Microfiction 2015

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POETRY, OH DARLING!!! Once upon a time, a man who lived in a world without poetry, one day found a book with verses and stanzas!! Suddenly he came into it….the first chapter told a forest fire, blaze, burn, superb! The second chapter told a love with swallows, but the wrong ones…this doesn’t return! The man became fascinated with this new world, Poetry, oh darling, stay with me, he shouted. He doesn-’t know that, in fact, poetry is everywhere. Julia Gracia ( 3 ESO D)


Sofía was a child that loved reading. She liked reading so much that an e-book was given to her for her birthday. Therefore, she began to read more and more, inadvertently that her attraction for the stories was leaving her blind and in this way, one morning she couldn’t see with her blue eyes the dawn any more. Irene Cobos ( 4 ESO B)

THE SORCERER’S DREAM Running under the rain, a boy was trying to hide an enormous codex, when suddenly its cover started shining in a blue energy. He felt something cold at his nape, and heard the sound of a shot, which made him violently wake up, inside a completely dark hole. The boy punched the ground angrily, and his fist shined in the same blue energy. Violeta Soler Ramos 4ºC

THE ENVY Julien was scared of what had happened, he could not forget the terrifying image of his head, it would always be in his conscience. He thought he had made the perfect murder until they discover and reveal his murder. He leaves the country, changes identity…but he couldn’t stand it anymore, knowing it, he had to say it. He had murdered the writer by envy.

Inés Álvarez Fernández, 2º C

THEIR LIVES’ BOOK They looked into their eyes, between their hands they had the book of their story, the story of their lives, both were afraid of what was written, but they should carry on. They thought it was time to open it and read it, but they didn’t like the end, so they decided to rewrite it. Guayén Guarido Sanagustín 3 D

THE LIBRARIAN IN LOVE After twenty years working in his library, the owner only thought of one thing, its books. He loved every one of his books. Those who year after year he was adding to his collection. His dream was that when he was tired. He would carry all his books and he would finish his life reading. He was in love with books. Matías Fernández Figueroa, 2 ESO C

IN THE LIBRARY I was in the library, looking for a book, then, I felt something fall on the floor, there was a book. I opened it, there wasn’t any words in it. It was a book that you must complete I wrote a story and I put it on the shelf of the library. Then, I began to become a great writer. Nacho González 1 ESO E

THE LIBRARY In Straford-upon –Avon there is a bookshop which is the oldest in England. In the Shop there are hundreds of books. Shakespeare and Cervantes are the owners. They are older than the other books, which are writings by Shakespeare and Cervantes. This shop is called Lepanto.

Marta María Peiró Sánchez, 1 ESO A

BOOK DAY Benito was a child who does not like to read, however he loved hunting. One night he had a dream in which he appeared Mariano Rapun, his idol ( champion hunting),which I say that you need to read more to, know everything about the hunting and be a great champion like me. And that was how Benito became a great reader. David Aller Moreno 1 A

SHE I was looking at her emerald eyes. Her breath was very fast, and I started getting closer to her lips. We kissed each other. It was midnight and the moon was looking at us, sad. I always thought, “She will never be my girlfriend”. And now, the doctors said: “We are so sorry, really but she has got cancer. There is no hope”. Tonatio Lorenzo Castillo 1 E

THEO On a day a boy named Theo dreamed of going around the world and find a friendly beautiful friend. When Theo Became greater decided to turn the world. On the way he met a very pretty and nice girl, who coincidentally bad the same dreams as Theo. So they decided to meet each other and become best friends forever.

Alba Peñas Gimenez 1 A

THE MYSTERY BOOK Marcos is a 13-year-old boy. He’s tall and thin. He saved money to buy a wonderful mystery old book. He goes to the bookshop and bought this wonderful book. Later that night, he wanted to read his new book but he couldn’t find it so he asked his mother. His mother told him that it was in the cupboard. Adrián Hidalgo Apolo , 1 D

DIFFERENT REALITIES I’m absorbed in a dream that I control and that I do what I want, but not all is like this. Dreams allow me to create my world, my history, my personal book. By reading I enter the world of others but this one is mine. Thank you both, I can escape from reality, although these are also realities, personal realities. Andrea Paola García Céspedes. 2 ESO E

READING TO FORGET A small girl wanted to read but she didn’t want to read only for pleasure, she wanted to forget the time and the negative things like that her parents weren’t together. The said to her: “watching TV is better than reading, but she didn’t agree with them. With books she discovered new fantastic worlds and forgot reality. Paula Martín 2 ESO D

BOOKY Every book makes people laugh, cry, fear…almost everyone likes reading because they feel relaxed and have a good time. Booky was a book that no one liked, and he was very disappointed because of this. One day his owner decided to throw him away on the street. That night , a family of

cats that didn’t have were to sleep, found Booky between the garbage and laid on him. They could sleep well for the first time in their lives. Since that moment every night the cats have searched Booky to sleep on him. Now his life has a meaning. Everyone’s life has a meaning, you only have to find it. Angel García de León Calderón, 2 ESO E

THE MAGIC BOOK Once upon a time a magic book, actually, the book wasn’t magic, but it had something special. Nobody knew where the book came from. It had blank pages and who found it wrote his own story and left it somewhere for someone to find it and do the same. And this is how the book ended drawing thousands of smiles, travelling the world and having stories in all languages. Diana , 3 ESO E


There was a book, the book lived in a library and it had a dream, reading a book, but he couldn’t read a book because he was a book!. One day the book decided to place opposite a mirror and read himself. At the end of the book he died, the book was over and he got his dream. Jorge Pascada, 2 ESO

THE MYSTERY BOOK Marcos is a 13 year-old boy. He is tall and thin. He saved money to buy a wonderful mystery old book. He goes to the bookshop and bought this wonderful book. Later that night, he wanted to read his new book, but he couldn’t find it, so he asked his mother. His mother told him that it was in the cupboard. Adrián Hidalgo Apolo, 1 ESO D

THE MAGIC TREE Once upon a time a book was called Felipe. He was a great book and had no family. One day he went to the forest and saw a very special tree. He ran to the tree and sat under it. They were very happy together. Some time later the tree was dead, but the book was happy for his best friend.

Lucía Jimeno Gracia, 1 ESO A

PETER WORLD BOOKS Peter, every night he dreamed of becoming the protagonist of a book. He wanted to be a king or a dragon or a little puppy. So one day he decided to write his adventures book, of course he had to be the protagonist, to realize his dream. He decided to be a boy. He published his work and became very famous. Pablo Ortiz, 1 ESO D


Tessa liked reading books. One day she went to the library to find a book that her friend had recommended and there she found a book of spells and she took it home to read it and she liked it. She became obsessed with the book but one day the spell book disappeared and Tessa discovered she was dreaming. Ioana Duti, 1 ESO D

THE OLD BOOK I’m an old book and I live in a library. I have got many stories inside, full of fantasy and suspense. Every day a lot of people came to read me a touch me. They took care of me because I passed many years between thousands of hands. I hope I live other twenty years to give pleasure to new generations. Catarina García, 2 ESO A

A SHORT STORY Once upon a time there was a young girl feeling down due to the fact she was moving on. She went upstairs and she locked herself in the attic. While she was crying and wondering what she was going to do, she realized she was sitting on a book. She took it and read the cover “the worst

things come free to us�. It was a book about real tough things and how characters had over them. Eventually, she changed her mind and discovered that a book was the best way to run away without leaving her house. Noemí Berges, 2 Bachiller

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