Horror and fantasy stories

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CAROLINA´S BEST DAY. By Paula Martín Sarría( 1 ESO A) Carolina woke up without know that today would be her best day. Today, she knows her first friend. Carolina is serious, bossy, unfriendly and arrogant; she hasn´t got any friends. Today, there was a new student. His name is Federico. Federico is tall. His hair is dark and curly. His eyes are brawn. His nose and his mouth are thin. “He is very different from me.” think Carolina, because she is short, her hair are fair and straight, her eyes are blue and her nose and her mouth are thin.In the break time, Federico talks to Carolina. -Hello. Your name is Carolina? -Yes- said she, very seriously. -I am Federico. Do you like books? -Yes! I love books! -Me too. What is your goal? -Finish my studies. -Is a good goal. 3

-Oh, no! A spider! I don´t like spiders. -I also hate the spiders. Ring, ring, ring. The break´s bell! -Do you want to see tomorrow?- said Carolina. -Yes. Good bye! And Carolina returned home very happy to have known a Federico.

HALLOWEEN BIRTHDAY By LucíaCalavía( 1 ESO A) She wakes up in the morning. She has a small breakfast and then she goes to her work but in the street, she sees a man with the face like a monster. She thinks it’s the Halloween´s day is near but Halloween is over. Six hours later, Elena comes back to his house but in the street she sees again a man with the face like a monster. Then his man says to her: -Surprise! I am your brother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!


THE SAILOR’S HOUSE By Alberto PetidierPaúles ( 2 ESO A) Once upon a time there was an ex-sailor that could not navigateany more because he had no legs. A shark had ate his legs while he was sailing. In the town he lived no one wanted to be with him in the same room alone, because everyone that had done that had never appeared again. He lived in an abandoned house next to the city, he was really lonely until one day someone new came to the city. That man was planning to sleep in the abandoned house, many villagers said that he shouldn´t do it and they told him the story about the old man. The villager didn´t follow the villagers’instructions and he went to sleep there. When he entered in the house he found the old sailor there, standing in the middle of the room, with a huge knife in his hand. The villagers knew that was going to happen, so they had followed the visitor to the abandoned house with candles and with shotguns. When they entered in the house what they found was: the man dead, and the sailor sucking the blood that was coming out of his body.


THE LAST HALLOWEEN By AdemarRaposo( 2 ESO A) A few years ago when I lived in Boston my father told me: - Son, we're going to live in a better place. That seemed to me a good idea that we were also new to Boston and people do not like him. - Where shall we go? - Quite son we will go very far away from here. That surprised me . Where we would go ?Well , I thought , surely we would be fine and we would live happily . Even today I'm sorry I said that. Two years later and we lived in that place located in the middle of nowhere , all seemed quiet . One day playing hide my sister and I got into the woods , spend an hour , .... two ....three ....my sister and I was not , so I decided to go on his quest . -Tata where you are!Tata ! I did not receive any response .... I left running in the direction where I left my sister counting ....was not .... I was so shocked ....running output . .... I fell down


.... I lifted up........................................ scare me . -Ahhhhh ! There was a dead body , not my sister, was too decomposed .... her head was missing . .... running output .... I fell ,I tripped on a rock. .... not a stone. .... head -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! I ran again, ran and ran in the direction of the house, I was very tired. I stoped, turned around, there was someone ..... - Mike ! ! Where have you been hiding ! - A ...... a dead man ....there .... Point out where I had fallen , there was nothing ... I came home with fear in the body and my sister thought I was hallucinating. We went home we called our parents , I wanted to tell them what had happened, butI did not answer, my sister tried to call them , but there was no coverage. I was scared like never before, ran around the house shouting : Mom, Dad , where are you?, it is not funny ! He heard a rustling , seemed steps were coming towards us ....... - Mom, dad where you had you been? Someone peeked around the corner , it was potatoes, ....... It was that corpse I saw, had his head on his hand. My sister and I shouted at the same time -AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! ! ! !


While undead that someone was coming towards us were coming from behind , .... was ..... No ........, mom and dad, but with claws wounds everywhere ..... . -Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - jajajajajajajaja Exclaimed the corpses. From behind the decomposed corpse Pitcarni peeked my uncle , my parents began to clean the paint , both , all three were laughing out loud while my sister if she fainted and I ran to change my pants , just was eight years ..... - You had to have seen you face, you were so white that if you seemed corpses, jajajajajajajajajaj! - At the time I thought it was over, it was just a joke. Or not? - At the end of the day I remembered that it was Halloween and we had stayed with my uncle for a contest of scares.


By IvĂĄn Blasco( 2 ESO A) When I was a teenager, several older girls from my school went to an old, deserted plantation house to hold a sĂŠance. They sat in a circle on the floor, placed a candle in the center and began trying to reach spirits of the dead. For whatever reason, they called upon the spirit of the Headless Horseman. As they held hands and murmured encouragement for the spirit to contact them, a sudden gusty draft blew through the enormous old room and the candle was extinguished. One of the girls began screaming and screaming in agony. In terror, the other girls grabbed her and they all ran out of the house. The screaming girl kept sobbing and sobbing, "My back! My back!". The other girls pulled her shirt up to see why she was in such agony and discovered a lash upon her back, as though someone with a horse whip had dealt her a cruel, warning blow. None of the girls believed that the Horseman ever actually existed, they were just playing around and trying to scare one another. But undeniably, something quite terrifying did actually exist and reached out from beyond to either inflict harm or a warning to a group of young girls dabbling in a realm they were obviously neither safe nor welcome in.

A WICKED SMILE By Nicoleta Cucu ( 3 ESO B) Once upon a time there was a house in north of Michigan. He wore a short time there, but less than two years it had a ten removals. The house was sold unfurnished, but there was always that picture of clown with a wicked smile


and pointing ten fingers. The family would seemed funny and they staying. As the days passed strangest things happened in the house. After a week died a member of the family and the clown on a finger, but nobody noticed. In the following days killed four people in the village, and the clown turned down four fingers. The five people left in the house realized and tried to flee, but they were caught. That night the house was lit and all died. There was only one picture with a clown pointing 10 fingers!

A HORROR STORY By Marina Mu単oz Gil ( 3 ESO B) In the summer of 1978 three friends called James, Claire and Brian decided to go on camping in the forest near of their village. It was a cold night; they were walking around the forest when they heard someone shouting. They were surprised and they walked to the place where the sounds came, there they discovered an old and mysterious building. On the walls of the hall there were strange pictures of people suffering different diseases. The three friends discovered that the building was an 10

ancient mental hospital. They were terrified and suddenly they heard the shout again, someone with the face covered appeared, the three friends ran but Brian fell down and the man took him into a room, there, Brian saw a girl very frightened, suddenly he realized that she was Mary!!! The girl who had disappeared a month ago. The man ran away to catch James and Claire but when he went out the police were there, James and Claire went to rescue Brian and Mary, and the girl was very weak but happy. Finally the police explained them that the man was a crazy man who ran away from the new mental hospital, after this terrible experience they felt like heroes.

A HORROR STORY By Rosa Quindela( 3 ESO B) There was once a group of friends, formed by a girl called Paula and other three boys, Diego, John and Paul. They lived in a small town, known for by his forest, because the people said who was enter there, wasn´t go out. They being very curious, they had wanted to go many times to explore it, but their mothers didn’t let them. One night, they got together with the excuse that they would sleep at a friend's home. That night, they decided visit the forest. The four friends went into the forest. At the beginning, they had no


fear, not passing anything, believed that the rumors were lying, but a few minutes later, John had lost, they searched him trying to not spreading. Suddenly, the two boys heard Paula call them, and was because he found a trunk. To open it, they left many flying insects, that Paula had so much disgust, in the back ground appeared their friend's head. They frightened, panicked and tried to go back where he had passed out of there, but being in a state of panic, all they got was lost between the darkness. As they walked, Diego fell into a deep hole with a background of quicksand, his two friends gave light him with the flashlight while leaving it see in the sand. The two friends, so it not happen the same as the other two, are caught hand while they looked at the ground. Suddenly they heard a loud noise, John turned himself towards where came the noise, to know what it was, but when you turn it, Paula was no longer. He quite shouted by Paula, as you gave I tried to see it, looks up and sees something hanging from a branch of a tree, was the dead body of his friend. John screamed to see if there was someone around or not, but there was no one. He tried to follow the path to get out of there, but wrong saw tears falling down his face, walking, is suddenly collides with something or someone, to see that or who was wiped the tears from his eyes. It was someone dressed entirely in black with an axe, he said: you are the next. John started running but soon caught him. To catch it, he decapitated him without fear.

THE HUT By Alvaro Polo ( 3 ESO A) I woke up, in a very strange place, without water and food.


It was late, about eight o’clock pm, I was confused and I didn’t remember anything that had happened. I jumped out of bed, sacred when I noticed that I wasn’t at home, I opened the door that led outside. I was surprised when I saw a very big tree in front of me, a forest? How can I get here? All my thoughts were interrupted by a terrible noise, I was hungry, really hungry. I remembered that I made a sign on the trees around me, showing the way to the old wooden hut when I just woke up. I went to get something to eat, I walked, and walked until I found a small stream, where I quenched my thirst and I splashed some water on my face. It was time to get back. I went up to the hut, the dark forest and the last light of the sun going down made me more anxious than before. I laid down on the bed very nervous thinking about everything that had happened to me. Dawn started, the rays of the sun cut through the fine and cracked wooden boards of my hut. I heard voices, which encouraged me to run out looking to the source, suddenly, I heard a voice behind me and when I turned around everything got dark. I gasped for air, I was very scared, almost like I was kidnapped, but…who would want the body of an innocent fifteen year-old boy? I heard voices again, this time very far away, and they weren’t normal voices, I supposed they were talking to me. A man with a dark cape came to me, I couldn’t see his face, but he looked very wicked. When the lights went on, I could see a very dirty room, with some very strange electronic gadgets. I spent the night there lying on the ground and tied to the wall on my feet; it was three days since I arrived to the forest. I felt a very warm sickening breath passing on my neck, that made me woke up, scared I moved quietly my hand, getting hold of a pistol on the floor and shot towards the back very desperately, after that I tried to cut the ropes that tied me. I succeeded at last and escaped. I spent the rest of my life in that forest trying to survive and fighting against all kind of beast that the black cape man invoked against me. I never got to know anybody, not knowing how I got to that bed. I still ask myself how.



By YaizaFernández( 3 ESO A) Once upon a time there was a little girl called Rachel. She was fourteen years old. Rachel hated the school, according to her the school is a boring place. They wouldn't let her show her talent. She dreamed of being a writer, in fact, she has written a book. Although only she knew that. She was embarrassed that someone knew her secret. Rachel was a special girl, she never had too many friends at the school, because her parents forced her to study and study so that she could be someday as successful as them, but... What good is success if you don’t have someone to share it? She wondered everyday.

That June afternoon, after she had finished her homework and studies, Rachel decided to write a new story. The worst thing when you start writing, it is to start a good story. Today she didn’t have too much inspiration, sure it was because of biology. How she hates that subject. The sound of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts, who could it be at this hour? Something lazy, Rachel approached to open the door to whoever he claimed attention of her or her parents, who haven’t returned of work yet. Wow, there was Harry, her only friend from the high school. -Rachel, come! You have to see what I found! -His best friend seemed very excited, What would have found he for appear at her home so happy? Whatever it was she had to find out, she accompanied his friend to the farthest park from the village. -What could you find here? -She asked confused.- This is not a place... I don’t like this place. -Said a frightened Rachel. -Come, you will know soon. -Smiled his friend, with a hint of mystery on his voice. They walked a few metres, to get into the dark of some tall bushes, finishing against a stone wall.


-Is this all? -Look carefully, what do you see? Looking better, she could see a door, a door with an enormous lock. -Is cool, right? We can go in and... -You forget one small detail. -What? -That we haven’t the key! –Rachel exclaimed. -Yes, we have it. –Harry showed an enormous key.- Shall we? - Sure! -He smiled excitedly. They crossed the doorway, at that moment, they felt that something was wrong, the door closed behind them. Around them arosed a different world, dozens of robots walked down the street. Cars flew overhead leaving impressed. -We are in the future. –Rachel whispered to his friend. -You! –Shouted someone behind them, they were surprised to find an enormous robot over two meters.- Why don’t you wear the clothes regulatory? -We... Harry I want to go home. -I don’t know how to get it, sorry. –Replied his friend too worried.- Although the first thing that comes to my mind is... Flee! Come on! –He pulled her friend, can through the streets, to throw off that robot. -And... what now? –Rachel asked scared. -I, I don’t know... *Ten years ago* The future is great, Harry and Rachel couldn’t return to the past, but they lived happily together.


THE HOUSE OF HUMOUR By Sheila Bella ( 3 DIVERSIFICACIÓN) Yasmin and her family move to a house that is next to the forest. They did not want to do it but for work so it had to be. The house is very old large, needs many repairs. My brother Joel is excited and my parents tired of collecting everything. It´s 3 in the morning and she cannot sleep. She goes down to the kitchen to drink water and looks out of the window. The old swing that had rocked the house alone. A shiver runs through the body of Yasmin, scared, throws the glass of water to the ground and their parents wake up. In the morning, the girl is going to help his father cut the grass. Once finished she already goes to the entrance of the house, sees a picture of a clown. His face is sad, with a tear on her cheek. Again Yasmin cannot sleep and thinks about it, remembers that on reaching the house the box was gone. His brother Joel in the next room, sleeping peacefully until a knock comes from his closet. The opens your eyes and gets out of bed, did not dare look that was that. Running gets into room his sister´s explaining what happened. The two hear their dog Lucky who is in the garden.


Approach but does not see it. He gets down the stairs rather scared and leaves the house. They target the doghouse but only found the chain was attached. They call but not hear anything, until suddenly he hears the dog, but the only thing approaching they find is the corpse of Lucky bloady. Joel enters the house to warn his parents of what is happening. Yasmin comes behind him and stopped in front of the box. He realizes that the clown is no longer so sad and tear has disappeared. After two days, Yasmin´s father stays up late doing some paperwork in his office. Yasmin and her brother do not stop to remember what happened, it is all very strange. His father want down to the cellar to get a typewriter that had stored there. Children hear a strange noise coming from below. They come and see that his father is not in the office. The cellar door has some scratches and moves from side to side, the boys look out and see a body lying on the ground. Up quickly with his mother, they have everything and fall except Yasmin. He looks out of the window, the swing moves again. The girl goes down to the cellar and there is nothing. It addresses the inlet and found the bodies of his parents. His brother and she was thrown to mourn and she turns her head toward the box. The sad clown is longer, has a small smile. Joel runs to his room, wants to hide, very afraid. He gets inside his closet. Yasmin are looking shouting his name but cannot find. Joel cold feels a hard on his shoulder, looks up and sees a balloon. He seeks to achieve and when he encounters the face of a clown. Yasmin hears his brother scream, quickly goes to her room and opens the closet but… too late. Yasmin wants to leave the house down the stairs and he realizes that the bodies of their parents are not. There she the picture and clown´s is very happy. Angry grabs the box, throws and runs getting into the forest. Five years later, a young couple with a little girl buys the old house of the forest, are welcoming. The girl what you like about the house is a picture of a sad clown with a tear… Guess what will happen?


THE NURSE By Alex Amy( 3 ESO A) A young girl has just finished nursing school and has started working in a new hospital. She liked her job, but she didn’t get along with the other nurses and doctors she worked with, they were always pulling pranks on her. She complained to the manager and they got in a lot of trouble. The doctors were thinking of a plan to get revenge on her. One day, one of the doctors thought of a really mean prank and the other doctors agreed with him. The doctors broke in to the morgue and cut of an arm from one the bodies. One night, the doctors put the arm in the nurse’s bed, so she would feel it when she went to sleep. The doctors were outside of the bedroom laughing and waiting for the nurse to get in bed. They waited for a long time, but they didn’t hear any screams or yells and they assumed that she didn’t feel the arm. The next morning they went to check the nurse’s room, but they didn’t see anything. When the doctors opened the nurse’s closet, they saw the nurse sitting in the corner. Her hair turned white, her eyes had rolled back into her head and she had gone insane. It looked like she aged 20 years and she was chewing on the arm.


THE WATER BOY By Susana Nuñez( 3 ESO A) Once upon a time there was a girl called Amanda and her family moved in a house with a past very dark, but they didn’t say. Amanda is ten years old, she was tall, she is intelligent and she is brave. In his house, in 1899 a boy died choking in the bathroom, he was fourteen years old and his name was David. David’s family sold the house when David died. One day while Amanda’s mother was doing the dishes and she finished to eat his glass of water fell to the ground only, Amanda was confused but she didn’t say. At night her mother filled up bathroom of water the but when Amanda went to the bathroom she saw the bathroom empty and she called her mum, when her mum look, she said: -It is impossible! I filled it up. It’s too late do take a shower. Amanda took a shower and went to the bed. Then, during the night she heard noisy, she stood up and she saw the glass of water fall to the ground again. When she went to clean the floor, she saw a boy playing with her toys. Amanda got scared but she talked with him. He told her his story, and he said he lonely. In the end, Amanda and David are friends, but Amanda asked him to not empty the bathroom anymore and Davis asked her to play with him every night.


REAL NIGHTMARES? By Andrea Zubalez( 3 ESO A) —Oh my god! I’m the only who is excited here? —Claire… It’s only Halloween, another celebration of the year. —Anne was going to the kitchen while she was speaking. —Kate, can you help me with the dinner? —Oh… yes! —I was looking through the window. The street, the sky… It looks like it wants to rain. —Well, what do you want to take? —I asked Anne. We were in her house. She celebrated the party because her fathers also wanted to see what a Halloween day is like and, I don’t know many things about it, but we accepted the idea. It’s another different moment that we can enjoy. —Girls… I’m hungry! —Complained Claire angrily.


—We’re coming! Don’t be like a child. —Anne laughed. —Oh, yes, take these drinks and glasses. —We put all the things in the table and we turned on a CD on a music player. —I have a question. —Said Claire. —Have you only invited us today? —No, I have asked more people, but they had plans already. —Answered Anne. —Oh… That’s okay. —I looked at my phone. Wait. The time at? That’s a joke? —Girls, what time is it? —Claire and Anne looked their watches and they exclaimed. —What…? —How can it be midnight? A few moments ago it was the seven p.m. —That’s so strange. But it can be a bad joke. —“Okay…” I thought. —Wait a moment, I want to ask my parents the time we have tonight… Stay here. —Said Anne. It disappeared at the stairs. Two minutes later, she came back to the living room. —My parents aren’t in the house. I didn’t hear them go out and I don’t have any messages…—suddenly, all the light went out. But we weren’t the only. There was a black out in the neighborhood. —What the hell… what the hell is happening? —I screamed. —A torch! In the first box! —Anne exclaimed. In a moment, I started to hear some noises, but I let them go. Then, they sounded again. —It’s very hot here…—Anne was looking out but we didn’t’ get any answer. — Aaaaaaah! —What’s happening now Claire? Stop! It isn’t funny. —I cried at the same time as Anne. —My costume! I can’t take it off. I’m so afraid! —But, for a reason that I can’t explain, I was so quiet. I don’t think in those themes. I went near the window and I sat on the shelf. “How can it be possible?” A sentence started to appear on the glass: “You’re not alone.” It disappeared and it appeared


writing again: “But the future is write.” “The apocalypse?” It’s impossible. It is for crazy people. The street now was on fire. There were pumpkins, skeletons, lost souls, entities…! But then, all the atmosphere was covered in black. All disappeared in front of my eyes and I woke up in my bed. “Uff, it was only a nightmare. Still quiet Kate. It doesn’t matter.” The sun could be seen and I walked to the ground floor. “No… Not again…” It wasn’t a nightmare, it was real, like the other nights. I was alone, in the only desert island who can survive the last humanity’s night. How I finished here, still been a mystery, but I hate that. For a year, I stay surviving, whit my mind and my soul. I think all the time… I see strange events every moment, and, I still thinking if I’m alone or also, there is a person sinking. All the nightmares I have, sometimes are different… Like they are the last moments of the person’s life. It’s like somebody wants to tell me something. Maybe… Maybe it’s time to go out. I haven’t got food for the eternity and… I can’t do anything alone. It’s better to risk my life for stay for nothing. So… I hope luck will stay on my side.


NOCTURNE’S NIGHTMARE By Violeta Soler ( 3 ESO A) Do you think you are a good person? I think, and I can almost assure, that is a question that the majority we have made to ourselves not once, but hundreds of times. Does anyone, up there in heaven, or down in hell, who can judge our actions? Who has that kind of power? What's right, what's not? Too many questions, just one answer. Impossible. No, wait, maybe I'm not talking clear. I say impossible, because, whatever we do, we are humans before honest people. Animals designed with the only purpose of living in a society, will we ever learn to fight for something more? We have good will until things turn complicated. We cheat and search a million ways before doing "what-is-not-right", and that's what truly push us to the emptiness of the failure. Oh, sorry. Probably I have been a bit annoying, shooting you my reflections. I simply... lost the interest on dreaming that one day all this will solve. But that's not a valid excuse. Hey, wait... Listen to me! I'm not a rogue who meditates and cries for the unattainable goals. I'm something more, more enough, something that you might never guess. Of course it's not all lost! Do you believe that I will remain of crossed arms? Never! And soon, you and all your mates, you macabre society will discover in what was its fail. I'm not the punisher, the hater or the murder. I'm not a terrible nightmare to cry with. I'm much worse. But for being you, you can call me Nocturne. The little cinematographic ended with that phrase, in which the man who was talking, a few seconds later, dissolves in an enormous dark fog, leaving in his place a few chains that were retaining it. Eduardo breathes heavily, it 23

seems like if he didn't expect that result. He falls down frustrated in the support of his chair, stretching vaguely with his hand to reach a small alarm clock. Almost 3 a.m. He wants to breathe heavily again, but a yawn invades his mouth. He is tired and pessimist, since that evening started. Checking the papers that are on the table once more. Photocopies of magazines, which he collected, and screen captures gathered in a specie of notebook were forming the extensive guide, that was helping him face such a complicated game. "Whaat...?" Incredulous, he directed a coward look to the screen. Nothing suspicious, just the ordinary static movement of his character, which shows a little impatience. Nocturne, Nocturne... Where did he come from? The name of the talker chained spirit doesn't appear on the unexpected book. Now, Eduardo was sleepy and puzzled. "Okay, don't worry. I'm gonna search who Nocturne is and then will go to sleep. Ten minutes and sweet dreams." That night seemed extremely short to him. But for sure, before exploring the internet, he must close the game, and he needed to do it saving first, bearing in mind the almost five hours that he dedicated to the pc, soon after ending his dinner. Escape, options... "Huh? And that padlock?" He was trying to click over the "Save game" button, but something wasn't working correctly. Nothing happened, and the mouse couldn't obey any order, as if he was sleeping. The boy couldn't stop clicking, anxious, until a guffaw across his Razer earphones made him give up the mouse and move back, moving the chair. He remained in complete silence, immobile, but with an accelerated breathing. Incapable of getting his sight out of the screen, he suffered a new


fit of panic when this suddenly turned off, like the core of the computer, "Good night Eduardo.". Even if all the system was off (you could hear the cell spin turning off slowly), the boy heard a new laugh, this time stronger. Coooome. Come to the darkness. - The pronunciation of this phrase was slow and heavy, but when it ended, the kid was not longer there. The weariness was diminishing, but like a trade of feelings, a big headache was invading him now. An annoying tinkling aggravated the situation, making him growl deeply. Surprise! First, his voice was not his original one, it changed so much that now it looks like an adult's one. In second place, he discovered the source of the tinkling noise: his arm, which now looked scary, with a terrific blue shining. But lastly, the tinkling stopped, like every sound that was currently going on that dungeon place. - Hi, Eduardo. - the same voice who laughed before. - Are you cold? Maybe this is not the most similar thing to your house. Or should I call you... Nero? - the boy's eyes opened as plates. That was the name of the main character. He examined himself to check if his thinkings were right. They were. He was wearing exactly the same clothes as the protagonist of the game. Nero's coat, Nero’s haunted arm, the sword that he was wearing at his back, his little revolver... All was exactly equal, even his hair. - I was bored in this autumn night... - narrates now Nocturne, with unconcerned tone, as if we could see him playing with his non-existent hair. when I asked myself, why don't I make a visit to this little gamer? he wasn't laughing anymore, but you could smell a smile between each phrase, what was practically spelled, slowly. - Tell me, are you ready for some fun? His new friend disconcerted the present Nero. It was like if an assassin was trying to get closer to you saying that he is not so evil. Too weird for him, he was scared. - Who are you? Where are you? - moving his head carefully, raking eternally that dark place.


- You shouldn't even try, you can't see me. - it seems like if he could watch the scene. - Oh, you haven't paid attention to the cinematographic? That's your fault, so. - said, laughing again. - Sadly, I’m getting little bored. I hope you like board games. - Suddenly, some torches, invisibles until that moment on the wall, turned on. Some drawings appeared on the ground, in some there even was colored fog. A kind of metallic structure, with hundreds of spikes and blades felt down. It looked like a dice, but that confusing web of steel occulted its appearance. - How about a parchessi? Come on, don't be shy. - Nero was teleported to another tile, with the word "start�, which was next to the die. - Roll it. - the young man, who was trying to think about what was happening, founded this game similar to the other ones of this videogame. Probably it was 70% luck, 30% skill. Trying to move that artefact by pushing it with your own hands would be a hurting crazy act. He pulled out his sword and pushed the dice, making it bounce and reverberate all across the room. When it stopped, millions of numbers appeared on the surface, traveling and trying to find a destiny. Finally, seconds passed and a yellow 5 number materialized on that machine, showing Eduardo the way he must take across the tiles of the board, with an arrow of the same colour. Any other options? The protagonist of the night moved forward, doubtful, realizing that some pieces of the ground could disappear on the moment he walks on them. Reached the fifth square, three chests appeared at his right side, completelyidentical. - Pick carefully. - his host didn't give any clue about which one should he choose. He walked to the central chest, it looked as the less dangerous. He opened it, scared of looking at the inside. Maybe a quick look wouldn't be so bad... "Empty? It is completely empty! Is this a trick?" without any time to react, a


kind of slut jumped at his face, blocking his breathing. He could notice a blade coming out from the slut, like if it was its tail. Eduardo was worried about his life, thinking that one blade strike of that animal would be enough to end with his life. Battling with that creature, trying to get it off from his face, and counting the seconds while the blade was coming out. - You look little pissed. Any last words, Nero? - laughed the evil Nocturne. Nero wanted to shout, he wanted to let all the sadness and fear out, but he only could cry his last seconds of his life. - Eduardo! - the scream sounded all over the castle, making the blade of the slut stop a few centimeters next of his neck. - Are you still on the pc? - all that scenery disappeared, making the kid return to his bedroom. - Come on little one, it's too late! And you need to tide up your desk! - as a mother, she needed to keep everything in order, so she tried to move all the papers to a better place. - Please, go to sleep to your bed. I love you. - said while kissing his son, who was trying to react and get up. Has it been all a dream? Face the death is something incredible, until the point it can be a truly unforgetting nightmare. Or maybe it wasn't his imagination at all? On the screen, now turned off in pure black, it could be read: "Believe me, little one. Some day, you will return to the darkness."

MISSING By Arantxa Gomez( 3 ESO A) Once upon a time there was a group of 4 friends, their names were, Mat, Cindy, Jake and Lizzy. Mat was addicted of a new game, Castlelot. A night,


the group of friends, met a night in the Jake's house, but Mat didn't go, he prefers to play at Castlelot. But that night, the house of Mat suffered an outage. And he disappeared. When Cindy, Jake and Lizzy knew the notice, decided to find their friend. The decided to go at the forest, because they have a presentiment and they were true. When they find the body of Mat in the forest, they felt that they have to tell at Mat parents, and there did it. But what they doesn’t know, was they one of them, will be next... They start to investigate on their own and discover that many other young like his friend disappeared years ago in similar circumstances, without a trace. After inspecting the computer Mat, they discover that the night of her disappearance entered an internet game, which was that: players paid large amounts of money to see real people facing life or death situations that they chose. With the help of police inspector Grace’s, discovered that there was a secret sewer in the old town where strange things were happening. They decided to explore on your own, and found that indeed; in that place was where they rolled the macabre game that Mat had suffered. Cindy was kidnapped for a long time, but managed to infiltrate the server room and by his extensive knowledge of computer could fool the person who was in charge of everything and ended the game. Jake Lizzy and Mat found locked in a dungeon and rescued him. And so they got revenge on behalf of all those whose lives had taken that game.



Once upon a time, a long time ago there was a little girl called Bertha. She was always well behaved and worked hard at school to please her parents and her teachers. She was never late, never dirty or untidy never rude and she never told lies. Bertha was so good that one day the king invited her to his palace. So she put on her best clean white dress and she pinned her three medals to the front and she walked through the woods to the king´s palace. However in the woods there lived a big hungry wolf. He saw Bertha`s lovely white dress through the trees and he heard the medals clinking together as she walked. Bertha tried to run away but she couldn`t run fast because the medals were so heavy. The wolf caught her easily and she he ate everything, every bit of Bertha, except her three medals.


A few years ago, I dreamed many times about a house in the middle of a forest, but I did much thought. One day in class I decided to draw a house, it was a large house with a courtyard, a swimming pool, with steps leading up to a terrace and windows with a circular shape. A few days, later, I was returning home when I happened to take a shortcut, when I was walking on these streets, where I had never really been something surprisedme, was there in front of my house with, when I had been dreaming about all these days. Everything was the same, the courtyard pool stairs… I realized that no one was there, that it was supposed to be abandoned. Two years later I organized a party in which there were many friends of mine. When the party finish I left home for a little walk. A few minutes later I had in front of the house of my dreams, I was decided jumped the little fence went through the garden and reached the door. It was closed, and suddenly a voice rang in my head saying ``there was a back door´´, so I went to the backyard and saw a white door and pushed me into the house, I went the door and suddenly the door closed behind me, I was so shocked, I walked a little more and I heard footsteps around me so, I ran to the rooms and there I shut myself and saw a window and jumped through for it , I ran to the gate when I was jumping over the house collapsed. The next day I went there before and saw that the police drew some types of manuscripts, they said they were a cursed Aztec prophecies suddenly a shiver ran down my back. Seven years later I learned that these prophecies had chosen me and cursed anyone who touched me just a few days dying of a disease that only had collected in Aztec mummies, so just my last written in a few hours I´ll be buried alive by threat humanity, this story is the scariest story of my life, I hope you end up in good hands, as a friend says I died alive.


A DAY WITH DRACULA By Adela Nicula ( 3 ESO B) Last year I really wanted to make a trip toTihuta, a great place where there's one of the famous castles of Dracula. I was curious to see what happens inside and learn more about the legend of the Count. So one day my family and I went to this place the was near the town where my grandparents live. At the beginning I was scared because the castle was frightened. A man guide us in the castle, show us paintings they describe the scenes of fight of Dracula and his way to punish criminals and enemies. Everything seemed ok, but going upstairs I touched a disgusting liquid that looked like oil. It was horrible. Then, we arrived at a small room where there was the tomb of Dracula. The guide told us a lot of things abou this death and suddenly the candels which everyone had, were extinguished. It was darkness. We heard something was opening slowly making a deafing sound. After, a tall figure was approaching us. I couldn´t see anything but my 31

dad started screaming. The count grabbed his leg. I thought he will impale him as I heard in stories. But not, the candels were light again and I could see as a hand with blood was shutting the coffin. Room's walls were scratched all over and in the ground there were the bodies of the Dracula's victims. Everybody was screaming frightened and rundown stairs. I fel because there was a lot of blood but I could leave the castle. When I calmed, my father told me that these shows attracts tourists from all over the world because it is a perfect place to celebrate Halloween. They tell horror stories, make games around the castle, contests to choose the best costume and more. I thought It was a good idea and we decided that we will go there for Halloween.

THE PRESENCE OF HALLOWEEN. By Sara Llorente Bailo It was done by night in the city, was an October 31 the night of Halloween. Three friends, Jake, Oliver and Sandy were directing to ask for candies for him for streets isolated from the city. Finishing already the route of the street 333 saw the old mental hospital of the city, rumors were spoken on that mental hospital left of sinister aspect. They were rumoring that in 1879 I enter a child called rather strange Peter was saying to see things, presences and was saying to speak with them, nobody him believed, the wounds that it was taking in his body and his strange behavior it made them think that it was mad but Peter was saying that they were they that him were sticking bad things were making to him and do ugly things. The child was not supporting


it nobody him believed without any hope, they are bad want to damage to me.

Many professionals in these topics tried to help the child but nobody

could help him, until one day turned out to be died with courts in the wrists. To his side there was a letter in the one that was putting that already it could not mas, nobody could have helped him and goes away not to return you eat. The boys interested in this legend entered the mental hospital without any fear, in the ground floor only one was finding the receipt with many papers on the table, they rose to the second plant, adults' section with disorders, they did not also see anything interesting except a few noises that were coming from the third plant. Scared they rose, initially quite normally until there were heard shouts that were coming from a room, the children's section, entered the room the alone door of hill of a strong blow. Very scared they tried to escape, noticed a cold, at the time current a voice I speak to them with voice of children: is too much late, now you are some of ours. The following day the parents of the scared children called the police. All the houses of the street registered 333, up to the mental hospital. They registered all the plants and rooms, that of the small Peter included, there they were died without any exterior wound. They will never discover that I happen the night of Halloween in that mental hospital and since these children died, which if it isknown is that they were demolishing the building and nobody will return to bring over.


A VILLAIN STORY By Angel López ( 4 ESO A) Once upon a time there was a villain who lived in a big city that had killed a lot of people. But one day he receives an invitation. Hi Mr. Awful. My name is … well this isn´t important I just want to say you one thing. I would like to invite you to come to my house in the city forest because I want to meet you. A friend, not long ago, had said me that you are the best villain in the city. I just want to check it. My house is near the old ruins. I will be waiting for you. I hope you accept this invitation. Mrs. Nightmare. He received this letter three days ago. It had surprised him and so he decided to go to meet the person who had written this. When he arrived to the place he saw the house and he thought “what a creepy forest” suddenly a very big building appeared in front of him. He knocked the door and he was waiting there for fifty minutes when he heard a strange noise coming from the ruins. He decided to go to check it. It was a whole maze but he was very good at these things but, however, things started to go wrong.


Suddenly, he saw a ghost walking in front of him, he was afraid because the face of the ghost was familiar to him. He continued walking but carefully when he arrived to a big room with many skeletons he went to the middle and the bones started to go to him and hit him, he got away but he was hurt when going to the corridor. Then he found a white fabric to heal himself. What??!! He realised that it was the phantom dress, she took him and, in one second, he recognized the face of his first killing. Then he saw her necklace…she had written Mrs. Nightmare. Was it the end? Was this his punishment to be a villain? Too many questions to ask in this fatal moment, but he have only one thing to say… goodbye.

“ONE, TWO…ONE, TWO…” By María Amy ( 4 ESO A) Once upon a time there was a thirteen year-old girl studying at school with some of her classmates. Her name was Nicole. She was a very smart girl and she was always really nice and kind with everybody.


It was Thursday and it was already dark outside. They had all met to study and review History because they had an exam the next day. The whole school was dark except the library, where they were studying. After a few minutes had passed, Nicole needed to go to the bathroom and she told her friends that she would be right back. She walked out of the library and down the darkened hallway. Meanwhile, in the library the kids suddenly heard a strange tapping noise that seemed to be coming from the window. They looked around and saw a pale, gaunt woman standing outside. Her face was pressed up against the window and her eyes were tightly shut. She was tapping on the window with her finger. The kids started to get scared and they didn’t understand why she was doing that. A few seconds later the woman stopped making that noise, and she opened her eyes. The kids were horrified and they started screaming. The woman didn’t have any eyes! There were just deep, dark holes. Then the woman broke the window with her fist, and suddenly the lights went out. In the bathroom, Nicole was washing her hands when the lights went out. Everything was silent. She never heard the screams of terror coming from the library so she had no idea what was happening. She began to walk to the library and heard her friends screaming. When she got to the library she was horrified to see all of her friends dead. Some of their bodies were lying on the floor and the rest were draped across the desks. She started shaking with fear. Just then she heard footsteps coming from the hallway, so she lay down on the floor and pretended she was dead. She could barely stay still because she was very scared. She heard a voice whispering, “One, two…One, two…One, two…”. She slightly opened her eyes. There, in the middle of the room, she saw a pale, ghostly woman, dressed in white. Nicole closed her eyes again and fought the urge to scream. She could hear the ghost creeping around the room, going from body to body, repeating the same thing every time “One, two… One, two… One, two…”. The girl prayed for the ghost to go away. She could hear that voice getting closer and closer. The ghost was almost beside her, when


the counting stopped. Nicole remained motionless. She was afraid to move a muscle. The library was suspiciously quiet. After several minutes of complete silence, Nicole was sure that the ghost was gone, so she slowly opened her eyes. One pale, bony finger was pointing straight at Nicole´s terrified face. “One, two!” said the ghost as it plucked out her eyeballs.

THE GHOSTS OF BLACKJACK By Sergio Costa ( 4 ESO A) Once upon a time there was a clown with giant shoes but with small feet, he wore a costume with red and green stripes, and lived in to the castle of


mirrors, nevertheless, this castle didn’t have any mirrors because the castle was deserted, the old owners had left it. One day the clown found a bottle with a message, when he untwisted the cap, some spirits came out the bottle and they were strewed by the castle. And so the clown quickly called the police to tell them that, but they didn’t believe him. The clown didn’t worry it. However, in the castle, you could hear some noises that came from the attic. Then the clown after thinking about it a lot, decided to go to see what was happening. Eventually the clown opened the door and when he put out some things he saw three ghosts playing cards. In the end the three ghosts convinced him to play with them so he needed one more player to play blackjack.

PENELOPE By Ksenia Oparina ( 4ªDiver )


Eighteen Penelope Uilhern - a representative of the ancient aristocratic family. For many years, the poor girl is forced to live with their parents in a huge mansion and hide his face from the others: it is drawn over a family curse Instead nose girls - pig nose that will disappear only when a young man of noble blood really love Penelope and marries her. Penelope's mother, hoping to break the curse begins to invite the groom's house. But the rich young men flee from seeing the bride's face. This happens as long as Penelope is not acquainted with Max. Meanwhile Penelope grew, and Jessica employed the matchmaker for selection to Penelope the groom who could remove a paternoster from the girl. But all of her them, whey they caught sight of her face, in horror rushed away. All of them, as a rule, were right there caught by the butler then to them it was strongly recommended not to disclose details of the seen. Everything was one and too while to Penelope Max didn´t come as a result of several appointments two approached but when Penelope decides to show her real face as it was scared but didn´t escape as all the others. Soon her mother decided to marry her to that who will help it to remove a paternoster marries it. She cried out that didn´t want to change and that is pleasant to itself such what it is. And at this moment the damnation was removed, Penelope recovered and found out that the piglet disappeared. Max was simply upset that could tell nothing to Penelope, but nevertheless he admitted that he loved her.



There was once a group of friends, formed by a girl called Paula and other three boys, Diego, John and Paul. They lived in a small town, known for by his forest, because the people said who was enter there, wasn´t go out. They being very curious, they had wanted to go many times to explore it, but their mothers didn’t let them. One night, they got together with the excuse that they would sleep at a friend's home. That night, they decided visit the forest. The four friends went into the forest. At the beginning, they had no fear, not passing anything, believed that the rumors were lying, but a few minutes later, John had lost, they searched him trying to not spreading. Suddenly, the two boys heard Paula call them, and was because he found a trunk. To open it, they left many flying insects, that Paula had so much disgust, in the back ground appeared their friend's head. They frightened, panicked and tried to go back where he had passed out of there, but being in a state of panic, all they got was lost between the darkness. As they walked, Diego fell into a deep hole with a background of quicksand, his two friends gave light him with the flashlight while leaving it see in the sand. The two friends, so it not happen the same as the other two, are caught hand while they looked at the ground. Suddenly they heard a loud noise, John turned himself towards where came the noise, to know what it was, but when you turn it, Paula was no longer. He quite shouted by Paula, as you gave I tried to see it, looks up and sees something hanging from a branch of a tree, was the dead body of his friend. John screamed to see if there was someone around or not, but there was no one. He tried to follow the path to get out of there, but wrong saw tears falling down his face, walking, is suddenly collides with something or someone, to see that or who was wiped the tears from his eyes. It was someone dressed entirely in black with an axe, he said: you are the next. John started running but soon caught him. To catch it, he decapitated him without fear.



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