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PAULGAUGUI N wasrecogni sed aft er hi sdeath because ofhi sexperi mentaluse ofcol ourand syntheti ststyl e, trai tsthatdi f erenti at ed hi m from the i m pressi oni sm . Throughouthi sl i f e he l i ved i nEurope where he metvari ousarti sts,i ncl udi ng Vi ncentVanGogh and devel oped numerousem pl oymentsti lbecomi ng a ful l ti me pai nt er. Yearsl at er he travel ed to Tahi tíwhere he spent the l astyearsofhi sl i f e,peaceful l y and pri mi ti vel yl i ke. Gaugui n' spai nti ng t echni que i sdi sti ncti ve i nthe use ofthi ck,bol d,expressi oni sti c brushstrokes.Gaugui n oft enadded wax to hi spai ntsto gi ve them extra sm oothnessand fl ow,and the pai ntused i sthi n. Some ofhi sm ostpopul arpai nti ngs are:“Tahi tiwomen”,“The Yel l ow Chri st”or“The revel ati onaft erthe serm on”.

VI NCENTVAN GOGH woul d become one ofthe m ostfam ouspai nt ersi n the worl d because ofhi si dealof “torment ed arti st”.


He wasborni n1 853i nHol l and wi thi n a rel i gi ousfam i l y,bei ng the reason why fai th wassomethi ng persi st ent i nhi sl i f e.Hi syouth wasm arked by hi sfai l ure asanarti stto the soci ety ofthe 1 9th century whi ch l ed hi m to a prof ound depressi on. Hi sstyl ei schar a act eri zed by the use ofvi brantcol oursand a shortand pasty brushstroke wi th whi ch he transm i tt ed the vi brati onand the m ovementofthe l i nescreati ng a l umi nous,exci ti ng and dream l i ke atm osphere,refl ecti onofhi sownsen si bi l i ty. Some ofhi sm ostfam ouspai nti ngs are:“Starry Ni ght”,“Sunfl owers”, “Bedrom i nArl es”or“Al m ond Bl ossom s”.

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