce Kamewa FF375S waterjets enable the RB-M to travel at speeds in excess of 40 knots. The success of the RB-M program has

further generated business for Kvichak on the commercial side. The yard is currently building the commercial version of the vessel for law enforcement departments around the country and world. The RB-M C differs from the RB-M in that it offers customers options for cabin configuration and can be customized for the customer’s mission requirements. This past April, Kvichak delivered Patrol 9, a 45 ft RB-M C to the Seattle Police Department Harbor Patrol Unit (SPD). The vessel was also the 500th hull built at Kvichak’s Ballard facility. Patrol 9 is based out of the Harbor Patrol’s facility on Lake Union and will be used primarily for marine law enforcement, maritime security, rescue and assistance. Meanwhile, the New York City Police Harbor Unit is prepping to take delivery of a third RB-M C from Kvichak later this month. Earlier this year the yard delivered the second RB-M C to the NYPD’s Harbor Unit. The first RB-M C, the P.O. Edward Bryne, has been performing maritime security, law enforcement and search and rescue duties since April 2010. Additionally, Kvichak is in the process of building an RB-M C for the Middle East. The vessel will be delivered later this year. TAKING A bITE OUT OF THE Rb-S SERIES Metal Shark Aluminum Boats, Jeanerette, LA, a subsidiary of Gravois Aluminum Boats, LLC., was the winner of a major contract last November when the U.S. Coast Guard awarded the yard with a $192 million contract to build up to 470 Response Boat-Small (RB-S) II vessels. The contract has an eightyear duration. Based on Metal Shark’s Defiant platform the RB-S II has a



length of 28.6 ft, a beam of 8.6 ft and a draft of 1.8 ft. The vessels will each be powered by twin 225-hp Honda outboards and will exceed speeds of 40 knots with a range of 150 nautical miles. In addition to the possible 470 boats for the USCG, an additional 20 RB-S II vessels could be built for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency and another 10 for the U.S. Navy. Currently Metal Shark has delivery orders for 58 according to Greg Lambrecht, Vice President, Metal Shark Aluminum Boats. Production time on the RB-S II is four weeks with delivery of one RB-S II occurring once a week. The Coast Guard says the new line of RB-S II vessels, created with an emphasis on increased function and crew comfort, will gradually phase out the 400-vessel Defender class RB-S. Designed to operate year-round, the RB-S II will work in shallow waters along the coast and will be used to perform port and waterway security, search and rescue, drug and migrant interdiction, in addition to environmental and law enforcement missions. To accommodate the project, Metal Shark will expand its 65,000 sq foot manufacturing facility in Jeanerette and has increased its production team from 80 to 120 employees—this includes skilled aluminum welders, rigging and electronics experts and installation professionals. According to the Coast Guard, at press time, 38 RB-S II boats had been delivered.

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THE bUMPY ROAd AHEAd While plans to acquire new assets are in motion, it could all be thrown into chaos should the proposed FY2013 budget cuts come to fruition. The cuts would further delay the acquisition of new assets and exacerbate the Coast Guard’s inability to meet its patrol mission hour gap. At a hearing held by The House Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee last month, Subcommittee Chairman, Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ), said “the problem remains that as we are forced to pour more money into maintaining rapidly failing legacy assets, there is less available for replacement assets, and as we put off the acquisition of new assets, we only increase the strain on legacy assets. Admiral Allen used to call this the ‘death spiral.’ While the Coast Guard has taken steps to improve the conditions of its legacy fleet and the efficiency of its maintenance command, more needs to be done.” ML www.marinelog.com





TA N K E R S Construction of the USNS Montford Point, the first of a new class of Mobile Landing Platform ships, is well underway at GD NASSCO in San Diego


Fast-growing maritime technology cluster


recent study calls San Diego the “fast-growing Maritime Technology Cluster” in the U.S., with more than 6,000 new jobs projected to be created between now and 2020. The study, the San Diego Maritime Industry Report 2012, estimates that currently 1,400 area companies produce $14 billion in direct sales and support a workforce of 46,000. Many of the maritime technology companies are dependent on defense business. San Diego is the homeport for part of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and U.S. Marine Corps, as well as the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR). In addition, the city is also home to world-renowned research institutes such as the Scripps Research Institution at the University of California San Diego, J. Craig Venter Institution, and HubbsSea World Research Institute. While not nearly as large as its neighbors in Los Angeles and Long Beach, the Port of San Diego does handle cruise passengers and containers, dry bulk, break bulk and liquid cargoes. It 30 MARINE LOG OCTOBER 2012

is a primary port of entry for Honda, Acura and Volkswagen cars into the U.S. Dole Food also uses the port for the import of bananas into the U.S. Overall, the port generates 14,950 direct jobs and a total of 42,280 jobs. SHIPYARDS PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE “In working to provide high quality ships to the Navy and commercial customers, General Dynamics NASSCO has distinguished itself as a key economic driver and provider of well-paying jobs,” says NASSCO spokesman Jim Gill. “During 2011, NASSCO contributed more than $2.9 billion in economic benefit to the U.S. economy—more than $2 billion in the state of California alone— in the form of employee wages and supplier spending. The company’s annual payroll is $249 million.” As of September 2011, the San Diego area shipbuilding and repair industry employed 6,127. According to Gill, NASSCO employs 3,000 individuals and spends more than $225 million on goods and services with local businesses.

In the past decade, NASSCO has completed four new ship designs and delivered 22 ships for U.S. Jones Act and U.S. Navy customer use. Since 2006, NASSCO has delivered 13 mission-ready T-AKE dry cargo ammunition ships to the U.S. Navy. The 14th ship of the T-AKE Program, USNS Cesar Chavez (T-AKE 14), now stands at 99 percent complete at the shipyard, and will be delivered to the U.S. Navy in October. Gill says ship repair work will grow in the Port of San Diego as the number of Navy vessels homeported in San Diego is projected to increase by eight ships to a total of 56 by 2013. Besides, General Dynamics NASSCO, other shipyards in San Diego that support Navy repair include BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair Inc., Continental Maritime, a subsidiary of Huntington Ingalls, Fraser’s Services, and Knight & Carver Maritime. There’s a steady flow of Navy repair work for regional shipyards. BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair Inc., for example, was recently awarded three Navy combatant repair contracts. One www.marinelog.com

ShipBuilding MARiTiMEBUSINESS contract was for a $39.6 million modification to an existing contract for the extended dry docking selected restricted availability of the Aegis destroyer USS Milius (DDG 69). An extended drydocking selected restricted availability includes the planning and execution of depot-level maintenance, alterations, and modifications that will update and improve the ship’s military and technical capabilities. The work on the USS Milius will be completed by July 2013. The second contract is a $9.6 million modification to an existing contract for similar work to the cruiser USS Cape St. George (CG 71), which will be completed in April 2013. The third contract was valued at $20.4 million for the phased maintenance availability of the USS New Orleans (LPD 18). That work will be completed in April 2013. NASSCO, meanwhile, was awarded a $6.7 million contract for the phased maintenance availability of the amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2). That work will be finished in February 2013.

The city is also home to several megayacht and pleasure craft builders including Fraser Yachts. Several major national defense contractors such as General Atomics, Cubic, L-3 Communications, Lockheed Martin. Sectors included in the maritime technology cluster include: • Aquaculture and fishing • Boat and shipbuilding • Cable and connectors • Defense and security • Desalination and water treatment • Marine recreation • Ocean energy and minerals • Ocean science and observation • Ports and marine transportation • Robotics and submarines • Telecommunications • Very large floating platforms • Weather and climate science One of the observations in the report is that the high cost of living in the city is hindering companies’ ability to attract the right talent. “Maritime specific skills were a common gap that many firms struggled to overcome,” says the report. “This was a

particular note in the efforts to replace aging commercial fishermen and to fill shipyard requirements for specialized boat mechanics and certified welders.” One of the challenges for smaller San Diego shipyards has been California’s regulations regarding large foreign-flag private vessels (300 tons and above), such as super yachts, using San Diego yards for repair work. One clear threat to the region’s growth as a maritime technology cluster is sequestration. If Congress fails to work out a compromise deal, $1.2 trillion in budget cuts will take effect over the next decade, about half of which will come from the defense budget. The San Diego Maritime Industry Report 2012 was conducted by the ERISS Corporation and sponsored by the San Diego Workforce Partnership, The Maritime Alliance and the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp. ML


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Recovery funding comes with a burden W

ell into the hull steel erection for Casco Bay Lines’ newest ferry, the M/V Wabanaki, Blount Boats, Inc., announced it had signed a contract to build an 85 ft aluminum-hulled ferry for Fire Island Ferry, Bay Shore, NY. It’s the ninth ferry that Blount will have build for Fire Island Ferry since 1983 and very similar to previous boats built for the Bay Shore, NY, operator. “We’ve been developing and

refining this boat all along,” says Blount Boats’ executive vice president Julie Blount, one of three daughters of the late, legendary Luther Blount who make up the management team of the Rhode Island boatbuilder. The Fire Island ferry will enter service next summer between Bay Shore and Fire Island on Great South Bay. This vessel will be a sister ship to the M/V Firebird (Hull 253), M/V Fire Island

Flyer (Hull 308) and M/V Fire Island Belle (Hull 326) built by the Blount shipyard in 1984, 2001 and 2008. The triple-screw vessel will be powered by Detroit Series 60 Tier II diesel engines, 600 hp each at 2,100 rev/min with 2:1 ZF 550 reduction gears. Delivery for Hull 338 is scheduled for June 2013. While the as-yet named Fire Island ferry is expected to progress fairly

Outboard profile drawing of the new Fire Island ferry being built by Blount Boats. Above, the Tier II compliant engines being installed into the hull of the Wabanaki



ShipBuilding FERRiES smoothly because of its simplicity—a well proven, simple design that doesn’t even have any heads onboard—the road for the Wabanaki has been far more winding. “The Wabanaki is a very complex boat, by comparison,” says Blount. “ We ’ r e a b o u t t h r e e months into the build,” says Blount Boats vice president Bob Pelletier, “after the Coast Guard approved the drawings.” Making the project perhaps just as challenging, says Pelletier, is that the ferry is being built with funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). That in and of itself makes the project far more complex because with the federal funding comes the “Buy America” provision. The provision requires that infrastructure projects involving construction, alteration, maintenance or repair of public buildings or public works must be accomplished using iron, steel and manufactured goods produced in the United States. There are exceptions. For example, if: 1. It is inconsistent with the public interest; there are insufficient or reasonably unavailable quantities of domestic products or their quality is unsatisfactory; or 3. It is likely to increase the cost

Island, Little Diamond Island, Great Diamond Island, Diamond Cove, Long Island, Chebeague Island, Cliff Island and Bailey Island.

of the overall project by 25% or more. Everything down to the nuts and bolts has to be made in the U.S. “There are very few exceptions,” says Pelletier. “I can see it because it is taxpayers’ dollars, but we have to keep all of the hardware, nut and bolts separate from what we use on other vessels to make sure there are no errors.” The Wabanaki is designed by Seaworthy Systems, a Rolls Royce company, Essex, CT, as a 399-passenger Coast Guard Subchapter K vessel. Based on that of the Aucocisco III, the Wabanaki will replace the aging Island Romance. Casco Bay Lines is the lifeline for residents of the islands of Casco Bay off the coast of Maine. Casco Bay provides year-round passenger, car and freight ferry service from Portland, ME, to Peaks

WSF ready to take the plunge into LNG Washington State Ferries, the Washington State Department of Transportation, Seattle, WA, recently issued a Request for Proposals for the conversion of its six Issaquah Class ferries to burn Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Why is the WSDOT Ferries Division considering switching to LNG? Simple economics and the environment. As of mid-August, the WSDOT said the cost of the price of a gallon of ultra low sulfur fuel was $3.98 per gallon. The WSDOT Ferries Division says the fuel cost savings switching from diesel to LNG would be about 40 to 50% based on current pricing.


WSDOT says the delivered price of LNG by tank truck to the ferry has been quoted as $0.85 to $1.32 per gallon. By comparison, the delivered price of diesel fuel, which uses a 1.7 multiplier, costs $1.45 to $2.24 per gallon. Burning LNG instead of diesel would cut NOx by 90 percent, virtually eliminate particulate matter and SOx, and reduce CO2 emissions by 20 percent. Here’s some sombering numbers from the WSDOT: WSF burns over 17 million gallons of fuel each year; fuel now represents 30 percent of the system’s operating budget up from 12 percent just a dozen years ago; and the

US FAB TEAMS WITH NICHOLS BROTHERS AGAIN Over 3,000 miles away in Seattle, WA, US Fab, Seattle, WA, a subsidiary of Vigor Industrial, has selected Nichols Brothers Boat Builders, Freeland, WA, to build the superstructure for Washington State Ferries’ second 144-car Olympic Class ferry. Nichols Brothers Boat Builders teamed with US Fab on the construction of the first in the class. Construction of the superstructure for the second 1,500 passenger, 144-car Olympic Class ferry will start in December 2012, following the delivery of the superstructure for the first ferry. Nichols Brothers will be responsible for fabrication of the superstructure to include the Grand Block consisting of all structure above the lower vehicle deck, including the ramps of the upper vehicle deck, and outfitting of the pilothouse. Nichols Brothers will deliver the Grand Block on a barge to US Fab for final assembly in November 2013. ML

WSF’s fuel budget is $67.3 million, which is $51.7 million more than it was in 2000. As we reported back in the July 2012 issue of MARINe LOG (WSF unveils more details on ferry conversion to LNG,” p. 12), WSDOT projects that the cost savings on fuel would equate to $195.5 million from when the

first converted LNG ferry goes into service in 2015 to when the last converted vessel retires in 2042. All six of the ferries were built in the 1980s to carry 1,200 passengers and 100 vehicles. In the 1990s, all of the ferries except the Sealth were converted to carry 130 vehicles.


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noveMber 5 & 6 | hyatt regenCy boston | boston, Ma Centa Corporation CEnTA is a global leader in the innovation and manufacture of flexible torsional couplings and carbon fiber driveshaft solutions for the diesel engine driven equipment market. Visit us at www.centa.info or email info@centacorp.com www.centa.info Kraft power Corporation Kraft Power is the authorized Hamilton Jet and Kohler marine generator distributor for Maine through Virginia. Kohler marine generators range from 5 -500Kw, and Hamilton Jets are known for their low maintenance, high speed, and excellent maneuverability. www.kraftpower.com LufKin industries lufkin is a global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance, precision marine gearing. Service and support is available 24/7 world-wide. www.lufkin.com

sf Marina systeMs usa SF Marina Systems is a manufacturer of Concrete Floating structures including: concrete floating docks, floating breakwaters, floating homes, ferry landings, and special structures. The worldwide company has over 90 years in product development and is known for “storm proven” systems. www.sfmarinausa.com surviteC group Survitec group is a world-leading manufacturer of uSCg SOlAS-approved liferafts, iBA’s, Marine Evacuation Systems and rescue boats. in addition, we manufacture and distribute imperial immersion suits, McMurdo & Kannad EPiRBs, Pains Wessex pyrotechnics and Crewsaver lifesaving products for the north American market. www.survitecgroup.com

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Mtu MTu is one of the world’s premier diesel engine manufacturers. MTu Series 2000 and 4000 marine engines are renowned for their reliability and fuel economy. www.mtu-online.com naiad dynaMiCs World leader in active ride control for ferries, naval ships & luxury yachts. Stabilizers, interceptors, T-Foils, lifting foils, trim tabs, yaw fins, thrusters and hydraulics. www.naiad.com northern Lights, inC. The northern lights Hybrid Marine System provides clean power, clean air and complete comfort in a tested and proven power generation system. www.northern-lights.com/hybrid www.marinelog.com

for information contact Jane poterala, Conference director t: (212) 620-7209 e: jpoterala@sbpub.com www.marinelog.com/events OCTOBER 2012 Marine Log 35


PAPER CHASE Modernization of technical documentation in shipping: Increasing quality and efficiency


n September 4, 2012 in Armum, Germany, a ferry boat, seemingly without slowing, allides with a pier. The crash results in injuries to at least 30 school children onboard who are flown by helicopter to local hospitals. The subsequent investigation by the coast guard reveals that a congested fuel filter in the portside engine made it impossible for the captain to effectively slow the vessel, according to a report in Die Welt. An important question remains unanswered: Is this an accident of happenstance or could it have been avoided through appropriate and regularly scheduled maintenance to the engine? Properly maintaining any vessel is essential for operational safety. In addition, it is a decisive prerequisite for keeping maximum operational utilization and profitability. Hence, ship owners are strongly dependent on the manufacturer-supplied component information on what, when, and how one should perform maintenance. That’s why the technical documentation of the vessel and its myriad components is so critical. THE SITUATION When a new ship is delivered to an owner or an operator, the technical documentation is a vital part of the product deliverable. Documentation typically comprises: 1. Descriptive information—This helps the user to understand how a component works; 2. Operational information—Tells the user how to operate a component; 3. Maintenance information—Tells the operator when and how to maintain a component; and 4. Spare parts information—Lists all the spare parts of a component. This information enables the ship owner to properly operate his main asset and mitigate risk. “Properly” in this case doesn’t necessarily mean “efficiently,” though many incorrectly use these terms synonymously. Historically, product documentation has been pro36  MARINE LOG OCTOBER 2012

duced and delivered in the use of technical documentation form of paper manuals, typically experienced by the leaving the operator with respective stakeholders: the daunting task of making the information usable THE MANUFACTURER CHALLENGES onboard in an efficient • Cost management of producand effective way. Technoltion of quality products and ogy trends have changed related product documentation things somewhat, but mod• Risk mitigation from manern day technical documenufacturer through to owner/ tation deliverables in the Falk Aupers, operator maritime industry remain Senior Consultant, • Keeping documentation curCorena paper-based. rent and up-to-date As a de-facto standard • Revision management of today, ships are usually equipped with quality documentation a Computerized Maintenance Manage- • Properly tracking component variants ment System (CMMS). This piece of soft- in the documentation ware supports the crew onboard with • Data accuracy within the documentathe planning of maintenance tasks and tion related actions such as spare parts man- • Maintenance of accurate documentaagement. Such systems have been in tion over the entire product lifecycle – use since the early 1980’s as described which can span decades by Giampiero Soncini in Rivita Maritima using the example of a Planned THE OpERATOR CHALLENGES Maintenance System on-board a mili- • Poor end user experience in retrieval tary vessel. After receiving the baseline of information to perform repairs and documentation, relevant data is manu- maintenance tasks ally fed into these systems and continues • High risk in not using up-to-date inforto be updated over a vessel’s lifecycle. mation Updating of initial owner/operator infor- • Extended time to perform repairs and mation can take three to four months maintenance tasks after the technical documentation of the • Increased lead times to procure the ship components has been received by right spare parts the operator. While this is underway, the • Significantly higher maintenance, main asset, the ship, remains idle. Not a repair and operational costs thrilling prospect for a multi-million dol- • On a per component basis, documentalar investment. tion set up is inconsistent and often has Apart from the idle time, manual a proprietary layout. data entry can be inconsistent and error prone leading to incomplete and inac- SHIpYARD CHALLENGES curate data. This data becomes the basis There are different types of shipyards. for maintenance planning. As a result, Depending on the business model a shipequipment can be maintained improp- yard is pursuing, it can face a variety of erly potentially causing damage to the challenges. components. This situation dramatically If a shipbuilder takes on the role of a increases the cost of maintenance for a manufacturer, they face the respective vessel or fleet. It can even lead to inju- challenges. There usually is one addiries or fatalities, exposing the owner or tional aspect though: They are responoperator to litigation. sible for delivering and aggregating the The following is a list of challenges rel- technical documentation of their subative to the creation, management and suppliers as well. This results in signifiwww.marinelog.com

SOFTWARE cant additional efforts for incorporating and managing this information. Some of these entities have dedicated departments for supplier management, which illustrates the huge amount of effort this task requires. In other cases, shipyards serve as a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) entity and, subsequently, are confronted with the same challenges as an “operator”. They request the technical documentation from the owner/operator and, on occasion when not readily available, they have to directly contact the OEM. CONCLUSION Manufacturers, operators and shipyards should continuously analyze their workflows across the entire supply chain to ensure quality processes are being implemented and efficiencies are being achieved. The critical functional area of developing and maintaining technical documentation should be one of the targeted areas. With some simple and very cost effective Process and System improvements, many benefits can be realized. Manufacturers can rest assured they are continu-

ing to do as much as possible to deliver the highest quality product to the market, at the lowest cost and with the lowest possible risk to the business. Product quality is inextricably linked to “branding.” As Warren Buffet says, “It can take a lifetime to build a reputation and only 15 minutes to destroy it.” CEO’s and CFO’s can be confident they are improving and ensuring profitability of their businesses, reducing liability and delivering on the promise of customer success. Maintenance Directors are assured of delivering on their promise of continuous operational efficiency, improved workflow, adherence to operational standards, achievement of the highest safety measures for their employees and customers, and maximum utilization rates for their vessels. Maintenance crews and mechanics can be sure they have all the tools and processes necessary to perform their critical jobs, efficiently and without error. In our next article in MARINE LOG, we’ll explore a variety of approaches to overcoming these challenges and achieving improved product quality and profitability, and reduced liability. The article will introduce cost-effective technologies

that are currently being embraced in the marketplace, which will enable these process improvements. We’ll also explore how they can extend to and deliver real, measureable benefits to multiple functional areas of your respective business —regardless of whether you are a shipbuilder, ship operator or shipyard—big or small. The cornerstone of this will be Shipdex, an industry standard protocol for the development and exchange of quality technical documentation. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Falk Aupers is a Senior Consultant with Corena. Aupers is an experienced consultant, trainer and project manager in international projects regarding structured technical documentation. His experience includes extensive work with many global manufacturers, OEM’s and MRO’s across multiple industries and with many international Defense Ministries. One of his specializations is S1000D, the international standard for technical documentation development and publication, from which the constantly growing Shipdex protocol is derived. ML

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isibility within any business is vital in order to maximize revenue and profit. In an industry where rates are set by the market and where margins are notoriously thin, it makes even more sense to understand exactly which lines of business are profitable and which are not. Running a container line of any size involves processing thousands of pieces of information, keeping track of containers spread across the globe and raising and monitoring a staggering number of invoices. Without an up-to-date IT system running modern and intelligent software, it is extremely easy to lose sight of profitability and for revenue to simply leak away. Knowing the likely margin on a consignment at the time of booking is extremely important for a containership owner as it allows them to optimize the onboard cargo mix and achieve maximum profitability for any voyage. But many owners can’t readily retrieve this information because their various software systems that have been implemented over the years can’t communicate with one another. Without an integrated flow of data, this vital business information is lost. Modern shipping software is modular, meaning that a carrier (and its agents) may select which applications they need to automate certain processes within their business. They do this in the knowledge that each module seamlessly integrates with the others to facilitate a flow of information across the company. In a comprehensive software package comprising a number of modules, variable costs per shipment are retrieved from a cost database and applied as estimated costs to the booking. Information on volumes taken from the customer at the time of booking are automatically married with this existing data to provide analysis and profitability assessments for each consignment. And, as the voyage progresses and actual costs become known, real-time updates can be delivered. Intelligent software will also 38  MARINE LOG OCTOBER 2012

provide transparency and introduce a level of and control over availaccuracy not previously able space onboard to experienced. Working manage the allotment on the “one input only” of container slots and principle, data is input ensure maximum vesonly once and then sel utilization. shared across the comIf software applicapany and with relevant tions throughout a business partners. This company are fully consignificantly reduces nected, then data need the administrative only be input once and burden and introduces can be stored and reefficiencies across the used in all areas of the business. company. This reduces By automating duplication, eliminates these processes, a huge errors and increases amount of data is capefficiency. But many tured, shared and reestablished shipping used throughout the companies are not willcompany. It can also be ing to upgrade all their analyzed and presented systems at once. That Lars Fischer, Managing Director, in the form of manageis quite natural as it Softship Data Processing Ltd. ment reports. Introcan involve enormous ducing such visibility upheaval, business allows busy executives interruption, re-training and the inevi- to understand which areas of their busitable initial backwards step to achieve a ness are profitable and which require forward leap. But there is a less daunt- more focus. Good software will also ing alternative that can achieve almost manage and monitor voyage progress the same result. Service Oriented Archi- and port call activities. Schedules can tecture (SOA) involves introducing a be monitored and updated from arrival, middle layer of technology and letting departure and noon-reports automatithat layer take on the challenge of com- cally received from the vessel. Changmunicating and interpreting the data es caused by unforeseen events can be flow between the various existing soft- simulated to provide information on the ware applications. This layer effectively impact on the overall schedule allowing de-couples the applications from each the operator to simulate the most approother and allows software to be replaced priate counter measures (such as speed in phases. In short, SOA will enable your orders). Statistics provide transparency many software applications to talk to in terms of port performance and will each other and it will also allow you to help to increase schedule reliability. add and remove applications without disrupting your entire IT infrastructure. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Connecting your applications allows Lars Fischer is Managing Director of you to integrate all your activities from Softship Data Processing Ltd., Singasales to customer service through to doc- pore, a wholly owned subsidiary of Softumentation and invoicing. Many compa- ship AG, a leading provider of software nies still duplicate their work in these solutions for the international liner shipareas which is both inefficient and error ping sector. ML prone. Implementing intelligent solutions will streamline these processes www.marinelog.com

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Newsmakers Cummins inC, Charleston, sC, has named Greg Young its Director of Strategic Growth-Commercial Transport. Young, who has been with Cummins for 30 years, will leverage the company’s experience and success in the European and North American commercial transport markets. Additionally, Waldemar marchetti has been appointed Director of Strategic Growth-Offshore Support. Marchetti previously served as Cummins’ Marine Sales and Marketing Director in Latin America. Gavin higgins was appointed the Chief Operating Officer at nichols Brothers Boat Builders. Higgins will oversee engineering, production, project management, purchasing and facilities. He previously worked with irving shipbuilding, inc, as General Manager of shelburne ship repair, Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada. Prior to that he worked at Derecktor shipyards. Jensen maritime Consultants has named scott Ward a naval architect in the firm’s New Orleans office.

Waldemar marchetti Gavin higgins niChols Bros. Cummins larry Vauclin has retired as Vice President, Central Division, for Bollinger shipyards, inc., Lockport, LA. Vauclin had been in the shipyard industry for 52 years, spending the last 16 at Bollinger. He began his shipyard career in 1960 with main iron Works, Houma, LA, working as a supervisor. msC Cruises (usa), inc., Fort Lauderdale, FL, has named Yvette Batalla Director of Public Relations. Her responsibilities will include expanding the line’s consumer awareness in the U.S and Canada. Jorge l. Quijano was appointed the new Panamanian Canal Administrator. He will serve a seven-year term. Quijano has 36-

larry Vauclin BollinGer shiPYarDs

years experience at the waterway and was in charge of key projects such as the Expansion Program. Global supplier of cargo carrying solutions, modular systems, offshore aviation services and fluid management, swire oilfield services, has named richard sell its Chief Operating Officer and Peter ellington its Chief Technical Officer. Sell makes the transition from swire Group sister company, China navigation Co. Pte. ltd, (CnCo), Singapore, where he ran the bulk logistics business, bulk shipping trade and managed CNCo’s chartering, sale and purchase of vessels. Meanwhile, Ellington joins Swire from oilfield services company, expro.

Juice up Your sales

40 marine loG OCTOBER 2012




man inTroduceS new dual-Fuel engine MAn Diesel & Turbo continues to expand its product program with dual-fuel engines based on common rail technology. The company recently introduced the latest addition to it four-stroke portfolio, the L35/44DF engine. The new engine offers dual diesel fuel-gas running and can be introduced as a retrofit to engines already in service. According to MAn Diesel & Turbo, when developing the engine, its objective was to produce a high efficiency/high specific power output unit that complied with IMO Tier II emission limits in diesel mode and IMO Tier III limits in gas operation. Another primary objective was to offer a high degree of fuel flexibility (HFO, MDO, MGO and natural gas.) The inline 35/44DF offers an output of 530kw/cylinder and is available in 6 to 10 cylinder configurations—equating to a total power output ranging from 3.2 Mw to 5.3 Mw. This make the 35/44DF the engine with the highest power output, complementing the output offered by the larger

L51/60DF. Additionally, the L35/44 has been specifically designed for the retrofit of 32/44CR-T2 engines where it can benefit from a high level of component synergies and the same crankcase. Currently, MAn Diesel & Turbo is in the process of developing a V-type engine version, further expanding the power-output range of its dual-fuel engine portfolio.


SmarT FPS System from algae-X Florida-based Algae-X International (AXI), has released its sMART FPs Compact Fuel Polishing system. The system stabilizes fuel by keeping it in pristine, clear and bright condition. A solution for removing water, sludge and contami-

nants from diesel fuel, the sMART FPs prevents filters from clogging, reduces smoke, emissions and downtime, and extends fuel injection and engine service life. Designed for use in remote locations where fuel quality is questionable, the system polishes and optimizes fuel at 80 gallons per hour, with particulate filtration as fine as 10 microns. “The sMART FPs Compact uses AXI’s ALGAe-X Fuel Conditioner to optimize fuel for peak engine performance, greater reliability and less pollution. Its small footprint of only 10-by-7 inches makes the sMART FPs Compact Fuel Polishing system the ideal solution when space is a commodity, ” says wout Lisseveld, AXI’s CeO.

AXIFuelconditioning.com www.marinelog.com

energy saving propulsion package from Van der Velden The Netherlands-based Van der Velden Marine Systems, has partnered with Germanybased Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH (MMG) to offer an energy saving propulsion package that combines the advantages of an optimized, highly efficient fixed-pitch propeller with an asymmetric leading edge rudder with propulsion bulb and adapted hub caps. The package, currently available for pitch propeller systems by MMG, in combination with Van der Velden full spade rudders, provides an efficient and fuel saving ART rudder, leading to highly effective maneuverability, reduces drag, improves fuel consumption and minimizes cavitation.


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 OCTOBeR 2012 marine log 41

Technews Technews ABB wins $35 million contract for Russian icebreaker switzerland-based ABB, has won a $35 million contract from Baltic shipyard Ltd. to supply propulsion and electrical systems for a new 25 Mw line diesel-electric next generation icebreaker under construction for Russia’s state shipping company Rosmorport FsUe. ABB will provide integrated power generation and distribution systems, thruster motors, fire-fighting pump motors and a 25 Mw propulsion system. specially designed for extreme Arctic conditions, the propulsion system will be comprised of two Azipod thruster units producing 7.5 Mw each, and one centerline arranged shafting with a fixed propeller generating a 10 Mw output. The use of the Azipods will enable the icebreaker to reduce its fuel consumption by up to 20 percent. The vessel will perform operations on the northern sea Route, the Arctic seas and estuaries of rivers leading up to the Arctic Ocean. “The extreme conditions north of the Arctic Circle demand constant availability and high-energy efficiency from all

systems on board,” says Veli-Matti Reinikkala, head of ABB’s Process Automation division. “ABB’s solutions will ensure the reliability and maneuverability required for this type of ship’s operation.”

Delivery of the equipment and systems is set to start in 2013. The vessel will be delivered to Rosmorport in 2015.


ReNK showcases T2RecS line up at SMM At last month’s sMM show, RenK AG, showcased the T2ReCs, its new lineup of standard gear units. Designed for offshore, commercial and fishing service vessels, the units come in seven sizes with center distances of 400 to 710 mm, an average of 600 to 1,200 rev/min and rated between 500 to 5,000 kw. Add-on modules enable the gear units to be configured to specific requirements within the system. some of those possible configurations include: Power Take-Off-for driving a generator for onboard power, Power Take-In-for additional booster power from generator and Power Take Home-redundant propeller drive system via a generator/electric motor.




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While every care has been taken to present the most accurate information, our survey gathering system is far from perfect. We welcome your Shipyard Contracts input. Please e-mail any changes to: marinelog@sbpub.com. Some contract values and contract completion dates are estimated. Information Reederei Claus-Peter Offen fleet use Enterprise While every care has been taken to present to the most accurateNS5 information, our survey gathering systemSoftware is far from perfect. We welcome your based on data as of about September 1, 2012. (*) Asterisk indicates first in series delivered. A “C” after a vessel type indicates a major converShipyard Contracts input. Please e-mail any changes to: marinelog@sbpub.com. Some contract values and contract completion dates are estimated. Information sion, overhaul or refit. Additional commercial and government contracts are listed on our website, www.marinelog.com. The InTernaTIonal Chamber ofbased ShIppIng on data asfor of about April 1, 2012. (*) Asterisk indicates first in series delivered. A “C” after a vessel type indicates a major conversion, One of world’s largest morooka engineer Reederei Claus(ICS) hasthe elected masamichi overhaul or refit. Additional commercial and government contracts are listed on our website, www.marinelog.com. suppliers modern containPeter Offen. “Our engineers as its newof Chairman. Morooka succeeds er tonnage, Germany-based and crewTyPE wanted a one-for-all SHIPyARD LOCATION QTy PARTICULARS OwNER/OPERATOR EST. $ MIL EST. DEL. Spyros m.Shipyard polemis who stepped down Location Qty Type Particulars Owner Est. Value $ Mil Est. Del. Reederei Claus-Peter Offen solution for from the post after six LOCATION years in office. QTy TyPEtheir day-to-day SHIPyARD PARTICULARS OwNER/OPERATOR EST. $ MIL EST. DEL. Shipyard QtyAL workloads Type Particulars Owner Est. Value $ Mil Est. Del. Park Casino Shipyard 1 riverboat casinonautical 38,000 ft2 casino Hollywood 35.0 7/00 RECENT CONTRACTS willAlabama implement theLocation use of Mobile, ABs and ABs Allen Marine, Inc. Sitka, AK 1 passenger catamaran 78 ft Allen Marine Tours 2.0 2000 Blount Boatssystems’ integrated Warren, RI 1 ferry 85 ft Fire Island Ferry JUN13 nautical systems’ software suite has Alabama Shipyard Mobile, riverboat Hollywood Park Casino 7/00 RECENT John Walker AllenCONTRACTS Marine, Inc. was named Sitka,head AKAL of 1gl1 response passengercasino catamaran 78ftft ft2 casino NYWaterway 2.0 2000 Crystal Taylor Kevin Kirby 35.0 masamichi Gladding Hearn Shipbld. Somerset, MA boat 64 ft x morooka 2138,000 Southeast Ocean Resp. 4thQ/13 ns5 enterprise software suite provided that.” Allen Marine, Inc. Sitka, AK 1 passenger catamaran 78 ft Allen Marine Tours 2.0 2000 AMFELS Brownsville, TX deepwater construction vessel 4000-ton deckload CalDive International 100.0 1Q/01 Gladding-Hearn Somerset, MA 1 pilot boat 52 ft x 16 ft Delta Launch Services 4Q2012 noble Denton’s Marine Casualty InvestiGulf Island Fab Houma, LA 1 liftboat 185 ft x 135 ft Montco Offshore KVIChaK IngramPuget barge ICS time Marine, Inc.Inc. of Seattle, Sitka, AK passenger NYWaterway 2.0 2000 Atlantic Marine, Jacksonville, FL cruise shipscatamaran 226 Delta Queen Voyages 60.0 6/01 Kvichak WA 11 12isn’t work boat 31 ft 8 in78 ftftxpassenger 11 ft 4 in SoundCoastal Energy SUM2012 on Allen itsMarine entire 103Americas conThis the first Huntington Ingallsfleet Newport News, VA aircraft carrier Modification U.S. Navy $296.1 OCT15 gation practice for the region. AMFELS Brownsville, TX 1 deepwater construction vessel 4000-ton deckload CalDive International 100.0 1Q/01 Bay Shipbuilding Sturgeon Bay, WI cutterhead dredge 250 ft Lake Michigan Contractors 2000 Kvichak Marine Seattle, WA 1 work boat 37 ft 11 in Puget Sound Energy SUM2012 tainer ships. Kvichak Marine Seattle, WA 15 skimmers 30 ft U.S. Navy Reederei has turned to ABs Atlantic Marine, Inc. Jacksonville, 21 cruise Delta Coastal &Voyages 60.0 6/01 SEP13 Bay Shipbuilding Sturgeon Bay,FL WI trailingships suction hopper dredge 226 5,000passenger m3 Great Queen Lakes Dredge Dock 51.6 3Q/2001 He will lead a team of marine engineers, US Fab Shipyard Seattle, WA ferry dredge 144 cars250 ft Washington State Ferries $138 2015 Nichols Bros. Boat Bldrs. software Freeland, WAALBay, car superstructure Washington Ferries Bay Shipbuilding Sturgeon WI 1-- 1 car cutterhead Lake Contractors 2000 Bender Shipbuilding Mobile, MPferry deepwater 340 TorchMichigan Inc. State 30.0 2001NOV13 The integrated nautical systems forvessel its softmaster mariners naval Debra has been the ManBay Shipbuilding Sturgeon Bay, WI 2 1 PSVs trailing suction hopper dredge 5,000 Great Lakes & Dock was appointed 51.6 3Q/2001 TY Offshore New Orleans, dual fuel, 302 ftnamed x 64 ft SeniorHarvey GulfDredge Intl. Marine Bender Shipbuilding and Mobile,architects ALLA offshore tuga. Colbert 150 ft m3 Ottogennaro Candies, Inc. pipoli 5.0 8/00 solution includes Mainteware solutions. Back in 2011, Bender Shipbuilding the cause Mobile, AL extent1 MP deepwater 340 Inc. 30.0 2001Sinin determining and Vice President Council Torch Director for Imtech offshore tug vessel of the Waterways 150 ft Ottoaging Candies, Inc. 5.0 marine 10/00 DELIVERIES nance Repair, Purchasing was previously Bender Shipbuilding Mobile, AL 1 software offshore tug suite 150 Otto Candies, Inc. 5.0 8/00 Blount&Shipyard Warren,collisions, RI the ns5 harbor tug 55 ftft stockgapore. 2000 DELIVERIES of machinery damage, fires, Inc. (WCI). Colbert served as Pipoli has an extensive track Bender Shipbuilding Mobile, AL offshore tugof Reederei 150 Otto Candies, Inc. 5.0 10/00 BlountShipyards Shipyard Warren, RI installed oyster dredge 90knots ftft 26 knots Tallmadge Brothers 7/00 APR12 All American Marine Bellingham, WA 1 1 FRC survey vessel 134 ft, ft x28 37 ft, C&C Technologies & Inventory and the Voyage on four Bollinger Lockport, LA 1 154 U.S. Coast Guard SEP12 groundings, operations and Director of boat Communications record, having years Blount Shipyard salvage Warren, RI 1 ocean harbor tug dinner 55 stock 2000 sightseeing 64 ft 10 in and MediaSEAJON Chicago from the Lake, Ltd.worked a number of 4/01 DonJon Shipbuilding Erie, PA 1 tug LLC APR12 Bollinger Marine Fab Amelia, LA RI Claus-Peter 1 1 ocean tug 10,880 ft Crowley Maritime Corp. SEP12 Management modules. each Offen vessels toShebhp, Blount Shipyard Warren, oyster dredge 90 ft146 Tallmadge Brothers 7/00 Bollinger Marineincidents. Fabricators Amelia, LA oceangoing barge 400 ft serves as Pres-SEAJON McDonough Marine Service 2/01 APR12 other marine Relations at WCI. also with general electric (ge). DonJon Shipbuilding Erie, PA 1 ocean barge 34,000 ton LLC Huntington Ingalls Avondale, LA RILA USS Anchorage 23) U.S. Navy Blount Shipyard Warren, 1 LPD sightseeing dinner boat 64 Chicago from the Lake, Ltd. 4/01 SEP12 Bollinger Shipyards provides Lockport, cement barge 295xft14 ft10ftin(LPD Lone Star Industries 2000 of the modules the make11sure they achieved maxKvichak Marine Seattle, WA MS patrol boat 44Communications. ft 11bhp/330,000 in 7 inbbl Seattle Police Dept. APR12 ident ofbarge Colbert VT Halter Marine Pascagoula, 1 1 ATB 16,000 Crowley Corp. Bollinger Marine Fabricators Amelia, LALA oceangoing 400 McDonough Marine Service 2/01 Shipyards Lockport, towboat 8,000ft hp RiverwayMaritime Company 8.0 3/01 SEP13 tools to track maintenance imum functionality Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, LA 1 cement barge ahead of 295 Lone Star Industries 2000WA, The tanker owners’ association, Intermarine Industries, utility vessel 166 ft GilcoKvichak Supply Boats, Inc. 8.0 Seattle, 10/00 expenses, upcoming implementation onCamarena the rest ofhas8,000 Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, LA Company 8.0 3/01 utility vessel 166 ft hp cruise com- Riverway Gilcohas Supply Boats, Inc. 5/01 PENDING CONTRACTS NOTES tanko, reports that itsdrycouncil has11 towboat lance joined appointed Kevin Kirby as its new PENDING CONTRACTS Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, LA utility scows vessel Gilco Supply Boats, Inc. 8.0 10/00 145 ft 6 in Lytal Marine 9/00NOTES BAE Systems Southeast Mobile, AL 2 dump 7,700 ft3166 Great Lakes Operators Dredge option docks and repairs, inventory the fleet. appointed Katharina Stanzel panies america Sea-Hornbeck proposal manager. Kirby with him Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, LA to the utility vessel holland 166 ft 6line Gilco Supply Boats, 8.0 5/01 Eastern Shipbuilding Panama City, FL 8 1 PSV 300 ftPAX Offshore $360.0 brings 145 in to and Plaisance Marine 1/01options TBD car ferries 1,200 (Convert LNG) Washington StateInc. Ferries RFP issued replacement needs, fuel conTo 16date 21 vessels have Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, LA 1 car utility vessel 145 ft6hp 6in, in 23 cars Lytal Marine Operators 8.0 9/00 Brusco Tug & Barge Longview, WA Z-Drive tug 3,600 Diversified Marine, Portland, OR 5.0 4Q/00 TBD ferry 115 ft x 47 ft Wahkiakum County del. end 2014 post of Managing Director of Intertanko. bourn as director, fleet training and per22 years of experience in the aluminum TBD 5 OSVs stretch to 250 ft Harvey Gulf Intl. Marine RFP Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, LA 1 car utility vessel with the 145 ft 6 in Plaisance MarineHighway 8.0 1/01 Conrad Shipyard Morgan City, LA 1 implemented liftferry boat 110 undisclosed 5.0 1Q/00 ENHANCING NS5 offerings in real-time data sumption and cargo operabeen TBD 500 PAX, 60 vehicles Alaska Marine Alaska ShipI TBD OPCs Offshore Patrol Cutters U.S. Coast Guard RFP/Phase Stanzel, who currently acts as Deputy formance management. His responsibiliboatbuilding industry. Brusco & Barge Longview, WALA 1 Z-Drive 3,600 Diversified Marine, Portland, OR 5.0 4Q/00 Conrad Tug Shipyard Morgan City, lift boat tug 111 ft hp Global Marine 6/00 & Drydock PRODUCT management and tions across Reederei ClausABs nautical sysTY Offshore New Orleans, LAsoftware. 4 1 PSVs dual fuel, 302 64 ftOFFERINGS Gulf Intl. Marine Conrad Shipyard Morgan LA lift boat 110 ft ft xthe undisclosed 5.0 analytics 1Q/00options Managing Director, will step City, in to her ties will include overseeing deck andHarvey liquid mud barge 130 VTPeter Halter Marine Pascagoula, 692 ft, 26,600 Pasha Hawaii Transport option In other news, ABs has partrelated to$137.0 the 5.0 ABs appointed nautical Offen’s entire fleet. tems for fleet the entire Conrad Shipyard MorganMS City, LA 1 expects 1 Roll-On/Roll-Off lift boat 111 ft dwt Global Marine 6/00general Shipyards dry dock 10,000 ton Conrad Industries 3.0 4Q/00 new role on July 1. engine training team. braemar Technical Services contractor Conrad Shipyard Morgan City, LA 1 liquid mud barge 130 ft undisclosed 5.0 1Q/00 VT Halter Marine Pascagoula, MS 24 PSVs 97.2m, DP2 Hornbeck Offshore $1,080.0 Dakota Creek Industries Anacortes, WA Prevention/Response Tug 140 ft, 10,192 hp Z-drives Crowley Marine Services 8.0 7/00options nered up with data analysis systems ns5 Fleet Manage“ we n e e d t e c h n o l o g y implementation of the suite TBD Conrad ferry 20 vehicle/149 PAX WA DOT graeme Temple to the role Shipyards Morgan City, LANY 1 12 car dry dock 10,000 ton Conrad Industries 3.0 4Q/00 Derecktor Shipyards Mamaroneck, pilot boats 56 ft aluminum NY/NJ Sandy Hook Pilots Association 2.0 of Regional 12/00MAY13 and monitoring techment that offered both a centralto the next TBD 65 ft, 49 140 PAX Port Townsend MAR/APR12 Dakota Creek Industries Anacortes, WAFLbe1concluded 1 ferry Prevention/Response ft, 10,192Executive hp Z-drives Crowley Marine Services 8.0 7/00 Eastern Shipbuilding Group Panama Company City, Offshore Supply VesselTug 204 ft remote Naviera Tamaulipas 7.0 6/00 Nashville-based Ingram barge evan over efstathiou was named Director for itssoftware Far East suite. region. Temple Derecktor Shipyards Mamaroneck, NY 1 21 Roll-On/Roll-Off pilot boats 56 ft aluminum NY/NJ Sandy Hook Pilots Association 12/00 FirstWave/Newpark Shipbuilding Houston,MS TXtwenty-four tankmonths. barge 30,000 bbl provider, engineering Blessey Marine Services 3.0 6/00option VTized Halter Marine Pascagoula, 692 ft, 26,600 dwt Pasha Hawaii Transport $137.0 2.0 nology and standardized soluAveraghas promoted Crystal Taylor to Senior Director of SpecTec america. He previwill be responsible for strengthening Eastern Shipbuilding Panama City,MS FL 24 12 PSVs Offshore 204 Naviera Tamaulipas 7.0 6/00 FriedeMarine Goldman HalterGroupPascagoula, Escatawpa, auto/pax Supply ferries Vessel 97.2m, DP2 300 ft passengers/40 autos Hornbeck North Carolina DOT 10.8 7/00options VTtion, Halter MS Offshore $1,080.0 software Reliability Group and was user-friendly,” ing three vessel installations Shipbuilding Houston, TX MS will12 tank barge 30,000 bbl Services surveyor network 3.0 6/00 ViceFirstWave/Newpark President and Controller. Taylor ously worked in Veson nautical as the Blessey Friede Goldman Halter Pearlington, casino barges Harrah’s Entertainment 2Q/00 theMarine company’s in this www.eagle.org (esRG), to improve service says Lutz Miesen, Project Friede Goldman Halter Escatawpa, MS 2 auto/pax ferries 300 passengers/40 autos North Carolina DOT 10.8 7/00 a month. Gulfport, MS 30 inland deck barges 200 ft Ingram Industries 9.0 4Q/00 succeed the retiring al oldham. Director of Client Services. region.

Commercial Commercial

Friede Goldman Halter Friede Goldman Halter Friede Goldman Halter Friede Goldman Halter Friede Goldman Halter Offshore Friede Goldman Halter Offshore Friede Goldman Offshore Friede Goldman Offshore Friede Goldman Shipbuilding Offshore Gladding-Hearn Friede Goldman Shipbuilding Offshore Gladding-Hearn Gladding-Hearn Gunderson, Inc. Shipbuilding Gladding-Hearn Gunderson, Inc. Shipbuilding Gunderson, Inc. Houma Fabricators Gunderson, Kody Marine,Inc. Inc. Houma KvichakFabricators Marine Industries Kody Marine, Inc. Kvichak Marine Industries Kvichak Marine Industries Kvichak Marine Industries Kvichak Marine Industries Kvichak Marine Industries Kvichak Marine Industries Leevac Shipyards Kvichak Marine Industries Leevac Shipyards Leevac Shipyards LeTourneau Leevac Shipyards LeTourneau LeTourneau Litton Avondale Industries LeTourneau Litton Ingalls Shipbuilding Litton Avondale Industries Ingalls Shipbuilding Litton Shipbuilding MARCOIngalls Seattle Litton Shipbuilding MarineIngalls Builders MARCO Seattle Mark Steel Corporation Marine NASSCOBuilders Mark Steel Corporation Nichols Brothers Boat Builders NASSCO Nichols Brothers Boat Builders Nichols Brothers Boat Builders Nichols Brothers Boat Builders Marine Ways Nichols BrothersShipbuilding Boat Builders North American Nichols Marine Ways North American Shipbuilding North American Shipbuilding Florida Shipyards North Shipbuilding OrangeAmerican Shipbuilding North Florida Shipyards Orange Shipbuilding Co., Inc. Orange Shipbuilding Patti Shipyard Orange Shipbuilding Co., Inc. Quality Shipyards Patti Shipyard SEMCO Quality Shipyards Swiftships, Inc. SEMCO Swiftships, Inc.

Pearlington, 21 Gulfport, MSMS Gulfport, MS MS 301 Pascagoula, Gulfport, MSMS 1 Pearlington, Pascagoula, 1 Lockport, LA MS Pearlington, 1 Orange, TX MS Lockport, LA MS 12 Pascagoula, Orange, TX MS 1 Pascagoula, Pascagoula, MS 2 Pascagoula, MS 1 Somerset, MA Pascagoula, MS 23 Somerset, MA Somerset, MA 13 Portland, OR Somerset, MA 31 Portland, OR Portland, OR 31 Houma, LA Portland, 13 Harvey, LAOR Houma, LA 1 Seattle, WA Harvey, LA 31 Seattle, WA Seattle, WA 1 Seattle, WA 1 Seattle, WA 1 Seattle, WA 1 Seattle, WALA 12 Jennings, Seattle, WALA 1 Jennings, Jennings, 21 Vicksburg,LA MS Jennings, LA 1 Vicksburg, MS Vicksburg, MSLA 13 New Orleans, Vicksburg, 12 Pascagoula,MS MS New Orleans,MS LA 3 Pascagoula, Pascagoula, 2 Seattle, WA MS Pascagoula, MS 31 Utica, IN Seattle, 21 Salt LakeWA City, UT Utica, IN CA 12 San Diego, Salt Lake City, UT Whidbey Island, WA 1 San Diego, CA WA 21 Whidbey Island, Whidbey Island, WA 1 Whidbey Portland, Island, OR WA 1 Whidbey Island, WA LA11 Larose and Houma, Portland, ORHouma, LA11 Larose and Larose and Houma, LA11 Jacksonville, FL Larose Orange,and TX Houma, LA11 Jacksonville, FL 1 Orange, TX Orange, TX FL 12 Pensacola, Orange, TX 1 Houma, LA Pensacola, 23 Lafitte, LA FL Houma, 12 Morgan LA City, LA Lafitte, LA 3 Morgan City, LA 2

casino barges oceangoing tank barge inland deck barges pure car truck carrier oceangoing tank barge self-unloading bulker pure carhull truck carrier tugboat self-unloading bulker semi-submersible tugboat hull semi-submersibles semi-submersible semisubmersible (C) semi-submersibles semisubmersibles (C) semisubmersible (C) fast ferry semisubmersibles (C) pilot boats fast ferry cargo barges railcar/deck pilot boatshopper barge split hull railcar/deck offshore tug cargo barges split hull hopper barge switchboats offshore tug catamaran switchboats oil spill response vessel catamaran passenger shuttle oil spillboat response vessel patrol passenger pilot boat shuttle patrol boat catamaran whalewatch pilot boat supply vessel deepwater whalewatch catamaran riverboat casino deepwater jackup rig supply vessel riverboat casino Super Gorilla XL jackup Alaskanrigtankers Super cruise Gorilla ships XL Alaskan tankers multipurpose jackup vessels cruise ships pilot boats multipurpose jackup vessels dinner cruise boat pilot boats car passenger ferry dinner RO/RO cruise ships boat car passenger ferry dinner boat RO/RO shipsferry high-speed dinner boat ferry high-speed high-speed ferry dredge hydraulic pipeline high-speed ferry AHTS hydraulic pipelineVessel dredge Offshore Supply AHTS oil tanker Offshore Supply Vessel deck barge oil tanker deck barge deck barge offshore towing vessels deck barge towboat offshore towingVessels vessels Multi-Purpose towboat crewboat Multi-Purpose Vessels crewboat

Harrah’s Entertainment 370 ft, liquid sugar Express Marine 200 Ingram Industries 579 ft Pasha Hawaii Transport Lines 370 Express Marine 740 ft, ft liquid sugar Great Lakes Marine Leasing 579 Pasha HawaiiBoat Transport Lines 150 ft Thoma-Sea Builders 740 Great Marine Leasing 7500ftft water depth ENSCOLakes International 150 Thoma-Sea Boat Builders 5000ftft water depth Petrodrill Construction Inc. 7500 ENSCO International Ilion ft water depth Noble Drillling/FGII 5000 ft water depth Petrodrill Construction Inc. Bingo 9000-12 Ocean Rig ASA (Norway) Ilion Noble 143 ft BostonDrillling/FGII Harbor Cruises Bingo Ocean Rig ASA (Norway) 75 ft 9000-12 Charleston, Boston Pilots 143 Boston Harbor Cruises 420 ft Alaska Railbelt Marine, LLC 75 ft yd3 capacity Charleston, 1,700 J.E. McAmis,Boston Inc. Pilots 420 Alaska Marine, LLC 125 ft Harvey Railbelt Gulf International 1,700 J.E. McAmis, Inc. 1,500 yd3 hp capacity LC Power 125 Harvey Gulf International 54 ftftaluminum Maui Classic Voyages 1,500 LC Power 38 ft hp Clean Sound Co-op 54 ft aluminum Maui Classic Voyages Atlantis Submarines 38 ft aluminum Clean Co-op NassauSound County Police 54 Atlantis 73 ft aluminum ColumbiaSubmarines Bar Pilots 38 Nassau County Police 65 ft aluminum Eco Adventures 73 aluminum Columbia PilotsServices 260ftft-280 ft Hornbeck Bar Offshore 65 Adventures 280ftft,aluminum 30,000 sq ft casino Eco Hollywood Shreveport 260 Hornbeck Offshore Services 400 ft-280 ft depthft Rowan Offshore 280 30,000depth sq ft casino Hollywood Shreveport 550 ft, ft water Rowan Offshore 400 ft depth Rowan Offshore 125,000 dwt ARCO Marine 550 water depth Rowan Offshore 1,900ft passenger American Classic Voyages 125,000 dwt depth ARCO 180 ft water Searex,Marine Inc. 1,900 American Classic 104 ft passenger San Francisco BarVoyages Pilots 180 ft water depth Searex, WinstonInc. Knauss 104 San Bar Pilots 148 ft pax/26 auto UtahFrancisco DOT Winston 839 ft TOTE Knauss 148 pax/26 auto Utah DOT 800 passenger Argosy Cruises 839 TOTE 400 ft passenger Golden Gate Bridge, Hwy. 800 Argosy 379 passenger CatalinaCruises Express Lines 400 passenger Golden Bridge, Hwy. MansonGate Construction 379 Catalina Express Lines 7,200passenger hpEdison Chouest Offshore 190 ftChouest Offshore Ser Manson vices3.5 Construction 7,200 171 ft hpEdison Chouest Offshore Marine Tankers Services, Ltd. 190 Offshore Ser vices3.5 200 ftChouest ft undisclosed 171 ft Marine Tankers Services, Ltd. 120 undisclosed 200 undisclosed 150 ft Harvey Gulf International 120 undisclosed 8000fthp Marquette Transportation 150 Harvey Gulf Sedco International 156 ft x 103 ft Transocean Forex 8000 Marquette Transportation 170 fthp aluminum hull Candies Fleet 156 ft x 103 ft Transocean Sedco Forex 170 ft aluminum hull Candies Fleet

2Q/00 8/00 4Q/00 sp/02 8/00 4/00 sp/02 4Q/00 4/00 8/00 4Q/00 12/01 8/00 N/A 12/01 12/00 N/A 2000 12/00 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1Q/01 2000 7/00 1Q/01 2000 7/00 3Q/00 2000 12/00 3Q/00 8/00 12/00 3Q/00 8/00 6/01 3Q/00 10/00 6/01 6/00 10/00 3Q/03 6/00 4/01 3Q/03 1/04 4/01 2000 1/04 1Q/01 2000 1Q/01 9/00 2000 3Q/02 9/00 6/00 3Q/02 6/01 6/00 sp/01 6/01 N/A sp/01 5/00 N/A 5/00 2000 2Q/00 2000 1Q/00 2Q/00 2000 1Q/00 8/00 2000 8/00 3Q/00 2000 3Q/00


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$3,485.8 MILLION



$3,485.8 MILLION


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Metal Shark Boats




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46 MARINE LOG october 2012

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Harley Marine Gulf has an immediate opening at Channelview, Texas for a General Manager. Responsible for managing the day-to-day operations, marketing company services, exploring new business and ensuring the revenue and profitability of the company. Minimum of 10 years experience in marine and petroleum transportation. Must be thoroughly familiar with tank barge operations, ship operations, and terminal/refinery operations. Competitive salary & generous benefits package. Crew Positions also available in the Gulf Region. Apply on-line at: W: www.harleymarine.com E: jobs@harleymarine.com

october 2012 MARINE LOG 47


December 2005 Vol. 110 No.12

October 2012 Vol. 117 No. 10



Levingston shipbuiLding: offshore pioneer

EXPLORING THE OFFSHORE MARKET In the mid-50s, as the offshore market grew and required equipment too big to be built in Levingston’s yard, the company expanded on to Harbor Island, origi-

MarineLoG ISSN 08970491

USPS 576-910

A Simmons-Boardman Publication


345 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y. 10014 Tel: (212) 620-7200 Fax: (212) 633-1165 www.marinelog.com ISSN 08970491 USPS 576-910 A Simmons-Boardman Publication 345 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y. 10014 Tel: (212) 620-7200 Fax: (212) 633-1165 Website: http://www.marinelog.com

The Penrod 5, built in 1956-57 for Hunt Oil Company at the old Levingston Shipyard in Orange, TX

nally a promontory from the Louisiana side of the Sabine River, but converted into an island when the Sabine River channel was straightened, widened and deepened. A pontoon bridge was built for access. Side-launch ways were built along 1,100 feet of the north side of the island and wet berths were built around 3,400 feet of its west end. By the time Levingston closed, most of the 100-acre island had been developed, with shops, warehouses and assembly areas. Before WWII, Levingston had essentially been a barge builder—of the 142 boats built between 1933 and 1940, only 30 were self-propelled. During WWII, however, it was the nation’s leading builder of ocean tugs, turning out 65 for the Navy and 48 for the Army. On top of this, it also produced 24 surf boats, 18

OVERSEAS APPEAL Levingston’s designs for jack-ups were generally considered to be the Cadillacs of the industry: more expensive than other designs but much stronger and more reliable. More Levingston jack-ups were built overseas under license than in Orange —they were built in Brazil, the Netherlands, France, Croatia, Singapore and Japan. Indeed, while Marathon LeTourneau and Bethlehem Steel established their own shipyards in Singapore, Levingston teamed with Singapore’s Far East Shipbuilding to create Far East Levingston Shipbuilding, now generally known as Keppel FELS. ML www.shipbuildinghistory.com

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tank barges and the experimental Sea Otter II for the Navy, plus 10 coastal tankers and 10 self-propelled barges for the Army. After the war, the offshore market was ready and waiting. Levingston delivered the first-ever offshore drilling barges to Humble Oil in 1946 and, in the 36 years that followed, they built nine drill ships, four semi-submersibles, 15 jackups and 75 drilling barges, the only yard to build all four types of offshore drilling rig. In addition to all this, they built 25 tugs, about 180 barges of various types, four patrol frigates for the Iranian Navy, three Staten Island ferries for the City of New York, three Ro-Ro cargo ships, a product carrier, three dry bulk carriers and the experimental surface-effect ship SES-100B.

WORLDWIDE Marine Log (UK) Suite K5 & K6, The Priory Syresham Gardens Haywards Heath RH16 3LB UNITED KINGDOM

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Photo courtesy of the Levingston Corporation

Technically, Levingston Shipbuilding Company was started by Captain George Levingston in 1933. In practice, however, Levingston had been building ships in Orange, TX, since 1859, when George’s father, Samuel H. Levingston, an immigrant from Northern Ireland, moved from Florida to Texas and started building paddle-wheel steamers. During the Civil War, he switched briefly to converting river steamers to gunboats for the Confederate States Navy, but returned to new construction after the war. George Levingston started out working with his father. In 1896, however, he teamed up with Joe Weaver to start, what would become, Weaver Shipyard; worked for the Government during WWI; started another new yard in 1919 at the foot of Moss Street, where Orange Shipbuilding is today; and finally started Levingston Shipbuilding in 1930, incorporating it in 1933. In 1945, Captain George sold the business to Edgar W. Brown Jr. and retired. Brown died in 1976 and his estate sold the two shipyards to Ashland Oil, but Ashland never had a clear strategy for the business and sold it in 1982 to the company’s CEO, Ed Paden. Levingston closed in 1985, after the offshore market collapsed, and the facility was liquidated.

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