Love stories book

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Kenia Oparina, 4 diversificación Jorge Salas , 1 Bachillerato Montse Masmano, 1 Bachillerato Nicoleta Cucu, 3 ESO B Andrea Zubalez, 3 ESO A Melissa Martínez, 4 diversificación Yaiza Fernández, 3 ESO A Adrián García, 1 Bachillerato. Lucía Calavia, Tanya Soyez, Paula Lalaguna, 1 ESO A Santiago Otero, 3 ESO A Paula Monge, Elsa Brumos, Lucía González, 1 ESO A Alejandro Sánchez, 3 ESO Elisa Cazacu, 3 ESO D Isidro Ovalle, 3 ESO C Sergio Costa , 4 ESO A Sheyla Bella, 4 diversificación Susana Nuñez, 3 ESO A Violeta Soler, 3 ESO A Sheyla Esteban, 3 ESO A Ester Fernandez, 3 ESO A Chafik Zidoc, 4 ESO A Marta Cameros, 4 ESO A Nerea Toril, 4 ESO B

María Amy, 4 ESO A Claudia Simal, 4 ESO B Ester Zabala, 3 ESO D Yael Pascual, 4 ESO A Angel García de León, 1 ESO C Leyre Puyuelo, 1 ESO B

I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU <3 A couple riding on a motorbike, the boy suddenly realized that the brakes of the bike did not work ... But he did not want his girlfriend to tell her that her statement. Seeing that he could not prevent an accident, he asked his girlfriend to tell her he loves her, he told her he would always love. I asked him to embrace with all his strength and made him put his helmet. The next day in the newspaper: Fatal motorcycle accident. The vehicle crashed into a building yesterday by brake failure. Only one person survived that riding on the bike. the second passenger — the girl appeared it, the destiny with it disposed more lovely, I didn't take away it in a grave. In fact, she got off light — bruises yes grazes, the truth morally it is very suppressed when it found — on cheeks flew tears hailstones. Ksenia Oparina 4ºDiver Ms. Juana Diarte. Not in which moment, in which instant, in what second, it was that you came to me and I fall in love passionately with you though I committed this mistake that time, but I LOVE YOU ... though you it do not want to understand I that your even YOU LOVE me and could not have forgotten me because you me have demonstrated it though you could not accept me. Now I wonder because I write this knowing that already you are far already not these here to my side but when you look at the sky find that star that we were in the habit of seeing every night in the court of my house and on having looked at her remember that there I will be hoping for you and that he will never forget you; that you went away for questions of work and that you did not want to leave me...

Good always he remembers, from beyond that you are that I love you with the whole heart of my life... FOR THAT YOU WENT AWAY............. SHE UNDERSTANDS THAT I LOVE YOU Yours faithfully FernĂĄn Pacheco Jorge Salas 1 Bachillerato

Dear, My love I am thinking of you today, I have learned that love, which means everything for me. I think every day about what I love you and I am lucky to have met you. I am happy to have been, able to be owner of your cute heart and to be able to share every day that I spent with you. Your eyes remind me of a deep blue ocean in which I would like to swim in. Through of you I can feel your feelings towards me, I can taste your air because when you look at me I can not content to look at you, but I want to hug you, also I want to keep photos in my memory in which you are the light that illuminates my days. Love in fact is a reward, I do not know if I deserve you at least I deserve you fight for, but a prize, it is a gift that someone should receive but the only one that I have. I want to tell you that I need you, that you are my cause of my existence because I live for you. We are two people who know how to love and to enjoy with emotions. In many occasions, we do not need words to be clear, one glance is enough. From the first moment, from the first glance and word that we joined, we continue loving each other‌

I need you in my life and with this letter I confirmed my love for you, my lust for you and my desire for you. Do not for get to love me every time, I never miss because you are the reason for my life. I love you. Montse Montse Masmano

1 Bachilerato

It is difficult to say to you ‘goodbye’. If I love you so much. How can I explain you without hurting you ? That I don’t feel the same, my feelings have changed. Although I love you, but sorry I’m no longer in love. Remember the beautiful moments that we have lived. Thank you for all that you made me feel. Sorry if it hurts you, if I say you that I love you, but not in the way that you want, I am really sorry, forgive me. Maybe it is the time, maybe it is another love, but the road separates between you and I. Do you think this separation doesn’t hurt me? But remember if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I’ll sail the world to find you. If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see, I’ll be the light to guide you. If you’re tossing and your turning and you just can’t fall asleep, I’ll sing a song beside you. And you, you’ll always have my shoulder when you need to cry. Because although I said you ‘goodbye’, with you I learnt to love.

Nicoleta Cucu 3 ESO B

VALENTINE’S DAY Dear beloved ,

Like every day, I write you a letter after another, thinking about what to say and a lot of them finish on the ground. Today, for me, but for you, a little more, there’s one year I haven’t seen you. There is no night I don’t think about where you are or if you’re alive. Every second is a pain to know when the war ends and how fast you heart beats. I always remember the first day I met you, the kiss that I keep on my lips and the colour that appeared on your cheeks. Valentine’s day come soon, but I don’t believe in love’s day, you know. If you are in love with a person, you’ll show it every moment of the day. So, night and day, I look at the sky, thinking that you are there, watching the same stars and the same sun. I closed my eyes and I moved to the day that you come back to me. I’ll be waiting, my love, because I will never give up. Real love cross oceans without going down the waves and real love waits, as long as it takes. I believe you are stronger than anything, so am I. I believe our souls were in the same way for a reason, and I still believe our love is reciprocal. Promise me a thing honey: Don’t put your life in danger. I want you




I miss your voice, your hands, your face, your words… All of you. Don’t cry, and I won’t do it. Call me, and I’ll be there, with you. In every dream you are present and I remain alive with that. I love you to the moon and back, to the infinity and beyond… I love you for a thousand years and I adore you as my heart allows me. Yours, xxx ANDREA ZUBALEZ 3 ESO A

A LOVE STORY Anastasia, a lovely girl, with big Brown eyes and beautiful smile, she was seventeen years old and she studied in a public school. In September there was a new boy in her class and she was surprised. Michael was a handsome guy with green eyes and he had a perfect body. Michael looked at Anastasia and he thought she was an amazing and beautiful girl. Then they met and became friends. Months passed and they fell in love. They made a perfect couple. One day Michael had a strange dream, he dreamed that she died in his arms in a car accident, but he just thought it was a nightmare. But one day he saw what was going on things like in his dream, and he didn´t want his beloved die, so he went to look to save and tell her how much be loved her. He found her and he kissed her passionately. Then they took a taxi back home from school and came the time of the accident. As he knew what was going to happen, protected her with his arms and Michael said it was the most perfect person he had ever met and he loved her. After the accident, she found herself in a hospital bed, but Michael wasn`t by her side… he had died. Anastasia couldn`t be without him. His life didn`t make sense without Michael. But she went ahead with her life for him. Melissa Martínez Sánchez, 4 diversificación


It was a beautiful day in August, I was on the beach with my friends Hanna, Ivette and Aria. On Sundays we like sunbathing and talk about the sossips of the highschool. Everyday we find the friends of Aria's boyfriend. But today... I don't wanna talk with them so I go to rest on my towel. When I wake up my friends were gone, so I decided to look for them on the beach. I've been walking for an hour but I still not find Hanna, Ivette and Aria. I was tired that I sat on some rocks. "Where are these girls?" I asked myself. Suddenly, someone bumped into me,I could "piss me off." -What are you doing? Are you crazy? -Wow, you have a bad temper,I'm so sorry. -It was a boy, he is blond and too tall. I think that he was so handsome. -No, me I'm sorry, I'm just desperate. My friends are gone and have left me alone. -Hm, come with me. I think who your friends are. I didn't know if I could trust this guy, but little else I could do. -Oh! Aria! Hanna! What am I supposed you're doing? -It's a party, Rachel! Come on dance with us! Two months later, the guy of the beach (Ky) and I are friends. But too many years later, I'm in love with him and we remember this day like the best day of our lives. Yaiza FernĂĄndez, 3 ESO A

CINDERELLA� Cinderella is a story based on a love story between a humble woman and a prince. Cinderella was an orphan and her stepmother and stepsister forced her to clean, wash and cook while they are amused.

One day, the king organized a party of three days for his child, the prince. The king invited every woman so that his child will choose one as wife. Cinderella wanted to go but she didn`t have pretty clothes. One night a fairy appeared. The fairy told Cinderella that she borrowed the clothes, one shoes of crystal and transport to the party. She converted a pumpkin into a carriage and the mice into horses and drivers. But the fairy warned Cinderella that at midnight the magician trick would disappear. The first two nights Cinderella was the most beautiful and the prince fell in love with her. He wanted to dance as Cinderella every night, but when the clock neared the midnight she went home. VELENTINES’The third night Cinderella forgot the time until she heard the bells of midnight, she started to run but she lost one shoe in the ladder. Prince ordered that all women of the kingdom would try the glass shoe. The shoe wasn ´t valid for all the women, but when in Cinderella’s foot the shoe fit perfectly well. When the prince knew the news he was to search Cinderella. He led Cinderella to palace and he asked her for marriage. Shortly after, the prince and Cinderella got married, they were very, very happy. Adrian García Soler 1. Bachiller de Ciencias Sociales.

VALENTINE’S STORY One spring day, Brayan is walking with his girlfriend on the beach. Suddenly a guy walked past them. Marie stared at him as if he already knew. Brayan noticed and became jealous, so I opted to











When he got home Brayan, stayed thinking about what had happened on the beach and decided to find Marie. When I returned to the beach saw that he was not, but there were footprints in the sand and followed. The trail just in front of a large rock. He walked around the rock and saw two people kissing and he thought they were his girlfriend and the guy, though he was mistaken and it was not his girlfriend. Brayan sad opted to go home crying. Arriving home called Marie to ask her for an explanation about what had happened. She denied everything, but Brayan did not believe her. Marie begged him to believe her and decided to give it another try











A month Brayan Marie told they no longer felt the same for as long and had fallen in love with another guy. Brayan said that when he assumed would be the guy who saw that day on the beach. A whole day the boy was a former boyfriend who already had long and Marie had not forgotten him. LucĂ­a Calavia, Tanya Soyez, Paula Lalaguna 1 A

Not long ago I started 2nd ESO in a high school of Valladolid. The first day I showed up to my new classmates, he seemed nice people but it seemed they were not happy with my arrival that day recommended to me sign up for a football team which coincidentally met one of my new classmates called Mario, we were both goalkeepers what became very good friends. The second day I met a wonderful girl named Paula with whom I exchanged my phone number, so we started talking until we knew everything about each other: favorite color, hobbies, type of music, tastes, singers, books ... Anyway we were soul mates until after about two months his father was offered a job in Germany, since then I did not hear anything about her. Desperately I told my parents if I could go with her, they said no because the trip was very expensive, I knew German and and tried to call her four times, but she did not answer me so I deleted her phone number. Three years later they offered an exchange with a French student and I accepted, because my parents told me so. After ten days we were given a list of the person who had assigned me, a girl named Marianne, who came to Spain, we had a great time, and everything was fun. After a month we had to go to France, it was a town called Castres

where I met a lovely girl named Ana, who turned out to be Spanish, from Barcelona. After finishing the A levels I went to live with Ana to Castres. We rented an apartment of an old and very kind man. One day on the way to work I met a girl on the road who needed help with her car, he had a flat tire. I stopped the car and got out to help her, and when I saw his face I knew her, Paula, my soul mate.I was quite surprised but I kept my composure, I asked her name and she said in a gentle voice that her name was Paula, all agreed so will she remembered my name surprised as I set out to hug and began to mourn. He said he had no home, living in motels so I offered her my house, to which he replied yes. A few days after arriving home Paula came to hug me and said '' Can you ever forgive me for what I've done? '' So I said that I had killed Anne, I laughed incredulously , she pulled out a camera photo where I taught Ana photo hanging on a cross like Jesus Christ, I immediately asked Paula if she had done it , and gave me the worst answer of all . I called the police and I explained what had happened , then they began to search he , but was told that that person did not exist , I accepted it and told me I passed page '' life goes on '' . Since then I have changed jobs and met another girl that I am now married, I have two beautiful children and at the age of 60 years I have discovered that Paula was satanic cult , but not worth avenging has Ana so I kept my married life Two years later I received a letter in which was'' From your secret admirer''. I opened it and read it remember feeling great pain and fainted. Those words were Paula had been renamed, now called Carolina, I said I was sorry and that she committed suicide because she could not contain his thoughts and said that this was a suicide ending with'' your always beloved Paula.'' I burned the letter and tried to forget. Well here the story ends, I hope you liked it and that you have fun, and you know if you want more stories ask my English teacher Jaja. Sincerely, Santiago Otero G贸mez 3潞A PD: Es una historia inventada, los nombres de esta historia son irreales, Tonynano900 no se hace responsables de posibles ataques al coraz贸n que pueda causar esta historia ni de posibles asesinatos que pueda causar esta historia. All rights reserved tonynano900 庐

David, Happy valentine’s day, I love you and I do not even know who I am, we know more than you think, I just wanted to say love you and I am very nice and friendly. I know we are just friends, but if you know who I am, please give me an answer.

Signed, your secret admirer... Paula Monge, Elsa Brumos y Lucía González, 1 ESO A

Dear *****: I want to write this letter because I want to let you know that I love you, I can´t live if you aren´t with me, I need you in my life. You are the reason for my exsistence, the reason why I wake up every morning, my happiness and my sadness, my smiles and my tears. I need to write this letter because I want to declarate all my love for you. Sincerily with love: A.S.G. Alejandro Sanchez , 3 ESO Z

Dear****, I'm in love with you. Since we have been talking.

I know, you are mine. I don't know how to express my feelings and this letter is for you, you know me and everyday I suppose you see me. Yeah, I know, it's so strange and ''snooty'', but I love you, and this day for me is so special because I'm declaring at you with this letter. I love you and I hope to see you again. With love: Elisa <3 A kiss :* ELISA CAZACU 3 ESO C

A LOVE STORY In a boring holiday evening, I was in my room on the computer when I saw one group fo EDM (Elecrto Dance Music) and Dubstep music.The name fothe group is Krewella. It’s composed of two women and one man. The man’s name is Cris and the women’s names are Yasmine and Yahan. When I saw the gorgeous face and Yasmine’s beautiful voice, I fell in love. Afterwards, my fanaticism became an obsession. I couldn’t stand that situation, I felt tired, I was awake until 6.00 every night. After that I began to study English much more than before, I started to study English because the band is an American band I wanted to know what they were saying. Andrea is an important part in my life because she helped me when I don’t know anything. This happened several times. For all these reasons, I love Yasmine my platonic love, and Andrea my best friend.

Isidro Ovalle Ferreira 3º ESO Z

Love on the Internet - Debbie: I’m really quite shy. I find it difficult to talk to people face to face. But I find it easy to chat on the Internet. I met Per there about a year ago. It was on a chat line called ‘the Chat Room’. He was so funny.

- Per: But I’m only funny on the Internet! Anyway, we chatted on the Internet for a year, we exchanged hundreds of e-mails and some photographs. I wanted to phone Debbie but...

- Debbie: I said no. I was worried. I didn’t want it to end.

- Per:

She didn’t even give me her address. But finally she said OK, I could phone, so I did, and we spoke for an hour, it was very expensive! That was six months ago. Then she sent me her address and...

- Debbie: ...that was three months ago and one week later, there was a knock at the door and I knew before I opened any more, I opened the door and...

- Per: ...and I stood there with some flowers...

- Debbie: ...lots of flowers, Red roses. Beautiful...and...

- Per: ...and well, we fell in love and...

- Both: ...and we got married last Saturday.

Sergio Costa, 4 ESO A

THE HEART DOES NOT FORGET We all remember that first love, that even if you spend the time always remember it. Lucia, a young American journalist living with her boyfriend Erik in an apartment in New York. Erik wants to devote to the gastronomy and they decide to travel to Italy Staying in a house in Rome, not very big. One morning Erik is going to meet an Italian chef while Lucia is visiting the Italian capital. She writes in her book everything because she will publish an article in the New York Times. In a garden the young man sees many people in group followed by a guide, Lucia joins them to listen to. The guide tells a story related to Juliet: "all the lovers, write letters and leave them among the bricks of the wall of this House, at the end of the afternoon, some young people collected all the letters and take them to a place where you can read them and take care of that the letter reaches their recipients, they call them the Julietas".

Lucia remains throughout the afternoon in the garden looking at young people leaving letters on the wall, she approaches and grabs one when suddenly a brick moves. Lucia removes the brick and sees that under the brick, there is a letter, quite old. She is alone in the garden and enters another young woman to pick up the letters. -Hello, my name is Lorena and I am responsible for collecting the letters, I see that the story of the letters you are interested in for Juliet-Lucia responds, - Oh yes, is amazing what you are doing for people that want to.-Lorena Lucia leads to a small house where you can find other three girls, "the Julietas". The young explained to Lucia as they are organized to meet the recipients of the letters. One is responsible for collecting them, others are organized by data, another finds out the address of the person and the other tries to find them. Lucia becomes part of this group,she becomes a Juliet. When she comes home, she tells him about all she has lived in the afternoon with her boyfriend, but Erik doesn't pay much attention as he only thinks about work. Lucia keeps well the letter that found in the garden to show it in the morning to her companions. The young woman arrives at the House of the "Julietas" and reads the letter that found: "Arthur, we cannot continue with our love, we are 16 years and you know that my father does not want me to marry you, I go to London tomorrow and wanted to say goodbye to you." I've had the best summer of my life, next to you, I hope to see you again. I will never forget how you were with me, no one will make me forget. I love you." Isabella. -A farewell... need to find Isabella and Arthur, need to put together them, it is our job. Look, behind the envelope is the year in which it was written and the surnames of both- he and she. -Lorena said. Lucia calls Isabelle and tells him that he needs to think, 50 years had passed since that letter. 3 dayslater LuciaIsabelle calls and tells her that she will catch the first plane to Italy. Lucia impatient waits for Isabelle in the airport, carries a sign with her name waiting for her at the exit door. An old woman long and quite elegant, white hair and blue eyes stands opposite Lucia and tells - me, Isabelle, delighted. -Also, I am Lucia is going to help you find Arthur, I see that you are coming accompanied, who are you? -Hello my name is Gabriel, I am grandson of Isabelle. The three picked up a rental car and head to a floor Isabelle and Gabriel had rented . Lucia returns home with her boyfriend. Erik tells Lucia that is going to Lazio to a winery to taste wines, Lucia tells him that she would leave travel weekend. Already have sought in 3 villages to him as Arthur but still have not found him. Installed in a hotel at night and stays Lucia with Gabriel lying in the grass alone. Lucia and Gabriel attract each other and kiss each other. Lucia is increasingly sure that the relationship with Erik is going to end.

The next morning they go to Tuscany, arrive in a big house with lots of land and asks about Arthur. They have been lucky, in that House they find Arthur. Erik y Lucía go back to New York, but Lucía will go back to Italy son. Lucía and Erick decide to split up, and she goes back to Italy, where Gabriel is waiting for her. When Lucia is in Italy I, she reuniteswith Gabriel and he tells her that her grandmother is going to marry Arturo. Sheyla Bella, 4 Diversificación

SAN VALENTIN’S DAY Samanta is 18 years old; she travels to the beach with her friends. On the beach, every night they go to see a film outdoors. One night they met a group of very funny boys and Samanta feel in love with David (a boy from the group). They met to go out every day and one day, Samanta and David talked in a chat and David said: “l love you” for Samanta and Samanta said she loved him too and they began a relation all summer. The last days of the summer, Samanta and David talked alone about their relation and they decided to continue together despite the distance. Samanta lives in Teruel but she went to the beach to visit David and David went to Teruel to visit Samanta. One day David and Samanta lost contact because the boy didn’t talk with Samanta and Samanta didn’t know why and they didn’t see each other any. The day, on their six month anniversary, Samanta told her friends all, her friends told her to leave him that she gives up him, Samanta is very sad decided to finish the relation, Samanta said to David they would be friends, he accepted this sad, but they still love each other.

They know, the first love never forget so many times that they spend and so much distance that they have got… Susana Nuñez, 3 ESO A


THE SOUND OF A HEARTBEAT I feel cold, too much. "You forgot again your coat, fool." Well, I was carrying a lot of things: my schoolbag, my viola, the mobile phone... Nobody could blame me for forgetting something in the classroom. I needed to pick up everything at the end of the class, it was completely normal to lose anything. But I can't lose my favorite coat, so I’ll get again into the school of music. - We are closing. - I almost bumped into one of the receptionists of the place that was going to another room. - Where are you going? - She looked at me, trying to know what was happening to me. - I left my coat... - I said while I was pointing with my finger to the stairs, trying to explain where I was going. - What classroom? - She asked.

- Orchestra's, on the second floor, twenty-eight, I think. - without thinking about if that was the number of the classroom, the receptionist understood me and gave me the key quickly. I needed to hurry up. I lost a little of time on the stairs. They are hard to climb up and I don't like to run when I'm going them up, it's bad to run in a place like that. Slowly, I opened the door of the classroom. I softly got into it. But I felt a little nervous, because I couldn’t see my coat on the hangers. There is nothing next to the chairs or the wardrobe, either. I went closer to the professor's table, because sometimes he keeps the lost items on it. No, it wasn't there. Suddenly, the door closed with violence, like if someone had given it a big slam. I tried to open it to know who had closed it, but I couldn’t. It was blocked from outside. "But I'm the only who has got the key..." I introduced it on the lockpad, but I couldn't use it. What should I do? I walked a pair of steps back, and all the lights turned off. - If this is a joke, it isn't funny. - I said tired. The sound of a lighter turning on comes after some steps. - I'm not joking. - a hooded boy was talking slowly, but in a funny way. I couldn't see his face, all the light we had was the one of his lighter. He came closer to me, like if he was searching something in the room, distracted. How did he get into the class? We were on a second floor, I don't think that he could enter here flying. - You look in trouble, shall we call the locksmith? He had a sweet voice that I've never heard before, but it sounded so familiar to me... I was nervous and I laughed in a stupid way, but he didn't seem to care. Instead, he smiled, comfortably, but just for an instant, because he turned around the lighter a couple of times, making the flame disappear. Another time I felt the cold wind of the night. The ground was softly, like made of cork, but old enough to have been there for years, with a lot of rain. I recognized the place of the windows of the corridor, we were upstairs, on the flat roof above the first floor. But I don't know if I could name it of that way. I honestly didn't know why there was a flat roof on the first floor, nobody used it. It was a kind of roof of the building, nothing more. And he turned on again the lighter, moving it with his hand. This time, it looked brighter, or maybe it was just my imagination and the corridor's lights. - What are we doing here? - Maybe the correct answer was "How did we get in here?". He looked like a lighter's wizard. - Do you know what day is today? - asked the boy without stopping looking at the lighter. - Thursday? - Suddenly he looked at me with a little laugh. - I wasn't meaning that, fool. - He treated me with confidence and sweetly, what was confusing me, because I've just met him. Before you said another stupid thing, today is Valentine's Day. - I pulled a face, even if I knew he wasn't talking seriously. Nothing interesting has ever happened on Valentine's Day. I truly didn't like that day, it just was an excuse for wasting a lot of money on teddy bears and chocolates. I knew he was looking at me, but I didn't pay any attention to him.

- Hey, He put his hands in the sweater pockets- You asked me what we were doing here, but not who I am.- the lighter was still turned on, inside his clothes, but nothing was burning. His eyes. They looked at me,of a green colour that could illuminate the darkest night. For a few seconds, everything around us was distorted and blury, like if we were flying to another place. He was walking confidently, like if he had been born there, and he led me to the outside of the ancient church where we appeared at first. It was a pure and dark night. "The sky looks like if it was too late..." I looked at my watch but it surprised me, the numbers couldn't stop moving randomly, scaring me. - Half past eleven. - Oh, wasn't that too late? My mother was supposed to pick me up at... - Don't worry about your mother, and the rest of the world, it isn't even ten o'clock. - in that moment I got paralyzed. He could listen to my thoughts? We were unconsciously walking to the low part of the village, a touristic place that I visited every summer, on camps. I started thinking that the boy was a wizard, because I could follow him no matter where would we go. And trusted him, even if I had never seen him before. Suddenly, he sat on a stone surface, inviting me to follow him. I let myself fall next to him, slowly. I saw a light through his sweater, but this time it's not the lighter. He guided it with his fingers, until it came out of his neck. He held the light in front of me. It looked like a little firefly, which moves unquietly on his nails, wanting to fly away. In a continuous movement, the light starts to sound loudly. It attracts other little sparks, which came out of my hands. The light ball kept getting bigger and bigger, until it got over the size of my hands. Then, it rested peacefully, and after a few seconds, flew into the sky, exploding in a million pieces. - What was that? - I asked with a tired voice, like if that has been a spectacle of two hours. - All our fears. He smiled, getting off his hood, letting me see a perfect haircut, and an enormous smile. Now I can see him talking perfectly. - I don't mean you are a coward, they were all our negative thoughts, doubts, all the little real nightmares that you could have been feeling lately. He reminded me to an adult by his way of talking, but by his appearance, he was my age. - I have been observing you for years, and you have grown a lot, but you have also changed. You needed to learn, like all of us, but there is one thing that worries me. What makes you really happy? - Now... - it was so weird to see him acting like that, so serious. - In this moment I didn't like any boy, but... - he knew what I was going to answer and interrupted me, frustrated. - See? That is what I'm referring at. You are wrong with that way of thinking. You are too young, Violeta. - He talked so sweetly that in the moment of saying my name I felt my throat blocking. - Has anyone ever said you that the love at this age is a stupid thing? You can't find the right person only dreaming about it. Do you know what you are doing? What are you chasing? Have you ever truly loved? -All these questions were pressing my throat, and unable to answer, I looked down.

- I'm not trying to scare you, just to advice you. - Typical father's quote. - You will never behappy if you continue like this. I know you enjoy passing time with your friends, but you maybe should love them a little more. You know, forgetting about getting a boyfriend and focusing on the people who love you. They really do, and they are every time by and at your side. Stop thinking pessimist and enjoy the moment, little one. - He gave me a little touch on the nose that invited me to be carefree another time. - You should dare to fail, enjoy your fails. a.) But never let the sorrow control you. Music will be too always by your side. - He put his hand on my right shoulder. - They are a lot of years of effort, but it's a world that know to prize the one who works. It will fill your saddest nights, and will remind you of what the good life is. - The piano of a close building started to sound. - I would just want to see you enjoying your days without worries, all the good things will finally find you, and the wind will blow all the bad ones. - Suddenly his skin started shining, with the same brightness and sound of the fire that was before in his hands. - I needed to go, but remember: I will always be there, helping you, at your side, maybe you can't see me, but you will feel me each time that you love the music by heart. - I could see him disappearing, his feet were just a siluette of golden dust. - Wait! But, how do I return home? Who are you!? No! - I tried to grab his arm, but it was useless, i just founded a handful of that kind of dust on my hands. The piano that sounded before started to increase his volume. I cleaned my hands and went as fast as I could to the old place where the instrument was sounding. When I opened the door, I got paralyzed .There was nobody sitting at the piano, but the keys moved like if it was. I came closer to the instrument. I finally sat on him, curious. I try to follow the movements of the invisible pianist, and when I place my hands at the keyboard, I feel like if I was drowning into him. I needed to close my eyes, just for listening to the melody better. It is the only thing that I had in mind. I felt a big heat all over my body, and a hand caressing my head, giving me a sweet kiss on the forehead .The piano disappeared. I opened my eyes, and I'm not longer there. I'm alone in my bed, tired, still. I sighed frustrated, closing my eyes. "Happy valentine's days, I guess..." VIOLETA SOLER, 3 ESO A

SAN VALENTINE´S STORY: This story is about a boy that was in coma, and one day, he woke up and he didn´t remember anybody. He had a girlfriend, but he didn´t remember anything about her, or about himself. In the hospital, he met a nurse, and he fell in love with her. He left his girlfriend because he didn´t want to be with a person he didn´t love. He realized he loves the nurse, so he asked her for a date, and she accepted. She was in love too. They met in a restaurant at night, both was in time in this place. They were son nervous! At the end of the night, they got on very well, so they met again. They were a beautiful couple. They had a happy ending. Sheila Esteban, 3 ESO A

STORY OF SAN VALENTIN’S DAY: I have just written a love book, that had got a lot of success, and the editorial is waiting for another book. Today I am signing some books, and I have just met a charming boy. He has asked me for a date, and I had said yes. It’s nine o’clock in Friday’s night, and I go to the date in a red dress so elegant. He is waiting for me. We had a great night. I was passing the zebra crossing, and he brought me to the hospital. He saved my life! The doctor told me that he has been visiting me every day I was in coma. It passed some days, and he brought me to watch the hospital’s garden, he made me smile, and I

felt right with him. But I have just can’t forget the boy from the book’s sign. I was in love too, I preferred him. He told me he was sorry, but he had found someone else I felt stupid, and I tried to call the guy from the hospital because I needed him. A girl picked up the phone, and told me he had died last night. She even told me that there was a letter for me. Now, I miss those moments when he would support me and love me truly. “Sometimes people really love us” Ester Fernández, 3 ESO A

ABOUT LUCK The story began 40 years ago. They were two children playing in the street all day. Valentine was 6 years old and Romeo was 7 years old. Romeo bought chocolate and every morning, he entered Valentine’s room from the window and he put the chocolate under his lamp. Valentine loves chocolate and she could never forget this. One day, Romeo’s parents decided to move to Canada. Valentine and Romeo loved each other a lot and that would change their lives. Now, Romeo is a rich businessman with a very beautiful wife called Maryline. There are no problems in life. Everything he has now is from Maryline. One evening, while he was in the Park with his dog, he saw a very beautiful girl with the same haircut as Valentine, selling melons. He wanted to talk with her and then Valentine recognized him. They spent the whole night talking in the park. 40 years later Romeo found real love and he wouldn’t let her go again. Maryline is searching Romeo and she would never find him. He is the happiest man in the world without money, without house and selling melons, that doesn’t matter for him. The most important thing is that Valentine and Romeo have each other, like 40 years ago… CHAFIK ZIDOC, 4 ESO A

LOVE STORY Once upon a time there was a girl whose name was Almudena who was very beautiful and nice, she was a good person but no one loved her because she had Cancer. A boy came to her school because his family had moved to Zaragoza where Yolanda lived. This boy wasn’t very beautiful but neither he was ugly. One day Almudena and Jorge crossed the aisle of the school. Jorge thought that he had fallen in love with her. He thanked to God for having seen Almudena. It was fate. Almudena didn’t love Jorge but even so she gave him her mobile phone number. They started to talk, at the beginning, they spoke only once a week and, at school, they only greeted each other with a “hello”. While the weeks went by, they spoke more and all time. Almudena started falling in love with Jorge, but she didn’t say anything about her Cancer.

Two months later, Almudena and Jorge were already dating. They were very happy. After 1 year, they were still together. However, she didn’t want to tell him that she had Cancer but she only had 1 year of life. So, she decided that she wouldn’t tell him anything about his Cancer. As the time went by, she became worse. She thought that she was dying. In her final weeks of life, one day she dated Jorge in a park, she told him all about her Cancer. He started to cry at the same time that she told him the last “I love you” and died in his arms. Marta Cameros Casado. 4 ESO A

S AI NT VALE NTI NE S TO RY I wa s in m y ro om . Ma ybe I wa s lo o kin g ou t th e win do w. I ’m n ot su re . Th e re we re t wo d a ys lef t f o r h im to co me . So I co u ld see h im , I cou ld h u g him , so I co u ld f ee l h im clo se to m e. L on g d ist a n ce re la t ion sh ip s a re ha rd , bu t th e y a re wo rt h on ce yo u a re ne xt t o t he pe rson yo u lo ve . W ith ou t e ve n rea li zin g it , t he da y wa s he re . I wa s go in g to p ick h im up a t th e sta t ion , an d af te r so lo n g t ime I wo u ld b e a b le to be clo se h im . I p ut on so me t h in g com f o rta b le , jea n s a nd m at ch in g ja cke t . I lef t m y h a ir d o wn , a s usu a l. I we n t to th e st at io n an d t he re wa s h is t ra in , he wa s in side . I h ea rd th at so u nd , it wa s th e wa rn in g f o r th e p asse n ge rs to lea ve th e wa go n. I th ou gh t to se e h im . I loo k u p a nd sa w h is f ace. It wa s him . A s p e rf ect as a lwa ys. W hen I sa w h im a nd h e sa w me it wa s a pe rf e ct mo me nt , like in t he mo vie s. W e

wa lke d t o wa rd s e ach o th e r t ill we f ou nd u s f a ce u s f a ce . O nce we we re like th is a sil ly chu ckle slipp e d a nd th en h e sho wed h is be au t if u l sm ile . Fin a lly, of cou rse , t ha t b ig mo me nt wa s e nd ed wit h a kiss. The f irst of m an y ye t to com e. NE RE A TO RI L

4 ES O B

TWELVE YEARS LATER…. Do you know what it is like to dream about kissing that person for years? This is the story of how an unexpected reunion has given me the greatest happiness ever. I didn’t believe that about “when you least expect it…”. But now I do. It does happen! Well, let me tell you my story. When I was fifteen years old, I fell in love with a guy three years older than me. When you are that young, you can tell better the age difference. He was “an adult” already and I was still “a kid”. And he hang out with mature people and all that. Well, the thing is he totally ignored me. And the worse part is that I was more in love with him as the days passed. He was my first love, totally platonic, well, da, because he didn’t notice me. Actually, he knew that I was in love with him. His friends told him (one of my best friends then was also his friend). I even told his sister, when we were walking home from school. I was so desperate…. Ha, ha. Typical teenage drama. Anyway, the thing is it never changed. He kept ignoring me. I cried each time I saw him around the neighborhood with a girl. Ha, ha. Normal when you are a teenager. Hey, now I tell it laughing, but that was a really hard stage for me. Just want you to keep that in mind. Well, the years passed, we each continued with our lives, we went our separate ways, and suddenly, I don’t remember well how, we found each other on Facebook, I don’t know if it was because we had common friends or what. The point is that we friended each other. I thought that was funny, but nothing else. I had had my boyfriends and he had had his girlfriends (and wife), and that love was more than surpassed. Now it’s just a teenage memory that I suppose we all have, right? When I saw him on Facebook I was already 27! I knew that he was married before even friending him. I had had my boyfriends, my romance, my drama…. Even though at that moment I was single. But, anyway, it was a pleasant encounter, and that’s all. We said hi to each other, we left a comment on photos here and there, and that’s it. Nothing special really.

One day I was walking down the street where I live (neither one of us is from here!), and I saw him! It had been 12 years since I had seen him! It was a big shock. Ha, ha. We saluted each other, and talked a little. Just normal things. How’s life? Bla, bla, and not much more…. A couple of days later, he sent me a private message to ask me how I was and to say he was glad he had seen me. Oh, and if I wanted to have a coffee with him. So, as a tribute to my first love and my first big suffering, I accepted that coffee. I thought that we would be uncomfortable, but we weren’t! We were chatting about our lives (he had had a divorce a couple of years ago), and laughing a lot. And we also started to remember those years…. I told him: ”man, you made it tough for me, I was very much in love with you!”, laughing and not shy at all. The truth is there was confidence between us and we were at ease. He told me that he always knew (of course, I already knew that!), and that he didn’t understand how he could have ignored me that way. I didn’t understand that answer at first, but I realized that he was being very warm with me and very nice. Anyway, I had a great time. I went home kind of confused, thinking: “God, no, I can’t fall in love with him again.”. A part of me thought that what I was feeling could have just been a memory of myself 12 years ago, but another part of me told me that that sensation was not a reflection of me 12 years ago, that it was a real sensation I was feeling now. For a couple of days, all I could think about was him and everything that was going on, why lie to you. The encounter was very shocking for me. To see him so loving, so receptive. I don’t know if I am explaining myself. I felt strange, confused. But, anyway, because I am this way and I know myself, I couldn’t get him out of my head! Neither him nor the butterflies in my stomach! And that’s why I wrote to him to ask him if he would like to have another coffee with me. I did this to see how I felt, if I really did love him, if maybe I was going nuts…! I mean, he was my first love! Could it be that I was falling in love with him…again…?! That was crazy! So we met and it went a lot better than the first day, it was more intense, more special somehow. When we were saying goodbye, we kissed. Do you know what it is like to dream about kissing that person for years, and to think that it will never happen? Do you know what it’s like to kiss that person 12 years later? It was something magical. So magical…. He looked at me in a “real way”, he liked me. Me! The person who had loved that boy the most, and the person who had been rejected by him more than anyone else. And there we were, hugging. He smelled the same…. I told him, laughing, that it had taken him a very long time to kiss me. And he answered me with a kiss. Ha, ha. He said I was right, that it had taken him too much time, but that he wasn’t going to lose any more time with me. And now here we are, very happy. Five years have passed since then and we have a stable and completely full life together. We are in love, we are best friends, we have a lot of fun, and we are

going to have a baby in three months. If they had told me this when I was 15, I wouldn’t have believed them, but it happened exactly how I told you…. Life is full of unexpected surprises!! María Amy

4ºESO A Nº: 1


Maiah lives in London, but she met her boyfriend Ross last summer, while she was on vacation with her friends in Paris. Maiah was taking a photo and Ross was standing next to her, so both started to talk. Ross was a lovely boy and, for the next days, they were inseparable. Maiah was falling in love with him. The summer past so fats and it was Maiah’s last day in Paris, so she decided to meet Ross for the last time. They spent the whole day together. While they were sitting on a bench, Ross told Maiah that he was in love with her. Maiah was on heaven, but she knew that the next day she will be flying to London and Ross will be flying to Los Angeles. She thought that it will be a great memory, but their love was only a summer love. But she was totally wrong. It was Valentine’s Day and she was alone at home. Someone knocked at her door, when she opened it, she saw Ross standing in front of her with a massive bouquet of red roses.

Ross moved to London and he was going to live next to Maiah. Now, the can spend more time together and they are so happy. CLAUDIA SIMAL, 4 ESO B

I'm the kind of guy that likes girls with a nice body, I look at the physical, one day a classmate told me he liked a girl and she gave me her Facebook. She was a girl at my high school, I always found her and always thought she was crazy , She was not to my liking at all, she was chubby and not very attractive , well if she was, but she was not to my taste . We started talking to each other , it was funny and fun . One day she asked if I liked her and I replied that if I was not interested in her. But I lied , I told her I would give her a chance . On that same day I met a beautiful, thin girl and started dating while the girl of my school maintained the illusion . I told the girl from my school I had a girlfriend, but at any time I wanted to do hurt her. She was angry and we did not talk in weeks . A day found my girlfriend with another guy , it was weird, I got to facebook and saw the girl of my high school, she was connected and talked to, although there was an answer , she anwered me as cheerful as ever . We talked every day and day asked if I still wanted her, and she told me she was dating someone , then I felt a big gap . I did not understand entirely why but it hurt , she looked happy as I needed to hold her and one day embrace her and I did not want to let her go, but we had to be just friends. When she looked down and realized I was in love with her. I always quickly forgot all the girls but I could not forget her, and I did not mind her physical appearance. She did not know what I feel, but I just never know who is really happy person who wants. ESTER ZABALA 3 ESO D

Mary arrived late that night. Even though it was our anniversary and I asked her to come soon. She appeared two hours later in the restaurant. Furthermore, she was different, like nervous. During dinner she was quiet and didn’t eat anything. When we arrived home she went to bed without saying anything and the next, in the morning, she left without saying goodbye. Everything seemed very strange so I decided to talk to her that night. He returned late too. I told her to sit because I needed to talk to her. – Is everything okay? – I asked. – You seem strange.- But she said that everything was okay. – Are you sure? – This time she started to cry. – I didn’t want this, moreover it was only once and I didn’t like him. – She said crying. I understood. I couldn’t believe. After ten years… I went to our son’s bed and I said goodbye to him. I took all my things and I left. I forgot to tell that I love her, but that wasn´t important.

Yael Pascual Pinilla

4º A

Romeo and Juliet Once upon a time, two feuding families: the Montesco and the Capuleto. Romeo was the son of the Montesco. He went to a masks party organized by the Capuleto and there, was where he met Juliet. He didn’t know that she was Capuleto’s daughter. They fell in love with each other and decided to get married secretly. Only Fray Lorenzo knew about that. After the wedding they got separated because they wanted no one else found out. A friend of Romeo told him that Tybaldo, Juliet’s cousin, had murdered his friend Mercucio. Romeo got angry and he murdered Tybaldo. Because of that, he was banished from Verona. Juliet’s father decided that she should marry Paris. Juliet didn’t want because she was in love with Romeo, and she asked Fray Lorenzo about what she could do. Fray Lorenzo told her that she would have to drink a liquor, in order to look like she was dead the night before the wedding. Fray Lorenzo would send a letter to Romeo telling him about the plan. Then, Romeo would go to the cemetery for visiting her and both would flee far away. Juliet did it and she drank the liquor. But the letter never got to Romeo. Later, someone told him about the Juliet’s supposed death. He went to kill Paris first and then he bought a poisonous drink and went to the cemetery. When he realized that Juliet was died, he drank the poison and died next to her. Then, Juliet woke up and saw her husband died. She grabbed a knife and stabbed in the chest, killing herself. Finally the two families cried jointly the death of the lovers and solved their differences.

Ángel García de León Calderón 1 ESO C

LOVE ALWAYS BEATS HATE Love is a feeling that leaves you out, and that's what happened to Rachel... One day Rachel was walking down the street and suddenly saw it was a crush, although it knew nothing. He decided to go talk to him, the boy was not surprised because that was his name Diego had also noticed Rachel, but had not the courage to go talk to her. And the girl was not going to let that guy escape him , for a few months suffered for the love that a guy had promised and not fulfilled , but she had already passed through her friends who had

been with her at all times. Rachel was ready to start another relationship and was not going to let that opportunity. After a while of talking they decided to stay another day. As Raquel came home called Haitiana, her best friend who was delighted by it and told him to be careful. The next day, Rachel and Diego each other again and fell in love, did not want to rush, so I decided to leave about two weeks of testing, and... SURPRISE, SURPRISE... It worked, and they began dating seriously. And both were very happy. And that love can be very treacherous and can also prove to be the most beautiful in the world... LEYRE PUYUELO, 1 ESO B

Pour David:

Jour de valentines heureuses, Je t'aime et je ne sais même pas qui je suis, nous savons plus que vous pensez, je voulais juste dire que je vous aime et je suis très beau et sympathique. Je sais qu'ils sont juste amis, mais si vous savez qui je suis donnez-moi une réponse. Signé, votre admirateur secret... Quand il a vu la lettre dans sa brochure elle a pu découvrir que Marina était la fille qu'il aimait, et puis je lui ai demandé et elle lui a dit que oui.

Paula Monge, Elsa Brumos y Lucía González, 1 ESO A

VALENTINE HISTOIRE Un jour de printemps, Brayant marchait avec sa petite amie sur la plage. Soudain, un homme marchait devant eux. Marie le regarda comme s'il l´avait déjà vu. Brayant est devenu jaloux, donc il a décidé de rentrer à la Chez lui Brayant est resté à penser à ce qui s'était passé sur la plage et a décidé de trouver Marie. Quand il est rentré à la plage a vu qu'il n'était pas là, mais il y avait des empreintes de pas dans le sable. Le sentier juste en face d'un gros rocher. Il fait le tour de la roche et il a vu deux personnes s'embrasser et pensait que c'était sa petite amie et le gars, mais à tort et que ce n'était pas sa petite amie. Brayant triste choisit de rentrer à la maison en pleurant. En arrivant à la maison il appelle Marie pour demander des explications sur ce qui s'est passé. Elle a tout nié, mais Brayant ne pense pas. Marie je le prie de la croire et décide de donner un autre preuve












Un mois Brayant et Marie se disent qu´ils n´étaient plus les mêmes depuis longtemps et était tombée amoureuse d´un autre gars. Brayant dit que c´était le gars qu´il a vu ce jour-là sur la plage. Une journée entière le garçon était un ancien petit ami qui avait déjà longue et Marie ne l'avait pas oublié. Lucía Calavia, Tania Soyez y Paula Lalaguna, 1 ESO A

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