S valentines' letters

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THAT FEELING When you are not at my side I feel like there is no light, When I don’t see your face I just can’t find my way, And when I close my eyes, Your smile comes to my mind, With that beautiful face You blow all my problems away The invisible writer

Sincerely, I don’t know how starts that letter.I like write nonsenses, but I never had done a letter for S.Valentine’s day for a friend, in fact, I have never written a S.Valentine’s letter. How you know I don’t like S.Valentines day because I think it is a commercial party. But I want to tell you that: First, I want to say that I am pleased to have met you, we met five years ago and I ‘m pleased for that, to know that I have a person that is going to stay with me in bad and good moments, someone to cry and someone to laugh because that is too important in a friendship. In last months I have learnt that is better quality than the quantity and that I choose very well because I am very happy with our group now. Too, I want to tell you that although you know that you can count on me for everything and if you need cry or laugh I’ for you if you need it. I hope that our friendship is going through the years and that the moments that we still have to be better or same that since now. I love you PINK PANTHER.

I caught myself amiling for no reason, then I remember I was thinking about you From Anonymous boy

Hello baby, I like to write you this letter to tell you, that I love you so much, that you are very, very important to me and I love you. When I saw you in the school, I was thinking …”he’s very pretty, I love you so much.” I think that you are pretty, you are always smiling and you are a really good boy. I think you will like a lot this letter, because it ‘s from me I have no more words to say you You are the best, and I love you so much Lots of kisses ZZ

Today, 14th of February, I write you for saying thanks, for giving me the opportunity of being with you, by your side, for these days that have been incredible by your side, for being the only person that makes me smile in the worst moments. Thank you for everything you do for me, thank you for being how you are, please don’t change. I want you to knowthat I love you, I love you even more than you can imagine, and I hope this lasts for a long time, because at this moment, I can’t imagine my life without you. Thank you for everything and nothing I hope I can stay this great day with ht most special person in the whole world, you. I love you a lot. @elmonstruodelasgalletas

My dear, You are really a good friend for me, I want to say thank you for everything that I have done together, I came to class and I didn’t know anyone, days passed and we started to speak, I want to tell you that you can tell me everything, because I will help you. Every Friday afternoon I enjoy alot with you, I feel very happy by your side, because I know I can tell you anything and you will help me. I hope this friendship lasts a lot, because I love you a lot.Thank you for everything you have done, and all the things you have helped me with. I love you to the Moon and back. I want to tell you that you are my best friend. Lil’ princess

Hi! I’m writing you that you are very special for me. We met last summer and from that momento you have become my best friend. I will always be here when you need me. Sometimes we have arguments, but we always mend our differences. I hope that we will always be friends. Although we are different each other, we don’t have problems between us. I always remember our best and funny moments and I’m so happy about that. Always bad thing can turn into good things when we are together. I hope that you always trust on me as I trust on you. You never change and be yourself. Don’t change and listen to other people, because you are perfect and gossip comments don’t have to affect on you. Many kisses and that you really like this letter. I love you Betty Boop

Tomorrow it is St Valentine’s Day and I would like to write a letter for one of the most important persons in my life. Thsi letter is directed to you and I wanted to say to you that… We know ourselves for a little time ( approximately eight months) and in this time you have shown me many things. If not anything you ‘ve become everything to me we have lived through good and bad moments that I would not change it for anything. All I’m saying you I think you’ll know it, but I’m going to reapeat as many times as necessary. You have me here for all. I¡ll be your shoulder yo cry and laugh… I don’t know how my life would habe been without you. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever if we separate ourselves this friendship is to short and long distance. You and I are like sister but without like. I love you princess Toshio

I write this letter to tell you I love you and I have chosen you to send you this letter adn to stay this important day by your side. Because you are the one that makes me laugh, that makes me see tha bad things as good things, because when you go away, I miss you and the hours by your side, for me are like minutes. Rapuncel

Hello, I want to tell you that you are the best person and friend in the world, and I love you very much. You are an amazing friend and I couldn’t have found a better friend. I enjoy when you laugh with me and also, I like that you can always trsut on me. I think that your personality s very special becuase there is no one like you and you make me feel well when we are together. When I have a bad momento, I now that you will always help me, and I would do the same for you. I wish you a happy S.Valentine’s Day, full of love, lughs and happiness, rmemebering our best moments which have shared wach other, and also I hope to share with you more moments in the future. I love you Princess Peach

I would like to remind you that you are very important to me because you are on of the best people that I have in my life. You are a great friend. You have helped me in the best and worst moments. Although we get angry a lot, you will always be my best friend. I hope to spend many more years with you and we can continue sharing this friendship. I remind you again that thanks for all the moments by your side, who are already 10 years, for always stay near to me. I hope you have a happry Valentine’s Day with us, your best Friends and you find a boy that really makes you happy and our friendshipwill never break. Whatever happens, we will always be “Hermanttas 5” Love, Mayte

I LOVE I love to see you smile and I love knowing that I caused that smile I love see you happy And I love knowing that I caused that happiness. I love to look into your beautiful eyes And I love the way I fall into them I love it when you hold my hand And I love having The courage to grab and hold yours. I love that I want to be yours I love so many things about you But the most important thing is‌ I love you You are one of the best persons that I know, and I love you. I can not live without you , you are the light that guides me along the way, you are a fallen angel from heaven decided to stay on Earth. Well, I want you to know all this is trueand if some day you feel the same way, I would be glad for you I LOVE YOU De la mås uuuupa.

Hello, I am writing this letter because I want to express my feelings for you. I tell you, when I see you I feel Racing. I feel that there is someone who can make me happy, I think you’re the only one who perhaps can do. I just want to tell you how much I like you and jow much I would like you to know why this letter is for you. Do not think I’m giving up if I’m still here is only for you. I know it’s hard but true since I saw you, I fell in love with you. Well, that’s all I meant. I love you Hello!!! When you have a gray day, you dare a yellow paintbrush. When you feel heartbroken, Will always have bandages. When you need to shut up, I’ll sit with you in silence. When your sky is clouded, He sprinkles with sunburst. When seem steep mountain, You’ll push upwards. When you can not stop mourn, I’ll take extra scarves When you need me. I will always be there.

Do you want to see the movie “after” with me? The first time I saw you I believed that the time had stopped I saw how beautiful you are And the pretty look that you had We are only two strangers, but, I knew that we’ll have a future together The first that I saw your smile I thoght that the stars compared to it, Were so dark. Your hair was so smooth and silky that Nothing could compose to it I love you so much, More than, to the Moon and back Tomenos

Friend in this small letter I mean all I feel. Thank you for existing. I know I’m not your only friend but always keep me in mind because I will never fail you. I love you, best friend.

My dear, I am your secret admirer. I am 15 years old and I go to your school. I have been seeing you in the playground, in the corridors and I think that you are pretty. You are dribving me crazy when you smile. When you have P.E, I always watch you through the window. I would like to be older and be able to go to the same class as you. I think I like you but I am very ashamed of telling you, that’s why I am writing to you. I hate when I see you taking with ohter boys because I can’t talk to you I hope that you want to meet me some day Your secret admirer Mr X

I send you this letter because you are one of the most special persons that I have met this year. You are one of my best Friends because you are fre¡iendly, kind and you help others. These and always when you need I will never forget. I love you so much… Anonymous You are the one I need, your are the one that makes me lose my mind. I want to be your prince and you are my princess. I wake up every morning imagining your voice, you’re like flame in a vacuum heat gives me the love I feel for you is what causes me pain, just a kiss is the largest

of my goals. Just ask to be with you the rest of my life. I would do anything to be your friend never give up on the knees I beg you. My princess today my heart expresses my lips close if not the kiss of yours which are my sun, my moon, my sea, my heaven, my block, my pen, my love love you. I trust when my heart is not yours is not mine. The VQA

Dear me, I need to say you that is a letter to support when you are discouraged. Say that although you think anyone believes in you, you can’t be sad. Because you have many things to you advantage, and so many dreams to realice yet. That although you are discouraged and sink into a pit,not everything will be bad. Because I love you, I love me not everything is black or White, and I believe in you. And if you feel powerless, I only can say you that you are brave. If you fall, stand up, and if you are tired, look back and see. Look what you have accomplished. That although everything is in flames, dance there, in the fire, be happy, without caring nothing. I love you Doireayy

Dear teacher, I wanted to write this letter days ago because you are the best English teacher in the world ( I’m not polishing the apple) and thank you for all you have done for me so far this school year. Thanks for encouraging me all school days when I’m bothering. Thanks for helping me and teaching me to speak and write in English. It is your job but anyway, thanks. And thank you for this great and spectacular trip to London. Although we had many setbacks, we had lots of fun. Happy S. Valentine’s Day El Barto

Dear Belle, Maybe you wonder the reason of this letter. I think that sometimes a little things like this letter, make the best and the most honest smiles. I met you a few months ago, and I insured you are the one of the best persons that I have never seen in my life. Reason? Simple. You are different and authentic, and not an ordinary copy like many girls in our school. Some people think that we are weird, but life is also weird! And…when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it friendship. Finally, I want to tell you like the song said: ”You can count on the like one, two, three…I will be there, and I know when I need it can count on you like four, three, two…and you will be there, cause?, that’s what friends are supposed to do”

Happy S.Valentine’s Day Belle, Love you, a friend

Maybe was the way you looked at me, when for the first time I didn’t need my heart to live. maybe was the way I looked for you, when I started to feel I couldn’t live without your tough. maybe was the time I fell in love, and I even couldn’t told you a simple “hello”. maybe was the moment you wrote me those words that always replay on my mind: “I love you, my world”.

THE BROWNIE I love to see you smile And I love knowing that I caused that smile I love see if you happy And I love knowing that I caused that happiness I love to look into your beautiful eyes And I love the way I fall into them I love to see you smile It is what makes me get up every morning and be happy I love you

Dear, I still do not remember when you started to become my need. When you stopped being a game for me. When I imagined your pretty mouth pronouncing all those words that make my heart run wild. I still can not find the reason why I love you. It was my heart who decided to stop suffering, to feel what is to fall in love again. The mind repeats again and again that this is crazy, and at first I thought it too. But I can’t help smiling like an idiot when I receive one of your messages.

Love can not be stopped, and it is too late because I’m madly in love with you. And I love the sleeplessness what you make me when I think about you, when I imagine a world where the distance doesn’t exist. And you stop being all the millions of pixels, to know at the end the taste of your lips. I’m tired of being far of your pettings, because on my bed there is still an empty space, because my hands want to meet your hands, because my eyes search at screaming your eyes. One time you promise me to wait for me, and I know it’s been a while and maybe your heart doesn’t belong to me, but I know truly what I want. I love you, next to me and forever. Are you still waiting for me? Icy Whispers

I dedicate this love letter to the person I love most in this world, to my idol, to my second mother, and to my first best friend-my sister She has seen me born, grow up and mature. She has taught me all I know and has formed me like a person. Thanks to her I have avoided errors, I have known how to get out of problems and act in the best possible way. She has always helped me, has known to make me happy, give me advice, and so the phrase “ the older siblings are always idols of the brethren” is completely true. All I have learned and all I have done is thanks to her All my best,

My dear, You and me know what’s Valentine’s Day, the day when you show your love to others, mainly to the boy whom you love, but both of us know that we’re special and because of it I’m going to write you this letter. What love it’s harder than the best friend’s love? I think no one, we have been being friends for the twelve years, twelve years with a lot of smiles, a lot of moments, a lot of special things that only both know. A best friend is the person who never let you fall down, who wants the best for you, who give you the best advices, who is a pain repeating : What can I wear today? And who gets angry with you a maximum of five minutes and all of those things are you. Cause you’re the apple to my pie You’re the straw to my berry You’re the smoke to my high And you’re the one I wanna stay with Cause you’re the one for me And I’m the one for you (It’s clear, I’m the best We’re the perfect two I love you


For you, This letter will dedicate so you how much I love you, we remain friends for several years and have been great. I want to thank you on this special day for all those moments together so special. Thanks for making me smile in bad times and in good, thank you for those unforgettable moments, those moments of karaoke, these conversations where we always end in tears of laughter and especially for opening my eyes in those moments of my life… Say, that only friends really care for each other like us, you ‘ve always been there when I’ve needed, and that good friends are the bad and the good, we had some fights, but we always ended forgiving like us know, with jokes and with a big hug. Know that to me is a great gift to have you as a friend, that friends like you are not found every day and I have been lucky to find you. Simply, I hope they never change, you remain where you are, that girl who always smiles, determined that girl, that brave girl, that girl who never gives up…and above all, say that I hope that does not change a thing , and we remain friends for life.

I love you You are different And my love is completely sincere, But I’m killing inside Every time I don’t have. I have you in the drawer of memories Also of forgetfulness, In the broken dreams And that of fulfilled dreams. I love you above all You are my life. This sweet sentiment Which I feel for you. I can’t live without, you forgive me, But you made my sweet poet, because I love you, in my dreams and in my days I think of you

Dear, During this time, in all that has happened to me, you have always been there in good times and bad, and even more when I needed you. I would like to thank you all for supporting me all the time, for being part of my life, always stretch out your hand and especially for sharing so many memorable moments. I sincerely thank fate for having known you and if for some reason you weren’t in my life, all would be different. Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you. Frog HP

For my best love, I was a person among others, didn’t know anything about you but until that day when I met you. From that day, not stop thinking about you, everything I remember you, until now I will express everything I feel for you. You are a great person for me, you make me smile every day when I see you and I would like to thank you for everything you done for me and I

would like that we were together forever and whatever happens that nothing separates us how strong it. Thank you for all the moments I have experienced with you and the well time we have spent. A big hug and kiss of your best friend, You make me feel good.

Dear, We’ve known a long time ago, I am writing to thank you for all the times I’ve spent with you. I remember when we were together at the bar “eight” when we played billiards or football. When we fought and when we were doing peace. When we went to the football field and then the snack. Angela and Angel friends, sweet irony, isn’t it? Thanks for being there in all my falls, for having corrected all my mistakes and for holding all my victories. Thanks for crying with me in the bad moments and hug me whenever I needed it. You’re one go the strongest pillars of my life, you make me get up every day. For more years in class giving wrong with you and telling us our life. Really thanks for being there always these sixteen years together. Thanks for all and... love you. Your friend,

Dear, I want to show you my love with this Saint Valentine’s letter. You must know that you are a very important person in my life, in my routine. For me, you are a true friend and I know that you’re here till the end. You

are the one I can run to, when I’m falling down, life is so good when you are around… Because all of me, loves all of you and nothing can come between you and I, because, boy, I adore you. I know that you have never liked your flaws but I love them endlessly. What would I do without you? You are my ends and my beginning. I will love you unconditionally darling. Forever and ever.

Dear, I want to write you this letter to say you everything that I feel for you and for to be grateful for yourself for being a brother for me. You make me laugh when I’m crying, always you have something good to say to me. When I need a hug, you’re the first one that you offer to giving it to me. Always you’re to my side to remember the good and bad moments, many times I get angry with you, when it would not have to do it, but you continue being to my side. Thank you for giving me your friendship and your smiles that I like so much, and remember that I love all your perfect imperfections. I love you friend, forever.

I only can tell you thanks for all. Despite all the bad moments you have been with me to make me smile. I know that I can trust you. For all that and more you’re a very special person for me.

We had never been good friends but like they say in the worst moments you met the best persons and now I know that it is true. In this so bad month for me you have been with me, when nobody more has done it. You have trusted in me and you have encouraged me to fight for my dreams. I don’t want you to disappear from my life. Thank you for everything. I love you so much.

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